TTHEHE PPRIMARYRIMARY SSOURCEOURCE VV EE RR II TT AA SS SS II NN EE DD OO LL OO Tufts' Voice of Reason The Arts Issue March 15, 2001 Darla's Women's Day rally didn't quite get the participation she was looking for. Losing enthusiasm for politics as usual? Join the SOURCE! We're always on the lookout for new writers, editors, illustrators, and production staff. Call Josh at x1602 or email
[email protected] 2 THE PRIMARY SOURCE, MARCH 15, 2001 THE PRIMARY SOURCE Vol. XIX • The Journal of Conservative Thought at Tufts University • No. 10 D E P A R T M E N T S From the Editor 4 Want your band to lose credibility? Move it to the Left. Commentary 6 More shady Clinton dealings and a communique from the dead Fortnight in Review 8 An evil frog and anecdotes from the SOURCE shooting trip Notable and Quotable 24 A R T I C L E S Nationally Endowed 10 by Ezra Klughaupt page 8 When the government funds the arts, strippers become "performance artists." A Million Manga 15 by Chris Kohler Think you know all there is to know about Japanese comics? All About Oscar 16 by Michael Santorelli This year, will the Academy abandon the political courage? A Modest Proposal 18 by Stephen Tempesta The Brooklyn Museum hosts more religion-bashing art. Days of Future Passed 19 by Lew Titterton Progressive Rock or regressive crap? Let the listener decide. Online Larceny 20 by Andrew Gibbs page 21 Napster's days are numbered—good riddance! Love Story 22 by Alyssa Heumann Filmmaker Wong Kar-Wai presents a meticulously crafted vision of romance.