Interactivity Session CHI PLAY'19, October 22–25, 2019, Barcelona, Spain Drag ‘n’ Hear: Creating, Playing, and Understanding Audio Games Online Michael Urbanek Abstract TU Wien Since the last couple of years, we have been aiming to Vienna, Austria advance our understanding of the audio games design
[email protected] process. As audio games are computer games that rely on sound only, they demand or invite the players to ‘build the game world in their mind’. Hence, compared to video Michael Habiger games, missing visual information is filled in and created TU Wien by mental imaginary. This makes the genre exciting and Vienna, Austria simultaneously open to both players with or without visual
[email protected] impairments. In terms of game design, audio games, how- ever, bring additional challenges to the process. How does a designer sketch games that he or she cannot see? To Florian Güldenpfennig explore such issues, we created an open-sourced online New Design University audio game editor that can function as a sketchbook for au- St. Pölten, Austria dio games. By studying how people use the editor to create fl
[email protected] audio games, we hope to better understand audio game de- sign and foster the growth of this interesting game genre. Author Keywords Audio Games; Audio Game Editor; Audio Game Engine; Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or Web-based; Platform; Design Process; Research Through classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation Design on the first page.