Contention in Structured Concurrency: Provably Efficient Dynamic Non-Zero Indicators for Nested Parallelism
Contention in Structured Concurrency: Provably Efficient Dynamic Non-Zero Indicators for Nested Parallelism Umut A. Acar1;2 Naama Ben-David 1 Mike Rainey 2 January 16, 2017 CMU-CS-16-133 School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 A short version of this work appears in the proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming 2017 (PPoPP '17). 1Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 2Inria-Paris Keywords: concurrent data structures, non-blocking data structures, contention, nested parallelism, dependency counters Abstract Over the past two decades, many concurrent data structures have been designed and im- plemented. Nearly all such work analyzes concurrent data structures empirically, omit- ting asymptotic bounds on their efficiency, partly because of the complexity of the analysis needed, and partly because of the difficulty of obtaining relevant asymptotic bounds: when the analysis takes into account important practical factors, such as contention, it is difficult or even impossible to prove desirable bounds. In this paper, we show that considering structured concurrency or relaxed concurrency mod- els can enable establishing strong bounds, also for contention. To this end, we first present a dynamic relaxed counter data structure that indicates the non-zero status of the counter. Our data structure extends a recently proposed data structure, called SNZI, allowing our structure to grow dynamically in response to the increasing degree of concurrency in the system. Using the dynamic SNZI data structure, we then present a concurrent data structure for series-parallel directed acyclic graphs (sp-dags), a key data structure widely used in the implementation of modern parallel programming languages.
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