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92-052292.Compressed.Pdf Reduced Cover and ~ $1 Well Drinks 9 -1 Opm Muscles in Action 11pm ~ AflerHours 18+ MEMORIAL DAY • WEEKEND· SATURDAY 23 DANCE BAR OPEN No Cover 8 -9p • PARTY ALL NIGHT· $1 Well Drinks 8 SUNDAY 24 THE BEST OF T-DANCE 25¢ DRAFT 4-11 PM Happy Hour Prices MONDAY 25 9pm-2am • OPEN lAM· 25¢ DRAFT NOON-CLOSE COOK OUT 11AM MEMORIAL DAY! • WELCOME· "TEXAS SHOOTOUT" SOFTBALL AND I.G.B.O. TOURNAMENT Volume 18,Number 11May 22-28, 1992 12 NEWS Dallas' Cathedral of Hope MCC Completes Sale of Bonds 25 COMMENT Letters to the Editor 35 OF LOCAL INTEREST 30 BACKSTAGE Jimmy James in Amarillo Tonight and San Antonio Sunday 45 MEDIA GLAAD Tidings 53 STARSCOPE Venus and Mercury in Gemini 59 SPORTS Houston Wrestling Club Fund-raiser May 30 61 COVER FEATURE Greg Malcolm of Dallas Photos by Graham 65 HOT TEA Memorial Day Celebrations Across Texas 76 CLASSIFIED 84 OBITUARIES 86 GUIDE Texas BusinessIClub Directory TWT (ThiS Week In Texas) Is pubhhedbv Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co.ot 3900 lemmon Ave. In Dollas. Texas 75219 and 811Westheimer In Houston, Texas nOO6. OpiNons expressed by coU'nNsts are not necessorIy those of TWT or of its staff. F\bIcotion of the nome or photograph of any person Of orgarizotion In articles or octvertIsing In TWT Is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual Ofientation 01 said person or organization Subscription rotes: $69 pel year, S40 per holt year. Back issues ovoiloble at $2 each. Payment must cccorccov 01 oroers. Copyright © 1992 by rexcs Weekly fmes Newspaper CO. A" rights reserved. Portlol or complete reproduction 01 any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is speclficolly prohibited by teoerot statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay lk Lesbian Publication Since 1975. Weekly Circulation: 20,000 PUBLISHER DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3900 Lemmon Avenue 811Westheimer, Suite 106 EDITOR Dallas, Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston, Texas 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT Houston Fax (713)527-TWIT COMPTROLLER (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527·911I ARTDIRECTORRichard Bong • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSIeve Pardue, Chris Patterson FEATURESEDITORJazz Paz • SPORTSEDITORBobby Miller • DISTRIBUTIONClifford Plummer CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS Bob Dineen, PhilJohnson, Brian Keever, Bobby Mayes, David Meunier, Michael K.Wilson STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Rick Bounds, Ray Brown, Graham, Rex Martin, Michael McKinney, Roger stocet Jimmy Woodall NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salelpellon In your nearest city. Austin - Chris Zimmerman (512) 474-2105 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (512) 593-0027 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Shawn Marshall • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1992 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPRE, SIDENT/ CEO / DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. BY POPULAR 'Aciiic Attitude DEMAND ... Adjustment 'WEEKENJ slIfl ' Period DULE: ~ Prices Until lOpm Daily Entrance fee for the picnic is $6 per car, with up to six people allowed in each car. Memorial Day Weekend All proceeds from the picnic will go to the Texas Freedom Rally, to be held on July 4. "The rally will be a real evangelistic SUNDAY, MAY 24TH tool for telling people about the MCC Churches," Sue Schrader of Cathedral of l.. Hope told TWT NEWS. "We are asking those people who are familiar with the MCC • VVHITE DALLAS'CATHEDRAL churches to bring their friends, so they can learn about us. It will be a real evangelis- PARTY OF HOPE COMPLETES tic outreach." SALE OF BONDS Schrader said that Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the worldwide communion of UNDERGEAR Is Joining with Other Area MCCs Metropolitan Community Churches, will In Memorial Day Weekend Picnic be in town for the event. Also on hand for FASHION To Raise Money for July 4 Rally. the rally will be Dusty Pruitt, Advocate magazine's Woman of the Year last year. SHOW DALLAS - Last Sunday, the Rev. Mi- Pruitt was featured in Newsweek in an chael Piazza made an exciting announce- article about gays and lesbians in the ment to those in attendance at the Cathe- military. 8PM dral of Hope MCC. "The rally will be held on the night of "We have sold all the $2 million dollars July 4 at the Majestic Theater in downtown in our bond issue," Piazza said. "We have Dallas," Schrader said. "We are expecting completed oursale of the bond issues.ln- over 1,700 people to attend, and we're vestors have bought all of them." afraid that some people may not be able uA Piazza said that the church had had to to get in." fight an uphill battle to convince some The Memorial Day picnic will feature people that they could do it. volleyball, swimming and many other "We knew that our Cathedral of Hope types of games, as well as food and re- was just that for our community, and we freshments for sale. Also on sale will be knew the Lord would bless us in our July 4 Rally T-shirts and other souvenirs. SIC•.. - - - endeavor," Piazza said. The pavilion at Loyd Park seats 300. HKUIHERS Kathy Harper, co-chair of the church's Schrader said that park regulations pro- Building Committee, reported that work on hibit glass containers and require that all featuring fashions by the new facility is two weeks ahead of pets be leashed. Calvin Klein, B.U.M. schedule. The foundation has been laid, Volunteers are needed to help in all and work on the skeleton of the building areas, from setting up to cleanup, from Equipment, T. Benedict, itself should start sometime in mid-June. serving food to selling T-shirts. Those in- Tom-Tom, L.A. Sporting "We also have the color renderings of terested in helping out are asked to con- the stained glass windows," Harper re- tact their local MCC church. Club, Hot Line and ported. "A model of the chancel is also "We are really looking forward to a great Pacific Village Clothing available for viewing at our present loca- time," Schrader said, "and we want every- tion.lt will give people a better idea of the one to come out and join us." color schemes, and the look of the wood and marble." In other MCC news, the Dallas congre-' ALGPC ELECTS gation has joined with other MCC chur- OFFICERS MAY 26 ches throughout the metroplex area in planning a big celebration for Memorial Fourteen Positions to Be Filled All Well Vodka Day Weekend. The congregations are en- At Spring Membership Meeting. Juice Drinks and couraging the community to join in on the AUSTIN - Members of the Austin Les- fun. 3 in 1 Happy Hour This Monday, May 25, from 11 a.m.- bian/Gay Political Caucus [ALGPC] will Extended untillOpm 5 p.m., the churches will hold a picnic at meet this Tuesday, May 26 to elect new of- 90 C ficers for the 1992-93 year. The meeting Loyd Park on Joe Pool Lake. The outing is Ask your favorite bartender at sponsored by Agape MCC of Fort Worth, will be held at 7 p.m. in the 4th Floor Harvest MCC of Denton and Trinity MCC Auditorium of the downtown Austin Public any 800 Pacific club for your of 'Arlington as well as the Cathedral of Library, 8th and Guadalupe. White Knight Out invitation Fourteen positions will be filled, in- Hope MCC. ... while they last. 804 & 808 Pacific. (713)521-2519 TWT MAY 22 - MAY 28 1992 PAGE 12 -"' .. cluding those of male and female Co- Chairs. The Co-Chairs represent the LARGE GAY PRESENCE Caucus throughout the community, and EXPECTED AT STATE also establish agendas for and preside at GRAB F'ORffi~PESOSl membership and steering committee DEM CONVENTION meetings, establish grievance procedures Wini'lIp to 1.',000,080 Pesos! and rule on parliamentary disputes. Former Caucus President Lovell to Members will also select the Fund- Run for State Executive Committee 'ib {@Q* •. '1m;: 1oo:t 41.'10 raising Chair, who plans, presents and im- In Senate District 17. Register every Thursday starting at 8 pm for your plements fund-raising projects, and develops short- and long-range plans for HOUSTON - Anticipating a large con- ~hance ~~fgrabf0,itup to 1,~00,0004pesos. raising funds to support the Caucus; the tingent of gay and lesbian delegates at the Grab all you can in one handful in 15"seconds. State Democratic Convention on June 5 Membership Chair, who is responsible for ttDrawings at 9, 10, 11 & Midnight.:l!fo purcHase ne,~§~sary. collecting membership fees and renewals, and 6, the Lesbian/Gay Democrats of """ '",'. '¥_',/",,' ,+1;\ ~ __ , maintaining the Caucus membership list Texas [LGDT] and the Houston Gay & Les- and recruiting new members; and the bian Political Caucus [GLPC] have been Political Action Chair, who organizes voter busily preparing for the event. registration drives in the lesbian and gay LGDT board member Brian Keever an- community, coordinates candidate en- nounced that the caucus of lesbian and dorsement procedures and in general gay caucus delegates would be meeting undertakes to increase the political aware- at 2 p.m. on Friday, June 2, and said he ness of ALGPC members. hoped that all gay and lesbian delegates Other officers to be chosen include the and alternates would be in attendance. Programs Chair, who is reponsible for The convention itself begins at 6 p.m., and developing programs of interest to mem- Keever stressed the importance for all bers at membership meetings, special delegates of arriving at the convention meetings and other Caucus events; the on time, since many important importants Public Affairs Chair, who monitors the will take place at the beginning of the meetings, agendas and actions of city, convention.
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