DisplayLink DL-3000 Series Ethernet USB 2.0 Video 1 DL-3000 USB 3.0 SERIES Video 2 VGA, DVI, HDMI or RGB RGGB STANDARD MONITOR HD TELEVISION OR MONITOR Audio (Not all features available on all chips, see verso for feature breakdown.) Highly Integrated USB 3.0 IC From the world leader in USB virtual graphics, DisplayLink brings you the highly 1SPEVDU"QQMJDBUJPOT integrated DL-3000 family of “Dock on a Chip”. Taking advantage of SuperSpeed Dual Head Docks USB 3.0’s bi-directional throughput, these chips can simultaneously drive up to two Full-HD displays, as well as Gigabit Ethernet network data, and multi-channel %- )JHIQFSGPSNBODFVOJWFSTBM audio. The DL-3000 chips will bring new levels of affordability, universal docking stations with dual compatibility, ease of use and high performance to USB 3.0 PC peripherals, while monitor output also raising the bar for USB 2.0 graphics performance. USB 3 Monitor-Docks %- 64#NPOJUPSTXJUICVJMUJO New Features network and audio functionality t 4JOHMF*$GPSCPUI64# bringing the best of USB monitors and t %VBMEJHJUBMWJEFPPVUQVUT %- USB docks together t 6MUSBIJHISFTPMVUJPOTVQQPSU VQUPY t *NQSPWFEWJEFPDPNQSFTTJPO %- USB 3 Bus-Powered Monitors t (JHBCJU&UIFSOFU."$ %- -PXQPXFS64#NPOJUPST t 4VQQPSUT7(" %7* )%.* BOE%JTQMBZ1PSUNPOJUPSDPOOFDUJPOT using a single cable for both power t DIBOOFMBVEJP VQUPDI and graphics data t )%$1FODSZQUJPOPWFSUIF64#JOQVU t $BQBCMFPGQSPUFDUFEDPOUFOUQMBZCBDL USB 3 Bus-Powered Graphics t 64#CVTQPXFSDBQBCMF Adapters t 'VMMZCBDLXBSETDPNQBUJCMFPWFS64# %-%- 64#UP)%.* BEBQUFSTXJUIBVEJPGPSFBTZ1$UP57 DPOOFDUJWJUZ64#UP%7*BOE64# to DisplayPort adapters also available ª%JTQMBZ-JOL$PSQPSBUJPO "MM3JHIUT3FTFSWFE provided by www.display-solution.com
[email protected] DisplayLink DL-3000 Series DisplayLink Certified Beyond HD DisplayLink Certified products are thoroughly tested to Supported Platforms guarantee interoperability with the vast DisplayLink USB graphics ecosystem and provide continued performance Microsoft® Windows™ upgrades through lifetime updates.