Tailored Application-Specific System Call Tables
Tailored Application-specific System Call Tables Qiang Zeng, Zhi Xin, Dinghao Wu, Peng Liu, and Bing Mao ABSTRACT policies may be relaxed for setuid programs.1 Once a pro- The system call interface defines the services an operating gram is compromised, a uniform set of kernel services are system kernel provides to user space programs. An oper- potentially exposed to attackers as a versatile and handy ating system usually provides a uniform system call inter- toolkit. While a uniform system call interface simplifies op- face to all user programs, while in practice no programs erating system design, it does not meet the principle of least utilize the whole set of the system calls. Existing system privileges in the perspective of security, as the interface is call based sandboxing and intrusion detection systems fo- not tailored to the needs of applications. cus on confining program behavior using sophisticated finite state or pushdown automaton models. However, these au- Existing researches on system call based sandboxing and tomata generally incur high false positives when modeling intrusion detection focus on system call pattern checking program behavior such as signal handling and multithread- [16, 12, 31, 35, 7], arguments validation [35, 23, 25, 4, 3], ing, and the runtime overhead is usually significantly high. and call stack integrity verification [10, 15]. Some establish We propose to use a stateless model, a whitelist of system sophisticated models such as Finite State Automata (FSA) calls needed by the target program. Due to the simplicity [31, 35, 15, 13] and Pushdown Automata (PDA) [35, 14] we are able to construct the model via static analysis on by training [12, 31, 34, 10] or static analysis [35, 14, 15, the program's binary with much higher precision that in- 13], while others rely on manual configuration to specify the curs few false positives.
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