Ichthyofauna of Mundaú River Basin, Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil
Biota Neotropica 17(1): e20160174, 2017 www.scielo.br/bn ISSN 1676-0611 (online edition) inventory Ichthyofauna of Mundaú river basin, Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil Francisco Keilo Teixeira1, Telton Pedro Anselmo Ramos2, 3*, Roney Emanuel Costa de Paiva2, Marcelo Aguiar Távora1,4, Sergio Maia Queiroz Lima2 & Carla Ferreira Rezende1 1Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Biologia, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia, Natal, RN, Brazil 3Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil 4Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte, Ipanguaçu, RN, Brazil *Corresponding author: Telton Pedro Anselmo Ramos, e-mail: telton@gmail.com TEIXEIRA, F.K., RAMOS, T.P.A., PAIVA, R.E.C., TÁVORA, M.A., LIMA, S.M.Q., REZENDE, C.F. Ichthyofauna of Mundaú river basin, Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica. 17(1): e20160174. http://dx.doi. org/10.1590/1676-0611-BN-2016-0174 Abstract: Mundaú river basin is located at Center-North Ceará State and occupies a total area of 2,227 km2, including Estuário do Rio Mundaú Environmental Protection Area. This study aimed to catalog the fishes of this basin. Collections were performed with active and passive gear in 35 sampling sites, between 2012 and 2014, in several habitats (main channels, streams, floodplains, permanent and temporary pools, ponds, and dams). A total of 2,545 specimens were collected, belonging to 55 species distributed in 10 orders, 31 families, and 50 genera; 30 of these are strictly freshwater species, and 25 estuarine-marine species.
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