
Previous postings from the William Thomas Sherman Info Page 2007.

By William Thomas Sherman 1604 NW 70th St. Seattle, WA 98117 206-784-1132 [email protected] ~~~~~~*~~~~~~


*If we ever experienced a problem anywhere, it came about, in some degree, due to certain wrong assumptions, either co-present with, or just prior to the given problem’s actually taking place. * Unless you believe in God, the One, and or the infinite, every assumption is contingent. * PROCESS (or if you prefer spirit, or activity) PRECEDES IMAGE. Image may, to some extent, (and sometimes almost perfectly) represent process. But process is always superior to and always more real than image. If process precedes image this might suggest also that mind precedes matter and energy. * Everything we believe, or say we know, is based on a factual or value judgment. Both kinds of judgment always entail the other to some extent, and nothing can be known or exists for us without them. * No fact or purported fact is true or false without someone to assert and believe it to be such. If an assertion or claim is deemed true or false then, and we are thorough, we should ask who is it that says so (or has said so), and what criteria are (were) they using? There is no such thing as "faceless" truth or reality -- at least none we are capable of knowing. * You can't escape reason. If you aren't rational yourself, someone else will be rational for you, nor do their intentions toward you need to be friendly or benevolent. * Every point of view and opinion has its truth to it -- even the most abhorrent and unacceptable to us. This said, we are naturally inclined to assume that some opinions have much greater truth to them than others. Even so, what little truth there is in any point of view must, at least at some juncture, and certainly with respect to issues of heated controversy, be justly and reasonably respected. Why? Because we would not be honest (and therefore not truthful) if we didn't. *Ultimately, and when all is said and done, thought without heart is nothing. * Most, if not all, of society's very worst problems arise from (certain) spirit people and those who listen to them -- whether the former comes in the shape of "God," angel, devil or what have you. It is these people who are most the source and cause of real unhappiness. If then you chance to have contact with such, while having (one assumes) overcome their lures, deceptions, and pretenses of benevolence and higher knowledge, I recommend that this (i.e. "unhappiness" or "unhappiness itself") is what you call them. Blame them for (most) everything wrong, for it is it is they who have been and are the ruin of everyone and everything (that is, if anyone is or could be said to be so.)

Motto: "When you can face me, and honestly, then I'll consider taking you seriously."

Note. The “oracles” are given, top to the bottom of the text, in order from the most recent to the very earliest entry (just as originally presented at; the very first you see below then is the last entered at the website, while the very first entered for the year is given as the last item in this text.


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The Vessel

With coursing winds to ride, Dead calms to abide, Storms to then survive; How like long sailing Is being alive.

With reason his ballast, With purpose his guide, He keeps his ship tight; Then welcomes the port When it comes in sight.

But the sailor who’s home Soon’s dissatisfied Nor likes all he sees; And seaward returns Seeking to be free.


Contrary then to popular mind control, the Devil is not America's friend -- or yours, mine or anyone's really. Essentially he is this person who is so guilty that anyone less then perfectly righteous (whatever exactly that is) he feels entitled to destroy, enslave, or bring down closer to his own level -- if he can. As we have stated before, he uses a carrot and stick approach to ensnare and capture his victims. The "stick" part is pretty obvious, but the "carrot" is much more difficult for many to understand or appreciate; so let me try to describe it. He can come to you as Heaven, and angels, as divine ecstasy and rapture, beautiful nymphs and fields Elysian. And, of course, there are other and different ways of appealing to or getting on people's "good" side. Now, he is not so perfect an artist that he can always escape detection of his frauds and impostures. Yet he is, nonetheless, good enough of one to fool most; at least if he is sufficiently determined to. Fear then more the "carrot" than the "stick." Be more careful about what you consider to be most desirable. Insist on honest truth, fairness, right reason, and you will be that more capable of withstanding what is most deadly about him.

One other odd trick he does is he will torment you so much and incessantly that he then might pull back and let you be. You will then be led to think his doing so is a kindness or mercy towards you. Needless to say, such is no kindness or mercy on his part but a behavioral trick to entice or lure you to his confidence. And even if you see through this device on one or a few occasions, he still will not desist from sometimes resorting to it.


It is certainly, to say the least, eye-opening to consider what has been on the up-swing in the last 20 years or so and what on the down. I will try to be factual and objective in this as is (under the circumstances) possible for me -- but as always you can judge for yourself.

*On the Up-Swing:

2 Biotec Serial Killings School shootings Strange, new diseases Sorcery-Witchcraft culture and related businesses Spy-Cams Tattoos and various forms of self-mutilation Identity theft (which has spawned an industry of its own) Computer viruses (which have spawned an industry of their own) Brain Torture Radios Weird television programs en masse (such as reality tv shows and morgue crime-romance dramas) Massive centralizations in various sectors (and not exclusively the business sector) Privatization of the postal mail, and public television and radio Widespread expansion of the gambling "industry" Torture carried out by members of the U.S, military in more than just an isolated incident Bunkering down of office and public buildings to protect against "terrorists" Billion dollar fortunes

* On the Down-Swing:

Literacy Public activism and participation Protection of internet users rights Auto and Film industries Family farms Music Theater Scientific research (that is credible) and innovation

Some might thing (knowing me) that I am writing this for amusement, but I do so as much out of curiosity as anything else. Some might also think this list is somehow skewed, a distortion, or at least biased. Perhaps; but if you think I am placing more or too much emphasis on something than it deserves, start a list of your own and see what you come up with when it comes to unusual or noteworthy trends.


Can you believe how stupid these things get? And they do this, not to protect young people, but to get you to think torture is normal; i.e. war (as movie fare) is normal; war "must" have torture; therefore torture is normal -- very much like how they want people to think witchcraft and sorcery are normal-- indeed insist on pedaling these to children. (And, by the bye, if we are to understand correctly, some of the people who use torture in real-life are the some of the same who are supposed to be protecting us from Ben Ladin, et al.)


And will you not use your phenomenal wealth, status, and position to shield the helpless and innocent, and sustain and promote basic human rights and dignity?

"I would, but my master won't let me."


3 You need God in order to face, show love and pay due respect to men and women who are truly worthy and honorable because you of yourself cannot do them due and proper justice.


"Crack the power of demonism! Crush and destroy the hegemony and might of Oaf! Such as no one ever seriously thought of or considered doing before."


The Nerve Gas of the Ages (some random thoughts on him)

* If the devil is your general and leader, do know he will every now and then need to find scapegoats, and it is more likely than not if you are disposed to good and more intelligent and capable than your comrades he will pick you -- next.

* The devil or a devil is someone who lives in a fantasy world, cannot stop living in a fantasy world and the results are ultimately very painful for everyone he affects.

* And what at the end of the day passes as the coin of truth among a band of liars? The arbitrary whims and wishes of a tyrant.


Matthew 16:1-3: "The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven. "He replied, "When evening comes, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times."

Or placed in a modern context we might say, "You can predict elections, foretell 'public' opinion, and decipher the Da Vinci code but you cannot see or deal with what is going on in reality."


As an infant, Christ survived Herod's slaughter of the innocents that he might live, and yet later on the cross might he not with pity have remembered them?


The sum of all true and worthwhile philosophy can be stated in the maxim: see and gather with your eyes but know and understand with your heart and mind (guided by courage, equanimity, due compassion, and honest reason.)


It is easy for me to expect that truth will prevail. This itself has never been much of a problem (if any.) The person who makes most sense, after all, is not the one that has to lie and cheat the most. Believing that truth will prevail only becomes a question then when one is being abused or persecuted with violence on an ongoing basis (of years.) But let the violence cease and resuming one's faith in the truth is as nothing.

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"See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil." When growing up I did not quite understand what this meant. But now I know it means people are afraid of and refuse to deal with evil -- including soldiers, lawyers, political leaders, educators, physicians, clergy, etc. -- the very people who are supposed to protect us from it yet who instead (more often than not) chase after red-herrings, scapegoats, or third string villains.


You will know the world has come to an end when there is no one left to love, hate, or judge it.


In the Book of Tobit (canonical to Catholics while non-canonical to many Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible) angels, interestingly and though well meaning, are portrayed as kinds of tricksters and workers of magic; yet are supposed to be distinct from demons whom they ostensibly attempt to thwart and contend against. It is interesting that angels are by no means an exclusively Judeo-Christian phenomena; indeed as winged demi-deities, heralds, and servants of who or what is supposed to be "divine" they are found in many ancient pagan cultures in both the West and Near East -- and Tobit itself (it is worth mentioning) contains some Babylonian folklore and influence.

Angels and such aside, the morals professed and taught in this work are, by and large, among the most wise and judicious of their time -- and earlier times. For which reason then I would like to quote an excerpt:

From Tobit, 4: 3-19. "So he [Tobit] called him and said, 'My son, when I die, bury me, and do not neglect your mother. Honor her all the days of your life; do what is pleasing to her, and do not grieve her. "'Remember, my son, that she faced many dangers for you while you were yet unborn. When she dies bury her beside me in the same grave. "'Remember the Lord our God all your days, my son, and refuse to sin or to transgress his commandments. Live uprightly all the days of your life, and do not walk in the ways of wrongdoing. "'For if you do what is true, your ways will prosper through your deeds. "'Give alms from your possessions to all who live uprightly, and do not let your eye begrudge the gift when you make it. Do not turn your face away from any poor man, and the face of God will not be turned away from you. "'If you have many possessions, make your gift from them in proportion; if few, do not be afraid to give according to the little you have. "'So you will be laying up a good treasure for yourself against the day of necessity. "'For charity delivers from death and keeps you from entering the darkness; and for all who practice it charity is an excellent offering in the presence of the Most High. "'Beware, my son, of all immorality. First of all take a wife from among the descendants of your fathers and do not marry a foreign woman, who is not of your father's tribe; for we are the sons of the prophets. "'Remember, my son, that Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, our fathers of old, all took wives from among their brethren. They were blessed in their children, and their posterity will inherit the land. "'So now, my son, love your brethren, and in your heart do not disdain your brethren and the sons and daughters of your people by refusing to take a wife for yourself from among them. For in pride there is ruin and great confusion; and in shiftlessness there is loss and great want, because shiftlessness is the mother of famine. "'Do not hold over till the next day the wages of any man who works for you, but pay him at once; and if you serve God you will receive payment. "'Watch yourself, my son, in everything you do, and be disciplined in all your conduct. "'And what you hate [to have done to you], do not do to any one. Do not drink wine to excess or let drunkenness go with you on your way. "'Give of your bread to the hungry, and of your clothing to the naked. Give all your surplus to charity, and

5 do not let your eye begrudge the gift when you made it. "'Place your bread on the grave of the righteous, but give none to sinners. "'Seek advice from every wise man, and do not despise any useful counsel. "'Bless the Lord God on every occasion; ask him that your ways may be made straight and that all your paths and plans may prosper. For none of the nations has understanding; but the Lord himself gives all good things, and according to his will he humbles whomever he wishes. "'So, my son, remember my commands, and do not let them be blotted out of your mind.'"


Though some will think him literal God from literal Heaven, the reality is that everyone and everything he touches stinks or is made to stink -- though this is by no means necessarily the fault of the person or thing being touched. But if this weren't enough, and to make things infinitely worse -- not everyone, of course, is sensitive or intelligent enough to notice or see this effect he has. One of the main reasons he is like this is that he is, and certainly for a very long time now (if not always), this kind of person who will act rightly or wrongly more or less as it suits him -- this for the purpose of owning, controlling, or having everything his way -- all the while, though two faced as he is, wearing a mask of benevolence or even genuinely believing at times that he is (ultimately) benevolent. And how odd it is to think though as different as people are and how they see things; whether they endure as a martyr, suffer as a saint, labor as a slave, murder as desperate criminal, betray as a scoundrel, run for the hills or what have you; we really all want the same thing -- to get rid of or get away from him. Perhaps most tragic of all, of course, are those who intend to get rid and get away from him, but who, because they can't see through a disguise, obey and feed right out of his hand.

Trust no spirit person therefore whom you cannot force to be (fundamentally) honest, equitable, and accountable.


Being as they are by evolutionary custom or innate character more separate from the physical than regular people, it may be that certain spirit persons are given to more in depth forms of (honest) rationalism and idealism; this out of desire, practicality or necessity. For a regular person then to ignore these concerns only makes them more vulnerable, weak, and liable to harm when dealing with such spirit people. Hence, it is absurd to think that matters of high logic and morals have no great practical application; since these people can potentially -- in your mind if nowhere else -- rip you apart and eat you alive or carry you off into bondage with, using, or applying them.


"Don't say anything anyone -- and don't let them say anything. That way those of us who have been specially chosen -- we'll all be rich. So don't say anything."


For Pete's Sake, Steve!

6 You might sometimes wonder where people like J.K. Rowling get those billion dollar ideas. Well, here's your answer -- from watching old movies! Now just for fun, see how many pictures of Peter Pan's "John Darling" (from the 1953 Disney film) you can find on the internet. The above pic -- in its original size and from a Spanish speaking website -- was about the best I myself could do. The one below was the next best (also in its original size.) (With respect to "Peter Pan" itself, as a child I never related to or cared for it; nor did I really understand why anyone did. The explanation comes only now when I realize that J.M. Barrie was a sort of Steven Spielberg of his time.)


In updating and expanding my Calendar & Record: 1780-1781, as I have been for some time of late, I have had several occasions to make a number of, to me, instructive and illuminating observations and discoveries. One of these is that an intractable tendency to reject militias and their effectiveness invariably assumes the infallibility and incorruptibility of the central government. Yet if the central government is overcome or temporarily absent militias become the last defense of the country. And though militias have their obligation to serve the higher purpose and general good and yet still can, of course, also be corrupted; it is normally far harder to corrupt them at large than it is the central government in isolation.


Just to show you how confrontations with the divine and occult don't need to always be so very complicated to a person possessed of their full faculties and senses, here are just some sample things that can be said to rebuke such assailants and, in the process, take charge of the situation.

"Go jump in the lake."

"We're not interested."

"Now that's just about enough -- don't you give me any lip! You get on back to Dracula's castle of evil where you belong and stay there!"

"Well what are you blaming us for? Go take it up with your father, El Diablo. He's to blame, not us."

“'The amazing powers of being interesting are supposed to be interesting!' Yeah right! If you’re such an interesting person then what do you need us for? Go live with yourself already and stop mooching off of us!”

"Accursed, vile, wretched thing of horror and damnation! Mind your own business! I don’t care what those crazy people told you all those years ago -- you just do as your told...etc."

Now you see? These and similar are a far cry from the stone age, bonehead approach of treating such characters (even and including the great "Dolby-Surround-Sound") with awe, reverence, and trembling. A little gumption and common sense go a long way in rebuking bullying and obnoxious spirit people -- even if it isn't always quite possible to rid oneself of them entirely.

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How long did you want to keep the evil one (call him or them what you like) out of your life for? A short time? A while? Perhaps if he is only at a distance or diminished he might not be so bad. For myself, I would not want to take any chances and therefore strictly and vehemently insist that he stay out of my life forever and unto all eternity. What then does that mean with respect to those who are willingly and deeply enslaved to him? Does it mean I want them out of my life for all eternity? It is hard to say categorically, but I think as a practical matter, yes, I would insist the same of them as well.


What is man? Man, like anything else, is what he does; and the more he does the more he becomes. And the more an action originates with him (rather than an external cause) the more he can be said to be the one responsible for doing it.


It is mad. But then wherever, do you suppose, did they get the money to throw away on such foolish and demented "advertisements;" when you know as well as myself there are far more intelligent, hard working, creative, productive and responsible people struggling just to make ends meet?


The myths put out by spirit people can sometimes have the most catastrophic and debilitating effects on people and society -- when people and society believe them. Although I have touched on some of these myths before, I thought it mete to do up another such list so that others can continue to more easily and readily spot and identify them like symptoms of a fatal sickness.

1. Science, technology and higher learning stem from spirit people. This may to some extent be true, but only as an exception not the rule. For one thing it is not normal or usual for spirit people to impart worthwhile and useful "higher" knowledge, understanding or information to people, and when they do their motives are as likely (if not more so) to be bad as good. At the same time, even granting that a transfer say of understanding of technology is transmitted to a person there are many, many other regular people who are or would be thinking with their own mind addressing and solving issues and questions of various kinds -- indeed so many that the input of spirit, though even granting in a particular instance (for the sake of argument) their contribution be of a dramatic sort, it would still be very small in number compared to the contributions made by regular people, such as philosophers (the fathers of science), scientists and theoreticians. 2. The world is more or less evenly divided between Good and Evil. This if accepted as a premise, as a practical matter, only aids and serves as an excuse to persons disposed to evil; moreover, a confusion arises when mere bad is put on the same level as evil; thus trivializing evil. So, for instance, if there is or must be

8 bad in the world it doesn't necessarily follow that there must also be evil. More can be said and has by me on this, but this will suffice here. 3. The knowledge and understanding of spirit people is superior to honest logic and reason. I made mention of this claim not long ago, and will give the same response: if this premise is true how can one know it to be true outside rational means or logical verification? 4. The knowledge and understanding of spirit people is superior to that of regular, flesh-and-blood people. While this can be true in a given instance, it most certainly is not true in all; and while a spirit person's knowledge and understanding might, in particular respects, be quite superior to a given flesh and blood person's it doesn't follow that they are superior in all respects. Indeed, of course, with regard to a given subject the spirit person's knowledge and understanding might be enormously inferior. Different members of society operate by independent disciplines and methods; such as do doctors, athletes, lawyers, farmers, teachers. If a spirit person's say of itself overrides their expertise and authority than what human authority can it not override? And if spirit persons are known to be imperfect and fallible what unintended consequences might such subservience and deferring to them result in? 5. Since evil takes place God must permit evil; therefore evil must be something acceptable to God. Evil only occurs with the consent of human beings (including spirit people); for we know of nothing to be genuinely evil (in the intentional sense of evil) that does not require human consent and participation. If therefore there is no human consent to evil; evil would not be possible. At best then the most one could maintain is that God is indifferent to evil; since its very existence depends upon our own choice. That he should approve of it we have no basis of knowing or saying beyond mere conjecture; and of course there are at least as many arguments against, as there might be for, such a claim as "God approves of evil."


"Laughter is the Best Medicine"

When spirit people first overtly came to visit me (back in 2000) they did various things to try and impress me and in the process attempt to get me to see things their way; even with a mind to persuade me to like sorcery and witchcraft things (it was only afterward that they turned religious on me.) So on one occasion I was lying down when I arose to switch off the light in another room. Just as I was arising to do so they had a sprite turn out the light for me. I recall the magician or someone else telling me then that they (referring to themselves) "did not have to do those kinds of things" (that is, they could get someone else to do it for them by merely thinking or saying something.)


Mount St. Helens in 1980, and the Same in 2007.[pictures omitted here.]

I cannot help but wonder in retrospect if the mountain wasn't actually reacting in revulsion to something. If so, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine just what that might be.


For you writers and would be writers (thinking particularly of poets) who are not already so knowledgeable or so equipped, here is a useful and interesting word list at of names of different collections, gatherings, and groups of animals. Courtesy of "" Or for the same list but in the format of a .txt file, click here.


9 Now how on earth could they somehow have overlooked the double meaning here (particularly these days?) It's not so very unlike, in my opinion, how we sometimes see pictures of police officers with bald heads and "bad boy" goatees.

There are many ways of lowering the quality of or destroying things, and leaving aside the question of their drive, motive and purpose, this is what Hell people are, as much as anything, preoccupied with doing. What is not so well appreciated, however, is that this might include damning someone or something with faint or absurd praise, masquerading as them or what they embody to make them look bad -- and they might do this not only for a short time but for many years, decades or more on end. So, for instance, they might take on the mantle or persona of a certain political or religious persuasion; oust or eliminate its most effective leaders or spokespersons, court converts on the side by using the more usual enticements of Hell, and do this for so long that many people will come to think they are or best represent that point of view.


Lux Sit

The most cataclysmic of events can sometimes rest or ride on some of what are actually very simple elements. Let me illustrate. Some of the most very powerful, influential and commanding people in society are not infrequently individuals who think they are authorized or licensed (though through the kind and special auspices of their designated spirit person companion) by God to commit crimes. But is it God whom they hear this from? The logic of this puzzle is and should be very straightforward (it might not, after all, be God.) But by what means might such a person be led to believe it is God granting him permission to act criminally as he does? Well, he has this friend, a magician spirit person, who has been doing the wrong thing for a very, very long time; and this friend the magician, with the considerable experience of many ages, really doesn't think it matters. Our subject, notwithstanding is a little bit hesitant at first. "What! Don't believe me?" says the magician. "Why, look who has just come in..." With a heavenly glow from without the sky, with perhaps a reverberating voice suddenly making itself felt within, or perhaps in the form of "Jesus" or other well known or familiar religious figure, the "deity" arrives on the scene to leave our subject overwhelmed and assured that they do know the magician, are good friends of his, and understand his situation. Our subject, not unknown for being easily affected, timorous and irrational, now has the convincing proof he needs to proceed as his friend directs and inclination leads.


In World War Two, dive bombers and ground attack fighters found that on average and if successful usually the most damage they could do to a tank was disable and or immobilize it. Despite this, some pilots discovered that if they could shoot up the fuel in the tank's rear compartment they could actually blow the whole tank up. There is a similar or related principle going on with demonism. The fuel they run on is the manifold and myriad of crimes that have empowered and empowers them; and the more powerful the more fuel they carry; and correspondingly the more crimes. If it is possible to begin exposing one crime, and then another, and then another all linking directly to them, it is more than conceivable that one could send them sky high in the same manner. As the W.W. II pilots would persist, through successive strafing, in seeking to weaken and then penetrate the tank's fuel stores; so by gradually bringing to light the crimes these people have committed a chain reaction of truth resulting in a great blast is feasible.


10 When he gets around, as he inevitably must, to telling you how sorry he feels for himself take that same occasion and opportunity to remind him of the untold and incomprehensible amount of suffering, agony, heartache and tragedy he has directly caused and is responsible for; nor neglect mentioning the utterly enormous wealth in lives, money, and resources which have been at his selfish disposable in order that he might more easily see his way through the time space continuum.


I would never have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes -- but just in time for the holiday season there is now an online game called "Kindergarten Killer" which, if you are up for playing, can be found at:


Dance D’ Amour

If she were sad I'd forgot her, She should as well feel regret For the other two seasons I now also forget. Things should be done right. In whatever it is we do. And if we won’t do it right Then how can Love stay new? When things are done right The joy comes in profusion. But if not done right It's all a vain illusion. And if difficulties prevail And tyranny does not cease; If we can’t do anything; We’ll at least be at peace. And just so you know That I ever hold you dear, I will always be good for you too Whenever you're not here.


It's scary. There's no denying the fact I'll admit. Why is it scary? Because if you don't do it their way they will attack and or imprison you, and if you do do it their way you just can't win -- for we have yet to see a single one do so. There is just no substitute for real freedom or at least something like real freedom. And while others might understandably think I don't have it so great; observe how my opponents are the ones who, for many years now, feel the need to bother me! I don't nor ever did have any need for them for anything. All of which, as far as I'm concerned, only goes to prove and confirm the wisdom of Christ's question, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul?" Or put somewhat differently, "What good is having it all if you are not permitted to speak and think freely (and thus be in reality?)" It is frankly pitiful then to go to the websites of some of my favorite musicians and artists; people

11 who for years have been known as independent, free spirits and yet who now mostly say nothing except where their next show is going to be or how to order one of their T-shirts.



Go make lemonade; you’d be a fool not to. A lemon after all is for something. Nor is every bad thing anywhere near so good. So that even lemons can be precious too.


Very Much Like the Real Thing

It has actually been some years since I originally saw "From Beyond the Grave" (1975), and on re-watching it just recently I was struck how very authentic the one story, "The Gate Crasher," which stars David Warner, is in catching the character and look of truly evil spirit people. One thing, however, to be kept in mind is that a ghost who is as bad as the one in "Gate Crasher" might at other times be funny and even benevolent (seeming.) A lot of this (though not all) has to do with the setting in which they appear, and is one reason why real ghosts and spirit people are generally kept secret; namely because if they were known openly (or more openly) it would deprive them of the power they have to create the 'look,' 'feel,' and impression they aim at achieving with the given subject or victim; much like how a magician might not want how tricks are done being discussed -- it would ruin the trick! Hence, even to this day speaking about spirit people literally and scientifically is taboo. (The 'real thing' by the way can, depending on the individual 'spirit,' look and feel even more sinister than the aforementioned ghost in the 1975 film.)

If you did or do have the opportunity to see "From Beyond the Grave," stop and ask yourself -- if there were such a powerful and mesmerizing ghost like the one portrayed in "The Gate Crasher" episode and the subject was not a more average David Warner character (in the movie) but a person of phenomenal wealth and social and business standing -- what effects might such a coming together of the two have on society; particularly if the ghost used his subject to do his bidding (not so entirely unlike how we see him do in the film?) Consider also that if there were or are such spirit persons actively operating in prominent positions (on various levels of the social strata) how, after all, irrelevant and trivial so much of the blame and guilt finding directed at many "regular" people so often is; nor is it a little ironic that so many zealous fault finders and accusers (say of those in the government, as one example) give little or no regard to such a profound and devastating possibility.


12 Effective Dialogue to be Used on Brain Torture Radios

"Calling all cars, calling all cars -- the Oafly Entity* gets to be interesting, Mr. Sherman." [or use your own or someone else's name in the "Mr." part.]

"Come in Dorky the Robot Sorcerer, Come in Dorky the Robot Sorcerer, please come in, please advise -- over."

(as Dorky): "Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed. The Oafly Entity must be destroyed."

* i.e. The Oafly Entity from beyond the spirit realm.


Oafmore for Pros

A word of explanation -- some might question the plausibility of my suggesting that Oafmore (or someone like him) would need to send out mass spam or computer viruses. Let me then explain, for those who don't understand already, that someone like Oafmore is in with certain spirit people and who are the true basis of his power and wealth (not his movies or his own great intelligence and business acumen.) As part of what they want, they need to have a certain amount of crime or "doing the wrong thing" going on -- for this is one of the real reasons why they empower Oafmore in the first place. Oafmore, of course, because he wants his big money and position accordingly assists and accommodates them in what they desire; so that the motive, to use the example of creating computer viruses, originates not with Oafmore but with his spirit person friends. Of course, why should he care himself about dong such things?

As stated in the preface to my "Ghost of the Traitor" I, in effect, welcome others, if they are so interested or inclined, adding to and modifying the script to suit themselves. Part of the reason for my making available or giving away "GOTT" is that being a dramatic and overtly a work of comedic entertainment I originally would have liked it to have been a collaborative effort; for the subject of the play particularly lends itself to such. At the same time, others have Oafmore or Goomerton experiences or related characters of their own which can be injected into the story and whom or which they know better than I myself and who naturally are in a better position to relate such.

Some things to keep in mind about much of the humor underlying "GOTT" are:

1) Oafmore can pretty much (but not always) do what he wants to the limit of his own idea of what is right or wrong depending on how he feels at a given time; oblivious to all morals as is necessary in order to suit his given whim or whims. 2) As part of his outlook on life, he will sometimes try or think of himself as helping people by doing the wrong thing. 3) Although a respected pillar of society, Oafmore is in with the worst sort of monsters, indeed to an extent is one himself; but an incongruity further arises in that he is also supposed to be "Mr. Entertainment."


Please don't forget to support our sponsors. (I'm sorry I cannot reproduce the clever animations that accompany these ads, but you probably already have seen them anyway.)

13 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

It is funny and even touching how innocent and sympathetic some people can be even though they otherwise are not with or in agreement with us.


The only thing in the world, if there is anything, that is worth putting up with these spirit people is not having to put up with these spirit people. (Go to Hell already, will ya?)


Scene. Oafmore's office. Sitting with Oafmore in the room is a movie star and the Police Chief.

Oafmore (addressing the movie star): Johnny Depp is a star. Russell Crowe is a star. You are not a star anymore.

Movie star: What do you mean I am not a star anymore?

K-Pax (entering the room): Apparently you simply are not meeting up to the public's expectations.

Movie star: The public's expectations! Give me a break!

Oafmore: I'll give you a break. Get out of my office right now -- I don't want to see you ever again.

Movie star makes an effort to respond but K-Pax stops him.

K-Pax: I think you better just go.

Movie star groans and leaves.

Oafmore (addressing K-Pax): So how's work coming on part four of the Dorky Trilogy?

K-Pax: How does next top grossing film of all time sound to you?

Oafmore: Sounds to me just fine. Oh, by the way, K-Pax this is the police chief. (Turns to the police chief.) Anyway, chief you were saying before?

Police Chief: Sorry to bother you, but we have been getting these complaints. They want us to do something about the spam and computers viruses your people are putting out.

Oafmore: Chief, stop and think about it this way. Who do you think employs all those people making virus and spam -- thus bringing money into the community?

Police Chief: You do.

Oafmore: And who do you think is paid to go after those people? You are. If you don't have anyone to go after then don't you see? You are out of a job.

Chief: That's just it, what is the point of going after them if we can't actually prosecute them?

14 Oafmore: I would think the answer to that was obvious. It would make us look bad.

Chief: What then am I supposed to tell these people making complaints?

K-Pax: Tell them simply you are hard on it. We'll gradually phase out the more intense viruses and spamming -- and start up something else.

Oafmore nods.


Now class, since you were probably able, without great difficulty, to figure out who is talking through them; we come then to ask the next obvious question --- who do you suppose is talking through him?



What more silent is Than a family of Juncos Flitting on twigs and fences Amid the light falling snow? It was from such quiet, Life, I first came to you. But when I depart, when I go, Will I that same quiet know?


Oafmore: I have to do the wrong thing a certain way. None of this Mr. Nice Guy stuff, see -- I'm no sap! And if that means immolating children like he says, well so be it!


Oh, that Heavenly glamour!


The expansion of true freedom not only does not require the trampling of fundamental human rights, civil liberties and equal justice before the law; on the contrary, it requires the exact opposite, namely the bolstering and strengthening of such protections. False freedom, the notion you can just have whatever you want when and ever you want it (i.e. if you are sufficiently vicious, selfish, and duplicitous enough to get it), has nothing to do with the traditional and ennobling American idea of freedom; and is merely another of

15 those disguises Hell puts on, in this case, in order to seem high minded and patriotic; not so very differently from how they will use Darwinism to justify slavery and murder.


What I am and have been trying to tell you for some time now is -- don't worry so much about Spielberg or pseudo-Spielberg, rather, get the ghost; kill him; keeping in mind that a certain rhythm always accompanies the striking of a truly victorious blow.


To give you some idea of how filthy this ghost is who, as much or more than anyone else, has most say about what does and what doesn't go on -– he likes to think of himself as not really being guilty and yet will still and casually use the most raw and unspeakable evil to have his way. But you see to the majority of those who listen to him (and for many, many years now), he is, after all, as harmless, sympathetic, and funny as Charles Laughton's "Sir Simon" in "The Canterville Ghost."


As Britney Spears is to Marilyn Monroe -- is Anna Nicole Smith to Jayne Mansfield? And Jessica Simpson to Julie Sommers? And yet the same one who could make a star out of the more recent instance is the same who could have been around to make a star of the second or previous star way back when -- such is one of the marvels and wonders of having spirit people operating so publicly in our midst.


True, it would seem you have me outnumbered. But then, who is the one doing all the actual thinking and, in effect, talking for you? (This you never say or admit to.)


These days I am mostly focused in my attention on the in progress fourth edition of my Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South: 1780-1781, and which I hope and expect to have done sometime in the early part of 2008. In the meantime, the following is one of the new entries (minus citations footnote) included and which I thought some may find of interest.

16 "12 June [1780]. [skirmish] Rocky Creek Settlement, also Martin’s Covenanters (Chester County, S.C.) In light of the burning of Rev. Simpson’s home and similar depredations carried out in the not too distant vicinity, Rev. William Martin exhorted the assembly at Covenanter Church on Rocky Creek to resist British authority. Shortly thereafter, some members of the church, under Capt. Ben Land, collected at a site seven miles above Rocky Mount for that purpose. A local tory informed on them to Turnbull who instantly dispatched Huik and his dragoons and militia. Huik managed to route most of the whigs. Land, however, ably defended himself with sword, wounding a number of dragoons; till he himself was overwhelmed and slain. Some two miles north, some six or so other men of the Covenanter Church were gathered at the shop of George Harris, a Negro blacksmith, having their horses shod. Huik caught up with these as well, killing one James Boyd. Rev. Martin himself was subsequently arrested and taken to Camden to be confined in the jail."


Who would you rather have ruling over you, autocratic spirit people and their billionaire henchmen?* Or honest reason upheld by of a society insisting on basic freedom and justice for all? Most, you would think, would prefer the latter. And yet the more the practices of secrecy, lying, privileged information, and censorship of the press prevail in a given community the more impossible the second choice becomes. At the same time, bear in mind there are those very much out to promote the first choice and it is these which encourage the above listed practices; while expressing ridicule and cynicism toward moral and civic virtues and values. (Or perhaps you already knew this?)

* I am not of itself against there being billionaires (in the monetary sense). Only I would point out that the existence of such tends more to aid the above kind of spirit people than it does regular people seeking a more free and equal justice based society.


Better poetry is a good experience put into comprehensible words; not good words put into the experience.


Because I haven't done so yet, I think it in the interest of justice only desirable to make a few remarks in regard to the O.J. Simpson case. While I am not in a position to speak with respect to the particulars of who actually killed his wife, I strongly doubt it was himself. At the same time I am absolutely positive (about as much as one can be at this distance) that he was, and probably still is, targeted by powerful, moneyed witchcraft people (probably connected to the entertainment industry) who were finding him uncooperative. One of the things which leads me to believe this is the famous Ford Bronco chase. Now this latter bizarre occurrence is exactly the kind of mocking show -- using the manipulated and gullible news media -- these kinds of people love to set up and put on, much like a Candid Camera prank, and it is not at all difficult to conceive that some spirit person or other was advising, while making a fool of, Simpson at that point in the course of his ordeal. Though granted, even if true, this would not of itself exonerate him, nevertheless, it does suggest strongly the involvement in some way of the kind of characters I mention.


Based on what we see on television, in films, and on the book and newsstands, it would seem that (aside from the war) Health Care, Pirates, and Witches are what are uppermost in the minds of most Americans. Has any of the Presidential candidates then yet proposed or suggested mental health care for those in charge of running the corporate mass media? (If not, permit me then to be among the first to encourage them to do so.)


17 By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them

Did you know that there are and have been angels who would kill themselves rather than live in Heaven? (William Blake for example speaks of angels in Heaven not being happy.) Why? Because what they were led to believe was Heaven is -- despite common, irrational ignorance and age-old mind control carried on by certain spirit people -- not (anything like) real Heaven and indeed is only a kind of mansion or else kingdom of Hell's rich people. Some might think I am only speaking allegorically, but I in fact I am speaking literally; and those pictures of angels such as you see for instance done by Gustav Dore', say for Dante's Divine Comedy, are, in actuality, portrayals not of Heavenly people (as would seem), but of witchcraft people. At the same time, you will not then be surprised to know, such "Heaven" is also used as a prop or device used to justify and excuse evil carried out in our own world; as well as, in some people's minds, give real Heaven a bad reputation. In real Heaven there is honest truth. With these kinds of spirit people real or higher truth is not esteemed; and what is thought of as higher truth is merely gnostic or secret witchcraft knowledge. Angels from real Heaven, by contrast, don't nor would need to conduct themselves according to a code of morality and moral understanding separate and distinct from that which what we (regular people) already know and are supposed to use.


They acted like they knew everything. They took over the place; abused and attacked our loved ones and ourselves in the process, and sure enough after all these years it isn't working out for them quite as planned and expected. No matter how rich, no matter how powerful, no matter how cocksure they were, we don't nor did we ever really see it working out for these people. I myself knew there was no point with these them many years ago when I saw that stupid movie career of theirs, and wondered even back then why anyone would bother -- this without even being aware that they were dealing with actual people from Hell.

Well, here it is 2:30 in the morning and I had to get up because the great genius who regularly torments me (a spirit person) and some of his associates were having fits of damnation fever. I thought then I would use this annoying occasion to list (in some instances once again -- see my New Treatise on Hell) some of traps and false arguments you will want and need to reject in order to help avoid a fate and disorder such as these must undergo and suffer from.

1. Good needs Evil and the world is essentially and fundamentally divided between Good and Evil. While it is true that the contention of opposites and contraries can be considered necessary aspects of harmony and a part of perfection, and one will always strive to be impartial and see two sides of an argument, real and premeditated Evil as a practical matter is something very gross and horrible and something easily one can do without. For more on this topic, see also my book Christ and Truth 2. Spirit people are more important and more wise than regular people, and possess a wisdom superior to honest reason. Even if for the sake of argument this were somehow true, by what means other than reason could one know it was true? Because spirit people, such as angels, told them so? Because of feelings of fear and or ecstasy spirit people might impart or evoke? 3. The truth should not be allowed since if it were people would be hurt by it. Although there are certain facts which if we knew would offend if not disgust us, these sorts of things are a very small part of the greater picture of what is going on and it is the greater picture of what is going on that truth is properly concerned with. You need the truth to know and deal with what is going on in reality - - and the truth is not found in persistent lying and secrecy. 4. Those who do the wrong thing are helping others. This is such a joke that for you humorists and would be humorists please feel free to adopt this premise when you feel the need to think up jokes or concoct ridicule. 5. "It doesn't matter." If it doesn't matter then why do they do or feel the need to do those evil or evil like things in the first place? Using their own reasoning, they could just as well not, now couldn't they? 6. These devil people are not so bad; surely sooner of later they'll leave off and stop doing the wrong thing (so bad as they did it.)

18 If they could some of them would. But that's just it. They are slaves you see and for that reason can't (or at least don't think they can) if their boss insists otherwise. 7. If you don't go along with these people you are either purely righteous or else are self-righteous. Whatever you are, if you are not going along with them you are not to blame for their problems, and it is a piece of nonsense for them to blame you for not being as bad as themselves or someone else.

Now if you are or happen actually be one of these people and suffer from some of the troubles common to them, three very important things to keep in mind are: a. The road out of hell is the truth. b. Don't do something to someone else that you don't want done to you. c. If you see and think like these people, you will sooner or later become sick like them too.

This is all very brief, I realize, but then again it is three o'clock in the morning (and I didn't want to get up and would not if I could have helped it.)


It is sometimes observed that many of this nation's most notable founding fathers were free masons and, in turn, that there is something fishy or suspicious about this. Let me then attempt to elucidate what the problem underlying the misunderstanding here is. A mason's fraternity is initially formed with the idea of bringing together a group of men usually for purposes of community beneficence and mutual or business self-interest. In and of itself therefore there should not be really anything wrong with such a club or association. The problem, however, with masonic groups arose when in certain instances spirit people were brought in with the idea of empowering and facilitating a lodge's activities and standing. Bear in mind when I say spirit people were "brought in," this doesn't mean that all the members necessarily knew of their presence or involvement in the order, and a given person may have entered the order with all good and normal intention without knowing of spirit people acting as its mentors or overseers. In fact, in some circumstances persons may have been encouraged to join a lodge fraternity with the idea of getting them mixed up with spirit people though they themselves had no desire whatsoever of the kind themselves. Alternatively, they may have known or come to learn of the spirit person or persons being part of the group's hierarchy but were led to believe they were benevolent. Consequently, some with all good intention might join a masonic order without or only later realizing some of its members were involved with spirit people -- and to that extent it could be said they were ensnared into participating in something they might otherwise have found repugnant (that is, had they known what was actually going on.) And, as you might gather, there are all kinds of other scenarios and variations to be conceived -- made all the more possible by an order's penchant for secrecy and arcane codes of conduct. I don't mean to suggest all or even most masonic orders were or are afflicted with infiltration by spirit persons and their henchmen; yet if only one or a few of the major ones were you can see for yourself what misunderstandings or confusion might result.


None Dare Call It Treason

How very appropriate -- this November 22nd -- to find the Google Quote of the Day (in turn taken as usual from the "Quotations Page") to be the following.

"All the President is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway." - Harry S Truman

-- as no doubt the makers of the film "Independence Day" would agree. (Some might think I am being overly sensitive in remarking on this, but it is not what is said that is troubling but rather the frequency with which such institutional ridicule and cynicism is expressed. And what, moreover, would these critics replace democracy and constitutional government with -- rule by rich men and clever ghosts? )

19 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Some Lost Dialogue

Goomerton: I always have to do the wrong thing a certain way, Mr. Snavely.

Snavely: Yes, well, that much I can see for myself. You know, you think you're so smart, but in my opinion, I think you are just this person who has had mind control done to him and you don't even know what you are doing.

Goomerton: Oh you do, do you?

Snavely: Yes, I do. Don't you see how good people have it when ghosts like you aren't around?...(pause)... No I suppose you wouldn't. Look since you told me a while back that you do both the right thing and the wrong thing, that you visit both Heaven and Hell, then why not do the obvious thing -- and go kill yourself!? The one thing that would please everyone and he won't do it.

Axelrod Leon: He does these things a certain way; so he knows about these things a certain way.


When the going gets tough the tough get rational -- no matter how scary, how omnipotent, how awesome, how spectacular the god, ghost, demon, angel, deity or what have you is.


He Will Not Mind His Own Business for Nothing

Sherman single-handedly could a hundred defeat Till spirit people were brought in; him to cheat. So now while his enemies thrive in wealth, honors and name; He now must live friendless, in poverty, and in shame.

"Worry not for Sherman," consoled a voice on high. "Rather live rich, enjoy yourselves and buy. For great, after all, shall be his Heavenly reward." That's easy for him to say -- because he's not my Lord!

Please then real Heaven, grant me this request! May my murdered kids in peace find joy and rest. As for myself, I don't ask much -- only to be free. So would you please tell these ghosts and angels -- "M.Y.O.B.!"?


20 One of the things that is often so thoroughly exasperating and perplexing when dealing with Hell spirit people is, understandably, why they act the way they do. Although it is true, as I have stated previously, that it is easy to discern motive in some; at other times you are still left scratching your head baffled -- even in the case of one whose motives were fairly obvious on an earlier occasion. "Why is he so crazy?" then is a question many who have dealt with these people on a prolonged basis will predictably, at some time or other, have asked themselves.

And yet this not a matter of idle of curiosity, but one of utmost importance if humanity is ever going to properly deal with and contain these kinds of people; namely, who are they and why do they behave the way they do? What is needed, inasmuch as it is possible, is to be able ultimately identify with some reasonable amount of empirical accuracy exactly who is who and what they are in this for. One of the things that has driven people mad down through the ages is that all they ever had to go on in identifying these people were quasi-mythical titles like Satan, or Devil, or Lucifer, when as a practical matter these perhaps are at best vague abstractions with little, no or else a misleading basis in fact. To know who someone is, we might not necessarily need to know their actual name, but it still might be possible to build a character profile and put together something like a rough biography of him. Precision of this kind is crucial if we expect to contend with or combat such persons. If, for example, he was, as would seem to be the case, a regular (now a spirit) person who lived in this life, what might be found out about his history? Are there spirit persons who manifest certain, peculiar behavior patterns such that when we learn of this or that going on, or else hear this or that point of view (or philosophy) in some way being expressed, might not these give us some grounds to suspect that specifically so and so might be involved? The more we can answer questions like this, the better we can label and identify who is who and thus rid ourselves of the weighty handicap of having to fight as blindly as we have hitherto been compelled to.


He will say this and will have said that; as if this or that were the reason he does the wrong thing as much as he does. But don't you believe it. He does the wrong thing as bad as he does not because he is wise, rational and experienced but because he is irrational and frightened and listens in secret to spirit people who tell him how things "really" are. And this you see, more than anything else, is why a great fool and madman is what he is.


A Faustian bargain or else a quasi-Faustian bargain can (in certain ways) be likened to a situation where a great Pirate comes to an island (in this case the island representing the community where you live) and uses his plunder, stealth, sleight of hand and pirate mateys to take over and control it. He might not himself actually sit in the Governor's mansion, but whoever does sit there is made to obey and answer to him (at least when the great Pirate feels it is necessary.) Now because of this state of affairs, if you live on this island you cannot work or do business unless you accommodate the Pirate and his gang; indeed if you do not accommodate him you may be subject to attacks and retaliation for your refusal. So, not so surprisingly, many come to think that going along with the Pirate is their only choice, and perhaps will even assist him in persecuting or eliminating those who do not cooperate. Now if instead of a great Pirate we speak of a devil, god or a powerful spirit person you will get a more clear idea of what I am actually talking about.

The question then is, why is it or is it not a good idea to cooperate with the Pirate? Some living on the island will be too frightened and or brainwashed to even consider that there is any alternative. But for those who are not (or would not be) this way, they can at least ask the question; and which here, dear reader, I again ask you. If you lived on the island what might be the advantages or disadvantages of going along with the Pirate? If the Pirate offers you riches for your cooperation, is there at all a downside to having these riches? If the Pirate obtained his wealth and position of great power through murder, robbery, kidnapping, and torture -- and your wealth depends on your cooperation with him -- does that in any way affect the value of the wealth you yourself possess? Is your freedom and ability to do what you want with your wealth at all affected by the necessity (at least in many instances) of securing the Pirate's approval for

21 all or anything you do? Who then, in the long run, is actually in a position to profit and get rich based on such an arrangement and given possible restrictions on choice?

For one thing, as some will already recognize, if this Pirate is a brutal mass murderer there are certain things one won't really be able to do (except by way of acting or pretending); such as insist on (something like) real justice and truth for example. Therefore, while a citizen of the island can have great quantities of gold; if they want to spend it on promoting justice or truth, the pirate can refuse them this or else, perhaps, demand they pay an astronomical price for it. In other words, under such a regime while you can have much of certain things, there are other things you cannot have at all or else can only have at a ridiculously high rate of expense. This is easy for some people because they will not think things like greater justice or greater truth matter, or else will accept phony versions of these; so they don't feel they are missing out under this way of doing things.

Obviously, there is much more that can be said on this subject, but the above will serve for a start.


Moral Oscillation

You had it. You don't have it. (He took it.) You will have it.

He had it. He has it. He won't have it.

And how did he have it? And where did he have it?

And how will you have it? And where will you have it?

But why is all or was any of this ever an issue? Indeed a crisis? Because, as it turned out, he needed you -- though you didn't and don't need him (and though you continue to do your best to be nice to him.)


The millions who existed merely eating and carousing, or who lived tyrannically or fared slavishly in the Dark and Middle Ages could not have saved learning for posterity; only a small few were so oriented, had the desire, were able and in a position to accomplish this. Why? Because virtually all else believed that such things as learning don't matter -- not that they inherently thought this, but it was more easy and possible to lead them into believing it. And had autocratic spirit people (who you will know from reading me previously I see as being the primary culprits) been able to get, as well, the noble few to accommodate and facilitate this forced and encouraged ignorance then much of learning would not have survived at all -- and yet in a significance sense not all great learning has survived; and this gives you some picture of where we, as a species, are at in our understanding of things.


22 The quote of the day from "The Quotations Page" yesterday (14 Nov. 07) was this from Joseph Conrad:

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."

And yet when did you ever see or hear in the news of someone deeply (or not so deeply) involved in magic*, witchcraft, sorcery or the occult ever brought up on charges of anything? (I won't say it never happened, but you get the idea.) At the same time, we are supposed to believe that the million dollar money ostensibly pouring into "Harry Potter," "The Da Vinci Code," "Yugi Oh," etc. is a result of popular desire and enthusiasm.

* I of course don't mean by this theatrical magic or magic merely for entertainment purposes.


"There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight To me did seem Appareled in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it hath been of yore - Turn wheresoe'er I may, By night or day, The things which I have seen I now can see no more.

"The rainbow comes and goes, And lovely is the rose; The moon doth with delight Look round her when the heavens are bare; Waters on a starry night Are beautiful and fair; The sunshine is a glorious birth; But yet I know, where'er I go, That there hath past away a glory from the earth."

What Wordsworth wrote in the above stanzas from "Ode on Intimations of Immortality" or else expresses in his much longer "The Prelude" must, I think, be true because it was very much like he speaks of when I was very young too -- although in my case it wasn't merely objects or manifestations of nature, as Wordsworth usually (though not always) focuses on, but also in the people I knew then (and how I knew them) or in the things people did or made.

For example, when I went to Saint Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre when living as a child on Long Island, what was beautiful to me about the church was the idea of the love of goodness and the pure love of goodness; and probably the most holy-like and devout I ever felt in my life was at my first communion; when the little girls in white dresses and veils carrying small bouquets and the boys in white tie and shirts and nice navy blue suits with silken ribbons worn on our arms walked in procession to the church. I remember we were given a missal and a rosary. I had both for years until the rosary, along with a silver wristwatch my mother gave me, was stolen from me not long ago (ostensibly by someone from the Hooligan group.)

More than a few items from my "Recommendations of the Week" are things that I delighted in when younger. They could become so precious to me -- so much so that it is a little amusing to me now how sentimental I was back then; and how a child's awe and wonder could take something others might merely find diverting or attractive and turn it into something like a life epiphany. The love of the people who

23 produced these things came through and touched me very personally, and in looking back now perhaps a little bit absurdly so.

Later growing up in the Seattle area in the 70's, it was more specifically like the experience Wordsworth describes. Nature was all around; it was a close part of our lives in one form or another; and even watching some 16mm film in Junior High Science class, say on geology, you could feel Nature's peace and warmth in the narrator's plain, unadorned and matter of fact manner. As well, the culture, with respect to films and television was more natural and nature friendly.

Then there was, of course, Nature itself or Nature proper. Farms, as an extension of, were often family run affairs, and places where you could casually go work for if you wanted a part time job, and be out picking fruit or berries. The mountains with their white caps, the solitude and quiet of a marshy pond, endless hills of forests, the countless islands in the Sound --it all made life seem something divine -- only better; so that even if you weren't financially wealthy in another sense you were still very rich just to live in such a place.

In this way the Creator was more near to us. That we lived in the United States a free country (at least on paper and in the hearts of some) only added to the simple joy of it all. And when I read and studied the history, how (though offended some will be to hear me say this) very proud it felt to be an American. I don't meant to suggest that everything and always was light hearted and innocent back then. Yet there were times, nonetheless, when it was.

Even the city areas and people were more natural. I miss the old Naval Reserve building on Lake Union; the tall sailing vessels that every now and then came to dock in the port. I miss the turn of the century and old Indian flavor of the Seattle Center, and what more fond memory than the distant music playing from the lighted Christmas ships as they sailed Lake Washington under the cold December stars as a friend and myself watched them from the rooftop of a waterfront house (on property now, as I understand, owned by Bill Gates or some other Microsoft magnate.) And to be frank with you, I think the girls in those days (that is those on average you might run into) were generally more charming and prettier.

Then this witchcraft (or call it what you will) plague hit town in what in retrospect seemed like calculated stages -- first rearing its horns in the way of the Green River Killer. And without enumerating here the countless ills and maladies which sprung up in its wake and how people, lifestyles, or the landscape became more and more deformed and mutilated as time went on, suffice to say one thing after another ended up being destroyed or ruined by this wholesale invasion of crime and the occult; that to this day holds such sway over our region.

These spirit people have some pretty girls and a funny elf or two, and while of course we would not want to cast aspersions on the slaves and victims in their ranks, the world of these people which we have come to know, (whether in the guise of Heaven, Hell, or something in between), and which seems to have largely displaced Nature as the reigning power is, we come to learn, for all its dreadful and awesome shinings and thunderings, is at best trite and superficial; at worst disgusting and loathsome. And no doubt this is how other parts of the country also became messed up and debilitated - though at a much earlier time. People like Steven Spielberg evidently admire or take to these spirit people; but by and large (and given the exceptions I gave), I'll tell you quite bluntly that they make me sick.

Religion, at least as far as I believe, is (as much as anything) the adoration of truth, goodness and innocence. Where then do we get he idea that spirit people, such as angels, necessarily embody or reflect such? There are those who seem to think that with the presence of great evil there follows a greater opportunity for good. I, for my part, fail to see the obvious truth of this. In sum, it seems that when it comes right down to it either one listens to his or her heart or else listens to a ghost; and I don't see how you otherwise escape the fact.


24 Held together by bonds of fear, lust, money and a ghost to lead and guide them, they speak of other things but what do they really care about art, justice, truth, science, their country, religion, or children? As far as they are concerned all of these matters can be satisfied by watching a movie or putting on a television show.


The reason my opponents usually if not always have nothing to say, and avoid debate and intellectual confrontation certainly, is that someone else does most of their thinking for them. I came across this quote on a forum message board and which is typical of the fascist mentality that so tragically grips and takes hold of the minds of many today.

"The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility" -British Sea Lord John Fisher

While there is some truth to this, taken at face value it is the most reckless and lunatic kind of sentiment. For what do you wage war for in the first place? Violence? And yet the unstated implication of this statement is that the violent are winners -- well, yes and no. The true key to victory lies rather in heart, steadfastness and intelligence -- and yet what kind of heart and intelligence is that which insists, not on the expediency of, but on the supremacy of violence?


The greatest threat evil poses is not the allurements or temptations of evil as such (only the very stupidest fall for this) but rather in evil's impersonation of higher good.


Imagine someone who could cover you in deepest, deepest darkness; so that you are shut off from friends, relatives, new opportunities. It ought not to kill you so if there is true reason, heart and light left within you. And remember, if this did happen and no matter how many others were involved it would still be only one person, namely their leader, who was really or most responsible for doing this to you -- for who else would bother? Now then will you fear or will you defy him? It's up to you.


Oh ye gods, goons, and hooligans! Who and where after all these years is your great man and when will you get him to come out in public to face me?


Infotainment Edutainment Scientainment Theotainment Medicotainment Juristainment Entertainment-tainment (Where does it end?)


I came across this picture at

25 "'Gott strafe England!' - God Punishes England

"Prayer on a wall in France. Germans used this slogan in the Second World War as well. Autochrome color picture made in 1917."


One of the major difficulties I have had when raising the spirit people issue (particularly thinking here of when addressing professional people) is that some will think (though without directly saying so, of course) that I am being uppity or a smart ass by not answering to or going along with these spirit persons. But you see from my view, it is these spirit people who are the smart asses. The problem is the only ones who can understand what I am talking about are honest, rational people; made all the more difficult when some, who are honest and rational otherwise, lose these qualities when they find themselves dealing with real life spirit people (or ther henchmen.)


I think that is very true. Indeed, were it not for the fact that he gets to use torture and violence, no, why would we care what he says in his movies, news shows, and propaganda? And even then we only take notice so as to bring to others attention what a fool he is (and why, in turn and in support of the fact, he should be sent to prison.)


Quote of the Day

"If you're so great, what do you need me for?" -- William Thomas Sherman.


It can truly get and become horrible beyond your wildest thoughts; and then they will say that is how life is. But this isn't really how life is, or if it is how life is this is only because society indulges some millionaire or billionaire who in turn harbors some ghost sorcerer; which in turn is like granting asylum and a domicile to a plague or a disease.


Spirit people angels or heaven that you can see with your vegetable eyes are for the most part and invariably (given their otherwise and usually secretive or furtive nature) like Hollywood backdrop sets -- all or mostly a front; with little or nothing behind but the beams and supports holding them up. And they are and can be as Hell as any devil; as, for instance, when being used by someone more powerful and clever than themselves.


A Trip Down Memory Lane

I came across this link the other day while looking up information on a pulp author, and thought I'd share:

26 The funny thing is how mild this stuff looks now, and, moreover, that you can't even do things like this anymore. If you look further into this site's archives and reviews you will find there was and has at one time been a very involved and at length peeping tom series -- which is very appropriate seeing that spying on people is something a Hell person like the lunatic magician spends as much time doing as anything else.


The best way to fight Hell is to attack their assumptions -- and I mean attack their assumptions and at their root.


What is the "Prince and the Pauper" Strategy or Method?

Replicate the good, and substitute the phony version in people's minds for real good; thereby cutting out the real good. As result, many people will either abandon real good or else will adopt the false idea of real good being evil or else partly evil. Since a counter strategy against this approach involves honest reason and basic morals, they of course are persistent in endeavoring to undermine these along the way. Yet while it is easy for them to concoct phony morals, reasoning that is both false and convincing is much, much harder to produce or pull off at large; hence the more usual tactic of attempting to get people to dispense with reason altogether.


Aside from occasionally picking up a game by happenstance on television every now and then, it has been a long time since I followed sports and sporting events (thanks in no small part to my "situation.") Yet I must say how heartening and an inspiration it is to see fellow Yankees demonstrating their support for Joe Torre; not least of which because the gangsters they are standing up against are the same (or at least the same kind of) gangsters who have been ruining this country now for over the past decade.


There are a series of questions that over time I have learned and come to ask myself; and which accord me a certain peace and acceptance in making my way through this life. For those who might also benefit, the following are those questions.

* If the good of the world goes to someone other than you, why grudge it? If they are unjust, they won't be able to properly appreciate and enjoy it; if just, why not be happy for them and be glad that there are just people?

* If the world seems no good, then why should you worry about your place in it? If good, then what reason is there to complain (at least as far as yourself is concerned?)

* What good is having good, if a person doesn't know what good is (except in a trivial sense) or else doesn't know how to choose what is good? And if they don't really know what good is, then why should you care all that much what they think?

* Do what you can. But why fuss too much otherwise about what you can't help?


I wasn't aware of this myself; so for you who perhaps weren't either -- did you know that the first known use of fire on the North American continent dates back to at least 16,000 years ago; while it's known

27 original use stretches back to 1 to 1.5 million years ago to South Africa? (Shows you what you don't know; unless of course you did.)

Check for some more details (though this .pdf article itself is primarily focused on a topic narrower in scope and only incidentally digresses on the more general history of fire's use.)


Many see the departed as past and gone and done with. Yet that is how many of the departed (thinking of demonistic spirit people -- whether they be angel, ghost, devil or what have you) see us. And right they are, in a sense, to think of us this way inasmuch as we permit Hell to do its work in our midst; if not finding ourselves actually in league or collaborating with them.


That children and their health, welfare and future should have importance and priority above and before eroticism and our own desires makes sense to any thinking person. But of course, not everyone thinks -- not least of which if they are irrational and under the influence of spirit people.


The idea is Hell's general can send someone out to do whatever it is for him. But no, of course, he wouldn't dream of doing anything like that himself (nor does he need to.)


"Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen" is a band; but "Commander Cody" or "Commando Cody" is also a character from the 1952 film "Radar Men from the Moon." I mention this because if you didn't know the difference you might, like myself just now, have easily gotten confused as to what "Commander Cody" meant.


He might, after all, be no more answerable or better than a dog with a sprite in him; all the more reason to be cautious and (to some degree) empathetic in our judging and condemning him -- and despite his high position and despite his continually harsh, indeed violent, conduct.


The one who wins in this game is not so much the one left standing but the one who is most wise and intelligent. Now it goes pretty much without saying that, aside from certain kinds of (or occasional) technical cleverness, the vast majority, if not all, of our opponents are and for the most part losers and de facto slaves in this department. This leaves us then with their supreme mastermind to contend with.

It is an essential aspect of his awesome strength to reject real happiness. It's enough for him to be a slimy monster of great destructive power (i.e. "congratulations champ, you've made the grade" or "rejoice, for now your heart is full," etc.) We, on the other hand, are not so easily satisfied; so that it is necessary for us to hold to basic morals and honest reason; since these are the basis of true happiness. This can cause us to be weak in ways in which he is strong -- but not at all times and not necessarily.

In order then for us to win we merely need otherwise to be able ultimately to either get away from or get rid of him. In this respect the victory conditions we have to achieve are very simple and straightforward and

28 not so challenging after all to attain -- as long as we remain lasting in our faith and conviction. Yet if you still think this difficult, try subscribing to a cosmological view which assumes the world revolves around evil and see if you can or will do any better.


Someone else first brought this up, but I thought I would at least make mention of it here also. Anyone know whatever happened to Julie Sommers of the "Governor and J.J." with Dan Dailey? I myself just did a search on the internet; her entry for the imdb is notably sparse while the above was the only photograph I could find of her.


I spent the greater part of last night researching via websites, including reading material and watching interviews and documentary videos about the Manson and his alleged "followers" and the Tate-La Bianca killings, in effort to find a connection between spirit people and the extremely sad and shocking events that took place back in 1969. The following then are some (though not all) of the conclusions I arrived at; tempered with the caveat that I may (I realize) well be mistaken on a given point; or else if correct my inference might require a certain amount of qualification. Finally, I offer this then in part as something that might help in the way of healing for some.

* The situation with Beausoleil, Hinman and the bikers strikes me as something that may well have been set up in advance by a witchcraft spirit person, say a ghost sorcerer. He may have orchestrated things such as the drugs Hinman sold being "bad;" while at the same time setting in place the scenario where Beausoleil found himself faced with the biker's retaliation. Manson's arriving on the scene of Hinman's home, which caused events to escalate, was also probably brought about by the same spirit person. All of which things were done with a design in mind of getting Beausoleil into trouble while at the same time setting things up with the Manson group for what would take place later.

* It is interesting to note that both Beausoleil and Polanski were artistically involved in the occult: the first engaged with a project called "Lucifer Rising" and the second had made the film "Rosemary's Baby." Why then would witchcraft people have attacked them? To put it simply, because they refused to be as bad as these witchcraft people wanted them to be. This sort of reason also may be in part why Manson himself was later targeted.

* In the midst of my analyzing the various facts, I was told by a spirit person (who have an impolite way of intruding themselves) that, in effect, Polanski and his wife were already targeted by witchcraft people, and would in some way of have had some way of knowing about or fearing an assault or attack of some kind before they knew or had any contact with the Spahn ranch people. So that the spirit person who set up the Hinman death had intentions at that time to use the Manson people to attack Sharon Tate and the others at the Polanski home that night in August 1969. It would seem further from this that this spirit person incited and gave ideas to such as Susan Atkins, Tex Watson and the others to go and do what they did. The spirit person, previously mentioned, also informed me that the purpose of the La Bianca killings was to reassure the killers that what they did to Tate and the rest was no big deal; psychological protection for themselves if you will.

29 * It seems very clear to me that whatever his faults otherwise, Manson was set up to be the scapegoat and whipping boy. Not merely to distract the investigation but for the purpose of sadistically tormenting him. So that when he spoke of being Christ they intended to make him "Christ;" in the sense that he would be dealt out a great deal of punishment; purely or almost purely for sadistic reasons (those who know these spirit people will understand what I mean.) Bugliosi, although well intentioned, it would seem was in some way used to further this end though how exactly or in what manner I would not presume to say. Manson, meanwhile, foolishly allowed himself to be led into going along and playing this role.

* The courthouse carrying on by his followers, such as Good, Fromme, and Manson himself, was intended to bring the focus on Manson -- again both to distract from what really happened and to set up Manson's own relentless punishment and vilification.

And there is more I could say but will leave it at these few points for now.

These matters will understandably be disturbing and frightening just to think about, but I would reiterate these spirit people are not invincible, and if one takes a military-like approach to analyzing and understanding them you will come to realize that, while they have great strengths and can be extremely powerful, in other ways they are very weak and the way to get at them is to get at their weakness -- just as they themselves know to get at us through our own weaknesses.

Last worth mentioning, one should be careful not to be too quick to judge the exact purpose of these spirit people in given circumstances; the motives might vary, say from something very elaborately planned out to merely an extemporaneous desire to provide themselves a thrill, put on a show and garner attention or some combination of these.


If he literally or effectively wears a crown on his head, isn't the obvious question "who ?" (And if he says he isn't really sure or isn't sure exactly who this person really is then you can see how it speaks for itself.)


In all my many years combating and resisting arrogant and almighty spirit people one of the most important things I have found to keep in mind in dealing with them is to reject the good they presume to proffer or have as treasure as their excuse and justification. Although torture, violence, fear and harassment are the means they used to acquire their unmatched physical wealth and material status, they don't, even in the least, have the value in themselves (and how they do things) to back up or morally sustain such possession (i.e. they are merely rich criminals.) It is easy for me to say this because I have much and long experience detecting what is the real thing and what is most phony when it comes to these spirit people (remember they came and come to me; I never come or came to them.) The problem is, nevertheless, others are not so sharp.

So, for instance, these spirit people and their henchmen could murder my little children and carry out the most sadistic kinds of cruelties and acts of depravity; yet if I go ask someone else for assistance and redress, these spirit people could tell them I was being called by "God" or some higher power and, in the mind and eyes of these others, substantiate their claim by revealing Heaven or angels or something else seemingly divine to them. Moreover, they will ever be insistent in doing so; such that even if the cheat is spotted these con-artist spirit people will (almost) never let down their guard and admit the detection is correct and will ever go on foisting their pretense. The hoped-for helper then, being so persuaded, refuses me help; indeed may even blame me for what is going on; simply because, in addition to not being sticklers for truth and honesty, they lack the rational intelligence, caution and discernment to see that this "Heaven" and these "angels" are bogus in actual value (though these, by no means, are the only benign guises such spirit person might adopt to effect their persuasion.)

30 Having said this, one need not assume that all spirit people among a group of spirit people are all or equally bad. Many of them are merely dupes or people who in their own mind might mean well but simply do not really know what is going on or what they are doing -- and to that extent may be deserving of pity and sympathy. Even so, stand your ground against their leaders and the big shots because these and their "heaven" (or "heavens") are truly worthless, and it is absolutely essential to reject the suggestion that they are in any position to justify their evil on the basis of what seems to be their seemingly mind boggling riches; which in reality (given their presence amidst such riches) are (and taken all in all) nothing more than so much filth, sickness, disease, etc. At the same time, if others are being unfairly cheated by these people (such as these other duped spirit persons I mentioned), you are not responsible or to blame for that -- as numerous as they are or as regrettable or even tragic as is their situation.


The Real War on Terrorism

Picture if you will, someone who more or less and on the spur of the moment possessed the power to give you a hideous malignant disease, administer an agonizing poison, or have a bodily part of yours removed and or transplanted (without your consent), and the police and everyone else would not only refuse to help you but might also end up aiding and abetting them (the criminals or terrorists)? If you can picture this then you have something like a more realistic idea of what true terrorism is all about. When a society permits, as it were, a certain person (or persons) to have such power that person can become almighty powerful, indeed, perhaps as or far more powerful than anyone else in that society.

Well, this of course is the sort of power that has been behind or responsible for so much of the taking over and overturning of so many major business and institutions within the last 20 years or more.

And, who do you suppose is left to meet this threat? Well, so far any number of poor and uneducated women, children, and animals as well, are thrown in as sacrifices to the monster; as well as a few dissidents and conscientious persons who go to meet the threat but who don't quite realize what they are actually dealing with -- until it's too late. Of course, in order to combat such terrorists, it is necessary to be able to speak about them openly. "But if I speak about the real terrorists openly, then I risk having those things (referred to above) done to me." So, as a predictable matter of course, the terrorism then is not discussed; and being not discussed cannot be addressed, and being not addressed allows the criminals to thrive and prosper and run, or at least directly benefit from, major businesses and other profit making endeavors while wearing a mask of respectability, and in many instances not even all that convincing a mask or disguise (witness "" for example, or the "Harry Potter" and its ilk franchises, or who is actually in control of Microsoft.)

Now why would anyone act so viciously and for money and worldly influence? The vast majority of people, if not all, would not dream of doing such things for money, worldly influence, or anything; not of or by themselves certainly. But you see rather, it is certain spirit people who would be willing, prepared, and then order others to facilitate and or carry out such. And what do you suppose people will listen to when they find their back to the wall? Common sense, humanity, and right reason? Or a spirit person commanding and with a mob of "respectable" (and not so respectable) people, and perhaps even angels also, to justify and back them up?


For those of you who don't already know, there is a real Dr. Ruehl, and he is not merely a fictional character I invented for "Ghost of the Traitor." Here's proof.


["Ventrilo Harassment - Dr. Franklin Ruehl"]

31 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Guess which Democratic candidate for County Prosecutor (for King County, Washington State, and in which Seattle is located) would most likely be soft on, if not a push-over for, organized crime, and then guess which ended up winning the primary. Click on the given thumbnail to see the larger image.

It is not that I question my namesake's sincerity necessarily (no relation, by the way), but the way these things are done they can say they are against crime but only go against small time crooks while finding all kinds of excuses to let the big ones go or get off the hook (which is typically, as you probably already know, how it is done all over.) Now admittedly I could be wrong and unfair in candidate Sherman's case; nonetheless I don't think I would want to take any chances by voting for him.


"It's Show Time!" -- Beetlejuice.

The times when I find myself most upset, including say feeling hopeless, frightened, or isolated, is when and right after I wake up from sleep or a nap. This is partly due to the fact that upon waking I am understandably a bit disoriented and only semi-conscious while typically and at the same time (given my "situation") am being harassed or tormented by these people in one way of another. And though devils may do the harassing and tormenting, it is a great king surround by angels in the sky who ultimately commands them (i.e. the devils.) Well, this sort of thing happened to me earlier today, and it was so bad that the one thing on the occasion that picked me up and pulled me through it all was my remembering my bitter and deep seated hatred of these people (allowing for the fact that many of their followers are poor slaves and zombies whom of course I have no actual bitterness toward.)

Hell is so successful as they are in no small part because they hate others thinking and as a result themselves use mind control -- recall Boethius having a rope tied around his head or various forms of brainwashing and various forms thought manipulating involving violence that have taken place in just the past century (alone.) When such tactics of persuasion are successful, it puts these spirit people in a position from which they can hold out or offer to others "protection." Then a certain number of regular people will come to agree. "Yes, we need protection," they end up saying. So they come to submit and acquiesce to the terms of protection Hell offers. If the invasion by these people is successful in a given society, at some point afterward those regular people who cooperate will be informed that there is a certain person or person in their midst who still will not cooperate, and as a result is or are jeopardizing everyone else's security and

32 safety. "Heaven for bid!" the sell-outs and collaborators will cry in response. "We must get that person (or persons) before they ruin things for everyone!" And thus they make a virtue of their own weakness while maligning and perhaps persecuting those who are "jeopardizing" everyone's safety (by not submitting and taking protection.)

"I must rule with a iron hand and a cold heart in order to maintain my reign," says their god. "Yet for those who will cooperate, they will surely receive great kindness, mercy, and generosity."

Well, we well know what his brutality is like, but what shall we say about this goodness and munificence? It is, of course, little better than trash, rubbish, phony, etc. Though they effectively or often (or effectively or often would seem to) control music, science, religion, history, film, sports, news, government -- yet they can't really do any of these things (not very well certainly.) Nor do we ever really see it working for their people; who are invariably doped up on angel dust, sorcery, or false holiness.

In sum, if you allow yourself to be ruled by fear, you can never win and you never will be free.


Cool. Hot. Sexy. Awesome. There -- now that wasn't so very hard now was it?


Certainly they must be among the most hated and accursed maniacs the world has ever seen or known. But what can you do? The one sells his soul to the devil for riches, women, money and honors, and as a result brings all Hell into our midst. No, I think it is just one of those things. I told him myself I thought he was one of the craziest, most out of his mind people I ever knew or heard of in all my life. But he doesn't listen, rest assured.


They seek to disprove Natural law by not aiding justice. But far from proving the invalidity of Natural law, their conduct merely argues how excessively unnatural they at bottom are or must be.


When all is said and done, the worst or worser criminals in the city are the worst polluters and spoilers of the land. And environmentalists who will not make the effort to clean up injustice in the city cannot hope to save the land by merely running off to the country (and seeing to it.)


Though I speak to you of monsters you should think of angels also; for some angels, in various roles and capacities, are in on these things to; yet not necessarily because they intend or mean harm. It's just like with many regular people; they simply don't, or don't necessarily, know what they are doing. How then does one tell the good from the bad? As always, by being courageous, honest, rational, and just -- as best one can.


God is not the magic that makes or sets things right. God, rather, is what is right but whom or which we do or can or will not see. This doesn't mean we can afford to be indifferent to or passive in the face of evil. Instead, it means we need and ought to deal with evil rationally and intelligently.

33 But bearing or taking up the cross -- is this being rational? Under certain circumstances it is not all that very difficult to see how it could be. For example, taking up the cross (again, in certain circumstances) might prove beneficial in many and various ways; say, by offering a courageous example to others; or else, say, by demonstrating or expressing one's disdain for how utterly impossible it is to be truly happy and contented under the ruling regime.


While granted I do not want to be beat up, notwithstanding, I still do not believe in the divine right of kings.


It is a true wonder that the great (spirit person) power or powers "that be" permit and continue to permit El Jerk and the Inhuman Magician to get away with murder and what else crimes they do. Let us then respond by saying to he, or them, who is the would-be justification for the two aforesaid monsters, "If it is your way to indulge and sanction, and to continue to indulge and sanction these criminals, then you get them -- but you don't, nor ever will, get us. We utterly condemn and reject any kind of association with you. They (the two monsters) are your people, and we are not nor ever were your people."

In other words, El Jerk and the Magician look to this greater power or greater person (who is a spirit person) as their excuse and justification (he might, for example, be telling the that he is "Jesus" or else some other figure of real or imagined cosmic importance)-- we then flat out and unequivocally reject that person and, at the same time, the attempt by the monster men to use him as their would-be excuse and basis of legitimacy.



A modern house o’er looks a modern bay; Yet new enough to bring back bygone days; Strolling down sidewalked streets; past fenced backyards; Yet the lost past seems not so far away.

Imagination takes me back to then. I dream; and soon it seems like long ago. I join free air and wind in swift adventure And athwart the tall, waving grass we go.

Or from branch to branch we skip, leap and run; From leaf to leaf memories to beseech; Toward the black smoke of fires drifting Where wood is burning on the distant beach.

Come packed canoes in the dawn’s dim, red light; Though the thunder threatens with hints of rain; They yet bring gifts overflowing to you. For once more Potshatl has come again.

"Come, come then to the Potshatl my friends; Where he who most wins is he who most gives.

34 And as the earth and sea give so shall we. For he who most loves is he who most lives.

"Though they come fine, rich and filled with bounty; Yet they will be put to shame my daughters. For because you are the joy of my heart Your spirit will be wide as the waters;

"And your pride rise high up as the great sky. For myself I don't need so much, that’s true. My riches are great and already mine, I need no more since, you see, I have you.

"And if somehow I could I gladly would Give and give to all those who sadly died; Finding laughter in their being happy. Far from forgetting, I weep that they cried.

"But for that very reason let us sing; As birds do. And like insects let us dance; And like flowers let us adorn. For this is how to greet the morn. For with just a few or even one good friend One can go on making songs ever without end. May they then soon be our friends! May they all soon shine; Even if too we perish; Even if too we’re left behind."


(As true today as it was back then.)


Bugs R Us

Though I can't say I have seen them personally, I rather suspect that today's leading organized crime figures (and to a large degree) tend to resemble orcs or trolls in physical appearance.

35 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

A Lexicon for Our Time

* Blogging: The views of people living on a lower or relatively lower income level. * Church: A training ground for pedophiles. * Faith: A virus caused by thinking. * Gitmo: "Get more." * Government official: Someone hired to work for and protect the policies and interests of rich and powerful criminals. * Police: Someone empowered to combat junior criminals and turbaned foreigners who pose both real and imagined threats. * TV newscaster or TV news reporter: Streetwalkers or prostitutes who ply their trade on television.

(with more to come...)


Maybe you are supposed to mind your own business; it's just that you don't think about it that way.


On the Anatomy and Economics of Misery

Speaking in very broad, but nonetheless essentially sound, terms it is fair to day that 80 to 90 percent of people's day to day misery (not to mention occasional tragedies) comes directly or indirectly from spirit people who make it their business to inflict suffering while sedulously instigating problems. (The reasons, forces and motives for their acting so I won't delve into here for brevity's sake.) The other 20 to 10 percent is ourselves, others, and otherwise ordinary mishaps that might arise accidentally. Now a factor underlying how much these trouble making spirit persons can bring is, in large measure, how much and to what extent a community's members are in some form of partnership, league, association, or even agency with such spirit people. The more members of the community that do act in cooperation with these spirit people, and the great zeal with which they continue that relationship and participation, only increases the power of those people to inflict even greater suffering on any given member, part or whole of that society. This problem is further compounded and complicated by the fact that such misery and pain people feel often is in reality the misery and pain of the spirit person (whose presence they do or don't acquiesce to); and yet they mistakenly infer the misery is their own (rather than the spirit person to whom it actually or mostly belongs to.)

Why would then some get into such partnership with such spirit people? Because these spirit people are the best at robbing and taking advantage of others; while at the same time they can claim that they can provide a certain security, protection or insurance which will guard the partner from harm. Not only do some see such an arrangement as desirable, but out of fear and other factors (again speaking very briefly) come to think it necessary that they so act. Did they know the truth, of course, if all or the vaster majority of that society's members rejected such partnerships or such partnerships were outlawed in the community (accompanied by a effort to regulate the influx of identifiable trouble making spirit generally) then this would, to say the least, be far greater security and protection to them and at far less cost in the long run.


Once again for the record, our position, formally speaking, is thus:

36 Aside from the suggestion that they possibly need or require special charity or pity (in light of certain weaknesses or shortcoming they possess or suffer from), we utterly and completely reject the suggestion that spirit people somehow are "our" people or that they are in a position to represent what we believe. On the contrary, we see over-lording and dominating spirit people as their people (i.e. our opponents') -- and to that extent are no Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. -- contrary to what our opponents would like to assert and justify themselves on the basis of. The proof of this lies in that (allowing for ordinary human imperfection) we are of and for the truth -- it is they and spirit people, by contrast, who consistently deceive, dissemble, and keep secrets; and therefore those spirit people (regardless of the guise they put on) are not, nor ever were, of us (who esteem and seek truth, mercy and fairness); and are and ever were of them (who do not.)

Naturally, one of the reasons I say all this is that our opponents (those who think lightly of evil, falsehood, and injustice) would like to have you believe that these spirit people (or some of them at any rate) are our people; when on the contrary, based on the conduct of such spirit people, the latter are not only not our people -- but, in fact, they are their (i.e. our opponents) people (attempting to deceive and pull a fast one.) Our opponents need those spirit people to know and understand what is going on; we emphatically do not (and look rather to reason, facts, and the Holy Spirit, i.e. the spirit of Love and Truth.)

At the same time, while our opponents will harbor or consort with spirit people, we utterly and categorically reject such in our own lives, and wish nothing more than to be rid of them. How then are they in any position to claim that such dictatorial or authoritative spirit people are our people? Of course, the truth is they are their people, but their people masquerading or pretending to be "our" people.


Yet another and to the point way of putting it is to say that authoritative spirit people are not credible because they are the worst and most low down cheaters and bullies in the world. How is it then someone could believe that they possessed Heaven? It just doesn't make any sense that heavenly people would need to act in such a way (and if they don't act that way then I for one have no insistent objection as to their potentially possessing some greater superiority to ourselves -- or not.) And yet many will take the chance of their lives by trusting and throwing in their life with such; and this merely because the latter can come as angels, perform marvels (such as predictions), frighten them to death, or communicate in a manner which makes it seem as if they were imbued with high authority. Indeed, it is people's placing their confidence in and lending their ear to such spirit people that is the death and overthrow of reason, basic morals, and natural sentiment in societies and communities; since once again, by lessening our capacity to reason, be honest -- and care it gives them greater power and excuse to use and take advantage of us to suit their own selfish purposes. Of course, the wider picture is more complicated than this; yet both the importance and essential hard fact of what I am describing cannot be denied by anyone having a real acquaintance of what has from time immemorial been going on between flesh and blood versus presumptuous, invading spirit persons.


When they are putting the pressure on you, you by your endurance have it in your power to put the pressure back on them. Now this said, it may go on like this for an excruciatingly long time. Yet assuming you don't die under their hand outright, you still always have this power.


What good is what ever it is you love if you can't tell the truth (most of the time?)


37 "Oh Sherman..." and he sticks the knife in the me. I am going to try to see someone. He sticks the knife in me. I'm sitting at home working on something. He sticks the knife in me. And though it has gone on like this for years and years, he still doesn't even know who I am (and merely does what he is possessed to.)


That Dead Bodies exhibit certainly did wonders for Seattle's artistic life. S.A.M. now is probably the only Art museum in the world to have doubled as a morgue; which, these days certainly, will speak to its credit and advantage.


Those who purposefully do the wrong thing well get what they want. Only what they want -- at bottom -- is rubbish (as we see in the case those who are in greatest power.) For example, he spends his career doing movies and his movies (at bottom) stink. But you see, those are exactly the kind of movies he likes.


As it is not infrequently our business to assist in improving the quality of life of our readers, we offer the following pledge or declaration to be recited and pronounced whenever you really feel so weighed down by necessity as to relinquish or compromise your principles.

Demonistic belief; Demonistic belief; I believe demonistic belief. All hail the great Hooligan; Who always did the wrong thing a certain way; Hooligan all hail.


It is one of my most fundamental arguments when contending against spirit people to say, "You simply don't have the goods -- and I am not interested (in you or what you are saying or what you are doing.)" Their reaction will characteristically be to attempt override this irrefutable logic by (in effect) responding that if they "do these things a certain way; then they know about these things a certain way." This, as a practical matter, means they have to do things to people, and on a regular basis. And they evidently believe what they believe quite strongly; truly, they are dedicated. It was somewhat a mystery to me why this was so until I realized that if a certain kind of person is programmed, brain washed, hypnotized, and conditioned long enough then this sort of disposition and outlook can be behaviorally brought about.


Our greatest hope lies in the fact that somehow, somewhere there is someone courageous, rational, and intelligent enough to deal with what's going on -- that is, if there is such a one.


The more people are illiterate, irrational, and alienated from each other the easier it is for spirit persons to enslave and control them. No wonder then that there has been a purposeful effort on the part of the latter to undermine literacy, rationality and the most long held and sacred social and family ties.


38 Justice, much like food, is something God naturally provides; however, it only makes sense to cultivate and grow it -- all the more so as we are given and taken to having and owning property. (I remember how at law school, an aged, learned and esteemed professor there guffawed when I suggested that there was or should be a connection between it and the law.)


Taken all in all, everything was so beautiful; everything was so wonderful, and things were just on the threshold of becoming even more so -- when (within recent decades) these stupid witchcraft and spirit people ended up taking over and ruining -- just about -- everything. On reflecting on this this morning, I then said to him (the magician's representative), "If ever they do get around to killing you people, you will at least have the consolation of knowing how richly you deserve it."


It's a wonder why those autocratic spirit people who harness multitudes like beasts, could not, with its millions of casualties and lives lost, have been glutted and satiated with the First World War. And yet the plain fact of the matter is they weren't. What do you suppose then ever will finally satisfy and please them? Peace on earth; good will toward men? Not very likely, and until you are prepared and willing to start shooting them you will never know, for all their stupendous magic and wonders, how "divine" they truly are.


The above was about the only picture I could find on the internet of the tattooed wrist of a former concentration camp victim; and therefore not necessarily one I would have selected if I had more to choose from. But this said, it will serve our purpose. One of things worthwhile in displaying this phenomena of behavior (viz. tattooing or disfiguring others) here is to raise questions about the cause and nature of such activity. To me when I see the numbered tattoo, it reminds me of the sadistic weirdness some Hell spirit people are given to; and there is no question in my own mind that the Nazis originally acquired this demented proclivity from such. Now can you think of instances where this same kind of mentality (or something similar in spirit) is palpably manifest in our own present day culture? Yet not only do we see such things, but these people have even gone so far to excuse it (i.e. physically branding or mutilating others) as something fashionable.


To tremble or throw up one's hands at the power of the mob stems from people's inability to see that without a head a mob (or the mob) isn't anything (at least not so much of anything); and that the true leader of mobs are spirit people. The refusal of society to admit to and address spirit people scientifically and rationally has then, not surprisingly, resulted in its tragic failure to expel and extirpate the mob, as a political and economic force, from its midst.


39 I have played military simulations (or wargames), whether in board top or computer form, now for many years; and even done some design in that area; and by all standards of these games I have played I can categorically say that I can claim a DRAW against these people; and to that extent I can also claim a SUBSTANTIVE VICTORY against these Hell people. For consider, they had the following advantages:

 Element of surprise.

 Spirit people criminals: including ghosts, angels, and devils of various kinds.

 Futuristic technology in the way of brain torture radios; as well as Nazi scientist type technicians at their disposal to administer poisons and diseases when necessary.

 A billion dollar war chest.

 The (effective) full cooperation of government, law, police, church, activists, and the university -- inasmuch as none of the people from these institutions or professions would assist me.

 Over fifteen years to make good!

For my part I had no friends (the reason for which you might surmise), no money, was made physically disabled by these people, have been subject to ongoing torture in various forms (and of one kind or another) for fifteen years and more. And yet -- I have survived more or less intact in my faith, sanity, (most of my) health, and person despite all this. That I have not actually been able to eject these people out of my life reduces my level of winning against them to a draw; but given what they do and have had so much to go up against me with, I think, this then increases the result to a substantive victory for myself. What then after all these years have they been getting by on? Their own competence? Or someone else's charity and backing?

One of the points I want to make in raising all this is to begin to illustrate and encourage the idea that these people can be fought militarily; and that part of that process and approach involves stacking up our own strengths and weaknesses versus theirs; being careful to observe where and when we or they are proficient or deficient in this or that category of power or effectiveness.


Why We Fight

I so fell in love the Sergeant's "Crazy Paws" leopard that when I first saw it at the store the other day I, at the same time, decided to buy it. Not only is it a nice quality hand puppet for very decent price, but it also reminded me very much of my one surviving cat, Neffy; particularly with regard to the fuzzy muzzle and that imperturbable look in his eyes.

40 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

The Peaceful Din

Honk honk! -- Honk honk! “What loud, strange noise wakens This cold and damp autumnal night?”

When wonder to behold: Miles and miles of Canadian geese Heading south in noisy, distant flight.

Yet like a canopy of clouds Housing the mists of a mountain Is the calm left over from the sight.


Much of society will claim to be secular and reject religion. But, as a practical matter, most such reject religion not as a result of careful thought and philosophical reflection, but because, whether directly or indirectly, they listen to and receive their guidance from spirit people whose existence they will not openly discuss or admit to (and who tell them to reject religion, honest reasoning, etc.)


The idea is that if you print so many of those books and make so many of those movies you will be placating the wrath of the great god; while, in the process, securing one's own material abundance. Needless to say, this is not how a courageous, rational person, or else a humble person of sincere religious faith, would conduct themselves. The question then becomes one of who and what then will you follow? Facts, reason, and honest people? Or bribery, threats of violence, and ghosts?


If you believe in the inhuman teaching of demonism; then heaven help you. For I cannot.


As best as I understand it, Johnny Depp (as celebrity superstar) is supposed to be what the magician would have been if he hadn't gone bad.


Though his head be gravel, he rules with an iron fist.


I hope the rest of you can sleep easily at night even if Ben Ladin is still on the loose. I know I can't.


It is like reality television -- only in real life.

41 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Or perhaps we can put the matter this way. Who else would be employing the Frankenstein monster to run or operate brain torture radios on people? I would think that would speak for itself as to the kind of person he is, and yet this is exactly the kind of person these witchcraft people (or those who privately or secretly engage spirit people) will ultimately answer and hand over control of their own lives to.


One Knocked Up, Forty Year Old Virgin with a Beautiful Mind.

If one gets beat up by Hell long enough, and strange as this may sounds, there is a good chance you can actually get used to it -- though never they themselves doing the beating up, of course. The following is a kind of summary of tips I would, based on my own long and trying experience, suggest to those who might find themselves so afflicted (in no particular order.)

1. Always remember, that as long as you yourself are not behaving too badly, the problem is and always was theirs. You may suffer then because of what is their problem, that's true; but this is far, far less of a travail than actually having the problem yourself. 2. Attempt to analyze what they are afflicting you with; making such distinctions as to whether the pain or annoyance is physical or psychological or both; and then attempting to identify the particular and specific source of its origin as a means of better understand and thereby getting better hold of what's troubling you. 3. Good, sound, rational judgment is everything and not all the angels of "Heaven" or all the devils of Hell; or all the riches and opinion of the world is any substitute for it. 4. It is not what goes into a person that truly defiles them; it's what comes out of them that counts. 5. Missing out on life's pleasures and blessings is far less bad than being a friend of those who, for all their clever disguises, are the fount of all real misery and unhappiness. 6. One thing career Hell people incessantly strive for is to get you to see or interpret things the way they do -- whatever the topic; no matter how profound or how trivial. Although it is well to be objective and open minded for purposes of logical analysis; one should otherwise and at all cost hinder or prevent their achieving this end of theirs. This is not to say they cannot be right about something; they very well can be; but this is the odd and rare exception. In general, one needs to formally and emphatically reject them and what they are about; for if you find yourself beginning to think and or feel like them then you know you are having some real problems. 7. Though big demons are typically hard to budge; small ones employed by them often can (by one's adopting certain tactics and practical methods; use of sound for example) be easily ejected and dispersed (at least temporarily; depending on how much the "big" demon is willing to invest in bothering you.)


Where did he get this idea that after he died he could return from the grave and, by means of sleight of hand, sinister violence and underhanded connivance no less, appropriate to himself what he considers to be his fair share (i.e. that he lost out on while living?) Absurd isn't it? And yet it is from such as himself that originates the now commonly accepted conventional wisdom that if people do not cooperate (or partake) of evil and wrong doing then they cannot really share in the general prosperity; and that only through such cooperation is prosperity even possible.


(So I said to him) When all is finally said and done -- you are the ones who are going to suffer more than anyone else.




"...The dear Lord's best interpreters Are humble human souls; The Gospel of a life like hers Is more than books or scrolls.

"From scheme and creed the light goes out, The saintly fact survives; The blessed master none can doubt Revealed in holy lives."

~ from "A Friend's Burial," by John Greenleaf Whittier.


Shakespeare's Prospero and Caliban as characterizations are in large part correct and authentic; with the crucial difference being I myself would not, to put it mildly, portray Prospero in nearly so positive a light as the bard does. Taking his Caliban as the magician, however, he is (just about) right on the money.

Later note. And Captain Farrago and Teague O’Regan of Brackenridge's Modern Chivalry also come to mind. However, don't take me so lightly as to overlook (i.e. in the real life instances) the very lurid or virulent evil these two (or such like them) are capable of.


There is an economic, so to speak, aspect to my "situation" that understandably might be lost on some; and for which reason I thought I would enunciate in the interest of greater clarity. Understand about these spirit people (and their regular person henchmen) that they have spared no expense in the way of money, resources, and time chasing after me and following me around all these many years (it almost makes me feel like Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan in that respect); indeed can't seem to get enough of me (really.)

And yet despite such involved and ongoing effusions on their part they themselves hold no real attraction for me whatsoever (though I would take money from them if they were willing to give me some); and this after having experienced all kinds of spirit people Heavens and wonders as their way of attempting to persuade me to like them -- really such things as you might see in a great religious painting by a master; accompanied often with feelings of rapture and ecstasy accompanying such (naked to the eye) sights and visions. One of the reasons it is all so uninteresting to me (except as scientific phenomena, and I will grant also they can put on a good haunted house when they put their mind to it; and as well they have some pretty girls) is because while they might be able to display the trappings and put on the aura of Heaven, they simply don't have the right people and personality to back it all up (and leaving aside the obviously bad things you could relate about them otherwise.) Now, I don't say all this for purposes of placing my own self up on pedestal; but the simple fact is they came to me. They put me on the spot; and so I am both forced and entitled to give my honest reaction. Nor do I say what I say in order to seem somehow cute or else Promethean in my sentiments. Nor do I have the need or desire to insult or hurt their feelings. The simple fact is (and in my opinion) -- they just don't have it (much like how THE great movie career doesn't really have it.) Oh yes, like the great movie career, they have some nice this and that -- but taken all and all and for the most part, my verdict after all this very long period of years remains the same -- I'm simply not interested (and would prefer that they desist in bothering me and wasting mine and their own time.)

43 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

If our nation's leaders often look worried, bewildered, and beleaguered perhaps it is because the government is not combating it and the country's true worst enemies (for who else has such wherewithal to bring these leaders to such a pass?)


I am condemned by someone; and evidently he possesses some power (and some way) to do so. However, it must be admitted that his inability to face me takes much of the sting out of that power.


Some 19th century people re-enacting the 18th century.


If life comes as a surprise to someone, say in particular someone who is in your charge or who you care for (whether, say, a person or pet), why not help in making their life a surprise present? And an ongoing one at that?


On taking a walk through a park's wood one evening, I thought what if Jupiter or Neptune suddenly loomed up in the sky before of me; say was only some thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles distant? What would I be looking at? And yet that incomprehensible giant is but a speck in a greater stream in turn in an ocean of spinning stars all racing toward what? I wondered then if there are spirit persons (of some sort) in those celestial places, and that if they saw me perhaps would they have trouble keeping back their smiling at being alive and seeing someone else like themselves who was also? But we don't quite see or know such since where we live it is the lower sorts of spirits who more frequent us and this are not like this; and perhaps we don't see this other side of spirit people given the fatally immoral and unpoetical environment in which many of us live.


Imagine someone who was able to obtain just about everything he (thought he) wanted while realizing what were for him his most delirious hopes and aspirations -- yet all the while was not entirely rational or in his

44 right mind. How very fortunate then that such an one should hold such phenomenal and lordly sway in our midst! Ask him to take responsibility for what he's doing, he will say "No, I don't have to. These spirit people are the ones who really decide everything, I am only doing what I am told."

Well, indeed, it is these spirit people who tell him what to do; who make him what he is; and make his fantastic state of wealth and power possible. Who then are they? Like bugs they will go run and hide when you attempt to bring them into the light -- and yet they would be treated and privileged as gods or else be seen as embodiments or manifestations of high religion. What hypocrites! What bullies! What low down cheaters!

And whose people are these? And who will take responsibility for them (seeing as how they won't and cannot be made to take responsibility for themselves?) I myself would be glad to face him, but evidently facing people and assuming responsibility for his irresponsible people is something arduous for him and beyond his great cosmic powers.

But of course these spirit people are not nearly so great as they put on or pretend to be; and it is only others' childishness, illogic and dishonesty that makes them so.


Some try to make evil look beautiful or else use beauty to disguise evil, and in some measure succeed. Even so, there is invariably something quiescently damnable about such beauty (at least to the discerning) - - and if not in the person or thing themselves then in the person using or associating himself with them -- a phenomena, if you happen to be dealing with spirit people, to be very much kept in mind.


I recall how one devil, Gyro, in effect, and in the way he had of communicating, told me that dumb people are beautiful. Well, of course dumb people are beautiful only (as I am sure you will agree) that's no excuse to stop educating them, and even less to be holding up such (who are not educated) as authorities.


Those people (given the context and circumstances) are utter trash to me. How dare you then say that that's my God (and then use them as your excuse to justify evil?)



He has nothing to live for; so his intelligent idea then is to rape, maim, torture, and or murder any number of helpless and usually innocent people and animals on an ongoing (if not publicly reported) basis; while at the same time working for and taking orders from the exact same persons who deceived and ruined his own life.

And yet (these days at any rate) this is the very kind of person society most honors with wealth and power and most defers to when it comes to questions of authority. Next in line are many of those famous billionaires -- so often touted for their celebrity; but who don't, and never really did, do much of anything to help anyone (except, of course, the great monster himself.)


45 What's it going to be then, old chaps? Will "Cosmo"* fnally come out of hiding and face and tell me what it is he's supposed to have been so supremely confident about all this time? Or, alternatively, will you finally just go away and leave me alone already? If, as it turns out, you don't really make any sense and don't really know what you are talking about, perhaps you should not have been doing all these things all these years, eh?

* i.e. Much like the Cosmo character in "Sneakers."


One need nor should not put up with these people of themselves, but of life's delays and frustrations one is just going to have to it seems. In this latter necessity, God then could said to be present. Yet in their conduct and carrying which causes those delays and frustrations there is no necessity as such and the two are not at all necessarily the same thing. In light of this being caught between cross-purposes (i.e. doing the right thing and routing our enemies from our midst), one musn't be too grandiose in their immediate (or lifetime) hope and expectations; nor either be dire and suicidal when things go very badly. There is to help us, however, what I call the Poindexter solution (i.e. Poindexter of Felix fame); which is that perfect, clever, adroit maneuver or dash of activity that just manages to get rid of these people (in one's particular circumstances or circumstances at large) but without proudly aggrandizing ourselves or unjustly demeaning them in the process. But what exactly this solution is I haven't quite figured; though this has never hindered me from ever seeking to find it.


Sickness and disease (by way of the subject of health care), war, crime, vandalism, waste, pollution -- these are all topics I heard raised of concern in the news. And yet spirit people -- and who invariably play a very crucial and decisive role in both the fomenting and proliferation of these same problems -- are not only not addressed as an issue, but indeed it is forbidden to even discuss them rationally and scientifically. Indeed, if there was or is any force powerful enough to convince and sway people at large that evil itself may be justified, and that facts and logic and conscience may be lightly tossed aside and ignored -- it is spirit people. This in addition to the practical reality that for the area you live, the spirit people who rule over you -- as likely as not -- are, by origin, values, and interest, foreigners (and not Americans, Europeans, Africans, etc.)


To give yet another idea of what some of these demonistic spirit persons are like, I was perusing a distant solar system, using "Celestia," and it occurred to me that if one of the aforenamed spirit people saw it probably their first reaction would be to be envious, of say one or more of its planets, and proceed to contend (if only in his imagination) against those planets having it too good. Of course, I would counter by telling him those planets were none of his business (in that way in which he assumes); but predictably he wouldn't care what I or anyone else said in an effort to dissuade him.


If beating him doesn't mean anything then that's just it -- it doesn't mean anything. Therefore, his vaunted claim to greatness and superiority have obviously little or no basis in reality. And I told him he was in fact like a mummy because he was continually going up against this wall of contradiction like someone entombed. For years he would be saying things like “Oh well, if you don’t have this, or if you don’t have that, I guess you can’t really live your life – I know I couldn’t”; followed up with something like “See you later -- chump.” And yet at the end of the day it is the cheap-jack violence that has been doing his real duty for him – so why was he then saying all those things all that while anyway? Those taunts also clearly don’t mean or count for much of anything (i.e. seeing as he needs, as it turns out, to resort so much to the other.) He wants attention and prestige for doing the wrong thing so much but why is it I am supposed to care?

46 And after all, I said, I don't have to go to heaven, you know, you can just go to hell (instead.) But I say these things for a good reason despite how it might sound. You see we don't really want to hurt you or anything. It's like when those bugs come in the house. We don't want to hurt them; we just want to put them back outside where they belong. And it is the same with you (M.Y.O.B. etc....)


I'm Rip Van Winkle; I'm the Warner Brothers frog; I'm Ichabod Crane; Because I'm called by God.


Where shall one seek and find true peace if not in religion? But of course by religion we mean humble and honest religion and no other.


Sure he wants to have it all these different ways; sure he would like to expand his riches, and have this, and this, and this, etc. However, we do not care about that oafly presence that will not take responsibility for what he is doing; nor we are interested in the first place. The nightmares he calculates for our sufferance we deem merely and simply to be manifestations of his own personal unhappiness thrust on us; at the same time, his allures and temptations to something glorious and better than anything we've known we take to be spurious and hypocritical. His violence, threats and fears he causes (often of a dire cast) we equally and thoroughly reject as the devices of a base and contemptible person whom we just as soon not be mixing or consorting with.


So I told him that as far as I was concerned he didn't have to be hellish and damnable if he would at least turn off those brain torture radios. Let those spirit people be hellish and damnable, I said, why should you have to be as well? And think now -- what would Harry Potter do (in a situation like yours)?



Even after a million years Eagles still frown And yet seagulls still clown both high soaring.

The golden bowl of you The ideal of you in a pale blue book Running off in print somewhere

A pretty girl I never saw A part of the hills' and forest's awe Somebody’s sister somebody’s wife It is just as well I didn’t meet her Or I’d love her now too.

47 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

People not equipped or disposed to reason closely and honestly have all the more need for a heart in order to see the truth; for when both proper reason and heart are absent in someone they are then that much more susceptible of becoming a minion of the great monster.

And yet just look at him -- one of the most hellish and damnable people that ever lived; and yet if you don't like or speak out against him you can't work or live your life.


Among the number of pertinent questions that can be asked is -- to what extent did spirit people play a role in the development of what is conventionally understood to be civilization? Even if the answer is yes they to some extent did, does that mean that relatively non-civilized peoples were not without spirit peoples guiding or else present with them (in some way) as well? It is very hard to say. Were there powers of spirit people geographically separated and or of divergent interests to each other? One group under one head? Or perhaps two or a few more main groups overseeing -- or would-be overseeing -- the rest? If so how would these groups (if, practically speaking, there be such) be distinguished? By genealogy? Primordial elemental qualities? Of course it makes a very big difference to say which since how we understand them changes radically from the one viewpoint to the other; since if for example we think of them as merely forms of humanity the task of understanding them is greatly simplified.



It is not a little remarkable that my opponents, though they claim a higher knowledge and understanding than that which I possess, never can or could come out in the open and say exactly what it is they are talking about; resorting instead to sending me riddles or using sign language as means of communication. At the same time, though they often see themselves as backed by a greater and higher power (than that which sustains myself) they can never and never have been able to face me honestly: me -- merely a poor man all alone -- and they with their solid "consensus" and fantastic wealth and power; supported by hosts of devils and angels no less.

Who then, I ask, between us is more credible? Though I wouldn't care so much what others thought or think, I do, however, take understandable exception to being tortured (i.e. with brain torture radios and spirit people) and being denied my basic human rights -- non-stop for what now has been some fifteen years. (If, by chance, you doubt what I am saying, just try, for example, to come visit me at 1604 NW St., in Seattle [Ballard], Washington, to inquire into my claims. Though I have made appeals now for years for someone to do so, no one [except for Sgt. Liz Eddy of the SPD] has yet, in all this time, done so.)


And what could or might become of those middling to higher levels of leadership who thought so little of brutally victimizing the innocnt (and the not so innocent?) Perhaps they will become the true fruit of demonism; that is objects of torture and abuse -- yet who compared to their own victims -- are guilty or much, much more guilty, and therefore it will be a treat for these others to have them as a calf led to slaughter. For here is a calf that is actually guility -- very guilty; so that with what greater relish then will the more refined sadists in the very highest echelons of power be able to enjoy him.


Like that rugged pine that outlasted time -- only better.

48 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

The thing I most dislike about spirit people is their acting so as or being used by others to justify evil, particularly heinous evil, in the minds of the ignorant and unreflecting; for what more effectively persuades someone to reject right reason and believe that evil is a positive good but an angel or a ghost? (Using spirit people to justify evil – this is their game, etc.)


What Job might have said was: "My goodness, I had no idea this is how it is. Yet seeing how this Satan, it turns out, is such a good friend of yours, you can have him but you can't have both and have me also; since naturally as it stands (him being your friend and all), I wouldn't want to have anything to do with either of you."


What I am at a loss to understand about this so- called “Speelburg” person -- is he intent on destroying the world because he disapproves of it philosophically -- or does he perpetrate and immerse himself in evil in order to live a carefree, happy-go-lucky existence?


Herakles, Jonah, Van Gogh, Kafka. Now how can one honestly say they were being helped in being put through the ordeals they were "forced" to undergo. In the first instance, Herakles had to expend the better part of his adult life carrying out labors in some instances pointless; in others questionable as to their practical necessity. With respect to Jonah, he supposedly got the people of Nineveh to repent and yet was it necessary for him to be treated so in order to bring this about? Now lest some people thing me reproachable or impious in suggesting this understand I see God as what got the prophet through his trials and difficulties -- not the one who caused them or who necessarily -- and as such -- sent him on his strange pilgrimage. And with respect to Van Gogh or Kafka, I'm sure you can see, how did they do them any real good?


One of the significant differences between such as take the attitude I do towards spirit people versus others' attitudes is that we do not think that it is necessary to know God or higher truth by means of spirit people. We can know God or higher truth by means of the Holy Spirit, inspiration, right reason, heart and conscience. At the same time it needs to be said the instances where spirit people communicate with regularly people is in most, if not all, instances fraught or accompanied by some kind of wrong doing (e.g. such as secrecy, invading your person); while at the same time most efforts by spirit people to overtly communicate with someone are, based on experience, carried only or mostly by spirit people who are hucksters, would-be power brokers, interlopers, and parasites -- masquerading as greatness or holiness. I will not say this is true in all instances of efforts by spirit people to communicate overtly, but the waters have been so muddied by the frequency of bad ones (over the years) conducting themselves in such a duplicitous manner that it makes all that sort of communication of this kind unverifiable, highly unreliable and untrustworthy (at least practically and probabilistically speaking.) That God should require spirit people (outside the Holy Spirit) to speak to you is flat out false.

Now if you actually happen to be such a one that is isolated and targeted by spirit people, you will soon find that if you don't have friends and or money there's not all that much you can do about their abusing you. Others can lie to, turn their back on or betray you; deny you decent treatment or refuse you your basic rights -- and unless you have friends and money, there is really nothing you can do about it. And even then, in some circumstances even friends and money cannot always help. What then a person should do who finds himself in such a predicament is forget about getting angry and distraught with regular people who won't help you. It is the spirit people who are the real problem, and you need to think most about fighting

49 them off. In order to do this you want most all to let them know you reject them and their presence in your life. You do not seek a heavenly reward for the perhaps very cruel suffering you have undergone at their hands; rather you want them plainly and simply to get lost. You don't need to revenge yourself on them or retaliate yourself on them; you don't require special compensation; keep it simple -- you want them simply and merely gone. You are happy to forgive them if they ask it -- but in any case and without any qualification they must go. Others (that is regular people) who in the course of your ordeal have mistreated you you should really just let go and avoid making too much about it as far as your own personal interests are concerned. The main thing is to try to ignore or forget secondary problems as best you can and -- above all -- get rid of or work to get rid of the spirit people; again, because they are really 90% or more of the problem, and but for them these regular people would not likely have treated you so badly or badly at all.


Just to clarify what I said earlier -- just because someone is very powerful it does not necessarily follow that they are greatly loved. How, if it isn't already obvious, could this be? Simply party A could grant, confer on, or award party B so much, say, great power and material wealth; only they might do this either to use (for their own selfish purposes) and or (if done in such a way) destroy party B (and rather than out of love for them.)


To a person who has accustomed themselves to deal with spirit people intelligently and on a regular basis, the novelty of such visitations or intrusions inevitably, as a matter of course, wears off and they soon come to learn how and what different ways they might react to the threat or nuisance the spirit person (or persons) might cause; and these last can be categorized on a basic level as a) physical duress or injury, b) psychological manipulation, c) playing games, d) a need to use you to get attention of themselves - whether to intimidate, persuade or torment you. And if like in my own circumstance you are made to undergo it for a long time, you get used to it, are forced to get used to it, to a point till you most of the time finding yourself reacting mechanically to such assaults and battery; and (you find) there s really nothing so special after all about these people (versus anyone else.)

One thing however that one should most guard against is their use of assumptions. If they can get you to accept their assumptions -- then they've got you. And truly it is absurd, sometimes literally insane, often tragic, how some people will allow themselves to be taken in by con-artist spirit people. What is needed then is to not merely to question or reject their assumptions (those too) but to attack them. So, for example, he says to you, "I've been torturing people and animals for years and it is a practice accepted and therefore validated by long tradition and experience -- indeed, internationally." What you say to to him is that him and such as himself to believed such nonsense were simply wrong all along and never knew what they were talking about...or the founder of this teaching was a charlatan...etc. But whatever you do, don't for a second put up with these people if you can help it; meanwhile and as always persistently insisting on reason, justice, and truth. Just because they are powerful doesn't necessarily mean they are greatly loved; so you have to look at the whole package of what you are getting with when it comes to these people; and not merely be cajoled or dazzled by what might be admitted strong points or virtues in certain respects.


(For the record) I am a free American -- not the vassal or subject of some hooded tyrant (no matter how "heavenly") -- and while others, it is true, need or will not necessarily respect my freedom, I for my part have no regard or respect whatsoever for their tyrant in any case.

You know how their TV shows and movies are phony, well the heaven of these spirit people is phony in a not dissimilar way. You know how they take over with a seemingly benign face? Same thing. Whatever it is taken over has the same old name, but the spirit of the thing is up and fled. Yet there are always those who will believe the name even though the soul or spirit is gone. But of course taking over is never enough

50 and so a certain number will have to be killed; only my question now is if he is killing us with boredom what then does he need torture and violence for?


She is like a disease to me; and whenever she comes around or is near I feel sick.

And yet she is one of their more attractive, beautiful, and likable people. What then do you suppose I think of the rest of them? Believe me, if mankind is ever going to finally live and finally be free we will have to some way or other get around to wiping out and exterminating the dead.

By contrast, those of the past that are worthy are not someone dead in time, but someone that lives in a timeless, yet somehow moving, perpetuity, and more alive there as much, perhaps more so, than it is alive here; only most of us, most of the time, are too blind to see or rarely see this. This also is why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob et al. are spoken of as living; and why you would never see them as ghosts or spirit people.


For those who are or might be having problems comprehending dealing with the occult, it is of help to see and be reminded that in most basic terms all the occult for practical purposes is is spirit people and or their regular person servants being able to take advantage, injure and or perhaps murder you without the police being able to do anything about it. What the occult then, as we experience it, effectively consists of is the various ways of how people deal with such spirit person criminals, and each other, in the face of such a threat. And when you consider the extremely wide range, styles, and kinds of methods there are committing crime things are only made more confused and difficult to understand. Needless, to say people's reactions and way they find of dealing with such perpetrators can and will vary enormously all the more so as they, in a given circumstance, might have literal mind control being done to them and in a social environment in which dishonesty and secrecy prevail.


The Marquis of Chastellux, in his deservedly praised and valuable Travels in North America in the Years 1781-1782 (Part II, ch. V), gives the following description of life in America at the time of the Revolution; to which portion of his text are appended two footnotes: the first by his translator (who happened to be an Englishman), and the second by the an American annotating an 1828 edition of the work.

[p. 296] "The Virginians have the reputation, and with reason, of living nobly in their houses, and of being hospitable; they give strangers not only a willing, but a liberal reception. This arises, on one hand, from their having no large towns, where they may assemble, by which means they are little acquainted with society, except from the visits they make; and, on the other, their lands and their negroes furnishing them with every article of consumption, and the necessary service, this renowned hospitality costs them very little. Their houses are spacious, and ornamented, but their apartments are not commodious; they make no ceremony of putting three or four persons into the same room;*[1] nor do these make any objection to their being thus heaped together; for being in general ignorant of the comfort of reading and writing, they want nothing in their whole house but a bed, a dining-room, and a drawing-room for company...

"[1]* Throughout America, in private houses, as well as in the inns, several people are crowded together in the same room; and in the latter it very commonly happens, that after you have been some time in bed, a stranger of any condition, (for there is little distinction,) comes into the room, pulls off his clothes, and places himself, without ceremony, between your sheets.* Trans. "[2]* This was probably the case at the time the translator wrote; but at the present day there is no country in which travellers [sic] can be more retired, or better accommodated than in the United States."

51 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

"Given the nod." Kinda makes me feel like Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise -- only in the religious (rather than movie) sense.


It seems to me that his problem can be broken down into two antipodean, yet united, causes. The first is his driving and ongoing need and appetite for grandiose attention; the second is that these other spirit people are so very clever when it comes to psychological manipulation that they have effectively trained him like a dog to always do the wrong thing (or else always see to it that the wrong thing is being done by at least someone.) Certainly these two factors, along with a workman like persistence, is what I most frequently and regularly encounter in his behavior.


 A brave soldier fighting a cruel and malicious enemy.

 Zeno in chains.

 An example to others of willingly bearing the cross.

 A victim of a disease which someone else better than you earlier died from.

 Someone renouncing the tawdry whether in the form of present evils or future false hopes.

 Someone who doesn't matter, so it doesn't matter anyway.

Take your pick.


Having, over the years, pondered the matter to a large extent, I am now firmly convinced that it is perfectly reasonable and acceptable to call a crow a raven for poetic purposes.


To give you just a small idea of how utterly blind and senseless, if not brazenly corrupt and incompetent, the legal and police system has become -- look how much enormous amounts or time, money and resources are expended combating computer, viruses, malware, spam, unsolicted popup ads, hacking and such - indeed the whole phenomena of Vista is as much as anything else a reaction to such -- and yet it is (in effect) unstatedly assumed that the cause of these problems is just some young computer nerds with free time on their hands; and otherwise not a word is even spoken, let alone a discussion prompted, about who is or might really be doing those things. But again, this is just one odd and isolated example (of what on an ongoing basis we at this website attempt overtime to apprise you of many.)


52 And who can cease to marvel at the cheek of purveyors of hoaxes and their accomplices who brought us such works as the 1934 film "Maniac?" Although no longer included on the internet movie data base (imdb), and harder to locate on search engines than previously, it is still up for sale at and from Amazon? And then we wonder about the Dwain Espers, the Phil Tuckers, the Arthur Wontors, the O'Dale Irelands and such. Where are they all now do you suppose? (Working for the likes of Equifax perhaps.)


It is not a little absurd how the wasteful and fairly pointless club membership mentality (itself, in my opinion, a result of the pernicious and parasitical notion that wealth and value are primarily created by artificial scarcity or exclusivity) has moved from the supermarkets to the libraries. While organizations and endeavors such as Project Gutenberg, Google Books, Internet Archive (, and have and continue to make invaluable contributions and deserve highest praise for helping to make books available to internet users (and thus, among other benefits, assist in stemming the tide of illiteracy), shame on other groups like Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Gale: Online Eighteenth Century Literature collection, and Jstor for requiring special permission, payment or restricted access to be able to use them. What is the reason for this? Is it fear of hackers? Are they trying to make money? Although perhaps someone could provide me with an explanation that makes sense, as it stands I have a hard time seeing what arguments would support such.


"In general" -- that is based on vague and questionable inductive conclusions versus "in and of itself" that is based on reason and principle and immediate facts. For example, custom can make something wrong seem acceptable or something right unacceptable -- yet if instead of general assumptions formed by convention and habit we turn instead to the particulars, and in the process convincingly justify ourselves on the grounds of honest reasoning, we have it in our power not only to see something differently but also to make and shape its reality as something different to us than how (some) others see it. At the same time, the failure or inability to be able to do this reflects the inability to grasp at existence and instead shows us as to be more prone to be blown about by it following a greater frequency of illusions which certain others -- who do grasp at existence -- routinely set as traps and snares.


It is more and more a wonder to me how people take these spirit people (at least those who lord it over others) so seriously. In all the years I have dealt with these "holy" and hair raising characters the only person who they ever could ever get to face me (aside from Gyro who made more of a mere guest

53 appearance by comparison) is this monstrous magician -- and he's some kind of Frankenstein man (with some Archimago thrown in.) Now then who and where is their great leader? Their mighty man of valor? Their profound sage? I don't, nor ever did, see any such person. Yes, they have great disembodied voice -- but this is I deem only one more shameful villain and rascal who can't face me. True, when it comes to ganging up on someone they are veritable princes. But if you want man for man you will have to go to someone else. And yet, observe, despite all this, these of whom I speak are exactly the kind of personalities many look to for their -- of all things -- religion.


"In Praise of Prairie"

By Theodore Roethke

"The elm tree is our highest mountain peak; A five-foot drop a valley, so to speak.

"A man's head is an eminence upon A field of barley spread before the sun.

"Horizons have no strangeness to the eye. Our feet are sometimes level with the sky,

"When we are walking on a treeless plain, With ankles bruised from stubborn grain.

"The field stretch in long, unbroken rows. We walk aware of what is far and close.

"Here distance is familiar as a friend. The feud we kept with space comes to an end."


I don't understand some people. If you can't speak the truth who was ever meant to? And surely there is more to life, one would think, than living merely as a happy slave or a duplicitous criminal or accomplice.


Caution -- he may, unlike you, have been fooled. But stop and think -- if he wasn't fooled he might prove as good or better a person of faith and virtue as either you or I.


What I would like to see, if possible and for here on out, is an all volunteer movie career only (whether the latter be of a Hollywood and or else religious cast); with a permanent moratorium placed on all further conscription and an end to that (which for some time now and at present) continues to be forced and levied on our citizenry in its interest.


54 That not only your enemies but indeed your friends should (as it happens) end up mocking or deriding you should come as no surprise; really it is all very much carefully calculated to be that way and there's no need for you to take it personally. It has been done so many times to make it (for practical purposes) beyond counting.


Because he tricked or murdered his brother they permitted him to found an empire, and now they call him King of Heaven. And all these spirit people who are his followers (and who are not outright slaves or hostages) are simply such as who never did much real good; and who instead of living their lives trying to do the right thing (as best they could) instead lived their lives doing things "a certain way." This then is and what perpetuates cannibalism; because to be fallen means to be a cannibal.

[Later Note] By cannibal is meant someone who survives or lives his or her life by means of the premeditated, deliberate and intentional death of other humans (the latter usually being, but not always, children or poor people); it doesn't necessarily imply that they eat someone in the literal or culinary sense.


Do you know what he said to me this morning? He said -- he had been beaten before. My response was that this was not at all surprising -- the wonder and awe of it rather was in his getting away with as much as he does.


Why he verily does have Copernican Revolution of his own also: the world revolves around himself.


Yesterday's mummies and...Tomorrow's?

"The Mummy" with Boris Karloff is a very good film for showing the character of what some of these authoritarian spirit people are like: though a monster possessed by evil, his motives are in many ways very human. Interestingly too, the mummy "stare" we see a number of times in the film is something some of these people (like "Simon the Magician") might do to you -- that is stare at you (whether openly before you or in your thoughts) either to frighten or mock you. What is lacking in Karloff's Imhotep, however, is a sometimes sense of humor and the ability, often, to be or represent any and everyone to whomever they can fool.

[Later Note.] As I recollect it now, the only movie monster "Simon" ever himself made mention of to me was the Creature from the Black Lagoon; so that it is possible he himself likes that comparison better.


55 If the Cock Lane ghost was real then what was the purpose of the whole affair? To get people to lie about it being not real.


As religious or would be religious, we don't at the outset seek suffering and persecution, but rather recognize the very down to earth and practical fact that if one chooses true good and to tries to be good that they very likely (probabilistically and historically speaking) will be made to suffer and be persecuted; moreover, by intelligently and artfully adopting certain forms of acceptance of suffering and persecution we are better able ultimately to combat and overcome them; and for the benefit of others (in sparing them these things) as much or more so than ourselves.


To be truly great -- at least with respect to the minds of most -- means to be greatly loved, doesn't it?


I was cleaning up some papers when I found a single sheet carefully folded up. Upon opening it, I discovered it to be a prayer I had written in about the late nineties. At the time, I was attending church; in part because I knew I was dealing with real Evil; but still had not, however, met or known about spirit people as I have since and do now. Even so, and interestingly, the pray, allowing for its liturgical formality (and occasionally trite phrasing), is still a pretty good one I think -- at least for its sincerity; and is still perfectly sound if for "Father," "Jesus," and "Holy Spirit" we are permitted to interchange or substitute words such as justice, truth, beauty, reason -- all of which qualities false spirit people can pretend to but, by definition, cannot actually be or realize; and yes how utterly and absolutely horrible it would be to think of addressing these kinds of sentiments and petitions to such (or any spirit people for that matter); and you will understand it neither was my intention then, since, or now to do so.

Feeling the burdensome weight of my sins, Dear Lord Please in your mercy indulge and receive this my prayer. For offending your Love, I ask in the name of Jesus Our Lord That Father in heaven You forgive me in order that I Might be worthy to have this my prayer heard by You.

All Glory, Praise and Honor Be Yours Dear Lord. For without you, All that is good in the world, All that is good in me, All the good that has ever happened Simply would not be.

There are things I would like Things I would have happen, Yet always and everywhere, Always first and foremost, Your will be done. Use my life as You will, May I lose my Life If it may allow me to

56 Show my Love to You. My Life is ever Yours, Your will be done.

After this, four things I would humbly ask:

Please protect and keep safe the Innocent, All children and animals, From pain and harm From the evil and cruelty of the Devil and Man. If I need be I will go to Hell That this might be so. Please protect and keep them always.

Please forgive my sins, Both what I have done, In my thoughts, words, and deeds. For these I ask I am sorry and ask that You continually give me guidance From offending you ever again.

Dear Jesus, be always in my mind In my heart, my body and my soul; Let me come as close as possible to being like You In Your love, compassion, humility and courage, That through my life the Father, You and the Holy Spirit May be adored and glorified.

Tell me Holy Spirit Every day What I should do, What I should think, What I should say, That I might be worthy of being called The servant of God the father Yourself, Oh Holy Spirit, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mary Our Mother, and all the blessed angels And saints Who live and reign forever.



I don't know why this continues to come up as what's supposed to be a serious argument, but once and for all we can confound the philosophical challenge -- if they don't know what they are doing, then why do they have those very pretty girls? Very clearly they are God's great pity on these people, and no doubt even some of the oldest of the devils, like Gyro, will have figured this out long ago -- but not all of them obviously (some of the dumbest idiots of all time.)


57 Although it is encouraging and heartening to see locally a resurgence of that traditional interest and enthusiasm in saving and protecting the environment; yet people need to be cautioned or reminded, if we can't or won't protect people -- and I mean everyone (as best as we honestly can) -- from cannibal spirit people, witchcraft magnates, professional mobsters, serial killers or nazi scientist types then our ecological and similar efforts, as well meaning as they are, are ineluctably futile.


Without breath there is no life; Without words there is no breath; Without poetry there is no freedom; No freedom? What's left but death?


The name "Shrewsbury" happened to come up in the previous item, and the association got me to wondering about Richard III and the riddle of the allegedly murdered princes in the tower -- like the Arnold treason case another one of history's great mysteries; and which quite frankly to me, and for brevity's sake, bespeak the close involvement of Machiavellian spirit people in the puzzling and much clouded events that transpired. Jonathan Frid, by the way, at his website presents the Richard III story in a fresh light via Shakespeare's (by some suspect) treatment of it.

Although I can hardly count myself little better than a person browsing on the subject, and no expert, my sense of the matter is this.

Even if Richard was not guilty of anything intentionally wrong; his failure to protect the children shows either:

1.) Negligence and incompetence on his part. and or

2.) That he had vicious enemies who would murder innocents in order to discredit and unseat him. This may perhaps be supported by the possibility that his brother Edward IV may have himself been murdered (perhaps by the same people.)

If 2.) then why did Richard send the boys to the Tower? Either a. in a hopeless and clumsy effort to protect them or b. he was led or tricked into doing so in order to set him and them up for what happened.

Even granting the above suspicion, this does not necessarily mean the Tudors were to blame -- all the less so if spirit people were involved somehow; and which I personally would suspect they were. This means then that if we consider the boys to have been murdered, it is necessary to take into account what possible spirit people's motives may have been at work in bringing about what took place -- and this might include sadistic desire for someone's and or else a group's ruin


58 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

With respect to Major John Andre', whom we made mention of here not long ago, I came across the following story of interest in Edward McCrady's History of South Carolina in the Revolution: 1775-1780, (1903), p. 487; who in turn takes it from Nathanael Greene's early biographer, William Johnson (the William Johnson referred to in the text is someone different.)

"Just before the lines [siege lines at Charleston, S.C.] were thus closed [late April 1780] an incident happened which, then without significance, proved afterward to have been of great importance if it had been understood. William Johnson, who, it will be remembered, was the first to organize the Liberty Tree party, and was throughout all the events which led up to the Revolution [Christopher] Gadsden's great support, was then serving as a cannoneer in Captain Heyward's company of the Charlestown battalion of artillery, stationed during most of the siege at the hornwork in the centre of the lines. Going in on a visit to the town on leave about this time, he called to see a sick friend, Stephen Shrewsbury, at the house of his brother Edward Shrewsbury, who was a Loyalist. There he saw a stranger dressed in homespun, and asked Edward Shrewsbury who he was, and was told that the stranger was a back countryman who had brought down cattle for the garrison to the opposite side of the river. The answer being prompt and plausible, nothing more was thought of the circumstance. But eighteen months afterward, while William Johnson was in Philadelphia, where he had been sent with the exiles from Charlestown who had been confined in St. Augustine, -- just after the discovery of Arnold's treason and the execution of Major Andre', -- he met his old friend Stephen Shrewsbury, who reminded him of this incident, and asked if he remembered seeing at his brother's house a man dressed in homespun. And upon Johnson's recalling the circumstance, Stephen Shrewsbury went on to say that the man was no other than Major Andre' in disguise. That while he was sick in his brother's house he was introduced to and repeatedly saw a young man in homespun dress who was introduced to him as a Virginian connected with the line of that State then in the town, but after the fall of Charlestown he met and was introduced to Major Andre' at his brother's, and in him at once recognized the Virginian whom he had seen during the siege. Thus his brother acknowledged that it was so, but asserted his own ignorance of it at the time. If this story, which is well authenticated, is true, it appears that the occasion upon which Andre' was captured and executed, was not his first exploit within the American lines. * Johnson's Traditions, 256; Johnson's Life of Greene, vol. I, 209, note."

It is an ironic facet of human character that while we would not think badly, as such, of someone for being executed as a spy in war; yet if he also denied being one things suddenly become more complicated and we look askance; and whether or not we think well or bad of him otherwise and for other reasons.


Hell -- as you who know already know -- is very clever at masquerading. So much so that, sometimes, after fooling a group of people, they don't need to be around to still go on fooling them; and can instead leave things on autopilot (in some instances, for a good long while.) This being considered, what do you suppose hell masquerading as a school is like? (How different from a real school?) Or, say, a hospital? A church? A government? The law? What but tools of abuse and oppression? So that they idea is to take what would be medicine and turn it into poison.

59 Now where do you suppose such an idea comes from? That by killing someone you can then take and have what they have. But how could such a principle have evolved to such a height of elaboracy and intricacy; such as we see in masquerading? Is it really worth it to get the good they seek (as originally intended by at least some of them) -- or rather is their purpose simply no good? (By even only the general look of things, I take the latter to be the answer.)


Because I am a fan of the Hesse novel, I was hoping I might be able to make a recommendation of the 1974 film "Steppenwolf." Having just watched it yesterday, however, I am reluctant to do so. Max Von Sydow is very good, and the scenes with Dominque Sanda have a charming and amusing quality about them, but otherwise I think the film, aside from being an extravagant interpretation of the introspective book, too easily lends itself to misunderstanding -- nor am I myself entirely sure what the filmmaker's intention was. This said, it is in many parts (though not all) an interesting and thought provoking film in its own right; not least of which because it in effect portrays an intellectual being hounded by a spirit person devil -- though this fact (intentionally or no) is never overtly stated; and this portrayal, based on my own experience, is quiet accurate. Some of the dream sequences that takes place in the Magic Theater are exactly like some more elaborate dream productions someone like a "Simon the Magician" can do to you. If then you want to know what it is like to be tormented by a ghost sorcerer, this film -- again whether intentionally or no -- reveals the same (in a number of respects at least) very correctly. It is a shame, however, Max Von Sydow's character does not fight him off (or what he considers to be the wolf within him) with and using Reason -- because that is an absolutely essential power one must avail oneself of in order to contend with and combat such people. Alas, the character in the movie, like so many in real life, seems to let himself be bamboozled and led by the nose by his devil -- when believe me folks, if you do have some gumption and sense (and despite the childishness and readiness of others to cry uncle) this is not at all necessary.

And, just remember, if things get really bad, and worse come to worse, you can always shout -- "Je-rry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!..."


Famous Bloggers of the Supreme Court.


It would be interesting if someone wrote a history of very wealthy people down through history.


Can one command peace in oneself? Yes, inasmuch as they are not attached to things and images.

60 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

He doesn't listen to life; rather he gets his wisdom and knowledge from listening to the warped and demented dead; and as a result lives his life for the purpose of pain suffering and misery; not for peace or happiness. He uses evil to have his way; then spends his winnings on wasting his own and every else's time.

Our hero. (Just for the record, it isn't evil if it is just.)


I know that you know that when I say these things you expect me to live up to them.


Meditations on the Cross.

Just because bad, timid, brainwashed or corrupt people won't help you in your desperate hour of need doesn't mean you are undeserving or unworthy.

If Hell and Evil inhabited darkness prevail, it is only because a certain number of people -- perhaps including yourself -- assume they must prevail.

A Christ figure can, if he so chooses, absorb the pain others would otherwise receive at the hands of Hell.

The quality of your life is based irreplaceably on the quality of your love.

They need us; we don't need them.


I don't remember who said it, but it bears repeating that a people without their history is like a person without his or her memory -- and, we might add, risk the probability of acting just as stupidly as the latter. But of course, like any worthwhile thing, history needs to be done well, and if ill done, can not only be ineffectual, but possibly become the cause and source of problems. And when we are without our more sacred traditions and heritage, such as a sense of truth, justice, honor and compassion, we then become debilitated in our ability to function and survive while usually at the same time irrationally believing that though our forbearers don't or didn't matter we somehow do.


Or, as another way of putting it -- he should be on the chain gang or doing time at the rock pile. But you know him -- (he's so divinely superior that) he's beyond god and evil(so the first, of course, won't be necessary.)


Unconditional surrender is the only way to deal with such people; there is very good reason for this; nor, in demanding such, be fooled by that numinous or ethereal glory that is unharmonious and at odds with both Nature and Truth.


61 Earlier this afternoon (it is now getting on evevning as I write this), I fell pleasantly asleep shortly after reading this opening to the second part of Shelley's "Queen Mab;" and thought some of you might enjoy it also.

"If solitude hath ever led thy steps To the wild ocean's echoing shore, And thou hast lingered there, Until the sun's broad orb Seemed resting on the burnished wave, Thou must have marked the lines Of purple gold that motionless Hung o'er the sinking sphere; Thou must have marked the billowy clouds, Edged with intolerable radiancy, Towering like rocks of jet Crowned with a diamond wreath; And yet there is a moment, When the sun's highest point Peeps like a star o'er ocean's western edge, When those far clouds of feathery gold, Shaded with deepest purple, gleam Like islands on a dark blue sea; Then has thy fancy soared above the earth And furled its wearied wing Within the Fairy's fane.

"Yet not the golden islands Gleaming in yon flood of light, Nor the feathery curtains Stretching o'er the sun's bright couch, Nor the burnished ocean-waves Paving that gorgeous dome, So fair, so wonderful a sight As Mab's ethereal palace could afford. Yet likest evening's vault, that faëry Hall! As Heaven, low resting on the wave, it spread Its floors of flashing light, Its vast and azure dome, Its fertile golden islands Floating on a silver sea; Whilst suns their mingling beamings darted Through clouds of circumambient darkness, And pearly battlements around Looked o'er the immense of Heaven."


The key to mind control is to entrench false assumptions, persuasively intermixed with true ones -- with then an appeal to reason -- in order to achieve the desired effect.

Now among the very most ruthless of monster spirit people it is routine to seek to train people to become killers, in whatever their walk or station of life, and, if possible, without their realizing what is taking place.

62 Someone then might argue, "Yes, but if THEY are the ones killing everyone, would it not make sense to throw in one's lot with them? After all, if one is their friend, isn't it the case that they will be among those not killed?"

The problems with this argument are diverse and numerous; and yet this is one of Hell's most successful. One could go on at length addressing, but for now I will point out just a few objections.

 Being such killers as they are, these kinds of people get into such a rhythm hurting others that for many they have a hard time not killing themselves, let alone a "friend," on occasion.

 These sorts are always chasing after good people; yet good people never seek or desire them, unless perhaps, in very rare instance, for purposes of extending charity.

 A government or society which is run on the principle of who can lie, murder, rape, and rob the most has, I hope it is obvious for all to see, its very grave and alarming shortcomings; including, but not limited to, the stifling of happiness, creativity, basic freedoms (the entitlement to which devolve upon the ruler of the killers at his discretion) which are justice and fairness.

 Two forms of killing or making someone very sick is using germ warfare and deliberately poisoning people. There are some among these people who feel free to use such tactics. Now even if you yourself are not given a diseases or poison, if you adopt these kinds of people's way of "living," this and other horrifying and opprobrious practices you will have to deem acceptable and, at least at times, justifiable in the community where you live.

 We have seen these kinds rule the roost for some time now, and can you imagine anything more debilitating, disheartening, and enslaving of people than having them at the helm of financial and legal power?


Since we were going again through the Folkways catalog of late (that is, in the way of Ewan MacColl in the "Recommendations"), I thought this version of "Fish and Tea" by the Committee of Correspondence, from their "American Revolution in Song and Ballad," was pretty good and worth sharing as a sample also. Click here , at 3.5 MBs, to download.


It's not spirit people or even bad spirit people; rather it is the cannibal, vampire type of bad spirit person, and their patrons, whom I can't stand. This seems obvious enough. But what many don't sufficiently appreciate is that, unless you are able and willing to think, these latter types can masquerade, or claim to be acting on behalf of, almost and just about anyone and everyone of importance to you.


The devil violently beleaguers or savagely tortures some poor, helpless individual and all flee him or her in their very most dire hour of need and tribulation. Christ, by his example in taking up the cross rather than run like all the rest, joins the victim in defiance of the given devil; and doing this is a form of fighting which in some measure attempts to mock the tormentor. Now, of course, certain adept devils can impersonate such a performance or else seem to be helping the very victim they afflict; but this is only one more argument in behalf of being more rational, skeptical, and using common sense.


63 The forms of mind control, brainwashing and psychological manipulation that someone like a ghost sorcerer might use are numerous and varied; with some techniques and methods they use exhibiting an extraordinary amount of sophistication. There is one trick I have had done on me a few times which is so unusual that, for scientific cataloging purposes, I wanted to at least briefly attempt to describe it.

What takes place is that they can not only cause you to see a rush of images in your head or imagination which they implant, but they can also use images they transmit to react or interact simultaneously, and at a lightening rate of speed, with images or thoughts which you yourself call forth or which arise in you (on your own) involuntarily; such that what in effect takes place is that the sorcerer or whoever he is, is able to get almost as close to your surface thoughts as you yourself are. This said, this kind of trick or device is not usual (in my experience at any rate), and would seem to require a more than usual expenditure of energy and effort on the part of the spirit person doing it; but if the willingness to spend that energy and effort is there, the thing, nonetheless and at strange as it sounds, can be done.


A word of explanation. You know how in ghost and horror stories like "The Fall of the House of Usher" the landscape surrounding the afflicted house or mansion is often a blighted heath or wasted wood; the reason for this decay of vegetation is caused by the presence of certain kinds of spirit people sick, in one way or other, with evil in an extreme way; and when they have congregated in some numbers and for any great length of time. This same effect brought about by such presences can be seen in other kinds of unnatural deterioration as well; not just with respect to plants and vegetation, but also, say, in a people's or a community's intellectual and moral health.


The light of God within us is greater than all the sunlight of the sun; for this reason, namely that by means of it and reason the sun itself could in theory, and with the orchestration of others forces under the governance of reason be moved, conserved or destroyed -- or such at least seems perfectly plausible. And yet that light of the mind, whether in the evolution of a foetus, or in the course of establishing our life's beliefs (epistemologically speaking), is preceded by a heart; such that only by holding dear and including the heart as the foundation and purpose of our thoughts does our reason then begin to approach Godly perfection and the power of God that can move a star or a sun. Truly then, a person who can't think is more blind than someone who can't see with their eyes.

Nature, which is one of God's example to us as to how to be perfect, gives us what we have. Technology, the offshoot of reason and science, gives what we don't have from Nature -- but also, unfortunately, what we sometimes don't need, or even what is dangerous and lethal to us. Yet if we follow wisdom, reason and science with a heart and that is sensitive and harmony with Nature then life, happiness, and peace are and can be made infinitely more fruitful.

Enter the demonist. "Nature, heart, reason? What do we need these for? Do we not have great ghosts and angels and a mighty voice from beyond to get us money and tell us what to do and how to our lives?"


Do I contradict myself? Very well, may I contradict myself -- only may God give me from doing so too often.


64 The guilt and blame of these rotten spirit people is not that they believe madness and nonsense, but that they think they are justified in forcing their views on others; but even then, the tragedy which ensues only comes about as the result of regular people looking to them as authority.

As a matter of course then, my own response to both is and has been -- if you are so great and know everything, then what do you possibly need us (who disagree with you) for?


He will adopt the most unscrupulous, ruthless, and cowardly, means to do what? Protect his family (so he says.) And the purpose of his family is what? Why to uphold that sacred teaching; that seeing as how we are not all righteous, it only remains for us to kill or be killed.


A word of explanation - as it occurs to me -- for those who might be or have been following my "situation" -- I have, in fact, defeated them, their billion dollar boy and his gang of regular people followers and accomplices -- yet short of being able to really go after them and finish them off by way of appealing to the law, scientific proof and public opinion. But because the billion dollar boy and his Range Rover club do have ghosts, angels, and devils there to help him cheat; I am, as I believe those of you who do actually know about these people can surmise, halted in my tracks and thus I remain incapacitated and denied a fair opportunity to win a full and complete victory. So it is, at it turns out, these spirit people then who ultimately are the strength and protection of these big shot criminals, and not their own wisdom, intelligence, or competence. And but for this cheating with spirit people factor, by means of which all law, science and informed public opinion are annulled and overridden, things are as they are; and despite that, and our own isolation and (relative) material poverty, man for man we can, have, and do beat them otherwise. Indeed, they have become so hard up of late that in recent months they have caused me to loose even further what little money I have and can get as an additional means of spiting me; so that I have gone from a minimum wage "plus" standard of income to a more minimum wage one; and this is not even making mention of the brain torture radios and other forms of more mundane cheating at their disposal. Such then is the character of some our greatest rich men and "community" leaders.

~~~~~~*~~~~~~ monomania


The one is like a spirit person Steven Spielberg billionaire who is supposed to be helping everyone (and which is why he has to do the wrong thing a certain way); the other, the sorcerer, is supposed to be like Johnny Depp in the pirate movie (and is really, really funny); and they in effect tell me we can't discuss, let alone shoot, this tyrant and this murderer because it would offend religious principle or the common good. And why do people care what such monsters think and command who, by their violent conduct and secrecy, are obviously not of the truth? Because people are afraid of them -- afraid of them, yet at the same time believing and acting as if the existence of goodness itself depended on our cooperating with them.


In continuation of my sharing some interesting and unusual finds (in the course of the present research for the fourth edition of my Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South: 1780-1781,) here is this from The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution with Sketches of Several Distinguished Colored Persons (1855), by William Cooper Nell, pages 129-131. To access/download Nell's complete book, with introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe, click Special thanks to

65 John Robertson, of the Cowpens NBF, South Carolina, for providing me the lead to it and other similar volumes at his ONLINE LIBRARY of the SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN of the REVOLUTIONARY WAR.

"I have received from Mr. George E. Willis, of Providence, the following list of names, as among the colored soldiers in the Rhode Island Regiment during the Revolutionary War:--


"RICHARD COZZENS, a fifer in the Rhode Island Regiment, was born in Africa, and died in Providence. in 1829.

"In this connection, the following extracts from an address delivered, in 1842, before the Congregational and Presbyterian Anti-Slavery Society, at Francestown, N. H., by Dr. HARRIS, a Revolutionary veteran, will be read with great interest:--

"'I sympathize deeply,'" said Dr. Harris, "'in the objects of this Society. I fought, my hearers, for the liberty which you enjoy. It surprises me that every man does not rally at the sound of liberty, and array himself with those who are laboring to abolish slavery in our country. The very mention of it warms the blood in my veins, and, old as I am, makes me feel something of the spirit and impulses of '76.

"'Then liberty meant something. Then, liberty, independence, freedom, were in every man's mouth. They were the sounds at which they rallied, and under which they fought and bled. They were the words which encouraged and cheered them through their hunger, and nakedness, and fatigue, in cold and in heat. The word slavery then filled their hearts with horror. They fought because they would not be slaves. Those whom liberty has cost nothing, do not know how to prize it.

"'I served in the Revolution, in General Washington's army, three years under one enlistment. I have stood in battle, where balls, like hail, were flying all around me. The man standing next to me was shot by my side--his blood spouted upon my clothes, which I wore for weeks. My nearest blood, except that which runs in my veins, was shed for liberty. My only brother was shot dead instantly in the Revolution. Liberty is dear to my heart--I cannot endure the thought, that my countrymen should be slaves.

"'When stationed in the State of Rhode Island, the regiment to which I belonged was once ordered to what was called a flanking position,--that is, upon a place which the enemy must pass in order to come round in our rear, to drive us from the fort. This pass was every thing, both to them and to us; of course, it was a post of imminent danger. They attacked us with great fury, but were repulsed. They reinforced, and attacked us again, with more vigor and determination, and again were repulsed. Again they reinforced, and attacked us

66 the third time, with the most desperate courage and resolution, but a third time were repulsed. The contest was fearful. Our position was hotly disputed and as hotly maintained.

"'But I have another object in view in stating these facts. I would not be trumpeting my own acts; the only reason why I have named myself in connection with this transaction is, to show that I know whereof I affirm. There was a black regiment in the same situation. Yes, a regiment of negroes, fighting for our liberty and independence,--not a white man among them but the officers,-- stationed in this same dangerous and responsible position. Had they been unfaithful, or given way before the enemy, all would have been lost. Three times in succession were they attacked, with most desperate valor and fury, by well disciplined and veteran troops, and three times did they successfully repel the assault, and thus preserve our army from capture. They fought through the war. They were brave, hardy troops. They helped to gain our liberty and independence.

"'Now, the war is over, our freedom is gained--what is to be done with these colored soldiers, who have shed their best blood in its defence? Must they be sent off out of the country, because they are black? or must they be sent back into slavery, now they have risked their lives and shed their blood to secure the freedom of their masters? I ask, what became of these noble colored soldiers? Many of them, I fear, were taken back to the South, and doomed to the fetter and the chain.

"'And why is it, that the colored inhabitants of our nation, born in this country, and entitled to all the rights of freemen, are held in slavery? Why, but because they are black? I have often thought, that, should God see fit, by a miracle, to change their color, straighten their hair, and give their features and complexion the appearance of the whites, slavery would not continue a year. No, you would then go and abolish it with the sword, if it were not speedily done without. But is it a suitable cause for making men slaves, because God has given them such a color, such hair and such features, as he saw fit?'"


The poem below appears as part of (what amounts to) the appendix to Alexander Garden's Anecdotes -- second series (1828), pp. 236-238, (which, Anecdotes, you may recall, was the basis for the recent article I did on Lee's Legion.) The effective anonymity of both the subject and author of this "Monody" gives it a certain brooding charm and poignancy; and since most will not likely ever have the opportunity to know or see it, I thought I would reproduce it here.

"[Garden:] The Monody which follows, was written very shortly after the commencement of the war of the Revolution, by a young Irish student named DUNN, then attached to the Glasgow College. The name of the friend so pathetically lamented, was (to the best of my recollection) ROGERS, a native of Maryland, who, hastening homewards to assist in defending the liberties of his country, unhappily perished at sea.


"Upon a sea-girt rock Eugenius stood, And viewed with stedfast eyes the rolling flood; And still, in every passing wave He sought his Paulus' watery grave, And fancy oft the corse descry'd, Wound in its billowy shroud, and floating with the tide.

"But far on wide Atlantic's dreary coast, Beneath a Promontory's shade, The youth by pious hands is laid, And vainly dost thou weep thy Paulus lost, To distant shores and more inclement skies; The faithless vessel yielded up her prize.

67 "And are you then at rest, The sport no longer of the watery waste; An unprotected corse? The swain is blest, Who snatch'd thee from the surge's force, And hallowed is the glebe that holds thy clay, And blest the pious youth that sung thy funeral lay.

"But ah! thy virtues could he tell, Thy firm integrity above a price; Thy warm devotion to the public weal; Thy ardent friendship honour nice. Courage with pity still allied, And modesty that like a veil did all thy virtues hide.

"Could he thy innocence declare, A grace so rare, When linked with knowledge, that it shone Complete in thee alone. Could he thy love of liberal arts proclaim. Still guided to the noblest end, Thy country's freedom to defend,

"Not to achieve an empty name. For this thou oft hast conn'd the historic page, For this the jurist's knotty lore, From Alfred's down to William’s age, Increasing still thy copious store, A future gift for the Atlantic's shore.

"Thine was the task her sacred rights to guard, Her wide-spread States with friendly links to bind; The happiness of millions thy reward, Thy monument in every patriot mind.

"Soon, as the tyrant spoke the word 'Be slaves! or dread the exterminating sword,' Britannia's hated isles you fled, And mourn d her antient spirit dead; Your native woods you sought, With Spartan virtue fraught; That virtue which can fate defy, Prepared to nobly live or bravely die.

"Behold the wish'd for shore, The tempest howls and Paulus is no more. Whilst many a mercenary host, Securely glides along the hapless coast While safe the German transport bends its sails, And Caledonia's slaves arrive with prosperous gales --

"Yet shall thy country's liberties survive; Yet shall she triumph o'er her ruthless foe. And Paulus yet shall live,

68 Whilst tyrants sink beneath the avenging blow; Short is the gloomy Despot's sway, But freedom's radiant form shall never know decay,

"Immortal Youth farewell, thy sorrowing friend This last sad tribute to thy virtues pays, Too true a mourner justly to commend, And rich in reverence, though but poor in praise, Yet shall Columbia oft thy worth rehearse, When patriot virtue claims her poet's song, Thy sorrowing friends repeat the solemn verse, Thy native woods the solemn notes prolong."


I just got through watching the President giving a Press Conference this morning, and my reaction, after listening to him, is that we should withdraw and end the war in Iraq immediately. The President is a good man, and he sincerely means well; but the fact is this country has been ravaged within by corporation situated gangsters who found their power in the occult and the worst crimes imaginable (while ever since, in various ways, brazenly reminding us of the fact), and who have been destroying or undermining lives, families, long standing businesses and institutions, law and order, and our most basic freedoms at the rate an with the rapacity of Attila the Hun these past 20 years -- and yet says nothing about them. Perhaps, I take it, this is because he does not see them in our midst; which if so, makes him a very poor leader of our troops; on par, say, with General Benjamin Butler of the Civil War.


A work of art is not beautiful, but rather the reflection of the beautiful or what is beautiful. Is the beautiful then intangible? Not necessarily; only one gathers if it is considered to be, somehow, tangible it must be of a substance far finer than gossamer, light or wind.


Something it is well worth being reminded of about trouble making spirit people is that they are total con- artists and absolutely incorrigible in their carrying on. One of the main reasons for this is that there is vast power and wealth to be had for them in playing the game they do. Whether they can persuade you by means of fear, good humor, or kindness, the end is the same -- to gain and secure your trust, confidence and or obedience. No matter how seemingly benign, omniscient, or sympathetic you can never really trust these people and expect not to be taken advantage of somewhere down the road (if not presently.) As a rule of thumb then, never trust the love and sincerity of someone who is not honest or hold themselves accountable; no matter how grand, awesome, or wonderful they might seem or come across as being; for these are after all the most dangerous people in the world; and the same person who might take a funny, whimsical approach with you might be the same person who not so long ago was having a series of mass murders carried out in his behalf.


69 I like this still (or sequence) from the 1925 film "Phantom of the Opera" because it helps to impart the idea that Evil lurks above disguised as higher goodness and benevolence; and such as the Phantom (or, say, "Simon the Magician") did not himself need to be so very bad a man to be used as a puppet by such very bad people; only a credulous or else very stupid one.

Now if we think of “The Phantom of the Opera” story and its characters (though bear in mind that story is only one kind of such a scenario involving malevolent spirit people’s machinations), what do you suppose those very bad people’s motives were? Why, romantic jealousy of course. But does envy justify evil? Certainly, it is usually possible to find someone that will believe such is the case; and yet only one or only a few are enough to be the cause of great evil.

Meanwhile, Erik or the duped agent makes a fool of himself in the midst of all of this other going on in pursuit of his own happiness; indeed ends up ruining his life; without having a clue.


And just look at what is going on in his mind ---

"When Shrek married Princess Fiona, becoming the next King and Queen of Far Far Away wasn’t part of the plan. So when his father-in-law, King Harold, falls ill, it is up to Shrek to find a suitable heir, or he will be forced to give up his beloved swamp for the throne.

"Recruiting Donkey and Puss In Boots for a new quest, Shrek sets out to bring back the rightful heir to the throne – Fiona’s rebellious cousin Artie.

"Genre: Animation UK release date: 29/06/2007 Starring: Mike Myers (voice), Eddie Murphy (voice), Cameron Diaz (voice) Directed by: Raman Hui"

Observe also how, using his clout and say, he takes the occasion to help out "bro" (i.e. Myers and Murphy.)


No one should be permitted to have or hold authority on this earth who does not cherish and respect the earth.


The glamour and glory of spirit people? Why it's the red carpet treatment -- just like at a Hollywood premiere! (Give me Nature any day instead.)


If he has a billion dollars, why doesn't he stand up for free speech, human rights and real democracy? Because he doesn't really have the billion dollars in the first place; and which belongs rather to some devil or angel that owns him.


And whose mind is it anyway? Evidently not his.

70 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Sorcery, witchcraft, spirit people, fascism, and false religion teach a person that they can know everything without having to be honest or think all that much.


What is so very bad or utterly insufferable about life but that these Hell people make it so? And yet for some, they assume that these manipulative and bullying spirit people must be a part of life. This I disagree with. In my view if these people can't behave themselves on some kind of basic level then they should not be put up with in our midst; and if they persist in attacking society or its members than certainly they must be repulsed and rebuked if not got rid of otherwise.


In a given moment or occasion a person can suddenly seem terribly guilty. Yet sometimes it is not the case of them actually being so very guilty as it is of their very, very sick -- and this because of the demonist being around them or in their vicinity.


Unless perhaps there is a witty way of putting it, it makes no sense telling a stupid person what they can't understand or an intelligent person what they already know or have heard before.


What is going on is and has been so stupid that I thought I wouldn't say anything anymore (at least for a while.) But just for fun and in case any one needs a laugh, here are some recent scribbles and cryptic epigrams from my notebook.


If he doesn't accept the golden rule (or its corollary), what then does he replace it with?


There is how much he actually knows versus his ability to create the impression that he is all but omniscient. If you ask me, I'd say that, by now certainly, his funerary shroud is showing.


The other knows everything but is not rational; and who would wonder that too much knowledge, and without reason or morals, would ultimately crush such a spirit as his.


Bill Griffith serves a good turn this morning in reminding us of that the oft quoted maxim (and of dubious meaning and interpretation) that the winners write history. But in any case, the fact is the histories of liars are never that interesting enough to read to begin with. For with such as these, they don't really know (all that much) much about being interesting; despite what they would like to believe and pretend otherwise. What they do know how do is how to do things to people. They then take over by that means; and make

71 movies and publish books saying how interesting they are supposed to be (but you know the true story, etc.)


An Amazon Reviewer perhaps said it best: "I now have a great operating system -- only now I can't run my programs."


Monster Man and His Secret Gang.


"I am allowing myself to suffer all this not to gain a heavenly reward but to A) help the cat and B) damn you to all Hell -- and yet not even for what you've done -- but for what you still are and won't stop doing!"


I came across a couple items which I thought might make suitable posts for the Fourth of July; and here, in any case, they are.

Excerpt from the diary of an anonymous Captain in the Virginia line being held prisoner in Charleston in 1780. (found in Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I, No. 7, Richmond, VA. 1835, p. 342)

"July 4th. This day was appointed for a general meeting of officers at Haddrel’s Point [Charleston, South Carolina], to celebrate the Independency of the Thirteen United States of America. The following toasts were drank on the occasion:

"1st. The Free and Sovereign Independent States of America. 2nd. The Honorable the Continental Congress. 3rd. His Most Christian Majesty the King of France. 4th. His Most Catholic Majesty the King of Spain. 5th. May impartial justice guide the other powers of Europe. 6th. Stability and firmness to the Alliance between France and America. 7th. Gen. Washington and the American Army. 8th. The American Navy. 9th. The American Ministry at Foreign Courts. 10th. May the States of America be always found a sure refuge and an asylum against despotism and oppression. 11th. May the sword never be drawn but in the cause of justice. 12th. The immortal memory of those patriots and warriors who have fallen in the present war, in defence of the rights of mankind. 13th. Our brethren in captivity, suffering in the glorious cause of liberty.

"From each toast there followed a discharge of thirteen pistols and three cheers. That night the barracks were illuminated."

[Ed. Note. The officers who gathered were later reprimanded by the British for their conduct. Pistols were taken and they were threatened with close confinement for such behavior in future. British prisoners themselves, by the way, were not unknown to have not dissimilar revels when incarcerated; but in their case, of course, for such events as the King's Birthday or St. George's Day.]

72 ~~*~~

From Reason: The Only Oracle Of Man A Compendious System Of Natural Religion (1784), By Colonel Ethan Allen.

"It seems that mankind in most ages and parts of the world have been fond of corporeal Deities with whom their outward senses might be gratified, or as fantastically diverted from the just apprehension of the true God, by a supposed supernatural intercourse with invisible and mere spiritual beings, to whom they ascribe divinity, so that through one means or other, the character of the true God has been much neglected, to the great detriment of truth, justice, and morality in the world [in order] that mankind can be uniform in their religious opinions..."


Although I am still endeavoring to get a hold of those missing pages from Garden's books, for now certainly, here (about as finished as it is going to be) is:

"Lee’s Legion Remembered: Profiles of the 2d Partisan Corps as taken from Alexander Garden’s Anecdotes."

(Oh, yes -- and by the way -- I have and do tell those Hell people that I fight that I am in Lee's Legion [referring to Christopher Lee.])


Folly and Madness Beyond Belief

Some have and do understandably blame Microsoft. But as I have said before, I would not fault Microsoft itself so much; rather they were more people who were being used by others; just as I take it IBM was used at one time; and the real culprit responsible for the wholesale calamity and state of legal and civil disorder and chaos that at present exists in Washington state is the Green River Killer, D B. Cooper, Simon the Magician -- call him what you like.

The amount of havoc wrought in the Seattle and outlying region alone on lives, families, and business has been so staggering that nothing short of sheer magic and the most sinister kind of crime and violence could have brought it about. It is appalling, just for instance, how many major businesses and institutions have been shut down, sold away, devoured, significantly downsized, or run out of town by these people of which I so far have at least the following list.

Boeing Frederick and Nelson Ernst Pay N' Pack Pay N' Save Rainier Brewing Company Local newspapers The University of Washington

This, of course, is but the tip of the iceberg, and only with respect to business, of what has turned out to be the drastic restructuring the commissar and his crew of hirelings, cowards, and traitors have imposed on us within the past 20 years. That such change is counterproductive and for the worst I think most residents still awake -- who know what things were like before they arrived here from OZ -- would agree.

73 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Say No to Drugs

Washington Mutual bank, evidently for publicity purposes, has gone from being called "Washington Mutual " to "WaMu." Well, though I don't have an account there, I made a trip to their site at and this is what I encountered in the way of an automated receptionist. No doubt the idea is to attract all those Microsoft dollars:

"Free, Very popular choice for some reason.

"Nothing says 'here's my money' quite like a sunset. Don't you agree?

"Yeah, I'm with you. Getting charged for ATM withdrawals really chaps my pixels!

"If I had lips I'd be smiling right now.

"Did WaMu say Gold? They sure do put the bling back in banking.

"I always wanted to work in customer service so I could wear one of those nifty head sets.

"Ahem! Roses are red. Violets are blue. WaMu is friendly. So are you.

"Glad you stopped on that one. That list was making me dizzy!

"Online Banking is a really good friend of mine. He'll treat you right.

"Look at you point that mouse. You've already learned the basics of online banking.

"Savings and checking go together, like ketchup and fries, monkeys and bananas, banner and Landing page..

"Elbow, elbow. Wrist, wrist. Touch your pearls and blow a kiss! (I'm practicing my free waive.)

"I'm saving for a new font. Something bigger and bolder, with cup holders and a new roof.

"Getting paid to shop? I could get the hang of that.

"Does your balance get low? Does it wobble to and fro? Can you tie it in a knot? Can you tie it in a bow?

"When you scroll, it tickles (in a good way).

"You could buy your groceries one item at a time and make those rewards add up faster.

"My low budget is bad for buying things, but it wins the limbo contest every time."


74 America For the Living

I suppose among the main differences between my opponents and myself is that they view the autocratic spirit people as superior beings endowed with higher wisdom and understanding; and whom we have no choice but to submit to. I, on the other hand, while willing to grant they possess certain very great technical knowledge and expertise, see them rather as refuse and debris left over from an accursed past; and who in their affect on us now living are as bad or worse than a malignant disease.

Yet regardless of what you think, notice they are the one's who reject open rational discussion and who frown upon, where they cannot prohibit, free speech and free trade -- not us.


They are killing us because we won't kill them. If this is true, what should anyone have against killing them? Imagine -- killing a spirit person devil or a spirit person false god. That might sound like a cold thing to say; but if you know how relentlessly brutal the worst of these kind of people can be, you would not think it very much so.

According to some traditions, you can't kill a spirit person. How such a thing ever came to be learned is obviously open to question; yet even if true, it still may not be so true as we might have been led to believe. I know from personal experience that spirit people very much maneuver so as to keep out of harm's way to themselves; why then think they cannot be at least seriously injured?


If you yourself were starting a rational religion based in goodness, what principles or morals would you propose?

He says there is something greater than Nature, and by his behavior and attitude I take it he means Nature is merely trivial or incidental. Yet if there is something greater than Nature as he says what could I possibly love so greatly that is not Nature or is not natural?

But he says, nay, you are not so supposed to love what is "superior" to Nature; you are supposed to obey it. But what about evil? I mean all this injustice, cruelty, viciousness, oppression, abuse, pollution, etc. In answer he says there is no evil; but observe he only says this if he has enough money to push others around and the wherewithal to keep from being legally prosecuted.

And how does a disease work? Why it acts not only as if it is part of the body, but something greater. The body somehow believing it hands over life to the disease; trusting it more than life or truth.


It is only becoming in yourself to let your enemy win sometimes.


Nothing is always part of something; otherwise there would be no nothing; therefore nothing exists as long as it is with something. Nothing, therefore, is something that can be used; and which, in any case, is something that must inevitably be confronted and dealt with.


75 What is greater than morals? What is greater than reason? What is greater than truth?

Why, the vampires and cannibals on high.

And what do the vampires and cannibals on high tell us? "Blessed are those who don't insist on doing the right thing; for they shall be spared the ignominy of self-righteousness."


Those who truly know or have truly known happiness desire to do good -- really and truly (as opposed to dong so for mere appearance sake) and, or at least, seek to avoid making a nuisance of themselves; and the that people disposed to be deliberately bad -- and on something like a regular basis -- is proof (to me at least) that for all their power and riches, and vaunting and berating those who are poor or are without, they never know much or anything of real happiness.

I usually endeavor to be philosophical and Christian about these people, while trying to understand them from a perspective of cosmological compassion and pity. Nevertheless, I never cease to be struck how, at bottom, it seems they are nothing more than some people who have said and say "Hey, I've got an idea, why don't we do the wrong thing instead of the right thing?" They then go and do all these stupid things, and causing all kinds of unnecessary problems as a result.

One of the most lethal aspects of being purposefully irrational and listening to spirit people then is that one risks seeing and feeling like them; till, for some, all they actually realize of happiness is in the way of flashy, disjointed and artificial images. Even myself, though I have trained and accustomed myself to reject these people, can still sometimes be caught off guard and taken in. How much more impossible it must be then for for those who do listen to them to save themselves from succumbing to and embracing warped, empty, and meretricious conceptions of such matters as love, wealth, and success.


Artfully contriving and creating a situation that results in your mortification at being misunderstood and alienated, if not betrayed, by persons who are supposed to be your friends is a very, very old magic trick; and you, and your friends, are far from being the first to be had by it.


Tough Love

You know what they told me the other day? "Spielberg," that is that person who has used the real Steven Spielberg as his storefront dummy, has murdered something like 100,000 people (presumably in the course of his faustian career.) I wouldn't know to say this is actually true; but having dealt with these people as long as I have, it sounds about right.


"Of course, you are one of the great heroes of old. But look, you have all these toys to play with; all this money to spend; amazing, magical powers. You just can't go on bothering Mr. Sherman like this -- he has work to do."


At present, for some time and some time well into the future, I have been, am, and will be giving myself a course in Latin and reading Latin texts. Although I have taken a number of classes in school, foreign

76 language has never been a great strength of mine; struggling and working with English as much as I have to; so that now I am trying to make up for it. Among the words in Latin vocabulary I've come across, I thought the following were interesting in their possible implication.

 axis: vault of heaven

 divitiae: riches

 divus: god

 dives: rich


It cracked me up when I saw this DVD box cover at the store the other day because it manages very carefully to hit almost every theme and point of importance harbored or espoused by those same media sages and pundits who tell us there is no real happiness or that real happiness is a myth.


It has sometimes been my wont to respond to the quote of the day Google provides and which in turn originates from the "Quotations Page;" and for today, June 17, we have:

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." - Steven Weinberg

Observe the false premises or implications at work here.

A. Greater evil (on the part of "good" people) requires religion. B. Greater good is possible without religion (or else there is no greater good.)


* No distinction is made between honest (i.e. true) versus dishonest (false) religion. * No distinction is made between religion practiced rightly versus religion practiced wrongly.

We can further refine this by saying that well meaning religious people sometimes err; just as well meaning non-religious people can sometimes err. So then what on earth is "Mr. Weinberg" actually saying? Note, as well, that the same people who put out treatises like God is Not Great refuse to admit that spirit people can be spoken of empirically while they or their friends go publishing and promoting other books on sorcery, wizards, and magic. This said, yes it is very true that great evil will frequently take on the mantel of religion, but this is in no small part due to some people -- including a professional academic I spoke with not long ago -- who think that belief in the existence of spirit people necessarily implies belief in religion or

77 a certain religion (though he later changed this after I convinced him of the fallacy of this assumption.) That such misguided views both both encourage and empower irrationalism and, as a result, the activities of certain criminal spirit people -- invariably the incipient source of the worst evil -- should, I hope by now, go without.


Raw evil understandably throws and disconcerts people because it is sometimes so powerful. For some, so powerful that they feel it cannot be resisted. But consider why it is, according to what has become my "theory," why this is so. The main persons responsible for inciting and directing it, as well as giving it its flair and element of surprise, are in probably all instances spirit people; who almost no regular person thinks to combat in the physical literal sense; this partly because they don't even think of spirit people as being something physical that can be identified, labeled, documented and analyzed. And since these spirit people are dead people, they have the idea that somehow other dead people will keep those bad spirit people in check. And yet it may not be right for a good person who has passed on to be so active beyond this life,; and it may be that bad ones, in some way and degree, obtain their very power from throwing themselves into being so active as they do; presumably at the price of committing or being party to some evil (as we see for example in the Dr. Frankenstein story.)

Be this as it may, the fact remains that the worser evils originate with these very bad spirit people and if we want to deprive evil of much or some of its mystery all that is needed is to face these bad spirit people squarely with facts, reason and the courage of our convictions. This is why ideas like forgiveness and amnesty as used in "Amnesty International" makes sense; i.e. because we need to see the blame less in our selves, that is us regular people, versus the worser and bad spirit people -- that is if we really want to get at the problem. Shoot at the pilot not the plane as Von Richtofen said and this is what is required if we want to deprive evil of its greater power. Heretofore, we do and will have blamed their puppets, dupes, scapegoats and henchmen; and yet never considered understanding and battling those most responsible in the physical sense. Do this, start beginning to think about doing this and evil can be seized, handled, and judiciously destroyed -- once you get past his gang, of course.

And last, just to provide a certain perspective on all this, picture a people living in the distant or ancient past and who spent the better part of their lives listening to and obeying dead people, and then later become dead people themselves like those they followed and listened to. Would you want that to happen to you?


For the benefit of those who do not already know and understand how this racket to obtain and hold power using spirit people works, this is essentially how it is. What they do is pretend to be or present themselves as (in effect) either Heaven or Hell depending on whom they want to persuade. If you reject "Heaven" then you can get in with the big money Hell has; if you accept "Heaven" you can't have any money (really) and will have to "go to Heaven" instead (with some possible latitude and variation permissible in between depending on how they want to use the person.) The reality is of course, it is the same group of spirit people; and the purpose is to hold and retain control over the public wealth and people's lives.

I can prove what I am saying with the following witnesses all of whom have refused me help:

 Father Michael Sweeney, former pastor of Blessed Sacrament church in Seattle

 Charles Hamilton, Seattle attorney

 Laurence Bonjour, Prof. of Philosophy, Univ. of Washington

 Cass Weller, Prof. of Philosophy, Univ. of Washington

78  Charles Schulman, former English Prof., Univ. of Washington

And there are more I could name as well. Ask these people what they actually know about me, and what their reason then is for refusing me assistance. It is not my purpose to embarrass these individuals or put them on the spot; and if I could I would refrain from bringing their names up in this context in the first place; but their own credibility can throw light on my own. Go talk to these people; compare their various stories and explanations with each other and mine; see who is being honest and who is being rational; and you will, applying some plain rational analysis, see my claims vindicated. This said, again, I by no means intend to vilify or disparage these individuals in raising this point; for one thing they may act or hold the attitude as they do because they are being blackmailed or else under pressure from or under the influence of others whom they cannot deal with -- and thus are prevented from speaking the truth as I assume they otherwise would. Yet enough is enough. Let's have the truth out about all this. It is not I who am preventing an open hearing; on the contrary I am the one being refused it!


All the lights, all the show, all the magic and miracles, a golden kingdom in the sky -- but no real heart and very little or no truth. My reaction? I can't stand these people; and the only reason I have put up with them and their putting on airs all these years is that I had these animals to take care of (and no one I could turn to to ask and take care of them for me) -- and that is the God's honest truth.


There are AIDS, HIV, Ebola, Marburg -- and computer viruses. We know the latter to be man made; and, given the expense of consumers and software companies to attempt to combat them, indeed would seem to be manufactured on an industrial scale. Do we not then have reason to suspect the same of the first kind of "new" diseases? Ordinarily, we would think not because we could not really imagine anyone doing anything so evil; and even if there were such surely they would not have the people, money, materials and expertise to carry out such a wish. But there are, however, criminal spirit people who are very well placed, capable and (should the need arise) disposed to do such a thing; so that in people's refusing to confront the reality and possible dangers of spirit people, and for all the countless sums they might pour into medical research, they will never be able to get at what is or might be the real cause of "new" diseases; and rather than transgress that taboo of keeping silent about spirit people will instead sooner blame or find the source of those virulent illnesses on some harmless monkey from deep in the jungle or other intended red herring.

One thing is certain; Potter is comfortably well ahead of The Assault on Reason on the N.Y. Times lists, and even more in the money to boot.


If ever I tell you I know everything don't believe me. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I have returned to work on my Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South: 1780-1781, this time for purposes of the fourth edition; and find myself having the opportunity to go through material I did not have or have so readily available to me as I do now; in consequence of which, and with the advantage of retrospective reflection, I am better able to see and understand matters better which previously I either had a more vague notion of or else whose significance was lost on me. This even though I had already written a book on the subject (or at least in my book wrote as if an authority on a given topic)!

Although I did have Edward McCrady's The History of South Carolina in the Revolution (1902) briefly a few times before, and usually just to get at numbers and dates, it is only now that I have a copy in my own possession and which I can now go through more closely and carefully at my leisure. In doing so, I was and am very much struck and impressed by McCrady's insightful, cogent, thorough, well organized, and (though I don't always agree with him) well argued handling of his subject; part of which involves his effort to present the state's role in the American Revolution versus the national government's. It is an interesting

79 topic and question which frankly has not received that much treatment and consideration elsewhere; so that not only does McCrady touch on something relatively few others have, but does so with such a intelligence, grace, and persuasiveness that I felt compelled to make some remark upon and in praise of his work; accompanied with the observation that humility is always more becoming of more complete and proper scholarship than pride.


Philosophy is like painting; as much as you can put in a picture or as much as can be portrayed in one -- you can't portray everything. Also like paintings, a given philosophy is or isn't in style. For this reason, philosophy can always use new paintings, and new paintings can, to some extent, be made from "old' paintings; and in different emphasis and different arrangement. It expands and grows; modifications of one facet of a teaching can change the teaching itself; so that, on some level or other at least, philosophy evolves and continues to evolve or at least change.


Bonz Buddy and the Holy Angels

By betraying truth, by turning a deaf ear to the cries of the innocent, by throwing in his lot with serial rapists and murderers, he became a rich man. Now let us all sit back and laugh as we watch him attempt to use his good fortune to help people. If things work out for him, then we know he was very clever doing the wrong thing; if not, then he will at least be entitled to be seen as a supreme object of pity and sympathy (i.e. for having to do the wrong thing.)


It has gotten to be more and more absurd and preposterous how overtime persons who are supposed to be news reporters are heard spouting the party line as if that was journalism. For example, when "Survivor Island" first came out you would have newscasters in their in between banter talk as if they themselves were fans of that insipid show. Likewise, when Krispy Kreme hit town it sounded like something interesting and exciting to them. Now flipping on the TV within the past day, we have everyone from the morning news anchor to Judge Judy voicing their concern over Paris Hilton's conduct. How else is such routinely contrived and imbalanced consensus brought about but by commands from the great anonymous higher ups -- probably the worst criminals in the world today; for who could think that normally and otherwise they would speak and act so stupidly?


An idea for a worthwhile and interesting scientific or else literary endeavor, whether of a formal or informal nature, would be a listing, labeling, and categorizing of the many different faces of pronounced evil and devilment; say, from the leering maniac to the methodical and clever planner of the sinister; from the brainwashed dupe who lets himself be used by others manipulating him to the two faced hypocrite pretending goodness; from the brutal sadist to the proud and arrogant miser; from the coward who would not only excuse but spitefully attempt to justify his infirmity to the betrayer who surrenders life saving principle for reasons of the most frivolous selfishness. I don't know that I myself will ever get around to taking up such a project, so I mention it for the benefit of others who, by chance, might be better situated to do so.

Meanwhile, it is worth being again reminded that the real power of evil lies in deliberate dishonesty and untempered fear, as much as anything else, and it is in these will we find the common psychological or moral threads or characteristics which join and unite any or all of the above possible or prospective "types."

80 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

It may, after all, be all right for a damned ghost to act like that. But what if the offender is a regular person and not a damned ghost? Must he himself become a damned ghost then in order to find final safety and asylum?


Something I think worth sharing, but which for a long time now I myself have learned and accepted as given, is that when dealing with serious or hardcore Hell people they do not let up attacking you. True, the energy they spend doing so may vary from day to day; but if they have it in their power to do so they may or will persist in bothering you and this may go on for years perhaps your entire lifetime. This sounds horrible; I know, but that is part of what makes "Hell" people (whether spirit person, regular person or both together) what they are; and if you find yourself under attack in this way by them it is simply something one has to adjust to.

There are a number of ways of dealing with such persecution and abuse dealing with them with a military sort of outlook, if you are capable of such. For example, in terrorizing and using violence these people are trying to achieve a certain end; the same with respect to being so hellishly persistent about it. The idea is to unnerve, shock, weaken, and wear you down. It up to you then to do what you can to fight back against their strategy and the goals they aim for. Although it is not very likely you can fight back at them with violence; there are nonetheless ways of fighting. If they, say, punch you fifty times, knock you down -- but you get up; this sort of response can cause them to lose their momentum. You might not be able to completely stop or get rid of them, ; but you can make it more expensive for them -- and don't lose sight of this as part of your defense.

Thus, if they are pouring hour and days on end of abuse at you, and you are able to keep yourself calm and together emotionally and mentally, then this tells them it is costing them more to do you in then it would to do in someone else who is more weak in the knees. If they tell you things look bad and everyone is despairing, never believe this because this is what they are most always, if not always, trying to get their opponents to think. Remember also, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and if your smart, while you might not be able to actually get rid of them -- there are definitely ways (and many more then I briefly mention here) to give them a run for their money. This then, if nothing else, is what one should seek to do; while at all times -- and as best as one can -- striving to keep a level head and maintaining one's moral and rational integrity and which are among a person's greatest strengths when dealing with these people. Granted, it is not always easy to rise to the occasion every time; however, and I can say this from personal experience, it is possible to do so most of the time. And if you can do that much, you are still doing them some real damage.


One can hardly overstate the power of belief. The Bible talks about faith, but I think it may be an added help to think by means of the concept of an assumption or premise as well. To illustrate, consider the force we as a collective people have or might have when we assume that what they have been doing to control and supervise the use an availability of the media and internet and other forms of communication is not only a manifestation of the most virulent forms of organized and sophisticated criminality; and inasmuch as such conduct threatens the very life of democratic choice and freedoms is tantamount to treason. Now, to get to my point, if most or everyone assume this, just imagine what then could or might take place. The results, or so it would seem to me, could be quite staggering and society shaking -- such is the power of an assumption.


81 "...I leave my span of days for Heaven to determine, neither clinging to life or begrudging its end. My body is like a drifting cloud--I ask for nothing. My greatest joy is a quiet nap; my only desire for life is to see the beauty of the seasons...

"Now the moon of my life sinks in the sky and is close to the edge of the mountain. Soon I must head into the darkness of the Three Ways: why should I thus drone on about myself? The essence of the Buddha's teaching is that we must not have attachment to any object."

~from "An Account of My Hut" by Kamo no Chomei (1153-1216), and found in An Anthology of Japanese Literature: from the earliest era to the mid-nineteenth century, p. 211, compiled and edited by Donald Keene.

With respect to the “Three Ways,” the editor notes: "[T]he three paths in the afterworld leading to different types of hells."

It made me think that if you end up in the Heaven of some of the spirit people I write about, and for all their golden raptures and glory, it would as likely as not be one of these hells referred to; or what is perhaps, in a given instance, Christianity's concept of purgatory if not damnation.


For the past many years now, I have been through a most unspeakably agonizing and excruciating ordeal at the hands of spirit people and regular people criminals (though I by no means count myself unique or exceptional in this respect.) And though there are been have been moments of doubt and questioning, for the most part I have always had and do have the right idea; that is, get rid of these idiots, i.e. these spirit people and those who listen to them), or at least oust them form power, and that will solve 80 to 90 percent or more of everybody's problems. They make it a routine point of telling and reminding us we have all these problems. I'm no sap. It is not really we, the blackballed, the victims and persecuted, who have the problem, it is these stupid idiots who thought and think that by regularly and deliberately doing the wrong thing that they had hit upon some clever idea. As a practical result, they end up having all these problems (much more so then they profit in real terms by their wrong doing and thinking) and then attempt to deal with those problems by dumping them on us; all the while trying to fool us into thinking we have all these problems. They question the notion that anyone could be really happy -- and yet we can be, and very much are, but for our inability to rid ourselves of them. If one feels really down it is because they are not of and or are not able to tune into the infinite; at the same time these people make it their vocation to distract your interfere with your doing so; say by prohibiting the truth or by subjecting you to violence. Yet if you have enough strength and composure to see that this is all that is essentially going on, it is, at the end of the day, not that hard to get back to or looking at getting back to the infinite in one's general feeling and outlook.

Although the cause of given suffering may be irrational, it is not irrational to accept suffering. There is simply no point gainsaying the travails of life (at least not until the spirit people problem can be addressed openly, rationally, and intelligently.) If those troubles, as absurd and uncalled for as they might be, happen -- then they happen; and you might as well work toward making yourself stronger by accepting what you can't truly help; rather than fume and kick in a manner that can't or doesn't really accomplish much of anything. And if it so happen that you are actually being crucified, you can always find great solace and peace in the fact that you are not among or with those doing the crucifying (that is if you aren't of course.)


Here's another simple way of putting it -- if you revere or venerate the glories -- and or terrors -- of spirit people above and before honesty, candor, facts and reason then there is something seriously wrong with you; and we should be regularly and punctually reminded that death and sickness can come to us by way of false or fraudulent glamour, sublimity, and ecstasy; as well as by way of ugliness, dirtiness, and sweetened poison.

82 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

The Horror of the Inhuman Mental Patient

Speaking and writing are forms of spiritual breathing. If you can't speak or write then you can't breath. And yet those who do or attempt to express themselves independently and seriously on the internet are treated as frivolous bloggers. We know also that websites are being censored: previously bustling sites suddenly deactivate and are left frozen in time say at 2004 or 2006; with not a word heard from them since. Nor at present and for some years now do we see any blue ribbon campaigning for free speech on the web; presumably because the people who care about free speech can't be heard anymore. To the extent then that the internet has fallen so relatively silent from what it could be I take to be a sign of willful suffocation and strangling as much as anything else, and should, I earnestly suggest, be conscientiously prosecuted as such.


First Day

Almost helpless, Just beginning to see; Looked on at a distance; What now will they be?

Just yesterday From the nest they rejoiced; Each time the parents came They raised their glad voice.

Free for the first time, Hopping, not quite flying; Today they’re out; No thought of dying.

The sun then sets On a day of new birth; Filled with promise and hope O'erflowing with mirth.

What’s tomorrow Who now can say or know? They begin in wonder; But where will they go?


We don't normally think of spirit people killing regular people, but there are some that do; indeed a good case can be made that most if not all, premeditated and serious crime originates with the former. As a result of reflecting on which, one is prone to think the devil is not so clever as much as some people are being so stupid.


It could with perhaps some good reason be contented that acts of evil or wrong doing have value because they have in some instances catalyst of great deeds and events; which in turn have been a great inspiration

83 to poets and artists. Even if we grant this as being true, as practical matter there has been so much evil and wrong doing down through history as to have served, and in future serve, that purpose and need for all time. If then there is any good, somehow, to to evil; even so a very small amount of it goes a long, long way in fulfilling that role or realizing that function -- assuming it is desirable, let alone, necessary in the first place (which, at the same time, it very arguably isn't.)


There has, as I see it, simply been much, much more time for Europeans and other "Old World" nations to be gradually overtime brainwashed into in the fallacy, or at best half-truth, that riches, wealth and legitimacy comes from spirit people or from answering to spirit people. It would then seem up to America to reverse this way of thinking. Yet we must admit, if it is not already too late for us, certainly it can't be long before time runs out.


God is the center which touches all things; just as, to use a crude analogy, when you are at, say, the center of a circle, you can more easily reach any other point in the circle, i.e. than any other point (in the circle) that could possibly serve that purpose; so that by being closer to the center you are closer to all.


I have said this in different ways before, but it is also worth saying again; that is, the nonsense of spirit people who casually and doggedly misbehave at the grief and hard expense of others, or who condone such an attitude and behavior, lies in their saying "it doesn't matter." If it doesn't matter, then why not not do the given thing; or else why not prevent it from taking place? It doesn't matter, right?


He's only an insect, that's true; even so, he shares the same creation and infinite universe you and I do.


Looking at, visiting, or talking about Nature is far from enough to make a human being, or human society, more natural -- what is necessary is more compassion, a sense of responsibility, rational justice, and truth.


He, this oft mentioned ghostly magician, and as best as I can put it, is like an evil Herman Munster.


The following are taken from some descriptions and reviews, from, of the PC game "Gangsters," 1 and 2, by Eidos Interactive, and will give some people a very precise education in a nutshell; hence my sharing it with you, if you are such, here.

( given description): "Gangsters 2 takes you to a fantasy Prohibition-era America. To rise from the ranks of fledgling hoodlum to feared and respected made man, you must effectively run legitimate businesses during the day as a front for more creative enterprises at night. The gameplay is narrative driven, and features real-time action and strategy. You will have to use skills and cunning to build a team of mobsters, including specialists such as card sharks, hit men, arsonists, and safecrackers. You will receive in-game advice to assist in your advancement, plus a daily newspaper will keep you updated on the status of your empire, as well as those of your rivals... "As you move on from episode to episode, you take your

84 hired hands with you, and dole out experience points to them in different categories based on performance: combat, stealth, or special skill (diplomat, distiller, bomber, hit man, driver, etc..)"

(Jayson A. Olson): "When you take over buildings in the city, either by buying them, by force, etc., you must stay in control. For the building generate you money, and if you set up an illegal business (speakeasy, card den, brothels, brewery, distiller, gun smith, etc..) you rake in more money to expand your empire. Use money to buy better guns, recruit muscle, buy better armored cars, and buy influence over the police, the judge, the DA, etc...Bribery is big, however, the FBI are incorruptible, but every other figure in the game is. I love the drive by shootings!!! I often eliminate my opponent by taking out enemy gangs by Tommy and shotguns via a drive by, hop out of the car, and bust up their business (either by bombing, or killing those inside massacre style) and speed off before the police arrive. This disrupts the cash flow for your opponent, and even better if you can capture the business yourself and set up shop. You generate more money while increasing your influence in town! But be careful, you better hire guards for you new place, because your opponent doesn't like you taking over and will soon dispatch his own thugs to reclaim lost businesses."

(A Kid's Review):"Fun: This game is so fun. you blow buildings out of the ground, burn down buildings to ashes, even collect protection money and kiddnap people and if one of yours gets captured to can trade people."


Feel more or less free to berate, even curse, incomprehensibly obnoxious spirit people. However, it is, I think, absolutely necessary for a Christian to patiently finesse everybody else (who does or might offend them); because if you knew the truth, trouble of an ongoing nature comes, by far, more from incorrigibly troublesome spirit people than anyone else.


Again -- and I am repeating this because it is extremely important -- nothing is a fact or true unless someone says it is a fact or it is true. There is no fact or assertion of fact; there is no value call without someone to make that factual conclusion or arrive at that value judgment. If a fact or value judgment then in some way distresses you, you owe it to yourself to answer the "who" part of the equation. If "who" is no good -- say (for example) you have good reason to think them mendacious -- then what do you necessarily care about what they claim to be the fact of the matter? This said, of course, it is always possible for a very erring person to be right and correct about something; and this of course is something one should also always keep in mind.


"You thought it was the greatest thing in the world. But Steve, let me tell you something, and you mean well, there is much in fact you have to learn about what it means to be interesting or to be an interesting person."


85 A memorial in Tappan, New York, near the Hudson River, marks the spot where Andre' was hung and also where he was first buried.

A very interesting account and version of the Arnold treason plot and resultant execution of Andre' is given in Charles Stedman's History of the Origins, Progress and Termination of the American War, Vol. II, pp. 247-253; and which I thought I would post here for some who, like myself, might find it worthy of more close examination; the "what ifs" that can be raised with respect to the sequence of events are being in this instance fairly intriguing. What if, for example, the Vulture had not been fired upon? It makes me think that if there were a spirit-person devil who had it out for Andre, he might have brought that incident to pass. Someone might object, why would the devil do that rather than assist Arnold and Clinton? Perhaps, it was seen at the last that that bringing about the scheme successfully was too fraught with complications and risky ramifications. At the same time, doing-in someone like Andre would be a great feather in some devil's cap. Also, if we look for who was most to blame, was it not Arnold for telling Andre to act as his prisoner? Perhaps (we might consider), he originally obtained the idea and suggestion from someone else. The very difficulties Arnold is described as having found himself beset with were more than likely and to some significant degree devil fomented or orchestrated taunts designed to get him to react -- certain such would be very in keeping with a devil's manner and way of doing things.

As to Andre's sentence itself, I personally don't think great fault, if any, can be found in it on technical or legal grounds such as Stedman or others argue; all the less so given the gravity of the danger his actions posed the Americans.

"Whilst general Washington was absent from his army upon this service, a deep-laid scheme was formed by one of his own officers, one of general for delivering up to sir Henry Clinton the strong post of West Point, in the high lands upon the North River, the possession of which would have nearly cut off all communication between the northern important post into the and middle colonies. The officer engaged in this design was the hands of the famous general Arnold, whose services in the cause of America had been of the most meritorious kind, and whose brilliant actions in the field justly raised him to superior notice and regard. After the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British troops in the year 1778, he was appointed to command the American garrison that took possession of it ; and while he acted in that capacity had the misfortune to disgust many of the inhabitants, and even to fall under the displeasure of congress. He lived expensively, and, as was supposed, considerably beyond his stated income; but he was at the fame time concerned in trading speculations, and had shares in several privateers; and upon the profits expected from those adventures, he probably relied, as a means of enabling him to keep up the state and style of life he had assumed. He had also claims against the public to a considerable amount ; and upon the payment of them he depended as a fund to satisfy the immediate demands of his creditors, who were beginning to become importunate. But the trading speculations in which he had engaged proved unproductive ; his privateers were unsuccessful; and a considerable portion of his demand against the public was cut off, by the commissioners appointed to examine his accounts. From the decision of the commissioners, general Arnold appealed to the congress, who appointed a committee of their own members to revise the sentence: But the committee of congress were even less favourable to his views than the commissioners, from whose decision he had appealed. They reported that the balance already allowed by the commissioners was more than general Arnold was entitled to receive.

"So many disappointments could not fail to ruffle a temper less irritable than general Arnold's: Recollecting his former services, he gave full scope to his resentment, and complained of ill-usage and ingratitude in

86 terms better calculated to provoke than to mollify, and such as were peculiarly offensive to congress. His enemies availed themselves of his indiscretion to swell the tide of popular clamour which already ran strongly against him. A court-martial was appointed to examine into his conduct during his command in Philadelphia, and by the sentence of that board it was in general terms reprehended, and himself subjected to the mortification of receiving a reprimand from general Washington.

"From this moment it is supposed that Arnold formed the design of quitting the American service and joining the British; and only delayed the execution of his purpose until an opportunity should offer of performing some essential service to the power which he was about to join, that might render his accession of more importance. A correspondence was opened with sir Henry Clinton: The a delivering up the post at West Point, where Arnold, now commanded, was the service he proposed to perform; and the interval of general Washington's absence, when he went to confer with the French commanders, was the time appointed for finishing the negotiation. To facilitate the means of carrying on the previous correspondence, the Vulture sloop of war was stationed in the North River, at such a distance from Weft Point as to excite no suspicion, but near enough to serve for the intended communication; and as general Arnold required a confidential person to treat with, major Andre, aid-du-camp to sir Henry Clinton, and adjutant- general of the British army, undertook to confer with him, and bring the British negotiation to a conclusion. For this purpose he repaired on board the Vulture sloop. At night, in pursuance of a previous arrangement, a boat from the shore carried him to the beach, where he met general Arnold ; and day-light approaching before the business on which they had met was finally adjusted, major Andre was told that he must be conducted to a place of safety, and lie concealed until the following night, when he might return on board the Vulture without the danger of being discovered. The beach where the first conference was held was without, but the place of safety to which major Andre was conducted to lie concealed during the day, was within the American out-posts, against his intention, and with out his knowledge. Here, however, he remained with general Arnold during the day ; and at night, the boatmen refusing to carry him on board the Vulture, because she had shifted her position during the day, in consequence of a gun being brought to bear upon her from the shore, he was reduced to the necessity of endeavouring to make his way to New York by land. Laying aside his regimentals, which he had hitherto worn, he put on a plain suit of clothes; and receiving a pass from general Arnold, under the assumed name of John Anderson, as if he had been sent down the country on public business, he set out on his return to New York. His pas port secured him from interruption at the American out-posts; and he had already passed them all, and thought himself out of danger, when three American militia-men, who had been sent out to patrol near the road along which he travelled, suddenly springing from the woods, seized the bridle of his horse and stopped him. The suddenness of the surprise seems to have deprived major Andre of his wonted presence of mind ; and, although a man of the greatest address, he was entrapped by the rude simplicity of clowns. Having inquired from whence they were, and being answered, 'From below;' 'And so,' said he, 'am I.' It was not long before he discovered his mistake; but too late, it would appear, to remove the impression which his first answer had made. The men who had made him prisoners searched him for papers, and having taken from his boot a packet, in the hand-writing of general Arnold, determined to carry him without delay to their commanding officer. It was in vain that he offered them a purse of gold and his watch, to suffer him to pass : His promises of an ample provision, and getting^ them promotion, if they would accompany him to New York, were equally unavailing. The unfortunate Andre, after these efforts to regain his liberty, seems to have been regardless of what might be his own fate, and was only anxious to save general Arnold. Before the commanding officer of the militia he continued to perforate the supposed John Anderson, and requested that a messenger might be sent to general Arnold to acquaint him with his detention. A messenger being accordingly dispatched, and sufficient time having elapsed for general Arnold to make his escape, he no longer disguised his real name, and avowed himself to be major Andre, adjutant-general of the British army: He also wrote a letter to general Washington, in his real name, acquainting him that he was his prisoner, and accounting for the disguise which necessity had obliged him film to assume. The message sent to general Arnold, announcing the detention of John Anderson, was sufficient notice to him to provide for his own safety : He quitted West Point without delay, got on board the Vulture sloop, and in her proceeded to New York.

"In the mean time general Washington returned from his interview with the French commanders, and being informed of what had patted during his absence, together with Arnold's escape, he reinforced the garrison

87 of Weft Point with a strong detachment from his army, and appointed a board of general officers, to inquire into and report upon the cafe of major Andre. The candid, open, manly, and ingenuous explanation of his conduct, given by major Andre, before the board of officers, impressed with admiration and esteem even his enemies who were about to shed his blood. Dismissing from his thoughts all personal considerations of danger, he was only Anxious that the transaction in which he had been engaged, shaded as it was by the intervention of unfortunate circumstances, might be cleared from obscurity, and appear in its genuine colours, at least with respect to his intention, which was incapable of swerving from the paths of honour. But the board of officers fixing their attention upon the naked fact of his being in disguise within their lines, without perhaps duly considering the unfortunate train of incidents which unexpectedly, and almost unavoidably, led him into that situation, were of opinion that he came under the description, and ought to suffer the punishment, of a spy.

"The concern felt at New York, in consequence of the capture of major Andre, was in the mean time inconceivably great: His gallantry as an officer, and amiable demeanour as a man, had gained him not only the admiration, but the affection, of the whole army; and the uncertainty of his fate filled them with the deepest anxiety. Sir Henry Clinton, whose esteem and regard he enjoyed in an eminent degree, immediately opened a correspondence with general Washington, by means of a flag of truce, and urged every motive which justice, policy, or humanity, could suggest, to induce a remission of the sentence. Finding his letters ineffectual, he sent out general Robertson, with a flag, to confer upon the subject with any officer that should be appointed by general Washington. An inter- view took place between general Robertson and general Green[e], who had been president of the court-martial. But all efforts to save the unfortunate Andre were unavailing: His doom was irrevocably fixed. The greatness of the danger which the American army had escaped by the discovery of Arnold's plot before it was ripe for execution, seems to have extinguished in the breath of the inexorable Washington, every spark of humanity that remained. Although entreated by a most pathetic letter from major Andre, written on the day previous to his execution, to change the mode of his death from that of a common malefactor to one more correspondent to the feelings of a soldier, he would not condescend to grant even this inconsiderable boon to the supplication of his unfortunate prisoner: And on the second day of October this accomplished young officer met his fate, in the manner prescribed by his sentence, with a composure^ serenity, and fortitude, which astonished the beholders, and excited those emotions of sympathy that would have been more honourably and humanely exercised in averting than lamenting his fate.

"Thus fell the unfortunate Andre. If intention is necessary to constitute guilt; and if guilt alone merits punishment, some doubt may be entertained with respect to the sentence of the board of officers. Major Andre did not, at first, knowingly enter within the American lines: He was then also in his regimentals: And when he actually found himself within those lines, contrarily to his intention, whatever he afterwards did, in order to extricate himself, by assuming a disguise, and using a feigned passport, ought rather to be ascribed to the imposed. necessity of his situation than to choice. But, even if the sentence pronounced against him should be found agreeable to the letter of the law of nations, so unsuitable is the exercise of extreme justice to our imperfect state, that we turn with disgust from those transactions, in which the finer feelings of humanity have been sacrificed to its rigour. Bright as the fame of Washington shall shine in the annals of America, as one of the most illustrious supporters of her independence, the sons of freedom will lament the cold insensibility, that did not suffer him to interpose, in order to rescue from his fate so gallant an officer, and even could withhold from him the poor consolation of meeting death like a soldier; whilst a glance of indignation shall dart from the eyes of her fair and compassionate daughters, softened only by the tear of pity for the fate of the accomplished Andre."


There is this spirit person of reputedly great consequence; who is sort of the Bugsy Malone of demonism or satanism; somewhat diminutive but whom you are not permitted to see unless susceptible to certain states of fear. So I said to them, can't I see him without the fear? The answer was no; unless I was afraid I could not see him.


88 I slumbered and had a dream; waking in which I found myself in a land or world where there were all these often dignified in their way, usually quiet, modest, humble, sometimes cute or affable, animals, both large and little; who unless provoked normally behaved themselves very well, consuming of others only as much as was naturally necessary -- yet who were seen as having no real rights to guard them; and were being harshly confined, murdered or taken heartless advantage of by communities of people like you and myself; where even the most wealthy among us will far more pity himself than these inexplicably helpless beings. I wondered, surely there must be something wrong with such who treat these poor animals so? What mad world then is this I have somehow stumbled into?


I had always thought "Ecce Homo" referred to Christ brutalized. Yet now I realize it refers rather to the ringleader of those brutalizing him.


If you're their lord and savior then you go live with and take care of these people. Don't be dumping them on us to babysit!


He keeps hidden and remains secret for a very good reason -- he doesn't make any sense!


It's all right sometimes to feel sorry for yourself; just as it is all right every now and then to revel in your greatness.


If a person is so powerful that he can cause, prevent or counteract a great evil, then he must be God or someone to be likened to.

Is this true? There are arguments for and against this proposition. Yet this must be borne in mind when we begin, applying the above postulate, to include spirit people as possible candidates for deity. Even though they may be supremely puissant and in many respects, they may be extremely frail and weak in others. If they are extremely frail or weak in some respects -- say they are very shy, secretive, self-loathing, for example -- would this not make suspect all and everything else wonderous they were capable of -- at least if we were considering them as possessing some kind of ultra-divine like status?

Similarly, do we call someone "the champ" merely because he always got to have his way -- and at the sore expense of others -- for many, many years?


If one thinks good comes from evil and doing the wrong thing ('a certain way'), rather than from Good and doing the right thing, then what will he do if one day Evil asks a favor or makes demands of him? True, others like himself who resort to mere 'evil' (i.e. as opposed to great 'Evil') may see it is also in their interest to come to his aid in such an event. But then again, maybe not. Understand, most people who use "evil" to have their way usually or most always, if not always, do so for some worldly gain, say like lucre, sex, or prestige. But real Evil people don't really or necessarily need those things in what they are about, and will be Evil for entirely other reasons; and which people who listen to them (being markedly irrational) don't have the foggiest idea of.

89 Just by the way, not unworthy of mention, is that perhaps the greatest key and secret to the power of Evil is its enlisting some dumb idiot to sacrifice himself, willingly, for it while at the same time getting him to take chump change for his trouble. These latter then become those great magnates and moguls who tell every one what to do and how to live their life we've grown so accustomed to having around.


One thing you can say on Gonzales' behalf is that while his opponents get full and ample coverage and airtime, I don't see or hear any from his side of the argument (outside the President.) Now anyone with the least bit of real sense and with only a modicum of moral perspicuity will know that the mass media and entertainment (including the news), is the present-day home of organized crime and the very worst criminals in our society, as well as the spewing orifice for the most sick and vicious depravity in our midst. Yet it is among these people we find the attorney general's bitterest opponents; who in no insignificant way are tied into the same public watchdogs who dutifully see to it that Britney Spears and Paris Hilton are regularly being tracked and monitored; in addition to constantly scandalizing and ruining people. News reporting, indeed is so corrupt, spineless, and hypocritical that far from helping to inform and enlighten people they much more act to uphold the fascist values of centralized corporate "America;" indeed, to some of them it must be no secret that they have indeed become little more than the mask and cover for those most rich and wealthy criminals who zealously seek to make and maintain themselves as something respectable. Certainly, there are individual news people who are conscientious and responsible; that are exceptions to this charge. But ask yourself if at large and with most of them it isn't. Look at the system of public communications in this country and ask yourself if it is not routinely doctored and censored in order to bolster the most prurient and sordid of moneyed interests. It is in such you will find the true origin of the reported 'populist' momentum against the likes recently of Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Martha Stewart, ad nauseum.


Does Catholicism promote class division? Of itself, I am convinced, no, and certainly not necessarily. Yet it can and has been used by some for that purpose, and for obviously less than Christian ends. No doubt you yourself can imagine or will have known instances where a parish or diocese; while administering to the very poor's needs, also pays special care to the needs of the very wealthy -- yet while effectively ignoring the middle class; including and especially claims of injustice being done them by more wealthy and powerful people; which latter as seen as either not qualifying as needy or else people who should go to the rich to seek redress for their grievances. This I believe strongly is one of the reasons why many of the Anglo-European settlers of America who sought a way of life beyond ostentatious wealth and struggling poverty, were often very anti-Catholic. But again, the fault we are pointing out here is not inherent to Catholicism; but its hijacking and misuse, intentionally or no, by non and would be Catholics.


In seeking social and community reform in the present age there is little room to advance forward and break new ground. Instead, and to a much larger extent, we find ourselves in throes of acute and bizarre suffering; straining to get back what some 20 years ago or so we took for granted and already had. I would think it trite to make this remark, but for how oblivious so many people seem to be about what has been going on these latter decades.


If you desire to be a better than good writer or poet, avoid writing merely what you think people ought to hear or will impress them. Rather, write about what is essentially and in its significance new to you; or else what, only recently, you needed to hear, discover, or learn of yourself; while taking due measure, of course, of how what you have to say might or might not be "new" to or unanticipated by others.

90 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

The Champ

Let's see then, who has he been so far? Well, there's Hannibal, a Tyrannosaurus, Spiderman, or the masked figure (of which there have been many) par excellence; but now also I think Shrek; but Shrek with an attitude; Shrek with an edge.


"The invisible monster king, and his radioactive slave and zombie followers" -- this is the sort of manner you should address these people; that is, derisively; with contempt; putting up with not the least nonsense (if you can help it); for if you answer to and let the dead rule over you, you are doing exactly that. And that, I submit, is no way to live.


Widespread sickness and death (both physical and spiritual), more than from any other cause (I think it will be found), arise from people's deliberately permitting a useless dead man to feed off a living, useful one; in fact, a given society or culture will sometimes even offer that dead man selected victims (most usually poor persons, social undesirables and people of conscience), as well as a rich and honored home in its midst. Now why would a society do such a thing? Well, that way Hell, which is the killer's friend, will supposedly have mercy on them for their open mindedness, compassion, and impartiality. Later, to clinch the deal, someone from "Heaven" will come and tell them Hell is right to act as it does because those who would condemn the killer are being self-righteous and uncharitable. Finally, if anyone attempts to attack or wage war on this hypocritical and ultimately self-defeating arrangement that attempts to secure peace by means of appeasement and giving into false fear, such will, predictably, be ostracized and or persecuted as society's adversary. They key to making this all happen? Why, of course, lies and secrecy.


Although there persists at large a shameful ignorance and indifference with respect to the degree and amount of trouble spirit people cause and are responsible for; it is, nonetheless, more wise and prudent to not blame them for everything. After all some of those same problems a person has might even yet be around even if conniving spirit people weren't. One can't always be so entirely sure. What these people will certainly do, however, is adapt those problems, i.e. which you still might have, to what the plan is they otherwise have intended for you; and make those problems work for them against and to weaken you. Some then might understandably, for instance, blame them for a given problem; but it may be that they aren't really the cause of that particular problem, and instead are only exacerbating or highlighting it (including even taking credit for causing it if doing so will deceive you or else further some end of theirs.) This said, that they do, I will continue to maintain, cause many, if not most, and the worst problems people do encounter; and this, allowing for the above qualification should go without saying. The answer in dealing with the dilemma such as is posed is simply to get at and decide what is doing the very worst harm to all; and, second, address who is most responsible for bringing that harm about. Such a determination I will also continue to assume requires both honesty and reason, otherwise I don't see how one can intelligently address such questions.


Cer-ber-us n.. Latin, from Greek Kerberos, Date: 14th century. 1. Classical Mythology. A dog, usually represented as having three heads; that guarded the entrance of the infernal regions. 2. A formidable and often surly keeper or guard.

91 3. An investment and management team which believes that strong corporate governance is the cornerstone to business.


He is using us so he can create a role of importance for himself; spending our money that he might continue to live as a rich and great man.


There are spirit people patriotic bunkum and shows, just as there are religious; so that you need not bother with that either. Again, we don't say all spirit people are bad, or manifestations of spirit people powers are necessarily a bad thing. Nor do we say, for example, that halos are of themselves necessarily a bad thing (no more than a velvet cap or feathered headdress is or isn't a good or bad thing.) Rather what we say -- as a general rule -- is if they or it pretend to authority and yet, at the same time, are not of the truth, and that includes honesty and forthrightness (essential components of rudimentary justice and fairness); who or whatever it is is no good, i.e. or at least one would have legitimate grounds for assessing them that way. In sum, judge a spirit person, as you would anyone else; with probity and as best you can; and more by how they act than by what they appear to be; no matter how powerful and miraculous seeming.


The demonist...he always had to do the wrong thing a certain way. The only problem is, however, we have never seen it working out for him not once, not yet.


The difference between the Holy Spirit and the Great Spirit is what? There is none really, unless the Holy Spirit could be made distinct from the other term by saying it is the same being or spirit adapting itself to a more urban, close-dwelling environment. While the Holy Spirit might have been present to some extent among the urban dwelling Aztecs, obviously it was not sufficiently so to meet the needs of the city environment. Even to this day, to the extent the cities wall out creation religion struggles in them; and which perhaps is a sign that it is overly large cities which pose the greatest risk and threat to our ability to survive -- hence certain glamorous spirit people's ideas of dispensing with the whole thing altogether and getting it over with -- like a bullet in the head.


In response to the following statement of William Hazlitt, or ascribed to him, and given as the Google "Quote of the Day" for May 10, 2007:

"Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what they ought to be."

Man is by no means the only animal that laughs and weeps. Indeed, even certain vegetation can be made to weep; as was once demonstrated to me by some Hell spirit people (and presumably a regular person accomplice with them); who left for me to find in my kitchen a never (by me) seen before and otherwise unaccountable mould or fungus growing in an unused oven pan. They were able to somehow actually torment this fungus in such a manner that it actually exuded weeping and sorrow; such that I could feel physically that weeping and sorrow when I came close enough to it (say within two feet.) As well in addition to this odd example, you yourself, of course, can probably think at least an instance or more an animal manifesting sadness or unhappiness.

92 Laughter, on the other hand, seems less evident in animals and plants. Yet no doubt there are occasions when an animal's playing can be said to be done or carried on with a certain obvious good humor and sense of frolic.


Since Glen Campbell's relatively rare mid-sixties album "A New Place in the Sun" is not likely to be released on CD anytime soon -- or until then anyway -- here, from that LP, is his version of "A Place in the Sun;" which song, of course, is among those I did in my "Gun Jones Amateur Hour" (see link below among Miscellaneous.)


What can or does a "non-audible" sound or "sound in one's head" sound like? Well, as one example, let's see if some of you can remember or hear this.

"Hey, Mr. Wilson!"


We thought nobody outside a World War II documentary could act like that. That's what we thought. But despite our expectations, they went on and did act like that. And yet after all the taking over, after all the empire, after all the movies, after all the shows, after all the carrying on -- all purchased at an inexpressible amount of sad and outrageous suffering and injustice levied on others -- where is their audience; who now truly cares? All of which, I think you will agree, goes to prove, once again, you can force people to obey, but you can never really force them to like you.


The idea is that if you attack Evil and are able to thwart or defeat it, you will in one fell swoop diminish significantly, if not, in the given instance, remove entirely, a host of lesser evils; yet which lesser evils take up and absorb a fantastic amount of energy, time, wealth, and resources, and which energy time, wealth, and resources could be then directed to other concerns. By Evil I mean the deliberate use of extreme terror, violence, and or cruelty -- whether in or outside a conventional military war, it doesn't have to be one or the other necessarily -- in order to further someone's interests and policy. Ironically, though perhaps not surprisingly, one of the devices of those who consciously use Evil (and as well typically seek to justify it) then is to get certain people to believe that their livelihood is dependent on the perpetration of those lesser evils (seeing as how those persons might hold a job or profession which addresses a given lesser evil as an ongoing problem), and therefore they should not seek to combat Evil. At the same time, there might be said to be a kind of fear that arises, not only from the idea of acknowledging the existence of Evil, let alone fighting it, but also a fear of how uncomfortable it might be to have those lesser evils we have grown accustomed to having around -- such as random crime, rampant ignorance, cultural vandalism, ecological pollution, certain illnesses, etc. -- be no longer.


As I am not infrequently given to using this website to contribute to the general good and public welfare, here is the Overture to Handel's "Berenice" edited so as to be without the rather formal beginning and tail ends; so that now you can listen to that part of the piece you really wanted to hear (and without having to wait through the less interesting and not strictly necessary rest of it.)


93 An Imaginary Encounter

1st Citizen: O.K. It's settled then now, isn't it? You have a billion dollars, right? You have all these wonderful people working for you, right? O.K. so no more torture and no more stalking and harassing of people, is that fair?

2nd Citizen: No.

1st Citizen: What do you mean no?

2nd Citizen: We can't do what you are asking us -- it's too hard to mind our own business.

1st Citizen: What do you mean it's too hard to mind your own business? Why people mind their own business all the time. It's a piece of cake. It's easy; believe me. Trust me on this. No, I think the real problem is that you just aren't applying yourself enough.

2nd Citizen: I'm no Christian.

1st Citizen: Who says you have to be Christian in order to mind your own business?

2nd Citizen: You are making me bear a cross.

1st Citizen: No, I am not; on the contrary, minding your own business is the easiest thing in the world. Besides, be reasonable after all; you're getting away with murder like crazy as it is, aren't you?

2nd Citizen: Maybe, but we still have to do the wrong thing.


It is not a little vexing, is it not, that despite our seeing and hearing belligerence, or senseless or knee-jerk aggression, or the desire to hurt others, or brazen and unbridled sadism, and or other assorted pronounced expressions of violence and viciousness on national television -- and this incessantly; on a day to day basis; and for many years now -- that someone arrives at the conclusion that fear and terrorism are overflowing in the Middle East and are here and on their way here to attack us!


If he knew the truth, it was never really his nightmare or nightmarish image that afflicted his thoughts and imaginings to begin with; rather it was some sorcerer or other ghost who deliberately put it there while trying to get him to accept it as his own -- and which he, dupe as he is, did!


And if, when all is said and done and despite your efforts, something can't quite be this, let it at least be that; but that in as good and desirable a manner as it can be.


What do you mean to say they love you, and yet they are not entirely truthful or honest? Or that you love them, but are not entirely truthful or honest either?


94 If Hell has a way of deforming and degrading a person, of course (real) Heaven, or rational and moral goodness, should have a cure for whatever it is. Yet how can Heaven cure if Hell is not supplanted from its position of would-be authority? And how can Hell be ousted in this wise if it is not overtly combated and resisted? And how can it be combated and resisted if it cannot openly and intelligently be spoken about?


"The king [Josiah] went up to the temple of the LORD with all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: priests, prophets, and all the people, small and great. He had the entire contents of the book of the covenant that had been found in the temple of the LORD, read out to them. "Standing by the column, the king made a covenant before the LORD that they would follow him and observe his ordinances, statutes and decrees with their whole hearts and souls, thus reviving the terms of the covenant which were written in this book. And all the people stood as participants in the covenant. "Then the king commanded the high priest Hilkiah, his vicar, and the doorkeepers to remove from the temple of the LORD all the objects that had been made for Baal, Asherah, and the whole host of heaven. He had these burned outside Jerusalem on the slopes of the Kidron and their ashes carried to Bethel. "He also put an end to the pseudo-priests whom the kings of Judah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and in the vicinity of Jerusalem, as well as those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, moon, and signs of the Zodiac, and to the whole host of heaven....

"Further, Josiah did away with the consultation of ghosts and spirits, with the household gods, idols, and all the other horrors to be seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, so that he might carry out the stipulations of the law written in the book that the priest Hilkiah had found in the temple of the LORD. "Before him there had been no king who turned to the LORD as he did, with his whole heart, his whole soul, and his whole strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses; nor could any after him compare with him."

~ from 2nd Kings, ch. 23: 2-6, 24-25.


The Action Extreme Team

The seed of sin can bring forth malice; and malice, unless carefully guarded against, can bring forth murder, perhaps even indiscriminate murder; even of loved ones if the poison gets in you deep enough. What then must a person be like who murders intentionally more than once compared to most everybody else? And do you suppose there might be such a person among what are supposed to be -- rightly or wrongly -- our nation's highest ranking leaders and decision makers?

I know this much; although I am one who is vocal in saying that the issue of evil needs to be addressed rationally and scientifically, some will, even so, treat me as if I am the one causing all these troubles (go figure.)


What Won't He Do For Love?

Yes, he gets to be with his girl and live his rich life to boot; but only because he cooperates with this mummy that eats children and devours small animals. (Very romantic in other words.)


"Paramount-CBS." Gimme a break! What next, "MSN-USA"?

95 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

If I may -- Do not be taken in by kind angels, feely-feel good feelings, halos, silver cups, bursts of love, far off golden fields, dazzling predictions fulfilled; but see these people rather as a feature article for National Geographic; and the greater scheme of things will all make better sense to you. Nor is it too far amiss to view them as the "spirit world" equivalent of Microsoft and or Dreamworks.


Look, why spend all that time and bother reading the New York Times and Washington Post, or sitting through many hours of television news programming, when here's the whole thing in a nutshell? So let me then save you all some time by sharing the following, and which provides you instead with what you really need to know:

"Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people who care about him most. Forced to choose between the seductive power of the new suit and the compassionate hero he used to be, Peter must overcome his personal demons as two of the most-feared villains yet, Sandman and Venom, gather unparalleled power and a thirst for retribution to threaten Peter and everyone he loves."


A person who plays games with peoples lives for amusement or because he has nothing to do with himself neither acts naturally or divinely. Moreover, I am very skeptical of high level methods of instruction, persuasion, or negotiation which involve unannounced duress, violence, and coercion.

No, he gets -- and sure can have -- Steve and the Magician, but he doesn't get me; he certainly doesn't get both.


The only good spirit person is a live spirit person.


"Sherman you have to cooperate because you have a common interest with us."

Since when?! You came to me, remember? I never came to you. In addition, those spirit people you listen to, whether you see them as the Devil or Jesus or your greatest leader are garbage and trash to me; and whose would be authority I reject without qualification. How then dare you say such a thing?


I told him that there was hope yet after all; for when all this is finally done and over with they'll end up rewarding him for his trouble and effort by turning him into a bug -- and which in his case, of course, would be an obvious improvement.


96 We could not do the right thing perfectly, so with a vengeance he does the wrong thing to show us all, and God, his great displeasure.

Often one of the most puerile and laughable things about the regular people who listen to spirit people is their belief that doing the wrong things helps others, and that those who insist on doing the right thing (the right way) are really everybody's worst enemy. Why? Because those who try to do the right thing are the ones who make it most difficult for everyone else; as well, we are hypocrites because we are not really and truly righteous in all our conduct; and they believe this despite their, to an overwhelming degree, being the ones with all the money; while such as us who believe otherwise than them essentially don't and are not allowed to have (much of) any.


Having had the opportunity to experience both to a considerable degree, I can honestly and truly state that the difference between the glories and ecstasies of Nature versus the glories and ecstasies of spirit people (also known to some as Heaven, -- at least those spirit people who, in the minds of many at least, currently hold reigning power as such) is much like the difference between the perfume of air freshener versus the scent of real flowers. True, "heavenly" spirit people (including angels) have some nice things going for them, so to speak, but compared to what? The sad part of it is that spirit people can so shock and awe the timid and irrational that few ever took the time or trouble to ask such a question; with the result that regular people are easily misled and sold a bunch of what is essentially, and for the most part, a lot of glamorous phony baloney. For example, there are some pretty and charming, sometimes funny, spirit girls; but who that has met them ever noticed that they are also slave girls. Similarly, there are spirit people who will act like they represent highest authority or the high point of creation, and yet when will one have ever seen a real man among them? And yet it is such "Heaven" and such spirit people who continue to be used as an excuse and justification for false religion and a myriad of accompanying crimes.


In bygone days -- and not so bygone days -- it was necessary to make inhuman sacrifices to the gods because you couldn't shoot them instead.


That's some hard wood.


"Well, you know me, being rational is not a problem. But be honest? Why, if I am honest, they'll crucify me!"

Ah, I see now you are beginning to catch on.

Now some, typically under the influence of Hell, will somehow blame Christianity for this state of things. But Christ did not create this state of things. What he did was provide a way -- for some people THE way -- of dealing them, i.e. with worst fear and the threats brought forth by Hell people. Understand this about real Hell people. Though they may seem at times, very clever, shrewd, perhaps witty and in some way sophisticated -- they are invariably ruled by fear not truth and reason. And when fear most rules that is when the worst cruelties, tortures and horrors start becoming possible. These kind of people are led to think that if they do the wrong thing and appease the great terrorist (their master) then they will be spared torment. And yet if ever one day he happens to change his mind, he will have say over their fate and living condition -- not truth, not honesty, not reason, not democracy.

97 And yet what are people answering to now these days, truth and reason or fear and manipulation? If you accept the latter rather than the former as authority -- then he can ultimately have that same power (described above) over you that he has over more ordinary Hell people.

And if he should say "I am God -- obey me or I will send out my attack dogs to get you," then know this is not God but a person who lives and rules by fear -- not truth and reason. Even so there will, it would seem, always be people who think such a person is or as much as God.

There is really quite a history and culture of this fear and cruelty thing going back thousands of years; deserving of closer study, research and analysis. Indeed these kinds of people are the ones behind the billion dollar fortunes - no regular person does or ever did have real or justifiable need of so much money. And if this is true, then what next can you expect from them? What do you suppose they need those billions of dollars for? To philanthropically help others?

The solution lies in being honest, being rational, being courageous, being in reality (not in a fantasy world) and fighting these people. There is simply no other way. You can fight them like Christ or fight them like Patton but you better fight them -- or else. History has always shown that to appease and or cave into the demands of a violent tyrant or inveterate terrorist has NEVER brought lasting peace and safety. Indeed in many instances, in the case of those who assisted the tyrant in attacking the tyrant's own enemies, it was simply a matter of time that they themselves became that tyrant's victims also. Look what happened to many of the Native American peoples who thought cooperation would save them -- when after a brief period of respite, it ended up doing the exact opposite.

Yet these problems lie ultimately not with regular people but with spirit people; and unless you are prepared and willing to go after them, you will never be able or have an adequate means available to you of getting at what is the real problem.


Some seem to think that after they die (and assuming they don't simply remain asleep in death) that they will know and understand more in the hereafter than they do here.

Not necessarily. For some, indeed on the contrary, things may be harder to understand, more chaotic and more confusing there than they are here. If you aren't already then, by all means, get into the light now; that is be of and for the honest, rational truth -- while you still can. This life may, for all you know, be your only hope and opportunity to do so -- or else perhaps your only hope and opportunity for a very, very long time. And why, after all, take a chance doing the opposite and go trusting people who can't even face their opponents; let alone openly defend or explain what they are doing and saying?


He gets himself in this big mess of his and as a matter of course, in his case at any rate, he'll need to even do more evil to continue and continue and continue to make up the vast difference (between what he would otherwise be willing to put up versus what something like true justice requires of him.) So he gets all these other people to go along with him using of course the most underhanded and unconscionable -- indeed even violent and brutal -- methods to deceive and persuade them that his way is the way they should follow. And they do believe him. The result is and has been little short of total social, economic, legal, moral, cultural, environmental, national, etc. catastrophe; with those who have gone along with him refusing to allow any discussion of what has taken place, hence the absurd degree of censorship, muffling and silencing we have seen escalated in the past decade or more. They have to do the wrong thing -- so they say or slyly insinuate; presumably in the interest of some mysterious, greater justice. But observe also how they also must have and control such an outlandish share of the money also as well in order to fulfill this same noble end.

98 True wealth comes from wisdom and a greater understanding of the facts and the truth. These people are led to think that, on the contrary, the greatest wealth comes from the greatest murder, robbery and snookering of people. And yet they murder, rob, and snooker and yet when do they ever in the very, very least make us envious or jealous of them (and given that there are others at the same time who do have that power?) No matter how much money and all the rest they get they never cease to be the most debased, degraded and abhorrent of people, and yet they like to think and pretend that they are rich. True, indeed with the money in a sense they are. Yet so hideously wretched are and do they become through their reckless wrong doing in pursuit of or obeying of immediate material power that it gets to a point so bad that people will no longer even take money -- even large sums -- in compensation to be with and or be like them (so utterly hateful they are in their slobbish boorishness, callousness and general insensibility cemented with persistent arrogance.) Some would even kill themselves -- some actually have -- rather than go on enduring their presence in their lives any longer. Earlier on and subsequently they had went bought themselves a big movie career as way of drumming up real interest and support -- but that as a matter of course, and despite lavish budgets and extravagant hype, didn't really go anywhere with anyone. So the next obvious thing for them to do, of course, is to find ways they can force themselves on people and invade their lives. This then inevitably becomes the only way they can come up with for securing that attention and recognition of importance they seek.

And this is riches!


For the benefit of those who would otherwise end up missing this, the following, according to Netscape News, are a list of some of the "reasons" why women prefer "bad boys." One would assume this does not necessarily include the likes of Fenton, of Pine Robber fame (see below), Jack the Ripper, or Adolph Hitler, etc.; however this point of course isn't made entirely clear. Presumably though, one would think, there is some limit on how bad the boy in question can be. But this I suppose they will address some other time -- or maybe not. In fairness to what this person writes, it might be helpful to point out that a person disposed to be bad (as you probably already know) can often be much stronger in certain ways than others can or even (in some instances) everybody else can. Yet if they are this usually (if not necessarily always) is for two combined reasons -- a) they have a lot of money and b) they, knowingly or unknowingly, are working for and with one or more powerful spirit persons (thus of two or more persons making "one," i.e. out "bad boy.") Yet without these two both as factors, they would not, for reasons of being bad at least, be any stronger than anyone else.

 "Because they know what they want...And they usually get what they want.

 "Because with them there is never any such thing as a dull moment...You never know what they will do next.

 "Because they don't feel tied down to any one woman and we love the challenge.

 "Because they don't always have a plan like most good boys do.

99  "Because they are not afraid to break out of dating norms. Actually most dates are just hooking up.

 "Because the word 'insecurity' is not in their vocabulary. They don't care what others think.

 "Because they don't make a big deal out of small events (one week anniversaries.) You're thrilled when they remember even your big events.

 "Because they are usually strong-willed and sexually aggressive. Need we say more?

 "Because they make us feel safe because they're not intimidated by anyone else.

 "Because they usually can't be negotiated with, but when you get your way, it's way exciting.

 "Because they are exciting because they're unpredictable. they keep you on your toes.

 "Because not often, but sometimes they show their sensitive, needy side.

 "Because they are untouchable for most women. (Well, depending on where you want to touch...)

 "Because they bring out the sexual animal in us because we don't feel the need to be 'ladylike.'

 "Because they take charge in all the right ways, whether we admit we like it or not.

 "Because they live their life on their own terms. End of story.

 "Because they can be extremely charming and unquestionably passionate. We love the challenge of reaching them.

 "Because they act with authority even when they have no right to us,

 "Because they flirt with other women. It drives us crazy and makes us want them more.

 "Because they can't be tested (or trusted most of the time!)

 "Because they are independent-with-attitude and throw caution to the wind! Take us, baby!

 "Because they exhude confidence at all times, making even the most secure women try harder.

 "Because they seduce us without even trying. And we feel like we've got to work hard to seduce them at times!

 "Because they are the right mix of mysterious and elusive. We never feel smothered but sort of wish we could.

 "Because they carry on as if women aren't important to them. We want to be the one who matters,

 "Because they have that sexy arrogance that drives us wild!

 "Because they aren't afraid to take risks.

 "Because they whisper sweet nothings into our ears.

100  "Because they encourage us to be a little bit bad. They love it when we're a lot bad!

 "Because we can be obnoxious, and we know that they will always act worse.

 "Because they show us a better time then responsible, upstanding guys. We try to fight this gut reaction, but we can't!

 "Because they make us feel incredible when they do pay attention to us. The little things matter so much more.

 "Because they love their lives and aren't bound by the rules o society. We want to let loose with them.

 "Because they have a lot of energy. And we can't wait to see just how they plan to use it.

 "Because they are always a challenge and who can resist a challenge?

 "Because they keep us on our toes and makes us less selfish. They won't put up with it!

 "Because they are our little "projects" to nurture and change, but if they do, we eventually drop them for another bad boy!

 "Because they have devilishly playful personalities and a twinkle in their eye. We never know what they are really thinking.

 "Because they add spice to our good-girl lives. They make us feel wild and sexy!

 "Because they excite us because they are so different from us. They're the guys our parents warned us about.

 "Because they put passion into our sometimes boring, structured lifestyle. We can't resist their appeal.

 "Because they are the object of our desires and fantasies.

 "Because they aren't afraid to argue with us, and they usually win. We know they won't come crawling back.

 "Because they represented rebellion, excitement and steamy sex all at once. We're under their spell.

 "Because they are a predator on the prowl. Hungry, unpredictable and a little bit dangerous.

 "Because they make us feel sexy merely by the fact that they want us. You've got to be hot to catch a bad boy!

 "Because they have mastered that sly come-hither stare. We're coming! We're coming!

 "Because they can sweep us off our feet before we even know what hit us! We love the rush!!

 "Because they are irresistible because they know they're hot!

 "Because they don't even plan too far in the future. You take what you can get."

101 For the original see


Here also for "fun" is something from Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution, Vol. II, p. 162n. I had wanted to put this up a long, long while back but for one reason or another was side tracked from and forgotten it.

"The Pine Robbers were a band of marauding Tories, who infested the large districts of pine woods in the lower part of Monmouth county, [New Jersey] whence they made predatory excursions among the Whigs of the neighboring country. They burrowed caves in the sand-hills for places of shelter and retreat, on the borders of swamps, and, covering them with brush, effectually concealed them. From these dens they sallied forth at midnight to burn, plunder, and murder. Nor were the people safe in the daytime, for the scoundrels would often issue from their hiding-places, and fall upon the farmer in his field. The people were obliged to carry muskets while at their work, and their families were kept in a state of continual terror.

"Of these depredators, the most prominent were Fenton, Fagan, Williams, Debow, West, and Carter. Fenton was the arch-fiend of the pandemonium of the Pines. He was a blacksmith of Freehold, large and muscular. He early took to the business of the Tories, and began his career of villainy by robbery. He plundered a tailor’s shop in Freehold township. Already a committee of vigilance was organized. They sent Fenton word that, if he did not return the plunder, he should be hunted and shot. Intimidated, he sent back the clothing, with the following savage note appended:

"'I have returned your damned rags. In a short time I am coming to burn your barns and houses, and roast you all like a pack of kittens!'

"Fenton soon proceeded to put his threat into execution. One summer night, at the head of a gang of desperadoes, he attacked the dwelling of an aged man near Imlaytown, named Farr. Himself, wife, and daughter composed the family. They barricaded the door, and kept the scoundrels at bay for a while. Fenton finally broke in a portion of the door, and, firing through the opening, broke the leg of the old man with a musket-ball. They forced an entrance at last, murdered the wife, and then dispatched the helpless old man. The daughter, badly wounded, escaped, and the miscreants, becoming alarmed, fled without taking any plunder with them. Fenton was afterward shot by a young soldier of Lee�s legion, then lying at Monmouth court-house. The robber had plundered and beaten a young man while on his way from a mill. He gave information to Lee, who detailed a sergeant and two soldiers to capture or destroy the villain. The young man, and the sergeant disguised as a countryman, took a seat in a wagon, while the two soldiers, armed, were concealed under some straw in the bottom of the vehicle, and proceeded toward the mill, expecting to meet Fenton on the road. From a low groggery among the Pines the robber came out, with a pistol, and commanded them to halt. He then inquired if they had brandy, to which an affirmative was given, and a bottle handed to him. While drinking, one of the soldiers, at a signal from the sergeant, arose, and shot the villain through the head. His body was thrown into the wagon, and conveyed in triumph to Freehold.

"Fagan and West were also shot by the exasperated people. The body of the latter was suspended in chains, with hoop-iron bands around it, upon a chestnut by the road-side, about a mile from Freehold, on the way to Colt’s Neck, where it was left to be destroyed by carrion birds.

"The sufferings of the people from these marauders made such a deep impression, that the lapse of years could not efface it from the hearts of those who felt their scourge, and even the third generation of the families of Tories were objects of hate to some of the surviving sufferers. An old lady, ninety years of age, with whom I conversed at Boundbrook, became greatly excited while talking of what her family endured from the Pine Robbers and other Tories, and spoke indignantly of one or two families in Monmouth county who were descendants of Loyalists. Philip Freneau, from whose poems I have frequently quoted, was a native of this county. He was graduated at Princeton College in 1771. His poems, written chiefly during the

102 Revolution and immediately after, were vigorous, and sometimes beautiful. He was found dead in a bog, in which he was mired, near Freehold, on the 18th of December, 1832, and was buried in that village."


In about a few weeks from now, I intend to embark on yet another significant upgrade or update of my Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South:1780-1781; with something like 30 new (in many cases very rare) books of special importance on the subject now at my disposal and which I did not have previously -- this thanks to the literal libraries of works one can now download by way of Google's "Book Search." Really a tremendous boon to scholars, researchers and others this service is.

Speaking of Calendar and Record, I just added the following interesting anecdote from NP historian Thomas Baker; that I thought some might find of interest, and that helps to fill out my profile of Maryland captain John Smith. The incidents stated here are in reference to Guilford Courthouse, Mar. 15, 1781.

[Smith acquired some notoriety for slaying Lieut. Col. James Stuart of the Guards at Guilford in sword-to- sword combat; though some of the British accused him of murdering Stuart after having taken him prisoner. What apparently happened is he dealt the death-blow when Stuart had lost his footing, but would have had no time to have taken him prisoner.] Historian, Thomas Baker: "Stuart�s orderly sergeant next attacked Smith, but was struck down by a Marylander. Smith then killed one more guardsman before he was finally shot in the back of his head by a redcoat. The wounded American officer was carried off the field by his men. Remarkably, he recovered from his injury." BAV p. 68.


As of very recently, I am sending out attempts at contact and seeking once again to raise the issue of spirit people and whether their existence can be demonstrated scientifically. The following is a portion of my reply to someone that I thought I would share for the benefit of others who might find its contents useful.

[Beginning here:] Firstly, my overall claim is far from being my only claim; nor does it make much sense to weigh such a general claim (viz. are their literal spirit people) without specifically defining our terms and being able to provide possible evidentiary instances of such. For example, as part of my story I make claims that I was, on at least a number of occasions occurring within the last 14 years, administered a poison injection as the part of criminal acts on the part of someone who took it upon himself to be my enemy. Now assuming I was poisoned (and one would presume there are or might be empirical means and systematic deductive methods for determining such to be the case or not), our next question is why was I poisoned? Who would do such a thing and why? If I wasn't actually poisoned and only imagined or hallucinated the poisoning events, yes we might end the discussion there on that point. And yet I cannot have my claim (as to my being poisoned on a number of occasions) decided if I cannot get an impartial jury to themselves and or else have someone else investigate my claims. Hence, we already see a need for a FACTUAL inquiry.

But, let's for the sake of argument, assume I WAS poisoned. Again, who for what reason would do such a thing? Well, perhaps other parts of my story may help to answer this question. From here, and just for starters, I could give my accounts of actually meeting and dealing with spirit people. People who I dealt with in the course of my very bizarre 14 year ordeal could be interviewed for their reaction about what happened. And other steps could be taken to answer what at bottom is a very simple questioned -- what happened to William Thomas Sherman during the period from 1992 to the present (recounted in my "Narrative)?

Another approach would be to ask, is Sherman a credible person? This is a very important question. Were someone to come back to you later and perhaps say "I understand you dismissed Sherman when he tried to raise this matter of spirit people with you. May I ask you -- did you read any of his writings? If so how much and what can you tell me about them? What would you say about Mr. Sherman? How would you

103 describe him? Why do you suppose he has undertaken this wild crusade of his? Is he simply delusional? Is he a crank? Is he a practical joker? What do you suppose his motive is in making such serious charges, and how would you reconcile your description of him with the portrait of himself he provides by way of his writings and which include a full and substantial history, biography, a work of epistemology, a work of history & theology, a book of poems, a book of short stories, and at least would be scientific treatise?" -- how would you respond?

There are a number of other SPECIFIC questions to be raised and tests to be made. We have a given claim or what is asserted to be a specific fact and we go to determine if that physical fact can be verified as having taken place or not, and if so how if and might it might be variously interpreted. From this applied induction we can arrive at possibly viable conclusions by way of deductions to then get at my larger claim - - are there literally spirit people?

One other fact I will briefly mention before closing. I mention this as practical fact based on my own experience with spirit people. And though I need not ask you to assume out of hand what I am saying is true, it is at least worth mentioning. In my dealing with them now for 7 years I have come to learn that while in many ways markedly and even drastically different, spirit people are in others respects very much like regular people (i.e. by this I mean flesh and blood people such as you and myself.) They are religious or not religious as circumstances, community and inner "inspiration' drive them to be. There is simply no reason to out of hand assume a spirit person one might be dealing with -- say a ghost, or devil, or angel, or "god" -- is of RELIGIOUS character and significance. Mere displays of phenomenal brute power or what are seen to be "miracles," for instance, do not automatically connote deity -- despite common people's ignorant, if understandable and traditional, way of thinking about the matter that way. Firsthand experience with these people shows that though they may manifest very extraordinary qualities they far from exhaust all excellence -- and it is something like all excellence, at least to a level headed philosopher, that would begin to suggest God. Therefore, you will make it easier to understand these kinds of matters by dropping the assumption that if we posit that spirit people literally and palpably exist (recollect, if you would, my example about a spirit person daubing paint on your door) then this NECESSARILY brings with it some religious conclusion or association.


The dragon, ordinarily a beast of great threat and menace, is the little boy's friend. As well, he is shown to be a misunderstood personality (somewhat like Caspar or E.T.), but who despite people's fears means well. Note also how in the dragon's anatomy is a certain erotic suggestiveness -- which apparently only serves to enhance the attraction of this peculiar idea to those who like the basic concept and story. And yet is it that people misunderstand the dragon or is it rather the boy who misunderstands him? (The dragon by the way, if it were necessary to interpret him literally, I would take to be "Simon the Magician," mentioned and spoken of elsewhere in my writings.)



Whirring flutter of feathered wings, Oh soul,

104 where now is hope's prospect? Where that peaceful, happy view we once thought to expect? Was it not in striving to see love's faith surviving? Was it not in truth abiding; false spirits overriding? Was it not in bravest daring; borne aloft by caring? Let us then now at this last all void and emptiness defy. Let us so boldly long to live that Death itself may die.


If you’d never seen birds singing and playing before, wouldn’t it make you laugh the first time that you did?


"I want you to walk down to [the closest largest city or town] and there you will go to a certain address and you will meet a person who will hand over to you a check in your name in the amount of $500. You are then to proceed to a certain location and using some of the money from that check, you are to purchase a T shirt at a second specified location, and then put it on. After this, I want you to walk over to main street, that is nearby, - and then repeat certain words aloud that I will give to you just before you reach that destination. Only if you do this -- can I assist you."


As the source (after God) of all our sources and resources, Nature gives what we are and have. Yet when we follow wisdom, reason and science -- meaning wisdom, reason, and science that are sensitive to and in harmony with her -- then life and happiness by way of Nature can be made even more happy and fruitful. Yet if what is in nature is not handled sensitively, thoughtfully and responsibly, taking advantage of her for our own profit can result in harm inexpressibly worse than any gain we have created. Furthermore, (it is worth pointing out) among good and conscientious people there are no poor; no casual and habitual lying; no ruined, scarred and hopeless lives. These problems, experience will almost always show, arise only among people who are oppressed by excessive vice.

And I would go so far as to say 75 percent or more of vice comes from spirit people. For one thing it is easier for some of them to be vicious since thy can act far better by stealth than regular people; moreover they have long established techniques and devices for disguising and concealing their presence and activity. Second, it is not unusual for these same to be subject to a form of behavioral conditioning that incites, if not forces them necessarily, to act up and cause trouble. Presumably and from what we know, the agent responsible for this conditioning of the former is a calculating freely acting person, not Nature. Not surprisingly, their success (with obviously little or no open and declared antipathy by regular people to dissuade them) only encourages their boldness, while persuading others of what seems to be the good sense of what they believe. How much great intelligence does it require to see therefore that if these trouble making spirit people are given opposition and incentive to desist this could then lower the level of viciousness among ourselves; save greatly in cost of lives and wealth by getting at the root of the problem (instead of merely at its byproduct); and in turn permit us to give time and attention to any number of other matters in need of addressing?


105 Since someone other than just myself was raising the question, the following is my attempt at an answer:

If he can love her better than you -- then, by all means, why don't you let him? Indeed help him. Or if it's you, all right, go for it if you would. But either way, some day you and she (as likely as not) will drift for good as well as for woe. Yet if you are ever still around and your love really is any good as you claim it is; regardless of whose she is; regardless of life or death; regardless of time; there's no reason that you couldn't always love her and that she couldn't somehow still know it. "No," but you will say, "I can't be made to wait." You will be made to wait regardless and time will go on and you will continue to exist with or without her. And whether you are with or with other, you can or cannot as you choose answer that first question, was this love of yours as overflowing with significance as you originally believed it was? Assuming she herself otherwise remains a good hearted person, can't you still be glad for her if she is happy -- though not yours? Can you not feel badly for her if she's in need or in trouble? Or was all that “love” merely ephemeral or self-serving conceit? Time, in any case, will go on.


On note relating to this week's recommendation, i.e. "Hypnotic Underworld" by Ghost (for Sun. April 22, 2007) -- if, for scientific reasons or curiosity, you are possibly interested in hearing some of the kind of sounds one might hear on these brain torture radios (which I have elsewhere written about), and such as are made by spirit people no less, check out the vocals in the last half of the song "Dominoes Celebration for the Gray Days." In it, the singer does a kind of wailing that I have heard from spirit people on these radios when spirit people activity in my vicinity was at its height about 6 to 7 years ago. This wailing was sometimes used when a certain one of them was engaged in a kind of mocking or playing when using the radio. As well I have heard other and similar sounds; including comical voices. Someone will naturally ask, how do you know it was a spirit person that was the original source of the sound? Firstly, one can usually tell on these radios between a regular person and spirit person. I won't say that one can be one hundred percent sure or all of the time, but at least and certainly most of the time one can; and this based on the personality of the speaker or person making the noise. When their trouble making activity reaches a more intense level (as it might for one reason or another), certain goomer spirit people tend to act up and be more crazy or else more imaginative in their craziness. Ordinary employees and regular radio operators, on the other hand and though it is not unknown for them to joke, invariably sound like someone just doing their job. In addition, no regular person would go to so much bother of carrying on (on and off like that) for days on end (as these do) for nothing; at the same time certain kinds of shamelessly obnoxious spirit people will not untypically try to enjoy themselves when they are bothering or tormenting someone; the aforesaid wail, much like the howling of a drunkard at a wild party, being used on a brain torture radio can be taken as one known form of their doing so.

Another question, might be, if a spirit person was making the sounds in question on the radio, how was this possible since you have elsewhere stated that spirit people are mostly or always noiseless? The answer lies in their somehow being able to transmit otherwise inaudible "sound" into your head. You hear the sound in your head, but you don't hear it with your ears -- yet it is somehow audible nevertheless. This, at any rate, is about the best as yet I can describe the experience. Lastly, when this ghost who regularly bothers me heard the song, the likeness to his own raving was so uncanny I distinctly sensed and felt his embarrassment (and laughed at him.) If this all sounds very weird and strange to you, that's simply what they are like -- weird and strange (in the bad sense of weird and strange); or at least never be surprised to find them to be that way.


There are any number of things he can't -- try as he might -- do very well except use (such as) outright crime, subterfuge and violence to have his way; and yet when he does have his way he acts like he's so much of an expert on everything; when in truth he actually knows little really of anything (of importance); nor is there ever any need, of course, to explain or publicly answer for what he knows. And yet how does he know so much (as he thinks he does?) Simply and merely because he listens to and believes some ghost sorcerer (or someone like this); who in turn can also manipulate the behavior of most, if not all, of the

106 people he has contact with and who of course act so as to reinforce and corroborate his false and absurd ideas. How touching and reassuring it is then to be hear him (using the newspapers) to talk as if he represented the judgment and will of the American people time and again as he does.


Or how about: "Any of the rest of you thinking of playing boy scout and getting what Gonzalez got -- just let me know."


After what has taken place for a number of administrations, is there any one now who would dare to be attorney general? (I didn't think so.)


I fought off you and your billion dollar gang single handedly for over fourteen years and you mean to tell me that doing so doesn't count for anything? Oh well, then I guess it doesn't (same difference.)

Almost from the dawn of time there have always been people who thought they knew everything, and you are no different. And if life actually were only all that you can see of it in that little box of his I would, like you, despair of it as well. Be forewarned then, the day must and will inevitably come when you will find out how absolutely crazy and out of touch with reality you really are.


One is not supposed to sing oneself, one is supposed to sing the song. Similarly, one should not be living the image of oneself but the life of what's good.


It is a lamentable, if not blameworthy, fault on the part of the viewer or critic to put something in a context for which it was clearly not intended. A classical piece, for instance, might not sound good in the setting of a rock concert (maybe it might); yet that is not because it is a bad or uninteresting piece of music itself necessarily, but because it is being placed in setting which it ill suits. This sounds trivial and obvious enough of an observation, and yet even us who know and are aware of it will sometimes forget and be unjustly negative or critical of something due to our assuming an unintended and irrelevant context for it.


The purpose of the law is not to find pretexts to assault, malign, disable and impoverish others, but to protect people from those who do such and related acts of aggression for the purposes of seeking or maintaining power.


You know you are followed round by a rank sorcerer or demon when find yourself so unhappy you feel guilty for being so.


107 No one is a Christian merely for going to church, and there are many who are Christians who, for one understandable or forgivable reason or another, don't. A church serves to heighten or germinate for growth the forces of good by gathering. But if who or what it gathers is insincere or superficial then, by definition, there is no one or anything to heighten or germinate.


Does what you or what someone else thinks really matter most; or is what is right what really matters?


In the very earliest versions of my New Treatise on Hell, I had made mention of the fact of an illustrated version of "Rip Van Winkle" I had seen many years ago in which the artist very ably and accurately recreated what "goon sprites" or a "goon sprite" looks like. At first, I thought the version in question was Arthur Rackham's, but this turned out to be a mistake. Well, it just so happened earlier today I was browsing ebay; when lo and behold someone has the actual book (or what would seem to be the actual book) I was originally thinking of up for auction! The above is a plate from that book (my apologies that the scan is not better) which shows what I had meant; with the understanding that there can be slight variations in their physiognomy, temperament, and size. Also, the sprite in the foreground looks like he has a tail and something else as well sticking out of the top of his head. I never saw any such appendages. Of note, back in 2000 I had these people over at my house a number of times; there was even one occasion where I not only was visited by one in my own bedroom one night -- but also, on the same occasion, saw his back reflected in a mirror as he passed it. Although usually used as little hoodlums and troublemakers, I have also known them to try and be funny. This said, when I dealt with them and they were here their purpose invariably was to annoy me, cause mischief, and or attack my cats.

I just got through writing the ebay seller in an attempt to gain more information as to publisher and name of the illustrator; will keep you posted when and if I hear back from him.


[So I said to him:] Just between you and me...and particularly since you already know me as well as you do -- what on earth made you think I would even find you a very interesting person (let alone deity?)


Is the article contained at this link, courtesy of Netscape New, for real or is it a practical joke or something? You tell me.

108 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Although I previously had the "Yama Yama Man," sung by Ada Jones, posted here, I later took it down to economize on disk space. As disk space is now no longer a concern, here once again is the same. "Yama," incidentally, is the Vedic god of the underworld.


Exactly. They will be among those in the forefront of bemoaning this shooting; then go on promoting the use of demons and spirits -- for children no less-- as means of getting what you want; while constantly emphasizing and reminding us that riches come not from doing the right thing, but from doing the wrong thing. Someone might object, "oh, yes they advocate doing the wrong thing, yet nothing so terrible as a shooting spree." They themselves probably would see no need for such a thing; however, what needs to be understood and appreciated is that the kind of spirit people they look to for guidance, glamour, and sophistication would see a need served or purpose fulfilled in causing such a tragic event -- all the while, of course, further pain, evil and injustice are intentionally brought to pass by disguising and covering over what really happened.


The Stranger

He came to town; He's the stranger. That's right the stranger. He's the stranger; That's all he is; That' all he ever was; That's all he'll ever be to me.

He's no friend of mine; He's borderline. No one has greater money or place As long as someone else Ties his shoe lace.

"Indulge yourself for years." "Money kills fear." When he can live his life without me Is when he can go on Speaking so free.

In the olden times They'd have hanged him. But because more mercy needs a fool, We'll only see him sent To reform school.

Yet if he stays set, Weirder it gets; Sprites and angels hover round him so; Some say it's sorcery; Some Yugi Oh.

109 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

One cannot be happy if one can't be free; and if a person cannot be free they can at least always fight to be so; and in a very meaningful sense people who fight for freedom (including equal justice and freedom for others) can always and at bottom consider themselves happy people regardless of external circumstances and how the world might see them; and because they are among those most rare kind of people happiness needs the very most (in order for it to realized.)


Once more in the way of an informal review, the following are some little known or misunderstood facts about devils, demons or Hell spirit people.

* They are not always individuals disposed to evil of themselves; more often they are simply people who are being paid and or forced to do what they are doing. Someone hired to be a devil for a day or season then might after that time frame absent himself and or go do something else more to his liking. Of course, much depends on the individual in question and his (or, less frequently, her) own personal history and situation.

* They themselves are not unusually, if not always, people subject to mind control and brain washing -- even some of the most very powerful among them, including some great angel.

* Though perhaps in a given instance not very frequently, their moods, emotions, and outlooks can and do change; and if one is aware of sensitive to this it is possible to deal with them more knowingly and intelligently.

* Sometimes a demon is doing something which he knows is evil; at other times he might think he is (in his mind) doing good, or at least a just purpose of some kind. With them as with many regular people, they will simply serve whomever will most pay them and or whom can most frighten or physically overcome them.

* While a Devil can have great and overpowering control and influence of people, he cannot always keep this power up and going if he is not willing to invest himself and his resources in continually maintaining and supplying it. In other words, if a Devil holds out in a fortress, for example, he needs to pay for its upkeep; if he does not, it risks falling into weakness and disrepair.

* Though perhaps very elaborately planned and or insanely prolonged, terror and shock tactics are exactly those -- terror and shock tactics (so use your head.)


Poor Love

An embrace from the soul, A kiss from deepest heart Must be sufficient here For us who are apart.

How poor a love, they'll say! In this hard world that's true. Yet where sweet music lives Such love is ever new.

There songs are always sung; A rising harmony

110 O'er leaps the light ether Above an angel's tree.

Except for breaks and stops Which halt the lulling strings, Passions mild will rise up Till all of heaven rings.


The typical excuse by spirit people and their conscious and unconscious followers for evil is that evil will serve a greater good. The only problem, however, is that this excuse is sometimes used for all and every kind of evil.


The Frankenstein Monster never dies; mad scientists just keep digging him up and rejuvenating him in order to surprise everyone (and make some money along the way.)

I guess it's that same old story of someone needing a billion dollars in order to live his life. If he doesn't think that when all is said and done they won't kill him for what he's done, I think he must be crazy. And what aggravation I myself personally do and have had to endure, and for so long now, at his hands. He's can't live his life without me?! Then, big shot as he is, isn't it long past the time that someone make him do so?

And you who perhaps listen to these people -- your master can't even get a good deal for himself, ever warring, ever embroiled in wild strife; how then is he going to get one for you?


When Perseus fought the Gorgon he could look at the monster but only by way of its reflection (as seen in a shield.) With spirit people then it's something similar only the mirror to be used is science and reason.


So now then, with reference to what I spoke of earlier, you see how it is; we'll do one better than Cortes. We'll end the inhuman sacrifices, get back all the gold to the people whom it rightly belongs, and boot out all the criminal spirit people.


In the way of an informal review, the following are some assumptions which it is routine for professional Hell people to attempt, often successfully, to inculcate in others and get them to accept as givens:

* Truth is not allowed in this world. (This ostensibly is by order of the high spirit people who are supposed to be in charge of everything.) * The world is -- and is supposed to be -- divided evenly between good and evil. (This conclusion in a sense would or could be true; but only to the extent people believe it to be so.) * Most everyone is either a liar or an actor really. * Good people are a myth or else are merely a certain kind of fool. * People who try to be too good are a burden and cost to others, because their example can force others to be good in a way that is not fair to them. * Christ, if not actually a devil in disguise, is a confused, wandering individual with only incidental or little

111 actual say. To follow or befriend him is to court weakness. * Reality is simply and merely what people think it is. * Too much learning and academic understanding alienate you from people. * There is no justice in this world; therefore do not seek or be concerned about it except as pretext to further your own selfish interest. * Since most people will tend, after all, to be bad (for any or all of the above obvious reasons) the common mandate tends to be cynical, selfish and greedy; and those who look to further realize this mandate most are the ones most legitimately concerned about the public interest.

For more simply follow Google's "Quote of the Day" (in turn taken from the "Quotations Page" at on a more or less regular basis.


What sense does it make for society to award the public wealth to those most disposed to malign and oppress others? To go on tolerating someone who needs to continually force himself on people, either by way of his intrusiveness or out right violence, in order to maintain and insure his greatness? And yet all that is needed to keep things as they are is to get people to believe the world revolves around demonism and the need to do things in a two faced, dissembling and crooked manner (when of course it doesn't really but that people are fooled into believing it does.)

Mass communications, whether through print, internet, television, radio, and other new technologies, offers an unlimited means by which people can reach and communicate with each other in a way like never before. If these were permitted to be utilized as they ought to be it would ultimately mean nothing less than the solution to most all our problems, and in a manner far less expensive and costly than the flying blind approach powers that be have made us to accept. And yet who is not been aware, and for a very long time now, how some of these same powers that be regularly do their darndest to keep people apart and obstruct those avenues of communications that make increased wealth possible -- in fact so much so that what they are doing often amounts to not only embezzlement and theft but murder and the facilitation of murder.

Often I ask myself why this is going on, and am sometimes, for all my pondering on the subject, simply too baffled by the absurdity of it all to quite say. Yet though I don't ever expect to be able to quite comprehend the larger scheme of things, there are two key factors that certainly make possible what has been going on; i.e. one group gets to cheat like crazy; while another is permitted to behave so childishly and irresponsibly in a time of latent, yet most dire, peril it is almost a complete wonder why they are not literally laughed out of their office or profession.


Leaving aside children, the naturally humble, or those who cannot participate and simply have no real say in what goes on, there are essentially two kinds of people in this world, a) those who listen and willingly answer to truth and logic as highest authority; and b) those who instead trust and look to spirit people and or undebated "consensus" (itself not untypically formed by the manipulation of spirit people and their regular people servants) as ultimate authority. These, when it comes right down to it and irregardless of some people's avowed dismissal of spirit people even existing, are the two kinds of highest authority one can choose to answer to in this life. Granting this to be the case, at least for the sake of argument, of the two approaches which do you suppose more people choose or are swayed by?

My own reaction to the question would in part be to say that inasmuch as there is Hell or chaos in this world it is mostly or entirely the result of regular people (whether directly or indirectly) bowing down and answering to spirit people -- and not truth and logic. In this sense, and so I firmly believe, listening to spirit people as higher authority (normally speaking) is our death; while honest truth and logic, by contrast, are our life. And yet who and how many do you know that really care about honest truth and being logical or rational? This difference, more than any other, is the primary reason why the world -- whether for bad or

112 for good -- is the way we find it; and until we learn to reject the scare tactics, sophistry, and manipulation of and by powerful spirit people, we as a (given) society will continue to move not in the direction of life but of death.


Here are what I think two telling passages from the Am. Heritage Book of Indians(that was put up as a recommendation last week.):

"Evidently there really was a plot against the strangers [Cortes and the Spaniards], and the Cholulans and Moctezuma's agents were profoundly disconcerted by the strangers' ability to read their most secret thoughts, which is to say by the alertness of the Spanish intelligence service, which is to say Lady Marina [or Malinal, a native slave girl who was acting as Cortes' chief interpreter.]" p. 84. "...This whole unbelievable interlude, 400 Spaniards coolly taking over a capital that could (and eventually did) raise an army of many thousands of fanatically determined warriors, has troubled historians ever since. Moctezuma had but to lift a finger, in the good old prose of Prescott, and the little band of strangers would be stormed under and destroyed.

"Maybe the smooth speeches of the young Malinal were really enchantment. Maybe Moctezuma did believe the strangers were gods; maybe he reasoned that only gods would have their audacity..." p.85.

Needless to say, if there were spirit people directing Cortez this would explain both his knowledge of what others were thinking as well as account for how he first thought he could conquer a million and more strong people with such a tiny force as he possessed. At the same time, the incalculable wealth in gold, not to mention silver and other valuables, would have been more than enough temptation and incentive for certain powerful and conniving spirit people to have involved themselves in such an ostensibly overt manner in what took place (assuming the premise, of course.)


The richest man in the world today (that's about what it is like these days, isn't it?)


113 A very spur of the moment occasion arose to have some pictures taken the other day, and the above is how I look at present. Not in the best shape in the world, I admit; after being beat up, subject to brain torture radios, and generally fighting these Hell people I write about for over 14 years non-stop -- but we do our best (under the circumstances.) Also pictures of the Golden Hind, which I had promised earlier, have now been added to the Model Ship Page.


When I Think of You

When I think of you, I don't think of you; But think of a beautiful sea.

When I think of you I don't think of you; But roam long beaches roaring free.

When I think of you I don't think of you; But view far hills with green adorned.

When I think of you, I don't think of you; But hear a cooing dove that mourns.

When I think of you, I don't think of you; But see clouds at stupendous height.

When I think of you, I don't think of you; It's your reflection in a rainbow's light.

And when snowy blossoms Sing from the trees Wishing your felicity, How I long for you so Where'er I go.

114 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

Les Dieux Ont Soif

Yet what if there are angels, and the angels are beautiful' and the dew is golden; and he comes in robes of purest gleaming white, etc.?

For the umpteenth time -- if it (or they) are not of the truth, it is no good. (Is there possibly anyone who even knows what I am talking about?)


What is Soylent Green?

The more degraded people are made to seem, the easier it is to excuse victimizing or murdering them -- hence the far ranging and incessant campaign of public degradation, lewdness, and scandal in the mass media and elsewhere which have proliferated astronomically in recent decades. Why murder or assist in murdering people? Well, for one, there is big money to be had in doing so (recall, incidentally, how often in ancient and medieval legends some beast or monster kept and guarded a great horde of wealth and which one presumes arose to be in their possession through robbery and killing.) Yet, more importantly, particularly for certain irrational people, it will (or will seem to) secure peace from scary spirit persons whom they don't know how to handle and whom otherwise frown on the self-righteous (viz. those who won't in some way be party to the general slaughter.)


Wit is founded upon the principle of taking a given assertion and being able to see all that it does or might imply logically. If x is assumed, then what? Think of the myriad of possible meanings. Having assessed what the given assertion might mean to you; you weigh then its potential effect on others.


The Devil indulges himself in the most heinous evil and persistent outrages then faults us for a harsh lack of charity when we tell him merely to get lost. For this and other reasons I am inclined to believe he gets away with as much as he does because he is pitied by a greater power. It is well then to respect that power but only if it is -- as one would presume it is -- of the truth. A knowing, omnipresent voice from beyond as fantastic as he (or it) is hardly can be assumed to necessarily carry with him the weight of truth. Yet some people are such children they assume it does. Such, of course, is not therefore a "greater power" as I refer to.


Here are a fragment and a full poem; both taken from The Library of World Poetry "edited" (actually only partly and nominally edited) by William Cullen Bryant, pp. 223-224:

"...And yet I dream, -- Dream what, were men more just, I might have been, How strong, how fair, how kindly and serene, Glorious of heart, and glorious of mien, The conscious crown to Nature's blissful scene, In just and equal brotherhood to glean, With all mankind, exhaustless pleasure keen, -- Such is my dream!

115 "And yet I dream, -- I, the despised of fortune, lift mine eyes, Bright with the luster of integrity, In unappealing wretchedness, on high, And the last rage of Destiny defy; Resolved alone to live, -- alone to die, Nor swell the tide of human misery!

"And yet I dream, -- Dream of a sleep where dreams no more shall come, My last, my first, my only welcome home! Rest, unbeheld since Life's beginning stage, Sole remnant of my glorious heritage, Unalienable, I shall find thee yet, And in thy soft embrace the past forget. Thus do I dream!"

~ by Anonymous, and originally found in "Poems by a Seamstress"

"Moan, Moan, Ye Dying Gales." by Henry Neele (1798–1828)

"Moan, moan, ye dying gales! The saddest of your tales Is not so sad as life; Nor have you e'er began A theme so wild as man, Or with such sorrow rife.

"Fall, fall, thou withered leaf! Autumn sears not like grief, Nor kills such lovely flowers; More terrible the storm, More mournful the deform, When dark misfortune lowers.

"Hush! hush! thou trembling lyre, Silence, ye vocal choir, And thou, mellifluous lute, For man soon breathes his last, And all his hope is past, And all his music mute.

"Then, when the gale is sighing, And when the leaves are dying, And when the song is o'er, O, let us think of those Whose lives are lost in woes, Whose cup of grief runs o'er."


116 Religion not infrequently asks us to practice austerity (of one kind or other) because it cannot always be heaven here, and many things can only be properly enjoyed, understood, or appreciated if the environment is, in one manner of speaking or other, right or heavenly. Yet this doesn't mean it never is or never can be heaven here.


"Well, then what do you expect her to do?"

Why, the right thing, of course. Indeed, I command it.


After of making sure (and as best one can) that all and necessary work is done and present responsibilities are fulfilled, just about all I ever wanted (in effect) was to live in peace and have a good time with family and or friends. Yet people are acting so strangely.


Jealousy (and or else the prolonged amusement at seeing another being made jealous) is a foolish crown.


Good can detract, rather than complement, what is great when it isn't in harmony with it; and thus, given a wrong context, good can become bad.


Oafmore Belief

That he now does and continues to get away with doing those things by later paying the price of Hell and damnation, we do not dispute. That is his free choice; who are we to judge what his best interests are? All we are saying then is that we have already suffered more than enough at his hands, and don't see why it is strictly necessary that we should continue to have to be made a part of whatever it is he is doing with his life. He not infrequently makes a point of telling us how great he is, what a wealthy man murder has made of him, and how poorly we fare by comparison; yet if that is so, what on earth does he continue to need us for (we sure don't, nor never did, need him)?


If you asked their leader what he was doing 50,000 years ago, he probably couldn't remember (or perhaps he wasn't even around, eh?)


Although generally looked upon as rating second to their more famous Universal predecessors, in my opinion "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman," "House of Frankenstein," and "House of Dracula," are actually not only more cleverly constructed than one might at first suppose, but in fact are among the best horror films ever made. Part of the reason I say this is that they manage to capture an essential truth about people seriously involved in the occult; that is that they can be assiduously engaged in the most utterly absurd and illogical dealings, schemes, and activities, and yet are very straight face and sober about what they are

117 doing; these kinds of people in real life (allowing for some dramatic license) are not unusually about as crazy as these movies present them to be in fiction.


Fascism, history will show, is characteristically the coming together of society for the purposes of enslaving or taking advantage of idealists, scientists, artists, moralists, nonconformists, reformers, the disenfranchised...


Marijuana can cause the demon in a person smoking it to get high and hence not be able to do their job properly; consequently the greatest opposition to marijuana comes from certain kinds of witchcraft and spirit people -- or so, at any rate, I would maintain.


What is some poor, innocent child or animal to think when they are being viciously attacked, baited, rape, or mauled by someone messed up with hard core devilment or demonism? Yet these kind of things actually have and do happen because people will not deal with spirit people scientifically and rationally; at the same time, many are brainwashed into thinking wealth stems mostly from robbery and a person's cooperation with ghosts.


Someone remarked the other day that it is permitted in the press or general media to talk scientifically about space aliens -- but not spirit people. Need one say more?


O.K. since, much to our exasperated vexation, you have been permitted to be in the proximity of heaven this long, then at least get these three things straight. One -- don't do something to someone else that you don't want done to you; Two -- no more forcing yourself on people like some stupid jerk, idiot; Three -- absolutely no more living the life of inhuman cruelty and horror.


Popol Vuh

Mayan culture and history, for some as yet to me unknown reason, seems to throw off guard and disconcert spirit people, including angels, who originated in the Old World. Its mysterious and foreign character seems as strange to them as to us -- perhaps more so. Better knowledge and understanding of the Mayans, therefore, leads me to conclude may turn out to be a significant help in our checking and dealing with them.

On a related note, perhaps the Mayans abandonment of their major cities was the result of their reaction to unwelcome spirit people trying, presumably using rank evil (as I call it) to take over; thus (in some form and a manner of speaking) resulting in a back to Nature approach and attitude among the natives who, in understandable revulsion, would or could not tolerate the direction things were headed.


118 Assumptions, on which all our decisions and thinking are based, can be pulled out from under a person if those assumptions are not solidly -- that is to say rationally and morally -- grounded. It is only prudent and sensible therefore to carefully examine what the assumptions one harbors and accepts are; lest they one day prove fatal. Now, aside from losing a loved one or certain extreme kinds of physical pain, the worst thing in my now over 14 year excruciating ordeal with criminal spirit people and their henchmen see my "Narrative") is not being alone and treated by others as an outcast or someone to be rejected, or being cheated and robbed of relationships or nice things that would otherwise be mine; immeasurably worse is having the worser kind of spirit around in the vicinity or within reach of me. Real sorrow, emptiness and depression is to be found in such than anywhere else -- unless it be a place where they are congregated (commonly denoted Hell.) Yet others have been spared having these kinds of spirit people around to some extent or other, because they, unlike such as myself, agreed to cooperate and go along with them. Yet what these others very obviously don't consider is that if you cooperate with criminal spirit people you will ultimately end up being closer to -- not further from them. Why? For one thing you are showing your kinship with them by agreement; while at the same time they are not very tolerant or forgiving of those who renege. And if you need to accept rank evil in order to have good, and you are conditioned to think this way over the course of years, then what idea of what is good will you have when all is said and done but a grossly distorted one? And all they need do in order to keep you a prisoner is to simply go on deceiving you as to what good is. In addition, because the person by listening to these people, in effect is saying, he needs to cooperate with evil in order to find satisfaction and security he needs for living; he makes these people's outlook an integral part of his own thinking. Yet it is evil and the embracing of evil, which they cooperate with, that has made the aforesaid spirit people so insufferable and an agony to have around. The moral of the story then is that, when all is said and done, one doesn't escape evil by cooperating or going along with it -- but only by rejecting it. True they will or might crucify you for doing so. Yet take it from someone who has been violently persecuted by them for many years now. It is inexpressibly better to suffer as their enemy than to be comforted as their appeasing friend; better to be deprived and denied than to live one's life in peace and comfort that is really only an illusion or mirage.

Now if someone says, that is not true there is a third way out; what third way is there between saying you will or you won't accommodate rank evil in the course of your life? Please, if you don't already, try to understand that there are people who view evil as positive good. And while you might think of yourself as being open minded and liberal and not really accepting of evil by cooperating with such sorts, they, on their part, don't need or desire to be kind to you in return if they don't want to. All they need to do is hook on to that amount of evil you have accepted and you are effectively there's; and the more evil you tolerate the easier they can seize and take hold of you as one of their own. Would you, to draw on an analogy, be willing to live a live of ultra luxury, for say ten full years, only to then spend the rest of your life in a squalid prison camp making up for it? Yet this is what some people in effect are doing by compromising with -- not combating -- these spirit people.


Here's an interesting and worthy project I learned of not long ago deserving of support and donations; and that I thought I would share here.


"On March 15, 1781 a hard-fought battle occurred between a British army led by Lord Cornwallis and the American army commanded by General Nathaniel Greene. Today, on the grounds of the Guilford Court House National Military Park, only a single monument recognizes the British involvement in an under- recognized, but decisive battle. A prominent Member of Parliament at the time, when told the Army had won a victory at Guilford, but at a high cost in casualties, exclaimed, '...another such victory will ruin the British Army!' The severe damage inflicted on the British Army at this site, was a primary factor influencing the Parliament and King George to accept their army’s isolation and encirclement at Yorktown later in the year, as a final military end to the war.

119 "The British Soldiers who fought and died at Guilford, bravely did their duty, fighting to preserve a British way of life in the colonies, a status quo of law and order, based on old concepts, accepted in Europe, but unacceptable to those who were forging a new country in a new world.

"The Guilford Battleground Company proposes to construct a monument to recognize all of the British soldiers who died here at Guilford. The only monument to any British Soldier marks the place where one officer is supposed to have fallen. Many British soldiers still rest there in unmarked graves. The monument will recognize the historic British regiments that fought here. The Guilford Battleground Company believes that such a monument, although acknowledging sacrifice in war, will also commemorate our common bonds of language, culture, history and values, which now make us the strongest of Allies.

"Through the efforts of Colonel Jonathan Lloyd, representing the British Army on duty as Counselor and Military Advisor to the United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations, we have received generous donations from the following British Regimental Associations in memory of their service in the battle.

"The King’s Own Royal Border Regiment The Black Watch The Royal Artillery The Royal Welch Fusiliers The Coldstream Guards

"Men of these historic regiments have fought for freedom alongside American Soldiers in both World Wars, Korea and in the Middle East. To date $5,200 has been contributed. We need $20,000.00 in additional funds. We ask you to join us in making a contribution in any amount to honor their service and the long-standing friendship of our two great nations. Checks should be mailed to:

"Guilford Battleground Company P.O. Box 39508, Greensboro, NC 27438 USA

"Contributions should be made payable to the Guilford Battleground Company. Please write on the check that it is for the British Memorial Monument. The Guilford Battleground Company is a 501(c) 3 not for profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible. We will acknowledge in writing, the receipt of each contribution. Any questions about this project may be addressed to [email protected] "


If God is not the truth or of the truth, then what is the truth or of the truth? Do we just say there is no truth? Some do of course. Yet despite the fact that it makes perfect sense to identify or associate God with the truth, some persons will look upon these spirit (say if the latter come in the form of "angels") as being of God and therefore of the truth. But how can spirit people, again such as they might encounter or have encountered, have to do with the truth who do not hold themselves accountable to human authority; give no address to reach them at or else cannot be tracked; will be present or not present as they please, and who perhaps as well ask or demand a person keep secrets? And if such spirit people are not of the truth, and yet are treated as if they were God or of God, then what kind of situation do we have going on here? After all, if someone is viewed as God, it goes without saying how easily they might be able to make use of such mistaken identity to their greedy advantage. So why then are people being so stupid about all this? As far as I can see the answer lies in irrationalism, fear, childishness; and these aggravated and compounded by masterly tactics of deceiving and frightening certain powerful kinds of spirit people are adept at.

These past 10 or 20 years or so, society (in various places and countries) has been hit by what about amounts to a blitzkrieg of terror and manipulation that, among other events of note, resulted in billion dollar fortunes profiting these people. Observe in this regard, and as we have here previously, that J.K. Rowland, the author of the Harry Potter series, is a billionaire. Yet as and the more time passes the effect of

120 resultant trauma and insensibility on everyone does and will begin to wear off; at least if there are enough honest and courageous people left to deal with what is going on; and from this position then an effective counter attack (i.e. on the part of rational persons of conscience), and in order to regain our laws and rights, gradually becomes more and more feasible.


Ah, now you see, there is scientific proof of some people having read my books; witness this.

(You can find the original of this review at reviews/A33ICKD0QEYR69?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview )

For Bruce Long's review of the MNSB see:

To download the book itself (in .pdf, zipped at 2.4 MBs) click here. Note. The first edition, which is what Ms. Goulet, the Amazon reviewer, speaks of, did have some photographs (not really all that many); however most all of these were omitted in the subsequent editions in order to offset cost and help keep the size of the book manageable.


Enemies who cannot become friends should be separated or, if not that, competitors for excellence.


It is my understanding that at one point a while back he tried to gain public acceptance and long postponed recognition by passing himself off as the Hamburgler; but with limited success of course. Laugh at or weep for him as you prefer, the fact remains he has far, far more say in what goes on than either you, I or just about anyone else.


Here's a film title, gratis, to anybody who wants it:

"Mind Your Own Business: The Movie."


To Continue

What is most good about someone is what is most infinite. When one realizes they need the infinite, and that the one they love needs it too,

121 even more than they themselves, only then can they love; only then can they let go to care for someone else also deservedly called infinite. True love then needs not be tied down; indeed cannot be. For without the infinite love dies and cannot endure. And what is the infinite but patience, charity, and mercy healing conscience; courage in the face of dangers; trustworthy, loyal, fair; disregarding of any particular one save the One; ever followed, ever pursued; tomorrow without an image?


As I have in effect said before putting up with this Archimago, or ghost sorcerer, who has stalked and harassed me all these years, has for me been, much of the time certainly, so much babysitting. Yet only some moments ago did I learn that it may be that part of the reason he needs me to babysit him is that, though one himself, he is afraid of ghosts! More specifically, there are old associates of his; who desire to see him again and settle some old business between them. Yet because he is in the close proximity of regular people, including and like such as myself, and who are made to act, willingly or no, as his host, they cannot reach him! I cannot vouch very well for how true this is or might be only it is otherwise inexplicable to me why he is so incomprehensibly childish.


"Put up thy sword," Christ told Peter. But did that necessarily mean stop fighting? For did he not also say (Matt. 10:34) "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"? Is the idea then to fight, but without violence? Be that as it may, that one does and should fight -- on some level at any rate -- seems clear enough.


In addition to avoiding topical news stories in this my website commentary, often I don't remark on something because I feel it should already be obvious enough for most thinking people to have figured out for themselves. Nevertheless, I will sometimes make an exception; so that I could not but observe how the coroners in the Anna Nicole Smith case ruled that her death was the result of an accidental overdose; yet almost simultaneously we see People Magazine -- just on the stand -- proclaiming (on its cover) possible drug abuse by Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan!

Look, if these women take drugs and end up killing themselves (and are not actually murdered), it is because they are being regularly and routinely abused by people who found their wealth in crime and the occult; and who see these women as their property. If, for instance, the girl responds reluctantly or rejects such a one, she risks incurring his violent retaliation. And whom could she go to for help? Who is prepared and sufficiently backed by others to take on some billion dollar warlock/crime figure and who has vicious ghost and spirit people to guide and protect him from getting into trouble? So much power does he possess,

122 so concretely installed into the present hierarchy of things is he that even the police, it seems, in the final analysis, answer to him. Sure does seem like that, doesn't it? As ever, you can judge for yourself.


Although it has apparently been around for a number of months already, I only learned of Martin Short's Broadway show yesterday -- just to show you how out of the loop I am. In case then you are like me in this respect, click here to learn more about it. More importantly perhaps, however, my mentioning the show provides the opportunity -- and excuse -- to put up the wonderful photograph (above) of Short that accompanies the promotion.


As I should hope is already clear, there are some spirit people (including their nearer regular person accomplices or henchmen) who will at certain times and occasions (say they feel their interests are threatened) employ overt fear tactics for purposes of swaying others to their way of seeing things. They will have been at this kind of game for a long time and, as a result, sometimes use some clever new scheme, or else, and more usually, fall back on some old, yet tried and true trick that they know will scare and confuse their target victim. These schemes or tricks invariably are a kind of mind control and conditioning of one sort or another; yet what for our purposes here is of note is that a not infrequent aspect of such a scheme or trick is that it will usually incorporate calculated waves of terror intended to undermine confidence. So, for example, they confuse a person with one thing; then frightened him with another; then cut deep with some surprise fact to undo him -- each step carefully planned to achieve the desired disorienting effect. Sometimes these bouts or fits of disconcerting or disarraying people will be done for a specific immediate end; sometimes to carry out some formal and routine occult policy; or else as simply something for them to do since they are not doing anything else.


Even though he may be right in what he says, never -- as a general rule -- listen to a demon or spirit person, if for no other reason than the means he uses to communicate with you is or might be surreptitious, invasive, intrusive, violent, or carried on with some obvious form of duress and coercion; or not allowing of independent corroboration of what he claims; thus releasing you of any obligation to give them hearing. A demon or spirit person's refusal or failure to respect a person's inherent right to their own self and person; accompanied by an obvious disregard for the integrity, and hence viability, of reliable communication, renders their own communications not credible or trustworthy -- as a general rule; yet a general rule you are free to invoke, and in the name of your God given rights as a free citizen of this earth, as you please.


If I cut a poor figure in Hell, you will have to excuse me, but the blame is Hell's actually, not mine.


123 They are the ones who much if not most of the time and usually, it seems, have most say in public discourse about what’s wrong, and yet they are precisely the ones who most of the time are both actually having and causing the most problems, individually and at large. And yes we will again once ask -- for all their unspeakable wealth and power, why the interminable hiding and concealment?


Peace before all things; be right where you are; and if you are not sure what dying is, then don't do it.


Whom or what you like now, indeed desire beyond expression, you do nor need or love at all places and all times. It only make sense then to and be both fair towards them (or it) and honest with yourself by making due allowance for this when we do desire them.


Just because one has a right to unhappy with A about X, that is no excuse for him to be ungrateful to or ignoring of B who has really nothing to do with A or X.


In my own experience of seeing them, angels come in two main forms or types; while all are seen in or somehow coming from the sky. One kind look more or less like ordinary caucasians , exclusively blondes or light haired color as best as I could tell, in apparently white robes. There are children among them but no old people. The second kind of angel I have seen are those larger than life archangel types very well depicted by Gustave Dore' in his Bible illustrations, and I have also seen bearded figures, like saints, show up on one occasion. These latter types of angels and bearded sorts, if not literally by way of size, are somehow giants compared to other spirit people.

Now this is some of what I have seen -- and with the naked eye. But is what I saw real as it appeared to be? This is not so easy to say because a person without open objective discussion available to them to address the matter with others has no way of properly establishing whom these people actually are. At the same time they might be viewed differently. For example, from one point of view we might say, no these are not angels or saints but imposters. Alternatively we might say these are good people and they mean well (in their own minds certainly), but they are merely pawns and vassals of some arbitrary hegemony. And naturally there are other interpretations one might consider; including the distinct possibility of their being only sorcerer concocted apparitions and or staged shows. For myself and as a practical rule, I trust no one who, when all is said and done, will not come out openly and honestly among (regular) people to speak; which means as a result all authority presuming spirit people who do not act in due accordance with love, truth and reason -- which unfortunately is what the visible ones I have seen are clearly like.


There is undoubtedly an inherently maritime quality to life. Although granted, one might never have considered being a sailor or living a life at sea, yet looking at our bodies as vessels (of our souls) sailing on the sea of time, living life itself could be said to be very much like being continually on a ship at sea -- thus making sailors of us whether we like it or not.


What needs to be considered is that here is this person who has been carefully and purposely led and conditioned to think that killing for fun or pleasure is o.k. and that murder is an acceptable means of

124 achieving one's goals -- as long as one can get away with it. And when, in a given circumstance, by further machination of devils he is empowered and led to think he can easily escape punishment or reproach, he comes to think even less of killing; till finally all of the rest of his life needs to be accommodated to this arch principle and unnatural belief, and with predictably often absurd results.


It is very typical for them to vaunt and boast about getting to have their way, while nice guys, of course and by contrast, finish last. Yet what they don't ever explain is that the main reason for such worldly success as theirs is that they are permitted to use ghosts, angels and dead people to coerce, manipulate circumstances and cheat their opponents -- while, according to conventional wisdom and mores, no one is allowed to publicly say or discuss anything about these and related kinds of blatantly underhanded and criminal tactics they employ (or else are in some form party to.)


Look you do it mostly for their benefit, and you don't merely act polite and wish them well, but indeed desire or seek for them peace that's nothing less than grandeur as well as the most glorious happiness they themselves might like; only do this without in the least letting on that that is what you are trying to do.


If this really is death to you (that is, whatever regrettable and extreme circumstance you might find yourself dealing with), then if with faith you endure, and by that means overcome it, you will have overcome death.


If you'll really live (that is, rather than merely subsist or consume), then sooner or later they will be forced to let you live.


To S.B. as the weariness of struggle was draining me dry I wanted water to flower just a few last poems yet my prayers were heard for Heaven by way of you rained in bursts sending me a flood now as my garden blooms and butterflies have homes inspiration thanks you for the precipitation


For some time now, and due to certain unwelcome distractions as well as other reasons, I have not followed the news all too closely. It was then by way of casual glancing I saw President Bush or else administration

125 officials under criticism in the national "press," as well as the U.S. Congress, for his firing of the 20 prosecutors from the different U.S. attorney's offices. That the tenor and gist of such articles was suspiciously similar to articles which tirelessly expose the foibles of (such as) Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan leads me to conclude that, despite my full ignorance of the governmental matter, the President must be doing something terribly right and important on this; and to that extent should be supported.


It was reported to me, by a third party, that he said he did not think he was wasting everybody's time. It completely flabbergasted me that he had the temerity to say this when wasting people's time (as much as anything else) is the one and only thing he actually is doing.


Two (Separate) Miniatures

She is right to love me because I would give her everything not for my sake or for her sake but for beauty we both cherish

If it truly were the days of old I would have to, like some Viking with an armed band, have come taken and captured her -- but only to kiss her!


Life has problems either because something is in it that shouldn't be or else that is out of order or sync with it. And yet why then is it someone might find themselves blaming life for whatever's wrong?


"Now that's true, we do need Sherman [to get through any given day], but he can get a good deal on this too if we do it this way. Trust me, I know how these things are." For my part, I don't need to retaliate, hurt or get back at these people; I need merely to get rid of them. What a monolith of power! And yet what an excess of childishness, fear and stupidity are necessary to uphold it!


By managing and controlling much of the mass media (in its various forms), telecommunications, the internet, e-mail, regular mail -- on some level or other -- and thwarting free speech as much as possible, while sundering ties and severing countless and invaluable personal, business and trade relationships in the process, they have accomplished, at best, nothing more (really) than to waste most everyone's time (in some way or another); and so many if not most then are made to waste their own time in some way; not unusually for some ludicrous reason (e.g, they are not allowed to speak to so and so who is already willing to speak to them.) The obvious question then would seem to be: when then will it reach a point that people (who don't already) realize this is what they are actually doing -- and not informing, educating, entertaining, enriching, enlightening, conserving, liberating, etc.?


126 Spells are meant to be broken.


I guess when it comes to the human condition that phrase, "Avoid the Noid," says it all.


Ab Imperium Sanctorum Angelorum -- shut down that group already. There is no point! As well here's an opportunity to put him to the test to see if he would obey such a command in either practice or in theory. What do you think he would do? If an Orkonist, after all, he would not be so easily moved or swayed, correct?


In Passing

I want to be there for you, But don’t know what to do. I think you’d know this, But don’t know that you do. So if you thought I did, I did not forget you.

Forgetting is sometimes good; Even when years roll by. But if ever I care, If ever I can fly, I’ll fly with you, And never forget you.

It could go a hundred ways. But however it goes, No joy to me is more Than that which you will know. And though I am not there, I cannot forget you.


Any desire or experience, it would seem, can be sung if it's felt and deeply enough (or even not so deeply), and I think we think and feel most deeply when we are most in harmony with the all. Now if someone is going to grow into the all he must first in some way have the all within in him both really and potentially to begin with; which entity we can here denote the "one." This one, in a sense, both is a person's now all and future all. This he develops over time by way of training, self- discipline, charity, devotion and a not inconsiderable amount of patience, faith and perseverance. For some people at least, if not all, it appears this maturation process on some level and for some people is perpetual; since even if they were able to do just about any and everything they could not realistically expect to do it all as well as it should or could be done. Yet speculatively speaking it is not impossible that one could do any given good thing; but that time and circumstances were, are or will be different.

127 One potentially marvelous result with respect to a person growing by way of music is that it is theoretically possible for them at a future time to sing about desires and experiences they don't now nor ever before quite knew about; I say "quite" because in some sense they already knew the all (by way of the one) all along.


If one isn't sure whether they like autocratic spirit people or not, or even bother to ask themselves that question, then why would they just go and obey them? Well, one reason is that some spirit people are very domineering and overbearing, and merely by commanding can make some assume that they represent authority. Also they can be painfully and tirelessly persistent. And yet they are not invulnerable or invincible, and will not infrequently have to adopt the most contemptible artifices, such as invoking utterly absurd privileges and double standards for themselves, in order to have their way. It is they who can make crime to seem legitimate and excusable in an authoritative way (due to their powers of persuasion); such that it is the height of folly to indulge such people if it can possibly be helped otherwise.

So one thing I would seek to impart to others is to just see them as people; if you must, judge them by their behavior and actions, and less by their ostensible power and seeming; and when it comes to the more big shot and arrogant type of spirit people tell them the blame for their failed movie career is their own and that you had nothing to do with it; indeed, did as much as you humanly could to steer clear of it. If they are so great what do they need you for? You certainly don't need them. Honestly, it is such vainglory and a childish need for attention that usually motivates them as much as anything; so, for all their religious or glorious pretensions, hit them where it hurts -- the truth. If you are someone who knows them well enough, you know (despite some show on their part) they are not really happy people; and if they are not happy people why or what reason would you have to think of them as your people (and then go obeying or trusting them?) And what kind of peace can you expect from such people? When do you or anyone know them to ever be at real peace?

If nothing else, look at it this way -- if you are one who is hit by them hot and heavy on a regular basis, then think that every day you have to fight them is yet another opportunity to beat them; and the more you beat them (by enduring them and their underlings), the sooner you can hope to be free of them. Most any of us are really and at bottom happy. All we require to realize it is to be rid of them. But this ultimately takes courage and intelligence; qualities which regrettably few, it could probably be said, have any exceptional abundance of. For myself, I'll be candid with you. These people and some of their closer followers owe me at least a billion dollars in damages (no joke) for what they put me through; and I for one am not about to let them weasel out of it by means of sorcery and angels. They may, as a practical matter, get out of paying me; but I certainly would not put up with any pretense on their part of having fooled me.


I am inclined to suspect (given the times) that some could really use this; so here's "Come On" by Chuck Berry.


We typically see in a stage or film musicals someone striking up a song, in say a common town or city setting, as if doing so were a somewhat normal thing. Yet in more ordinary circumstances, we Westerners, at least in more recent eras, tend to have our music in theaters or churches; though before that, say roughly over a hundred years ago, impromptu voluntaries from street musicians, sailors singing on ships, revelers in taverns, or certain laborers at work were a more common phenomena. By interesting contrast, many American Indians of old would as a routine matter burst out in song when out in the forests, or desert, in the mountains or on the prairie -- though usually with a specific purpose. A given song might be sung by them, whether alone or with a group of their fellows, in preparation for some task or errand, or in the celebration of some feat or event, or for purposes of a game. Yet despite how ritualistic this sounds such singings accompanying more or less everyday events are themselves usually very simple; as if they were done

128 extemporaneously. So, to give one small illustration, is this from the Arapaho, again taken from Curtis, pp. 201-202:

"The Indian turns his horses loose to graze where they may find find pasture. When he wants to use his horses he must hunt them up and drive them home. Sometimes the horses wander far away and the man must be up before daylight to bring them in for a day's work, or else hunt them the day before. White men too, who cannot afford to buy feed, turn their horses loose in this way.

"This Hand-Game song refers to the search for the sticks in the hands of the players.

"Now I go to seek my horses! So here I stand and look about me! So here I stand and look about me! Now I go to seek my horses!"

Also, on a related note, is this from Nerburn, pp. 54-55:

"I am an old woman now. The buffaloes and blacktail deer are gone, and our Indian ways are almost gone. Sometimes I find it hard to believe I ever lived them... "Often in summer I arise at daybreak and steal out to the corn fields, and as I hoe the corn I sing to it, as we did when I was young. No one cares for our corn songs now..." ~Waheenee, Hidatsa (North Dakota)


I like the original, but this updated version of the Washington's Cruisers flag I've come up with perhaps may be more suitable for the present circumstances.


Remembering the victims of evil and venerating the martyrs for truth is what real Christianity is about (as much as anything), and yet who for or against Christianity (and outside of posturing) ever really does ? ("I would, only these people will cause me trouble if I do...")


"The span of one generation brought to the Indian of the plains change such as the white man experienced only through long centuries of evolution -- the change from the life of primitive man to that of civilization. Nor did the white man in his wholesale slaughter of the buffalo for hides realize, perhaps, what the extinction of the animal would mean to the people of the prairies, to whom the buffalo supplied nearly every physical want -- food, clothing, and even lodging, for buffalo-hides were made the portable skin lodges of the prairie tribes." ~The Indians Book, edited by Natalie Curtis, [p. 41]

129 "The Father," evidently a spirit person of some kind, addressing Short Bull, a Dakota medicine man who had been a leader and spokesperson in the Ghost Dance religion:

"'I leave you with this word: be of good heart. Even though the old days are gone, never to come again, still be of good heart. A better day will dawn for your people. The old days will never be again, even as a man will never again be a child. Those days were the happy childhood of your race. Manhood brings sorrow and wisdom. Wise through sorrow will be your people, and the days of full maturity will be warm with sunshine. You journeyed to the west for tidings of hope. You sought the Father in the land of the sinking sun. The hope you brought of the old life was not as the dawn-light, but as the after glow of sunset skies. Now look for the new day. In the land where the sun rises the Indians have friends. Not westward, but eastward seek the coming of the light.'" [ibid. p. 47]

That the very radical, devastating and widespread transition forced on the plains Indian (as described in the first paragraph), not to mention the land and animals, could have evoke or brought forth an outpouring and divine spirit of revulsion from God (or the Holy Spirit) through all of Nature would seem to me to only make perfect sense; and some of what we hear spoken of and by the Ghost Dance medicine men seems perfectly in keeping with wise, Godly counsel. Who then were the ostensibly literal spirit people who also spoke with the Ghost Dance prophets? Although I don't suppose it is necessarily so easy to say out of hand, I myself rather suspect they were bad spirits acting in reaction to the true or good Spirit, while seeking to conceal themselves in his dress. Again, certain bad spirit people have the power to speak benevolently, and the report Short Bull describes could still have come from such. Note also how it would seem God lives in the East. If "By their fruits you shall know them," what fruit could we then say was borne by the spirit people who (presuming such did so) spoke literally to the medicine men? While it is true that magical garments that would shield the wearer from enemy weapons was not anything new to the Indians, the spirit people's instructions was one of the few recorded times the Indians were told to put on clothing that would protect them from bullets -- rather than arrows. And why of all people would Jesus or a messenger of his have directed such a thing?


What John Lennon called "bagism" I would call "boxism"; you're in this box -- so -- get out of it. (Right?)


If I hadn't first read about angels in a book I would even care less about them than I now do (no offense to good angels of course.)


In actual fact, almost completely took out both the command and communications center.


So by now perhaps you see how it is. Because the government and police cannot reasonably cope with, let alone contain or eliminate, organized crime, and because organized crime so entrenched and liberated invariably involves criminal spirit people, there is a certain segment of the given population that is going to become victim to any number of types of crimes and with impunity; as part of the price that society has to pay for seeking to profit by means of crime. Part of the reason for this is that certain spirit people who are professional criminals not unusually tend to be insatiably rapacious and sadistic; as a result victims are daily required to glut their monster appetite or simply to just give them something to do. In any case, it is not possible for good or other bad people to simply ignore them and think they will just go away; not least of which if society, through its negligence and timidity, makes it possible for them to profit in a financially grandiose way from wrong doing.

130 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

One of the funny things about the American Indian with respect to the plains conflicts of the 1870's is that many saw war as a sport and ritual, and did not resent the white soldiers, often brave and intelligent person like themselves, but rather such as the dishonest and greedy white agents and profiteers. Many times such Indians went into battle for an opportunity to show off, play tricks on their enemies, and make them look foolish (and on occasion against numerically superior and better armed whites succeeded brilliantly.) What is wonderful and what is funny to me is that this is the face of nature. Nature is not a killer. Nature would rather play or earn honor through open deed and prowess than kill unnecessarily. Real killers rather are people, who one way or another, are under the pronounced influence of unnatural and malevolent spirit people for whom killing is a religion, not a practical necessity.


Process proceeds image, and most will assume their own "process" (to understand, think and feel) is good. If all process, in this sense is good, then all images can be made or can be made to seem good by being interpreted in a certain way or else ignored (to varying degrees) altogether. But how can we be sure process is any good unless, in the final analysis, we can appeal to and confirmed by both logic and morals?


With just about any song I think I will end upon being bored by it after listening to it for the thousandth time; even so there are some songs which though it seems I can't quite enjoy anymore (or at least will not be able to for a long while) make me smile or cheer for inside just when I think of them.


How is it that people so little capable of real thought should have so much say and power? Because they are not the ones doing the thinking.


"When the king of Moab saw that the battle had gone against him, he took with him seven hundred swordsmen to break through to the king of Edom, but they failed. Then he took his firstborn son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him as a sacrifice on the city wall. The wrath against Israel was great; they withdrew and returned to their own land." ~ 2nd Kings Ch. 3:26-27.

My New American Bible commentator states: "probably the wrath of Chemosh, the Moabite God to whom the child was offered. He was feared by the Israelites who lost heart on foreign soil." Perhaps this Chemosh was an old shipmate of the currently standing Hooligan. Be that as it may, we can still ask , did God empower Chemosh, who in turn empowered the Moabite King? If not, then in what was his strength if not weakness in the minds of the Israelites?


Almost any good thing can be over done; so just remember – normally -- not to overdo whatever it is.


With the understanding that few or none are entirely one way or the other in harboring such views, and while speaking in very general terms, there could be said to be two fundamentally opposing kinds of moral philosophy; that of life through life and that of life through death (or seeking life by way of death); or living by doing right and living by doing wrong. Now the advantage of life through death is that one can

131 satisfy immediate desires more easily; yet at the price of throwing away or destroying the well being, and possibly as well the future, of others. What would excuse their doing such a cold and unjust thing? The idea is that, if nothing else, and when all is said and done, they will be dead and asleep and so it won't matter what they did. And yet how is this arranged seeing that the success using the life through death advantage is achieved only by throwing in their lot with spirit people who do not sleep, indeed can't? Some people object to the idea of living forever, but (and leaving aside the question whether living forever is a good or bad thing) what they don't seem to appreciate is that they may have to live forever despite their wishes.


On Dante’s and Faust’s Heaven

"Another of the older men, called upon for his views, kept a long silence. Finally, he said, 'I have come to the conclusion that this Jesus was an Indian. He was opposed to material acquisition and to great possessions. He was inclined to peace. He was as unpractical as any Indian and set no price upon his labor of love. These are not the principles upon which the white man has founded his civilization. It is strange that he could not rise to these simple principles which were so commonly observed among our people'...' "...It is my considered belief, after thirty five years experience of it, that there is no such thing as Christian 'civilization.' I believe that Christianity and modern civilization are irreconcilable, and that the spirit of Christianity and of our ancient religion is essentially the same." [p. 130] ~ from "The Coming of the White Ways," by Ohiyesa.

"Your God is not our God! Your God loves your people and hates mine! He folds his strong protecting arms lovingly about the paleface and leads him by the hand as a father leads an infant son. But, He has forsaken His Red children, if they really are His. Our God, the Great Spirit, seems also to have forsaken us. Your God makes your people wax stronger every day. Soon they will fill all the land. Our people are ebbing away like a rapidly receding tide that will never return. The white man's God cannot love our people or He would protect them. They seem to be orphans who can look nowhere for help. How then can we be brothers? How can your God become our God and renew our prosperity and awaken in us dreams of returning greatness? If we have a common Heavenly Father He must be partial, for He came to His paleface children. We never saw Him. He gave you laws but had no word for His red children whose teeming multitudes once filled this vast continent as stars fill the firmament. No; we are two distinct races with separate origins and separate destinies. There is little in common between us." [p. 195] ~ Chief Seattle, from his speech to Gov. Stevens, 1853. The Wisdom of the Native Americans, by Kent Nerburn. It seems to me clearly and without a doubt to be the case that the brutal persecution of the American Indians was in large part the work of the kind of spirit people, such as "Simon the Magician," whom I have written about, giving direct orders or otherwise exerting their influence. The sadism and accompanying acts of arrant duplicity, gratuitous killing, torture, and viciousness reported, or such as the ganging up on Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce in their attempt to flee the U.S., is very much consistent with what I know about these kinds of spirit people from first hand and elsewhere. This interpretation would also help to explain why Christianity -- as often practiced by the whites -- was seen by many of the Indians as having a demonic face. Bear in mind in the midst of all this that a Devil does not achieve his finest persuasion by coming to people as a devil but by coming as if from "Heaven" in shining glory; with cryptic injunctions, and caring benevolence; with angels, thundering voice, etc. (and which are, of course, nothing more than show and dross to alert and analyzing people who have experienced such things.)


With respect to both poetry and prose, if a topic is too controversial, too harsh, too sensitive, or else too personal in character to write about directly or literally (say a death), one can write indirectly about it. Metaphor, allegory, or selective wording for instance are used to serve that purpose, but there are other ways, and even more in addition than these when we take into account the possible combinations and variations created from those methods or approaches and whose only limit is the power of one's imagination. At the same time, such indirect forms of communication can (looking at the outline of the composition) be mixed with direct forms in various arrangement.

132 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

As a sort of practical first aid, two things to be especially aware of when dealing with trouble making sorts of spirit people are false images (including an over reliance on images in one's thinking) and physical violence. If you are rational and can handle these two challenges fairly well then you should be able to contend competently with powerful spirit people.


To try and put the matter scientifically, since he is and has been conditioned so as not to be able to deal with reality, he gets his understanding of reality from an overbearing and manipulative spirit person he listens to. Sometimes the influence the latter exerts on the former (whom we'll call the recipient subject) is either direct or indirect, open or concealed communication and manipulation; and the recipient subject in personal planning and many day to day practical matters has his way cleared for him by the more informed spirit person and who has a better factual idea of what's going on (this in no small due to their obsessive preoccupation with spying and gathering information about others and their private and public situations.) Now this same spirit person who is doing the influencing and controlling, although he might possess phenomenal knowledge and even understanding of some things (including such things as are lost on us), there is also far much more he typically doesn't know, and indeed it is not at all impossible for he himself to be quite like in character make-up and about as out of touch with reality as the first whom he influences when it comes right down to it. But in addition, the spirit person continues his own existence on the basis of a not dissimilar arrangement with a yet third more powerful spirit person who manages the former two as necessary or called for. Also, on a somewhat separate note, did you know (I myself just came across this the other day) that the known elemental composition of the average human body is as follows:

Oxygen 62.81 *percent of the body Carbon 19.37 Hydrogen 9.31 Nitrogen 5.14 Sulfur 0.64 Phosphorus 0.63 Other 2.10

This in fact all but effectively shows us ourselves, in one significant sense at least, to actually be spirit people; inasmuch as oxygen is a gas and it is gas that is the quality usually attributed to spirit as a substance. (Perhaps then Anaximenes had the right idea after all.)


It was his honor to be appointed the monkey on the person's back; a job for which he was and is well suited. He mooches and leeches on people all his life, and he thinks he's funny doing so. In actual fact, I have heard some of his own people refer to him as Mr. Bojangles, and which suggests the transient like nature of his person and lifestyle despite his fantastical wealth and power.


Yes it is actually like Stalingrad putting up with these people and I told them this myself.


133 Leschi

Was he not handsome? Was he not brave? He would have it too good being right too. So they sent him to his grave. Long before he’d awoke on a land owned by none; the sun lit up the white birch on a blue sky; while a seagull or hawk circled overhead under a placid moon and dim stars. And though the sky still glows a golden glow, the land is no longer free. The world glitters on the surface but rages and foments within. It has the glory of light with little true warmth or feeling. Yet Nature shines love throughout wherever she is not spoiled by man. But something even greater than she was the peace and strength of her son, calmly accepting an unjust fate, like the rugged pines that had outlasted time.

For an article on Chief Leschi click here.


Having for many years now become in effect the space alien in my life, you can report back to your leader tell him that you have succeeded in your mission of making me completely miserable. All I suppose that's left for me to say to you now is: rock on, ghost people, rock on.


The Solution

I told her if there were a way to say it without saying it I would. She said she would free me if some way she could. Then a pause. But no on second thought, Don't worry I'll get over it. I’ll have to, I said. Think that I would take you to an impossible head? For how could one love beauty and then not love you too? And what good painter would not be a great lover too? No, no, the solution’s simply this:

134 in times like these there’s a thousand things to do.


We ask, "Why all this fuss and trouble you are causing? The world is going to self-destruct anyway, right?" And they would say, if they were honest, "Yes, but not quickly enough for our purposes." And don't forget that when it comes to these kind of people, all it takes is one or few high powered crazies to be that way, and the rest, in effect, simply have no choice but do as he says.


Such extraordinary riches, power, and dominion! And yet at the price of ultimately having to become something out of an H.P. Lovecraft novel.


The world is, as some will have figured out, an extra source of happiness; real happiness lies first and only within (say with respect to peace for example.) But if the Kingdom of Heaven lies within, what is this stuff that is outside of us? And yet I do insist that God be likeable, and these people are not; moreover they seem like people left behind rather than people moving ahead. Even so, it would be foolish to completely ignore or forget someone, whether they are bad or good; because those often are the very people who are in a position to surprise us by later returning and using that surprise to their advantage; particularly if they have some significant measure of justice to back them up.


I don't know these are as good as my previous, but here, for fun, are some additional Oafmore script ideas.

* Oafmore finds himself a victim of his own success when after chasing out tobacco company executives with the usual "persuasion," he manages to take over much of the tobacco industry. As a result lighting up suddenly becomes fashionable; only will the increased smoking sit well with the higher ranking deities Oafmore relies on who are allergic to it? * Strange and perplexing troubles befall an upper CIA officer; shortly after he starts raising questions with other officials as to why Festidius Oafmore is being granted National Security clearance. * At various point in the Oafmore story, Oafmore acquiesces to and accomplices (to some point) the cruelties Goomerton perpetually inflicts on others. In this episode we find out that the reason for this is Goomerton can bring him to tears by getting Oafmore to feel sorry for him (i.e. Goomerton), accompanied by Goomerton's sad but well placed references concerning the plight of people like himself who did not get a fair shake in life. * Oafmore's Eleven. After going through a near death experience in which he sees "Jesus" (really Dr. Insane), Oafmore undergoes a sudden conversion; as part of which, and despite objections from colleagues and customers, an effort is made on his part to bring Christianity to his casino and gaming establishments.


Because it has such a plenty of good things, here's more from Astrov's anthology.

"...I am like the quetzal bird, I am created in the One and only God; I sing sweet songs among the flowers; I chant songs and rejoice in my heart..." ~ from "Song of Nezahualcoyotl" (Aztec), p. 314.

135 "The Eagle and the Moon Goddess" from the Cora tribe in Mexico.

"Under the sky the eagle, there he abides, there far above us. Beautiful he appears. In his talons he holds his world. A gray garment he wears, a beautiful, living-moist garment of clouds. There he awaits for the word from Tetewan. Bright-eyed he looks down upon his world. Toward the west his eyes are turned. Bright-eyed he looks down upon the waters of life. His countenance radiates calamity. magnificent is his eye, the sun! Red are his feet.

"There he abides, far above us. There he remembers those who live on this earth. His voice rises, above us. It is we who hear it, lively are the words... Tetewan even hears them, she who abides in the underworld. There the Mother hears him. And she responds; here we listen to the words of Tetewan. Here they mingle with the words of the eagle, here they mingle.

"The words of the eagle fade away, far above the waters of life There, the words of the Mother drift... There they die away, far yonder, beneath the dome of the sky. Far yonder the words vanish." p. 324.


In some instances Orkonists will do evil even despite the fact that they risk, unintentionally, bringing about great good. Otherwise, in the given circumstance the Orkonist doing the planning will attempt to make safe bets and hope for the worst. (Try to get the idea.)


"We have to obey the orders of the Zombie Master, Mr. Sherman."

And it is I who tell you, you have to do no such thing!


"...Johnny B. Goode, What the hell" (from Seattle's absolute finest at 4.2 MB.)


I didn't remember the full lyrics, so I went and looked them up (a hymn just about everyone ought already know in my opinion.)

"Hail, Hail rock and roll Deliver me from the days of old Long live rock and roll

136 The beat of the drums, loud and bold Rock, rock, rock and roll The feelin' is there, body and soul."


To C.M.

Though sufficient precaution I thought I’d provided for; Never allowing my guard to sit, To my dismay, consternation, and more, She scored on me a direct hit! And my heart, despite all pains I’d took To avert that sweet avidity, Was led a prisoner, elated but forsook, Into that captivity; Where iron chains weigh not more Than tears hidden that adore! How long one can endure such things, I honestly don’t know. Once more I find my heart a going Where I did not want it to go.


"...[W]hen a man makes up his mind to seek a favor of Wakan'tanka he makes due preparation. It is not fitting that a man should suddenly go out and make a request of Wakan'tanka. When a man shuts his eye he sees a great deal. He then enters his own mind, and things become clear to him...[S]o he resolves to seek seclusion on the top of a butte or high place. No man can succeed in life alone, and he cannot get the help he wants from men; therefore he seeks help through some bird or animal which Wakan'tanka sends for his assistance." ~ Siya'ka', Teton Sioux

"...You have noticed that the truth comes into the world with two faces. One is sad with suffering, and the other laughs; but it is the same face laughing or weeping. When people are in despair, maybe the laughing is better for them." ~Black Elk, Oglala Sioux

Both quoted in American Indian Prose and Poetry, The Winged Serpent, An Anthology, edited by Margot Astrov, pages 120 and 132 respectively.


The greatest power a person has over Hell is their knowledge and understanding of what is truly good; that is, of course, if they possess that knowledge and understanding, or something on the way to them, to begin with.


137 In the interest of being better informed about how a ghost sorcerer like "Simon the Magician" can fool people, it should be understood that he will sometimes (not always) manifest a good or talented sense of humor; though at the same time he might La Horla like be systematically tormenting the person. The picture above is a panel from Griffith's "Zippy" comic strip for Sunday, Feb. 11, 2007, and that struck me as funny. Yet it also reminded me of exactly the kind of humor "Simon" might use by way of thought transference or telepathy, and it was for and as an example of such I am posting the panel. This is not by any means to suggest that Bill Griffith in any way needed or got his own ides from someone else only I wanted to point out the similarity with how "Simon" also can or might be funny. But keep in mind humor can be used by such spirit people either to gain a person's trust and or else get the person to think that the wrong doing going on is no big deal, with the humor helping to create the impression that the magician has full and imperturbable confidence in himself -- even though at about the same time as he jokes he might be doing something that you or I would find evil. How does one react to such behavior? You can respect the humor as being good or decent, but of course never for a moment allow him to used as a means of deceiving you otherwise; because this, after all, is what he is most interested in doing, not making you or others jolly.


One does come across demonism in aboriginal beliefs, customs and myths every now and then, and yet more often, generally speaking, one encounters poetry and truth; and which (together) are very uncharacteristic of demonism. So with them as with us, that is if we look at a given culture we can find influences and mysticism that are demonistic in origin, but also influences and mysticism that are genuinely heart felt or inspired by a genuinely truthful spirit. One indication of truthfulness in a person (or a readily tangible and distinct individual personality) is that person's willingness to communicate and express through speech (including both song and rational discourse) what they think. With respect to religious ideas, the refusal to do this in most instances (though not necessarily always), it seems to me, implies demonistic mysticism. Where the word is spoken then we have a beginning indication of the truth being present. When we see in this what crucial importance the word (or speaking, writing, and reasoning) has in establishing truth, it becomes one strong reason for us to value the word much more highly than we would otherwise.

Even so, although we value the word it may initially be only for practical and expedient reasons. But after having known it for a while, say with years and some reflection, it becomes possible for us to better and properly understand and appreciate it much more; and when this happens then it becomes possible for us to comprehend the idea of the word being sacred of itself and or of our making it sacred. Typically, it would appear it is when and only after we treasure certain forms of the word that those forms become sacred.

Is it possible to establish what these higher forms of the word are objectively? Off hand, and looking towards logic, rhythms, and other plain and obvious demonstrations of harmony, I think yes, there are ways in which higher forms of the word can be established objectively; consistent with the truth and which do not require secrecy, dissembling or obfuscation. Note also spirit people, without exception, use words as, at best, a secondary means and will always rely on some other medium, says pictures (as one example) in

138 order to communicate; all of which pronounced tendency strike me as indicative of their at bottom untrustworthiness and dubious credibility. That what spirit people say, given their usual tendency to secrecy, should become sacred to us ordinarily seems at odd with the truth, for why the stubborn furtiveness? Is it not, given its frequency, an act or ploy that flagrantly contends against the truth? And if so how could the words of spirit people become sacred? The answer to this last is only by the words possessing qualities of honest truth, i.e. truth such as an honest person could or would speak otherwise; and ascertained on the basis of reason, and standards of judgment and scrutiny open to all. Else how could we establish those words as being true, let alone sacred? This is not to say that the word, in whatever form, be without subjectivity but merely that when it is possessed of enough objectivity to render it that much more of the truth only then can it actually qualify as something sacred or potentially sacred.


It is interesting how in many of the American Indian creation and fertility stories or myths that the main characters in the tale, be they individuals, or a people, or animals, find themselves in a world they or someone else creates and yet which is at first without food. Then some god or goddess of one kind or another, in typically celestial, human, or animal form, does something, say perhaps through an act of their own or else instruction to the characters; following which, food, abundance and powers of healing are brought about. One thing of particular note, and is repeated in different versions, is that the characters find themselves alive or living before there is any food; in fact, they are able to live apparently for some stretch of indeterminate span of time without it. And yet they desire it. Yet perhaps it could be said that though they are hungry for ordinary food, it is still somehow possible for them to be nourished by the word, by way of song, prayer, or story; which gives added meaning and support to the idea of one's not living by bread alone -- or at least how such is or may be possible.


It is not what people think, whether for good or for bad, that ultimately matters; it is what the truth is. There have been more times then one can remember of people making a fuss over something that did not really matter, and yet some did then and will still always believe that what everybody thinks is all that most matters. This is of course absurd, for while we will want to take due account of what others think that is only part of the picture of reality; and it is reality or the truth that we must most concern ourselves with, and this we can, for practical purposes, have when we are honest, carefully rational, and prepared to be skeptical and unbiased; without being necessarily reliant on the opinions of others (let alone the report of the opinions of others) in forming our conclusions.


We would not have trouble with the sky did we but properly value and esteem the earth. This, I submit as always for you to judge for yourself, applies to environmental (such as, for instance, ozone depletion) as well as religious concerns.


Long Live God

The quote of the day we get this Feb. 6, 2007 from Google is "Santa Claus is clearly what Jesus would be if he was real. Nobody would ever consider nailing this omnibenevolent deity to anything, would they? Nor does he hold anything against you longer than a year." - Steve James.

Perhaps then the following will be of help. See Christ rather as the innocent child your rich friends brutally murdered in order that you could be prosperous and comfortable at home watching American Idol.

139 ~~~~~~*~~~~~~

We come then to this conclusion, and which I submit as a challenge to my opponents.

You can, it seems to me (and let others speak for themselves), go on doing these things, such as run brain torture radios, etc., but only because you are willing to pay the price of damnation; observing at the same time that just about no one else insists on such extravagant and preposterous privileges and entitlement as you do. But then you say no, these spirit people say it is o.k., and damnation isn't a problem. Yet if this is so, why is it, and aside from the generality of their lamentable slaves and servants, that I categorically deny, denounce, reject, forswear and condemn these very people who you say are your hope. Why is it I view them as the most very vile and loathsome persons imaginable? Yet both of you have spared no expense in following and hounding me all these years. You think they are Heaven or somehow almighty, but to me they are nothing more than a private interest group and that does not know what it is doing or what it is talking about, while subsisting on cannibalism and trickery to keep their glory shining. What does a Hell person know about (real) quality of life anyway? How can you or anyone take those people seriously when there is not a single person of honor and integrity among them? Where do you see any signs in them of real peace? Where then is your hope in light of the inhuman crimes and phenomenal wealth you have entitled yourself to? What hope are these people offering you when they are the ones who started all this trouble making in the first place?


Anti-Christ Superstar (a la Goomerton, Dr. Insane, et al.)

Most no one agrees to go to Hell. Some will go to Hell to save a loved one. Such as a soldier, for example, venture there willingly, but only with a mind to rid themselves and their brethren from it or else be killed in the attempt.

It never ceases to be a wonder to me how much Hell people seem to be able to get away with, particularly with respect to their having it in their power to continue to do the kind of inexcusable wrong they do. Yet it occurred to me that perhaps the reason this is so is that they are ultimately willing to sacrifice all to have it their way. In other words, make a knowing agreement with "someone" who then arranges that they can have their way in this world (say with respect, to money, worldly power, material riches), indeed be able to run riot -- but only because down the line they are willing to pay the supreme sacrifice, damnation, in order to purchase such rights.

Why would anyone make such a deal? That they would do so knowingly would certainly seem very strange. But, if on the other hand, they are tricked, perhaps they could be got to consent to something they otherwise would not consent to.

Someone might object, if they were tricked, that would not be very fair now would it? No, but perhaps then they will only have to pay the price of a partial or temporary sentence.

140 Now, while no one but God is perfect, there are some people whom you well know try to have it both ways. They agree and don't agree to go along with the Hell people. Some manage, it seems, to later recognize what's really going on and finally pull themselves out in time. Others go on as they have, or else feel helpless to correct what's already been done, or perhaps are like a captured animal who, having taken the bait, does not sense danger. The bottom line of all this then would seem to be that the more the person agrees to go along with Hell and benefit from its "protection" and other benefits, the more Hell can claim them. That they are not in reality, or not being honest with reality, while all this is going on may be an excuse they can later use; but that's just it, how good of an excuse is it?


It was only very recently that I realized something that for years I had not before; namely, there actually is a Happy Hooligan. He is a real person; and, although not all that successfully in my own opinion, he does try to be happy and even seems to feel as if he is.


Everyone wants the war to end, but given the common and persistent prevalence of lying and secrecy, who is there then that really desires peace?


In solemn, stentorian voice "I AM this person who is supposed to be interesting."

You can be interesting. That's not the problem. All we are asking you to do is stop forcing yourself on people.

(Cloak and conceal himself in the most outrageous and despicable Evil as he will, he still cannot disguise the fact of what a stupid jerk he really is.)


No doubt one of the saddest things is someone going through life wanting and deserving love and not having it. I remember this one girl back in the 5th grade, quiet and to keeping herself most of the time, who had very buck teeth such that it almost always looked as though she was smiling. On the surface, she appeared, in her facial expression and manner, perhaps a bit retarded or something. Yet, for all surface impressions, she may have been actually quite intelligent. In addition, she seemed an isolated person, not really having any friends. Yet I recall her not being above looking down her nose at someone whom she thought was in error about something.

When the class year came to a close our teacher gave out individual special awards to each student. I remember my own was something like "Best Historian," and which (despite my having, at one point in the year, largely plagiarized an article on Robert Louis Stevenson in order to write a "report" on him) I was quite proud of. I recollect that after the very last class session was let out, I found myself (for some reason I can't recall) mulling around the empty classroom. As I glanced about I happened to noticed someone's award certificate left abandoned on the floor. I was surprised at seeing the honor tossed aside as if it was just some trash. It turned out to be the award the above mentioned girl was given, and which was for "Best Smile."

After that I don't recall ever seeing the girl again, but did learn a few years later that she had died. How and under what circumstances, I have no idea.


141 No happiness without harmony; no harmony without basic morals (including honesty), justice, and reason. For try to imagine something like real happiness and harmony without these last three, I defy you to do it. Or, envision a world of happiness where basic morals, justice and reason are tossed aside. What kind of world could such be? Moreover, if we were denied these, would not that also make us less free, and therefore less happy?


If you are going to believe astrology (and I myself see no reason to presume it doesn't possibly have some validity) you at least owe it to yourself to analyze exactly what it is you are believing; for certainly the laws of cause and effect do not end at astrological conclusions and without our first establishing how such principles can be true in the first place. Otherwise, if you'd rather not bother with it, Chandu is a good a way as any when it comes to astrology.


The reason many cannot fight evil is that they been purposefully disabled or conditioned in advance by others manipulating them not to do so.


Good can be made to seem bad by being thrown down by evil, but when does evil ever really look good except to a fool?


It was certainly both commendable and admirable of Elijah to have ridiculed the prophets of Baal (see 1st Kings, 18:16-40), but I could not but raise my eyebrow at the idea of his slaying them afterward. Yet in the confrontation of gods it may be supposed that such a thing not only made sense, but perhaps (at that time in history at least) was tolerable enough such that it was just possible to get away with it. In any case, then as now, he was considered audacious for doing it, and it is in this audacity, I think, do we get a true picture of who and what Elijah was.


I must say I have come to love this picture, so I am putting it up twice; such a wonderful depiction, in my opinion, of our good friend the demonist and demonistic belief. So much so that it made me think to ask Him*, "If I go around with that kind of expression on my face, will you be nice to me TOO?"

* I.E. The God of Demons and Falsehood, not, of course, the God of Logic and Truth.


A city, society, or nation are what and they are in no small part because of how their citizens think and believe. For some time now our own society has been under the sway of demonists who in effect tell us:

142 "You can have things done to you (such as torture, rape, murder, etc.) and go to 'Heaven' [i.e. their Heaven], or you can have money and other nice things but be willing to cooperate with us (in doing the wrong thing.)"

Needless to say, if everyone or most everyone rejects their edict, it does not have to be anything like this.


It is well to keep in mind that when Hell people cause trouble (and even when it involves a fairly elaborate scheme or trick), as often as not, they act this way for no other reason than that they have nothing else to do with themselves.


Hollywood Bowl of Serial Killers

"...Asked by a voter what qualified her to handle leaders from countries such as Iran and North Korea, Clinton began her reply, then stopped and, for effect, repeated the question.

"'What in my background equips me to deal with evil and bad men?" she said wryly, prompting peals of laughter from the audience. She had begun with a reference to Osama bin Laden, but the crowd's reaction suggested they thought her experience with bad men involved someone other than the terrorist leader...'"

~ from "In Iowa, Clinton Calls Bush Reckless; Senator Focuses On War in Iraq And Health Care," By Anne E. Kornblut and Dan Balz, Washington Post Staff Writers, Monday, Jan. 29, 2007; Page A04

Why is it so many by of the news articles that quote this occurrence assume that the unknown questioner referred to North Korean or Middle Eastern leaders -- and not domestic ones? My question then for any of the now or future presidential candidates would be:

"When do you think you'll get a chance to see the latest culmination of that highly popular and successful "Silence of the Lambs" series, "Hannibal Rising"?

(And, with all the school shootings, real life serial killings, and other similar criminal horror stories of recent date, who, might we ask also, is hyping and shelling out the big bucks for this sick stuff and its ilk in the first place?)


Observe in this brief but nicely written passage from George Washington's Indispensable Men: The 32 Aides- de-Camp Who Helped Win American Independence, by Arthur S. Lefkowitz, how in a matter of a few moments, and among a very small group of men, the fate of an entire nation is decided.

"On the same day that Washington and his suite left Hartford [Conn.], three militiamen near the village of Tarrytown, New York, on the lower Hudson River stopped a stranger who was trying to cross through to

143 the British lines. The militiamen did not know at the time that the man standing before them was Maj. John Andre', General Clinton's adjutant general. Andre' thought that he was at a British out post, but realizing his error he gave his name as John Anderson, a merchant who was in the Hudson Valley on business for General Arnold. He showed the militiamen a pass from Arnold, but by then they were suspicious and decided to search the young civilian. They looked through his clothing and found nothing suspicious and were about to let him go when one of them, John Paulding, said that they should look inside his boots. Andre' protested but they made him sit down and took off his boots. Inside they found papers. 'Hastily scanning them, Paulding exclaimed, My God! He is a spy!'" -- Ch. Eight, p. 209.


The Return of the Return of More Great Things to Say

Note. I realize some of the following jokes are fairly corny, but in view of how bored I get sometimes (given existing circumstances) I hope you will pardon it.

* "God doesn't make junk." No, but Dr. Frankenstein does.

* What on earth do you think you have been doing all these years? Take a guess, I dare you, just take a guess.

* If that is so, then what then are you supposed to be? The Arch-Demon of boredom? If so, I must say you are doing one helluva job.


He is like the town drunk of demonism. I would say he is; only, in his case, he has a real life Bogey Man to assist him in getting what he wants.


Because a person believes that they know what they are doing, it does not necessarily follow that they actually do know what they are doing.


The devil will not only permit but indeed pay you to be a frivolous child, but only if you act so as to help him murder adults.


With history we can know and understand what often people at the given time in the past perhaps did not know or understand.


The Only Game in Town

I would like to mention something, and which serves as one example, of which I could give you several, of the kind of tricks that spirit people might use to gain your confidence; and perhaps get you to think they are from God or Heaven.

144 While I have seen them when I was down in Southern California, I have never in all my life encountered hummingbirds in the Pacific Northwest. Yet just earlier this morning [Jan. 26, 2007], coming back from an errand, two hummingbirds flew right up and by the doorstep of my house. Now granted, it is not impossible that someone had had them indoors and the birds somehow got outside, but, if not this, you could not but marvel to see hummingbirds in Seattle, and in the middle of Winter no less! If for the sake of argument, these birds were sent my way as a kind of "sign language" by these spirit people I write of (and perhaps also their hench-people as well), someone in my position might be led to conclude this was a message from God.

As you who know me will have already gathered, these kinds of devices (assuming that is what it was, and not some other explanation) mean nothing to me, and are nothing more than a kind of magic trick, in this instance using animals. Yet, once again, such is the credulity of some that were they to experience such a strange phenomena they would instantly and unreflectingly assume it was a miracle or something like. Be you then not deceived by such things. The one feat this "God" can't produce is an honest person; as that would be far more of a miracle and wonder for him to achieve than anything such or like what I describe above. No, dear "Lord (Hooligan)," you keep all and such things -- I'll take the money instead (if that is all right with you.)

Later Note. [5 May 2007] I learned later that there are hummingbirds in the Pacific Northwest. So that despite my never having seen them before here, this fact obviously would be one explanation for my seeing two as did – and for the first time of all my many years living in the region. Even so, the occurrence must certainly be considered rather odd, as was another occasion that occurred about two months later when I looked out my bedroom window to see a small hawk (about a foot and half tall from head to foot) perched on my backyard fence – an animal I never saw so close up in all my life.


When I reflect on the amount of trouble they are responsible for, manipulative spirit people are to me such a grief that I really do hate them so. When it comes to our worst problems, it is they who are to blame. Combating such is like combating a malignant disease like cancer; and one of the things that makes them so powerful in this wise is that they can take on the guise of God, angels or heaven. These kinds of clever impersonations, masks, or devices can be used by them to undo all intelligent sense of truth and impartial reasoning in a person, and should be rejected. Someone then might object, "If you reject a voice from the sky, or hosts of angels on high, or mansions above, shouldn't you then also reject being a Christian? After all, such manifestations or similar are spoken of in the Bible as positives."

Ah you see, this is just the trick of it, and again is the kind of knotty problem to which I refer; that is, it is not unlike what a physician might encounter in dealing with a deadly sickness. The simple and short answer to the above objection is to say this. Look, reject distinctly audible spirit people voices of any kind, reject angels and mansions in the sky -- unless (with respect to these latter) as something in the abstract, something poetical in meaning, or something envisioned in your self-controlled imagination. To accept them unquestioningly as signs of authority otherwise is to set yourself up for having your better judgment, thinking and conscience overthrown by these people; which, for purposes of making you a slave, is exactly what they want. This said, do hold tight to the moral and essential aspects of religious belief, such as a reverence for truth, justice, charity, as well as a fundamental faith in goodness. As I have said before, a false image is, by definition, not a true one. To which we can add -- and you can't intelligently tell the difference between the two unless you are able to think honestly, openly, rationally, and impartially.


More Oafmore script ideas

In continuation of what we began earlier...

145 * After having it explained to him what it is, Oafmore makes preparations to go and receive the Gene (sic) Hersholt humanitarian award! But wait! Potential trouble brews when police investigators uncover a number of bodies buried on a ranch he formerly owned. * A Case of Road Rage. Goomerton under the "demonizing influence" goes haywire and, in his devilment, causes all kind of road rage among drivers on the freeway. Faced with alarming number of instances being reported, Oafmore then finds himself having to explain via the evening news what's supposed to be the real cause of what's going on, namely these people are suffering from a certain chemical imbalance -- and for which his pharmaceutical company has just the cure! * Dorky the Robot Sorcerer. Left with a warehouse of Dorky the Robot Sorcerer toys (a tie in to Oafmore's movie of the same name) that couldn't be sold, no one wants to tell Oafmore the bad news and who otherwise been led to believe they were best sellers. In order to spare him the truth, it's up to the Movie Director and K-Pax to figire out a way of paying people to buy them.


"Friends Far Away," by Horace Twiss (1787 – 1849)

"Count not the hours while their silent wings Thus waft them in fairy flight; For feeling, warm from her dearest springs, Shall hallow the scene tonight. And while the music of joy is here, And the colors of life are gay, Let us think on those that have loved us dear, The Friends who are far away.

"Few are the hearts that have proved the truth of their early affection's vow; And let those few, the beloved of youth, Be dear in their absence now. O, vividly in their faithful breast Shall the gleam of remembrance play. Like the lingering light of the crimson west, When the sunbeam hath passed away!

"Soft be the sleep of their pleasant hours, And calm be the seas they roam! May the way they travel be strewed with flowers Till it bring them in safety home! And when we whose hearts are o'erflowing thus Ourselves may be doomed to stray, May some kind orison rise for us, When we shall be far away!"


146 Process precedes image, but God precedes process. How so? God in the form of peace, and therefore we can also say peace precedes process. For if peace is not at the ultimate center of one's life, then what is? Discontent, dissatisfaction, implacable desire. Peace allows us to reflect better on what we really want and how it can be more wisely and safely obtained, besides being of itself desirable. Prior then to our thinking of anyone or anything, we should and ideally first think "peace." If our mind's are regularly focused on peace, then it will come before any and everyone and anything we think of or encounter. So if I am going to think of X, I think of peace first, then X. If I am going to think of Y, I think of peace, then Y, etc. Put another way, let everything in our thinking be finally and logically contingent on or answerable to it.

How can we know and better know peace? How do we strengthen our hold on and understanding of peace? Through humble, meditative prayer and our continually seeking it that way; so that at the end of the day then, let peace be above all, and let nothing but compassionate justice and charity be allowed to vie with it in importance.


Here are the lyrics to the Moody Blues song "The One;" off their "Strange Times" album. To get the full irony and humor of it, however, you really have to hear it played. This said, I like it because it is so on point and timely (especially if you are dealing with such people as I write about.)

"No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one again

"No surprise You wanna be the one

"Heard you had a story to tell Sold your soul in a kiss and tell Sliding down on a helter skelter ride Into yesterday

"No way out, the price of fame Once its told will you be the same Rolling down on a roller coaster ride Well be waiting for you

"No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one again No surprise No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one No surprise You wanna be the one

"Shock the world with your fall from grace Glory days gone without a trace No surprise youre a face without a name But we all still love you

"No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one again No surprise No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one

147 No surprise You wanna be the one

"Its time to tell you Were faithful and true Take us back to the days When we could dream cause it makes us happy

"No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one again No surprise No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one No surprise No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one again No surprise No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one No surprise No surprise Hey that you wanna be the one"


"Ben Ladin?! Listen, don't you worry about him. You just you get rid of Oafmore, the Man Without a Face and the Hooligan group, and I'll take care of Ben Ladin and Lord Oaf!"


I really do think my (unfinished) "Ghost of the Traitor" play has great potential as the basis for a television series; prospectively contemplating which, I've decided to jot down ideas for episodes as they come to me. Here for now, and for starters, are a few:

* Oafmore decides he is going to disguise himself in order to see if people won't like his movies that way. * Oafmore, in order to show his philanthropic side, decides to specially sponsor, promote and put in the media spot light a contender in the Special Olympics -- but with disastrous results for the poor athlete. * Oafmore and the Man Without a Face. Although even Oafmore can't stand him, he knows from Goomerton he needs MWAF to keep things going. This episode then concerns the fine balancing act between Oafmore's role of entertainment mogul and his role as accomplice in the gangster violence and terror that helps keep him in power. We also in this episode learn of the MWAF's personal goals and aspirations; but which circumstances have sadly thwarted and frustrated. * Dr. Ruehl has figured out a way to scientifically prove that Oafmore is using brain torture radios, but meets with all kinds of obstacles in trying to get a hearing from the academic community, and who continue to insist, without explanation, that what Ruehl is saying cannot possibly be true. * Again with all good intention, Oafmore does for Gretchen much like what he did for the Special Olympics contender; only in this case Gretchen gets her revenge. * K-Pax and the computer nerds. K-Pax confronts serious moral questions and self-searching when one of the young computer hackers working for Oafmore explains to him that hacking is actually illegal.


148 (NOT really whom you think.)

Last night, I saw Dan Rather on David Letterman rather astonished that no one had mentioned Ben Ladin recently; as if this were a sign we were letting down our guard. Yet Ben Ladin has been more spoken of in recent months than Amnesty International; so why the one not the other? (Hmmm...)

Is it Ben Ladin (to give you some and sundry) designing and transmitting computer viruses, sending out gibberish spam en masse, promoting witchcraft, sorcery, and occultic gnosticism (a la The Da Vinci Code), marketing spy and web cams, interfering with the internet, making junk products, mailing anthrax, shutting down newspapers, giving names to new sports teams like "Devils," "Devil Rays", "Wizards"; responsible for the decline in literacy, the inexplicable vanishing of civic and activist groups, the serial killer phenomena both in reality and in the mass culture, the school shooting phenomena, the sleazeoid mass media (e.g."Desperate Housewives"), celebrity mauling, corporate centralization and monopolies, television and movie hoaxes (such as Phil Tucker, O'Dale Ireland), opposition to campaign finance reform, the plethora of scandals which have ruined and sidelined any number of important leaders, et al.?


(I would say to him:) If it doesn't matter, then why did you have to do those things in the first place? If it doesn't matter, then shouldn't you (if you don't repent or change that way) be prepared to go through all those things yourself and which you put these others through?


A godfather is someone who will take care and custody of you if something happens to your real father.


Organized crime evolved now into legalized crime is certainly the very worst problem or sickness as any society faces. Yet who either left or right even raises it as an issue? In past decades, politicians like the feisty Kennedy’s would speak about fighting the mob and putting it out of business. Then, after the Kennedy's deaths, such talk was no longer heard. The reason the mob has fared so well, indeed defeated us, is because it is not really the mob that threatens, and has threatened, but the spirit people who run the mob. Until the existence of such could be acknowledged and recognized there was never anything we could do. Now -- if you and others will it so -- there is.


Ah, Let me guess. You are angry because someone won't or will not do what they ought to do. Am I right?


"...One shelter’d hare Has never heard the sanguinary yell Of cruel man, exulting in her woes. Innocent partner of my peaceful home, Whom ten long years’ experience of my care

149 Has made at last familiar; she has lost Much of her vigilant instinctive dread, Not needful here, beneath a roof like mine. Yes—thou mayest eat thy bread, and lick the hand That feeds thee; thou mayest frolic on the floor At evening, and at night retire secure To thy straw couch, and slumber unalarm’d; For I have gain’d thy confidence, have pledged All that is human in me to protect Thine unsuspecting gratitude and love. If I survive thee, I will dig thy grave; And, when I place thee in it, sighing say, 'I knew at least one hare that had a friend.'" [334-351]

~~ from "The Task," by William Cowper (1731-1800).

Cowper is one many of whose values and outlooks I readily share; and though he is incredibly and impressively knowledgeable, very often has a wonderful line, or image and feeling to impart, mostly, and aside from some short poems, I rather wish he had simply wrote essays of what he thought instead of putting that thought in the form of poems. One can’t help but in curiosity observe as well that while he sings of nature he dresses for the town, and when singing of God flees from His being in the forest.


One advantage of reasoning which helps make society more peaceable is that you can attack the person's argument or assumption, without necessarily attacking their position, let alone their person. So when therefore they prohibit or discourage rational discussion they are in substantial fact promoting violence and strife.


Implode into skepticism and say "I'll sock you good in the nose (of demonism) [if you don't...]"


If I die for this friend, will you, God, save them for me?


Evil occurs when truth is lacking, or when, given the place and occasion, there is an unjust ratio or excess of either darkness or light. This does not mean, however, that light and darkness be always balanced evenly or fifty fifty, only there must ultimately be rational justice between them; which is not necessarily the same thing as equal physical proportionality. Light, in this sense, might be said to be entitled to more attention, space, or existence than Darkness. Of course, those inclined toward Darkness might argue the opposite, etc. In any case, it certainly stands as a practical matter then that much of what and how things are depends in very large part on what one believes.


As should come as no surprise, dealing with spirit people for some, if not most, can be a very trying kind of experience -- as in fact it is usually intended to be for them by spirit people themselves. For this reason, the following are some further common sense reminders of what to keep in mind.

150  A Spirit person may know a great deal, and perhaps possess the most amazing kind of profound knowledge. Yet just because they possess such knowledge, it doesn't necessarily follow they have the intelligence to properly understand or make good use of it or in a way that makes sense.

 Their very secretiveness, stealth, sometimes violence, or their being unaccountable or unanswering to regular human authority (at least openly), all bespeak fraud and someone who is hard up, and obviously lacking in certain very important traits, strengths and other abilities.

 If they are hitting you up with violence, realize first and foremost that this is what it is. If then physical pain is what at the moment is most troubling you, tend to the pain itself, and don't worry about taking the spirit people themselves (or their accomplices) so seriously; as by their actions they show themselves to be no better than hoodlums or worse; whom, under the circumstances, you are not obligated to respect or feel you somehow have to put up with (say for religious reasons.)

 No matter how powerful or awesome, expect right moral conduct and decent comportment from anyone. If they refuse you such that is all the more reason to ignore or make light of their supposed or self- presumed superiority.

 These people are relentlessly abusive; so much so that sometimes we as victims feel there is something wrong with us. But the truth is, for most people, something like 90% of what is wrong is wrong with them (the abusive spirit people) -- only they are unloading on you. In sum, just keep cool, behave your own self as best you can, and look toward the day, one way or other, you will defeat or else get away from them. If and as long as you are doing your best to do the right thing, always and every time it is their problem – not yours!


Just in the instance any were unduly spooked and or jaded by my recent posts, I thought I would put this picture up to give them some moral encouragement and inspiration; which, in the event, they might possibly have found themselves requiring.


Here are some historical facts which some, upon learning, might think were a bit of occult arcana; while others, of course, are familiar with them, but perhaps are not aware of (some of) their possible significance.

Did you know that all of our modern Western, near Western languages, and some others derive from older languages, and which linguistic predecessors in turn arose out of a conjectured single ancient language? For example, to give you some of them, Russian comes from Slavic, Irish/Gaelic from Celtic, Portuguese from Latin, Persian from Iranian, Scandinavian from Germanic, (East) Indian from Sanskrit, modern Greek from ancient Greek. Now the single conjectured language that all the secondary ones come from is Indo- European or Aryan. In other words, this historical order of languages would seem to suggest that before the great dividing that culminated in the formation of modern peoples and states there were more ancient

151 groups: i.e. Greek, Latin, Baltic, Slavic, Celtic, Germanic, Iranian, Sanskrit; who were all in a sense distant but related siblings. This fraternity in turn implies a more distant father language or group.

Now here's where the occult proper comes in. Such as the Nazis adopted the notion that this breaking up of the Indo-European peoples was brought about by a rival race, the Semites, perhaps as if the Semites were instrumental in doing away with the "father" and scattering these "brothers"; hence, in part at least, that Anti-Semitism for which the National Socialists are well known. Does such a conclusion as some of the Nazis arrived at, however, possibly have any rational justification? Historically, I don't see any strong evidence to support it. The idea, while not entirely implausible, is still, notwithstanding, highly speculative to say the least.

Nonetheless, we cannot but still be mystified and wonder as to how the separation of the Indo-European peoples was actually brought to pass. It may be possibly that certain spirit people of Semitic origin, well versed in the occult, acted in the role of separating the various ancient Indo-European groups. Yet even if we accept what this theory assumes, this does not necessarily imply that all Semitic peoples themselves could or would somehow be guilty of what only a few did -- and assuming further the "forced" separation could, given the original facts, be considered something that was somehow blameworthy in the first place (and which we simply don't know.)


Last week I had made mention of the 1998 film "Lost in Space." Above [picture omitted here in .pdf] is Gray Oldman done up in some remarkable makeup which I would like to point out is very similar to how some malevolent spirit can look or be made to look. Now I haven't seen a spirit who in particulars looked like this "Spider Smith" character shown above, yet I have met some who look just as bad or perhaps worse in the sinisterness of their appearance. Note also in "Smith's" look (as seen in the film), there is sometimes a certain glee, jollity, or sense of joking, which, in this kind of Hell person, is not unusual to find.

Some would and do think these people are just too scary and clever to resist, and the only way to survive is for us to cooperate with them, and this by doing things "in a certain way" and which invariably requires secrecy. Here at, by contrast, we are proposing something entirely new, open and different; namely you develop methods and technologies to hunt and track him down, and if you can't take him prisoner, shoot him with a gun.


"All those Iraqis in favor of the United States and their allies pulling out their military forces, signify by saying 'Aye'; all opposed 'Nay.'"

I just finished watching the President being interviewed by CBS, with the war in Iraq being the topic in question. I must first say that on the surface I found his argument for escalating the conflict somewhat persuasive. But on closer analysis, this would be my conclusion.

The way to understand the war in Iraq is that what the President versus his opponents propose is a question of which is the better chance. Does the President's plan have the better chance of achieving the desired result? Or does his opponents' most have chance or fortune on its side? My own sense, is that while the President's plan does have a chance of succeeding (i.e. if he is permitted to have his way as he wishes), that chance, when all is said and done, is relatively small.

By the same token, would pulling out, on the other hand, have a good chance of securing us the peace, order, and stability in the region we seek? Of itself no, but compared to the President's, such a plan does, it seems to me, have a greater likelihood of succeeding. War is a tricky business and attempting to bring about lasting peace and order by means of it very problematical; not least of which in this instance because the President's strategy, while much more feasible as a colonial endeavor, cannot be expected to succeed in

152 this day and age when colonialism of that kind is universally denounced and looked down upon. If the President does get his way, and his plan succeeds, it would be something truly extraordinary -- only I fear too extraordinary to actually be probable (again, at least given the era we live in.)


You made it this far through life...Well then, so what do you think?


The Death of a Philosopher

(A word of explanation. The events described below took place before the invention of our more modern brain torture radios; though, as you can see, even back in medieval times they still had the basic idea.)

"...Yet the sense of misfortune may be diverted by the labor of thought; and the sage who could artfully combine in the same work the various riches of philosophy, poetry, and eloquence, must already have possessed the intrepid calmness which he affected to seek. Suspense, the worst of evils, was at length determined by the ministers of death, who executed, and perhaps exceeded, the inhuman mandate of Theodoric. A strong cord was fastened round the head of Boethius, and forcibly tightened, till his eyes almost started from their sockets; and some mercy may be discovered in the milder torture of beating him with clubs till he expired."

~ from Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. IV, Ch. 34, n.b. 97.



Let's see if we can't, once again, attempt to depict this scenario in its most bare bones and concise outline.

Here is this one person, whom we can call "the man of the movies"; who many years ago said:

"How can one possibly get through this life without fantastic money, reputation, privilege, women? And yet it would seem one can't have any of these things unless one throws in one's lot with Mr. Devil here."

So MOTM throws his lot in with Mr. Devil.

Now someone such as myself (and others who have reacted similarly) will have responded this way:

"This Mr. Devil is one of the most miserable and rotten creeps there ever was. He's tied in with the Green River killer and innumerable and unnameable other outrages -- I know it. I don't want to have anything to do with him, and o.k., if really necessary, I will (at least for the time being of this regime) give up money, prestige, privilege, women, etc. -- just don't make me party or partner to an unrepentant mass murderer or psychopathic sadist."

O.K. so we all go our way. MOTM moves on to fame and riches, etc., while such as I am left to shift, poor, shut out, and mostly alone.

Sad story, don't you think? But guess what ends up happening? Because I can still be happy and enjoy living in my relative isolation, Mr. Devil subsequently informs MOTM that I need to be constantly niggled,

153 needled, bothered, tortured and annoyed by means such as brain torture radios, witchcraft type assaults, and other mischief.

I say "What ho! Why should you be needing to harass me on an ongoing basis like this? Do not you have all the money, privilege, etc? Why should you trouble me when surely -- is it not impossible to 'get through this life without fantastic money, reputation, privilege, women?'"

So you see, if one but gets rid of MOTM and Mr. Devil, he or she will be one of the wealthiest and most happy people in the world and who ever lived. And even as much as the Devil could be said to make available good people and good things, he is fatally lacking in really knowing how to appreciate and enjoy them; and as I can amply demonstrate by the fact that it is they who need me; while I, for my part and for practical purposes, want nothing more than to be rid of them.


Yes, in a way, it is true; yet it is not for them, of all people, to be telling me this.


"Beloved of the gods, on whose ego the sun never sets, you can have all these millions, but only on the condition you keep it mostly to yourself and (as much as maintaining appearances allows) avoid all real charity and truth speaking. Above all, let us never find you wandering in the direction of reality -- otherwise you shall lose your money."


In (true) Christianity and other credible religions, it is not that the body doesn't matter; only it has secondary importance to the spirit (and which latter includes heart and rational intellect.) In Demonism and its various forms, on the other hand, the body is more important to a person than their spirit; which latter someone else effectively owns and controls in place of the devotee themselves. It comes then as no surprise that the Devil (or devil) seeks to thwart, impersonate, and or destroy true religion, if for no other reason than to oust competition that’s impossible to beat when it comes to truly and really pleasing and satisfying people.


When you encapsulate or generalize you tend to lose something of the truth of your subject; for in the truth someone or something can and does mean much, much more than we in a moment's thinking or feeling are capable of knowing; for the expanse or extent of the truth (even if assumed not to be formally infinite) is infinite, certainly compared to any one of our own understandings.


154 Long-term plagiarism the Devil is not so good at. I mention this because they will not infrequently tell me that they are somehow stealing or misrepresenting my identity and or my writings. A fool or liar, which is what at bottom the Devil is, cannot really plagiarize your work (if it is any good) because the only people who believe him for very long are fools or liars. So if a fraud absconds with your work, and others are led to think it is his, the opinion or critical judgment of someone who is so easily deceived is, in sum, not to de relished to begin with. Now if a wise or genuinely intelligent person likes (and properly understands) the work but is fooled by the spurious attribution then that itself is the beginning of more liability incurred by the Devil or a given devil. Because the more the writings speaks of and for the truth, the more, in the long run, this tends to undermine the very foundation of falsehood on which his power stands. So that the more he wins in fooling wise people in this way, he will lose even more of that power that really is his (i.e. by promoting the truth.) All of which serves to remind us that to have the power to deprive others of their life or well-being is a far, far cry from having the power of life or well-being.


Don't dwell on Quiznos, think about Krispy Kreme. So you see, there is a silver lining to every cloud.


These people are like this devil space Monkey in the 1998 movie "Lost in Space." You don't want them in the picture, even if it is strictly necessary that the movie itself be not all that compelling.* And yet they not only get to be in the movie, they, in effect, get to be the movie itself; indeed, have it so rich that I would but think that as of long, long ago any number who know them would come to conclude that they are the ones having it too good. I myself told them they should just go peaceably, and leave it at that. They of course do nothing of the kind. Yet, even so, it obviously stands as a card in the deck that one of these days someone is going to come tooth and nail after them for the aforesaid reasons. Should that happen, I would be hard pressed to argue against such action, try though as I might, in the meanwhile, to have attempted and sought a charitable and peaceful resolution.

* In order to make the greater point, I am being a bit facetious about the "Lost in Space" movie itself, which, allowing for the time it was made, is mostly not too bad taken as matinee fare.


For purposes of helping some to avoid any possible misunderstanding, to say that a spirit person or spirit people exist in the sense in which I assert it, is to say that if one of them dipped his or her finger in a jar of paint, he would be capable of marking some surface with that paint. Now this may not be true of all spirit people, but enough of them such that you get the idea.


I just got through re-reading Chatterton's "Bristowe Tragedie," and I am sure many will have had the same reaction as mine; namely, what a terrible shame he insisted on making a hoax of such poems. But then the thought occurred to me. Perhaps (and this is just some armchair speculation on my part) he believed that by "doing the wrong thing" (a certain way) he somehow could secure some of that worldly success; which, after all, the Devil does bring to some people. Evidently, however, Chatterton was not sufficiently bad enough for the Devil, and thus, despite his praiseworthy effort, was left to scrape in small jobs and poverty; with the resulting frustration presumably prompting his sad fate.


(Now back to our war...) You think they obtained all that money thanks to vision, creativity, enterprise innovation, or because they sold all those movie tickets? No, not at all. They got all that money because

155 they teamed up with toxic sludge come back from the grave in order to suck the blood of the living -- and they've been killing us all ever since! At the rate things have been going, I think I might just end up joining Al Qaida.



Hunkered down; Mums the word When I’m around; No one has come To free this bird. But I’m shining inside; Waiting to shine, And with my friends Light up the world one day; Ready to go all the way. I could. I would, Feeling up in a down world. Oh to see faces again Of those I loved, and then We’d prove them all wrong; And resume our song.


I have been over this before, yet there is something I would make clear about what my personal "situation" is about. Now for more than fourteen years I have been subject to all kinds of crimes and assaults, too hideous and numerous to hint at (let alone name), and one of the reasons why some people won't help me all this while is that they are told Sherman has been esepcially chosen (presumably by God or someone so important), and the great ones are doing these things in a certain way. Great will be Sherman's reward (if he plays his cards right.) To further this, they have sometimes and will come to these people and or myself with angels or haloes and signs of other worldly wonder, on the basis of which they (or I) are supposed to "take the tip" and assume these people know what they are talking about. Of course, my reaction is that I have seen these people's Heaven and, frankly, think it stinks, and tell them so; nor do I appreciate being cheated out of the vast criminal damages owed me, or denied my basic rights, or being regularly and violently abused for so long. If I can look to a reward beyond this life, it will be with someone else, and these people have absolutely nothing to do with it. I say all this not asking or expecting that anyone should cry over me, or because I am so unforgiving of past wrongs, but to make as plain as possible how I hate these kind of presmuptuous and conniving spirit people; so that no one then can use them to excuse what these other criminals are and have been doing.


What will many, if not most, people end up believing? That Ben Kenobi is good, Darth Kenobi is only being practical (yet whom you yourself, perhaps, should be careful of trusting), and certainly the Monsterous Magician is bad. Yet the reality, and relatively speaking of course, is exactly the reverse. How then does one know the real difference? "By their fruits you shall know them;" and you can only begin to assess such a thing accurately and adequately if you are honest, rational and informed. And if you can't be all three, you should at least then suspend judgment and be skeptical, though still being fair, toward the person in question; while continuing of course, and as best you can and God gives you to, to strive at being just and moral yourself.

156 Now if you, being broad minded, happened to like these people, fine, that's your business; that's not a problem -- only just don't be forcing yourselves on me and anyone else who doesn't want you or them in their own lives. And if you do force yourself, then it naturally follows we are entitled to invoke rights of acting in self-defense against you.


No one without a heart can really understand Christianity and what it is about. Any fool, however, can be awed, frightened, amazed, and obey orders given them by spirit people.


Good does not plot to take over. Good, as a general rule, needs others honest, open consent in order to work its way. Evil, on the other hand has much, much more latitude; and what or who better can plot and manipulate others' consent than Evil? Yet very rarely will Evil actually present itself as Evil. Typically an Evil person tries to persuade you that he's "both," that is neither mostly disposed toward Good or mostly disposed toward Evil.


He made a deal affecting his entire life with this person whom, shall we say, is not entirely trustworthy or honest.


I saw a bumper sticker earlier today that read "War is a Racket...A few Profit while the rest Pay" (or something very like this.) And those of us who know what real evil people are like also know that what the bumper sticker states only makes perfect business sense to such.


And stop and think. Who could or would have hired such incompetents but that ancient numbskull Darth Kenobi, friend of Ben Kenobi and the Monsterous Magician?

As time has gone on, I find myself less and less patient with those who take these grand (types of) spirit people so seriously. It sounds like boasting, but it is really mockery of my foes to say I fought off them and their rich gang, single-handedly for almost two decades -- and yet they are still trying to make good! Me, I'm just trying to get rid of them (and out of my personal life) -- that's all! The rest (by comparison) is no big deal to me. And if I didn't have the one last cat to take care of, I'd be more than happy just to drop everything and move to and go live in the woods of Alaska; rather than continue to endure such utterly obnoxious and insufferable characters; whom some have adopted the much mistaken idea of their being somehow divine.


Just out of curiosity, I tried to see how many combinations could be had when it comes to cosmological modes. This is what I came up with, though in no particular order. (Was there a mode I forgot or overlooked? Oh well, these, for now, will have to do.) plenum unum vacuum

157 unum plenum vacuum vacuum plenum unum plenum vacuum unum unum vacuum plenum vacuum unum plenum

Observe in passing, a plenum (unless assumed to be infinite) could be numbered in its existents. A vacuum could not (it seems to me) be numbered. And a unum either could not be numbered (other than as one) except in its divisibility, that is if divisibility was possible.

Note also, a configuration or arrangement could imply hierarchy or order of importance, but does it necessarily?


You may not yourself care to be a Christian (or a Muslim, or a Taoist, or a Hindu, etc.) but you should care, very much, about a person's right to be one without others then being free to maliciously persecute or murder them. To say you are free to choose your religious faith is simply another way of saying you have a right to choose to live. If others can say you don't have that choice, or else you can only have it under arbitrary threat of violence or duress, then they also, as a matter of course, have that much more the power to harm or take your life.


Atta boy Bill, of late you've taken it not only to the Christian right, but also William Shatner and Adam Sandler to boot! Keep up the good work! With Best Wishes, WTS.


Certainly size matters. Why, does it not require a tiny atom to ignite an atomic bomb? Or a primordial match to set alight the sun?


I've come to think that if we are properly synchronized intellectually, infinity is inward for us rather than outward, while eternity crosses or meets it in what is outward to us.


158 (Billionaire) Pirates of the Caribbean

Let's apply some simple common sense to this. Now in recent decades these people have physically assaulted, abused or deliberately took measures to undermine the following (in no particular order): the letters, the arts and humanities, the internet, free speech, human rights, children, music religion, the environment, family, the auto industry, the television and movie industry, university people, states people, government officials, activists....

Who or what has not, in other words, in some way or other been overtly attacked and assaulted by these people? And you mean to tell me that because of 9/11 Ben Ladin is the main cause of our terrorism problem?


I was doing a search to locate the lyrics to Vern Jackson's "Higher Than I've Ever Been" and, to my surprise, I could not find them anywhere on the internet! To help correct this absurd state of things, I thought I would, as best I could, transcribed them myself, and here they are.

"Higher Than I've Ever Been"

By Judy Pevehouse and Ronny Hinson

"I heard, once a bird Has a broken wing, He can never fly high any more. Let me tell you what I know. It's not always so; 'Cause once I lay broken and sore. I fell from above Like a wounded dove, With no hope of ever flying again; But with grace from above And God's marvelous love, I'm flyin' higher Than I've ever been.

"Higher than I've ever been, Higher than yesterday's sin, Where eagles can't soar I can see Heaven's door; I'm flying higher Than I've ever been.

"I fell by the way, Life's wounded prey, Then old Satan, Like a vulture, He swept low. In my darkest hour That's when he came to devour What was left of My wretched, my dying soul. As low as life gets, God was not finished yet.

159 He saw more good Than I ever saw in me. Now I live above the doubts So high in the clouds That I can't see The tops of the trees

"Higher than I've ever been, Higher than yesterday's sin, Where eagles can't soar I can see Heaven's door; I'm flying higher Than I've ever been.

"Where eagles can't soar I can see Heaven's door; I'm flying higher Than I've ever been."


Are spirit people just? Is there justice among them? If there is no or no better justice among them than among ourselves, does it make any sense then to look to them to as highest authority?


Many is the time I only wish it was a shooting war; and I am sure many others would agree with me on this also.


I actually do believe the vast majority of people, if given a choice, would prefer to live in a wilderness cabin down the river from Grizzly Adams and Nakoma than reside in a sumptuous mansion next door to the Man Without a Face and ghostmonster. Yet, if this is true, why is it, in a democracy no less, the Man Without a Face and ghostmonster have more say over what goes on than (such as) the former two? The straight and simple answer to this, so it seems to me, is the sly meddling and manipulation by spirit people over law, religion and our thinking.


He's spent the greater part of his adult life causing others so much excessively cruel and gratuitous suffering and misery; and this through various kinds of robbery, rape and assault. Meanwhile he has prided himself on his cleverness; at how he seems to have been able to have had his way so easily; at how he always seemed to know and understand everyone and everything so well -- so much so that he could secretly laugh at all of us. Yet what must it be like for him as death looms nearer as a reality? Still living in that imperial playpen the ghostmonster has made for him, as he comes closer to die, what could he say he was living his life for anyway? He listened to those amazing spirit people, yet the plain fact of the matter is this: if a response could be evoked from him he could not really and with complete confidence tell you who they were he was listening all those years.


160 All those then in favor of sending Ghost Monster and the Man Without a Face to the penitentiary -- say Aye.


Yes, God gives a Devil or Diva the freedom to do or have carried out in their behalf the very worst kinds of evil. But God also gives us the power to capture and put such in the penitentiary; that is, if we follow certain fundamental principles and guidelines (of which honesty is a first and foremost.) Now some of course will scoff that we have any such power, but this, predictably, is only because they are being unnecessarily medieval in their outlook and, to that extent, are simply incapable of addressing the matter scientifically.


Part of the reason they keep on behaving badly, while trying to get others to do the same, is that they want to make it seem that wrong doing (as bad as they do it) doesn't matter and that it is simply part of the ordinary and normal course of things.


You have a demon following you who is affecting both your judgment and behavior.


As Jesus said, "Come one, come all. Just don't bring those stupid demonists with you."


When Hell rules the good are punished and the bad are rewarded.


He gave up friends, family, peace and happiness for megapower and megalomania. For this I will always hate and despise him.


President Ford is being praised so much, it makes me wonder: what on earth did he do wrong?


How very gratifying it is to have Ghost Monster and the Man Without a Face always looking out for and protecting public morals.


[^ start Jan. 2007 ^]

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