The Australian Shepherd Association of Nsw

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The Australian Shepherd Association of Nsw Shows EntriesEntries Close Close 2 9April April 20202019 - 9.30at 9.30am am EntriesEntries Close Close 30 5 AprilMarch 2019 2020 4P’S ALL TOY DOG CLUB OF NSW THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW THE BILL SPILSTEAD COMPLEX FOR CANINE AFFAIRS, SHEPHERD ASSOCIATION 44 LUDDENHAM RD, ORCHARD HILLS SUNDAY 5 APRIL 2020 OF NSW INC Classes to be judged: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 11 & 18 (dogs & bitches) CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW & Entries to: Mr T L Couchman, PO Box 8012, Tumbi Umbi 2261 Ph (02) 4389 4877 Mobile & Extreme Weather Ph 0428 119 391 OBEDIENCE & RALLY O TRIALS Cheques made payable to: 4P’s All Toy Dog Club of NSW BLACKTOWN CANINE CENTRE, OWEN ST, GLENDENNING JUDGE Mr S Budd (VIC) SATURDAY 11 APRIL 2020 Veteran S/stakes, Chinese Crested Dog, Bichon Frise, Coton De Tulear, Classes to be judged: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14 & 18 (dogs & bitches), Havanese, Lowchen, Maltese. Obedience Classes: UDX, UD, CDX, CD, CCD (Aust Shepherds Only) Balance of breeds in alphabetical order followed by Italian Greyhound, Rally Obedience Classes: RM, RE (A&B), RA(A&B), Pekingese, Miniature Pinscher. RN (Aust Shepherds Only) Entries to: Show Manager, 110 Georges River Road, Jannali 2226 Order of Judging As above Ph & Extreme Weather Ph 0416 382 138 Judging Commences 9.00 am Cheques made payable to: Australian Shepherd Association of NSW Inc DOGS NSW Representative Mr S Oliver Numbers to be collected on the day Entry Fees Ordinary Classes $12.00, Baby Puppy $7.00, JUDGES Special Classes $6.00 Mrs L Sorensen (USA) All Breed Classes, General Specials Mr G Jameson (NSW) Property Classes: Best Gaited (Dog & PRIZES - Category B: Bitch), Best Headed (Dog & Bitch), General Specials: BIS & RUBIS Cash & Rosette, CIS Cash & Sash Footed, Merle, Solid, Topline, Brace, Group Specials Cash & Sash Best of Breed: Prize & Sash, Runner up Best of Breed: Sash only Breeders Team (Up to 4 dogs Veteran S/stakes Cash & Sash 1st, 2nd & 3rd same prefix), MVA Ms J Kaldor (NSW) Obedience & Rally O Mrs S Brazier (NSW) Junior Handlers EntriesEntries Close Close 9 April 13 March2019 - 9.30 2020 am Order of Judging 9.00 am Breed then Property (not before 12 noon). 9.00 am Obedience then Rally O. Junior Handlers followed by ALASKAN MALAMUTE CLUB OF NSW INC Veterans Parade during the lunch break 25TH ANNIVERSARY CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW THE BILL SPILSTEAD COMPLEX FOR CANINE AFFAIRS, Judging Commences 9.00 am Breed & Obedience 44 LUDDENHAM RD, ORCHARD HILLS FRIDAY 10 APRIL 2020 DOGS NSW Representative Show Ms L Cook Classes to be judged: 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 14, 11 & 18 (dogs & bitches) Trial Mrs C Graham Entries to: Show Secretary, 59 Pelsart St, Penrith 2750 Entry Fees Member First $18.00, Subsequent $13.00, Ph & Extreme Weather Ph 0423 095 727 Cheques made payable to: Alaskan Malamute Club of NSW Inc Non Member First $20.00, Subsequent $15.00, All Baby Puppies $10.00, Property $5.00, JUDGES Veterans Parade (Free) - send resume to Mr M Anderson (South Africa) Alaskan Malamute, General Specials Catalogues $5.00 pre-ordered and prepaid with entry Miss D Borg (NSW) Property Classes, Junior Handlers Refreshments Limited available including cold drinks, tea, coffee Order of Judging Dogs, Veteran Parade, Bitches, General Specials, Junior Bitches in oestrum may be shown but may Handlers, Property Classes not be Trialled in Obedience or Rally O Judging Commences 9.30 am DOGS NSW Representative Mr P Cutler PRIZES: Entry Fees Members: Ordinary Classes $25.00, Subsequent $18.00 Best In Show Prize, Rozette & Perpetual Trophy Non Members: Ordinary Classes $28.00, All: Property Classes $2.50 (prepaid) Runner Up Best In Show Prize & Rozette Catalogues Included with entry Classes in Show & Opposites in Show Prize & Rozette Champion Puppy Perpetual Trophy & Rozette please email photo & spiel Veteran Parade: Best State Bred In Show Perpetual Trophy & Rozette (to be Property Classes: Best Head Dog & Bitch, Best Gait, Best Eyes, Best Ears, awarded to the highest awarded NSW Bred Dog in Show) Best Coat, Best Tail, Best Feet, Best Topline, Brace, Parents & Progeny (min Challenge & Reserve Challenge Dog & Bitch Prize & Rozette 2 progeny) Breed classes 1st, 2nd & 3rd - Sash Property Classes (excluding MVA) - 1st, 2nd & 3rd - Sash PRIZES MVA Winner Perpetual Trophy & Rozette General Specials: Prize & Sash, Obedience & Rally 1st, 2nd & 3rd - Prize & Sash Prize & Sash, Property Classes Winner of Winners (Obedience) Rozette Junior Handlers Sash High In Trial (Rally O) Rozette, All Qualifiers Ribbon 8 DOGS NSW Gazette February 2020 9 Shows EntriesEntries CloseClose 24 13 April 20192020 ALBION PARK KENNEL CLUB INC * FLYING HIGH * ALL BREEDS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW The only dog show in NSW held in conjuction with an Air Show! Featuring World Renown ‘Roulettes’ KEITH GREY OVAL, ALBION PARK SHOWGROUND, ILLAWARRA HWY, ALBION PARK SATURDAY 2 (AM & PM) & SUNDAY 3 MAY 2020 Classes to be judged: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 18 (dogs & bitches) Entries to: Miss C Timms, 6 Karbo St, Figtree 2525 Ph 0458 206 332 (before 7.30 pm please) Email Extreme Weather Ph 0412 707 774 (Show Manager) Cheques made payable to: Albion Park Kennel Club Inc Raising money for OVARIAN CANCER REASEARCH Saturday AM - Green Saturday PM - Yellow Sunday - Purple Judging Commences 8.30am with Breed Not before 11.30am with Breed 9.00am eith Age S/stakes No lunchbreak - PM show starts 15 mins after AM General Specials finish General Specials - Ring 4 Mr K Hodge (NSW) Mr R Harbin (NSW) Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Ms P Kilburn (NSW) Toys - Ring 1 Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Mr R Harbin (NSW) Breed Feature - Pugs Terriers - Ring 2 Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Ms P Kilburn (NSW) Mr D Freshwater (NSW) Mr K Hodge (NSW) Gundogs - Ring 3 Mr R Harbin (NSW) Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Breed Feature - All Cocker Spaniels Hounds - Ring 4 Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Mr R Harbin (NSW) Ms R Rafton (NSW) Mrs C Rafton (NSW) Working Dogs - Ring 5 Mr K Hodge (NSW) Mrs S Brackman (NSW) Breed Feature - Aust Working Dogs Utility - Ring 6 Mrs V Zavattaro (NSW) Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Non Sporting - Ring 7 Mrs R Preece-Pickering (NSW) Mrs V Zavattaro (NSW) Mr K Hodge (NSW) 3-6 mths S/staks - Ring 6 Mrs D Harbin (NSW) 6-12 mths S/stakes - Ring 6 Mrs D Harbin (NSW) SPECIAL S/STAKES - Lunchtime - Ring 6 VETERANS (Over 7 years); ASIAN BREEDS (as per Asian Breeds Club); Mrs D Harbin (NSW) BLACK & WHITE (Black, White or Black & White dogs - any breed) Albion Park Kennel Club MEMBERS S/STAKES - in break prior to General Specials Judge TBA on day Gold coin donations to Ovarian Cancer Junior Handlers - during lunch break Mrs D Harbin (NSW) Order of Judging Alphabetical, as per schedule. Exhibitors Information & Schedules ‘Australian Dog Show Chatter’, ‘Schedules - Australian Dog Shows’, DOGS NSW Members’ Discussion Group’ and ‘Albion Park DOGS NSW Representative Mr P Rath KC’ Facebook pages, Dog Show Campers, Solo Dog Show Ladies Entry Fees $13.00, Baby Puppy $6.00, S/stakes $5.00 Catalogues $5.00 prepaid only A separate entry form is required for all sweepstakes Exhibit Cards to be picked up on the day of the show Refreshments Available Camping Prepaid with OzEntries or contact Show Manager (powered and unpowered sites available) (Qiuet shady sites close to rings and town amentities) Point Scores American Staffordshire Terrier Club (Sunday) Breed Features - Prizes donated by R Dryden & C Timms At these shows only the PRIZES - Category B: Show Secretary and BIS & RUBIS Cash & Sash, General Specials & Group Specials Cash & Sash, Treasuer have Sunday Only - Special Classes Cash & Sash, Junior Handlers Cash & Sash contact with the judges and do not exhbit 8 DOGS NSW Gazette February 2020 9 Shows EntriesEntries Close Close 13 31 MarchMarch 2019 2020 Entries CloseEntries Mail Close 27, Online MA 8 October30 March 2019 at 9am 2020 THE AUSTRALIAN WORKING THE BOSTON TERRIER CLUB OF DOG CLUB OF NSW INC METROPOLITAN NSW INC CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW THE BILL SPILSTEAD COMPLEX FOR CANINE AFFAIRS, INAUGURAL SHOW 44 LUDDENHAM RD, ORCHARD HILLS THE BILL SPILSTEAD COMPLEX FOR CANINE AFFAIRS, 44 LUDDENHAM RD, ORCHARD HILLS SUNDAY 5 APRIL 2020 Classes to be judged: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 18 (dogs & bitches) SATURDAY 4 APRIL 2020 Classes to be judged: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12 & 18 (dogs & bitches) Entries to: Ms A J Cowin, 36 Brunker Rd cnr Graf Ave, Yagoona 2199 Ph & Extreme Weather Ph 0411 259 819 Entries to: Show Secretary, 325 Spinks Rd, Glossodia 2756 Cheques made payable to: The AWD Club of NSW Inc Ph & Extreme Weather Ph 0403 013 305 Cheques made payable to: The Boston Terrier Club of Metropolitan NSW Inc JUDGE Mr J Canellis (NSW) JUDGES Australian Kelpie, Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog, Mr G Vernon (NSW) Border Collie, Australian Cattle Dog Championship Show Trainee Judge - Ms R Rafton (NSW) Order of Judging As above with Best Headed & Gaited after each Breed Property Classes (Best Head, Best Movement, Best Brindle, Best Markings, Parent & Offspring, Brace) Judging Commences 12.00 noon (no meal break will be taken) Order of Judging Championship Show followed by Property Classes DOGS NSW Representative Mrs S Brazier Judging Commences 10.00am Entry Fees Members $10.00, Non Members $12.00, Property Classes $4.00 DOGS NSW Representative Mrs T Waters Catalogues $3.00 Point Scores Australian Cattle Dog Society of NSW Inc Entry Fees Members 1st entry $20.00, subsequent entries $15.00, The Australian Kelpie Club of NSW Inc Non Members 1st entry $25.00, subsequent entries $20.00, Australian Working Dog Club of NSW All Baby Puppies $10.00, Property $2 each or $10 for all classes, enter on the day Catalogues Included with entry or $8.00 on the day (limited number available) Camping DOGS NSW Website Refreshments Available This show will be run in conjunction with the Australian Cattle Dog Club of NSW.
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