
Country of Origin: Group: Use today: Hunter and Guard Life Span: 10 to 12 years Color: Coat colors include light wheaten to shades of red sometimes with a little white on the chest and toes. Coat: The coat is short and dense with a clearly defined symmetrical ridge of hairs growing in the opposite direction down the middle of the back. Grooming: The smooth, shorthaired coat is easy to groom. Brush with a firm bristle brush and shampoo only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder. Height: Males 25 - 27 inches; Females 24 - 26 inches Weight: Males 80 - 90 pounds; Females 65 - 75 pounds


In Brief: A large and muscular dog, the red sometimes with a little white on the chest Rhodesian Ridgeback was not only developed and toes. as hunter but also as a family protector. Due to their short coats Ridgebacks shed very little and Temperament: A fine hunter, the Rhodesian require only weekly brushing and occasional Ridgeback is ferocious in the hunt, but in the baths. The breed is also athletic, requiring home it is a calm, gentle, obedient, good dog. It regular exercise. Trustworthy with children, they is good natured, but some do not do well with are "people" and like to be where you are, small children because they may play too possibly curled up on the couch if permitted. The roughly and knock them down. They are breed can be light wheaten to red wheaten and intelligent, skillful and straight-forward dogs that are sleek and glossy in appearance. Originally are loyal to the family. They are brave and bred to hunt lions the breed is also known as the vigilant. Can be reserved toward strangers, so African Lion . socialize well. They possess considerable stamina and without enough mental and Description: The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a physical exercise they can become high strung large, muscular hound. The broad head is flat and unmanageable. This breed needs a firm, between the ears. The muzzle is long and deep, confident, consistent pack leader who can with a defined stop. The nose is black, brown or provide rules the dog must follow and limits as to liver, depending on the coat of the dog. This what it can and cannot do. Meek and/or passive breed sometimes has a black tongue. The eyes owners, or owners who treat the dog like a are round and are usually brown, depending on human rather than a canine will have a hard the shade of the dog. The medium-sized ears time controlling this breed and may also cause are set high, dropping down, wide at the base them to become combative with other dogs. and tapering to a point. The chest is deep. The When given what they need as the canine front legs should be very straight and strong. animal they will be excellent companion dogs, The tail is fairly long, thicker at the base, but are not recommended for most people, as tapering to a point and curving upward slightly. most do not have the time nor energy to put into Dewclaws are sometimes removed. The coat is them. Ridgebacks react best to an extremely short and dense with a clearly defined consistent and firm but calm approach to symmetrical ridge of hairs growing in the training. They are intelligent and learn quickly, opposite direction down the middle of the back. but will be stubborn and willful if they are Coat colors include light wheaten to shades of stronger-minded than the humans. Training should be gentle, but firm and should start Origins: The Rhodesian Ridgeback originated young while the dog is still small enough to in Zimbabwe and worked as a hunting dog and manage. They are also very good watchdogs, as a retriever, took care of children and guarded but not suggested for guard dogs. They are very property. It descended from crosses between protective of owners. This has to be addressed ridge backed dogs that were imported by Boer during their early training. This breed can be settlers in the 16th and 17th centuries that were more destructive than a Lab if not given enough originally kept by native tribes in South Africa exercise and is not convinced the humans are along with breeds such as the Khoikhoidog, his authority figure. Do not overfeed this breed. Mastiff, Deerhound and possibly the Great Provided this dog meets cats and other pets Dane. Its standard, fixed in Rhodesia, dates when it is young, any potential problem will be from 1922. Reverend Helm introduced two prevented. Ridgebacks make excellent jogging Ridgebacks into Rhodesia in 1877. Big-game companions. hunters soon discovered, that if used in packs they were excellent in hunting lions on Living Conditions: Rhodesian Ridgebacks will horseback, hence the breed's other name, the do okay in an apartment as long as they get "African Lion Hound." The dogs did well in the enough exercise. They are relatively inactive African heat of the day and the damp, cold indoors and do best with a large yard. nights. The breed was imported to the United States in 1950. The Rhodesian Ridgeback was Exercise: These dogs have great stamina and recognized by the AKC in 1955. you will tire long before they do. They need to be taken on daily, long, brisk walks or jogs. In addition, they need plenty of opportunity to run, preferably off the leash in a safe area. If these dogs are allowed to get bored, and are not walked or jogged daily, they can become destructive and start to display a wide array of behavioral problems.

Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service 6815 E. Trent • Spokane Valley • Washington • 99212 (509) 477-2532 voice (509) 477-4745 fax