The following lists a range of local and national services, including confidential advice or support. Local (Bradford and Airedale) Contact Centre - 01274 200024 (sexual health information and appointments) Information Shop for Young People (under 25s) 01274 432431 Culture Fusion 125 Thornton Road, Bradford. BD1 2EP The Information Shop provides the following sexual health services: CASH – Mon-Wed 3.30-5.30, Sat 10-12 Friend’s Service - free condoms for under 25’s Mon-Fri 11-5.30, Sat 10-12 CASHPOINT - Mon and Wed 3.30-5.30, Sat 10-12 (No appointment needed). Free confidential advice and information on contraception, sexual health and emergency contraception and pregnancy testing. Friend’s Plus Service – Mon & Thurs 1.30-4, Tues 2-3.45, Providing advice on and testing for sexually transmitted infections for men and women. The Lads’ Room - Tues 12.30-4.30 and Thurs 3-4.30 Confidential information on drugs, alcohol, sexual health, safe sex, relationships, bullying, feeling different, provided for males by male workers, free condoms available. Keighley Connexions Centre 01535 618100 79 Low Street (near Royal Arcade) Mon-Fri 11-4.30 Trinity Centre (Sexual Health Clinic) Advice - 01274 365035 Testing/appointments - 08450020021 Trinity Road, Off Little Horton Lane, Bradford, BD5 OJD Opening Times: Mon-Fri 8.30-12 noon. No appointment necessary. Offers treatment, advice, information and counseling on all sexually transmitted infections. If symptomatic, call one of the Health Advisors (365065) for advice or to make an urgent appointment. Lilac Clinic (termination of pregnancies) 01274 364623 Bradford Royal Infirmary, Duckworth Lane, West Yorkshire, BD9 6RJ Referral for termination can be from a General Practitioner and CASH services Our Project 01274 740548
[email protected] Bradford based HIV organization offering a range support services for people affected by HIV (includes extended families and friends), social support and advice, including benefits and asylum.