Early Voter Turnout Slow
Vote Today —Polls Open Until 8 p,m. Cloudy, i3Ianrl|M pf iEuptttng HpralJi Showers 20 Cents Per Copy Datalls on page 2 Where to Vote Vol. XCVIII, No. 32 — Manchester, Conn., Tuesday, November 7, 1978 A Family ISEWSpaper Since 1881 MANCHESTER - The following are the town’s polling places for today’s election: Voting District One, Howell Cheney Regional Technical School, 791 W. Middle Turnpike; Two, Robertson Schooi, 45 N. School St.; Three, Church of Early Voter Turnout Slow Christ, 394 Lydall St.; Four, Mar tin School, 140 Dartmouth Road; By GREG PEARSON In 1974, the last election for gover final three hours when people have Five, Buckley School, 250 Vernon nor, a total of 6,783, or 24.96 percent state's six congressional represen through the annual ritual of calling St. Herald Reporter returned home from work. tatives, 36 state senators, 151 state of the registered voters, had been to Voters will decide who the state's from their headquarters to entice Six, Nathan Haie School, 160 representatives, county sheriffs and MANCHESTER — Despite a the polls by 11 a.m. governor will be for the next four persons to get out and vote. Spruce St.; Seven, Waddell rainless, and sometimes sunny judges of probate. Polls will be open until 8 p.m. This years — Incumbent Democratic Gov. School, 163 Broad St.; Eight, weather, the voter turnout this mor morning’s turnout, if projected over Manchester voters will decide on 12 Local Democrats and Republicans Verplanck School, 128 Olcott St.; ning in town was slow and lower than Elia"Grasso or Republican referendum questions.
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