Plane Partitions Fermion-Boson Duality
Quantum crystals, Kagome lattice, and plane partitions fermion-boson duality Thiago Araujo,1, ∗ Domenico Orlando,1, 2, y and Susanne Reffert1, z 1Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, ch-3012, Bern, Switzerland 2INFN, sezione di Torino and Arnold-Regge Center, via Pietro Giuria 1, 10125 Torino, Italy In this work we study quantum crystal melting in three space dimensions. Using an equivalent description in terms of dimers in a hexagonal lattice, we recast the crystal melting Hamiltonian as an occupancy problem in a Kagome lattice. The Hilbert space is spanned by states labeled by plane partitions, and writing them as a product of interlaced integer partitions, we define a fermion-boson duality for plane partitions. Finally, based upon the latter result we conjecture that the growth operators for the quantum Hamiltonian can be represented in terms of the affine Yangian Y[glb(1)]. I. INTRODUCTION addressed in [9]. Plane partitions can be written in terms of interlaced XXZ diagrams or as lattice fermions, see Random partitions appear in many contexts in mathe- figure (2). The empty partition is a configuration of the matics and physics. This omnipresence is partly explained hexagonal lattice where all positions below the diagonals by the fact that they are part of the core of number theory, are occupied. Additionally, based on the one- and two- the queen of mathematics [1]. It is nonetheless remarkable dimensional cases, a conjecture for the mass gap has been that they appear in a variety of distinct problems { such made, and further numerical analysis has been performed.
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