Liz Lake AssociAtes Chartered Landscape Architects Urban Designers Landscape Planners Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Green Belt Assessment PRIMROSE COTTAGE, SAWBRIDGEWORTH Sylvia Ashley July 2013 Western House t +44 (0)1279 647044 Chapel Hill e
[email protected] Stansted Mountfitchet Essex CM24 8AG Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Green Belt Assessment PRIMROSE COTTAGE, SAWBRIDGEWORTH Sylvia Ashley July 2013 Prepared by: Mark Flatman Position: Senior Associate Qualifications: CMLI, Dip LA, BA (Hons) File name: 1510 LVA & GBA 14 01 07 Date issued: 7th January 2014 Checked by : LL Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Green Belt Assessment: Primrose Cottage, Sawbridgeworth CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL APPRASIAL 2 2.1 Local Designations 2 2.2 Landscape Character 5 2.3 National Landscape Character 5 2.4 District Level Landscape Character 6 2.5 Site Assessment 8 3 LOCAL VIEWS 13 3.1 Bridleway 18, adjacent to Rowney Wood and Rowney Farm 13 3.2 Rowney Gardens 13 3.3 Public Footpath 17 to the South of the Site 14 3.4 Long Distance Views 14 4 GREEN BELT ASSESSMENT 15 4.1 Introduction 15 4.2 National Planning Policy 15 4.3 Local Planning Policy 16 5 ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 18 5.1 Assessment Methodology 18 5.2 Assessment of Green Belt Functions 18 6 CONCLUSION 25 1510 LVA & GBA 14 02 14 Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Green Belt Assessment: Primrose Cottage, Sawbridgeworth 6.1 Discussion of Findings 25 APPENDIX A FIGURES FIGURE 1 : Local Designations Google Base FIGURE 2 : Green Belt Boundary Wider Area FIGURE 3 : Green Belt Boundary 2009 Google Base FIGURE 4 : Green Belt Boundary 2012 Bing Base FIGURE 5 : East Hertfordshire Landscape Character Assessment APPENDIX B Source Documents 1510 LVA & GBA 14 02 14 Landscape and Visual Appraisal and Green Belt Assessment: Primrose Cottage, Sawbridgeworth 1 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 This report addresses Primrose Cottage, Sawbridgeworth (the Site).