Cardiac Concussion (Commotio Cordis)

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Cardiac Concussion (Commotio Cordis) PEDIATRIC EM • PÉDIATRIE D’URGENCE Cardiac concussion (commotio cordis) Rahim Valani, MD;* Angelo Mikrogianakis, MD;† Ran D. Goldman, MD† SEE ALSO COMMENTARY, PAGE 431. ABSTRACT Blunt chest trauma in pediatric patients can result in various injuries to the myocardium. Cardiac concussion (commotio cordis) is seen in patients in whom the precordium has been struck with rel- atively little force at a vulnerable period of the cardiac cycle. These patients have no predisposing cardiac problems, and autopsy reveals no evidence of heart damage. The usual clinical presenta- tion is that of immediate collapse secondary to a lethal arrhythmia. Prevention is the cornerstone of potentially decreasing the incidence with the aid of safety equipment and, possibly, immediate defibrillation. Key words: commotio cordis; chest trauma, pediatric; defibrillation; resuscitation RÉSUMÉ Un traumatisme contondant au thorax chez les patients pédiatriques peut causer diverses lésions au myocarde. On constate une commotion cardiaque (commotio cordis) chez les patients dont la région précordiale a subi un choc relativement faible à un moment vulnérable du cycle cardiaque. Ces patients n’ont aucun problème cardiaque prédisposant et l’autopsie ne révèle aucun signe de dommages cardiaques. Sur le plan clinique, le phénomène se manifeste habituellement par un ef- fondrement immédiat secondaire à une arythmie mortelle. La prévention constitue la pierre an- gulaire de la réduction possible de l’incidence au moyen de matériel de sécurité, et peut-être, d’une défibrillation immédiate. Introduction heart damage, even at autopsy.3,4 Emergency physicians, particularly those interested in injury prevention, should be Although trauma, in general, is the leading cause of mor- familiar with cardiac concussion because its mortality rate tality in children worldwide1,2 clinically significant isolated is as high as 85% and because it is often preventable.5 blunt chest trauma in children is rare. Chest injuries range from benign chest wall contusions to life-threatening con- Epidemiology ditions such as cardiac rupture, coronary artery laceration, Minneapolis’ Commotio Cordis registry, established in valvular disruption, cardiac contusion and cardiac concus- 1998, has documented only 128 cases in the United States, sion (commotio cordis). Of these, the most distressing may but because of rarity and underreporting, the true incidence be cardiac concussion because it occurs with relatively lit- is unknown.5–9 Most reported cases were the result of being tle force, its victims have normal underlying cardiac struck in the chest with a baseball,7,8,10 but cardiac concus- anatomy, and because there is no appreciable structural sion has occurred in ice hockey, lacrosse, softball, soccer, *Fellow, and †Staff Physician, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ont. Received: June 14, 2004; final submission: Aug. 15, 2004; accepted: Sept. 3, 2004 This article has been peer reviewed. Can J Emerg Med 2004;6(6):428-30 428 CJEM JCMU November • novembre 2004; 6 (6) Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 02:01:21, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Commotio cordis karate and football,7,11–14 and may even occur after non-acci- fibrillation management consists of immediate basic life dental trauma.15–19 Nearly two-thirds of cases involve chil- support and prompt defibrillation.7,8,20,21,30 In 2001, auto- dren <16 years of age.12,20,21 The oldest patient we identified mated external defibrillators (AEDs) specifically modified was 20 years old, and the youngest was a 7-week infant to provide appropriate voltages (approximately one-third) whose father, frustrated with the infant’s crying, fatally to children ≤8 years of age or <55 lb (25 kg) became avail- struck his child on the chest.15 able ( The pad- dles are positioned differently (i.e., anterior/posterior Clinical presentation placement) for these patients. However, the best way to The majority of patients with commotio cordis lose con- implement public access defibrillation programs in antici- sciousness and collapse immediately, after a precordial in- pation of rare events such as cardiac concussion remains jury.8,12,20 Occasional reports describe a lucid interval in controversial.32,33 which the child is struck in the chest, falls to the ground, and then stands up briefly only to promptly collapse Summary again.12,20 If a monitor or defibrillator is immediately avail- able, it will most likely reveal ventricular fibrillation.12,20 Cardiac concussion is an uncommon but devastating result Cardiac concussion is not a delayed phenomenon. of seemingly insignificant chest trauma. Most documented cases have occurred in children and adolescents during Pathophysiology sporting events such as baseball and ice hockey. The termi- Cardiac concussion occurs only when specific conditions nal event is usually ventricular fibrillation that results in are met. These involve force, exact timing and location of death if not promptly treated with defibrillation. Emer- impact, and a compliant chest wall. Impact force must be gency physicians can play a major role in awareness and sufficient to induce a ventricular dysrhythmia, but not so prevention campaigns and in evolving public access defib- great as to result in structural myocardial damage.22 In ex- rillation programs. perimental animal studies and retrospective case reviews, the ideal circumstances arise when a baseball strikes the Competing interests: None declared. chest wall at about 65 k/h, approximately the pitch speed achieved by 11- and 12-year-old boys who play ball at the References competitive level.8,23 Force transmission is directly related 1. Committee on Trauma Research (US). Injury in America: a con- to the hardness of the object, and in experimental studies tinuing public health problem. Committee on Trauma Research, the use of softer baseballs decreases the rate of ventricular Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council and fibrillation induction from 69% to 11%.8 Ventricular fibril- the Institute of Medicine, Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1985. lation is most common when the injury occurs directly to the chest wall overlying the heart.21,24 Attempts to refine 2. World Health Statistical Annual, 1994. Geneva, Switzerland: this localization have not been convincing.22 WHO; 1994. In animal models, induced cardiac concussion has led to 3. McCrory P. Commotio cordis. Br J Sports Med 2002;36:236-7. a variety of electrocardiographic findings, including com- plete heart block, bundle branch blocks, ST-segment 4. Maron BJ, Link MS, Wang PJ, Estes NA 3rd. Clinical profile of changes and atrial fibrillation.20,25–27 Ventricular fibrillation commotio cordis: an under appreciated cause of sudden death in the young during sports and other activities. J Cardiovasc Elec- is most likely when the impact occurs just prior to the peak trophysiol 1999;10(1):114-20. of the T-wave.20 A compliant chest wall, as seen in most children, increases the susceptibility to cardiac 5. Maron BJ, Gohman TE, Kyle SB, Estes NA 3rd, Link MS. Clin- 28,29 ical profile and spectrum of commotio cordis. JAMA concussion. 2002;287(9):1142-6. Prevention and treatment 6. Link MS, Wang PJ, Estes NA 3rd. Ventricular arrhythmias in the athlete. Curr Opin Cardiol 2001;16(1):30-9. Given the rarity of this condition, studies of prevention and 7. Vincent GM, McPeak H. Commotio cordis: a deadly conse- treatment may not be feasible; however, based on our cur- quence of chest trauma. Physician Sportsmed 2000;28(11). rent understanding, various safety measures have been rec- Available: .htm (accessed 2004 Oct 25). ommended, including softer, age-appropriate base- balls7,8,20,30 and chest wall protectors.7,8,12,20,21,30,31 Ventricular 8. Link MS, Maron BJ, Wang PJ, Pandian NG, VanderBrink BA, November • novembre 2004; 6 (6) CJEM JCMU 429 Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Sep 2021 at 02:01:21, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Valani et al Estes NA 3rd. Reduced risk of sudden death from chest wall 22. Liedtke AJ, Allen RP, Ellis SH. Effects of blunt cardiac trauma blows (commotio cordis) with safety baseballs. Pediatrics on coronary vasoconstriction, perfusion, myocardial mechanics, 2002;109(5):873-7. and metabolism. J Trauma 1980; 20:777-85. 9. Perron AD, Brady WJ, Erling BF. Commotio cordis: an under- 23. Link MS, Maron BJ, Wang PJ, VanderBrink BA, Zhu W, Estes appreciated cause of sudden cardiac death in young patients: as- NA 3rd. Upper and lower limits of vulnerability to sudden ar- sessment and management in the ED. Am J Emerg Med rhythmic death with chest-wall impact (commotio cordis). J Am 2001;19(5):406-9. Coll Cardiol 2003;41(1):99-104. 10. Abrunzo TJ. Commotio cordis: the single, most common cause 24. Chen RL, Penny DJ, Greve G, Lab MJ. Stretch-induced regional of traumatic death in youth baseball. Am J Dis Child mechanoelectric dispersion and arrhythmia in the right ventricle 1991;145(11):1279-82. of anesthetized lambs. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2004;286(3):H1008-14. 11. Kaplan JA, Karofsky PS, Volturo GA. Commotio cordis in two amateur ice hockey players despite the use of commercial chest 25. Link MS. Commotio cordis: sudden death due to chest wall im- protectors: case reports. J Trauma 1993;34(1):151-3. pact in sports. Heart 1999;81(2):109-10. 12. Maron BJ, Poliac LC, Kaplan JA, Mueller FO. Blunt impact to 26. Futterman LG, Lemberg L. Commotio cordis: sudden cardiac the chest leading to sudden death from cardiac arrest during death in athletes.
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