Fallings Park Overview Red Text Indicates a Deleted Polling Station

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Fallings Park Overview Red Text Indicates a Deleted Polling Station [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Fallings Park Overview Existing polling Electorate Proposed Old polling Proposed Reason for proposed Changes after station number in electorate district polling change consultation 2012 number district Berrybrook 568 585 CA CAA Primary School, Greenacres Avenue, Underhill Neil Dougherty 800 1217 CB CBA Education & Resource Centre, Masefield Road Scotlands 813 Removed CC Electors will now vote Adventure at either Neil Dougherty Playground centre or Fallings Park Building, Primary school, Chesterton Road depending on their location, which are conveniently located within the newly drawn polling districts. St Marys RC 1258 Removed CD To minimise Primary School, educational disruption. Cannock Road Electors will vote at Fallings Park Methodist Church instead, which is centrally located and well known. D’Eyncourt 1285 1364 CE CE CEA Primary School, Mullett Road Red text indicates a deleted polling station. Bold numbers indicate a large increase in electorate numbers. For more details of each polling station, please see the Returning Officer’s comments overleaf [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED] Fallings Park Overview St Gregory the 1396 1405 CG CH CGA Great Church Hall, Blackhalve Lane Long Knowle 1205 Removed CI CJ To minimise Primary School, educational distruption, Blackwood the new polling districts Avenue have been merged and voters will use the Community Hub instead. Fallings Park 751 1245 CK CKA Increased due to the Primary School, addition of electors Old Fallings Lane from the polling district previously served by Scotlands Adventure playground. Fallings Park Didn’t exist 1224 CDA To replace St Mary’s Methodist Church, Primary to minimise Wimborne Road educational disruption. Long Knowle Didn’t exist 1231 CIA Community Hub, Wood End Road Total number of Previous: 8 stations Proposed: 7 Red text indicates a deleted polling station. Bold numbers indicate a large increase in electorate numbers. For more details of each polling station, please see the Returning Officer’s comments overleaf [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments Existing Polling Place Room Used Existing Postal Voters as Polling Station Polling at 3/5/12 Electorate as at 3/5/12 District(s) Berrybrook Primary School, Greenacres Avenue, Reception Area CA 51 568 Underhill Neil Dougherty Education & Resource Centre, Masefield Largest Room CB 66 800 Road Scotlands Adventure Playground Building, Chesterton Largest Room CC 103 813 Road St Marys RC Primary School, Cannock Road Room on right of CD 168 1258 entrance D’Eyncourt Primary School, Mullett Road School Hall CE CF 155 1285 St Gregory the Great Church Hall, Blackhalve Lane Main Hall CG CH 162 1396 Long Knowle Primary School, Blackwood Avenue Hall at front of CI CJ 164 1205 school Fallings Park Primary School, Old Fallings Lane School Hall CK 69 751 Proposed Polling Place Proposed Room Proposed Postal Voters Polling Station Polling Electorate District(s) Berrybrook Primary School, Greenacres Avenue, Underhill Reception Area CAA 47 585 Neil Dougherty Education & Resource Centre, Masefield Largest Room CBA 76 1217 Road Fallings Park Methodist Church, Wimborne Road Main Hall CDA 159 1224 D’Eyncourt Primary School, Mullett Road School Hall CEA 143 1364 St Gregory the Great Church Hall, Blackhalve Lane Main Hall CGA 150 1405 Long Knowle Community Hub, Wood End Road To be confirmed CIA 150 1231 Fallings Park Primary School, Old Fallings Lane School Hall CKA 146 1245 [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments Poll Poll Location of General Topography Access Parking Disabled Pathways Entrance Internal Lighting/ Kitchen Room Comments Dist Stn Polling Location for parking for access heating facilities Used Place voters disabled No changes proposed for this location which offers excellent access and facilities for all electors. Polling station Berrybrook now located in school Primary reception area. Light FP School, and airy, good access CAA 0 Reception 1 Greenacres Area into polling station. Avenue, Well established Underhill location amongst local community. No change to polling district boundaries for CA district. [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments No change proposed to existing building used, modern polling place that offers good facilities for access and location, used by community for service provision and well Neil known amongst Dougherty electors. Polling district Education & boundaries redrawn to FP Largest CBA Resource incorporate existing 2 Room Centre, polling district CB with Masefield the addition of part Road polling district CC, specific streets only, to allow for improved access for polling for selected electors and more evenly distributed electorate. [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments Proposed change to Fallings Park Methodist Church which offers a centrally based location and a well- known building for local voters. Excellent facilities and access for all electors. To incorporate polling district CDA which Fallings includes existing polling Park district CD, less FP Methodist Main Hall CDA 0 numbered properties in 3 Church, Wimborne Cannock Road, Road Wednesfield / Wolverhampton, which would be better suited to vote at an alternative polling station. The use of the church helps to minimise disruption to pupils through school closures at St Mary’s Primary School. [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments To maintain existing polling place which continues to offer excellent facilities for local voters and is fully accessible for all electors. To merge D’Eyncourt polling districts CE and Primary School FP CF to create new CEA School, Hall 4 polling district CEA with Mullett Road the addition of specific properties within Cannock Road, Wednesfield / Wolverhampton from district CD which are better suited to vote at D’Eyncourt School. [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments Poll Poll Location of General Topograp Acce Parkin Disabl Pat Entrance Interna Lightin Kitche Room Used Comments Dist Stn Polling Location hy ss g for ed hwa for l g/ n Place voters parkin ys disabled access heatin facilitie g g s No change proposed to existing location which maintains good St Gregory facilities and access for the Great all local electors, FP Church Main Hall polling place centrally CGA 0 5 Hall, placed for both polling Blackhalve districts to be served. Lane Polling Districts CG and CH to be merged to create new polling district CGA. To utilise the creation of the new hub which will offer excellent facilities and access for all local electors. Ample parking and good transport links. Long Existing polling districts Knowle CI and CJ to be FP To be confirmed CIA Community merged to create new 6 Hub, Wood district CIA, no change End Road to external polling district boundaries. Use of the new hub will also avoid disruption to pupils through school closure at Long Knowle Primary School for elections. [Not Protectively Marked] Fallings Park Proposals and Returning Officer’s Comments To maintain existing polling place which continues to offer excellent facilities and access for local electors, location well Fallings known and well Park established amongst FP Primary School Hall CKA 0 community, to merge 7 School, Old existing polling district Fallings Lane CK with specific streets in CC to ensure greater access to polling place and more evenly distributed electorate amongst polling districts. Facilities good 0 Facilities acceptable (may be difficult to improve) ? Facilities in need of improvement or change of venue required Fallings Park Key Revised_Polling_District_Boundary_FP Existing Polling District Boundary Proposed Polling Stations: - k New Polling Station CA k Existing Polling Station - Unchanged k Existing Polling Station - Deleted k CB k CH CK k k CJ CC CG k k k CI CF k k CE CD k © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100019537 1:8,500 ¯.
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