University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-9-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-09-1914 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-09-1914." (1914). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/1139 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' ALBIUQTUEM.Q1UE MOANING JOHTKK AJL Till RTY-KTXT- H TEAR VUl- - No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1 9 lT. Dally bt Carrier or Mail Month. Mnglo Copies, ft. i the mitullu round tint! try to rlw Washington to terminate present con- inuke adequate tif it ' assessment bill i UNITED STATES iii) doubt we stand too near the work STEAMER VEDRA MEASURES ABE dition, , HAS HOT Nuco - RITTERST RUGGLE that has teen done iind ure ourselves conditions appeared molt- hopeful today at time In loo much part of it 1o piny the part than tiny tho lust two months. of historians toward It. Mori over, thou-glit- s our ure now BURNS AT SEA; TAKEN AT LAST ru it i i: n vni.itus un: FOR MASTER! OF more of the of the past. m-:- SLIGHTED MEASURES FOR future than i libM l ou r While we huve worked our tasks of. (peace the circumstuncca of the whole .Ml I 'a so, hec. I'll" l age Te., llnee have been ultered by wur. What ONLY jbatterus of urtlllery which will be we have own PROTECTION done for our land anil II sent to ,a co, Arlromi, to enforce j POLAND STILL DEFENSE OF our own people we did the best thut II If Wwshii'ton'H offb ial determination IIATIOU. SAYS wan in U8, whether of character or of to end further bloodshed on the Anier- - j Intelligence, with sober t iithuaiusui leiin side Incident to the attack on the r and u In confidence the principles ESCAPE DEATH OENACO PEOPLE Mexican town, will go from Koft j IS upon i PROGRESSING which we were acting which lillss, mar Kl Paso. Gen. J. J. Per-- j sustained ux at every step of the dif- nIiIiik, comniHiidliitt the troops at Foil! III ficult In Ell T MESSAGE undertaking; but It done. It Hum early tonight elved orders to I Iihh passed ri from our hunds. It is now dispatch the munch ut oni e to tie.' un established part of the lcglslutloti British Vessel Loaded With President Orders General Arizona town. Geimans in Possession of Lodz of the country. Ha usefulness, It ef- t'ol. K. St. Gasoline Is Driven on Rocks Tasker H. J. Greble will be In com- fects will disclose themselves In expo-- . Bliss From San mand of the guns, lie will leave Beyond Doubt and Berlin licnee, What chiefly strikes us now, in Storm and Cargo about daylight on a special train. we Catches Antonio to Scene of Disorder Reports Say They Arc Pur- IMPROVEMENT OF NATIONAL GUARD as look about uh during these clos Ilattirles A, 11 und C of the Sixth ing days of a year which will be for- Fire, on Arizona Border Line, field artillery will be sent. Already suing Russians, ever memorable in the history of the Ihe Ninth und Tenth negro I United AND NOT LARGE STANDING ARMY world, Is thai wo face new tasks, have Htntes cavalry regiments are on duty been facing them these six mulitliH, SURFACE OF WATER ' must face In IS REPRESENTATIONS TO OFFENSIVE MOVEMENT them the months to huve had only their machine gun at-- 1 SHOULD BE OUR MAIN RELIANCE conn face, them without purtinm COVERED WITH FLAMES BE MADE TO lotmetit. feeling, LEADERS BEGINS IN BELGIUM like men. who have forgotten It was learned tonight that Coloiu I everything but u common duty and Hatfield, In fore his retirement as the fiH-- t that we are representatives ut Naeo, hud Thirty-'fou- r Thirty-si- commander asked for of a great people whose, Is of x Men Mexican Generals Are to Be May Mean Will Not Ask thought not artillery to defend his position in case That Kaiser's "We Our Young Men to Spend the Best Years of jof us w A but of hat merli n owes to Aboard Are Consumed in Informed That the Mexican fire became In his opin- Further - Forces Arc Making Another Their Lives Making Soldiers of Themselves" Is Striking herself and to till mankind In such ion unbearable,- This had been denied circumstances us theso upon which Ship or Perish in Fiery Shooting Across Boundary until today. Attempt to we Break Through Passage in Remarkable and Able Government-owne- d look u mazed und anxious. Agents of Maytoreuu, Document; Waves, Will here Governor Wur has Interrupted the means of Not. Be Tolerated, whoso troops for twii mouths lime to Coast, Merchant Marine Is Advocated as Means of Supply- trade not only but also tho' processes been Investing the border town, de of production. In L'urupe ing Demand for American Goods in of it Is de fended by General Hill's I'urrunzal Markets World; Hope stroying men and resources IS MORNina JOUANAL P(CI1 1OM0 OiKtl 1.1 MOKHINa JOUL MICAl LIAtl WIMil MORMINS wholesale . forces, said It was the Intention AWMl UUID Uurrow, Kng., Dei-- X p. Wushlimtoii, 8. that inulL and upon a scale unprecedented and (:lu m.) Dec President to make desperate attempt upon Loudon. Deo. g (U:30 p. m.) Tho Expressed That This Country Will Be the Means of Bring Wrapped In Wilson a appulllng. There is reason to four flames and with the sea after a brief discussion with Nneo days. ureut bilttlo for possession of Poland about her abluzn from ihu tif his today, within three ing About Peace in Present European Conflict; Greater that the time is neur. If it be not al- - ruwi cabinet directed Secretary Muytorena Is expecting a large continues. The front extends along Jgusollno she wu carrying, only two sufficient to 300 i ready at hand, when several of tho Garrison to order troops shlpnunt of rlflo and cannon ammu- miles and victory over a part of Measure of nt Philippines Urged. men of her crew of thirty-si- x escaped Nueo, Arls., to handle any emergen- It, appears for countries of Europe will find It lt nition which hua been bought ut high nt least, to have fullen s today when the Drilish might In to do for their people what steamer Vedrn cies that urlso there connec- tost on account of the Kuropean war to tho Germans, while the Kusslans .!..... h I.:. i i plied on the shore near Harrow dur- tion with the firing across the Ameri- are pressing upon In H ueen uiways easily and which will be Imported within a t'raeow the 1ST MORNINC JOURNAL tPCCIAk LIAtKD WIIB a method smacks of ue American f ing a heavy gale, broke up and was can border Mexican jjt,us "7aole to do many esscnllul and fun- - from territory. day two, unless the present open south. Washington, Dec, 8. President W'5. consumed. The two men rescued Secretary (larrlson Inter announced ir Thut Lod Is In possession Develop National' (iuard. jdamentul things At any rate, they embargo on munitions is closed. he of. soli, in hlg annual address to congress nt'od were severely burned while swimming thut h& ho hud ordend Hiig. tien. the Germans seems undoubted "It Is right, too, the National ollr h,!'" and our "lfolJ The news tonight caused subdued and today, gave his answer to those wh that us they havo through the flaming sea to a tug. A Tasker H. lillss to slurt for Nuco a Itusslan official report Just issued of should be devel-l'vle- never needed excitement here nmonV ugcuts of tho Guard the slates thp,U mujority of tho crew was trapped in with thr'.-- batteries of field artillery apparently ). preparing contend the United Plaits Is unpre- oped und strengthened hv every brforc; uml We Bhould be relwly' various Mexican factions and Ameri- tho public more ami reauy man we nave ever tho forecastle of the Vedru and per- and "aw.ilt further orders." can army mind for the news by referring to pared lor national defense. mcanx which la not lnc,.nx'mliiit ullii1 in ished. officers. No tuvulry in udditlou to that al A the difficulty of defending the city "Let there; be no misconception," our obligations to our own people or j high official of the is equal consequence So suddenly did the fire break out ready patrolling the Arlmonu. border whluli gives to the Itusslan front uii ho wild, country has been mis- with the established policy of our It of that tho faction, when informed of the 'the n,,,io,m w,lom Kuropc usually when the vessel grounded that only has been ordered to the International hcndlngi ulinornml Vcontour, and forecasts u informed. We have not been negli- government. And this, ulso. not be- -' bus of artillery to the Ameiicun wnn lo or tour or the ships company bad time line, according to Mr. Harrison town, of tho line. gent of national defense. We are not cause tho time or occasion specially '""Pl'ii'a inuumerai articles to said: manufacture and commerce of which reach her weather side.
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