London Borough of Lewisham November 2018 Extension of the Bakerloo line The government is making a proposal to extend the bakerloo line to reach as far as Hayes, Bromley. In addition, it touches more towns in Lewisham Borough and reduce congestion in road traffic.

Single use plastic We have been tackling to reduce re-use and recycle single use plastic bags, but sometimes they fly away to the ocean. Over time, it shrinks until the material becomes microscopic and eaten by fishes as a mistake for plankton. We should re-use more of them & strong bags, so fewer of them are sent to the ocean by mistake.


London Borough of Hackney Imagine a whale eating 50 yellow plastic bags in the ocean by Privatisation accident. Comparing a baby eating 50 plastic toys by accident. The empty land near Dalston Lane that has been isolated for a long time, should be for the public rather than private. This brings back to Lewisham. The empty land near Besson Street, New Cross; has not been dealt for at least 5 years. We believe that the pub was the problem, but flats are also destroyed. We are promised that they will build cafe, library, shops and gyms and residential houses. It is the question of when and will they?

Dalston Square is suppose to be for the residents than the anti-social people. But at the moment, the anti-social people are dominating the area which damages local businesses and residents. Polices are not doing enough to stop them or move them, despite they are involving illegal substances to themselves and the society.

In Beecholme and Casimir, Stop S, Lea Bridge Road; Clapton, Hackney; the people are providing gardening courses at Sunday, to promote better public services to the people and to develop the strong society & community.

London Borough of High Speed 2 (HS2) LTD The people are reporting trees and habitats are destroyed for the new project to travel from London to Birmingham (BIR), West Midlands; and the government are not sustaining or actioning for Newyears green’s, . London Euston already has existing train line that goes to Birmingham so, why does the government want to build another one? They should improve the existing train line or building a fast railtrack 50 metres away from original railtrack, just like metropolitan line.

Visit Colne Valley. Uxbridge bus station, bus U9 to Hospital, tell the bus driver to stop at Dog’s Trust West London, explore the nature and if you agree to stop HS2 project then communicate to Hillingdon council or HS2 LTD. Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only)

If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, write an e-mail to [email protected] , 02032864660. Produced by QNMC LTD. ​ ​ London Borough of Lewisham December 2018 ​ Single use plastic A solution for single use plastic is to make eco-brick. This is done by putting plastic inside a plastic bottle, to form a material which is used for any framework for example, a statue or work of art. This idea is from Indonesia, Asia. We are ashamed how (UK) is a nation that mass produces plastic but a third world country is able to clean up our mess. Please contact us to provide eco-bricks to us, so we will make our very first plastic bench in Lewisham Borough! Also, to show the people in Indonesia that their voices are heard and making our planet a better place to live!

Brighton, Sussex People’s vote

After the referendum, two citizens, a cleaner and a lawyer led a group to sue against the parliament and they have won. Ever since then, the project/campaign has increased massively and the people of United Kingdom gained more knowledge of the consequences of leaving European Union completely. To this age, Caroline, Brighton Green Party; took over leadership as ‘ People’s vote’ to ask for the Member of Parliament to vote again to see whether we should have another referendum again.

Her example of the second referendum is perfect. ● If a cash buyer/ client wants to buy a property in UK, the first decision is to buy ( first referendum). ● The client may want to seek surveyor’s report or advised to have one, and this factor has influence to see whether the client will get a better offer (Britannia Exit deal) from the vendor (seller of the property) . ● Again, the client decides whether the purchase should proceed at all according to the evidence given ( consequences information from leaving or staying European Union completely).

London Borough of Southwark Air Pollution

Southwark has implemented a policy to tackle air pollution by providing a £80 penalty for car drivers who have their car engine on idle. Lewisham discussed about this issue but there is no system to solve or reduce the air pollution in our borough.

London Borough of Barnet Capita

The people have been complaining about how customer/telephone services in Barnet have been outsourced and failing to provide simple information to the public because of reduced budget given on taxes/funds.

Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only) If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, write an e-mail to [email protected] , 02032864660. Produced by QNMC LTD. ​ ​ London Borough of Lewisham January 2019 ​ Single use plastic

A solution for single use plastic is to make eco-brick. This is done by putting plastic inside a plastic bottle, to form a material which is used for any framework for example, a statue or work of art.

Please contact us to provide eco-bricks to us, so we will make our very first plastic bench in Lewisham Borough! Also, to show the people in Indonesia, Asia; that their voices are being heard to solve Earth’s problem!

Brighton, Sussex People’s vote

After the vote in the house of the parliament in January 2019, the people vote to disagree with our prime minister to obtain an additional agreement from European Union after leaving. Our Prime Minister should have spoken with the people or the public before making any decision. Now Islington Member Parliament, Jeremy Corbyn; advances the people’s vote for a second referendum. We all know that Caroline from Brighton has put a lot of effort to have a second referendum but many people believes there is no chance. Now, there is a possibility that we will have a final say on whether we remain or leave European Union with the vast amount of the consequences.

London Borough of West Central London Policy

The people believe they should focus more on campaign/project rather than policy itself. Policy is good to know, but it is tedious and long winded and forceful. Campaign promotes interest. I believe people will learn faster, they will implement by their heart instead of by force and the implement will convert into a policy. Relating to Lewisham, many of the citizens are uneducated, therefore campaign is key for the Lewisham public to be involved indirectly to politics without having knowledge to change the world.

London Borough of Hounslow Homeless & Single use plastic

During the meeting, a newly green councillor from Richmond & Twickenham introduced herself and explains what happens after being elected. The people mostly want to tackle Homeless. One of the solution is to put a spare clothes in the rails, so the homeless know that there in an indirect support from the public. In addition, a supermarket Morrison in Brentford has declare that they will put fewer plastic into their meat products and many other products. This is difficult to tackle in Lewisham because the public sees a lot of intentional homeless people.

Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only) If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, write an e-mail to [email protected] , 02032864660. Produced by QNMC LTD. ​ ​ London Borough of Lewisham February 2019 ​ Single use plastic QNMC LTD has made its first plastic bin, ​ ​ thank to Lambeth’s Green Councillor, Becca; and Norwood Feast for their idea and support for QNMC LTD to develop its first project. Now we aim to promote this in London as possible, so everybody will contribute and to tackle Labour Councillors in Lewisham to use this solution to make Lewisham a better place to live!

House of Parliament, City, London Independent Group

Three Conservative MP and Labour MP have left their own political group to form a political group called ‘Independent Group’.

According to Lewisham Deptford’s Labour MP, Vicky Foxcroft; she does not agree with the second referendum or support people’s vote and insist she wants ‘ Politics’ to be a compulsory subject for students. Really? We have never voted for her to do this. We voted for her for Lewisham’s housing and poverty. She is no different from our Prime Minister, following their own idea instead of liasing with the people and society.

London Borough of Hillingdon Ward’s Councillors

One of the ward is starting to have one councillor, this is really crucial for Us since it is conservative dominated. Its member Sarah, again challenged HS2 to stop their regime from destroying Londoner’s water ​ ​ facility. Many of the wards have been reduced from the traditional three councillors to two councillors.

London Borough of Hackney Sheffield’s Mayor

Sheffield’s Mayor Magid Magid attended to Dalston, Hackney, London; to inform his experience of becoming a Green Party Mayor in Sheffield. People in that social event very much know know about Kollier in Dalston. I find that astonishing because I never knew this man is really really known in Dalston. Kollier who is from Sierra Leone & Dalston; wants to make a very first house in his origin country made out of plastic. His idea is similar to mine and we are working together to tackle single use plastic!

Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only) If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, write an e-mail to [email protected] , 02032864660. Produced by QNMC LTD. ​ ​ London Borough of Lewisham March 2019 ​ Ecobricks QNMC LTD founded another way to bind eco-brick together by used wires/cables. This is a great way as it is strong and making efficient of obsolete materials and to reduce further clinging film to bind the eco-bricks together.

In Addition, QNMC LTD is tackling cigarette filter waste by providing empty plastic bottle for the smokers to avoid putting into the floor. Moreover, to make the waste more efficient for cleaners to deposit the waste from the smoker area with a container.

London Borough of Southwark BYO Nunhead Southwark been invited by Peckham Free Plastic group to introduce themselves and tackling single use plastic. In Addition, BringYourSelf Nunhead founder has introduced herself to the people and QNMC LTD helped BYO Nunhead to collect plastic waste so BYO Nunhead will further reduce single use plastic than before.

House of Parliament , Westminster, London Indicative vote

Prime Minister wants the support from the Member of Parliament by voting, and found out that the MP members did not agree with her at all. She did the voting multiple times now and was outvoted for her decision. This is unfair since the public wanted second referendum but rejected. However, Prime Minister wants second referendum from her decision and that is completely fine. Well done.

London borough of Westminster People vote’s march 23/03/2019 led a protest for all people from all over the nation to demonstrate a peaceful march. We met many people who wanted to meet candidate from Lewisham,Penge; Green Party Members from Tower Hamlet; Lambeth and West Central London.

London Borough of Hillingdon Case Study at 1st April 2019 Protesters mentioned that there will be a court case at 1st April 2019 against HS2 about their allegation against their illegal movement, against the Queen’s consent to construct High Speed rails to Birmingham when in fact they are involving in illegal movement against nature.

Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only) If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, . Produced by QNMC LTD. ​ ​ ​ London Borough of Lewisham April 2019 ​ Climate Emergency

Lewisham Council has declared Climate emergency at February 2019 but at what cost? Tidemill park is processing of being destroyed and this is part of ‘ Climate Emergency’? Isabelle Amiens at 2/3/2019 criticised correct to Lewisham Council.

Eco Brick bin

We finished our first project - Eco-brick bin and displace into Telegraph Hill’s Youth Centre - Somerville. Hoping that the young people will see how single use plastic is tackled and to visualise our solution to make our own climate emergency.

Brighton, Sussex Brighton

People in Brighton & Hove are canvassing by knocking citizens’ door to ask their opinion of the local election. Many citizens are complaining about recycling waste and we are proud to promote Eco-brick and willing to help Brighton citizens to reduce plastic waste.

London Borough of Hillingdon


We unite with a Northamptonshire citizen to tackle cigarette filter in Brunel University and implementing plans to tackle cigarette filters in Brunel University. Another method is to place a cardboard box with sand so students will put their cigarette and to use a sieve to obtained cigarette filter from the sand. This will be more eco-efficient and cleaner for the pavement.

Extinction Rebellion

Many of the citizens gather around to pressure United Kingdom to tackle Climate change. Many people, including politicians were arrested for their rights.many glued themselves to DLR train. Really hard to believe that a couple of months planned by this organisation and implementing a big event that is planned well for their voices to be heard.

Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only) If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD, London Borough of Lewisham May 2019 ​

Eco Brick bin

Many of the young people and Somerville Youth centre are depositing their empty bottles towards the greater good. We are hoping that the young people will learn from our project and tackle Climate Change in our planet.

London Borough of Harrow

Gas central heating

People are growing tension in Harrow, they want to participate into Climate Emergency but does not know how to action on climate change and they will appreciate if their councillors guide them to a positive start in London towards tackling climate change.

London Borough of Hillingdon

Stop HS2

Stop HS2 Camp has increased more than ever as a result of Extinction Rebellion, as people are involving in their local campaign. Now campaigners have more support and morale to stop HS2, to defend our planet and our humanity.

European Election in United Kingdom

Lewisham’s European Election

The nation is shocked how its citizens are favouring Brexit Political Party when this is incorporated few weeks ago. The Labour Political Party & Conservative Political Party have lost their majority European seats. Whilst, political parties such as Brexit, Liberal Democrats and Greens gained their European seats. In Lewisham, surprisingly Liberal Democrat Party and Labour Party are dominating whilst Brexit Party is fourth. Completely opposite to the rest of the areas in UK.

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If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD,

London Borough of Lewisham June 2019 ​

Eco Brick bin

Many of the young people and Somerville Youth centre are depositing their empty bottles towards the greater good. We are hoping that the young people will learn from our project and tackle Climate Change in our planet.

Santander bicycle docks

Lewisham borough does not have santander bicycle dock, despite the council wants to reduce carbon in its area.

London Borough of Southwark

Unfair treatment from Licence Officer

In Camberwell Green, officers are not doing their job properly, make accusation and use poor judgement of what is wrong and right. It is very similiar to Telegraph Hill, Lewisham’s licence officer slammed a fine and does not guide the businesses the updated regulation and treats a non- restaurant as restaurant?

London Borough of Hillingdon

Stop HS2 (High Speed 2) ​

We have started our archery camp by filling empty boxes with eco-bricks, to use as target range. We are planning to collect more plastic waste in Harefield and to engage the residents and people to join Stop Hs2 Camp and to put more pressure. However, HS2 deployed fences to reclaimed more of the public land.

London Borough of Brent

Barnhill’s bulgary

There are many bulgaries in this ward and this concern is very difficult to tackle. However, there is a community patrol in London Borough of Havering, which done a very good job to reduce crime and uniting the society. We do not have this in Lewisham, but we should have more patrols around Lewisham Borough.

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If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD

London Borough of Lewisham July 2019 ​

Eco Brick bin

Many of the young people and Somerville Youth centre are depositing their empty bottles towards the greater good. We are hoping that the young people will learn from our project and tackle Climate Change in our planet.

Colchester, Essex

Waste refuse

Colchester resident suggest a logic to influence people’s mind which is to dispose their waste correctly. This is because the Council will spend less on its budget on waste and focusing on other plans. Many people think that their council tax are paid for collecting their waste on the roads , they are correct but if the people themselves are not throwing their waste, then their council tax money will be used somewhere else.


The Hanging Monkey

We have chosen this location to perform Archery and at the same time degrading the single use plastic within 1 to 2 years by making holes in the eco-bricks via arrows to the boxes filled with eco-bricks.

People Republic of China


The ethnic minority Uighurs in Xinjiang are given unfair justice when judged compared to their terrorist. All people should be judged individually if they are innocent or criminals. In Lewisham we do not judged all diversity/class and background. If one does wrong, then we look at the evidence and sin committed and to see whether the procedure broke. We do not deliver the punishment without seeing actual evidence.

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If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD

London Borough of Lewisham August 2019 ​

Plastic free award

We have submitted our achievement for tackling single use plastic all over London and hopefully we win this award and to represent Lewisham to important people in

London Borough of Hackney

Day light robbery

During our visit in Dalston, we noticed that few people committed robbery in Fast-food takeaway. Despite want to tackle the robbers, the business advised not to since we are not official or police. Instead, we ask them to forward the concerns to the councillors and they agreed. This is sad because in catford, Lewisham; people steal products in Lidi and that brings the statistics of how poor our people are and committed to do crime.

London Borough of Hillingdon

Potential eviction

From 21st August, HS2 actioned to evict the camp and with futile resistance, we won. More people from all over assisted us in Harefield, to share Sarah Green’s campaign (founder), as far as Bristol, Glouchester, Yorkshire and many more areas.

London Borough of Waltham Forest

Waste procedure

Many businesses in Leytonstone faced penalty for disposing waste without proper guidance and solutions from Waltham Forest Council to businesses. This is when we have to step in and to inform the Council that they are not guiding their commercial user properly and going towards the punishment without procedure. Moreover, we will appoint ourselves to become their waste collectors so we will reinforce our Archery Camp in Rickmansworth. This is similar to Telegraph Hill’s concern in Lewisham; when a business was not aware of having a licence and occured penalty without any guidance.

Bibliography are linked on the title and pictures, not available on paper copy (PDF access only) If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD, London Borough of Lewisham September 2019 ​

Climate action lewisham

Since Lewisham Council declared climate emergency we have done our best to plant more trees. Despite our effort, our own people do not have time and resources to sustain to keep the trees to last long. Oak trees are being destroyed by HS2 but now our duty is to provide refuge for the acorn seeds in Hillingdon to migrate the seeds all over London to make our climate emergency better and to sustain our woods and trees for the future.

London Borough of Hillingdon

Harefield Resident association There are fewer policies operating in this area, due to public budget, time consumption and restrictions and we are losing our safety. Our proposal is to use the fields to create a volunteer police camp to patrol our Harefield and to train them to keep its society better.

We are uniting disabled people with the community, to ensure they are treated better. They said they are able to perform as a normal human being, but we are in a society that should treat our disadvantaged citizens to have more privileges.

Because of the blind awareness last month , we have past the legacy of braille to the normal people to ensure that the language is not lost and will become useful in the future. We have passed an alternative solution to the Transport MP, London Assembly member and TFL and the answers are very unusual.

London Borough of Kingston

Disabled people

People in Kingston are using technology to unite the disabled people as if they are inside the meeting. That is sometime we need to develop in Lewisham and to have more passion towards the disabled people.

New Malden

United Reformed Church seeks help from Kingston’s Council to rebuild its building to ensure New Malden’s heritage is not lost. We are aiming to unite the korean community soon, to ensure their voices are also heard!

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If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD

London Borough of Lewisham October 2019 ​

Archery club in Telegraph Hill We started to build our own archery activity in telegraph Hill, to increase the activity for the young people and to create our own awareness and to advance our own climate emergency.

London Extinction Rebellion (XR)

XR has started their campaign again in the second week of October 2019 and we find amazing that there are so much police force tackling protesters, yet in Lewisham and Hillingdon, police force are few. The police system is really insufficient and the state wastes a lot of budget into useless activity such as XR, when it should have spent on an area where it needs the most.

London Borough of Hillingdon

Stop HS2 Camp

.More people want to advance of being a politician and this is good as we should pass our own regime and legacy to ensure the people are trained to become honest and unbiased person to approach their own area/ward and country.

Harefield Association

The people complained about the parking system and the faint zebra crossing, our councillor was at the meeting and gave an irrelevant response ‘ I will pass yous concern to the Council, if the Council does not agree, then you people need to solve the problem’. Us hearing this, especially with a blind ambassador is not okay. The purpose of being a Councillor is to speak for the people and representing to the big government body.

As a result, we emailed to the south uxbridge councillor who is responsible for road transport and need to mentioned this dispute since it is also affected a blind resident who barely manage to see the zebra crossing because of the beacon light. This is a major concern since a blind resident is disadvantage so we should all help to ensure blind people to be more perfect

Northwood Hill

The new parking system creates traffic jam in Joel street, especially around 3pm weekdays. Our solution is to hire a person to direct the parkers to park their cars diagonally in a non-hill road, to ease the congestion in the road traffic.

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If you have information in Lewisham Borough and want us to include in this gazette or subscribe, contact details are:, [email protected] , 02032864660, ​ ​ Produced by QNMC LTD