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Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

12-9-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-09-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-09-1914." (1914). abq_mj_news/1139

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Mori over, thou-glit- s our ure now BURNS AT SEA; TAKEN AT LAST ru it i i: n vni.itus un: FOR MASTER! OF more of the of the past. m-:- SLIGHTED MEASURES FOR future than i libM l ou r While we huve worked our tasks of. (peace the circumstuncca of the whole .Ml I 'a so, hec. I'll" l age Te., llnee have been ultered by wur. What ONLY jbatterus of urtlllery which will be we have own PROTECTION done for our land anil II sent to ,a co, Arlromi, to enforce j POLAND STILL DEFENSE OF our own people we did the best thut II If Wwshii'ton'H offb ial determination IIATIOU. SAYS wan in U8, whether of character or of to end further bloodshed on the Anier- - j Intelligence, with sober t iithuaiusui leiin side Incident to the attack on the r and u In confidence the principles ESCAPE DEATH OENACO PEOPLE Mexican town, will go from Koft j IS upon i PROGRESSING which we were acting which lillss, mar Kl Paso. Gen. J. J. Per-- j sustained ux at every step of the dif- nIiIiik, comniHiidliitt the troops at Foil! III ficult In Ell T MESSAGE undertaking; but It done. It Hum early tonight elved orders to I Iihh passed ri from our hunds. It is now dispatch the munch ut oni e to tie.' un established part of the lcglslutloti British Vessel Loaded With President Orders General Arizona town. Geimans in Possession of Lodz of the country. Ha usefulness, It ef- t'ol. K. St. Gasoline Is Driven on Rocks Tasker H. J. Greble will be In com- fects will disclose themselves In expo-- . Bliss From San mand of the guns, lie will leave Beyond Doubt and Berlin licnee, What chiefly strikes us now, in Storm and Cargo about daylight on a special train. we Catches Antonio to Scene of Disorder Reports Say They Arc Pur- IMPROVEMENT OF NATIONAL GUARD as look about uh during these clos Ilattirles A, 11 und C of the Sixth ing days of a year which will be for- Fire, on Arizona Border Line, field artillery will be sent. Already suing Russians, ever memorable in the history of the Ihe Ninth und Tenth negro I United AND NOT LARGE STANDING ARMY world, Is thai wo face new tasks, have Htntes cavalry regiments are on duty been facing them these six mulitliH, SURFACE OF WATER ' must face In IS REPRESENTATIONS TO OFFENSIVE MOVEMENT them the months to huve had only their machine gun at-- 1 SHOULD BE OUR MAIN RELIANCE conn face, them without purtinm COVERED WITH FLAMES BE MADE TO lotmetit. feeling, LEADERS BEGINS IN BELGIUM like men. who have forgotten It was learned tonight that Coloiu I everything but u common duty and Hatfield, In fore his retirement as the fiH-- t that we are representatives ut Naeo, hud Thirty-'fou- r Thirty-si- commander asked for of a great people whose, Is of x Men Mexican Generals Are to Be May Mean Will Not Ask thought not artillery to defend his position in case That Kaiser's "We Our Young Men to Spend the Best Years of jof us w A but of hat merli n owes to Aboard Are Consumed in Informed That the Mexican fire became In his opin- Further - Forces Arc Making Another Their Lives Making Soldiers of Themselves" Is Striking herself and to till mankind In such ion unbearable,- This had been denied circumstances us theso upon which Ship or Perish in Fiery Shooting Across Boundary until today. Attempt to we Break Through Passage in Remarkable and Able Government-owne- d look u mazed und anxious. Agents of Maytoreuu, Document; Waves, Will here Governor Wur has Interrupted the means of Not. Be Tolerated, whoso troops for twii mouths lime to Coast, Merchant Marine Is Advocated as Means of Supply- trade not only but also tho' processes been Investing the border town, de of production. In L'urupe ing Demand for American Goods in of it Is de fended by General Hill's I'urrunzal Markets World; Hope stroying men and resources IS MORNina JOUANAL P(CI1 1OM0 OiKtl 1.1 MOKHINa JOUL MICAl LIAtl WIMil MORMINS wholesale . forces, said It was the Intention AWMl UUID Uurrow, Kng., Dei-- X p. Wushlimtoii, 8. that inulL and upon a scale unprecedented and (:lu m.) Dec President to make desperate attempt upon Loudon. Deo. g (U:30 p. m.) Tho Expressed That This Country Will Be the Means of Bring Wrapped In Wilson a appulllng. There is reason to four flames and with the sea after a brief discussion with Nneo days. ureut bilttlo for possession of Poland about her abluzn from ihu tif his today, within three ing About Peace in Present European Conflict; Greater that the time is neur. If it be not al- - ruwi cabinet directed Secretary Muytorena Is expecting a large continues. The front extends along Jgusollno she wu carrying, only two sufficient to 300 i ready at hand, when several of tho Garrison to order troops shlpnunt of rlflo and cannon ammu- miles and victory over a part of Measure of nt Philippines Urged. men of her crew of thirty-si- x escaped Nueo, Arls., to handle any emergen- It, appears for countries of Europe will find It lt nition which hua been bought ut high nt least, to have fullen s today when the Drilish might In to do for their people what steamer Vedrn cies that urlso there connec- tost on account of the Kuropean war to tho Germans, while the Kusslans .!..... h I.:. i i plied on the shore near Harrow dur- tion with the firing across the Ameri- are pressing upon In H ueen uiways easily and which will be Imported within a t'raeow the 1ST MORNINC JOURNAL tPCCIAk LIAtKD WIIB a method smacks of ue American f ing a heavy gale, broke up and was can border Mexican jjt,us "7aole to do many esscnllul and fun- - from territory. day two, unless the present open south. Washington, Dec, 8. President W'5. consumed. The two men rescued Secretary (larrlson Inter announced ir Thut Lod Is In possession Develop National' (iuard. jdamentul things At any rate, they embargo on munitions is closed. he of. soli, in hlg annual address to congress nt'od were severely burned while swimming thut h& ho hud ordend Hiig. tien. the Germans seems undoubted "It Is right, too, the National ollr h,!'" and our "lfolJ The news tonight caused subdued and today, gave his answer to those wh that us they havo through the flaming sea to a tug. A Tasker H. lillss to slurt for Nuco a Itusslan official report Just issued of should be devel-l'vle- never needed excitement here nmonV ugcuts of tho Guard the slates thp,U mujority of tho crew was trapped in with thr'.-- batteries of field artillery apparently ). preparing contend the United Plaits Is unpre- oped und strengthened hv every brforc; uml We Bhould be relwly' various Mexican factions and Ameri- tho public more ami reauy man we nave ever tho forecastle of the Vedru and per- and "aw.ilt further orders." can army mind for the news by referring to pared lor national defense. mcanx which la not lnc,.nx'mliiit ullii1 in ished. officers. No tuvulry in udditlou to that al A the difficulty of defending the city "Let there; be no misconception," our obligations to our own people or j high official of the is equal consequence So suddenly did the fire break out ready patrolling the Arlmonu. border whluli gives to the Itusslan front uii ho wild, country has been mis- with the established policy of our It of that tho faction, when informed of the 'the n,,,io,m w,lom Kuropc usually when the vessel grounded that only has been ordered to the International hcndlngi ulinornml Vcontour, and forecasts u informed. We have not been negli- government. And this, ulso. not be- -' bus of artillery to the Ameiicun wnn lo or tour or the ships company bad time line, according to Mr. Harrison town, of tho line. gent of national defense. We are not cause tho time or occasion specially '""Pl'ii'a inuumerai articles to said: manufacture and commerce of which reach her weather side. These Diplomatic Mile Involved wilt or- Detail Not HeiTlud. unmindful of the great responsibility calls for such measures, but bccu'us were "Governor Mujtorcna have 111 the chief engineer und three The secretary declined to discuss Details of these mlghy battles huvo resting upon us. We shall learn and It should be our constant policy Ml,lu' ure constant neea una without ders to fire back," sailors. Their predicament, however, what mignt Ue termed the diplo- - yet to bo written. The general fact profit by tho lesson of every experi- make these provisions for our nutional wnlt'h ,l,tlr economic development A Muytorena agent expressed tho was almost us bail as that of the oth- - malic side" of the case, relvrilng in opinion that Ihero has teen fcurful slaughter ence und every r.ew circumstance; peace and saftty. halts und stands still can now get only that It was "a bluff," and de- H,mUI ers on bourd who were unable to onirics to tho statu Oi nuriment. Xuc and Intense suffering from the cold, will be iidcquut':-l- y "More than this curric with It r'tt "art llf wlmt lh,'' formerly clared that the Insurgent tfonora gov- and whut la needed teach a vuntugo point, for hardly comprises about the of In- Ih,- .....l miponeu una eugeriy look to Us 10 hadjretary Ilryun had retired when tho ernor would continue Ins uttucks. tclul the done." reversal of whole hlslorv vessel received. supply their ull but empty markets. the touched bottom when thojarmy orders became public, but It Is The Sixth field artillery Is the only formation Assembled In joint session in the character of our .policy. More than Jugged toro Tho they pur- This Is particularly true of our own rocks through her keel j know n that today's uctlon followed "horse artillery" in the army, is. Germans claim are hull of the house, senators and repre- this, proposed at this time, permit me and broke, thut suing the Husslans to to suy, neighbors, the states, great und the cofferdam containing the exchungo of telegrams between where tho artillerymen ride horse- the south and sentatives, heard the president, rend- would mean merely thut we the oil. southeast of Lod. Several American had lost our we small, of Central and fciouth Amerlcu. the federal novernment anil Governor back Instead of on the gun carriage. in person from the that 1 t.ii'-ollu- i'. correspondents ing his address Their lines of trade have hitherto run laming Hunt of Arlionu, In which the latter were with the Uus desk, administra- had heen thrown off our balance by a Sinn army clerk's outline the seas, to our Flowing In a torrent from the rent described the firing across the line a.i GKNKltAI, llUss TO STOP when the battle broke, but .1 wur with which we huve nothing toj,hhfly uthwurt the not tion legislative program und' voice in Ari- nothing has been heurd from them us, j ports but to the ports of Great IJritaln the cofferdam, the gasoline then a serious menace to residents of lh I'lltlXtJ AT NACO fervent hope, that tho United Mates do, whose causes cannot touch for severul days. 'Evidently they ore op-- 1 invuded Ihe engine room. In a sec- zona. whose very existence ulfords us ( uiillniK il on I'uge might be instrumental In bringing hli.) tlu-grani- tfun Antonio, Tex., Dec. 8. ltrlg. under the hsnd of a strict censor-shi- portuultles of friendship and disinter ond it has Ignited und spread to all It is understood that when the peace to Europe. The legislative pro- Gen. Tasker II. llliss, coiniimndlng i ested service which should make us parts of the doomed vessel, also pour- from Governor Hunt were laid the gram Includes passage of the conserv- southern ilepurtniout, loft to- llriltsh mintury experts IiihIhI thut j ing through rents In the hull Into before the cabinet the president also here of any thought of hostility the three-quarte- ation bills, the bills for ultimate In- ushanicd seu, night for Nuco, Arix., uccompunled by of the best material of or fearful preparation for trouble. directed Secretary liryun to transmit dependence of tho Philippines, rati Ileucliing tlie Weather a through Major William II. lluy, chief or stuff tho German army has been held In This Is assuredly the opportunity for j side of the wurntiiff American consuls fication of the London convention for cesser tho chief iii','inecr gave to both Mexlcun factions fighting near of the depurtnn nt, and Lieut. Matt '. the western theater of the war, own- which a people and u government like the miiQ the safety t senya. government sen mo n life tho boundary firing- Ameri- Jjriitol, aide to tiij general, throughout the campaign . thut ours were raised up, the opportunity jthneo whoMilui belts ho thut Into opposed ed merchant marine, charting th up In can 'must Advices from Nuco today Indicated the troops to tho Russians', em- - jluid picked his night and tftirjiory bo discontinued. 11 not only to spouk but actually to D II B.'Ut.n d!II"H..h .... , ., fo.tlttlut tll'lrnil llu V f.f Run, Kill It rtl- - , perilous waters of the Alaskan coast ' p...v ,IM( 1..u..f wvvm.. ...v v.- body and exemplify the counsels o! El mounting the rail, plunged headlong Soldier to Muiul Guard. oi.uttiiirii UCIICrill Jil!S I" ihv.,'ii. economy In all j giinlzatloim. and measures for j orders were to assemble sufficient peace lasting con-- 1 into the sea, trusting to his ability us Whilo the outcome of such negotia- branches of government. and amity and the troop to (eniiun OIein.l0 Is I leg u it. the I iu swimmer to reach a nearby tug tions us will be conducted through the enforce a cessation of fir- cord which Is bused on Justice and ing ut Nueo, Tho Flench official report atutei But the portion of the president's generous dealing. which was endeavoring to pull tho state department is awaited, the ar- Mexico. In fair and B Three butteries field tonight that the German have madn address which commanded intense "A powerful navy we huve always! Vedra off. Tho engineer hud taken tillery und cavalry of the American of artillery In discussed with two machine guns were un attack upon the allies at 8t. Eloy, terest was that which he regarded us our proper und nuturul i only tw o or three strokes when a huge urmy will stutid guard ready to curry ordered to report for duty once or- south of Ypres, which was repulsed. the subject of national defense. of defense, It has always wave picked him up and dashed any orders which rnuy develop at while means and hiinjout ders were, Issued for troops This may moan a reuewul of the Ger- Defense. j Mexl-hl- other to Tho National been of defense that we huve thought, against tho side of the steumer, killing j from tho conference w ith Ilia ' hold themselves in reudlness to move man attempt to batter through the "It is said in some quarters that never of aggression or of conquest. In r A A cun chiefs. on which correspondents M!fhnplc.nn Whn j an hour's notice. allied lines th" wo lire not prepared for war," said the Wot who shall tell lis now what sort II 01, ft, ft, Only Two I'M'KM'd. The forces of General Benjamin A large quantity of high explosive predicted from the movements of tho by being j president. "What is meant of navy to build? We shall take leave Won Nobel Demon- Two of tho seamen Immediately fol- - j "HI. Iyul to l.'urrunzu, ure tanged: shrapnel In In Pelglum. In tlm - Prize, addition to solid was Germans Elsewhere it we uro upon seas, In fu- ; to Gov- - shot prepared? Is meant that to be strong the the lowed the engineer and swam until close the lino whllo those of ordered shipped on west there huve been only local en- put ' the special trains not ready upon brief notice to ture as In the past, und there will be strates Process That Is Cer- they were picked up, but In doing so ernor Maytoronu, supposed to be a carrying the urtllleiy. gagements. men provoca-- j nation In tho field, a nation of no thought of offense or of were badly burned. The other sea follower of General Villa but often Tlie Austrlurt and Servian reports we are na:- - j tain to Astonish World, ' - trained to arms? Of course tion In that. Our ships are our man, unable to swim, feared to take reported us Independent of his uu- continue to claim BUoeess for their - j not ready to do that, and we shall ural bulwarks. When will the ex- the plunge und was burned to dcuth thority, constitute the attacking force respective Hides. Hervlu reports u vic- long ns Summary War never be In time of peace so perts tell us Just what kind we should where he stood. lu I jirncst This Time!, of tory on tho northeas front with we retain our present political princi- construct and when will they be lit MONNINO JOURNAl trtCIAL LKAttO WIND Meanwhile a number of lifeboats Itepeated warnings huve been given nearly 2,000 prisoners. Vienna say Is Chicago, 8. News of Yesterday ples and institutions. And what it right for ten years together, if the Dee. The discovery of had come upon, tho scene but they to tho two generals to so conduct their udvunce south of llcl-gru- pre- L the Auslrlun thut it Is suggested wc should be relative efficiency of craft of different revolutionary method of treating were unable to give aid to the men operations; us to prevent bullets from !h progressing. continue,, to cnunge as Tho pared to do? To defend kinds f.nd uses by whl(.h R ,H Iim(ll, M(n tlm,,8 imprisoned In the forecastle, whoso falling on Amerlcun territory. Tho Germans are attacking the al Apart from the buttlullelds, the very ! against attack? We have always we have seen it change under our screams could be heard roar ordering of field urtlllery to the sceno lied line to the south of ypn-- in Itel-giim- i, Illness of the Ger- , ,.. f. ,hu s'rongth of the present product above.the announced found means to do that, and shall find I'JCU 111 HI' 'Tl- - IliOV .V It ...'.I....U. of tho flumes. to with tho Ninth cavalry but the French announce thut emperor In P.orlln, from bron- .,!, was announced before the National they man them whenever It is necessary without Not u New Subject. The Vedra, which was bound from already In position ut Nuco wus gen- huve been repulsed, At somo Is tho most Interesting subject. Academy of Sciences today by point chial catarrh calling our people awny from their "But I turn uwuy from the Prof. Port Arthur, Texas, for London, is a erally Interpreted us Intended to dem- along the buttle front In Fland- news of tho day. Tho emperor's pro- neoessury tasks to render compulsory It Is not new. There Is no new need A. A. Miclmelson. winner, two yeurs total loss. onstrate to tho Mexicun forces thut ers uml northern Frnnee, the Ger- longed activity and the recent reports not our mans military service In times of peace. to discuss it. We shall alter ago of the Nobel prize for physicul re serious consequences might follow. If have each day of bitet made a of his appearance have caused the a toward it because some concerted movement In- "From tho first we have had clear attitude search work. Professor Mlehuelson RESERVE BOARD AND the firing into American territory Is with a view to public to watch with particular and settled policy with regard to mili- amongst us are nervous and excited. continued. pushing their advuiieu further west developments regarding his up- explained the new steel which he said terest tary We never have We easily and sensibly agree oem-m- or to tho coast. establishments. shall STATE BANK PROBLEM) Th ""' of i miss to health. had, our present on a policy of defense. The question would revolutionize warfare by mak- - Uorlln and while we retain U1.IVU (JtHSUIIHl COUIftU Ol II1IT nilUUUUIl reports that in the western principles and Ideals we never shall has not changed Its aspect because lh. lug fortlflcutions us well us ummuni-liiiie- s war zone a decisive VIOMCNT ATTACKS M tar MONl JOURNAL similarly was regarded as denoting action Is likely have, a large standing army. If ask- are not normal. Our policy will tlm(,g tPICItl LI. 110 WIU1 to any day. t.F.K.MANS IV MXGIUM t0I1 muIly Htro,,K,.r than ut Washington, Dee, 8. Tlie federal the anticipation nf a critical situutlon slurt This assertion Is ed, 'Are you ready to defend your- not be for an occasion. u win ue bused on a present. The new steel would ad- reserve board held its conference to- wherein the Washington government slulement from German selves?' We reply, assuredly, to conceived as 'a permanent and settled headquarters, Paris, Dec. H 10:35 p. m.) Tho 'Mort vance peuceful projects, he suit!, by day with representatives of slate deemed It advisable to have a high of- which says: "Every- tho utmost;' arid yet we shall not turn thing, which we w ill pursue at all sea thing Is proceeding following official communication was - permitting the of sltyscrupers banks and trust companies to dis- ficer Ut curry out such orders us according to our America military camp. We sons, without hasta und after a fash- erection program," Issued by the French war office to- Into a to heights n,cvcr yet and cuss regulations for entrance to might later be decided upon. and it is ussumed in Her-ll- n will young to spend Ion perfectly consistent with the peuoe undertaken their night: not ask our men tho construction of grout cr suspension the (federal system, but failed to that thu German operation thus the best years of their lives making of the world, the abiding friendship mack lur have been successful. "In llelglum a violent German at- unhampered free- bridges thou have heretofore been reuch a point where definite rules to tkoops oi:ii.iii:i Ypres, lias soldiers of themselves. There Is an- of states, und the govern IHOM 1SOFNDAUV LINE The bombardment tack on Kt. Kloy, south of we deal. Let possible. their administration could be of the rielgiun an other sort of energy In us. It will dom of all with whom coast by allied been repulsed. The struggle at misconception. Tho Demonstrating, Professor Michael-so- n outlined. the warships, between know how to declare itself and make there be no Naeo, Ariz., Dec. S. The Ninth Ostend und Nlouport, times Is very lively in the forests and AVe took a bar of tho new steel and The committee of state bunkers, begun Tuesday Itself occasion arise. country has been misinformed. move to- to the oust of the Argonne. effective should twisted it to breaking appointed to consider this question United States cavulry will afternoon In conjunction with land And especially when half world Is have not been negligent of national almost the morrow position along tho "There Is no other notable Incident the point. Two kilograms of force, ho several months ugo ut tho Itichmond from its operations, according to a late dis on fire we shall be careful to make defense. We are not unmindful of International boundary to u point ono patch to report." up- said, were Used in experiment. He. meeting of the American Hankers' from Kolterdam. our. moral insurance against the the great responsibility resting the mllo north to get tho men and by laid bar In few association, luler announced its in- hows In the oust, conditions remain ns spread of tho conflagration very defi- on us. We shall learn and profit tho aside und minutes out of the range of Mexican bullets Al'K'l UIAN KFIttltTS AUK repeated beyond for- ability to solve tho problem for tho previously reported, the occupMllon nite and certain and adequate indued. the lesson of every experience and tho twisting tho which fly across tho border. of GENKIIALLV INDEFINITE Is mer breaking point. of present., oy me i.erniuns being consider- "Let us remind ourselves, therefor'', every new circumstance, and whut Instead Hlnce the American tryopsj settled adequately done." breaking, the bar withstood un appli The bunkers wilt continue consid- ed certuln ns. well us a movement of leoiia (via Amsterdam and Lon- of the only thing we call do or will needed will be down in trenches along the boundary tho JttisMiuns cation of three kilograms of power, eration of this matter nnd the board ugalnst Cracow. German don, , 1:10 n. m.) An official do. We depend In every time of To peace in Europo the president sixty days ugo sevontuen of tho sol- troops mut ! probably will take It up also with the! have come to ulil o hy as In briefly. "Wo are the chum-- Indicating that the first experiment the tho communication!. Issued the AufU"i national peril, in the future ths referrod governors of the twelve reserve diers have been hit by stray shells Austrian ut Cracow army, nor nf Tieiiee nnd of concord," he and the elupsed time hud given the banks the fortress, thus wur office says: Past, upon a standing nlnn. and bullets from Nueo, Soiiord, whom I not on Thursduy and with the federal stiffening lie defeiies of the gurrlnotl III west Gullola lucreuaj Jet upon army, but up"i a Said. "And we should be very jeal- metal increased resistance. Four General I'enjumln of "The battles a reserve udvisory council at Its first meeting Hill's force uguliiHt Itiissiiin uttucks. severity. ' citizenry and accustomed ous of this distinction which we have times th experiment wus completed is defending the town ugulnst in trained greater to bo held Jictm probably next week. In west Gallcla along troops attacking from the to arms. will he right- enough, sought to earn. Just now we should and each lime a upplicution the attack of Governor Maytorenu'i activity the "Austrian It hut He line Is us- enemy his poul-tlo- right policy, based upon our be particularly jealous of It because of force was withstood. Professor Vaqul Indians. Two Increasing and the A west drove thu from American American trian troops, an Dobisyee and VVIullcxku. More accustomed principles and practices, it is our dearest present hope that Michaelson wild the process might be ANOTHER VERDICT OF died from their wounds. official statement it may - from Vienna (bull 5,000 prisoners, among them S? to provide by which every this character und reputation carried on uutill steel tools und uppll- Five persons in all havo been killed asserts, have driven the a sjstem Husslans Dobezyce - officers, were in God's providence, bring unces might be made thut would be GUILTY IS RETURNED 1 from und Wlell- tuken. citizen who will volunteer for the presently, on the American side of tho line mi , taking more thim 5,000 - "In Poland Husslun uttackj training may he made familiar witii us an opportunity such as has seldom practically indestructible. 44 wounded. Twenty of these wero prison- renewed op- its. southwest of J'lolrkow huvo been re the uso of modern arms, the rudi- been vouchsafed any nation, the lV MOHNIN9 JOUNMAL FBC,AL. LtABID Wlnl! Americans and i!9 Mexicans. peuce ! l'ulH,'u ty the German troops. ments of maneuver, and the portunity to counsel and obtain JAP FLEET SEEKS Bozcman, Mont.,. Dec. 8, Lazur Two of the Soldiers were lilt )es- - Kmperor William is suffering from drill and a lu the Curpitthluns nothing of Im Jnalntenance of camps. In the world and reconciliation and Tornieh, on triul for stealing dyna- terduy. bronchial cularrh ut Merlin and hud and sanitation many 'IN been portance has occurred." We should encourage such training healing settlement of a matter GERMANS PACIFIC mite from the 8tewart mine at .As the result of lust night's meet- unable to return to the front. interrupted i the Putte, found today. Thu Jupuneso iid make It ft means of discipline that has cooled and was guilty here ing of elllzeris of this town anothor minister of marine, is t Vice GLUMW W.VIt ItF.VIF.W of nations. This tho MV MONNINfl JOUSNAL LBAgSO WlHKI Evidence Was to tha.1 Admiral Ynshlro, makes tho an which our young1 men will learn to PCIAt appeal for help was telegraphed to FINDS LITTLE HANGE value, we should lime above, all others when we should Tokio, Dec. 8. Vice Admiral Va Tornlch wanted to use tho dynamite President Wilson today, but no sug- nouncement that wlille the wur In i it Is right that strength iiiiropo provide It wo should wish and resolve to keep our iahiro, minister of marine, touching, on lu blow up Miners' Union hull at gestions were made to whut steps endures, thu Japanese navy's not only, but that I. Merlin, Dec. 8 (by wlroleus to Lon- ai.lf.nOKSeSSlOn, OUT by the war In a speech in the Diet today Hutte In the course of rioting (,'ol. duties will continue und, tho make If as attractive as possible, and Ivr Iliuuco.c there should lo taken. In response to that don, 7:40 p. m.) A review of the principles of said: last June. Toinlch's defense wus that jTihn Japanese fleet In (conjunction so Induce our young men to undergo preserving our ancient F. Gulifoyle'g request that the with In both tlKuU'rs of the war. up "While the wur in Europe he was playing or the Prltlsh warships Is seeking tho It at such times as they can command action." endures either domlnos citizens indicate whut would be tho to the end of lust week reveals lH'.lo outlined Presi- Japaneso navy's will con- was asleep at the was Germans In Houth waters. Httlo freedom and can seek the phy. Other than as above tho duties time. Sentence best course to pursue the citizens ten- American change us compared with tho preced- spoke us follows: Jn the meantime our In set tomorrow. men The sical development they need, for mere dent Wilson tinue. fleet for Three remain dered him u generously slgnud letter Japanese foreign minister, ing weuk. This Is especially true as In Full. with an English health's sake. If for nothing more. Ev. The Message conjunction fleet to ,be tried. today suggesting that he recommend Huron Kuto, announces also that it regards where tho congress The German In has the western theater C'T means by 'which such things can. Gentlemen of the seeks the South American to the war department the establish- riot been VJuclded whether Jupan allies made a of you are now en- number uttucks whicn be stimulated is legitimate, and such session upon which waters." Ilrltisfi Warship Sighted. ment of an embargo on the exporta- would return tho ruptured German always were defeuted. closing session of Takauki Kato, foreign Dec. 8. Kiao-Cho- tering will be the liaron the Now York, A Hritlsh war- tion of munitions and supplies from base at to China. That decisive action may bo expect- congrea. a congress, answering an Interpellation, funnels, the flxty-thlr- d minister ship with four apparently a Arizona ports. The Colomhlun government has or- ed any day is indicated by a report will be long said It had not been decided was seeu by i r,. to sav. which whether cruiser, shore observers Telegrams and letters received here dered the high powered wireless Sta- from heudquarters saying that "every, body of Japan would return the captured Ger- highlands WEATHER 1XRECAST. remembered for the great at the this afternoon. The today from friends of Naeo residents tion nt Cartagena dismantled. This thing !s proceeding according to our work man base of Kiao-Cho- to China. He vessel to be thoughtful and constructive appeared about twelve in El Paso, Angeles and Interme action follows protests mudo recently program." This is taken here to Mex- response added Japan hud no prom- In- Washington, Dec. 8. New which it has done. In loyal that made miles southeast of the highlands. It diate border points Indicate thut by Great Hritulii and Franco of alleg- mean thut thus far the Germau oper- Wednesday ceun-tr- y. ise to any country concerning ico: Generally fair to thought and needs of the was believed that she Was the fluential people in these cities are ed breaches of neutrality by Colom- ations have been the to - successful. and Thursday. I should like in this address joining the Naeo people In appeals to bia. Much encouragement has bc.un di- - 1 ALBUQUERQUE DECEMBER 9, 1914. TV.3 MOfiltt JOUHrL; TVED N ESDAY. reserrn on hund. fr thn number of guna uvuliiiblefi. This, h raid, he OF AUTHuH HOT ARMY AflD - NAME BUSINESS hoped to liicreasa- to titf per cent Ever" Aluminum II? - wl'hln thfl year, .J'hni department "Wear STEWART contemplated a'Hupply of l,M0 rounds for each three-inc- h gun, lie said. Un- DISCLOSED TO TO BE FURTHER WELL EiPPEQ der tho present ratio of appropria- IS Sale and Cooking School DasoDurnors tions, ho said, tho entire reserve would ,lx' supplied In (our ears. In time of war, General Crozler esti- EVERYBODY WELCOME EMBARRASSED BY WITH ARTILLERY mated, the government plants and COMMISSIONERS SATISFY private-- fattoiieg ia 'h country would lloiiscfiirnbliing! , Third I'l'wir ' turn out 40, Out' rounds In six months und 13v,ooo rounds a month - I . i ware. Tho largest thereafter, Wear-Ever- Is standard Aluminum "111 AND " the ADVERSE AMMUNITION Tito Ammunition Flam. Ivy L, Lee of Philadelphia Ad- Albuquerque is in thin good g LiS of aluminum ever brousht to fule. "If you were In a war, would that About mo-- Interesting place, an expert cook p'v-l- n be enough?" asked lleprestntutlve mits He Wrote "Facts The "Cooking School is a t showing Itspractlcgl Avis of West Virginia. Colorado Struggle for Instruction on tho cure of aluminum and lllt.. "Will, tlm plants ore the President Reassures Financial General Crozicr," Chief of ammunition stirring being enlarged rli;ht uloiig," suld Industrial Freedom," TODAY Milk will be boiled all day without nnd without Oenerul meeting Interests of Country in An- Ordnance of Field Forces, Crozicr. "They ure "scorching: will be melted without water, without sr.vlng an Increased demand." chocolate nual Address to Congress and Admiral Badger Testify "Are they aelllng through Cunuda?" und Wlthont stirring. 8. The revelation of Before Committee, usked Representative, Kahn. Denver, Dee, Delivered Yesterday, "They are selling to homebody. ' Ivy Ij., of I'hiludi lphlu, u the Wear-Ev- er General Crordcr suld thut automo- author of "Facts About the Colorado 80c 2K--qt. Lipped bile manufacturer In this country Struggle for Industrial Freedom," and Sauce Pans, 49c. CURRENCY LEGISLATION LESSONS OF EUROPEAN were now turning out armored auto- similar bulletins, tho anxiety of John mobiles which were being sold to u 1 1. Rockefeller, Jr., to win the strike like Illustration. PRACTICALLY COMPLETE WAR TOUCHED UPON F.uropeun power now ot war through in the Colorado southern coal fields Canada. and to sway public opinion to the op- "What!" suggested Representative erator's side eif thn controversy with Program for Shoit Session to United States Has No Need Kahn, "we ara asked to pray for the United Mine Workers of Ameri- peace, and yet Wo furnish armored ca, was show n In telegtnms and letters Be Devoted Mainly to Mcet- - for Great Siege Guns Used cars to a belligerent to further war?" from Rockefeller, Jr., and associates Rosenwald Bros. Admiral lladger advised the naval to President J. F. Welborn of the - ing Conditions Brought by Germany in Reducing Colorado Fuel & Iron Co., before th j H:.r i Insured committee that the Culled fcttutes r federul commission on Industrial rela- About by War, Forts, should follow the example of Ger- Attention 'Where Quality Meets Price many and Great Hrllalii In creutiug a tions today. nuvul reserve of officer and men whoj Not all of the more thnn ten thous- and words of Instruction, advico and 1ST Mt)NN,N nerved In the navy. He Insisted that lT oNI JOUMl 'rim LKII1 KIDII JOUHNAt. SPKCIAL LtAstO WISH Inquiry that came in telegrams to GIVE MORE HEAT Dec, I'lCHldent H axhlngioii, Iee, H. lessons battleships should not be sacrificed to WllHhlllKloll, Mr. Welborn from Mr. Rockefeller, to ion-uren- drawn from tho Kuropcun war were loci ease the number of submitrlms. WITH THE W'IIhoii in IiIh iiniiiml uildrrmi Starr J. Murphy, Jerome 1. Greene, today roiipled with defenne of discussed before the house inllltuiy Views oil German licet. r, Ivy I j. Lee, W. I Maekenzle-Kln- SUGGESTION THUT most brilliant writers a slid naval today by llrlg. quea-tlon- e. SAME AMOUNT ittie country h military prcpurdncM committees Tho admiral wu! plied wllh formerly Cunudlan minister of labor, THE biiMlnci-i- i Hint U adlcr Cieneral Crozler, chief of ord America the artists word of uKPiirimcn li Members of the committee now commissioner of industrial unrest b einburriiKHcd by nance of tho nnd Hear Admiral OF FUEL wotild not further tinny, were purtleulurly anxious to know of the. Rockefeller Foundation, J. H. whose cartoons and "comics" Ic lladger of the navy general Ktaff. KlHnllon. ! why tho German fleet was permitted McClement of the Rockefeller "group" mild trunt uiul ciirniicy 0.eneral Crozler said that tho Cull PR0F1TSBESHARED make the nation laugh are EACH ONE lie the to remain bottled up in Its own har- In the corporation, were rend. The of bin ndmliilHtrutlou ed never would have uso for proKiam bor. The udmlrul said that us long unread letters nnd telegram! were In- working exclusively for Virtually been couip! 't' d, leiivluK Kims similar to Ihn greut howitxers WARRANTED. had aa tho German fleet was bottled up it cluded, however, In the report of the u W'ik to fol- with Hut (Jeiiiuiiis no conjocturo to what which demolished was performing: no useful purpose commission. whh a cleur unJ forts, usserted low, mid that there Illinium's and that the and that therefore; it was unnecessary r Stistiiins Opera tors. JOKINGLY BIG STOCK OF on which honcNt nun guns good IDE firm rond nhend American field were us as for the enemy to bring about an en- The communications covered from with perfect confidence uny In world, lladger - STEWARTS mlKht truvel tho General gagement. ,'! said probubly no com- June until November this year, and thin i'Mlon tin th, j mnn,ler-ln-chle- sub-jce- J'or iiinii80 lit told naval committee that "ship f of a fleet would t Indicated that Mr. Welborn, referred ineBKurea to meet tho for navy Is MV MORNIS4 JOURNAL CAICIAI ICAStD WIAI) AT president urKed ship the I'nitcd Mates his ships to tho attacks of a great to by Mr. Rockefeller as his ugont In America's Cleverest Weekly to the Kuro-peu- u Chicago, Dec. Charles Nagel, chuiiK'd condltloim dun eiiial 'to. If not better than, thut fort or to the danger of submarine tho field, and tho other operators were wur, piirtlcului ly th (tovornment of (lerniany or any former secretary of commerce nnd other nation." mines na a preliminary to fighting sustained In their policy during that Puck-J- ust idilp bill, medHurcn to unlock labor and of board of Everybody Loves purchana Answering questions, the udmlrul with another battle fleet, un It would p rlod. a member the & Mauger domuln nnd appointed to the ftefca rcHotircei of thy national gave hla Idea of why the liiitlsh navy mean running the risk of going Into possible socialistic tendencies arbitration settle for Fun of nvl?a-b- l The wage employes the iia-- to eiicouruK" luiprovcnient ia content to keep lha Herman fleet nn engagement in a damaged condi- coal demands of of xoitm 1'iiesr of a clergyman In an obscure ninety-eigh- For 40 years this paper water for feneration of power, en- t western railways, today "bottled up" Instead of forcing un tion. cump in Oolorudo wcro a subject of retained its position amu qi i itgt rrs m ftnil tho bill alreudy punted by the gagement. Interrupted the hearing to cross ex- has hiit The Influence of the Hritlsh fleet, correspondence between Rockefeller as the best all-'rou- JIAlCIMVAIti; KTOHR to give "a larner tnensum of amine W. K. Carter, president of the houm Oardner Turned llowu. ho added, wag such that without the Mr. Welborn, as was also the In the to tho peopl of th and of Locomotive humorous periodical While these committees were at filing of a. gun It had accomplished prospect repub- Brotherhood Firemen now I'hlllpplnii." of the defeat of tho and Kngliiemcn. country. It is better work tlm mnjority member of tho it! purpose of driving Herman cum-merc- o candidate for governor In the ' than at any time in its th hoiiHe chnin-be- r lican Mr. Carter's When lie entered rulea commltH'e were deciding not to off the seas, of ensuring safe Colorado state election. career. where Vice i'rcHldcnt MurnhHl) recent came after ho had made thn thinly i grant the request of Itepreseniutive transportation of the Kngllsh army N artil Kpeuker t'lnrk over n "Fra" Hubbard of East Aurora, veiled accusation thut since the wage 10 cents a copy Oardner of Massnchusettn for a hear- to tho continent und of protecting Y plan neHHlon of the hoiifft nnd Henate, entered Into the Rockefeller question hud been submitted to arbi- CLEAN COAL Joint ing un Ills resolution to direct a spe- neutral trade with Kugland. president wm greeted with tin of publicity, as well as Mr. U'e. While tration, the railways have been using Ask Your Newsdealer the cial Inquiry Into tlm preparedness of paid, ovation which continued for Submarines Needed. tho latter has not yet been Hub. the fewest enginemen possible in or- g the Cnlted Mtntes fur war. Chairman Mpvcrul Thioudhout his Admiral lladger expressed the Hard, according to Mr. Rockefeller's of pay may ap- IS OUR mlnulei. Henry to der that their 'rule, he frequently wn Interrupted by Inter addressed a letter Opinion that it would be u inistako to communication to Mr. Welborn, had pear high. advising him ftppluUKe, pnrtlcularly from tho dem- Oardner, station submarine craft ut any par- played a good game of golf with unswcrlng put by Mr. SPECIALTY proper u hearing In questions demoiiKtratloiiH of appro- that his forum for ticular ports along tho Atlantic or Rockefeller, genlor, and received $200 Nagel, witness n state- ocratic: Hide, I the said thut would be before the regularly consti g copies maga- reaching a climax, when, referring f'uiiflc! or gulf for coust defense, say-le- for a thousand of hia ment he made last week Hudson Signs val of which that the for to recent agltutlon over nnllonul de tuted committee! the house thut handling, tho submarines as zine, containing an article favorable men should work with the railway AZTEC FUEL adinlnlH-tratlo- n "are now In dully sessions consider- to side of contro- feiiNo ho declared tlm flotillas rather than as separated tho operators' the companies on a profit-sharin- g basis, that ing to military price' COMPANY had "not been negligent of matters pertaining the const defense! would make for great- versy. He had f xed the for was niiole In a jocular manner. Ho lintlonnl defence," that tho attitude of ami naval strength of the country." er efficiency. He udded thut while copies before he wrote thif article und said railway clerks ure very Wall Paper Notwithstanding also that Phone 251 th government would not be altered the committee'! opinion! dlfferered na to the number declared that the copper t'peratorg Poorly paid because they ure not or- "beiaiinc aome iimongHt ua ain neiv-o- u nttlludo Mr. Oardner tonight reiterat- of submarines necessary for protec- hud bought a million copies of his ganized. a lila to keep up fav- or ed magazine an and excited" and that a policy determination the tion of tho Insular possessions und for containing urtliie In speaking of the Intermittent na- HUDSON for Picture HusnIiiii re. fight Investigation. Jiur-In- g None lived here from the recent defepKii could "eunlly und enHlbly be for n special coast defense, ho regarded ono hun- oring them ut the same rate. ture of the work of enginemen, Mr. It less ports whli are considered much (greed upon." thu day Senator Ixxlge Indicated dred su! marines altogether as ade- of the 1500 was paid by the Colorado Carter submitted a table purporting Frames formerly. If up & lo- confident In ton" than In advocating the lilp purchuHn bill that he would cull In the senate quate. Ho wanted these to be of dif- - Fuel Iron Co., however, since a to give the earnings of firemen find nn Investment of Warsaw should r,i later his resolution similar to the one cal capitalist contributed fifty dollars tho prenldetit tld the war In Kurop ferent classes, thu .'Mi-gol- as well na enginemen in the first two or three Fourth Bt and Copper Ae, It operations, mil- operators hu from the present had left foreign tiutloim more depend-en- t Introduced In the house by Repre- the smaller one! for shore operations. toward it and other coal years of their service, beginning my It deprive itary men will Itussli upon tho fulled Htntea for sup- sentative Oardner. Tho committee listened eagerly tb puld tho rest. with the year 1912. According to the if mom Important center of railway a plies nnd that thu government houlil Well I'rnvldetl I'or. tho admlrul's account of tests made "Uninfluenced," Says Wclboin, tuble of 4.098 promoted (from fire', und place the Hus-wi- n communications provide dhipa (hut the nation's goods Ordnance, from automatic pistols to by the ulrciaft acouts of the Atluntlo Mr. Welborn told Commissioner men) engineers, 2,249 have earned Albuquerque Foundry and lift In a ("'i lium position. mar- mlKht bo curried "to lha empty h howitzers, was discussed by flocl. It wuB demonstrated, he said, Wabsh since he had not seen the etory un average of less than $S0 per Machine Works The Austrian apparently ure. still kets." (lenernl Crozler In connection with In tho Caribbean gen. and ut Huantnn-ami- ) before It was printed, und because It months worked and thut of tfie total making resistance lit Hi rvlu, but from "It Ih not a iiuestlon of tho tils for next fiscal year. an airship could locate a was paid for before it was printed, he number, only 610 have earned more Engineers -- l'Vnnulcrs Machinists estimates the that Castings the Carpathians nothing new hart been inoiiopoliKing tho field," said submerged considered It "fair minded" publicity, an average" of $S0 per month in Iron, Brass, lironze, On this more the Cnlted Stales "has submarine mine to a depth than Aluminum, Klcctrio. Motors, Oil reported. Only skirmishing; In suld to ho. "It should take action to make no need to feel uncoinfortable." of fifty feet. He declared that ap uninfluenced by the operators, for the months worked. J I'umps and Irrigation. be taking plain In wcit a !i . trunhportutlon at reas- discussion It certain that "Have you seen models of the new proximately the same, results could bo Standing out during the Works and Office, Albuquerque. onable rales will bo promptly provid- field guns Her- anywhere In thn ocean or of the letters and their Import were Al i u s which the obtained The LEADER, Santa Claus' ci aim ircnl;ii ed, even where tho cnrrlnge la not at w statements' during the day by Mr. Wel- v :s mans are reported to be using In here there were no rivers to muddy aat(.i; nku iiti first profltublo and then, when the Ilcpresi nlatlve Kahn asked. the water. born thut strikebreakers could be Im- Headquarters, will be open TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY pro- carriage has become) sufficiently I ported under federal control of the Hoc, 0 B. 111.) A cor. "No," replied General Crozier, Needs Target liraHle. I.oiiIii, (;:! fltublo to attract and engage private i strike field as easily us during the con evenings from now until FOU SALM Thoroughbred W, L. respondent of ltu Dally Express, tele- "and Wo do not contemplate experi- The udmlral dwelt upon the effi and etigagn It In abundance, by militia, Pres- hens. . 1020 Houlh Kdilh. Cull JJ.lglmi frontlet", capital menting with those big guns. No one ciency of the American warships. He trol of fields under graphing fiotu the ought to withdraw." modification of the' or- Christmas. evenings. says: tlm KOVirnment know a w hat they may come to, but said In the Atlantic fleet every gun ident WiVion's 1'hlllpplne bill," tho president iginal to federal troops. The "The hindquart- "Tho wo must consider the purpose, for was fired twenty times a year hi tar- order the fbrinitn divisional assorted, "WOU, n0ldy crown thii only reason thnt his company hud not ers was removed from Knulcrs winn which these guns were used In Eu- get practice, l'ersonully ho ndvocuted years memor- non-unio- n record of theao two of Freneh-Helglu- n Imported men wns that nhcll begun In town rope. The border devoting more time to target prac- to fall the after able labor." t'oiicernlug rural credits their mines were full, ho suld. Out- the HtitlMi had I'usuehen- - was defended by armored forts, tice. recaptured legislation sought by so many, h ex- side of that he believed lie could se- diielc, llOrtllCIISt mounting thren and h guns to Admiral Fletcher, who suc- eleven lllllcH tf pressed regret difficulties of tho Hear cure men West Virginia Yprin. that meet such artillery as ordinarily ac- Admiral lladger In command from and This Indicate a distinct subject seemed "to render It Impossl-bb- t ceeded Pennsylvania Informing them a 'advantage company mobile urmiiN. gave gup- - after by thu allien." to complete a bill for passago at of the Atlantic fleet, similar strike was In progress and with the Order Your Suit or "The Hermann knew these guns testimony. He will be anion." jplomentary understanding they should be- 1 k aim in; this were, them nnd (hose forts were there thnt 'it Jiav m:r Members of the sonata and limine on the stand as a witness tomorrow come permanent, residents of the stute. OX sT TO ANTNLIli' and brought up these special guns to when (Secretary Daniels la expected to listen. id attentively to tho outline of In tho thousand-wor- d telegram Overcoat Now for dcinollHli tlniii. From what I under- go Drigudicr thi president'! program as they did before the committee. from Ivy I,. l,ee, reud by .Mr. Wei- - Nil iiii (.cnl, Holland. M'. It (vlu stand it Is an engineering feat to move Scott, of. of thu ul mi his iIIhciiksIoii of economy mid General chief stuff born nt the opening of hi testimony, 3:15 n. in.) The Hews of the thoHo slxteen-iiic- h guns they inlli-tur- y the should be a Held mid army, will be the witness at the Mr. suld, was no mystery slight of Kmpcfor VH-- 1 assertion that "there "There leas-s- can be transported only by rail. Now committee's heuiing tomorrow. ' sjHlematle reorganlnutlou and i about the preparations ot bulletins it . combined with the extraordi- we going up tigalust nibllng" of the parts of tho govern- ui'e not anything and pamphlets last June. Mr. John narily strict orders against persons I can see no why sKi;s no ment to secure greater efficiency. like that and reason imv.YX m:i:i 1). Rockefeller, Jr., stated to mo that cuti ring or having llelgium, nil dip- wo should need uny such guns as risiiPAiiATioN Mr. Wilson spoke with great or the public hud, by reuson of very Christmas lomatic eotiliers even being dotnliu'd und deliberation when ho be- that." Information spread ubroud by cveept those of tlic t'liltod Hi at cm, .Mi- (albmanii (iiiu, Haltlmote, Mil., Dec. 8. Secretary gan discussion of tho milUury td I tu- The the United Mine Workers of America, dland it ml Fpnln, lidM caused widespread 'of State liryan In a speech before tho ition was enthusiastically cheer- "I have understood,1 said Mr. Kahn, a wholly wrong Impression lu ll' f uiu'jiik digltum that Emperor and liar tonight de- received ed, gullcrics joining In tho ap- "that this same gun which the Clcr-mn- liiiltlmoro association the Colorado MUllum l.i nlioui to visit Antwerp the plored any suggestion t'nlted of the facts of strike." plause when he said: ure usinc', or one practically the that the nnd Uot'M nut di Mil e tin-- fuel prepare In aense How IaI? iot Information. to beentie Is wo sume, was Invented by Stales for wur the hllOWIl, "It mid In some (ltinrters that tin American pre- "The available printed Information are war. Is mimed of Chicago ttid that tho nations of Kurope have not prepared for What Oathinann It, wus secured," It said, "und from it I meant by being prepared? ,1s it that it was offered to the war depart- pared for l'O.MH AHUM I NT my life," culled such matter as seemed signifi- or meant that wo nro not ready upon ment and Hie navy department." "I have been fighting all iii'.i.c.i only peace 1 cant. Great care was tuken to pick coast iii:a brief hollco to put a nation in the "There is no invention about build- said Mr. liryan, "und tho had W'us when I wore the uniform of out statements of filets which had ,11, H -- A Held, a nation of men trained to arms? ing a big gun," returned General London. . (2:.i0 11. in.) dis. 1 been made by disinterested observers." Guth-niunn- a colonel and was In camp, llut patch to Hotter-da- of course wo tiro not ready to do Crosier; "anybody can do that. 's were by the liaily Mall from never fought beside ft braver man The bulletins approved the - that; nnd we shall never tie In time gun was a very different af- h bombardment of the llet- than he who today occupies the operators and sent by them to the .Win-pu- ll of peace, so long as wi retain our fair from this gun. His original mod- Kln (ou?t between Osteml nnd White House. public on Its own responsibility. bigan present political principles and Inst- el embodied many s. at o'clock Tuesday "WJiy should men be asked In time "No element of personal authorship In conjunction op itutions." He finally came down to build- Is with land of peace to prepare to die for their attached to any of the bulletins," erutluns. I'roiiulmlng the people of the I'nll-e- d ing u sea-con- defense gun using a telegram to pam- country when there Is so much need the adds, "or the States "chnmploim of peace and of very huge projectile with a heavy phlet as a whole which was represent, concord," the president emphatically for them to live for their country?" FEDERAL CAVALRYMEN charge of giineotton. We conducted ed as a compilation of material al- opposed a great standing army, and siverul experiments with funds ap- ready a matter of public knowledge." HELD FOR ROBBERY was ujtuln cheered when he assert'd propriated by congress. Finally an PREPARE WELCOME that In time of national peril tho clRhteen-lnc- h gun was built along the FOR GEN. FUNSTON country must depend upon a eUiKenry, lines suggested by Guthmnnn, It was FURY OF EAST COAST S aim nburg, Colo,, Deo V V, V. trained nnd accustomed to arms, tested out side by side with a twelve-Inc- h Jtuff. T. Frank .Mux Imixkl, STORM HAS ABATED and Wiled the president had concluded service model gun." SV MOMNINtt JOURNAL PCIAL LtASKO ttlM inemhi'i!! of Troop K, Fifth cavairs. lie was surrounded hy senators und He ndded thst tho Gathniiinn gun Iola, Kan., Dee. 8. Major Oenerul were urr.Tli'.l Ih-i- c ,,(,. in com-mnn- d IBV MONNINa JOUMMAL LIASKD toduy cluUHed member In tlm speaker's office who which lepended upon a projectile Frederick Kunstun who was tPIClAI. WIACJ With' pHHiclpMliou in th I'oU-tier- y of United troops dur- New York, Dec. S. The northeast recent crowded about him to extend their bursting upon contact wits of nmch the States of the local pomolflce In occupation Vera. Crua, ar- gale, which for three days has swept which congratulations. less efficiency thut tho service (un ing the of IJj.nVO UiMippcnred, Hlx men now rived In Kansus today to spend a the shores of New York and New Jer- with un urmor-plcriin- g projectile. buiii been nneited on tlih ehurije, till furlough. He Wyfl expected to arrive sey causing damage estimated at IEAVY BALANCE OF Wuy. Dieinbem of Troop V, Experiments Coder here, his former homo, tonight. $750,000, moderated today with a So money Ioim been recovered im e TRADE FOR AMERICA IMwiussIng field artillery, General Klaborute preparations have been shift to tho northwest and although MADE TO MiMO found In th tmnk of Oil-- i OroKlcr 'wild that the ordnance bureau made to welcomo him. ruin was falling tonight anfl the wind YOUR MEASURE v was lit present experimenting with stilt blew, tho fury of tho storm had r lluwiird. who wi iiiii Klcd on the (T atfttN JOU9SAV ftPlCUl. WlNt Ltt6 linwilKefH of seven a CALL spent Itself. Along niorniiig' followlni,' lh him lit of the Wnshiiigtoii. Iec, s, A lalunVe of field and halt roil ltlDSv the devastated Perfect half-Inc- Sunt Fit h New Mexico Penitentiary, begun and Satisfaction lubliery. trade in favor of the I'nitcd Ht.ites of and nine nd a calibre. State section of the coast hud the These, said, would be to move Fe, N. M November SO, 1914. work, of salvage of t ll.hli.Zii, Wits Ht the close he able supplies' to the and construction Guaranteed shon with a mobile army. At present, lis Illds for furnishing of defenses ugainst future storms. Williams to .Make Addrcxo. of the week ending lVrenibcr B, State Peuitentiarv at SunU Fe, for six Ih-v- . said, Is supplied At Seabrlght, N. J., where $125,000 ?uU , Corporation Com. niliikiiig a gain over the previous the field artillery months ending May 30. 1916. will he six-Inc- h guns. property was destroyed ruisHoner Hugh H. Williams haxtfetie week of iri.43v.UC,. These mniresweru with three and Of opened at S o'clock a. m., Thursday, worth of some said, now SfiO In peniten- householders who had suffered from tt his homo town of I'emlng to -r given In a report bsucd tonight by these, he there ar December 10. 1314, at the ex- He tiary. - this storm and the one last Christ- kii address tonight at the an-nu- the department of commerce, based present service and ordered. Supplies cbnslst of- groceries, meats, mas, they would re- liuiiMuet of th Chumbi r of upon returns from the twelve ports pects to Inoreaie the number to 912 declured never National during the next year and he estimate cloth, clothing and grain." build, Woolen Mills Commerce, the hvest commercial or- - lot the Culled States which du do per A list and blank 1.SI2 guns us needed. of specifications in New Mexico, of which cent of thu nation's entire export und the maximum proposals will be furnished' on appli- ' Willaid 1'. Holt u veteran newspaper import business. "WV think our field guns are as to JOHN B. McMANUa, Supt, Printer Stricken With SmallHix. "Makers of cation t 8. the Clothes We Sell" man, is the secretary. .Mawir C. K. Cxporta are shown us $l6.Sifl,S;S good as any la the. world," said the i;y order of the Board of Commis- Santa Fe, Dec. J. E, Ferguson, printer well know n In Kelly of El I'yso. Van liiiotli. r one of and Imports us tit fSiS.SI fur the generut. sioners. October 17. IHl. a Santa Fe and T. G. Winfrey. Manao-p- r fpffclii-r.- i was ai.--o A. W Week ending Oeeembcr B. as coinpHred In ammunition tor field guns, Gen- Albuquerque, has been stricken with the it Real estate problem purcsawa. ! or , bud the smallpox ut El Paso and has been ticeu-s- i i t .1 y of the El Fasu with H3.e!t8,K52 and $i,85,5B7, eral Crozler said the department, trade r Mitr aolvad by Jeoroal want SS - tukca to the county pest in', : ci '.'::;. en. rue. tor tUo wiek jruvious. per cent of the estimated needed da. tltiail Uitouj tut UutOk 11 U todsr- house, ALBUQUERQUE t,.03m,.G JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9; 1914. TKr.EE 1 A 0 GOVERNOR WILL MAKE SPEECH TO CHILDREN Wk mew ' IE MmT Mexico AT MUNICIPAL TREE ) l.rteiAL r shnih .iouhnaU ENROLLMENT Santa Fe, Dec, K. tlovarnor W, C. OF SOT FE SEIIOS DOMEOITO .McDonald will make the nddrcsw all ma. hi the Christmas eve celebration In the f'l.ira. 8. (1. Morley and Samuel (I. anwriKiu nave lieen ilesiKiiated n I 119 W II ROUTE BELIEVED to, I W SCHOOLS IS FAD MULES committee provide candy for free USUI QOITHSPAPER distribution among tin- - children that cvctilitK, It litis ticeu decided to Hrlit the tree on, two rvctilnM Instead of TO BE PROBSBLE only one. j BELOW CENSUS TO FIELD FOR GOOD The following auxiliary eommitti COIIIISI has been Appointed: Jidgn N. II, IjiuKhlln, Judge John It. McFle, Judge L, C. Collins, Judge niiT nr !r 1 Semi-offici- H. Ha Judge IV I- - - al Advices Indicate It. turn. F. W. Parker, innrnII I S K III- ,m most ucpiorable Huh, i In, D. j Feature of Regulations Recently Promul Veteran Editor Who, Has Pre- Jiiilun C. J. II. Iluvvmaii, n iulii uu i ui ; - That Silver City and Mog-ollo- n Situation Is That Prank Owen, Samuel tl. Cartwrlghl Students gated Are Forwarded to sided Over Lordsburg Post-offi- ce Dr. C. O. Harrison. Itobert C. ros- - Will oi Have First in Fall Out Before High bee, Paul A. F, Waller. Norman l Grades State Capitol and Are Now for Sixteen Years to King. K. the Southwest, J. WlKlil (llddlm;, I. lent. SPOTLIGHT SINGE Are Reached, on File, Move to California. C. Test, J, II. McMunus, Jumen 1. St'lUiuan, M. A. Micro, II. II. Dor- - msii, K. Dana Johnson, Kvlvanun t!. . n n -- COMPONOINCI TO UORNIN atSi,f I'ICI" JOU.NAll I.MCIAI SI..ATCH TO HO.NIM. Morley, Yarned, V. Con in nrnii JOU.NALI t.PICIAI. 01. PATCH TO HO.NINO JOUHN'W COSftl.PONO.MCg Ira John u Silver I'lly, N. M I lee, . ra.CIAL TO MOHNIHO JUNAL That Santa lo. Doe, way, Dunnn, Del-gad- City nml Mngntlon (tTho average Santa Ko, Dec. 8. Tho state corpo- Santa Fe, Dec. X. Don Kedieie, the Iirlan Iioru Frank Silver mny get dally enrollment In tho llormley, tlcn- - public schools ration commission today veteran editor Lib- F. F. Adjutant the first aeroplane mail inaug-mole- d Cor past received the of the Western smlie the HKfil year wax 49,825, or following Lordslnirg, eral Harry T. Ilcrrlnit, Antonio l.u. in tlic southwest I the now 74 per rules promulgated by the eral nt who vlmtcd the cent of tin enrollment, but Vv eero. It. J. Pulen. J. V. Norment. W. m r i i 'F contained In Hcml-officl- Santa system In New Mexico New Mexico museum for tho first ' ft "reports I'"" alf CVn , of tb. school eon- - Sama Fe wystcm in Ne w Mevici; l. Sergeant. Arthur ScIIkiiuiii. Itufusi Wllpmilluilllc nf Him from WaHhinirton. HUM. timn a few months si;o, will quit the lt:lll 1 A .Marco, it. ?eiia, train bulletin New M Xlco newspaMT mov jsc I John Slewnrt, second I lowovor, shall be main field and n,:l In l.,A,.,,l .. . . assistant It miiHt bo r, Small, Dr. Jame A. ISolls, Dr. Frank At. Clln. --M tk mcmhcrcl tained In a prominent and readily nc- - to California thin week, tinvtng sold TIUI UUIU 13 OCIIIUIII iMlliWIII ')A. postmaster general, Is nuw consider, that tho school census Includes every Mera, Dr. James A. Massle, L. A. ing run II cessll le place nt all depot or ticket the Liberal to Fur! V.,Ituli, a nephew by! an aeroplane cvk for person between 5 ami 21 year Hughes. J. 11. Wanner, W. o. Connor. and Public Expressions those see'tlons of the country nnt offices, or at the Harvey house xi of F. A. Hush, publisher and editor of " whore that the statistic eover nly the pub. F. C. Snyder, Miss Meeker, Sister j LIGHT, WHJTE. BREAD y Santa Fe line, If more to the Silver City Knterprl. Him Rarely Made, mull carrying contract are entailing-heav- Ho school ami convenient llosina, ami Mother not sectarian, Indian the traveling public. Kcdxk was postmaster of Lords- Carlota, Mother expense lo the government be- or private schools. Joseph in It Tho enrollment Ih 2 Where a telegraph or telephone burg for sixteen year, editor of the i. such ns Is Impossible lo bake with cause of th topography of the touh-tr- y. 7.147 or two-third- s of The committee In chanto ban met the school operator Is on duly thirty minutes be- Liberal for a quarter of a century and t.Atftorltifeii I're.. f'irrrkfMin!riir.i census n against 81 per cent tho year with n response that Is significant of home facilities, come from our ovens fore the scheduled passen-Ec- r heavily Interested In Clrnnt county licrlin, Nov. 2J. The (ieirnun pub- The nlnoty-mil- stretch, between before. arrival of real Christmas spirit. The Iteitl- - or mixed trains, mining enterprise. Ho I a stock- the lic ha heard less about the cmperer every day. Don't word for It. Silver C'liy nml Mngollon, over a lcplirahln such truln shall band has donated Its nervier, takeur Condition. jhe bulletined as to arrival, indicating holder of the Southern Pacific and cf mental xi rice the war h"Kuu than during any montain rood with' Most deplorable, forestry bureau has given the Jn-i- t liy n loaf or two no furl several however, nre tho In manner If tho Arizona and New Mexico railroad. tho other three months of his reign. F.vcti nml her nctridgod streams to cms ha future of tho usual nn time, and If Owen electric light- for enrollment of untiles, Lit slating prntmble He ha held various position hon- tree, Frank the hi whereabouts In seldom Known, time of arrival; of J- nrgutpent will bt pei essary. Our years proved n serious problem for demonstrating that great ing. IL - Orlchttin the lumber. Jos ( the majority and In case of delay duo or on official boards and In the re- ami such of his utterances that find government mull contractor). It of the ehildri'n drop material D. the bontlre and Miss Clarity out bf school to accident nr other extraordinary publican party and will retain his New Sena their way into the press are ciiuflueil bread la good for the body and lira In, costing I'mic Sam SlO.not) n year for reaching the grammar grade .Mexico citizenship. True the wood for the brcn, lo of condolence or causes, probable delay shall he bul Since the death brief tiiemams It In a complete food of Itself nnrt na lo transport mall between hero and,'""! only a very Hinall per cent reiieh 1 i t hi lellned at every tele- of Col. Max Frost and the retirement ik 'i ii t ii n, wilh an occasional Mogollon hlKh s hool, niurh lean finish hUh station where a Another Itad Indian. the 1 of Col. W. M. Merger nctlvn quotation from speeches a It Is graph or telephone operator em- - from the Fe, Def. 8, The squad jlulef short toothsome wholesome. While nn aeroplane service would nchno course, for only nnc-lhlrt- Ih newspaper field, he Santa Indian before toyed, unit conductors on such de- wa the nest or has received an- made soldier at the front. of noxetwlty bo confined only to reg- of the entire enrollment Ik found In among New Mexico nt the penitentiary layed trains shall notify passengers Journalism. is to be In bO Willi" It is not Ken, rally, known istered and first-clas- s mall, it would tlie high schools, and that over the other recruit, who for Mcsca-ler- o general Bakery thereon accordingly. I ltaj.nla, a whefe the headquarters are Pioneer yearn, while more one-ha- lf year. It Jose make possible the delivery of mail four than S All general or-do- AUDITA QUERELA now locsted, something , Is known 207 South First Hircst, of the In found in current Operating COMES Apache, who pleaded guilty before between tho two polnta nt enrollment the prl-val- n all and wioYklng timetable affecting to murdering hh about how life goes on there, A season of the year in approxi- second or lower grade. Judge K. L. MedlT the state of New Mexico, must he filed BEFORE SUPREME COURT; pleading guilty ietler rum tin otfictr attached mately nn hour and a half, whereas The ligure nre: Kindergarten, squaw. He preferred with this commission. In degree to standing trial to headquai ters coutalas III' follow lug It now takes from nix to eight 281; primary, 4,125; firm, 1!,8T2. in BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN? the second hour 1'lno In the first degree. passage: to handle thl class of mall and from which rade the enrollment reaches Words Ttii'se. for murder 4 '"JMiele In little t,ine here writ- - eight to twelve hluh water mark; second, Ifl.HIU; Clean, comfortable, adequate f.r bourn to transport Swallow ;iism, but Hccovcr. lug to nil In the third, K.2IS; fourth, .U32; fifth, 4,. add an nltary be H. the nieiiils dear old second, third and fourth-fin- s mall, J station facilities mini Santa Fe, Dec. ltather Interest- provided San tn Fe, Die. K. Marlon tlllchrlst, Fatherland, for everybody here H Including p.iiecl.n post limit. av- - 72; sixth. S.ii'ifl; soveirtli, 2.K78; nt every point where n tick- ing was the opinion handed down In Rheumatism Iho daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jame It. woilflng, Sunday and week days, It eltUith , 2,270 and ttlKh school, four et agency Is maintained, properly the stato nupremo today In n lug In cost, In PKlimaled, since the court Gilchrist, prominent residents from dawn till Oct lini,f l'.virybudv 2,212. In other word, only ! equipped for the accommodation of case Involving a writ que if rroMAcii TRorm.ira neroiihinn would be the tiroiiertv nf'',llr' of audita county, has recovered must In- - klD.NICY AILUKNTM per cent Illicit the public school both male and female passengers, W. (.rant finished to the miniile, yet the Kovernment, would be not to ex- rela. J. Tiirknett of Arteslo, Kddy a queer accident. The. child, course. with necessary heating and lighting county. ns plaintiff from everything is done In the quietest ceed $2,500 a year. The lesser clnnne the and the who lg one year old, swallowed a piece manner lutagliiuble. Fvery man ' Compulsory KcIkmiI law. equipment; and adequate heat ehnll Western College of th Xew Mexico hif of mail would continue to be carried of glass and she had to undergo nn his task n n I t It out. A brh t .According to the department of be furnished when required; all Conference, Episco- arries Faywood by automobile, but since there would and of the Methodist ' . law operation to save her life. war bu'li tin Is distributed every fore- - y, education, the compulsory school hox car and other improvised station pal bo no record time for delivery necen-ar- church, South, a corporation, the noon lite building I not as effective In Its pro- - non-agen- at of the general tho cont by contract would be either facilities at points defendant. The case Is an orlglnul Prominent Couple Wed. j staff. The rsiluatlon b be, It in not . at the front visions as it should or equipped for the accommodation of proceeding In the supreme court for Ih-c- 8. Suite-move- r materially lowered. Santa Fe, Frank shown by It. From the headquarter j Hot Springs enforced, passengers, be W Official A nits for Information. li shall equipped las the purpose of quashing an execution und Miss Dulcle Hrooks, mem- i I con- - of the various armies adjutants or It theuost serious question passengers, shall be kept In a clean Issued out of the supreme court to en- Coro- In a letter which ban been made, ber of well known families nt commander themsiives, hidden oi It our, and you remain eur4L fronting thA enduciitlonal authorities and presentable condition. force a Judgment of by public, the second awintant postmas affirmance of thl na, Lincoln county, were married unbidden, arrive completely covered r know, and you will U row UT j today and It is a problem for the 5 All agency stations shall be court against the plaintiff, who hnd Itcv. K. D. Lewis this week, Th ter general refer to the subject of every No with dust; but they ure soon away It' to solve, so that open, warmed and lighted at least signed hi name to a subscription list couplet started on their wedding Jour- aeroplane mall service a follows: may RMiln. We rend from their faces how Considered th grMtMt Xldnay .Mexico child (set the benefit of thirty minutes before the scheduled for the founding of the Western col- ney to Kl guests ou made Paso and took tho j Watr orth. have leen lAnut a crrnmmnr school if not fl of carrying passengers, mutters stand at the front. to for appropriations arrival trains lege at Artesla and for which sub- abig to a wedding dlnnrr stivcd at Why not FATWOOD HOT fiom time time B(,h0(( eam.alion( for M a n,P, Hnd open "The emperor cunn s and goes ton, llt I remain at least thirty min- scription Judgment was given. The the Carrlzouo eating house. KPItlNOH flr.t, sine you will for experimental aeroplane service. j oavog alw ays with the same cxprcs- (ho thut m.nool earlier, utes after departure thereof, for ac- supreme i ourt in today' decision serious ventually go anyway f have slated before tho postoffice com-- 1, ion. only i thr, mt makp fln e(tk.Wnt (.mz,.n. commodation of arriving passengers, quashes the execution and declares Suit for Attorney 1'ec. sometimes ufti r calllii't modern kntaL mutee mat I ncnevea mere were io- -i 'Hood morning, to Irg, providing such passenger desln lo the Judgment syl- Sunta Fe, Dec. 8. In the district comrades' the oliinata. Uooklvt rrft pographlcal conditions tn noitie parts tinenforcnble. The d INSTITUTE MAY HAVE avail themselves of that privilege. labus say: court for Santa Fe county, Uetiehan guai doe he step up to koine brav T. C, HcDlCItMOTT, of tho country which would make a man to 6 All coaches handled on passen- A Judgment was upon a & 'Wright today brought suit against landwehr inform him of some "Tim Faywood." limited service of thia kind appropri- AND obtained new lctory, (hen PAGEANTS MIRACLE ger trains operating within this state subscription contract for the support Ilcn.lam F. Hrown, former postmaster and his face light; rATWOUD, KKW MKX UK I. ate and desirable. I am expecting to j up. Hut w here are we, 1 per- shall be properly lighted, and neces- of a college, the consideration of suld nt Mosquero, I'nlon county, and ut am not NEXT SUMMER - no before the committee In connection PLAYS s mitted to tell you. At our feet rush'1!- sary heat when needed; and the nam contract liel-- the maintenance of one time a member of the legislature, with our "estimates for the new year! the (tt rivet ), which forces Its t it le shall apply to all passenger mid college nt the place designated Cesarlo tiai'cla and tleoriie P. Hrown, mid I wish such Information upon thlm t.MCIAL 01. PATCH TO MORNINO JOUSNALl way through of once equi Judg-meri- lo on note $250 given the ruins the I gnent handled on mixed truins for twenty years. Subsequent to t, recover a for noint as mny be available. I do not Santa Ye, Dec. S. Instcud of a beautiful iil.uioera n.i.ll BALDRIDGE and to cabooses of local freight trains and affirmance of the same In for legul servleea. llur b'o In 1915, it j have-rebuil- t LUMBER COMPANY caro for elaborate reports at this summer school at Hantii authorized to carry passengers. railway corps the bridge, as jis proposed to New Mexico Insti this court, tho college authorities al time, but lo have as early the 7 All passengers Pablo Is lii Again. !and our colon de- mid mixed train lowed a mortgago to be foreclosed PAROID ROOFING with possible such Information as can bo tute of Science and Education to Santa Fc, Dee. 8. Pablo Archuleta, are floating over it. Wo are In gen- 15 arriving at scheduled stopping points upon the property, quit-claim- Its readily Please furnish the vote the week before. July 4 to his- eral staff works In its assembly hall," secured. shall be stopped at depot platforms equity of redemption in same, who has been In trouble with the year . desired at the enrliCBt toric pageants and miracle plays the was today on ouarante. information for the purpose of receiving or dis- abandoned the enterprise, and became courts before, arrested date practicable." this In view of the enormous tourist charge of striking Juan Scdillos charging passengers and the stopping insolvent. Held, the defendant Is en- the City are great- that will be pouring through w n hear- Silver and MoRoilon travel of such trains adjacent to coal chutes, titled to relief In Ibis court against ith a rock and was held for ly Interested In the proposed aero- Fe ut that time. freight ing before Justice of the Peace Jose summer school warehouses and other struc- tho enforcement of the Judgment. plane mail service. Besides serving It la sued that a tures, endangering safety of pas- Marin C.urcla. big crowd as it will the While thl? court refuses to hold that Mosrollon, one of the most Important will not draw as a sengers, Is prohibited. ! tho undent writ of audits querela Is camps in southwest, year following because of tho gold mli.lnsr the the A special effort shall be made to not still available In this Jurisdiction, territory In which are.! lo the Pacific coast by every continguous trend run all passengers and mixed trains the heller practice Is held to be nn CARRATJZA live- one who possibly raine the price, JAKES other thriving mining camps and can on scheduled lime; and the work of application to by part of that travel to the the court motion for stock and farming communities far To deflect mixed trains shall be arranged so that tho relief required. ex- - capital and to New Mexico, It Is urged ' from rail communication such trains will arrive at Junction The opinion Is l,y Justice Frank W. way City would such a fiesta during which Los cept by of Silver be; that points where connections are made Parker. J. II. Atkinson appeared for j Los Oomanohes and other -- OVER AND served. It would place these isolated Paslores, with other trains in sufficient tlmo to pluitillff. There was po appearance ROADS places in almost direct touch by mail plays would be produced and the New n prize make uch connections. for the defendant. with tho railroad. Mexico scenario crowned with being understood that compli - exposition commission, be It hv tho ance with the foregoing shall not acted, winding up with a DeVargns To Test Hoad Material. F0UR-C0L0- R COVER TO conflict with the provisions or re Santa I'V, Dee, 8. This lesling of WIRE SERVICE pageant on July W would prove a i quirements of any stato or federal road material can now be done in im1' BOOK IS trump card nml at the same tlmo A nVwwA EXPOSITION statute. New Mexico according tn official an- nouncement, made todaj. The ma A THING OF BEAUTY! A committee consisting of five SANTA RAILROAD chinery and equipment tor this work MONNIHO Wlsr) '' '" j of the institute has Just FE TO tV JOURNAL .Pf CIAL UVA.IP members has been In. lulled in a testing plant no.Miiio jouhnau ) ;ecn by President Fuipert Vera Cruz, Dec. 8. Kvery railroad, ..mciai tiATe to appointed BLOW UP A MOUNTAIN at the College ami among the Ke, Dec. 8. Gorgeous is the consists of the following: Slate telegraph tind telephone line In the Santa (spUmd and Hist materials to bp tested are to he four-col- cover received for X. 1J. Iaughlin, territory now tinder tho control of .lust thej0K0 Ri Sena. Mrs. brick from the penitentiary and clay Xew Mexico Official souvenir Hook, P jiera, Arthur Pehgman and IWKIAL CONSI.POHOtNC. TO HOSMIN JOUHNALI the constitutionalists was taken over r k. 8. and limestone from tho foothills near by exposition commission, in Santa Fe, Dee. It was official- today by the Cnrrnnza government tho Paul A. F. Walter. ly today Santa, Snntu Fe. The amount of material re tho center is a picture of thu announced that the Fe Announcement of this netlnn was will blow up an rtioun-tai- n quired for a test Is: Paving brick, In New Mexico building, the Church railroad entire made a decree Issued by General TELLS OF PREHISTORIC on Its right of wny near liar-slo- 1) specimens; broken stone, Carranzo, step nt Aroma, framed by the sturdy who asserts that this A will lie dug Into the pounds; gravel, two quarts; sand, one was necessary by of two trees, whose leave arc CITY tunnel made the require trunks 'SKYSCRAPER' hill und a charge of dynamite Is to quart; day, two quarts. menls of the military campaign. in colors. i autumn crumplo It tip. An excursion of Together with the cover came the Ses-orr- Santa Fe, Dec. 8. the Maya to witness the blowing up of County AhwcmmhoiiI Itoll. AtTlOV IIFSII.' i:i i iiom Indian and " half tone cuts for the skyscraper city, was the subject this tho obstacle to a more perfect grade, Santa Fe. Dec 8. The corrected NKCI wai: articles, about forty pic- xsitiix of flood Itonds evening of a most interesting lecture Is to be run till the way from Chicago. assessment roll of Socorro county, most atriking interest, tures of the O. Money, Iteseartlt As- The Santa Fe In addition lo n huge sent to the traveling auditor fur his Washington, Dec. 8. ft. Zuharan photographs especial- by S.vlvanus taken from fine of the Carnegie Institution, order for steel rails, has also ordered final O. K., shows that the total valu Capmany, head of the local constitu ly book. The articles sociate made for the but for n number of years Central 100 tank cars from the Pressed Steel ation of the county Is $1 1,28,87 and tionalist agency, received the follow dwellings and mission Car-ranz- a on the cliff American Fellow of tho School of Car company, at a cost of $250,000. theiefore, has passed Santa Fe coun ing telegram today from General will also be bountifully Is $3,762.-!N- fl In churches ; American Archaeology anel one oi ty. The taxable valuation Vera Cruz: tuxes collected "English the recognized authorities on'i, Maya lllg Train of Oranges, ThA total to tie railway Interest have chronology w ho has made a number Santa Fe, Dec. 8. Tho longest is 1 1(18,250.1 4, of which ;i,:ii.i) i is not been injured. Acting In accordance Fe Personals exploration trips in Yucatan and train of navel oranges In the history for special levies, almost 4j,iiii tor with Article 145, Section 10 of the Santa iof of Guatemala to study the Maya monu of the Santa, Fe rnllrnnd passed Lamy slate purposes and more1 than railway law, I assumed control the Old Santa wny county purposes. Mexican railway. Out of necessity a (HCIAL COMKN0.NCt TO MONIN JOUaNAll ments. Mr. . Morley said that Tikal today on the from Porterville, for wag part of track had to be removed. Santa-Fe- , Dec. 8. Deforest Lord was probably the largest and possibly Calif., to Kansas City. The train the Appreciafes good coffee and he Neitarle;. was destroying will roturri (his week from the Cul- oldest of tho Maya cities. There almost half a mile long, consisted of (iovcrnor Appoint! but this done without tho 8. Mc- by employes of Ihe academy in Indiana, to found oldest dated monu 53 cars, with 21,200 boxes of orf.nKcs Sunta Fe, Dec. Governor the roadbed nnd knows too that the best is always ver Military are the following Work was con- - holidays at the ments, dale being a. valued at more than 145,000. The Donald today appointed tho company Itself whose the Chrb.tmas the oldest Hi of the made with an Electric Percolator, parents, Mr. and also most recently dated, oranges were growa In Tulare coun- notaries public: Brtjumln Batichc. lined to the removal rails. AVIIIows, with his D. and the Demlngl charge of tho Inter- - Mr. Kenehan city wan occupied ty and had been Inspected by the fed- Socorro; A. W. Pollard, "I also took Mrs. A. B, Renehan. showing thnt the e, Get one for your wife this year, Maya Italph M. Parsons, Itoswell; J. F. Oceanic railway and the terminal arrives tomorrow at Aztec, San Juan lor a longer time than the other eral authorities. Koehler; Clarence L. liowlds, company Interests nere. Military - county, Washington I C., to cities. Its architecture is the most Price $5,00 only for a good per- from are 72 Heavy Snows Itcportori, Sunta Fe; Onofre F, Sandoval, "Albu- necessity required that this be done.. appear for the defense in the Cooley massive. In the fireat PluM 8. Reports all No Kngllsh merchandise has been colator, , . stelae, of which 12 ere carved, while Santa Fe, Dec. from querque. murder trial. painted. over New Mexico Indicate a seized. Ore taken from the American P.. P. Ervlen ,h remainder were probably northern land Commissioner Maya heavy snowfall, especially In the foo- To Issue. Certificate- - Sattuday. Smelting & lleflnlng Co, has been re Ttemember we giving MeOuinness will The finest wood carving In the that are free and Attorney W. J. useu as A telephone message from Santa Ke, Dec, 8. The Btate can- turned, pursuant to my order. chances on three electrical appliance ii v. fffMsr Washington Mists at Tikal, being thill. iit thu ..iir r0 Mora to Secretary of Stnte Lucero says vassing board expects to be in posi- to lie given away on the day before thev onitu tn the nrincipal temples, Mr. Morgan had occa of that the fail of snow there was quite tion by Saturday to Issue election Gore, Ga., P. A. Christmas. (me chance with every apVearedVr slare before the abo told thriiiin sion recently to use a liver medicine purchase made one the America'"0. and heavy. Santa Fe had a slight snow- certificates, expecting by that time the and chance with of j journey in Central says of Foley Cathartic Tablets: every j retary of the interior on matters his enough, election returns and and hill paid at our office befor-- fall thl forenoon, not hard return of all the They thoroughly cleansed my system W II 04 consequence In state land mat- - was W pre- the h. He sure and ask for your much int0 member-- , however, to Interfere with the laying poll books duly Blgned by the and I felt like u new man light and vm 'ship "the meeting over which of brick for the paving around the cinct election officers. free. They are the best medicine 1 at plaisa. ever 'taken for constipation. They John It. have Visitor to ..jjugde Good Enrollment at Doming. keep tho stomach sweet, liver active, 8.-- Jude O. a Albuquerque Gas, .Santa Fe. Dec. Edward Mrs., James Mak,"' Cfniiiiiltee Dlscusse-- Club Welfare. Fe, Dec, 8. Superintendent bowels reaular." Foley Cathartic. Tab Eledric M Santa In A! who was W. let arc stimulating action, and Mann of Albuquerque, inW. ?k'0 a:A. Santa Fe, Dec. 8. The manuging J. It. Taylor today reported an enroll- today on business before the 3ames W. Norment at neither gripe nor sicken. They are Santa Fe of A committee of tho Santa Fe Woman's ment of 932 In the public schools wholesome and thoroughly cleansing, Light & Power Co. some time Koehler Jr, Pul-ac- (nam supreme court, spent E. W. club ut a meeting held In the e Deming, an average attendance of 781 peo- Others Vogt of ""W'tnuo. and and keep tho liver tietive, Stmit at the Museum of New Mexico. zartman of the Governors today transact- while 434 pupil have thus fur been ple them. For sale by Hull's, Ine Central Ave. Kochlef, A. S. Wright of Cleveland,. like who reglalered were A. B. Prof, ed a largs amount of business In- neither absent nor tardy. Albuquerque: Mf. and Mrs. volving the welfare of organiza- ran,. Jr., of the Willis-to- n, Claus' The LEADER, Santa Claus' J. A. Cooper, and C.len Cooper. The LEADER, Santa tion, discussed the. matter of main- Applications Coming Karl,v. Mnuntain-nir- : 8. 75 ap- N. D.; W- - P. Hopkins- will be taining at Sanla Fe during Hie legis- Santa Fe, Dec. Already Headquarters, will be oper J. A. Orsav. New Orleans: U. D. Headquarters, MM lative session, a representative of the plication for 1915 automobile licenses .. T I . .. . Tt . lnnnnlt. Secre- evenings now until ivciis. " 'pUPn tinS from now unm Federation of tho Women' clubs and have arrived at Ihe office of from r 3- - ,w York; S. D. Tremte, i.. n. ratified the action of the committee tary of State Antonio Lucero. The Christmas. ihle. Philadelphia; K. T. Root, DonM ChrjstmaS. Ion the municipal ChrlBtman tree, new number, are white on red. ver, Cofri. '. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOUnLUy WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER 1914. F0U.7 9, -

' FORCE- 1 Sufferers From jlijl jijjf HENRY'SCOTTflfJ CARRAUZA - IN THE WORLD OF SPORT Tuberculosis BILL IS BE1TEN MOVES AGAINST Imt a numlier of Inlerpotlni' rpnolu-tlo- GARRISON tnei't-Iti- Bf HOUSE VOTE VILLA were adopted lit tin. flrnt R VERS LOSES tniiK-limp- Indigestion COLLIfJS SALE of Ihp ju'lilor orminlnilon " In which a policy of finum liil Should Try r Irenchmciil wa i leiirly itlK. prnnlilP. An nmeniliopfit to Hip coiiHliiulion wi, Men on, Rail- - I r Soveral Radical Mcasmes Arei Has His BY ATHLETICS fuli.ptPil liiultiriK Hip tiumlier of piny-r- 10 DUNDEE II Salaar Whiskey i Malt to he cnrlleil l.y nny elnh lielwc-i- Promptly S(iif'lclir:(l by De- road and Is Waiting for Duffy's Pure Hie period from May 1 lo I to i wi iiiy-on- cisive Vote of Arms Ammunition for What Doctors Say (,Pmm lliirn-ilnriolii- LAST WHITE SOX LONG BOUT Them, our publisl.inR the 'names ami Id At other limefi Hip minimum limit Professional pilqtirtte forbids nddrri : the opinions below 1 hey are not tes .mo- - waa fixed nt tlilrly-llve- . Imrlliir Hip of t ,c drntors who wrote of physicians observations, a few of hundreds and you peim.n of ISM the limit Wild plmeil III nials but records mi JOUBNAI. ,!. IKIU WIKH -- o.,-. -u-- .t ma. lia. confidence in them as if you had jiersoiially heard p Ihlrty-fivp- , 0mn n.ay j.lace the same twcnly-fh- and Imt lout K. col- - WaahliiKton, I pp, K. Hi prenenio I'iimo, Tex., Dec. Strona or- Fl the doctors' opinions in consultation. IS CONFIRMED neanon thlp rule wa aiiMpctiilpi) In Mexican Leads in First Eleven wero repori-eoitii- n live lloniyV fiiUit for r.,niM),Ono In i umim of Ciirrnimn troopa prevent Hip FpiIpihI Ipiikhp " der lo currency to deposit In and to. ed todav na moving; fmm Coahuili ' " of I have treated a number of cases ra. Sessions, but Italian Has If I mywlf had Lung Trouble from olituiiilng irotniHliiK iilay I with Dufiy'g l.acco belt hanka for Hip relief of the Klulc with IIP ooject or nimiKioK any character, I would use nothing of Capillary Hrondutis A rpdoliitlnn nlHn wna which Mex- Whiskey mlrl'l Him Nearly Out Toward farmer of thime aeetlotm collapaed .lrap!lcnl point In central Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey." Pure Malt and it did the 1 nn pi,iIp(, dnl up- the but flxod March the in Hip Iioiiko today. ico now held by the, Vlln convention M. P. work when others failed. , Announcement Produces Stir on which n eluh could report for con- - End. laler the limine adopted one of the troopa. The KarrlBon nt Torreon M. D. Hprinir Irnlnimr, hut UiIm l iindcralood Ipb men, stood the Among Magnates Gathered a d ml ii InI ration rurrcni-- menHrcM niiiln of than ono thoiiKand "Yojr Malt Wliiskey has mil to Hip Individual fprlnu Its is indicated in i'iiut which the cotton fillbiiHler blocked with about an equal numoor ut test of years. value " I consider Duffy's Pure Malt Whis- irnlnltiK of velpran pitchpra who may as a Stomachic." at New York for National i.r aoHNa ,ou..t trrriAL n.tio wihi lat uetobcr, n bill to iimend the fed City and leas nt Juarez, lh" I'ubi rculosis and key one of the best Tonics in all cases deflrp to work a or two ahead l.oa Dec, g, . M. D. Anifpe, Johnny Dun eral repprve law so na lo border Port herp. of debility caused by Bronchial Trou-hie- Hip nuthoiize I League Meeting, of eluh (Mpiad, TIip Ipiikhp Wf nl dee. Hip New York llfchtwelKht uninpil (he Tl.rt Moot-Il- l federal leader. federal rPncYve hoard, in It!) dis- a case of Phttissis It will not disappoint if properly on record na oppofpd to harnHtormln',' a dfclHion oypr Joe Itivera of (leneral Ynex ftalaiar, moved hia Bmall "Recently had Im cretion, to InrrciiHo without limit the Pulmonuris (Consumption) and al- used." trlpa afier thn clone of the KPiiKon and In at twenty-roun- d AiiU'lea tnnlitht In th of a. force today to the line of tho Mexk'o draw-u- amount (iPcepiMncpa whleh hank though the patient was in the last . a roinmittpp wa appointed to Inltlp to ba Binned in Cali- Northwepiern between Juarez M. D. TRANSFER IS MOVE TO may mnkp buned on the exportation railroad of the disease, I put her upon a Hunan thin iiIiuxp na nn 1 fct?Hes rnverlnu fornia before the H n - i.rle flxht law or Importation nnd Caaaw OrnndeB. American ranch- of kooiIm. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and there " Wilis-ke- y Hiiipnrtmpnt to thp conxtltutlon nt the Iipi ( Hnl-az- I consider Duffy's Pure Malt COMBAT FEDS PERHAPS oiiipb ffectlve. thp men arriving" here reported that ap- Of two othpr currency bllln, oiip was marked improvement in the valuable stimulant in cases of next annual meptinjr. lilvera hud a allude over Hip Itnl- - was awaiting arm before nuiklng a waa Bent back to the committee lo be petite and digestion. The evening Im- AccordlnK to Hecretary ll.ydler. , ,,. ,.,.,.,. -- ,.,, Exhaustion, General Debility and noi,,, pltrcon-holp- nny on Vllln garrinona. d nnd the oiher rejected ntlacka thn fevers gave way and the general tem- refprencp wna miiilp lo thp proponprt a- paired Digestion." of Afier that Dunden look the lend na unnrceaHitry. Thp would have They Btated that hp hud InriJtf perature became normal." Also in Line With Policy rxlpnalon of thp world aoilpa from firm - and nlmoat had lllvera out In Hip nine-- fed- nunihir of unarmed men at hla eoni- M.D. M.D. I ' pprmlttPd uipmber lunik of the BPVen to hlllP RHinoa, the Pdernl j weptcii Equalizing Strength of the teenlh mid twentieth. eral reaerxe Byatem to depoKlt for mnnd in nevernl aectinna of leuKUP or Hip conll'ox ei sy belwpen Hip hft bepn I temporary period fed- - Chihuahua atnte. Salazar 'a within the I Duffy's and Keep Well" Clubs; Negotiations for Sale Ilronklyn and Cincinnati clnha rpwarrt. j lolnpd by two formpr federal genera Ik. "Get Clainit tlfc DoimiI Him. !ir:it rnuil'to hntiL u (hnh m.i ii.m tt Iho i Inif thp money Involved In tha Tinkor . la PxppctPd for-- fanu, Fo, Dee. 8. Tl.ut hla rpouired cxint- - A"Man.-- from the of Yanks Under Way, of liiHt aprinit. wifPnk rcBPrvea l.v the ' deal 'opl-ji,- mcr party wiiicn upnpifl Sold ip sealed bottles only never kepi him under the Inriuence of law to he kppt In the yaulln. "clentiflco Xpiv In Hip Plu-- and Huprta gnvprmnpnta. No -- tiriior. ntea, the alrange charge mado by j The aenate nmendnienl to the hill in bulk by most druggists, gro- TIip Iphriip adopted n reaoliitlnn nggrf-HSiv- p inovpmpnt by the Villa Chtiuncpy A. Flower In a divorce aultjm provide f,,r nn Inereio-e- iibp of aoitNiM jauss.t iMtui mill wiaii Kianllng troops been mflde pltlmr ngnlnst cers and dealers, $1.00 a large bot- 'v Although lh tho National fiadnclatlrin a aguliiKt hla wlfa Fmmn, flM at Car- - j eommen Inl miner: nn lo mo ner cent hns New York, Dec mpitiber Hip aa on Joint pluylnif rulpi riwixo, 10 he IJIB Sultizur or the Cnrrnnza forces far , accept Nniiunal and lnl'"i nm U I league! but heard nt Crimea f ,h. ,,nimnalre,l caoital and aurnliif, tle. Refuse substitutes (ommlllpp, thua IncrPimlng thp merri- - 01 n d officials here know. sdiipied several Important resolutions ni j mia wpck neinre nm in 11 IiukIh i.nliirffAni'i' r ui'rftiii. nn. original. booklet bPiMlilp to seven, major tf Official rpportH from Mexico j only the Medical today, the for each trlct .ludgo K. K Medler. An order to' th- - Aldrlel,.Vpeel-Mi- . w w.n 'llla nf their nniiiisl nuetlhgs the t.'-- Ipiiuup In rpfirpwuteil by niPtn-bp- r. City today thP commit Inform three. nhow aiiBP why u receiver ahonld not Tv,.hll.1(1 f y said thnt and doctor's advice free if you American lenu represented Jienry, r'otron curreni ' A new board of director litao tnke, ( 1 compoKpd of 21 mprnbera of the Agusa city 'y President Mini ha appointed to harge ot Plain-- ninn. If wa I eiiteti m r.t Mr ally in this l til Calientea met yester- write, . mag-tinj- s, waa elpctPd In h ppron of Jlnrney tlff'a a f fa Ira haa been entered. convention had Johnson and ("vi ti.i ,if the Huh Thej CiIhkb then tried to withdraw the corn- - Duffy Co., DreyfiiH, C. II. Khhetta, Harry Mnrr-inan- - day, elected new offlccra and udjourn. ,1 The Malt Whiskey Ihe baseball senn.i-tlo- n Iiiiiiiiuii uppiiioiu oe nan lnl "I'iO paper bill, explaining It waa furnished J, F. iluflncy II. N. Hemp- - inerclnl ed until January 1, when the entire Rochester, N. Y. ilny. and mien rroni miBinewa ror Beverni no of the mteiid. longer dcBlred or necentiary, hut ccnventlon will nipet. Thia body la mm league executive montha by hla wife. It th junior Mr. Henry objected and the hill went Ihe only executive group of the Villa formally confirmed the Ootil - who (Oi l INN M WSUV. ( l.t It to a vote and wua rejected on n nio- government working In conjunction Collins, Mlf ,'BK which transferred Kddln thf ih iM i: iiv cai,i,aiiav Hon of Mr. (JIunb by to 2S. with Provisional President Outlerrea Philadelphia Athletic' star secou I i:m:t Glass-Pai-nt and (leiierala Villa nnd Znpata. All was baseman, from Hi' Philadelphia, to Hi Chicago, Ipp. , An Inferential an The LEADER,:'Santa Cans' reported officially bh quiet at the na- Cement-Plaste- Chicago lub, mid who slated thiit tha for- LUMBER r nouncement thnt l.ddlo Colllna, tional capital. American league n negotiating for mer l'lillndelphlii Becond hiiaetnnn, Headquarters, will be open New club Gil purchase of York hf Company the the wna to manage ihe Chicago Amerlcitna ARE BARRED FROM wii.i cipin. nttna rati at th Jour- - Albuquerque Lumber i'ol. Jin'iil liuppcrt, h prominent next year wua imulo toduy by Juriiea evenings from now until nil nfrio. 423 North First Street brewer of this city. Cullahun, year manager of Kox for three Christmas. Tli O'nl whereby the White the Huh, ChIIuIhiii, while avoiding: Collins cro-iitfi- l, obtained the wcrvlces of any explicit declaration, laaued a oooooooooooooooooooooooooo n oiiiiiiotlon among thn mag- O Mliilement wlahlng Colllna biucchm In IIGLISB GAFES Ilesl for kidneys Sars Is'tir. O iiml of Various Dr. J. T. K. Neal, Creenvllle, Ho. CHICHESTER S PILLS DRUMMER ALLEYS nates malinger tha hnndllng th VVhltp Kox next year, o Buy Your HRAN'll. league leagues, foll- Car., nays that In his 30 years of ex- o Ask major and minor I.Mlil llrtlcflat ft a FOU EXERCISE. , owing closely upon thn request for perience he has found no prepara- o I l'l-- . h trl,liBoi.JIlrd ( ONMIF. M CU Wll.l, IHKI'XT tion the kidneys equal to 1'oley o Lumber, Glass, Paints I'HUIn II r4 and ilid nwulllAv waivers on Pitchers Hinder, Plnnk fur o ttalt.1 mlh liluc KiUxxi. Vx m game of ten pint, M V YOllk ( l i lt, HtTI :i Kidney Pills. In back nnd hips !.,?'ftk Ruy r -- mir Trj Coombs Jump of first U;it Pain o lfir. unit and the the Rule Excluding Alien Enemies Is an Indication , lrnt?lrt. AUlf IIM iflK.TFSfS tot West Gold. league, or(kl'K'y trouble o and Cement l'IA.MOXI II,(A Ml I'll.l.M, (or US two pitchers to the federal New York, Dee. 8. A report In "Ir- - ' warning to build up ihe weakened o yem linowa in lint, Sliest. AUlvt KHInbl thn rapid disintegration of the fumniii tonight. Regarded as Triumph for kidneys, vigorous, ridding o culatlon In connection with j make them o SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERVK'KLRE Mack machine stunned even those the proponed aal of the Yankee, wna' your blood of acids nnd poisons. Foley o At the Union Labor; War Neces- Kidney pills will help nny cusp of kid - ;The WM. FARR COMPANY clowly allied wllh the business end that Connie Mack, manager of thej , o ney bladder trouble not heyon 1 o of tho gnme. l'lillndelphlii waa figure j and LUMBER t'nlon Barber Shop. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In AtliletlcR, to sary to Bring It About, the reach ot medicine. In 50c ami o SUPERIOR Mack (Jets Two Kox. In hy dlMpoliig I'hlln- - i JOK CASMAS, Prop. FRESH AND SAIA' tha ileal of hla i 11.00 aiies. Bold in your town MEAT! A, Comiekpy of 1 0.". T'rtmlnVnt Charles delphla Intereata, buying an intereal Putt's, Inc. & MILL CO. X. First street.. Sausage Specialty the Chicago club, hn rinsed thti deal In tha local club and coming here to t AnKiH'lKlrit I'rpM rrrpoiiitMU',t rur au.i0 inn nogs ine Hip re- t 1 ainm with Collins during forenoon, Kne-mie- Reaidla from Ji'iirnnHH-nn- ., . manage thn team. No eonf Irmntlo.i London, Nov. 25. "No Allen n il.( IOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OO0 BnlU from Jon rati want Market Prices Ar Paid. of the fused to stale thi exact terms of tha report could be obtained Kmployed In Thia Kaluhllah-ment,- " he had transaction, Hi' said that tonight. Is one of tho nlgna now con- flvc-yc- signed Collins to a contract fronting .Londoners n t(,e majorlly agreeing to pnv thn Phllndel" after of thp rpftauriirits, tea nhopa and ent-in- g giving Con-il- l j'hla i hih a ciinh sum and Among the Bowlers hniifpa of the 'middle nnd cheap Hip .select onn or Mm k right to grades. Somn go eveni further nnd player the White Hog ros- two from IIOWTIIFY KTM. j "No Allen Kiicmic Arc Km- source It wns re- ! ter. Prom another w. u Pi t ployed or Served." i ported Comlskey Hip Phila Unit give Wizards 2 U .'. This la a triumph tor the llriliah I'iO, Odd Collins' re- delphia rliih for C. C 24 U Walters' union, tho war, pay Hip hip sum fieforn lease umt agreed to mi A. A A U 1.1 .fl7 monopo- Hip next from the continent In Iho second baseman during llubba i't IK .571 lised culling years. ihe waiters' throughout five C. N. M 21 21 .600 Fiiglnml, except In n few of old TIip was considered nn excel-I'- the deal Hnyiila IS 22 .450 fuNhloneil Ilrltinh estahllshmentH, par- iiiid frmn nn Aniprtfim lonuuc Colta IT 22 .4:10 ticularly those In the heart of lin-do- n Don't Let This fl;Miiliiiiiil rIiii'p it kIVpii Hip 1 4 t'hlrn flrocera 24 .IHIK where no old guard of litiHincm i lull iitio of the,of Ihn riiiup t'l Mght Co 2H .3:1.1 U men llvlnir up In the tradillona of n wpuk dpot In Hi- - WIiIIp Hnx lln-- ii till Cnnla Fe . . , , 18 2 .3.13 former generations remain fiiithful lit h I'mc when Hip I't'iliTiil k'HKUi' to their turtle soup, nnd beef steak One Bounce Off rliih Ih pt'Ppul'lim to WiiKP H hiltr? MATCH TONKillT. nml bottle of port, for their midday ronton for Thli Huo piitroniiBP during Mght Co. va, Colts. ruetil. nml cling lo famous old resorts the wiihoii of 1915. i'Iorp followprs w hich may have been clean and com- - Take this straight from of hotlnili in rhiliii1t lihln hhvp It IIWHK ti I iimiw i'ol-lin- according lo the standards Hit Ir opinion Umt lh rdpfip of n Alti: t ill (M l) HV V AKSITV ,,'".',h!n a of Dickens' Thuekery's lime but Uncle, it won't cost you l.y romii Muck la lino wllli and Would command the of Hip rrfioriPil policy of Hip I'liUi'ilcl-(ihif- l The Ciilvernlty tenin won two gnmea attention red cent when you are lead-er- a the board of health in nn American In I'Pilucp ppcnfip to .1 of Kh match with the Wlxards, dull city. r eady for a tobacco that will point in lino wMh thP xnlP rpccipli of the Handicap league, hint night HotcU Manniil hy foreigners. umt the Aini-i'lcHi- i IcngiiP Jiliih ut the Drummer alley. absolutely satisfy crav- The stuffs, of Knglish that Li rctiiljiixl Hip idrciiiUh of VHi'lotm The score: the larger WIZAHDS- -.. 1 2 3 I hotels, from the manager's office to i liihw fn tlip Junior ornniitlon, Toln ing for a smartless, biteless .1. ; Ii lichen, were by foreign-- I moo.oon for Y iihI.k, AVHson I'R ITtl 200 551 the manned P. 1,1 era. Alnat of these hotels are owned smoke that smells sweet That Koch ii inmpinpiit IK lillili'r Wilson 125 1X5 44ft Hott MO : by companies and the stockholders ivu.v (ihown v Hip prpmulurp JS4 1S5 479 and clean and tastes good liipukiim of iho Hlory Unit I'ri'HliJi'iU Hnynes 14" H 110 349 placed dividends before loyalty to 1 ilii'lUsh em-- JoIiiinoii uiul olhcr miinniiloH wptc McDanleln . , , 4X 1 J7 1 4 ti 421 servutiis, when llrltlhh ! and wholesome, just you j plujes hdd proven profitable tryinit to Inl TPut m iv local cnpilnllRiii been less liens, .Hermans, Sw iss Itnl- - mosey around to the near- in the 'pw Vor; Aniciicnn Iphkup Tolalw 717 704 R2 2,2T t.nn and V, N. M hud taken the hotel and reslau- - i lull. Hliu p Hip (I'oiiIiIp Which jlans est shop where they, ex- by j l.i'inico ,Mnii:irr Krnnk Worcester . . , , l 70 Hfl l 2 492 'rant business storm, I'hunco iind thp pipk'iii owner of til W'nnd 114 170 1K1 4ti5 The Hrltlsh Walters' union clamor-Sljjpi- L change pipe food for the coin chili aiiipiIciii liiiKiu1 munntpi Weese . , K 1 0K 107 for recognition vainly until the oirur Kdlngtnn newspapers up' of the Republic and ask for hnxp ho u Piuti nvoi inn tii uirmmo n 149 HI 120 420 ar. Then the took 1 4ii 4,1? caKP, therp has a lo-- iiritnmi iil In Hi! rlly. iNilonrl Kmnions 139 172 lis nnd resulted t , . . sweep Koppprt wMft Hppiniii Ic (1 throiiKh (ln. Handicap) is j ISrt clean of Hermans, Austrlans' p nml Swiss who speak wllh a Gcr- - i iiiiinli fr'rntt mill foiuiil ici cinh to of I big n jiI'omii:Ii inn o puii'liioc the Npw Totals 73!l 7K0 X24 2.333 ma ii invent. The hotels ara too York iluli iriiiii'lilnc. I'lcMliUnt I'rank J dignified to placard their windows' jwilh Hie signs .1 Fnri. ll nml U illimn s, Ucvcry, Hip NEW MOVIE MAN ADDED that alien enemies are, )i'ilciiiil Mloi k holder, ore uiulorntoo,) not employed, bill they make a more, lo plmcil ii viiIup of $j0,(IOt TO CHASE BELL'S STAFF conspicuous ami more diplomatic j their holiliniJK, It uiuli'lslooil thn( jshow of patriotism by covering their j flags ii tul loyal mottoes. ; I'elomil )!uiicit icuui.);ted u frlchil (.mcim. .i,...rH t. H.O.NIN. '''nt with ,o tnvi'NtlK itc llie poUMililllllPii of Ihn Sunlit l Dee N A lirni iie of I The case of Uermiin I'pstntirants ; I. professed iloh in nil Hint Iho liter n ported t hut the Kolux Motion picture company land shops which have lo Ai (purvey It opppiir. d to he ii (jiio.l IiiihIiipkm pro. studio of Kurt, N. J arrived last genuine Herman foods ami Copyright ,i beets, Is especially pathetic. Cine of hi by position, allhuuKh Hie irlc h!ch. night and has bci n employed by the R. J. Seynoldtlu t'olotip liuppefl li in I 'rench I tick Knnta K Motion Picture company t'j the latter, which has many brunches the national joy smoke TolHtcco Co. UprlnRM, IihI., ti ml his piuolnm In the assist Chaae Hell In 'rushing out the in London, has filled lis windows with ripni loulil r.ot I'p iisi'pi tHlued. It to New Mexico exposition films, ltrache signs that Us sausages nre made from untlprclooil, howpver, Hint hp Iuih of. was recently 'employed In thp Hiiu-mo- nl Hritlsh pork ut Us own factory In Ihe fncil l(M),ooO fur Hip clul, ii ml H!i-p,.- t studio, I'arls, ami Is an expert north of Knglnnd, and also makes This is the one tobacco in these good to (reel u iipw Ktjulhim tor Hip Yun-ke- p in toning, printing and finishing. of Its contributions to old U. S. A. that's If he gets, l he fianchlsp. The 35,000 feet of exposition film the Prince or Wales' Keller fund. An- minus the tongue bite and broil Why? tiiii-rlco- lviiriK' to Slept. have been developed nnd tonight the other explains that the alien owners Because they're Johtipon, while he did hot force started on printing Ihe positives were bought out by Hritish capital j ! taken out by a patented process controlled exclusively deny that the Aim riciui I. mhup h so that U II the films will be ready for years ngo. but the Herman name was us. ni'MOtlHiPd wllh Ciilniiel Kuppprt, shipment to ttnn Diego by December i retained keep the old customers. V by t thp (li ul "H. per- cl.tled hot Imd imt luen The first moving picture Buy a tidy red tin Mild nnuht et f.tll lhr.uih. formance In the New Mexico bulldlnw IVaclicrs' Ccrlillcale. ' of P. A., 10c, or a toppy red bag, 5c, to carry 1 hp iirfrnp of T. I., IIiihIuu, b form, r Is scheduled for the opening ceremon- Santa Ke, Dec. S. The department on your hip for pipe and cigarette I'nited Ctiitfii Mi'iny eoKineer, win ies (it midnight on the last day of of education today Issued the follow- ammunition; but for home M yenr. A. and office use buy imtdo fort a n In Hhmuiu harbor, the ing cerlifli ntes: first grade, I.ois the joyous crystal-glas- s humidor w county: that comes work, linkpd Willi Unit of Colonel Parker, lierlno. Dona Ana with a pound purchase of good Kuppprt In thp purchase of th Yn-ke- r. GOVERNOR GIVES LAND Hessle Cavanaugh, I'lill.shoro; third old P. A. It keeps the tobacco Mr. Hunton hhIJ thnt hp wai glade, Kertho. Snelson, of Plain. Quav pipe-n-t and in prime smoking condition down to not flnanclnlly InlprelPd In Hip dpiil FOR PUBLIC PLAYGROUND county, " . 5 " the last pipeful. Ion hurt coniultPtl by Colonel Paste this little suggestion in your hat against Christmas-t- Jtuipprt to th, BdviHpbllily of pur-chasl- (BPICIftl TO MOSNINB Clancy Hives Information. he hs CSMlONDIMCB JOUSNAU crystal-glas- s humidor thP eluh. riant Ke, IVc, S. Olovernor V. C Sunt Ke, Dec. S. Harry 8. Clancy, A makes a man-siz-e gifty gift. Jt wjs roporlcd that thpr will tip a McDonald has donated aeverul lots for assistant attorney general, telegraph- ineclInK of ihf Ampiicnn Ipusiip In thW a public playground at Carrlnueo, his ed to the county clerk at Clevis today ij :l ity on Friday Hi which tlm transfer home town lit Lincoln county. , in reply to a sirs, iu follows: "Cer- R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO of thp Yunkf-- Will I'P poiiHUlered The hoys and girls of Hie Methodist tificate of ni knowledgment of mort- CO., Winstoalem, N. C from oil unelv and thp J jxvwihly church at Carriitoxo are helping the gage requires "a stamp, Mort-gane- s conipleied if mltohle lprm n hp executive to place swings, crossbnrs, do not require a stamp." if MjrPod upon. ' trapeup, croquet, tennis, bnsketbnll Want ft blrK upbiI Or th Iphrup mannatp Tall-p- d and other equipment and apparatus emn!ov? Tho National Iwtier Krmtp M sfrsr'K Max ef lh io (liwcloKo any nitniliir (or outdoor exerci and pastime. on in K.Iuiub uf Hit J.iutnul. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1914. FIVE at one, the carpenter shop wan 'ftient In International law fur avrd with little low. This probably iGrNERAL BEYERS SIIOT; OUCH! LUMBAGO? FME Would d fmilli.n of ihe right of Die neutral have been reduced somewhat GOAL if Ui central company HOiO im opposed to the rliitu nf the bellig- IS BELIEVED DEAD mil carried enough M , nose, miti erent. .lelt le. lou It ( ...',....,, scve-iat-l ltclil'Vi'4. I'lulorlylng the speeches j The company's plans for the new tr mohwina jcimnai. .pteiti. It re wiast ..... made by diplomat a , Rhnpg include an the was note of .loliuiimbtirit (lu London, I hi-- ft. Von in efficient water sys- CilUESTO ' javl nil. Ml'STKIloi.i: brisk. STRIKE BETTER belli-ore- warning that the presence of . tem. Work on thin has only fairly he. II:IJ III.) UriKadler tlenoral ly, ,vul ui.iiallv tbf pnlu is Koiie .1 warships In the n homl-spher- e sun. One of. the wells has been winter Christian Frederick lleyers. ono of the del'i Ions, sooihin comfort Comes to drilled. already had produced rtiivc lende rs of th rebellion In the Cnion tfle Its place. i complications hiiween American na- of Sooth Afil.a, has been hIvI, It is, MPHTKIJi l.i: a cb an, white ; nlnt. g ii i. jm' tions nnd European powers, di mon-strntlii- ofllc In ly Is in' i, iimiif won oil 01 llluHinro. if ht FORMAL EIID UEUTH ALITY LAWS nnoouiieed, nml bclli vid Ii mw ILFELD COMPANY Of of plaster. WILJ not MAKES the vlial need of m to be dead. Instead mustard solidarity. blister. GRATIFYING REPORT OF Iincleis ami niirni'M u MI'STKIl-nl.b- ; Secretory llrjan Pro.,iw. lii io'i.'l l!c)vi was funnel Iv noil leri.nniii'iiil It io their pa- NEW MEXICO CONDITIONS VflTE IWr.'tary itryan madit tlu opening nenetal of iho ilefenxi' tients. They re-'l- ef of unions Latin -- Amciicnns Meet j1 speech, pointing out that lln I'tilled forced in tlic t'lilmi of South Africa, will elaihv tell vim nluit warn but In Seldi inber bcciiose it flliH ' in Snle 'l lifiitit, Itrnll-flllli- s. reiirheil , .".specially gratifying to- 'business Ml Ve.'l,-- council at Washington ci ty i v;;1;::;;:..;1;;:; of Ii.m itlsapprovnl ot Itriioh ndlon I'liinn, If .V'llllllli, men of the southwest In the report ..r N'. ttl ill.' a, Cinii;. :.,iii, pleurisy. Illicit iitalnsi ibe Hirmiiiis In Africa. lie I '"Hi" by the Charles Ufold company WiTh NPrrmnrv Ktvm nc ,,Uintf innnrori! ii.ttmnM MumM mill in. .inn Ki n i. Pains and Aches oi Car Shed Razed and 1 joined with t!i iieial Christian do Wet Ii New of thU rliy, through lis president. Heavy Drain on" United Mine not forced to nuITt for tho ni ts the Pal or .loinl i. SiMams, Sore Mus. in a icbelllnii, but bis fin cis met with i es, Spread Max Nordhaus, to the ' Pry Ooodi Presiding Officer, of the be IligercnlN. llrilisea, riilllilalos. I'nisled Keel, Flames to $60,OOC I several tefeats. i 'olds of i be n often prevents Economist." ono of the loading trade Workers of America Prin- The sc'ivlarv of state of I lie I'nlnil I'besi 1 Itecchtly (leiieiul lie Wet was cap- Pneumonia, ) Shop Recently publication the country, on con ( ' flutes, as chairman of the Carpenter ;. of cipal b'tii! by u Cnlon At your druggist's. In 2'u and 5fle dltlons In Now Reason for Capitula- iy MotiNf muaNii. tetriAL wikii RoVcmlng board of the tured after ii pursuit ' Mexico. iThe report Is icmid lats, n nil a spei lal I, H ue hoi pltal sli!' Constructed,' '.' ag Washington, Dec. S. Twenty tin-- ! presided condiment. f. follows: tion of Labor, union, over tho mceiliiu. l or $ J . 0 . ' tions of iho western hemisphere to-- 1 - , "Pttslness conditions In seated to his rinbl and left were., 11 lie you Ibe genuine MI'S- tho state of II Itl.'lM I'l' k II sine sit ' .'ll'll ' .11. - Now ait vleo, nre unusually good, duel day expressed their disapproval of tliehhe nmlms a.lors of ami Arcen-- 1 .l.B I'll, lie use 'niltatlnns- get io rffecU of operations of the Knmpeun ' linn and the ministers of t to ii vt: hi i: immwnij Wn!,i iisl- I'm The Miisfule TWENTY-TW- O FREIGHT the met that this stltte has had the sixteen ; crops WAGE REDUCTION belligerents In the waters of the two republics. - Cellllmlil- t'li'vclai-.ii- i 'III. bolter thin your than 1t has had OF other There was only one ( a lrcliirin. Ihi'. 0 In lunilmi. l:tm , ARE DESTROYED in many years past. Americas and appointed commission vacant chair that of the ambassa- CARS 10 PER A. III.) All official slim im til issued "Most of the crops which have CENT ACCEPTED of diplomats to formulate practical dor from Vie government of boon .lelcn, bi-r- it is belicvi d lhal lleiieial raided are brinulnr iroo.1 nrim steps contemplating a more vigorous which country remains unre.oi;nizeil . ..U..I..I Inn Al lfe. l.. H, u I .. Christ inn lleyers, the rebel leader which makes dis- i.mmi " tin. by the family of nntions. in Laying Tect business in the rural mini. was drowned while cnilen. oritur In 1,700 tricts especially good. J. F. Wclborn, around nn oval In President 0ft fathered tablo cross tho Vila I river. of Hose Causes Anxiety, "Conditions In the city trade we the msgnincent rnn-Ame- an union XOTK I .. Colorado Fuel Iron Co,, reprrNontn-live- s cannot report a rood, as labor Is not and hulldiojr, the iliplomiitle The management of Mis Picrson's j Renorally ASK FREIGHT RATE but' Carpenter Shop Is employed. The traffic on Says Chances for Employ- of the American republics, most Stmllo, llfi'i Houlh Second street, has the In very specific fallroad slight, and rail- of them under instructions a solicitor canvassing this city at the ADVANCE IN SOUTHWEST; Saved From Great Damage, road trade, on which most of our ment Are Not Good, from their governments, urged united present time, with a splendid special town depends, has fallen err consider, 'action by tho nations of this heml- - offer for Christmas photography, DUKE WiHtj CITY altly In 'V MOHNIN4 JOJUNAl llAtlB tho lan two years. i j sphere to restore trado mid remove which will pay yon to investigate. I'lnU ' Wasliington, Dec. S. Advances in Fire destroyed one of the new car-fhtil- t, "With tho business of the is woiinims joufnui. some' of tho burdens placed on r, Phone 2(i4 If you nre Interested nnd railroads tufi.t ii. tin vmi) freight nites innglng from five to' Cleaners -- Hatters ImuHliiB fourteen freight cure, retforod, we look forward to general Deo, The Colorado j by the Kuropean war. solicitor will call end explain the of- pooa coal '"'res fifteen per cent have been filed v. ith times in this section of triii g fer, the understanding 120 W. feild PliniM tl th Sunta IV nhopa last nlKht. The tho stfllm was tit called off. effective; Itlrth or Xew Movement. with that the the 4it country. The Chartr. ufeM will not obligate yon Interstate Commerce commission r. j demonstration iimt carponter bhop, ndjolnlnf ho I December 10. This action was taken tt was the. first International confer-b- y by the railroads of the southwestern ;"MyS Nordhaus, President, " in nnv wny. 15 which ns- - not suspended the In-- i The LEADER, rtifd, was ret on fire, but the daniape the convention of District of ence of neutrnl nations had MIS PircrtRO.VH KTl'DIO, terrltniv. If Santa Clans' I mm . ln ',nrt of Blol, "ncv .leases will become effective .limn- -' there wns not jrrat. Snperlntendent a jlhe I tilied Mine Workers nf .America I"1"1 "" 115a Second HI. Phone i'fll. Headquarters, will uiniTiiin iiiinnr v,lr r n ry 5. be open W. A. flforjre estimated the loss at by a unanimous vote late tonight rP 'rfnn ispectlva of t possible accomplish, Tho advance which apply pmticu- - ! trr an all day session and It'll., LaiiaI nl.,,1,, lnAl.tim Hoir!, evenings from now until ilalllNbfJUIiut ratines the prp)lrnt r(inr,.. wnH for!1'"'1' '"'moditlos, affect si tpn carpenter shop report lurnff ,n Let the Journal do the traveling the (drt the of the International executive regarded ns the birth of n new move, you. freight Christmas. hrlek walln and a feml-firepro- of , HI rnn I board, introduced today, recommend- - wived It- - Tho Santit I in tiiia 'tl.W i - roof water u i ln.mlt.nlln. n I ' Minn l nil iim i niiiiiiiieii it, Ik.inn puihi',..l.ll.. tvstem showed low pronRiirc so low I ' LnlJ I I II j The action of the convention car In fnet that a pipe lliie manned by the; Ull IJ rfes a tceommendatlon of further of- - j ihnps departmeiu inrcw ar rerniei . i i stream barely to tiie (op of the build in i u nnnnini r ; forts to unionise tho mines of Colo-'- ; nr. Owir.K to the fact that the near-- ! I. NT H KAK rado, nnd a pledge to reduce tho wagej fst fire hydrant was 1,700 feet from uil I I flUUMULL rcale In the unionized mines to tho j thrifire there was delay In bringing level of tho Scale paid by the large, Niniiich base to the scene to cover the rompanles.tThls .reduction amounts to j distance. , 10 per cent. i anricl The facts comhined against the Almrft"1,r of l'VB Interest w;u the IDolls n ,'l'nt-Toacher- s - The final .was amo-- j Two vote on savlim of the shop and only Us resht- - , asso- taken 1,1 l tlon to adopt a resolution inc.' to fire preveniea a far Rrcateri . . : 'r ward school Introduced use mgnt. in response, to invita- by a select committee. This commit-- j lass. . Thin l.ulldliiif was complote the tion to wny was report short time afro nt a cosf of $tO,f)no. consider nf nldlng sick lee appointed alter a from A Great Big dol- people in the city, the International These 3 Mere- tlmn 10fl,ono machinery Is a company of men executive committee la I ' and wemen assembled of the Vnlted Mine Workers, , .. to hear and xSfes In ptooe. i i tx the s ...... ' participate In what was a notable inanci-- fiay.....important ran. oakum IMsoovers UUizii. . ' ' program. Kcsolutlons had been presented, lies beau- Tfie origin of the fire can only be are Mrs. Genevieve Dodce's discourse recommending the strike be Beautiful Doll messed .Klre, Klein eug that ai. thief en the "Visiting called off. The decision inter- sparks from an engine might Nurse Organization of the eed for Social Service," national board was explained to dele- Ime caused It. Vardmnster George held the attention tifully printed) of her audience, as In con- gates as having been based on tho f- (UHcoverea names she told ft Yoakum cise way the purposes of the organi- inancial condition of the union and and 2 smaller upward from the southwest- - cornet of zation and its practical operation In the fact that President Wilson re- th shed shortly ID large1 before. o'clock Chicago and Ploux City, la. Mrs. cently appointed a commission to on one when he was switch, rldlnir a engine Dodge, who Was formerly Miss Gene- which the miners may be able to refer from iipper tfi yards. the 'the lower vieve Hopkins of this city, was for their differences with their employ- - dressed dollies ' The fire had giiine'l considerable years directress of the visiting nnrse ers. piece of mus- headway then. He; colled out the relief work of Sioux City. Her experi- , The night.Isession of the conven (hops department. This was followed ences as presented last evening were tion was taken up with a vigorous In a few minutes by. a second alarm, an .inspiration to those., who heard debate which raged principally nround for every boy brlnitfns the) company to' the lin all ready to central her, and will ultimately hear fruit in the subject of future union aid for place. , , some definite plnn along the the strikers and their women and The t shed, which was entirely of same lines...... children. No definite assurance was wood, collapred '. shortly after 10 Dr. rUYgraan .Speaks. given on, behalf of the International cut out and 'clrtek. Tho fourteen freight ears irs Ir. Bergman paid a tribute to Mrs. organization, but U was Stated that and girl in the place wore destroyed and others Dodge and plead for each individual as much financial support ns possible

Mantling on caught , adjacent tracks and each society to live the life that would be afforded. , stuff. They fire. Twenty-tw- o' cars made up the counts in, service to others. Dr. L. The resolutions adopted by the con- HI AWWctfrW V total destroyed. The switch engine 8. refers, secretary of the New Mex vention follows: the city. iff V. crew saved several cars with a stream ico Society for Study and Prevention Ttewdntlons Adopted. VXlllMiw have gold- -' from the engine tank. , . of Tuberculosis, outlined the broad "We, your committee on policy, ap- I'lghtt Flro With Axe. work ' of education the slate society prove and ratify the action of tho In- ) Many of tho shops employes aided Is supporting, nnd advocated rreaiet ternational executive board in regard Hurry In rnnabauing tho conflagration, fine, activity in directing people tr pro to the Colorado strike. en hair, big of the men mado a spectacular att- tect, the young from contagion. "We also recommend that If, after rep- tw empt to cut off the fire on the roof Mr. Wiley, publicity expert for the Investigation by .the authorized of the carpenter shop. Pealing the Commercial club, galvanlied his audi- - resentatives ot the organization, It Is and get brown blistering hot wajls with a ladder, he ehce by presenting tho needs of the found that a striker he blacklisted rmwleil on the; loplng roof with an community from tin economic stanl- - because of his activity ln tho strike, se and chopped loose burning por point that proved the bp en Her Was that he be rendered assistance by the i eyes and on phases I . tons. Tho heat was terrific and fin- thoroughly Informed all organization, j yours! ally drove him from the post. Not, the topic under dUcusalon, Mr. Wiley ."We n so recommend tnai we ex ri-- ut itn however, before ho had arrested the Impressed an with his logical prac-tlo- tern, the very best legal niil to our fpread of the fire over part of the Ideas in s 'ch a way that after striking brothers who have been or are very ronf.. ny that time the central com- general Informal discussion a vote v.tb may be falsely accused of crime on ) pany unanimously passed to 'CO-opcr- account of their activity In the strike; firemen lind . a heavy stream life-lik- e tMug on the roof. With the: Commercial clun and tvr and 'make every endeavor to secure i is j A crowd clubs when a cull for united ?rs their early acquittal and release. of several hundred people; Scale, lathered' Inside shops enclosure, Issued. IMscusH Wao j the, In- -, ' the fiiet of them crawling through a "We also recommend that indeed. s hole tcrnationar and district represenia-live- cut In the fence by firemen to THE DASHING WIDOW empow- pwmlt the passage! of the hose. Many of the organization be "f long ENTHUSES CROWDS AT ered to. carry out the understanding them assisted lit handling the Independent operators "tie of ;:; " had with the hose. i :, f PASTIME THEATER wage scale. Tlilitl Alarm. THE In regard to the Trinidad iThls understanding was to the effect The engine from tho central stat- company again if we could not force the big ion imrceled Us 1,000 feet of hose The Majestic s;ock, that then-.- . pay we de from lim- big crowds to the rostlme companies to the advance the hydraht near the city drew - expect the -- "The,- . - DflShine Wld- manded, that we would not its en It n.i.,.. n,i - . . , South Second street ntd Iffl jmneiuji i , . - ...-,- , t.y company, ... compium-,.- n nui- , ( larked several of rcach-- the vehicle used the smaii hundred feet , tftR to the burning buildings. The shed Droved a hit In every way. It was me eu our uiiiuu, iu hit to express i as of audiences I. "In conclusion,, wo wish beyond savin at that time and unanimous verdict the or- - . t, ,.i,nn. ihni there, nus conuown In the international enly efforts the firemen couin ' " Work-- j w ,1...- - comedv JKaniiatlon of the United Mine ""ak - ni-c- J,er - woitlel bo directed toward snr- never u. ,ie,"-- i . nr.A theater-goer- ers o, mnnii-- .....n ik.i...... the carpenter shot, offered to AlbiKluerque we hlef w fWt the, play , wept loyal support of our sir ke. and Klelst then called out the 7 ... to last n n n n. m nnn nn st UIMlll' , inrnrniiiinriiii "Wilanris TOO and snap. that kept i.,i.W1MI i"! i.',' engine nnd took feet with a dash and district officials who f hofe he. able up highest 'point. . The officers from' it efore was to' the worked so loyally and zealously ,n Way a" "'oh building. did well, but special men have lead. the The: entire cost our cause. ftfine '.hydrant; be mrule of Mr. Lewis j for stationed nt the tion should To Continue Unionizing. Pumped through-thi- s single line --.ho as Bertie Doolittle, kept the au water "We further advise that on Thurs- - j UI,fler 20 pressure, giving roar latightfr with his pounds ajdlenn jn a of December 10. the strike be or-- ftream easily he sprayed Knglish wit. ,Tne costuming a. that could quaint llciuliy on .jumo nu.,-mltt- a the shop; the gowns worn lerminairu inn roof of the carpenter was elaborate, and In he resolution adopted by The Highlands company leav- - women of the company were . after by the executive board and "g ' ' " the International Part of its hose was returned to itneciallv admired. strikers apply for their form- TVice " '. an Intense-- 1 that all immediately. "The Man of the Hour," positions in the mines on that day. At will be the er 1:30 o'clock this morning the ly dramatic production, mo ts flymen on say that "We also recommend inai were still throwing water hiit tod.ivj and it Is safe to to thoroughly organizo the state the carpenter flames isgaln l greet the shop to prevent capacity houses of Colorado' be continued, and that Bursting out anew there.- The car company, - ; i be . every mine worker ln the state 'hed and freight cars were smoulder-'"K- right to belong to the - advised of his hut danger from them had pass-'a- PINCHED;'-STEALIN- Mine Workers of America, as keep 'BUM GEORGE' 1'nitcd Chief Klein e&idf he would provided by the laws of the state of "Is men wetting CHARGE at work all night WOOD. Colorado' ; aown the embers so no danger would "WILLIAM C. OILPIIP.T. wise in case of a hiBh wind. DONALD, ACTUAL Concealed behind a lumber pile 0t "IUCHAftD HEIBhT, 25 IKCHES Company Wanted Hydrants. Mills, Patrolman, "THOMAS HOWELL, As the Vupertor Planing recently os Monday night the night saw George "M. K. VASQUEZ, communlca-,r'- n Tony Guevara last 1T council received an oral "Bum H. tihOAS, Harris, negro, known as "W. N. from the Santa Fe, railway - " "D. J. BEESB, be placed George,- PL P ' " three fire plues to Jcmped from his cXe ."WILLIAM KIPSEU.'i J the Highlands across: the tracks under arrest. He Conunrnt by Welhorn. from en- and Placed Harris Col-ora- the lower part of the shops J. F. Welborn, president of tho .AIM, iW closure. was Jailed. The city limits on that side Fuel & Iron Co., upon learning Bigger ' the tracks further south. CTENTSt . of the Colorado prom extend THIS AM ITVE of the termination the hydrants placed at the tonight, said:' m a coal strike Joints Indicated, by, the Santa Fe "I do not care to gloat over the on fea-tu- e "ream could have been directed result. There is one Unfortunate fire difficulty than the and that JtCTWl with less S?tn packag contain- - of the present situation HECT, 71 irCKES a Baby ACTUAL HEIGHT, 71 IKCHES tree trlol Than This a "fmen emperienced last night. Is owing to. dull business. It Will 'Kiuei-- that t of was made - oIey we con give the council coughs, colds and croup;- be a long timo before m what did for -- nd situation he realization that Kidney for pain n ide. the men employment. The "r last night might occur. The backache Mdney confronting tho strikers serves to back, rheumatism, Foley "econd street 'hydrant was so far ailments; and the fallacy of following the and bladder and thor-migh- ly 'ay that valuable time was lost. Tablets, a wholesome guldancs of selfish leaders." Car ghed Beyond cleansing cathartic to repeat our promise that Sarin?. person For sale "I desire WW UowQver, . last comforting to stout of our former OBTAURI the los of time s, we will such by mc tio-len- WTO Mfflff! town EOILS serious In your lintt been guilty of AIM 'ht was not attended''' by, men as have, not we cart find places Tho ar bed .waa F..l ot. as rapidly as evn If the firemen hnd for them," said Mr. Welborn, Are Coupon "Hi able to get water Upon the 'TStJZ, Ses Elsewhere in This Paper " tlx .LBUQUEftQUE MXTA ll'JNAK WEDNESOATrDECEMDER 9; 1914.

r. not tlcularly, It la hnrd to think of what drenned,,,,!,, and reArty which I have apoken If we have 4a up n mtrtxriNT wiwmn give F.nglinhman'a Jaunty cane tho ships? How nro we to build si advice they would htm vhen Tha cer- l- - evidently grent trade If we have not the government la reported they were told In advance thut force and neat outing clothe Tha ftrltlnh worklngman, tain ami constant moana of tnitii"-tatlo- n Eayptlnn be employed. tvnd amuned the to ha preparing to give tbe mtit not or two inspec- upon which oil profitable nnd - ,. for afteK a minute of la a ahrewd move . .1,. i how lilcn:l;:3 a new khedlva. Thi tion and 'with a a'tlck look at hi useful commerce depends? And 3orncl ac- all the on the part of tha F.nRllnh. They flrneral ARtillar ha ordered friend aoron the car, bo touched a are wo to get tho aliip If we wait for curately Interpret native opinion to- Vera, Orot aaloon to remain cloned. finger cap. tho trnde lo develop .without them? to hi by PUELISHIN3 CO. ward the present aliened ruler who War I certainly juiiBh on the "Exeunt, rue, air," he Inquired, "but To correct the many 'mistake JOURNAL tltacnurnged. all la actively on tha ldo of tha nulton - don't you como from Mancheater-by-the-Bea?- " which we hnvo and but destroyed the merchant mnrlne B. A. afr"PHIt!OM PruK.hl of Turkey. steps W. T. Md'RNUIIT Butlnta Man(r tempo- The Engllnhman adjunted tha well-know- n rf the country, to retrace the VoI.I.HTE K.lliof Hut beyond any qiieatlon of .UP. Ni Storyteller monocle, exaggerated hi by which we have, It fecm almost A. M. WOHOAN Clir K'llK.r rary expediency, ll llluntratea that The deliberately, withdrawn our flag from M. ...EdltnT tare, replied: "Pah Jovo! How u tax tiller are like tha rent of mankind, and nens, except where, nnd Milted Fltlicr Way. ' did you aurmlne It? Ami nm I wrong the here nnd In time of wnr their character ship - bidden carry It or Mix Lucy I'llce, flevcland'a lead- In thinking that you nro from there, a ('. J, hIN, am pinned under tha aearchllRht of some wandering yncht display It, lib-- . ing antl-miffrn- npenker, tell tit a tHNMtM H4iBf, I H. wera n long time nnd involve popular npprnlnal. If funny Incident which happened ; in would lake ' RepreaealaHta, ' many Hem of legislation, Wtr l ill klfin of tha Ilelcinn, what & dif- New Fimland whllo nho wn cam-palttnl- Hip IliMlnn Idea, detailed tal.l-- k. Ml I.I trade which w-- ought Im- Maw, III, ferent front that unhappy land inluht there, Khe wna walking "So you come from New York?" nnd the M I"ark Sw lark. mediately lo handle would disappear hiiVrt presented to the World. Inntead down ofler having made nld an F.nttllnh lady to a traveling a aaena-il- a mattar the nireet wft de- atara it lh. - niipponed, course, or find, other channels whllo BwatofflM of Alliuiiirnia, N. at, gitdar Act of lieliiliim helim overrun by a rnth- what alio thought wa a pnrtioulurly American, "1 of. 1, buted tho Item, t want af Cuatraaa nt Mri'b lift. enemy, nnd honored hy all tha effective talk naiilnnt nuffrngo when a you came from Itontpn." Don't you Inquired The case la not unlike that- which IN woman atopped her. "Why did yon think that?" TH MOMNINd JOHItNAt. Tll world, nlio might hava allowed tho confronted ti when our own conti- IBAIilVrt Itn'UHMrAN MP Kit (tKNKW "Mln 1'rl.e," aald, "I wafit to tho New York lady. violation of her neutralily, for prlcn, wna to bo opened up to nt funny Dolls? I'ltiNCI-ri-- nent MKXtcn, TIIM you much I liked your "Hecaitao I aupponed nil cultured, these 4 TIIM Al.l. tell how W-- needed KFI'I'HUN PallTr arid remained at peace, with tho Hon-ton- nnd Industry, and ASH TIIH MKTIKllm OFTHll npeech, wu one of tho beat I ever Intellluent American came from i TM TIMft well-eiwnc- it menns d contempt of all mankind. ' long line of railway' extended WUBMCAN 1ART WlllStf HIKIfaKIC heard." . Egypt ahown of transportation prepared before- RIOHT. Had the khudivo of n Klad you are with ua," re- "Hut what In the world made you auu i "I in hand, if development wna Pot to lag Aunt jemima papar hlmnclf a man of atrotiB, uprlRht 1 you wa natural iojj etretilatln thill nf blh.r sponded Ml l'rlce, "onl hope think that?" the We (nr tp-- r l a intolerably ami wait interminably: arc iiitju ui u ! N. U'tm. Tha nlf character, hi people would have ral come our uhti-nuffrn- Mosc lo inencs vary day In will lo other lavishly subsidixed the building of Mnlee lau4 rr. 1 think lied behind him. no matter what ldo meeting." "Oh, I don't know exnelly. Wo look the Pickaninnies "Diana", TSHMH mo." transcontinental tnllrond. or Hliini'ilTii.N, to champion. A It In, th "Oh," exclaimed tho nloninhed It wa a Ito.iton lady who told be- Dally, nr mall, una Imimh. ... he decided back upon that with regret now, , 12 br aarrlar auf-frag- e "Wade Davis- are attempt lo provokn a "holy war" In woman, "t thought Ihnt, wa ft cause thn subsidies led to many and "- MOTIfM TO IIIIIIHCKIIIHIIII. Couldn't Ilclleve It. F.gypt In n certain to f ill meeting you npoko ut." nf which we. nre jmhnined; bright colors. nhMribara In V Journal, wliaa wrlllrit "After a conplo of yenr' nbenco scandals inches high, all in pap-- r einnMt lu a tho khe-dlv- n we know tho rallrond had I bar. for the nlmple roomin that homo I wa playing In a city but that MUM b aura to lv h eld i'Mr.n.. I'nforliiniiie. from to-d- rw fnlno to Monlem to be built, nnd If wo hnd it over of package tells ha been thn you have, nearby, and I Invited my father to The coupon on top baa a elrnu-latfn- a I "What a amnll oppeilto ngaln we should of course build them, Th bt'.fnlnt Journal blfb.r faith; and hi people know It. It com" over and' nee the bhow," relate Ask for rattn thaa la to anf ilhr Mr. June," aald tho maiden coyly to but In another way. Therefore I pro- ,you how to get them. fcapar I Nf bt.alco,"if'lilTba iunarlcaa very do'iblful If they will glvo enr to In- a famnua net nr. the himhful lover who had been ' pose another way of providing the Nanapapaf Wrantery. hi plp now hi honr.of ntren. hint curtain bad rung In vited to rhare tho family ChriHtmai "When the means of Irn Ion, which must All of Ihl goe lo cmphanlM tho down he enmo buck on the stage to WKI)XKHDAV...IJK0KM11IU , dinner, precede, not tardily follow, the de- JM that about tha only linnet, worth "Yen," he replied. Then, aeelng a me. nnd while we were chattlnM: our fait door of velopment of our trade with., lachnr-acte- r. epeech, hantlly tho trcnaurer appeared at the tho Imving, that anybody haa, chance for a pretty ho my neighbor states of America. It may misnaof. added; next to you. Ml my dressing room and handed mo MJTJMIIMAtS hold true for prlncea a "To alt seem of the natural order tiu: iuiMii:rs That pny envelope. Dad saw tho figures a reversal (irace, la enounh to ninkn nny man I true, tho well a for plebeian. eye sparkled. of things, but It thnt. n bmo appetite," And he wondered on the outnlde, and hln ope- "We nre. Indeed, true friend in It Will be recalled by, Ih'iHO who hi tell routes of trade must be actually Why nho nmllo. " 'My hoy,' he wild, "you don't many nnd regular nail- nil the. nations of the world, becnuse keep up with world didn't every week, do nedby ship me you get that mm h ing moderate charges before wp threaten tnn', covet tha posses- Hint only a few yenr nso the and evetiln, The Hlulit you?' of merchandise will flow nf IImi overthrow of I streams sions runic, rtrlro khedlve openly liiHiiltert hi lawful A Kngllnh humorlnt, vlnltlng " 'That' richt, dad," replied. certain - freely and profitably through them. lllllV"." wife and offended hi rdlslon by America, wa npendlnu tho week In a " well,' said the old Rentle- Shipping lglHlnlln XihmIisI. kind that makes the most striking "In 4he Such wn llm mst sentence marrying a linngarlan woman of town on f'apo Cod. One nflernoon he man thoughtfully, tluit so? What the pending shipping bill, to do Hence In n mcssag. replete will) sinking iueNtonabln character, fievont Mo- - hoarded n trolley car ft ml found the other work do you hove discussed lit tbe last nesnlon but fls sentences, delivered by I'resldctll Wil- haiiimcdaiiH never foruavo him for the only available neat next to a. roughly aotln'T" yet passed by neither house. In my muffins ." Is Impera- son to eengres Idiljiy. It tunl to net, and Iord Cromer ref lined to coiin-lenan- Judgment such legislation do Willi the rcpnroaliiosa of I ho It. In Addition, It ha been tively' needed nnd can not wisely be waffles government must United State for war unit wa the openly cbnracd In F.nypt that the ? postponed. Tho What the With th? Ifnited States gates of trade, nnd open griddle cakes of lh prHldrnl'd tlcojnratlon 1.1. -- ,!!.. l...M Viltullllltll tha VtlHt h Mailer open these heart . X. Oaswn, lit Associated Advert Wmr for.PoT-nihcr- them wide; open them before It Is we nellher have nor need grent rtllt-'loi- Moham- Hy HerlMTl thnt t i fndowuiem ul tho altogether profitable to open them, tnndUig army." v. mosipiea nnd achonln. Ill medan edu- or altogether reasonable to nsk private un- with the Unit- Vcrtlser to Europe for a trip of Th president, liowi'ViT, Ik nut abimo of I heap. Immenne fund heenmp "What is the matter open at a venture. cation. I wmiUl give them week In capital to them government costs of Hip necessity of prepared-he- n o ' Lord Kitchener ed Ktalo?" of the Rovern- of the amount their 17 lbs. Beet Sugar $l.c mindful anindaloii that a week In Tarts and a week It is not a question A 1 have been residing in Indon, field. should If I hey s.n sum that they get what ( for Without hnit lo for tbeir protactlon. In ment monopolizing tho It III His. line Sugar l since h heninnlng of the war, I have Antwerp. I no, he liniiw Hint llil nnilon N rrll-Irnll- y In fine, thn khedlve haa been a man United lake fiction to make It certain thnt they need nnd deslro for ho outlay, I'resli Kiiasieil t once. Hi. ... hearing qiietillon naked on I would b t them look nt the ob- h r been this will money is being .'pent for lilllii lloflslcd Ooffee, lil.icf'i), liowi'Vi-- M(iccfiilly n chariH-ie- now ho flmlii C3tt,tnMm I. u.,nn r.t I tirkllld transportation Ot reasonable rates that the without and 1 never heard any u'or all.. sides. have Promptly provided ov n here the jects of which they approve, and Jcousiiii t.nniv, in may bit Uk'Hii'iI. n,1" 1'nmiina ciimil hljiiHcIf a without ft country. aeem give a look, lit real trouble. I IU-- Cofiof ruler satisfactory answer. No one them first profitable, that It Is he'lng applied with good bus- Wolf io pi'iioe, see tralna, ten nt Wriage is not nt llkg. .MIIII'O .MCIII l IiiHiohpk a mi'tmco our lo know. ' would lot them i be- - .CW then, when tho cn"lngo has iness sense and management. llkg. il n an a udvuntiitio somebody Junt 0 Americnn factories not time, five minutes apart, packed with and Now Fig wll tflnlt lr,i lllckn. or Why are the come sufficiently profitable to nt- - Governments grow, piecemeal, both New Dates, ikg ilffciiHc, pi rm Utilise, n ll llora, 'down to running night nnd day? Why are tho maimed nnd the dying. to our Kood, hn put winter nrrlvo In in by New pkg. Italslns . . . We, 12',c, up new fr- - their tasks und the means lli Hpoedy nf our rhipa from 22. Meantime th conl the railroads not ipcnlng I would them hear, from o'Zt New Currant, 2 for ... phhi( Uccember mil- lt story "J " which those tasks nro to bo per- t and Retting; ready for the mentary survivors, the Incredible "' .Ml-l- Ihix Apples w to (M'n. Tho control of itn-n- burn Junt about n It would If winter ment formed and very few governments are all sound lion Immigrants who havo already of bnttlefieid HO -l- ies wide and Sweet Oranges, doz. 15c to of trmlP nv-- r full" tu rf U I fhnnnel" were here now. up lo leave Europe armies tha are greater than the en- - Zt l organized, venture to pny, as wise New lOnglish Walnuts unci provokn made their minds andTZlmllhnt botn houPes Jiuloiiilr oonti'ntlon. and experienced business men would We showing big line ot Ti t a noon an the Avar la over? tire popu.ntlon of Texas. nro a tiiivp h prepureil lo rtofend F.NOV Itl-g- ? ,.dopt this exceedingly important organize if they clean reasonable prt Wo to JFJ'IKl lltl I. Why are there not fifty America.! I would let them nee graves 100 .... them had a and Dolls at most Panama, runnl. try- sheet of paper to writo upon. Cer- .Men's liest lliM-ce- ribbed the drummer In London right now, yards lonB and full, nnd rtelgium, iho T'h(i t gubjP(,t ( rura, credits I I tainly tho government of tho United underwear more diingcr, howfvrr. Hon In More and more, It being brought ing to sell 1200,(100,900 worth of Am- enlinirtr thnt- mMin finthinr now hot . Far " " ul 11 remains to be dealt with, and gen- Men's; and Hoys" Overcoat dor-trlr- good Stutes is not. I think that It Is lh fimliiU'iinnc of h Mntiroo home to tho people of the I'nlted ericnn good In place of tho 12,000 square mile of wreckage. deep regret that the Wholesale. yenr Ger- it la n matter of erally agreed that there should be a Mpchiihp of iloctrlnp. thU Htnten we niunt preserve . out thut were bought last from Then, when they began to under- and Misses' Long I' that' thnt difficulties of the subject have seemed systematic reorganization reas- Women's foreign hond .If we nre many and Austria? stand, to some slight extent, the mag- n and at n bit; saving. nation linn brtm nonr war wuh nower of hnd and to render It Impossible to complete sembling of Its parts so as to secure civil pooplen enganed Why have advertiser become qui- nitude and awfulneni of this wnr, I it We are making very low prkfs .owir thr'i llrniia Klnto the to compete with the bill for passage nt this session. Put greater efficiency and effect consid- ' - tter, just at tho time when their would say to them: Blankets and Comforts. Hint won whim Franco In the name ncciiD'itlon a ourniilvc- cau not be perfected yet, and there- ivnr. Tho were most needed and ."Now go back and appreciate the erable savings In expense. But the voxr noUiAu nevs more a l fvm-uiit- biiHlnens men of the country, are no other constructive vuirir-i- to 1cxl'0 und (n Th" most effective In cheering on the bus- United Stnten, Realize your oppor- fore there janiount of money saved In that way e em necessity for which I irnl flhcrldun wna ordorod t mobi-ll- those who have largo number of iness forces of tho United Htnten? tunities. Don't digging trenches measure the would, I believe, though no doubt start thiH time call your attention the AiTifrlciin urtny on thf Klo ployes, nre Inflating more and more From the Kuropean point of view, i"hen nobody-i- t firing nt you. Don't will fit considerable In itself, running, It may to; but I would be negligent of a very DOLDE' nnmitis Tim w in 1S5 whin that thoMo on their payroll lnill be thn United State la a haven of pence fall down tt'.cn have been hit. be, into the millions, be relatively AI.Tj fJOODS DFMVFT.En. mo;t not to call tne 1 upon taking good hublts. and security and prosperity. It hn ion' be b .oH small smnll, niean.v in proportion ttn-it- 'i South, Second HtreM. flret Krltiiln limlmia sober and.of ;ro " fact fm-- no It you m,v, ' " to the total necessary outlays of the piuiim aa VeiH-tcucIn- troublei that dnre mention your flli-- of In tho The railroad took the lend In tho tl chance ever had in convention, tor rsolglum or Austria or France or Ger- life. thnt tho proposed Rovernnunt. It would l thorough- - of by the I'nlt-- c largo factories were not of nn offer nrliltrntkm crusade, nnd many Hervia or Hrltaln or snfety at sea await it confirmation jly worth effecting, ns every saving , or flrent "do back and ndverllse. flet rendy n spent for nnd in what way it Wtuti-a- Thi-- wim I hat Hi i rt tury following tho example of the fixed In the conven-lio- d It loon In Itussla. for tho most tremendous business and that the limit would, grent or smnll. Our duty is spent. Olm-- mud ths fnmoim (jnnmincc-iTH-p- t, Ida transportation companies. Next itself for its acceptance is the Fvery tenth Mrlton has enlisted. boom that nny nation ever had. Iluild not altered by the scale of the saving. It is not expenditure hut extra' "Toitny, tlio Hlati1 l wholesale The old last day of the present month. The my t'nlttd were the house. Fvery tenth Frenchman Is at the your factories bigger. Train miw But point Is thnt tho people of unco that we should fear being cri: f'H thin ontl-ncn- t, must. Is dead. conference lu which this convention I rurtlrnlly iovorflHrt Idea that a traveling salesman front. Kvery tenth I'.e'lan salesmen. Ilorrow more money. Go the United States do not wish to cur- cised for; not paying for the lifi ,,,M ' originated was called by the United Ji fln 1" ll,on ! fellow" and buy the Whnt does tha I'niled Ktetoa know of ahead nnd thank Qod thnt you nre tail the nctlvilies of this government; and a "unod representatives of tho mate enterprises und iiiulertakiniai oonfliiPb 41 ln-- ti enntomers, hn trouble? allvo and your family Is allvo, Slates; the they wish, rather' to enlarge them; to which It drink for his pns.d. that very Influen- a great government, whose foi could It, I would char- youy-ar- living In United Stales played a every iponlilonH," Tho third wim with The customer of today I too busy to If F afford and thnt n land that nnd with enlargement, with the command what it 'should do, but ad thn I.usitnnln, (thd Is nt pence, tial pnrt indeed in framing tho pro- growth, )ph thrcp ypr uko, hi buslnox and the ter Maurctanlu and at a time when nenrly the mere Indeed of the country ing what will benefit only a few Jiipun, than lose time from convey ad- - lit visions of tho proposed convention; a pnrty of 6,000 American whole wurld at war." itself, there must come, of course, the need r concpwlnna hy tho Mcxlrnn traveling alesmnn I too busy to do provisions are in themselves pouring money out for what end those Inevitable increase of expense. mi: t California. cus The have been undertaken ul all or Kovfrnmi-n- In Lower other than talk business with hi for tho most part admirable. It of economy reasonably be expected of It. The we ought to practice have been postponed or bolter 8' Whllo thirn In no likelihood of amh tomer. ! United Stales Has Not would hardly be consistent with tho may he effected, nnd ought to be ef- i" vo time and tho circumstances are extra- In tho wholo more economically conceived and thing, nhould rvrnts of this war Competition la too sharp In nil part we have played by a nssess-me- Slighted Measures ordinary, nnd no must our efforts be fected; careful study nnd lied out. Tho nation Is not iiiKR'ir'l Invimlon of Ciinndu by tho highest for matter to b t H drop and go by 'the , In th cation for other than also, of the tasks to be performed-- it is very generous. H will chiilo intiiln by em t board unU ns If forgotten und neg- llcrnmny, und n fffort he efficiency both In employer nnd Defense the Nation .Fortunately, two great and the money spent ought to yield only wo we p of measures, lected. wna ratified in May last if forget, for whom fooihnld tu thut ' Jt the best possible returns in. In to rduin a ploye. finely conceived, tho ono to unlock, government in efficiency money out and whoso money it i by the German und (oiinlry, wur with th Unltod Ptati-i- A bin mamifactnrlnn plant of Illi (Cmil Inued I'rnin line.) with proper safeguards, the resources, nnd achievement. And, like good pay. These are large nnd gcn l'e August by tho parliament of Great we liiDvllablil. , placed sitsn over the en national domain, stewards, should account for not very would bo nois hn oftho the other to; I'.i'lialn. U marks a most hopeful nnd slumlords, but they are hooxo and of tho older continent of Kurope. encuiirngo tho use of the 'dollar of our appropriations as lo flcult n:irli(ii No ono H thcfio fui'tfl more trance lo It, which rend: "Did decided advance in International civ of aiinileniioti to 1 do not stop to Inquire why, or to waters make It perfectly evident what it was thorrforn us a ever do you any good?" "Old booae outside that domain for the Bhould show our earn- j cases. Hum tho jiromdont, make any comment; on probable generation of power, ilization. We 'Job you?" "Old boore have already great by lnutlcr of jiroti-i'tlo- lo tho coimlry, ever pet a for causes. passed est good faith In a matter a What Interest tis Just now tho house of representatives cltl-m-n- you hold a A Kun-s- our own acceptance of it. ho that tho whol ever help to Job?' Is not tho explanation tho fact, and are ready for Immediate consider- adding are but Is matter of which I of thu nntUm ho trnltid In tho City pnpt-- miy "the big store and our duty und opportunity In ation nnd nctlon by tho senate. Thero another tho With especial mention, If I nm modi-r- nnd drilled nrnl nlaelnu tho bun on the salesman who presence of It. deepest earnestness I urge must make who of ornis Hero aro markets tha their my es- volnn-ir- r lo discharge conscience, lest it ill.-lpllnf- nn effective Ktumls nt the bar and order 'another which we must supply, wo must prompt passage. In them we ho thut and both cape your attention. H mny seem a In tho field tho suleswom.m who fre find the menus of action, Tho United turn our backs upon hesitation nnd forco would ho placed round' nnd very t,mnll thing. It affects only a . stales, this great, people for whom we makeshift and formulate a genuine In t'liNp of emrrfiem-y'- quent the cabaret place." single of Appropriation. But nre mn! speak and act, should 1o ready,; us policy of uho and conservation. In item Kiu h nyhtum could ho These are tho fnrcen thnt many lives nnd many grent en- That drill country. never before, to servo Itself nnd to the best sense of those words. We owe human obuiit, HiKHteKtlont'd, and, Ing for real mibrbity in the terprises hang upon It. U is the mat- brought r serve mankind; ready with Its tho ono measure not only to the peo-pl- o I not temperance nultatorn. making adequate provision for prpTly encoiiraseiK 11 could, be huidn It the Ha energies, forces, pro- of that grent western country for ter of women who talk. lis of survey nnd charting of our coasts. fm-c- for defetuw of not the men and tho It whose systematic develop- tho nn IrrcHlstlblo duction, and means of distribution, free and exigent country. course, It would have prohibition, but the business Interests ment, a it seems to mo, our legisla- It Is Immediately pressing nnd tho Of A Malice of Ways and .Menus, j with the great coast line latent and bent where I ho hlKhesl trade of efficiency tion has dono so liltie, but nlso to tho in connection to i.o armed with tho It Is a very practical mutter, a riint-l- er lino greater an responsibility are required of em people of tho tuition ns n whole; and of Alaska, a coast than weapon of offendo nnil defence, and of ways and menus. We have the wo ns clearly owo tho other In ful- that of tho United Slates themselves, with ehilm I" not ns ployes. resources, nro In- " ' llehilnu but vo fully ready to fillment of our repeated promises thnt though It Is also very Important '" Rood form, iiho them? And. If wo can. mako the water power of the country deed with regard ,to tho older coasts riv ; puhllo policy now fifty-seve- n unpar- ready what we hnve, wa Tho other plmnea of Thero nre havo the should In fact us wall as in name be of the continent. We cannot use- our ' fTVlrci CM a. a OlweuRwd by the prenldent were;,. doned convict In the South Carolina means nt hand to distribute ll? Ve put nt tho disposal of great Industries great Alaskan domain, ships will not r arc not fully ready; neither hove we consts their 1. An efficient merchant mnrlnp. penitentiary. They and tloveyior which can make economical and pro- ply thither, it those and first of tho means of distribution. Wo are many hidden dnngcrs nre not thor- Our iship have been driven from the i;les will bo out on the the fitable use of it, the rights of the puh- From ' willing, but we are not fully able. Wo llo being adequately guarded oughly surveyed nnd charted. Tho Roaster to Pantry on throiiuh tho mihsldles of other year. the have tho wish to serve' and' to bci-v- While, nnd monopoly In tho use pre- work is incomplete at almost every ta their merchant vchscIh, greatly, generously! To be at its best your coffee natlon but wo 'are ,not vented. To have begun such measures point. Ships and lives have beeh lost must beJresh roasted :'''V opt-iilri- ' , 2. The. up lha mlnon, TIIF. MTFATIOV. and ground. of NH prepared as we should be. Wo nre and not completed them would indeed in threading what were supposed to Lost time from the roaster to our table Hue. j fnresU and water power for tho not ready to moblllio our resources at mar tho record of thi great congress bo well-know- n main channels. We means lost flavor. of (ho people, particularly of the Tho Journal hns en lied nllentlon to once. Wo ore not proparcd to Uso very seriously. I hope nnd confidently have not provided ndequato vessels or Moreys Solitaire Coffee is West Naeo nnd tho remarkable situation them Immediately and at t'hclr beat, believe that they Will be completed. adequate machinery for the survey roasted in small quantities delay ery day. 1 he 3. t.fRlslntlon lookln to the Ihefo. For weeks the forced of (lover-no- r without and without wusto. v rtiUlppitifl Independence. nnd charting. We havo used old ves- great demand for it prevents it from To upeak plainly, grossly '"Bering Independeuua ut tho I'hlllp-pin- e Mnylotowv and flenetnl ItenJ.miln we have sels which were not big enough or on your crocer's shelves and eventual erred. n way And there-- another grent piece of losing its rare tho in which we havo enough nnd which wero so navor. air-tig- ht ",".'M InlatlilM, Kill hni'e been lliihtlng on the bor- legislation which nwulta nnd should strong l he tin further protects its stunted and hindered the development nearly unaenworthy that our inspect- goodness. 4. credjm, which hiirdly n1 forty-nln- o person have been receive the sanction of the senate; " Tha i flural der of oufr merchant marine. And now, ors would not have allowed private Best the Grocer Can Deliver" upon Intnllispntly nt hit by butlcl tired into American ter- - I mean the bill which gives a larger tan be lelslHted when we need ships, ye hnve not got owners to send them to sen. This is Amerlcnt soldiers measure of to the I hut iteMlua of conRrem. rttory. Two more thorn. Wo have year after year tie. a mnttor which, ns I hnve said, seems . people of Philippine. How bet- 5. notification of thn convention were woinded Monday. bated, without end or the very conclusion, the ter, in ot anxious question- smnll, but It is in reality great. of the most singular thing oc- best policy to pursue regard, to this time only to with srent vicrcnntlle nation ltut the with ing and perplexed policy, could we Its importance has be looked ! Monday evening. Colonel the ijso of orea world for caMy nt sea. curred' the and forests and show our confidence in the principles Into to be appreciated. THE M0REY MERCANTILE Ameri- water power 'of our CO. t. Survey and vburtlnK of the Ciullfpyle, In command of the national domain of liberty, as source as Well as the IkKiiiomy til Fxpendlturcs. In the mny nny r charged 'protec- the rich states of the west,, when of-lif- close I few count of the I'nlted Rate and her can forces, with the expression e, how better could 'Before I a iciiver I people on nlde of the we should hnve acted; and they a,r we own words upon two topics, much dis- V.l poHeitionii, tion pt the thl up. demonstrate our ex- - to- still locked The key Is still turned cussed out of doors, upon which is , F.eonomy of Rovernment called the people of Nnco und fcteadfastnens in the courses it border, upon them, the door shut at our Judgments penditureti. gether, doubtless on Instruction from fns; of Justice and disinterestedness than highly Important that which thousands of vigorous men, full by ful- shrfuld be clear, definite, ifnd stead- ThP menge i a peculiarly timely Washington, and asked them to sug- thus going calmly forward to of ,Initiative, knock clamorously for fill our promises to, dependent peo- fast? one, nnd la reaiarkablp for the oar. gest., what they thought would be the a admittance. The water power of our ple, who will now look more anxiously One of these Is economy In govern- 11 It utterances. protecting and ful conHcrvallm of best., means of life navla&ble streams outsido the nation- tha ever to see Whether we hnve ment expenditures. The duty of econ- Kurope orltl-ela- m II in reference to th war In property, atatlng, however, 'that al doom In nlso, even In the eastern Indeed tho liberality, the unselfish- omy is not debatable. It is manifest wrrp no neutfol that the mont aenni-tlv- o of the government or advoency states, where, wo hnve worked md ness,' the' courage," the faith wo have and imperative. In the appropria- eympaihlier with tho fortune of of tho use of force nRftinst the Mexi- planned for gencrajlon, is still not boasted and professed. I. ran not tions we pass we are spending the t used as H might be, because we will people uny ona of the , belligerent could, can wn not desired. that tho senate will let this great money of tho great whose i and we won't; btvause laws we find nothjnu In the iii.-)- that poa. Frohnbly no such thing ever before the measure of omistruc.trvf justice await servants wo ore not our own. We r have made do not Intelligently bal- congress. responsible gihly could offend. occurred In the history of this or any-othe- the action of another Its are trustees nnd stewards ance encouragement against restraint. 4. rec- only de- nation. Thut a military officer, passage world nobly crown he In the spending. The thing V withhold y regulation. '"' ord of these two year of memorable batable and upon which we should ljih v taken after two Wfeka of in command of a force of soldiers, I have come to ask you to remedy labor. be caret'; 1 to make our thought and Of und the Ion df ten should call In a civilian population ( haril flulitlnB and correct these mistake and omis- you will agree w ith purpose .ear is the kind of economy nv oa bhould iwt I think that thuuin9 rfif wen. TtufKl the to advlno him to what he sions, even at this short netwtiott.of a me that this does not complete the d manned of us. I assert with the any-wa- against Tor-elt- fa town doenti't amount lo much do for their protection a congress which would oertainlyiieem Moll of pur dutr. How-are.M- carry grealeii confidence that the people ' - - '. ' ' "" ' fore, ! hard to- imaglner Par- tO hava dona nil th work that could our gooda to the empty markets of of tin L'nited Suites aro not Jealous rr

Coprrtght ini 2? George Bringing Up Father litintauonai imtIm. Mcfilanus Nt ..! " ...... ;,.; " ' f - ) f ' HELLO ch.huloo. YY ( r - j That phone jivf WHAT DO H thc IZkSSu vou-littl- e wire X - " M)0 I a moment- -J r ;" WANT? 1 j-- VNE? 1 1 ; i . r i Ll - r

j , ,, ,:pf ..,.;,,:;, ,.

., ' - -- "" '' ,.,., - - .,, .,,,. -- mil '' W t .'I, ,, fi 1t. m:.i.... to 'ge decline and for oats a set- I pmNMMMMHHMriMMaaMMMaMMHMMMMaNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMiiii in mmmmmmmmmmmm HmMM-- " . 1 OUTLOOK back of c to Mi '"je. l'rovlsions flTER finished 60 to 10c higher. IS 1m Em' a WaimS Notwithstanding that wet weather lins prevailed over most of tho winter Tel HI 'TOrmgfa (he D fXilXBM wheat belt, drought rcportn from cen- tral and western Kansas continued to- day and attracted increasing atten- tion. was said the crop there whs 81 It FOR' SALE" Twenty-nlne-ocr- e ranch, t Xorin in eritlcul condition, as, owing to WANTED Piano heusebnld good, !., 1 Phooe lack of moisture, forty per cent of the $3,600 brick, modern, lot Fourth itreet; acre in alfalfa. I tored eafely at retaonabl rates. 75x142; good location, Highlands. Good comfortablo house, 41. The aeurtty Warehouse ImproTe. FO BUSINESS yet per rock an acre tuke this ranch. euecee-tor- , planting was not up and ten $1,200 cash., balance 8 per cent. nnt Co. iiprlnger Transfer Co cent has sprouted and died. One au- $2,000 New modern bunga- barn, some land and plenty of water; lit Oold avenue. thority asserted that the prospect for low; Fourth ward, F. B TEOTTEE the territory named was the worst In $3,200 brick, modern; Fourth on auto road convenient to the city, PROFESSIONAL CARDS years. It was chiefly on such ad- . ward, on car line. , Pbene III Bone Pbon IIIIW Decision of Stock Exchange to $3,000 pebble bunga- for $1,300 cash. An Ideal proposi- vices that the market showed some- dath Are you well insured T You cannot ATTORNEYS today an early low, modern, fire place, new; tion for a bunch of 200 or 500 cattle. Extend List of Securities, thing of a rally after afford to bo without fire Insurance. JOHN W. WllilON decline. terma If desired. , Attorney $2,750 5 -- large Saturday, Has Decided Ef- Lower cables had a dominating in- room brick, modern, WE HAVE THE IJKST. Room Cromwelt Bid. basement, good loca- . FOE SALE Res. rhon 1U1W. Offle Phone lttl fluence In wheat at the outset. An corner lot, (1 Confidence, tion In Highlands; easy terms. a I1KNTINT fect on apparent slackening of export demand Tinstei Five-roo- bouse, long basement and also $2,700 IS acre of good lAnd near for the time being counted furnace heal; only 12.000; small pay- OK. E. UK AFT so, too, did Lumber Mill, near car line. lit W. Gold. i. against the bulls and the $2,000 High ment, balance like rent, Deatal NnrfM. frame, modern; l, Bldg. Phoae iY KOHNIM JOUKNAU SStCIAL III.1IO W1M receipts primary points Room Harnett lit fact that ot lands, close in; easy terms.. Mad be Matl. York, Doe. 8. Sentiment in ago. 1 U, AIC Appointment New still exceeded those of a year $1,900 4 -- room frame, bath, flna FOR RENT Room. wag considerably Fhon 111 . W. Central financial circles Although wet weather promised a hade, good outbuilding!, tin lo- PorterSield' C. Ill rinsit IAN8 anu ni'itaisoNi. of heartened today by the decision lessened movement from rural hold- cation: N. 11th St REAL ESTATE FIRH INSTJRAJtCl M. restrict, FOK niCNT Moilrrn room, ataaa ttUIAIMON i. Bt'RTON, !. the stock exchanue to resume ers, corn turned heavy near the end oC LOAN 8. no tick. CVnlral, Fbyslclaa and iergeon. A. FILIEISCIIEIR ' i(m Wtt Wldg. ed trading In on Saturday. Thit HAles depress Pbon 417 Bare4t stocks the day. Hedging were t'C'lt r Miii, miniiy rtMiiii, MitIS , 216 . Ca!J lilX much Loan! Inaoraaoe Imimi-J- . HKAIj r.STATK feeling wh accentuated not so ing and the demand from the east was lire p'Tfh Bint 4'." Went Mlnl,. llMtfiAIV t aiisu'ri m M Ik bonds 111 Sontb Fourth fclroet quick liunua-lo- in the volume of business for not of encouraging, volume, desptt'j ftllt ItKNT a Ice 1M111111 far liiuut'keiii-t'- . For sale, modern Prsotlc Limited ta Tabereutoei fell under the re disposed liip. ?ttl Mlxlh. limn. 'ull In excellent neighborhood In fourth Hoar. It to It and stocks which 100.000 bushels having been Aee. Oil HUNT Two for uard, with all modern convenience. fJ4i W. Central cent high level, but In the nrmcr ten- of for export. ruonia fumlabail Unlit leaving city must sell, Hniull Sanitarium. Pbo III. IIFX1 WANTED. houekci,tnf, 13 a munth. 404 Nurlb l)nmr and Albuqosruue dency shown by nearly all classes of Oats swayed almost wholly In sym cash payment and easy monthly terms, It Moreover the day's list corn. Shipping call was Address 1'. O. Ilox ,",0. IlltS. Til l. BARM neurit pathy with Voll HUN'r-Tn- fui'iiiMtiMU roviiia for to Bat) WANTKIl-A- m lit ,tli tit lulu III H IIib Iretlo Umitd Em of stocks submitted fur publication slow and the mv!t,ts continued to fut liiiiuFkotrliiKi He nun port.ii, liiyuira 41b Thruet. Ti'Uml ili'in (mrlnrr l work fur to Issued ( t"tl North Hlxlh. National Bank. Bid. itiows several additions that exceed tho estimates, ;hni-- uf riimiiili tluii: win-H- wlitle. M. X., ' "tats owing ' S'rl'Akl ilKAT lii tlii-i- jwterduy, Indlcatiiitf steady extension Provisions ascended to the fUi'p .li.urtial. ilo?iiiit ilia. A M4M UK being a room at tlia Urand I'vntrul, I'J.bO. 13 on. UUH. 14 IIW KNTRhH o the demand. hog supply at packing centers 1MB LEARN nulHmuOtl0 rtnuirl!iff. driving oo Hon a y.'ik. FOK HA 1.10 Fertiliser, t'hniie 164HW. U'teopathle Physicians. enter-tallie- d expected. i civil engineer- - Hulle T,, N. T. Arroljo HiillilHig. Offloo While no apprehension was less ample than had been (Iii'pm Foil BAI.H llaby t, urvnytim:cr! pracllc-al- ; t'olt ltbNT Kurlilnliril litiutwHOft-itu- elu North Kiev IMS and wisdom of the freoly on tho can would 'Inc. uieUmit mut enlh street. phone TIT f llcsldcme Phones tit. respecting the Packers sold rather I handle und act j n,lo loi&riiliig; roonii,, alenniiiK iiorch; hot watifr and ballt. rmtm khJ tiuurii poKltioni , , move by exchange, it may bulge. jaecureJ; allpfactfon suurantoeil: cataloicua No ali.-k- 10CH North Hei'oiiil Firi-ft- t'tilt BA t,li; Soooiid-han- Ford, flve-pas- - MlKPIIKt BAJIATORICM- -. made the as excluslvo ngent or will buy T1IR LangA to in- National Hvhuol of Unglnoerlnf , aenter, f ?3 West Lead. of ths Throat and lie guld that every precaution Closing prices: frn. lilt ..k.eiie Aeenuo, grain West Hevenlh. hm Anrelea. ItHNT lIourke'ptiiif and alngla rooms HA I. hi Five passenger auto, City Office. IIS Ml West Central Tllti December, May, large tract of alfalfa or fort Full l!i.0U. -- sure Us success will be taken. Wheat $1.16; up In on ill. Uluadala Hotel, Of flee I to 11 a. m.) I to 4 P. from t.i Per tit Norm wetter street Huri 411 fact it baa not been deemed lands, either developed or unde- and Central. Phone Banatortum Phone that tl.2t. fourth Foil BALK Four-hol- e Mntistlu range, tn Director, Vv M. D., Medical ' A.NTI.1J fcalc.ln.l,... boih Kpaniah and W T Hlurpher, to form a "money pool" to! Corn Dec, 62Hc; May, GSc. . good 1114 West Central. veloped. State full particulars, Amcrlran, at llio .Leader, ion Weat .Cen- condition be used backstop against heavy Oats Dec., Slay, 62 e. . good as a 470; tral. " ..! hath. Foil HaTk Underwood typewriter, W, M. SHERIDAN, M. D. liquidation la itself regaruea as Pork Jan., $18.15; May, $18.55. price per acre, size of tract, order. 130. 115 Kefond street, l'lione 77, was WA.STBK A .V..UMK liii tu work alxmt troit HUNT llooiin at American Hotel. an Indication that offerings would find condition, Lf ever planted, water lliroo lio.iin n tho. morning. Apply Mm 'nder new nuiiingement. Fult BALKIDIJ model :f. Buiek roilicr practise umius IJ2AD AND Sl'ELTEK. Va fln. Hotel rumti. f'OH rooms heiit, flist-clas- s condition. Uii West Tljcras nd ready absorption. conditions, in other words tell ItENT l'uiiiiitil with avenue. Genito Urinary Diseases Further demand for. exchange ori nn P'Hitll Pevenlli atrret. 8. Lead, quiet, mo all about It In your answer. l'illt BALK Oliu slol-- colllltol', oil rierlin solo of the St Louis, Dec. HUNT Uni'Mtt elimlo rooms, furniKlied Diseases of the bkin, was the feature i-- - tank and pump, also grocery wiiK 'li. loul for liuuaekecpliiB. I'till t 't West Cell- , ca- $3.67H3.70. North etii-i-i- market for foreign remittances, WANTED-lix- pi rl(.fic(l ladlci at tlia tral. HtKhth The Wasrmann n4 Noguchl Tt tmlf at Spelter, higher, $5.D5. mm ali (,'oi AdmlnlaMred. bles to that center being quoted Mitos filcononiliit. KK.NT for 1XHI BALE JnternatluiiHl renpomleliie wean "tot" r'Ult To funnelled iwuul sobolat'Klilp. Bldg. 92. Dealers IS per 1U West Oold Bohool lit a sacrifice. Address Cltlssns Bank with sight drafts at Caro Morning Journal. month. r. 4 lleglte COTTOX. avenue. lion Aiiiiitii"rnti''. ihnniw.rnue ltt exchange were practically unani- Housekeeping FOll HA I, E Indian niotorcs'i le. titlu, two mous the recent sen, FOH ItKNT roonii and fur in the belief that New York, Dee. 8. Spot cotton, nlehed cottages, sleeping porches, speed, Tourlut Mtiuidurd model. Inquire was duo WANTKIV Portion. lit Munii's store, old Town,. " ' lational movement in marks quiet; middling uplands, $7.50. Went Conl. Bwedlsh lllttSSIlge, vibration. eieeir.o to German selling of our stocks In A MAN and ifo who are the lisnt couk, BUI) AX OHABB Independent of drouth. blanket sweat, high frequency electricity, prob- MASSENGALE AGENCY In country, are UlghlaiUs. Oet DlaJna grown need. Our seed Is No. t glow. In your home or nt this market, together with the MARKET. , tinkora mid maimgum the vapor bath, salt MONEY a position In hotel, renmurant. rooms, and grown by ourselves. Order now. Amarll Copper. Phone 1733. Fneclftl rat ability these looklim for FOK IIBNT Vurnlshad til aoutb 4.1 West of some loans here for LIKELY TO OPEN UP hoipllul or ramp. JJav had enpnrlenca In Walter. Phone 11. In Heed 4Vi Amsrllln. Tesss. for cotitse of treatment, Mrs. B. M. Mnndell. wme York," 8. Cull money, lilKli(it rirerotire and mis- Interests. New Dec. all. Can furnish thn I'UH lil'i.NT NUe liii'iillied room Willi FOll BAI.K Kurnliuie. one handsome S Rooila. Will runt, work on Continued ease marked the local steady; high, 4 per cent; low, per OFFICE IN EL PASO dt'llvcr tlio ltn, nutiiiy RleotitiiK pofi ii. 1115 Hotttli Arno. sion buffet, china eluset, lloosler kitchen loans perceiitK or Bulary. Can furnlth own out- nibiuet, vna 6x12 Anniliietcr rug. All like money situation, call and time cent; ruling rate, 8!i per cent. J'lai-- uiuBt h I'till HKN'r--Jii- H room unit leeilli pori'h, "jhi(ij fit for tump If new and very cheap, Apply 407 West low XTZ, fiiriilnhert. !f4 Hoiith Walter, 0T Wnlter. tlm urcvailing Mercantile paper, 4&I&4V Per flrat-tlits- ii and waeet good. AddreM rtioii" nl Hnih 11. C. SlussC'tigalt'', a member of the - v Ore te. rates. Interior banks bought more cent. psrw Journal. ' t'ult JilONT Tliree-rooi- fui'liinhed aimrt-men- t; WANTKii lllrl at dressinakin parlors. Masscngale Advertising agency of sieeplna; porch, I'hoiiB l,:,8'.!.f. FOll BALM Due bill fur room accommo- ,i., ,.,...r,li,,n and H freely paper, these ac- hth. Lo Angele, of mercantile Atlanta, Cla IV W, Wiley, public- WA NTEIV M Iw'rtlanwnMi. dations at the (late hotel, width. Miss Cron. StS N. 7th. Phone U41. more en- METAL MARKET. FOR ItKNT 1'iutl furiiliiliod liuunehei'iilliK CM. The CJatee hotel I f, one of ceptances coinciding with MEW TOltK al flmt-eln- ity agent for the , Commercial club, Wanted Clean, eottoa rata at the Jour xulte, modern, -. (33 Boutli the newest and best In Los Angeles, and couraging Mas-senga- trade advices. open of le BroHdway. Phone Sixth Flguero TVl'rWBITKBK. steel York, Dec. 8. Tin, dull, $32.00 will a branch office the nal offloa. located oornsr uf snd Unofficial news respecting the New HUNT Two furnished rooms for traeta Address Morning Journal. second-han- ageil'cy at El 1'aso if, after WANTBU W ouy old gold . auu atrner. full ALL KINOH, both new and inquiry 33.00. light housekeeplnft, modern t twit cheap repaired. Albu industry suggested a better for looking over southwestern terri- rsennelf. Fourth and Hold. lioiiKht, i,ld, rented end of Copper, firm; electrolytic, $12.87 the adobo rooms, South Bruadwny. Exchange. Phone 7 it. uncial products with a continuance CARPBT CLICANiNU. fumltura and stovt ill AT? I1-- ,?,?nrjrr?-!??- qiierquo Typewriter casting, $12.67 12.87. tory, they are satisfied that conditions ?iyiry?,r:, Hecond si reel. the deadlock equipment materials. 13.00; repairing. W. A. Q"ff, phona 841. FiMt HALK fiimlly horse, au West llu for unchunged. will warrant the move. FOll ItKNT Pwelllnge. tlood November tonnage of the U. 8. Steel Iron, SIIOIO Itlil'.MlUNd, Vi'e call and deliver. Lend avenue, 55, 7s, Air. Wiley has gone over the ground Thurs- London: Spot copper, Electric Slioa Bhop, an Boum Second, North. CKgH. W, Jlloll, TIM I'l OA15ILS. corporation to be published on At $ino.OUO is to mi spent VhTHiIvihTwi and found that Phone t."7. t loui'-ruoi- 41.1 avenue, 4:ivV. day 6d; futures, 65, 10s. FtUt IttlNT u brick, 214 lorlll Atlantic t'tiono was expected to disclose another of southwest in wugon. Kiwi Ist- Spot tin, 116. 5s; futures. 144, by the communities the WAM'Un lloiit borne for UbIiI Hcvi'lltll. IMiolin FUll HAI.K -- line Jersey Co v, jcmis old; 1r?tBi4i.CrTS!0 -t decrease in unfilled orders. next year, MiiBt he cliuu hi ood condition. V. try leaving In community advertising and Vvil lti;, 1' 4 niuni to, atable and gclitlu ii biiuuy, I'urdy foul lially psHsettKer service Hocll prices as 15s. . Following are closing including New Mexico, Texan, Ari- Ilox 134. about one acre, on Fourth street, neit l' cm. or I'lioiie ll'l.llt. and t'arri.oKo ut l;S0 a, in. Issued exchange cow AN I i)l 41.UU pep beyond uiie Wuy by the stock' MAHKMT8. zona and southern California. It is lioreva topiiBture, door to school and Just Mountain l'Olt BALE Two beautiful, pedigreed Lug. Thruugh fare, ' in Ml ESTOCK month. Lloyd Jluunaker, oiia mile West ol roa d. Innnlrs Htttner'a feed store. Ilsh setter puppies; pure Llewellyn liitciiiieiilalii points, per mile iiiittiv: . ... believed Masstngule people, Excess Cttirlud. that tho Tiiirolim brlilae: m KlutU street, niod- - it cni'h. is 1 1 West r.ipper. tu lbs. baaKime five American OH st Paso, can secure YOU HUNT North slrsln! Cotton Clilcago Lltestock. with an office at El ern brick, , sleeplug, porch, , hot , co ' 9 Full ti, Home exini nice I'olund China iiohwki.l alto 129 Amalgamated Copper ogs business, 111 flrst-cla- phone ,.... Chicago. Dec. Receipts, the greater part of this Water heal! all s repair, in plus.'. 111 build type, ICIIglhla lo e(!lnter, Owner nd operator American Sugar best 4 land, lo quire Mis. Tlltun H'.'Kh, 414 BoutU Third Phone 1 Y. City, 14. F. Mil Beet 26,000 Mnrket. strong. 1520c since the agency Is one of the TO TnAlild acres level timber 3it llos W, 25 new prop. street . A drt American Can jb'ove 'yesterday's average. Bulk, $6.85 known in the' United Slates and the oated in Arkansas, for Mexico ins, T. O, Orawfnril. Beegs. Okla. V. Amerlcnn Can nfil. 00 pigs, strongest in south Avlth many art. oath. A FKW choice White leghorn und B. 7.40; heavy, $.7D7.50; $Uo the Ithods Islutid tted cockerels, hardy, vlg. DAILT AUTOMOBILE) BTAQS Amer. & . 5lVi parts of U Hatj uo lick. Seryloe, Smelt. Itef'nff 7.35.. - branch offices in various WANTED Hoarders. Foil K.St Modern ornug birds, Yongu rslsed: also a few Fawn Passenger Amer, & pt'd. . . . 98 agency Is how Apply 621 West Ullver, and White I, Liuclts, City P. Smelt. Rof'nff Cattle-Rece- ipts, 4,000, Market, the United States. This end White lluiiner Leave Bllver l:l EXCEL,t,ENT bonrd. Home ooohlng. I'lve-roo- 1 .00 a. m. American Sugar Hefinlng. . . . .102' $5,0f!j)10.70; of the Commer- table njll ItKNT modern brick. Lloyd llucsnkcr, Ilox Its, Albuquerque, Leave Mugolloa Native steers, handling the business Keasotiable rates, none isnsvv. 9, end firm. in Iturton, Btiite Unmet t blg. plTUtTulf V Alt OB 7 4 mset all train, largest American Tel. & Tel...... H? 8.60; calves, 18.50 cial club here. North Biahlh atreet. HIGHLAND Car western, $5.25 f Two-roo- furnished collage. Houth Hroadwsy, For sale! B. C. Hrown saulpped livery In the oatbwt. Atchison . 90 i'a opened El Paso, foil KENT uti co,, It an office is '',.',at 10: wster paid. Apply lin wenr tioiit. Leghorn oooKerels, full brntlier to my blue BEN.N!CT,1, AUTO 9.50. ... Bethlehem 40 Vi community publi- POII ItENT nooma WOi Iloftrd. S. C. B. City. N. M Steel Sheep Receipts,. 12,000, Market, It will specialize In Poll ItKNT Furnished modern cottage, .1, ribbon winner and Orpingtons. Hllver n 87 tu- - your wants, A, P, Prop., Etoti5-- Rapid Transit lambs, advertising, although the North. 4, G rooms; also apartments, w, ti. Write me Illank, strong. Sheep, $5.005.96; city and w, M, ; Canadian 155 of, which Million, ail Went, fiold. . Albuquerque, Pacific private national advertisers ItANCII for lieultlieeulters, Jersey 8(S $6.158.25. PKAFf'S Four-roo- m gas LAV, they win, they puy. At the Central in this territory, eggs ana vegetables, FOR RUJNT brick, modern, THKV Leather there are a number milk, buttr, fresh m, new three largest poultry show In southwest Chicago, 10 . The Massen-gal- e Phone 1,',iitw, rang; cm turnistiingsi eornsi Great Western Kansas City LJvcstoclf will not be overlooked. ouae. Inquire Ho Botith BeTenth. In 1SI4, state fitlr, Albuquerque, taie Chicago, 85 & ,8. an eye up- i'Ok k5S'i Xioomi or cottage with board ltoswell; El Paso Poultry Hhow, Mil. & St. Paul City, Dec. people have long had Sevell-loou- flat, ukme In, Kansas at Reed' ai)ltaritira ror eonri- - 'Oil JtB.NT i our birds won orty.flve Hluess Amoilisn Colorado & 22 Market, higher. Bulk, and have prevailed Mr. heat; modern cottages, 4 to I MkVU Fuel Iron.. ceipts, 11.000. B' on the southwest nt. Horn fnim, cresat, tt, Wtm an steitm poultry Association tJO gold medal; five ATCHISON, TOI'KK A A SANTA W pigs, find rooms, H. MoMllllQlt, west iioio. twenty-fiv- e Consolidated Gas ..116& $6.85 7.20; heavy, $7.10 7.25; upon their representative here flower, I.ookhsrt Wsncw. I'non ion. w. ll sliver medals, two silver cups and WAf CO. ground over 160 It. 1. Westbound. Denver & Rio Grande . Mr, Wiley to go over the after Boa lb Highland. other specials! ribbon. 10 . . a south- both combs) Orpingtons, both white Mo. - Class. ArrlreiDepartt Denver & Rio pfd ..An rl..t holidays and arrange for Two-roo- furnished cottage, hd Grande Cattle Receipts, i,v...... the BX(;l01.I.I!Nr tablo board and nicely fur-- COlt ItKNT and buffsi While Leghorns, Anemia and 1 California Bipre . . . . , 7;00p. 7:l0p Distillers' , glecplng porch, sa Securities strong. ...Prime yea western office...... nlehcd rooms with not aim com water m with lio.oo. "' Indian Hunner ducks, Htoek g sndchloks 7 California, Hxprogg 10;10p ll;0ep Erie first pfd 32 14 io.GO: steers, (tvery room. I'asn do wo, i west uoiu. Walter. for sale. L. 18. Tlioum Poultry Vards, 717 t Cal. Fast Mall U;60 llttta western .wji., tour-roo- Great 112 Scrvlvo Pliono Miio. Under new' mnnagernem.... . FOll JtBNT Fiiniislied moilein East Hiueldlne avenue. Albuquerque, I California Lltnllcd .. ,,,.Ui0 ll;bt Northern pfd calves, $6.5010.50. Forest paid. Ap-pl- y 8. telephone Hue bungalow, Isr.; IlKlit and water Kastbouud. Illinois s, 5,000. Market, Fo, Dec. A Highland. Central 13 Shecp--Recelpt- Santa 103 Hontli Waller. , Interborough-Me- yearlings. up Fe canyon by Overland Kxpres !; t. pfd Ib being built Santa Sluiplng porch with board. FiTTT ltK.N'J'--l,'ln- c "new" ii buiigtilow, steady. Lambs, $7.508.10; Km niiNT Haetern iixprass ...... S:K,p l:40p ' service. For the present. 81.', Homh Arno. 1100 Kost Hllver. Apply HOl FOll BALK HaigHin. medein iintise, I International Harvester ...... 7.25. ; the forest furnace heat, 4 Limited ,.l:40p 7i0p $6.25 Phone-HQ Ci:i W. Marquette. II. I'l, Journiil, California ... high 129 VI rangers cuuiu AB1.B BOABD 15.60 Per week. Room an South Kdlth or J. .Terms. , 7 :16p l:4bp Valley the Granite Point buys blocks tioiil u chi. m .. . leenlrig purchoa. S"i mith Bdlth. Three-roo- house, 110 1'Ell MONTH lot two t Missouri Uvcstock. . be terminus, but eveniuany " FUJI HUNT furnished pay it. HollthlieuUd Pacific Denver the l gimi'iintoed to tuxes und Re- - UK riieopliig porch, room and with sleeping porch. mouth! wator shops. Fruit National Colo., Dec. 8. Cattle the Pecos, there to li'on ST phone ; n ft Mm, Exp ll;lo Lead ...... Hi Denver, to be built across family, 11D9J. 6 '.'3. Hoiith slrect. Intercut. Barton Keller, U'2W. El Pa) Pecos board In private l'hono paid Welter Valley I:MP New 82 1,700. iiiarKei, the .line tip the HALM Five-roo- house with two lots. Ill Pecne Kip...... York Central ceipts, iuvk connect with i"OH KK.N'T rentliateil rooms, with Three-roo- oottag, Foil X- Well FOll ItENT furnlnhed out- - El I'MD Passenger l:tt - Y., N. 51 Beef steers, ?.uuiy rUni-lnt- and a line across me a hctMnt platit, screened porchen, IU h. & Hartford higher. and board 17.10 per weex. n noutn cut. d sleeping porch. Inquire Easy and :; bulldUigs, bath room. A bargoin, Northbound & 91K heifers, $5.00 6.30: stockers station near Las treet Hotith Walter. I'hotie 1452J. '' rrolk Western . . . and Gallinas planting 12U terms. Telephone 133. MM, A HI Sunny room and 1P- - cottage, 810 From Pata.. ,.T:a , Northern 98 feeders, $6.00!7.JO; caive, Vegas. riilt ii&UT front Three-roo- furnished Beven-roo- larg l,!l Pacific 111 FOll ItKNT FOll BALE Incise, in Peso ...... t:lD ing porch; board; eonvaleaoent. and Cnt-O- Pacific! 19 d sleeping porch, clean n porch, furnace, every Val. A Mail ...... 8.00.: 1348W, glassed-i- sleeping From Peco . Markst, Bnuth Kdlth. Inquire 1109 Bouth High. 1'hone lit Peoplo's Oa8 116 i Hogs Receipts, 900. new. oouvenlebeat west end er park. AddreM ...... $6.95 X. M Journal, Pennsylvania . 105 higher. Top, $TV !0; bulk, NOTH'K. tieneral. cre ...... William BUM1 Office Bortnia. iTTTiT siilnglo btnigulnw, 4 Reading taut Will "d Testament I. Itoom, board and ron ha!.: Modern . . , , , ...... '.13814 I'lili fu.NVALHSi'KNTU rooms and glassed In sleeping porch. TO SUBBCIUBBIIS 1,000. Market, Allien, r'lral-clas- a accoinmoda-tlonn- . Apply V. Kook 1 ''oln Tincelnts. Iicaod. and t,tiuronoe F. Bli'opliiK porch, TOR RBNT Office. floors; regNvnabln. Part cashl If roa fall to get your MornlBf Island Co To Hoy MoPoiiald Btrotig,. Cruces, .tenrwal e,r4ee Ifurdwuod - ewes, IS ui. I.hs . CO avenue, "oclt 2 . $7.257.t5; Mao-H- e Vott Matthew, and ltatis M. addrees owner, W. Marble Joiirnsl, call Island Co. pfd...... executorai N. M. " . Hi ore room J i 4 West Oold UNIOM TKLKOllAPU CO. whom It lllftr Vo ii HISN T at WKBTKKN tmm8 . J' - lit all court bouse. Company . . alleged A. Muiitoy...... 136 $4.254.6S...... tl. r- You re hereby notified that the avenue.. at Phun Uion Pacific 114 . win . Teetamer.t of Wllllom I'. INSTANTLY. .'. Ber-- . the county f first-clas- or Improved land Cnlon Pacific pfd ...... 78 C'KOP And Allen, decaaaed. lalo of MUNKV to loan on s real estate FOR ItKNT Apartment "OK SALIuAbotit I TCou is dangerous. .,. f K Meaico. wai pro- - O. Loekhart ranch, at a bargain. teh 4B1;- -. know crotiP aa- - security In sums of 50 to 13,000, P adjoining Copper; ...... yo5 know the sense : "7, I., r Ii tlia Probata Court uf FOK RENT Three-roo- modern rurinsnea Hsnrr Pbon 1081. "'eatinghouse 64 should also Bernalillo, Mat of New apartment with steeping porch. !20 Boutb Electric ...... the county' of prop- acres and October. 114, TO LOAN IS.9 'o en city Rlsth street, tnaulr at Mavoir Hotel. FOll BALK OH THAOK Ten AUTO LIVERY "lay provln, of aaid alleged erly at low' rate of Interest. d town lot 70 miles from Ban Antonio, Tex. CHICAGO TRADE. Md the of the Valo, 101 Third 104 street. Treat BOARD OF win end Taatament o thereupon security only. Jo South C. H. Thompson, North Walter Cslv V a Coll. Wo Will Monday, the 4th day of Jau utriet. You Rixlit. necd-- 4 t xed for engraven Chicago, Dec. 8. Absence of D. J913, t 10 o'clock tu tin torn LOHrLdy'i gold waicli, u. a. nary A. Ben-en- A JJONblJiUO- - Kan-- s ' ,)UV. " BUMSK'SS C'llANCm Howard tf returned to H'3! North d MAC1UNU AITO rafrrmv central and western ...1 Improved 'HON CO. " hand and (tie ' of or Jnnrniil ffflee. . FOR BALM OH TIlAOb! Two tendedXtodav wheat r..i..r mv man vatuaeie to offsot coughs, colds, tickMniJ, tills 3Hh day of November, Hiiili i.XASsi buliieiis lth paid for return of ranches, mil nd a half from Barela MoffdattiniH K. M. ca ,ui. .,iri. some money eerks good A REWARD will b - West Weakness th4t was due to lower ness anu iur - Every property and book recently atcien from their of hrtdir. Inquire !, MaPun&bl, III . . n A1 ' . II. WALkElt. biisliwi roniiecWoii in or near Albuqinfyu. lirle ' 178, " Prices closed unsettled, c to i u w i unti'u, A.. flog, Co, Copper. Pfcoat nSo? b '!CouD-Clerle- e. D., care Journal, bylbs Tia e off to He hip compnrcd with lap y a frknd. ' - " "'gnt. The outcome in corn wa Inc. TQl4. E13HT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, Crescent Hardware Co. GREAT IE OF Clotf, Raiifr, IIodm Farnlsldnf Ootid, Cntlrry, Tools, Iron Pip, VftlTca On full dress HtUuKt HesUnf, Tin and Copper Work. Young men's and rinnibliif, SEALS It W. CENTRAL AVE. TELETHONS til. RED GROSS Christmas ,. FOR ALL THE PERFECT SEEMS C OT I $35 you can get COOKING SDIFT SHORTENING Moinin- g- FOR EVERY CAN GUARANTEED young men's full New Mexico Expected to Lead All States of the Union in STUDENT GOVERNMENT dress suit. A Kodak Percentage of Increase; ON A SMALL SCALE 125,000 in Prospect. We have never had Tim (.Ifl Sru-lb- lc FOR 4HIGH SCHOOL lwa) Inttfolliitf and lorcicr It's rbade by Hart Schaffner in our ANYBODY CAN KODAK an ai tide M I fcollig ull (ll IllKtl Hi hind porl.m.) "New 'N.'O to lend lit c A step low urU student government We Carry the Entire Eastman Line Prices From $1.00 oilier Mlale thi yeur In thr percent-uk- of experience Increase of ule of Und Cron. years in the lnuli wiiiio im made Mon- & Marx with all the special to Us ymr 14,000 were Hold day when (lii president of t lu, $60.00. Let Show You. stump. : - In state". This your we expert that gave moie un- Milt- Uf-- d In III rrdurliiK thr turtlliirs. Tim tilts officer are sale of I2j.0ti(l. Already 130,000 huve to twenty town and appropriate to tn do effective work ulso by STRONG'S BOOK STORE been distributed Style features iversal satisfaction lookinK after member of Ihrlr c:tlc of thr Htute. Our total ordrr Money Hack You 300,000." Classen who uii' KettlliK Unsatisfactory "Your if Want It." of Hluinp to dutr has brrn I wug vent out than our KI'UdcH, Thl the that suit tail- , and to the N'Htlonul ited Cross lat nht a young man's Mrx- - i ' The 1 .11 in armies. Wci c Klven out by the hradiiuarters of tho Nuw Monday, luiv inu been delayed last Iro foclety for tho Study and Preven- In reply to n distin- H. C. FRESH EGGS inonlh on m i on nl of Uii' ubsctice of SUB STATION FOR (FOREST SERVICE tion of Tuberculos's ored with the care that lit? t'ui her fur so ImiK. request thut u prediction br mndr the rcult of the (tale, and this - e s no 45c a dozen The enrollment In I In- m hnol ful-- I 1H thu iiirsaiiR-- that the win of all low: Kinlom, 3!i; Juniors, 47; unpho-- I news hitvIccs will rrlrue all over the guishes of their produdt. mores, 84; freshmen, US. Tin- - seniors HIGHLANDS NVSTIGATIS United Ktutcs the luttcr part of thr made (lie ft rut unsatisfactory week. Kiudcs in proportion tn flan ini'iiilM'r. 1 Thu women's orKunlzutlons have ship unil th" sophs ranked second. tone nt this work with n determina BE OPENED 00 GHHMInEEOUnS tion to place thr stale well toward the WARD'S STORE Chicken cllnnw was mrml In the head of tho liHt of lted Cro slump doiutit'li' M'leiico lubolnlory Motidu.v buyers upon a per capita busls. in Stern, Inc. S8-2- 0t Simon IIS Marble Ae. I'uones nrurly every town of tho state they ore IIOMLK II. WAKD, Mft. 'I'lit! senior Klrln will fclvr u cufetiirlu workiiiif tr mukr a record for their The Home of Hart Scliaffucr & Marx dollies. liMH noon iiinii hi tomorrow. in Postmaster II, Charles Roehl Maps Out Thirty-nin- e Exper- particular localities and to further tho proceed will K In futiiishliiK the work of the Hrd I rent room. I'.mintf thflr estimate tin Empowered by Department iments for Next Year's Pro- Cross society. A keen rivalry has the success of tint Junior girl hi thflr sprung up to sre which community fiiilure. thf senior expect to serve to Establish Branch in That gram in New Mexico and will use the greatest number of Mumps - Strong Brothers i'UO MtUdl'llt. Section, Arizona; Four Are New. per rupltul with Wuroii Mound, S'l- ver City, lluton, sania re enu .mu'i-qucrq- Undertakers There are liuiity-fou- r student of at present apparently In the tin- - rlKhth Ki'mlf whose Kiudi'S huve leud, ulthoURh suine of the smnllj m I'iiom; SO. been Thr IliKhlunilM ' iium:. not ful Itii below Tiny huve will have u porttal Thr district coinlnlltrr on forest town may win the prize, us they were U. M'HONG III K., (OPPKIl be II TODAY ullowcd tin' privilege of leuvlntr school to opened January J. InvcHtlyatlon cloned Hcxslon CRYSTAL MXWMI, sent a relatively larjre numlnr of AMI period. Anna McNiiinii I'oKtiiiaHt r II, Chai b Itoeh) ut tho dlslrlct heudiiuarter. i durliiK trtn stamp to dispose of. The little city kIk report inuhorlly from pontofrioe The rum rt'Ct Ivi'd lii of her Ihr ronferrncr bruun lat wrck. of Wiiroii Mound has already sold fivo LAST DAY l department y Wiish-InKlo- curd for thti last weeks. to CKtabllnh th AHninlnnt Korel, r Crerlry of stumps for every resident. brunch, Mr. Iluehl ha brt n ('., uiipcHrrd . workliiH I. before the Men liny Ilciuill)-- l)A.Mi:ii I JIOHMAX l'HKSi:.TS Tilt: KM IX EXT ACTOIt tltllllt'Htll' Hiccticp tlf till! thin authority Tilt' elan'' for inuctleully ever eonnnlttet, Monday mid after kIvIhk a Locally th sitto in progressing be- - LOCAL of New Mexico uavo nil Miner Im led mo- ttcopp j ITEMS riilvri'Hlty fill' the office. Ill nhnrf talk mi the rli:iracler and yond Ihr exprctiitlon of those wh'j JAMES O'NEILL iiniverHlty for-- et rnji.yublo dinner to tho tile ill wIhIiIiii; to place u of Hrlriitiflr wtilk nerdrtl by Ihr work. bimlno mm Or I HEST ure dolnif thr Thr f. flTE n mi Molidity In Hi Yurs.ut of Humus' Mcli Imol teailiM lllllt. eiml of Ihr Haiila l"e track UuM Hot Hervice, Fpnit thr remainder of have already bought 10,000 stumps. ruinous calmly The blKh Hrliool bo Wirt" Well Holely iiiHplrril by the bulk the forenoon diNeustiiiip plan fur I Vttf'u Mm . Nt'W shelled pr- tf thr thr These urr beliiB plarcd upon otitnoliiR Willi trrutmeiit they Highland mull iilthoiiKli to vutioiiK InieiilH romlnlt-tre- . ; imus, "Direct from Texas," pleuHid the that had fXrl with the pucka-- ! from the store, upon boxr be MufTlcbiit to Today' HrHMion to of Monte Cristo official lipproval wuh devoted j "Count II. Kt of ronfrcllonrry sold to patrons, upon Jtorn to Mr. und Mm. David of hi plan. iht! prt paration of general recommen- Lane, u wui. milk bottles delivered by the dairies,) ItccaiiHC of the fa' t that yesterday The will hitvo the dation regiirdiiiff the conduct of sup- Tim DruiiiaVlc Triumph of Tluro Dtvmle In The Hivls ot Mullim Albu-ipicrM- upon shoe boxes, hotel bills, driitf There will lin u iniilInK of if Keneral UH-- Wan Tiibri'rUln"! ila', a tsreater part of the heulllihreker who scientific work. upon mall lie ttirt'"'. I tiilKo of KHin f h plies and outgoing and tonlitlii. .tint iiibly wa riilli'l In the atidilnlltirn come tn Allju,Urrtiir. Thr lor.itlon The proKiuui upprovrd for next Anollirr Stnmt Jlitslrrplttv Prcst-iitri- l i" Molloll Pli'lui-in- t'onililiia-lio- n H. I kii(,res. nlll Do him'iI nfii r Hit' iin tiiiiK. MtudcnlH 1.. iy-nli- ir rxprtl-mriit.- s. uf no Die inlKht litar lr. In tho IllulilunilH will Kiti' On in thr yeiir oiiiiiprlHt thli Thr children of the schools are ulo of luinou Actor and law bulling Play Sti Well Kntmil u to Need I'tmnty i k WiiIUit I'cleiH, Kecrclaty of thf New .Mexlru trip tlowiitown to Ki t only uro new, t'li inoiicy urdrr, Of thre, four srlllnir the stamps by tnr tnousund.-- j No DrwTlptltiii. a HifliHi' to marry In Hubert II. Hoflfty for Ihr Study und I'reventloii lo I't'Kihter lrtlel or to (tlllp pulcl l thr remaining thlrty-ilv- o huviim been ' over 10.000 having brrn distributed to) Mallncrs ut 2:ail and :i:;tll. show ut night begins ut 0:13. tllu.ix und Imii AiulifHH, btilli of i f TubrrrUliiKlH. via pnrcrl jioNt. In proKrr for one to three yror. I,al thr the various Kradru and school. Tho Xt K raise In prlff. Atlults, 10 tvnbs; Cbiblrrn, 3 crnts. No 4 lutnr In iMvhrrV, Thry urr flaslfieJ untbT thr follow-ill- booth selling will open next week, and I ten; ii'orH lloi'li jihiday hworr In u Their mull, of cournr, dellvrrrd Hubjert: (irnliliK, tduntiliR, by Christinas ve It Is believed that t uiiipLiliit t Inn kIiik Will i IoiiziiIi h, Id flO SUBPOEMAS by rarrb r. The ciirrleiH' liiutr will rl(4hletn; growth und naturul repro-durtio- Albuquerque will huve usrd 40.000 of not il, i one; luinber-Iti- fitr old, wjih Imruliiry. Tim boy Im br clnuiK' ull nnllmiiiiK to Hturt four; vrordon, these stumps, or a prcuter number up ti from tin main office. The lllKhluiida two; tree tlint'ui!rii, three, and b- ik'l'iihi of tiiklnn (tomu Jt wi liy from on a per raplta busis than New York. , bene- NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS tint lJluth hoiiii'. V of courr. will br of iuret, one. Chlcnso or Philadelphia, will sell. AEOLIAN fit to probably Itln Oriuidf I'hiipttr No, 4, Hnyul nil that district, but Thr New Mrxlco socirty I jubllunli FOR ELECTION i f greatest uccominodatlon Arrh Mumiiim, will kHi it Kinokfr IhU thr to the for the reason thut the other stute peronii who hero to recover their rul- i vtnlliK In tthlih nil MiiKtrr Matuim lire S. BEN. societies will have to acknowledge In accordance with a - ht'iilth. Kor Home of tht Hr proplo tho - uif invited. JimIhi- Iv A. Mitnn will JilN ufler the sale U over that the organ- j trip to poMtofficp l tlrt'Momr. ing Ge- nt in tniuitninNlf r, the Izatlon in this state Is somewhat alive PLAYER PIANO of the Attorney Thu locution of tho n hint i - 0FFICII1LS 1ET und that It Is burked by the most widp All inf mbf in of tin- Kintfrnul upon, neral's office at Santa Fe, not jet brrn decided ullhoUKh awake women's frderation In the west. I'nlon of Anit'rli'it Hit Invlti'd (t) Charle Coiiroy, proprbtor of the Dip r I Arizona, particularly, hiuj alwuy SALE no Kofliil If; h Uic FOR CHEAP. penalty or interest. ton ul hull oil HlKhlund urocery, ,M)1 Kouth Arno SMITE! 1 Hii-on- , pointed fjoulh stri't-t- Thi ro will wilh pride to lis Hed Cross Tills Is a good aa new. Cost Mtrret, I belUK urKrd by friend stamp sale us to will on taxes rlrO-Ho- n compared that of $030.00. Will Mil for $205.00 be charged fnrd uiul rffrt'ttliint'iiiM. Hilbpofniifi did not Ihhuh for appoint-mrli- t. to be a randldatr lor tint New Mexico, and it Is the drtermln- - cash. t'lidt-- Wlitrlff 1U k tviH jrHlerdjy otriclnlft. uh thrrulent'd by tltu Unit Mr. hit paid including l.f Now Korhl belli LONG ILLNESS atlon of the society this year to out- - $17 KOCTU prior to and H, ri4 to EDITH STHEET I'frot d hni'Ht' mild to huvu lit t il roiinly rommlHHlonr for failure Hfantrd utitliorlty to rstubllnh the do the Arizona organization if certlflcatpn- - I the 15th day of Decem- Itlok'ii from J.hihh Cui.iuci' of IJiifoln bIkii poll book Thti reit lf ire, thrrr no tloubt that possible, founly. Thti uiilnial wnn found lit on l that iienrly nil of them liuvo he will euHlly find u locution. WhlW ber. M. MANDELL, Jotip. II. tiertlflruleH, County In I'oopfr WM hirt.' lutdilnK for dlKnctl the and the Hulury not urcat, the place Mrs. Kcnjumln. for inoro Rive thoHo Caroline Jmllii? (!tori!i l(. I'i'ulu unil Mik Clerk Wnllur tlreltbd lo would provr of ndvcrtlilns vulur to than a quarter uf a century u resident Treas. and Coll. t r week I COAL AND re fxpfiud to ritnrn thu la who had not hIkio'iI unothrr l uny More. lie tn purtini'iil eviueniiy of Albutiurrquo und con.citiently one BILLS MuillMoii, do ho. uny JudtJf or derkis iv Pull of th week fiom l'"tnt If txpDClx thl In be part of thr recom It curly yes-tei'd- tllilP, of oldrst citizen, died la. Mr. C'rulg' father ami tin' JiiiIkv'm tlellliillt.'nt ut the end of that pense. morning ut the home of Her "TELMO" - tnukt? inothfr have brt n 111. lloth uii- rc however, Mr. WalWer Intend to rt l'tlri' Ittixr. daughter, Mr. Julius Mandril, 315 UNO authority Kiven tiy com. Hub- - fovrtlllg,. of thr thr The ptlmiiftcr wanted the Twelfth trcct. She wu (IS NOT E SEND BUT THIS BRAND of CANNED WALLACE HESSELDEN to hind depuly Mhrrlff North Thfie will bt u rti it iar of inlxitlont'i und Htalion cHtubll.shed before ChrlHtmu!", years old. illnrB win prolonsrd. IN Ilrr GOODS AND YOU HAVE General Contractor!. Cump 13,303, Mod-ti- n ufter the tardy one. Hit ut Tn AlbinuifrtUo No. but the deiuirlmcnt the dato Mr, llenjamln wa the mother of Figure, count. VI Only JudKett of HUb- - and workmanship Wooiliiitii of Amtrba, ut Odd thirteen und t'lrrku tho flint of thr nent yritr. The Sol, Loui, Harry und Churle Hrn-jitnil- guarantee more for your money thto Of-fie- by l'Vlluwa hull Ut II o'clock toiiinlil. clei tloii hud iml Hliined yrHtrrdu. Hlallon, If It could liavr been opened, ull of whom are conin'rlrd with any other contracting firm la Alba ut-t- nlnely-Feve- n liuvo TO BANKRUPTCY 3m will be rli'i'lcd und tt full t That iiienim that beforr the holldayH, would liuvo buHlnes houses here. Two diiunter querqus. Office at I H'Kiied Miner pool book were re- cr tiditii' 0 rriufi(rtl, the iroirtl to be of coiiHltlerablr Hurvlve. They ure Mr. Mandril und SUPERIOR PLANING MILL to tht county clerk by tlu A of the Wnnmn'i; turned to thr llinhlandcrs with Mr. Sol Welllrr. 8h was tho aunt addl horsea. Trlmblt'a Red Bar. Phuua 177. liifftlim Hinle of bei of will bo :':30 board runvuHHcrii aime their ChriNtinus puckiiKrM unit ulo re of Mrs. Mike Mil Udell. Kiliif fol'pH Inld at of of I- the f.illurr thn nrrut majority lieved eoiiKiHtlon at Ihr poHlofflrr. " o'lba-- tlilM uftfinooil nl . t), K Funeral services will be. held lit Vnpald bills auiountliig ofllrlalM to utti'Hl tlio ri'Hollit In thrlr roKlmuMlrr Itoehl mm in will Met up lo hall. OITIi t rN will br rli'i li'd and nil o'clock ThuiMday uflcrnooii ut the $40, make up one of t prncinrtM and votiiiK dlvlrlcbt. ThlH now boxen city. the hief debts hhmiiIm ih i'rtiuoili'd lo be prt'Hriil. llflcrn mall about the home, of Julius Mandril. listed In H. W. Crawford's air reiiireinrnt, however, wait not over- ha received pouts petition ltt;frrsIlllli'litM Will bf hrrvrd. He ullrudy the In bankruptcy, filed yesterday looked In nil preelnelM. fxprfl boxes to arrive noun. in the ALL WEEK John (., Speiii'M, llnj foul liiHpttlor and the t'nlted Slates district court. Hu Mi. Wulkrr relunit'd thti book of MohI of will bo put up In the DEATHS AND FUNERALS. lists for tlm rou.t lliitu of thr Mania Kr, w Hh thrni in Hit! llublllly schedule, u note thlrleeii prt'f'ncts. Including thr four rt'Mldencr dlnlrlct u thr downtown of lifti.liiitirtt'iH ut Unlliip, wan In (bv tllKtrlclH, $816.50. city to Hrcretury of Stults Hrctlon I fairly well Hiipplled now. Mrs. It. A. .Sflvniy. t lly yrwtriduy, llo nmtln noun' lioll-ilu- v Crawford Im u rutlroiid man who Antonio laieeio yetiterday, It. A. SelWuy, 4l year old, Majestic Co. x und l It for liullup Mr. lives nt Clovis. His usst'tH Stock null. tolal $340 liaf lit tiled 7 lilnilit. OTERO JUDGMENT IS ut o'rlork hint niKbt ut her and ho rlalms JHIC exemption. N. E. STEVENSUNERAL home, 116 Soulli Jliwli wireit. Her Ho Mt'iiibi'i'it of lin.! (inld mnl Uruiitlwuy was adjudged bankrupt und the cusa AT THE RAISED TO $2,037 BY hiiMband Im on this way He left C'hiiMllaa will uho llm third hcr. wu referred to V. . Klliott, flmnh IS ATTENDED BY MANY Lincoln, eb.,. Suiiduy uiioji vv referee, floor of Uln my bplltlluK for INTEREST ninhl nt Uoswell.' tin ADDITION OF celpt of u tch'Krum to the rrtrrt that ihurt li purpoHru ilurliitf I ho rrct tlou J. U. Williams was appointed Unit- Tlir wltlr ami Warm urtiuallitiiuer. Mr. Kchvuy wa wrlotisly ill. lie will PASTIME THEATRE of tlit ir nt w Jiulldlnu. The pruyrr ed States commissioner ut Tutum, Mtlp of N. M Ktrvelnt wan uppal'rllt JiidKUient hi the ruso of Alfredo iirrive here tonight. Thr body wu tnt'tlms UilM tvrnlnif will hi- - lirld nt Chaves county, by Judge W. H. Pope. elerday In I ho ut J. Otero ay.aliiHt the city of Altnuiuer-tti- r taken to Strong Urothora' undrrtuk-Iii- k ljn homo of I, J. MUr, 310 Hoiilh crowd that tended Mary Hull Whitsh ill's suit for ('onttrrKu-tloiia- wa yrslerduy Willi District will Ihr "funeral Nervier lit thr l fllctl loom. Runrrul urranneiurnt $20,000 uguinst the Chino Copper Waller irrrt. K. Judge Mr. T0DAY-"T- church, conducted by the ltrv. Clerk Tlioiiui 1. Miiddisoli. br mado after th nrlivul of company, wa still on trial yesterduv. hc Man of the Hour" U. J. Millrr, failnr of t". U. Mllb r, Archie Toolhaker. Tin? nuinber UuMiold tinnouuccd last week thut ft i niilneei', wan In rliy AX rmrr hUId thr officer of thr I. O. O. R ho would itllow Olero 11,1(10 and thr n.VXCE TONIGHT AT COLOMBO INTENSE DHAMATIC PltODlCTION. on way to IiIh lioint' in - the mriind loilm- of New Mexico, which eoniputatiou of Interest brought tho .luanlla Sindovsl. I of HAIJ IMK)STi:it OltCHESTKA. 'llil a Iilvc Company Not a Picture. J'riiver. Mr, Miller ban b'tn tlidlliitf Mr. Hlevrii was rulitl us tolal to $2,037. The milt wa lilstitutrd Miss Jiiaulta Pnmlovul, '.'3 years fliriitlfi III tile and reliirned by well a a Kiiodly represriitallou of the in 11107 and thn court ullovvrd Inlrr-ru- t old, died nt :30 o'clock yesterduy Uciiult. frun Juurual want ada. way w 1014 of Kl I'uhii und Tulnrowi. lirrv nielllberhllll of the AlbmUer(Ue lr from May 1 of that yrar. morning at her home, South Via viMlttd bin mil, who Is winklliu oi) und ibid Fellow lodKe. Thti Otrro bued hi cuiiNo upon the Third street. She fame to this city 0 land project there were C. O. V, city to keep thy fr"m HI Paso. Funeral services will be FEATURE PICTURES pallbritivr Cimliuuin, fiiilmr of thr A HKAt TH I I. MM: OF 4 IIK1ST-.111- 1 pro-- l'rr-fect- o S morning ut tho Tbt u heavy Niiowfull was In I A, (Iriirvr, J. II, ColllHler. C, A. l!of-rrs- t, old city hull in repair. Thr late held nt o'clock this I A.NUV lltlXI S. Iluvr ouc liilii li'. r The Young La uwuy nu. rrfritl reamtOHbte. A KfiM at Koine point north of William Tnii:i; and Mr. Arinljo wold him tho hall whllo s...,! nhnreli. ftr COMPLETE of! niMio-ili- luueli nt M eruu. CHANGE OE SHOW NIGHT vntij'day ufleriHion wim nbown by Hi thr city Mill occupied II. dies of St. Mary will have charge EVEHY w mow on To train No. I'm run i ('. U. Ottomin uiul W. O. Whitney the serv ice. Durial ill be In Sun j GRIMSHAW'S When it lllliMd at T o'clock nllllit. CITY GETS PATENT FOR were enjoined from intrrfrrlng from Jose cemetery. Nrrnnil ml Ontral. Tin-- fact that the tonnitKii ofltthr only J. M. Plfkcl. rrrrlvrr. uiulrr u rhat-te- l "SaallHtlua Our Kuetiul IWIht." Prices 10c and 20c oiitKolnir vaulbound train wa tiideied 640-ACR- E MESA TRACT luoiiKtit) ot lumbrr yard stock INFORMATION AGAINST to bo I'tlu.fJ Indicated t'utt thu ut WilKird und ulso from lnteiferln wa heavy. JOE DEL FRATE FILED! The titv' it lo lo (itO-ae- park with the properly. thr utfuinut LET US SEND A MAN nil Ihr inrfiii rant of hern now rleiir. litola Hutiiblnl bronchi suit With each unit order fur balunrr Vlgril City Clerk IIUKbt rrceivel Krrd A, Cliijton, usklnK Jildmrnt District Attorney M. V. Te HepUce Umt Broken Window of kchshii, will iiivr free our pair of 0(10. Clayton Ihr patent to the tract. The land, r..r 1". She IraliHferred to filed thr inl'orii;alion asked by Gin THE ANNA BELLE COUPON. Is. ills-trl- puu tit, A. l.oken, SI". S. H" coud. property In Ucinulillo counly for the Sheriff Dick Lewis in the rt ALBCQUKKl'E LUMBER to the rondlllmiH under which tndcr COMPANY loll of fontrurts unil cliurgintr Del Era to u,ls tm-ii- jit vviih a. illired, It to be lined h u cimMdr rut thrrr court, Joe Hm'jo!!!'!;!?'! ut i wms, "t' oihi:. IHtrceinriit," licrol'dllig to Sunday law. If Plume 411 411 R. ptnt ut onw 1,1 ori, r ll ll A In park. Thr titlti wa prrfeclrtl by iilllileB t'f with vlolutioii of the doll. to mxur t'w ercat Anna patty till city and nun ountlliis ' Ken mm nor guil- towita is ni'!ielt!t! to Ii'iIkc null rlvir nrKHiiliatlou of the her complaint. She alb Judge Haynolds finds Del Erute ilelurr br entitled livr will meun by Cum-iiot'Pcl- believed this Vontractsi" ty the decision probably the tiny are made inn, city under the leadrr.ihlp of the K',000 This Coupon Plus 10 Cents We no (.ollcllers JMIO. i,. r..i'1'lvr inrrchandlse worth eloping of all saloons throughout the have and unyoiir flub. HUliHcribtui! 25-CEN- i u of $250 for three case said T TAXI uch fraud and will b" uiuni thr puyment county on Sunday. Tho wu8 will brhiR af- - tn yotir t l,i,,,M blif bum I, ..r .'.n't proiiccuted if known. und 000 In mrrrhaiidico to been brought directly tho f- t'AHl OI' THANKS, of them, It. have lortl lo mis this " w - .1..,.. ue W. J. test- I'hoiir S3 for TaM ami Auto day irrt 11 IIV4II I'or..." subscriber JTKN1.I.I.. I tvihh to my tlmiih upon the panirnt of $12a for the district court for the purpose of toupou plus Thu lMirwdl Studio. oinerrr Any ti cents. HHHixtiinro ten- contiatt." ulletU' tlm ing the applicability of the law to the or night. lNirt lily. C'. uttai. for the Kinpathy and fourth fw :i Vet by Kootlit delivered to her wu not worth closing of suloons. DO dered liunieruuit friend durinic the A. It. BACA. IT NOW DO IT NOW DO NOW j: llllirwi und death of my beloved wife. t'.it amount. IT NOW DO IT at ommho DANCE TONIGHT AT 4AH.OMBO l.t m;tsj i,n oitcni.s i i; . A. H. AUNOI.l. H. Hryant'8 delivery has added for IIALU HOOSTEU OHCHl'.STHA. IH. It. W. IIANNA. quick ttervbo two nuto truoks. two Hud five boy. C. H. M. D.. D. o. GIA E PICTURES FOB (iraduitto ro"t t.rndnnlr Anicrlcmit Wilson und iiii'srnser aXXEn, a -4 t 1 SrlitHil of 1 - Osteopathic Siieolallrt CHKISTMA3 tltptipitlijr. 'lion 7ti, .Ttera I'Ihiuo Hutt 1. W. O. W. Hide- - treat all curable diseases. Office MAHW SPRINGER Building. 665 and Special prices on photof for the COAL CO r M. WHJtJAMl Fhonee Hi. cTLl v B. 7 , TRANSFER Drill holidays at Miss Pitvrsou'a Studio, Henry's Delivery Mes- lt MERCHANTS W will do your and Kooma 1 nd Whiting Bulldin. South Second ANTHRACITE. V$ V ben Votl frt'luUi delivery your bill lit street. ALL SIZES, STEAM COA rtiooe Ue Corner tsaoontl and Qolit. for less than feed IQ'C MUI Wood, IU-- sengers. Phone 939. Factory Wood, Cord Ua Cowing We li tlie Pion No. M. and driver pay. Phone 7s for rute Wood. VtMn KjUnUtof.