We pray every week for the leaders of the Jewish Ministry, Shalom Newsletter Shabbat - Trumah Resources: • Website: https://jewishadventist-org.gcnetadventist.org A must website. To subscribe to our newsletter. To download some resources (Hebrew Sabbath School, 668 hDm…wrV;t and other documents). To order the book “Comfort, Comfort my people…” and many other things. 13 February / 4 Adar I 2016 / 5776 • Shalom Adventure Magazine online: www.ShalomAdventure.com If you would like to read articles, watch videos, learn things about and Israel, this website is just for you. • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WJAFC: If you would like to share with people, this Weekly This issue forum on facebook is a good place for that. News P.1 Professional Urban • Photos on Google+: http://picasaweb.google.com/jewishadventist: Jewish-Adventist We have posted a lot Parasha’s comments P.2-4 Development: of pictures on Internet during the last years. Don’t hesitate to look at them. Journal of Information Haftara P.4-5 The WJAFC provides: • WebRadio: www.shema-israel-radio.com If you would like to listen Jewish or Messianic songs. If you want to be used to ear modern Hebrew of the Apostolic Writings P.5 - Professional Urban Apostolic Writings, it is the right radio to listen on the web. Stories P.6 training for Jewish • Adventist Mission Website: http://wjafc.adventistmission.org/ We pray every Ministry Th is website is the new Inspirational Corner P.6,7 resource provided by the Offi ce of Adventist Mission of the General Conference of the Seventh-day - Teaching for Adventists. week for lead- Color Sheet for Kids P.7 theological students • Russian Website: http://www.boruh.info/ Th is website is in Russian, many articles and the - Help to plant new parasha are posted on it every week. ers of the congregations. Jewish Ministry, - Support for Adventist- WJAFC Jewish dialogue with According NEWS scholars and A weekly Journal of information and training published by the to our list of the government to do more about the refu- World Jewish Adventist Friendship Center ❁ Holocaust Memorial Th e Jewish ministry is very active in Lon- gee’s crisis facing Europe. We were urged to Under the umbrella of the recognize hate crimes in the various forms prayer for 2016, don, they fi rst share their experience almost General Conference —O ce of Adventist Mission and ‘don’t stand by and do nothing’. Lam- every day through Whatsapp (an app on I suggest that beth has set up a unit to handle hate crime.” smartphone), they are active attending Jew- 2016 / 4 Adar I 5776 Attending Jewish events is very important Journal of Information and Training — Issue 668 — 13 February ish events in order to understand the Jewish our partners for our ministry everywhere to demonstrate community in London and to make friends. our support to the Jewish people, sympathiz- pray from Recently the Jewish people held Holocaust ing with their suff erings and also to make Memorials all over the world, and the Jewish friends. I would be happy that more people February 14 to community in London organized this me- from the World Jewish ministry would at- 20, 2016, for morial event in Lambeth, at the Kia Oval tend meetings like this one on the next years. cricket grounds. Some of the members of Paula Sanders, this group went to this Holocaust memorial ❁ Adar I and II and Marcia posted on Whatsapp here im- Everyone who is attentive to the Jewish who is the lead- pressions, she said: Jael Wells Cuellar Carlos Muniz calendar would learn that from time to time er of the Jewish “We were four of us going with my Jewish the Jewish people have two months of Adar, English Edition: friend, to attend the Holocaust Memorial on Adar I and Adar II. It would be as if the Richard-Amram Elofer Emails: ministry in January 24. Th e theme was: “Don’t Stand western calendar would have two consecutive Russian Edition: English: [email protected] Alexandra Obrevko By”. It was a very moving experience as well Richard Amram Elofer Alexandra Obrevko months of December. Since G-d designated French Edition: Russian: [email protected] North Carolina as relevant. It focused on genocide in the the month of Nissan (month of Passover) to past and how it is being allowed to happen Sabine Baris French: [email protected] be the fi rst month of the year (Exodus 12:1), Spanish Edition: and run a small even today. Th ey showed a fi lm highlight- the month of Adar is the last month of the re- Spanish: [email protected] Jael Wells Cuellar congregation in ing genocide done by the Nazis, and also in ligious year. However, let’s remember that the Portuguese Edition: Portuguese: [email protected] Cambodia, Rwanda and Bosnia. Th e Ho- lunar Jewish calendar is shorter than the so- Carlos Muniz locaust was linked to issues relating to dis- lar calendar for about 11 days a year. To keep Dutch Edition: Dutch: [email protected] Fletcher (NC), Hubert Paulleta placement of refugees, especially with refer- Passover in the spring time, they have to cor- ence to the crisis of unaccompanied children rect their calendar approximately once every Credit photos: Let’s pray for Richard Elofer, Alexandra Obrevko, Jael Wells Cuellar seeking asylum in Britain. School children, third or fourth year, by adding a 13th month Hubert Paulleta, Laurent Baris and Advent Digital Media her ministries. Christians, Muslims and gave items right before the month of Nissan and after the Hubert Paulleta for more information: contact us at www.jewishadventist.org Sabine Baris and the keynote speaker was Lord Alfred month of Adar. Th us on that year, they have 8 Dubs, who is instrumental in lobbying for two months of Adar, such as this year. Par asha for “And let them make me a sanc- Parasha Overview: tuary, that I may dwell in their this Week midst. Exactly as I show you Trumah concerning the pattern of the Trumah , and of all its furniture, -d com- so you shall make it.” (Exodus mands hDm…wrV;t 25:8–9) Moshe to build a Mishkan Exodus 25: 1 - 27:19 G in the Gan Eden, that is why ary and to understand the L-rd your G-d, who brought - The innermost (Sanctuary) and G-d said to that no meaning of the symbols used you out of the land of Egypt, chamber, the Holy supplies him with Are we ready to give as the people. In fact we discover human being can “see” Him in it. that you should not be their Uplifted Donation and remain alive. Thus the building of the slaves. And I have broken the of Holies, may be detailed instruc- he states: “And people of Israel gave?” When in history that G-d wanted The mystery of the mish- Tabernacle (Sanctuary) which tions. The Children the L-rd spoke to we continue to read the Torah to dwell among his people at bars of your yoke and made entered only by the kan (sanctuary) is part of that begins in this chapter 25 of Moshe saying: ‘Speak we discover that the people of three times. In Gan Eden with you walk erect.” (Leviticus gadol (high of Israel are asked to quest to see Him and to un- goes to the end of this to the Children of Israel, that Israel brought offerings to the Adam and Eve, in the wilder- 26:3, 11–13). The meaning of priest), and only contribute precious T L-rd for a long time, it is written ness, among the people of Is- derstand how to re-establish book since we have the be- the sentence “I will make my they shall take for Me an of- rael, and at His incarnation as our relationship with our ginning of the dedication of once a year, on Yom metals and stones, fering; of every man whose “And the people continued to dwelling among you” extends Yeshua HaMashiach. Creator. That is why the man- the sanctuary in the chapter fabrics, skins, oil heart makes him willing you bring freewill offerings morn- far beyond the presence of Kippur. Here is the In the Gan Eden there were ner the sanctuary was orga- 40 of Exodus. However lets shall take my offering.” (Exo- ing after morning.” (Ex 36:3.) G-d merely in the Temple. Its Ark that held the and spices. no separation between G-d nized, the material used, the remember that the dedica- dus 25:1-2) This portion of Then in this chapter we have true meaning in the proximity and his creation. He was able daily and annual services, the tion of the Sanctuary is com- Ten Command- Description of the the Torah gives us a great les- a wonderful statement: “The of G-d in our midst, the ful- people are bringing more than to speak with Adam and Eve biblical feasts, the individual pleted by the book ments inscribed on Mishkan son of generosity. Today too, fillment of the covenant be- enough for doing the work the as father and children speak sacrifices, all are symbolically (Leviticus) called also Torat- we need from time to time tween Him and His people, the two tablets of 1. in the Mishkan’s L-rd commanded to be done.” together. But by their sin and representing G-d’s love and Cohanim. The timing of the offerings to build a sanctu- which manifest itself in the stone that G-d gave outer courtyard Then Moses gave an order and disobedience Adam and Eve his plan of salvation. The third entire last ary, a synagogue, a temple. prosperity of private and na- to the Jewish nation they sent this word throughout broke this relationship. The time G-d wanted to dwell one month from “the first day are an altar for the How is our generosity? The tional life under His protec- the camp: “No man or woman consequences was that men among his people was at the of the first month” (Exodus on Mount Sinai. All burnt offerings and word “contribution” or “offer- tion and by His blessing. is to make anything else as an could not leave anymore in incarnation of Yeshua on the 40:1) when the tabernacle was ing” is the translation of the of the utensils and a laver for washing. offering for the sanctuary.” the Gan Eden, and could not earth. Yochanan affirms “In erecting to the “the first day word Trumah which is from vessels, as well as the (Exodus 36:5-6). What a won- have this direct relationship the beginning was the Word, of the second month” (Num- Poles of Acacia 2. The Tent of the root Rom which means Reading the commentary construction of the derful statement, the people with their creator. However and the Word was with G-d, bers 1:1). Thus to understand Meeting is divided “to be exalted” “to be uplift- wrote by Hirsch we of Israel were so generous that G-d pursues this goal, to be and the Word was G-d. He the symbolism of the sanctu- Mishkan (sanctu- ed” that is why Rabbi Hirsch learn that the Carrying-poles by a curtain into Moses had to stop them to able to dwell among his people. was in the beginning with ary and his services it is very translates the verse 2 saying were not simply means of ary) , are described in two chambers. bring offerings. However this purpose could G-d. All things were made important to read the entire “‘Speak to the Children of transport, needed only when great detail. not be achieve without saving through him, and without description from Exodus 25 - The outer chamber Israel, that they accept for men and women from death. him was not any thing made to the end of Leviticus. This carrying the Ark from place to is accessible only me an uplifted donation”. It Why the Sanctuary? He established a plan of salva- that was made. In him was book of Leviticus gives the place. The Torah states about to the kohanim is a donation set apart for a he Torah affirms that tion in order to bring back this life, and the life was the light series of laws whose purpose them: “You shall make poles higher purpose. How do we of acacia wood and overlay (priests), the descen- G-d said to Moshe relationship between G-d and of men.” (John 1:1–4) and is the Sanctity of the Temple consider therefore our do- “And they shall make men? All the Plan of Salvation then describes the incarna- and the Sanctification of Life. them with . And you shall dants of Aharon. nations and tithes. Are we TMe a sanctuary so that I shall is illustrated in the sanctuary. tion of the Word in this way: The end of the book says “If put the poles into the rings on This contains the aware of the high purpose of dwell among them.” (Exodus It is the second tentative G-d “And the Word became flesh you walk in my statutes and the sides of the ark to carry the table of , our donations. Being aware 25:8). A legitimate question used to dwell among his people. and dwelt among us, and we observe my commandments ark by them. The poles shall of the exalted and uplifted the menorah, and is asked here: Why to build G-d used this illustration and have seen his glory, glory as of and do them… “I will make remain in the rings of the ark; purpose of our tithes, offer- a Sanctuary? The purpose of this way because of the sinful the only Son from the Father, my dwelling among you, and they shall not be taken from the golden altar for ings and donations, we would the Sanctuary is very impor- nature of humanity. Because full of grace and truth.” (John my soul shall not abhor you. it.” (Exodus 25:13–15). They incense. use them carefully for the tant and deep in G-d’s plan. the sinful nature of humanity 1:14). That is why it is so im- And I will walk among you were never to be removed from advancement of the cause of From the beginning () we cannot see anymore G-d as portant to study all that is in and will be your G-d, and you the Ark. According to Rabbi G-d and His glory. G-d wanted to dwell with his Adam and Eve could see Him connection with the sanctu- shall be my people. I am the Hirsch if the Poles were not

2 3 Apostolic Writings — Mark 15:1-15 Haftara Overview he parasha is about the He revealed to Moses. The Galilee and in Samaria. He 1Kings 5:12 - 6:13 “You shall make a lampstand of pure building of the first Sanctuary was a living illustra- was the Jewish Messiah who gold. The lampstand shall be made of Sanctuary, which will tion of the plan of salvation, comes specifically for Israel through the sacrifice he Sanctuary was hammered wor;” (Exodus 25:31–32) serve as a model for the build- and at the heart of this plan was that is why he affirms “I was of the Son of the Most used by Israel T ing of the Temples of Jerusa- the coming of the Messiah and sent only to the lost of High. “I swear by myself, for about four lem. In the Besorah of Mark his ministry. That is why it was the house of Israel.” (Matthew declares the L-rd, that hundred years before T we are in the very city that G-d clear for the Jewish tradition 15:24). This Jewish Messiah because you have done built the Temple used for transport; they were G-d’s Torah is not bound to or says that the Aron (Ark) was has chosen to be the Holy city, and today for the believers in was a Torah observant Jew all this and have not with- in : “In the four accessories of purely symbolic dependent on any particular made of three boxes, which the city of the first and the sec- Yeshua that the Messiah had to his life. Speaking to the lead- held your son, your only hundred and eightieth significance and there was a place or people — testimony were placed one into the other. ond Temple. The city where all appear in Jerusalem when the ers of the people, he could say: son, I will surely bless year after the had second pair of Poles which that is boldly underscored by The inner and outer boxes were Israel should come to worship Temple was still erected and in “Which one of you convicts you and make your de- come out of Egypt, in the were put in place only when the contrast between the Ark made of gold. The middle box and that was chosen by the Al- function. If not all the symbol- me of sin?” (John 8:46), no one scendants as numerous as fourth year of Solomon’s it was necessary to transport and the other furnishing of the was made out of wood, for the mighty. This city of Jerusalem ism of the sanctuary would not could accuse him of any sin. the stars in the sky and as reign over Israel, in the the Ark and were used only Sanctuary, especially the Tables Torah is called “ a Tree of Life.” was also designated to be the have any significance. It is re- Last week we have read in the sand on the seashore. month of Ziv, the second for this purpose. The essential and the Menorah, which do When looking at the Aron, one city where the people of Israel markable that in the Talmudic the Besorah of Mark that the Your descendants will month, he began to build importance of the Poles to the not have permanently attached would see gold on the interior should welcome the Messiah. book Avodah Zara it is written Kohen Gadol questioned Ye- take possession of the cit- the temple of the L-rd. ” Ark is affirmed by the pro- poles. Rabbi Hirsch then af- and exterior. This teaches us One of the prophets who “6000 years is the length of shua, he asked him if he was ies of their enemies, and (1 Kings 6:1). hibition that they may never firms “Israel’s Tables and Israel’s that a person must be the same preached after the deportation time of this earth, … This is di- the Messiah, he answered “I through your offspring G-d was satisfied and of , Haggai, said that be removed from the Ark, in Menorah —the fullness of its on the inside (heart & mind), as vided into two thousand years am.” This week it is the Ro- all nations on earth will blessed Solomon. “The material life and the flowering the glory of the of chaos, two thousand years contrast to the Poles of the on the outside. man authority, Pilate, who be blessed, because you word of the L-rd came of its spiritual life— are bound would be greater than the first of torah, and two thousand other furnishing of the Sanc- Due to the gold content and asks him a question: “Are you have obeyed me.” (Gen- to Solomon: “As for this to the soil of Holy Land, Israel’s one built by Solomon. “The years of the days of Messiah.” tuary. the Tablets, the Aron was ex- the king of the Jews?” (Mark esis 22:16-18). Here it temple you are building, Torah is not.” The Torah is for glory of this present house [the Everyone who knows the bibli- In the first book of Kings tremely heavy! Yet, when trav- 15:2). The Jewish leaders know was that when David if you follow my decrees, the whole world and all people. second Temple] will be greater cal history remembers that this it is written: “And the poles eling, only four people carried that the Messiah is the son of offered burnt offerings carry out my regulations than the glory of the former first period of two thousand were so long that the ends of the Aron, for as our sages say, David, and as the son of Da- and peace offerings to and keep all my com- house,’ says the L-rd Almighty. years was from the creation to the poles were seen from the The Ark of the “The Aron carried its carriers!” vid he should be the king of stay the avenging sword mands and obey them, I (Haggai 2:9a). The glory of this Abraham, a period of chaos, Holy Place before the inner This teaches us that Torah is Israel, that is why the political of the destroying angel, will fulfill through you sanctuary; but they could not Covenant not a burden, for it is the Torah house was predicted, because described in the book of Gen- he Torah details the power of that time asked Ye- G-d had answered him the promise I gave to Da- be seen from outside. And which carries and uplifts the the L-rd himself, in the person esis with some seminal events materials, measure- shua this question: “Are you by fire from heaven (see 1 vid your father. And I will they are there to this day.” one who adheres to it. of the Messiah, would enter as the fall of Adam and Eve, ments and construc- the king of the Jews?” and Ye- Chronicles 21). And now live among the Israelites (1Kings 8:8), that means that Each of the two golden into His Temple. Indeed, the the flood, and the Tower of tion of each component of the shua answered. “You have said once more the worship- and will not abandon my the front ends of these Poles T “Cherubim” on the ark cover second Temple had the privi- Babel. The second period, was sanctuary. But about the Ark so.” (Mark 15:2), which means ers of Jehovah were here people Israel.” (1 Kings caused the Ark curtain to had the face of a child and each lege of hosting the Messiah, the two thousand years of To- of the Covenant it is written: “Yes, it is as you say.” There will to meet their G-d and bulge out so that, although had wings which extended over who came to save his people rah, a period that lasted from 6:11-13). “They shall make an ark of aca- be always an ambiguity about they were covered by the its head, as the Torah states, ‘And in this place I will grant the days of Abraham who was renew their vows of alle- The spot on which the cia wood. Two and a half the Messiahship of Yeshua, curtain, they were visible. To “And the Cherubim shall be peace,’ declares the L-rd Al- the first to obey the Torah to giance to Him. (PK37) temple was built had long shall be its length, a and a because it is not only with our anyone in the sanctuary, they spreading out their wings on mighty.” (Haggai 2:9b). Peace the destruction of the Second been regarded as a conse- half its breadth, and a cubit and intelligence that we should rec- were the sole visible evidence high, screening with their was granted in this second Temple, and the last period crated place. It was here a half its height. You shall over- ognize him, but with our heart, of the Existence of the Ark of wings the ark-cover, with their temple, not only through the of two thousand years, which that Abraham, the fa- lay it with pure gold, inside and that is why we read in Mark the covenant behind the cur- faces one toward the other.” coming of the Messiah but by goes from Yeshua to the last ther of the faithful, had outside shall you overlay it, and that when Pilate asked him this tain. you shall make on it a mold- The Cherubim teach us two his sacrifice for us, “the punish- day and the establishment of revealed his willingness question, Yeshua answered to The command that the ing of gold around it.” (Exo- very important lessons. First, ment that brought us peace was the kingdom of G-d. Thus, ac- to sacrifice his only son him by another question: “Do Poles must never be removed dus 25:10–11) The Aron (ark) the guardians of the Torah upon him, and by his wounds cording to the Bible and to the in obedience to the com- you say this of your own accord, from the Ark establishes from contained both sets of Tablets; are the children. Teaching our we are healed. .” (Isaiah 53:5). Jewish tradition we are in the mand of the L-rd. Here G-d prepared the way of the days of the Messiah. or did others say it to you about G-d had renewed with the outset and for all time to the first Tablets, which Moshe children Torah is the only way come the truth that this To- to guarantee our continuity and Messiah thousand of years be- The portion of Mark we me?” (John 18:34). This same Abraham the covenant broke when he saw the Jewish rah and its mission are not to fulfill our mission to be a fore he came on the earth. He read describes the Messiah question is asked today to each of blessing, which in- people worshipping the Golden confined to the soil on which Calf, as well as the second set light to the nations. gave to Moses all instructions who came two thousand years one of us: Have we recognized cluded the glorious Mes- the Sanctuary and the Temple of Tablets. There are many les- Also, that we must face and about the sanctuary. He led ago. Indeed, Yeshua appeared in Yeshua the Messiah and the sianic promise to the hu- once stood. The constant pres- sons we can draw from the see each other. There must be the Jewish people, especially in Jerusalem, he preached and king of Israel with a personal man race of deliverance ence of the Poles testifies that Ark. Rabbi Zalmen Marozov love and harmony between us. some craftsmen to build it ac- demonstrated compassion for conviction, or just because we cording to the specifications the Jewish people in Judah, in heard it from someone else? 4 5 STORIES AND TRADITIONS gave us time, money, talents, is written, “The House that KIDS PARASHA TRUMAH Wise Use of everything belong to him and King Solomon built for G-d, Our resources only if we use them for the its length was sixty cubits, its ust like the Kohen who progress of his cause, they hDm…wrV;t width twenty, and its height lit the candle in the Holy will grow and will be for the thirty” (1Kings 6:2). Temple each day, we, too, benefice of the community While concerning G-d must kindle G-d’s candle J and the society. and His relationship with within us with the light of his Inspirational Word thereby illuminating His people as it was at the Corner ourselves, our surroundings G-d And the Poor end, (before the Temple’s v While the build- and the world. he (Baba Bas- destruction) it is written, “So Our rabbis give the ra 10a) relates that the says G-d, ‘The Heavens are ing of the sanctu- following parable to illustrate wicked Turnus Ru- my throne and the earth is my Inspirational ary was in progress the importance of this fus once asked Rabbi Akiva, footstool, what house can you Corner T build for Me?’” (Isaiah 66:1) message: A businessman who “If your G-d loves the poor v the people, old lost everything in some bad so much, why then doesn’t (Talmud, Sanhedrin 7a). And their [Israel] and young—men, deals, turned to a wealthy and He provide for them?” Rabbi devotion, their zeal women, and chil- charitable person for a loan of Akiva responded that G-d 10,000€. The businessman could easily provide person- Do as much as and liberality, are an dren—continued promised to pay back the ally for the poor, but He chose you can example worthy of to bring their o er- entire sum in one year. to give us the merit of giv- he tells the imitation. All who Although 10,000€ was a large ing tzedakah (charity). For following tale: Once, ings, until those in amount, the wealthy man this reason, says the Midrash Rabbi Chanina ben love the worship charge of the work approved the loan. (Ruth Rabba 5:9), the poor Dosa, who was very righteous of G-d and prize True to his word, the person does more for the rich T found that they had yet very poor, saw a nicely the blessing of His businessman returned the person than the rich person shaped rock which he wanted does for the poor person. enough, and even 10,000€ exactly a year later. to bring as a gift to the Holy sacred presence will more than could be But the wealthy man noticed . Howev- manifest the same that the bills were the very SO NEAR AND er, the rock was too heavy for used. And Moses same ones he lent! In fact, him to carry and he couldn’t spirit of sacrifice in they were even in the same caused to be pro- YET SO FAR afford to pay porters to deliver order and wrapped with the preparing a house here was a (man) who it to Jerusalem. claimed through- same string! The wealthy where He may meet walked around say- Rabbi Chanina prayed to man became very upset. ing, “When the love out the camp, “Let G-d. Soon five angels in the with them. They will “Why are you upset?” asked between my wife and myself form of people appeared. He neither man nor the borrower. “Didn’t I give T desire to bring to was strong, we could have told them that he would like Exodus 25: 1 - 27:19 you back the entire amount lain together on the blade of a woman make any to carry the stone to Jerusa- the L-rd an offering exactly to the day?” sword. But now that our love “Moreover, you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fi ne twined lem, but he couldn’t pay them. more work for the “Yes, you did. But you has faded, a bed sixty cubits and blue and purple and scarlet yarns; you shall make them with cherubim skill- of the very best that o ering of the sanc- didn’t make use of it, you just wide does not suffice us.” The five angels immediately fully worked into them. The length of each curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, and offered to carry the rock to Je- they possess. (PP let it sit there. I could have R’ Huna said, “This thought the breadth of each curtain four cubits; all the curtains shall be the same size. Five tuary. So the people rusalem, but with the condi- 346) used this money for my own is expressed by the following curtains shall be coupled to one another, and the other fi ve curtains shall be coupled were restrained business. I could have helped passages concerning our tion that Rabbi Chanina put his finger to the rock and help to one another. And you shall make loops of blue on the edge of the outermost from bringing.” (PP many people improve their relationship with G-d. At curtain in the fi rst set. Likewise you shall make loops on the edge of the outermost businesses with this money. first it is written, “And I (G- them carry. curtain in the second set. Fifty loops you shall make on the one curtain, and fi fty 346) Keeping such a large amount d) will meet you (Moses) Our sages explain that, al- in your drawer doing nothing there, and I will speak with though the angels didn’t need loops you shall make on the edge of the curtain that is in the second set; the loops was a real waste!” you from above the Ark” Rabbi Chanina’s help, the les- shall be opposite one another. And you shall make fi fty clasps of gold, and couple The same is with our life, (Exodus 25:22). (This was a son is that G-d wants us to do the curtains one to the other with the clasps, so that the tabernacle may be a single and talents.If we don’t use total of 10 tefachim, or one as much as we can. Then He whole.” (Exodus 26:1–6). them, they are lost. G-d and a half cubits.) Later it will take care of the rest. http://www.bnai-tikkun.org.nz 6 7