Twists for Positroid Cells

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Twists for Positroid Cells The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Twists for positroid cells Greg Muller, joint with David Speyer December 10, 2014 The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Objects of study: positroid cells The matroid of a k × n matrix is the set of subsets of columns which form a basis, written as k-subsets of [n] := f1; 2; ::::; ng. A positroid is the matroid of a `totally positive matrix': a real-valued matrix whose maximal minors are all non-negative. A matroid M defines a variety in the (k; n)-Grassmannian. Π(M) := f[A] 2 Gr(k; n) j the matroid of A ⊆ Mg Definition (Positroid cell) The positroid cell of a positroid M is [ Π◦(M) := Π(M) − Π(M0) positroids M0⊆M These cells define a well-behaved stratification of Gr(k; n). The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Motivation from double Bruhat cells Example (Double Bruhat cells) Double Bruhat cells in GL(n) map to positroid cells under GL(n) ,! Gr(n; 2n); A 7! [ ! A ] where ! is the antidiagonal matrix of ones. In a double Bruhat cell, the same data indexes two sets of subtori. Products of elementary matrices in GLu;v Reduced words for (u; v) The twist Clusters in GLu;v Berenstein-Fomin-Zelevinsky introduced a twist automorphism of the cell GLu;v which takes one type of torus to the other. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist The need for a generalized twist Postnikov described a generalization to all positroid cells. Boundary measurement maps into Π◦(M) Reduced graphs in the disc with positroid M ? Conj. clusters in Π◦(M) However, it wasn't proven these constructions defined tori, and the generalized twist was missing for more than a decade! Then, Marsh-Scott found the twist for the open cell in Gr(k; n). Our goal! Inspired by MS, define the twist automorphism of every Π◦(M). As a corollary, we prove that the constructions produce tori. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist But first, we need to define... a reduced graph with positroid M, its boundary measurement map ◦ B : a torus −! Π (M); and its (conjectural) cluster ◦ F :Π (M) 99K a torus: Compared to that, the definition of the twist is elementary. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Matchings of graphs in the disc Let G be a graph in the disc with a 2-coloring of its internal vertices. We assume each boundary vertex is adjacent to one white vertex, and no black or boundary vertices. A matching of G is a subset of the edges for which every internal vertex is in exactly one edge. We assume a matching exists. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist The positroid of a graph Observation: Every matching of G must use k := (# of white vertices) − (# of black vertices) boundary vertices. If we index the boundary vertices clockwise by [n], which k-element subsets of [n] are the boundary of matchings? Theorem (Postnikov, Talaska, Postnikov-Speyer-Williams) The k-element subsets of [n] which are the boundary of some matching of G form a positroid. Every positroid occurs this way. A graph G is reduced if it has the minimal number of faces among all graphs with the same positroid as G. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Generating functions of matchings n More than asking if a subset I 2 k is a boundary, we can encode which matchings have boundary I into a generating function DI . Example (Generating functions) 1 4 d The 2 generating functions are: c e a b f g 4 2 D12 = bdgi D13 = bdfj h i D14 = adfh D23 = begj j D24 = acgi + aegh D34 = acfj 3 Clearly, a generating function DI is identically zero if and only if I is not in the positroid of G. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Relations between generating functions Remarkably, the generating functions satisfy the Pl¨ucker relations! So, for a complex number at each edge of G, there is a matrix... 1 d c e bge a b f g bd f 0 −ac 4 2 afh h i 0 gi fj b j 3 ...whose I th maximal minor equals the I th generating function DI ... D12 = bdgi D13 = bdfj ∆12 = bdgi ∆13 = bdfj D14 = adfh D23 = begj ∆14 = adfh ∆23 = begj D24 = acgi + aegh D34 = acfj ∆24 = acgi + aegh ∆34 = acfj ...and this matrix determines a well-defined point in Gr(k; n). The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist The boundary measurement map Hence, we have a map Edges(G) C −! Gr(k; n) This map is invariant under gauge transformations: simultaneously scaling the numbers at each edge incident to a fixed internal vertex. Theorem (Postnikov, Talaska, M-Speyer) ∗ Edges(G) For reduced G, the map (C ) ! Gr(k; n) factors through ∗ Edges(E) ◦ B :(C ) =Gauge −! Π (M) where M is the positroid of G. The map B is called the boundary measurement map. Conjecture (essentially Postnikov) The map B is an open inclusion. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Strands in a reduced graph 2 3 A strand in reduced G is a path which... passes through the midpoints of edges, turns right around white vertices, 1 4 turns left around black vertices, and begins and ends at boundary vertices. 6 5 2 3 3 Index a strand by its source vertex, and 1 4 label each face to the left of the strand 3 by that label. 3 6 5 The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Face labels and the cluster structure 2 3 Repeating this for each strand, each face of 125 G gets labeled by a subset of [n]. 156 123 256 124 1 4 Each face label is a k-element subset of [n], 245 which determines a Pl¨ucker coordinate on 456 234 Gr(k; n). 345 6 5 Conjecture (essentially Postnikov) The homogeneous coordinate ring of Π◦(M) is a cluster algebra, and the Pl¨ucker coordinates of the faces of G form a cluster. The conjecture implies the Pl¨uckers of the faces give a rational map ◦ ∗ Faces(G) F :Π (M) 99K (C ) =Scaling which is an isomorphism on its domain (the cluster torus). The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Two conjectural tori associated to a reduced graph We now see that a reduced graph G with positroid M determines two subspaces in Π◦(M), which are both conjecturally tori. The image of the boundary measurement map ∗ Edges(G) ◦ B :(C ) =Gauge −! Π (M) The domain of definition of the cluster of Pl¨ucker coordinates ◦ ∗ Faces(G) F :Π (M) 99K (C ) =Scaling In a simple world, they'd coincide and we'd have an isomorphism ∗ Edges(G) ∼ ∗ Faces(G) F ◦ B :(C ) =Gauge −! (C ) =Scaling In the real world, we need a twist automorphism τ of Π◦(M). The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist The twist of a matrix Let A be a k × n matrix of rank k, and assume no zero columns. Denote the ith column of A by Ai , with cyclic indices: Ai+n = Ai . Definition (The twist) The twist τ(A) of A is the k × n-matrix defined on columns by τ(A)i · Ai = 1 τ(A)i · Aj = 0; if Aj is not in the span of fAi ; Ai+1; :::; Aj−1g The columns Ai and fAj g in the definition are the ‘first’ basis of columns encountered when starting at column i and moving right. The vector τ(A)i is the left column of the inverse of the submatrix on these columns. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Example of a twist Twisting a matrix Consider the 3 × 4 matrix 21 1 0 03 A = 40 1 1 25 0 0 0 1 The first column τ(A)1 of the twist is a 3-vector v, such that... h1i h1i h0i h0i v · 0 = 1; v · 1 = 0; v · 1 is already fixed, and v · 2 = 0 0 0 0 1 h 1 i We see that v = −1 . We compute the twist matrix 2 2 1 1 0 03 τ(A) = 4−1 0 1 05 2 0 −2 1 The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist The twist on a positroid cell Twisting matrices descends to a well-defined map of sets Gr(k; n) −!τ Gr(k; n) However, this map is not continuous; the defining equations jump when Aj deforms to a column in the span of fAi ; Ai+1; :::; Aj−1g. Proposition The domains of continuity of τ are precisely the positroid cells. Theorem (M-Speyer) The twist τ restricts to a regular automorphism of Π◦(M). The inverse of τ is given by a virtually identical formula to τ, by reversing the order of the columns. The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist The induced map on tori If τ takes the image of B to the domain of F, then the composition ∗ Edges(G) ∗ Faces(G) F ◦ τ ◦ B :(C ) =Gauge −! (C ) =Scaling is a regular morphism. What is this map? Example: the open cell of Gr(2; 4) 1 1 d 1 1 c e ? acfj adfh a b f g 1 4 2 4 aegh 2 h i 1 1 j begj bdgi 3 3 B F τ " # beg 1 f h 0 bd f 0 −ac bd beg bcj afh e 1 b 0 gi fj b − dfi 0 fj afh The general problem Graphs, boundary measurements and clusters The twist Minimal matchings It looks like the entries are reciprocals of matchings! Which ones? Proposition (Propp) The set of matchings of G with fixed boundary I has a partial order, with a unique minimal and maximal element (if non-empty).
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