Leaven Volume 8 Issue 3 Theology and Ministry Article 8 1-1-2000 Restoring God's House: Ecclesiology in Churches of Christ Gary Holloway
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[email protected]. Holloway: Restoring God's House: Ecclesiology in Churches of Christ Theology and Ministry 135 Restoring God's House: Ecclesiology in Churches of Christ BY GARY HOLLOWAY Theology in Churches of Christ can be best de- exactly what the express shape of the church was scribed, not as thin, but as spotty. We have overem- and should be. His son Alexander was not so reti- phasized some doctrines at the expense of others that cent. In "A Restoration of the Ancient Order of were as important, if not more important. The doc- Things," a series of thirty articles published in the trine of the church is one area where our theology Christian Baptist between 1825 and 1829, Alexander has been strong-so strong, in fact, that in the middle Campbell clearly laid out the original pattern of the decades of the twentieth century, it eclipsed all other church.