
Physics : , Observations and Techniques

Audouze, J., Pelletan, M.-C., Szalay, A. (Eds.) Large Scale Structures of the Proceedings of the 130th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Dedicated to the Memory of Marc A. Aaronson (1950–1987), Held in Balatonfured, , June 15–20, 1987

Ten years ago in August 1977 Malcom Longair and Jan Einasto organized IAU Symposium nO 79 on exactly the same exciting and most important topic i.e. the Large Scale Structure of the Universe. Many of us have the recollection of an outstanding meeting which fulfilled two goals (i) establish most of the foundation of a fast growing field (ii) set up a confrontation between the excellent observational and theoretical work performed in eastern and western countries. A decade after such a meeting Alex Szalay and I have felt the need to reassemble the Springer cosmologists working actively on problems dealing with the Uni• verse as a whole. Indeed a 1988, XXXIV, 622 p. lot of progress has been achieved in the building of large surveys in the discovery of voids, 1st sponges and filaments in the clus• ter distribution, in refined numerical simulations, in edition experimental and theoretical particle (outcome of new particles (cold particles) and unification (GUT, supersymmetry) schemes), in research of quantum gravity and inflation scenarios etc ... A new confrontation between all the specialists working all throughout the Printed book world on such questions appeared to us to be most timely. This is why the location of Hardcover Balatonfiired in Hungary to be accessible to anyone as Tallin in 1977 has been chosen. Printed book Hardcover Order online at springer.com/booksellers ISBN 978-90-277-2742-8 Springer Customer Service Center GmbH Customer Service £ 179,99 | CHF 236,00 | 199,99 € | Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 219,99 € (A) | 213,99 € (D) 69121 Heidelberg Out of stock Germany Discount group T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Science (SC) [email protected] Product category Proceedings Series International Astronomical Union Symposia Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-90-277-2744-2 Softcover ISBN 978-94-009-2996-8

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