Overview of Development of Masjid Nabawi through the ages

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of First Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi Initial construction through the ages • Period: 1 A.H / 622 CE ﷺ Period of Rasulullah • • Description: • Took approximately 8 months . • Open building with small roofed area towards the front of the masjid. built ﷺ The rooms for the wives of the Prophet • on Eastern side. • An area also delineated for the Ahl-us-Suffah along the Southern wall. • Three major doors into Masjid Size: • Total Area: 1, 050 m2. • 30m from East to West, 35m North to South. • 1,5 to 2 m high. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Second MAsjid Overview of Development of Masjid Nabawi Change of Qiblah through the ages

• Period: 2 AH / 623 CE ﷺ During period of Rasulullah • • Description: Change of Qiblah • The was initially facing north towards . • Remained in this direction for 16/18 months. • The prayer direction was then changed from north to south, towards the Ka’bah, and the original mihrab (prayer niche) was converted to a door.

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Third Masjid Overview of Development of Masjid Nabawi ﷺ First Expansion by the Prophet through the ages • Period: 7 AH /628 CE ﷺ During Period of Rasulullah •

• Description: • Masjid was used for various purposes where teaching was carried out, politics were discussed, delegations were received and the needy were catered for. • Population of Muslims increased significantly. • After the Battle of Khaybar (7AH), Sahabah requested permission from Rasulullah for the expansion of the Masjid. ,son-in-law ﷺ Uthman ibn Affan , the Prophet’s • purchased land next to the Masjid Nabawi and this land was used to significantly extend the area of the . • New size: • Total area: increased to 2500 m2 • Height increased to about 3.5 m. • The masjid was extended to the north and west. • Each side now measured about 50 m. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Fourth Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi During the Period of al-Siddiq through the ages

• Period: 11-13 AH (632-634 CE)

• Under the Khilaafat of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

• Description: • No major alterations to the masjid during the of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, who ruled following the demise of the ﷺ. Prophet • He repaired the worn out palm pillars and roof • Masjid Nabawi remained as was until the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab.

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Fifth Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi During Period of Umar ibn al-Khattab through the ages • Period: 13-24 AH (634-644 CE) • Under the rule of Umar ibn al-Khattab • Description: • Muslim Population increased. People requested of Umar to expand the Masjid. • In 17 AH (639 CE), he bought some houses surrounding the mosque and the Masjid was expanded on the Southern, Northern and Western sides • Three additional exterior doors were also added, bringing the total number of doors to six. • The columns, minbar (pulpit) and mihrab (prayer niche) from the previous construction remained intact despite the extensive renovation of Umar. • Small stones were scattered across the floor and woven palm fronds provided carpeting • Umar also introduced incense, which was used every Friday and during Ramadan. • In addition, he introduced an area on the east side of the courtyard known as al-Butayha, which allowed people to discuss their worldly affairs and to recite poetry, away from the ritual prayer.

• New size: • The front of the mosque / south was increased by 5m • The back of the mosque / north was increased by 15m • The western side was increased by 10m • The masjid was now rectangular in shape again, • 60m from east to west and 70m from north to south/Ml Abdullah 4200 sq Jeenameters. seerah.co.za @madinahmemos • The roof was increased to a height of 5.5m. Overview of Sixth Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi Period of Uthman ibn al-Affaan through the ages • Period: 29 AH (649 CE) • Under the rule of Uthman ibn al-Affaan • Description: • In the month of Rabi al-Awwal 29 Hijri, 12 years after the previous extension by Umar ibn al-Khattab, Uthman undertook a new expansion. • The Masjid was demolished and a brand new structure was built, taking 10 months to complete. • It was completed in Muharram 30 AH. • Uthman personally took part in the construction. • More durable materials were used in the construction of the mosque:. • The number of doors remained the same, as in the period of Umar. • Despite the large renovation, the original layout of the mosque was preserved. mihrabﷺ The mimbar (pulpit) remained in the same position, as did the Prophet’s • (prayer niche). However, a new mihrab was erected at the north wall where the imam led prayers from, allowing for more prayer space. .mihrab was no longer in use and now stood in the prayer areaﷺ The Prophet’s • • He made a protective enclosure around the area where he led the salat to avoid attack on him during the salat. • New size: • The new masjid remained rectangular in shape, increased by 5m on three sides. • 80m from North to South and 65m from East to West. • Total Area: over 5200 m2. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Seventh Masjid Overview of Development of Period of Al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik Masjid Nabawi • Period: 88 AH (708 CE) through the ages • Under the rule of Ummayad Caliph Al-Walid / by Umar ibn Abdul Aziz • Description: • On the instruction of Waleed, Umar ibn Abdul Aziz enlarged and renovated the Masjid extensively. It was previously a simple structure. It was now built into an elaborate building with beautiful designs. • Approximately 60 years after the previous renovation by Uthman ibn al- Affan. • Begun in 88 hijri , it was completed in 91 AH, taking three years. Some historians believe the renovation was completed in 93 AH. • Overseen by the governor of Madinah at the time, Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz - the great-grandson of Umar ibn al-Khattab.

• New size: • Extended by on average, 10 to the West and 15 meters to the East and 15 meters to the North. However , the East to west expansion was less in front (70 m) and more at the back (85m). The masjid was thus now trapezoid in shape. • Just over 100m long. • All the sides were significantly extended - the North and South walls measured just over 68m and 59m respectively. • Total Area: almost 6,500 m2. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Number of key changes: burial place now located inside the Masjid, after the ﷺ The Prophet’s • east wall was repositioned. A pentagon-shaped wall was also built .sacred chamberﷺ around the four walls of the Prophet’s most of which ﷺ, The Hujarat belonging to the wives of the Prophet • had earlier been demolished, were now also incorporated within the mosque, the land being purchased from the families of the respective wives. By this time all the wives of the Prophet had passed away • The first minarets were added to Masjid al Nabawi. Four minarets, each measuring 27.5m in height, were erected at the four corners of the building. The call to prayer was made from these minarets. • New walls were constructed on a solid stone foundation. • Columns were built from stone and the walls and the columns were reinforced with iron and molten lead • A double roof was erected. The inner or lower ceiling was 12.5 meters high, made from teak and decorated with gold. There was a higher roof built on top of the inner roof. • The number of doors increased to 20. • The inside of the walls were decorated by gold, marble and mosaic tiles. • Porticoes or arched pathways and covered areas • were added, adjoining the northern section of the mosque and main prayer area. • There was an open-air courtyard in the middle of the mosque.

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Eighth Masjid Overview of Development of Period of Abu Abdullah al-Mahdi Masjid Nabawi through the ages • Period: 159-169 AH (775-785 CE) • Under the rule of The third caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Mahdi V by Abdullah bin Asim bin bin Abdul Aziz • Description: • The caliph decided on the extension of the mosque after performing and visiting Masjid Nabawi in 160 AH. • Carried out between the years of 161 AH-165 AH, 70 years after the previous renovation. • 20 additional doors were added. Eight doors were added to the east and west while four were added to the north wall. • Several houses belonging to prominent Sahaba were incorporated inside the Masjid. These Sahaba included: • Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf • Abdullah ibn Masud • Shurahbil ibn Hasana • Al-Muaawar ibn Makhzama • No further extension needed till 654 AH

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos New size:

The northern side of the mosque (the back) was extended by about 27m.

Total Area: about 8,900 m2.

The expansion was approximately 2400m in area.

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Ninth Masjid and various changes Overview of Development of the first major fire Masjid Nabawi through the ages • Period: 654 AH (1256 CE) • Under the rule of Al Mutasim Billah/Sultan Zahir Baybars V/Various • Description: • On the 1st Ramadaan 654 Hijri a fire caused by a candle or an oil lamp broke out. The fire spread to curtains, carpets, prayer mats and eventually engulfed the whole masjid. The original mushaf of Uthman was destroyed during this fire. • Many Muslim leaders participated in the reconstruction of the masjid, most significantly Mutasim. There were a number of smaller Sultanates that existed ands many of these participated or contributed. Al-Mansur Nur al-Din Ali V and Saif al-Din were some of the Sultans who participated. • Repair work began in 655 AH • During the rule of Sultan Al-Zahir Baybars V in 668 AH, the mosque was given focussed attention and comprehensive restoration work was carried out. • Up until this stage there was no enclosure around the built structure around the huijrah Mubaarak. A high, wooden enclosure was now built which also contained the area of the house of Fatima. This enclosure, which includes part of the Rawdah, still exists in Masjid Nabawi today, although it was replaced with metal at a later stage. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos • The Sultan also provided the mosque with a new minbar (pulpit). Ninth Masjid and various changes Overview of Development of the first major fire Masjid Nabawi through the ages • Period: 654 AH (1256 CE) • Under the rule of Al Mutasim Billah/Sultan Zahir Baybars V/Various • Description: • In the year 678 AH, at the start of the reign of Sultan al-Mansur Qalawun V, an outside was built for the first time in itsﷺ over the tomb of the Prophet history. This dome was originally made of wood and was unpainted. Later it was painted white and blue. In fact for a while, the dark blue color predominated, a favorite of the Arabs. • He also carried out repair work to ceiling of the masjid at a later stage. • Al-Mansur also built an ablution fountain outside of Bab al-Salam (Door of Peace). • Another Mamluk Sultan, al-Nasir Muhammad, rebuilt the fourth minaret that had been destroyed earlier. • In the same period, another Mamluk Sultan, al-Nasir Muhammad, rebuilt the fourth minaret that had been destroyed earlier. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Tenth Masjid Overview of Development of the second major fire Masjid Nabawi • Period: 886 AH (1481 CE) through the ages • Under the rule of Mamluk Sultan Al-Ashraf • Description: • In the year 886, lightning struck the frint portion of Masjid al Nabawi. A greater portion of the Masjid was damaged or destroyed.. Several people, including the Muathin lost their lives. • Ashraf Qaitbay V undertook the important responsibility of restoring the masjid. • Under his rule, he had already begun restoration on various aspects in 881 when he rebuilt entire sections of the mosque, renovating the Rawdah, replaced the ceilings and the wallsﷺ, attended to the hujrah mubaarak of Rasulullah of which had developed cracks after the previous fire. • The work was completed in Ramadan 888 AH although further work to the main minaret and the dome carried on until 891 AH. • New size: • The mosque remained the same size as it previously was. It remained in this form for 387 years, although minor renovations and repairs were carried out by the various Muslim rulers during this period.

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Tenth Masjid Overview of Development of the second major fire Masjid Nabawi • Period: 886 AH (1481 CE) through the ages • Under the rule of Mamluk Sultan Al-Ashraf Qaitbay • Description: • Some of the work carried out by the Sult:an Qaitbaay • The hujrah mubaarak was renovated extensively. The wooden base at the foot of the dome was replaced with a stone structure, lead plates were used to further strengthen the wooden part of the dome and the walls of the tomb were covered in marble. tomb was replaced withﷺ The wooden enclosure around the Prophet’s • brass railings. • The South-Eastern minaret was knocked down and rebuilt. • Sections of walls were knocked down and rebuilt thicker. Windows were added to allow more light to enter the masjid. • New columns were constructed. • Public drinking foundations were added. • He also built lodging for pilgrims and a school for students. These were located near the western wall of Masjid Nabawi, between Bab al-Salam and Bab al-Rahmah. • He also built a public bath-house, a flour mill and a kitchen which regularly provided food to the poor in Madinah. • The cost of the reconstruction of the mosque as well as the various initiatives the Sultan introduced cost over 120,000 gold dinars. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Eleventh Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi Period of Sultan Sulaiman through the ages • Period: 947 AH (1540 CE) • Under the rule of Uthmani Khalif Sultan Suleiman I • Description: • The lost power towards end of 923 hijri. The Ottomans now bore responsibility for the upkeep of the Masjid. • During this period between 950 and 1250 various changes took place. Amongst them are: • Two doors were installed – Bab al-Rahmah and Bab al-Nisa. • The minaret rebuilt during Sultan Qaitbay’s restoration was replaced by a minaret in Ottoman style. • The Rawdah was laid with marble. • Marble was added to the Sacred Chamber. ﷺ. A gold crescent was added to the dome above the tomb of the Prophet • • A prayer niche for Hanafis was added. • A section of the western wall was demolished and rebuilt. • Construction of new dome by Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II in 1228 AH • The previous dome built by Sultan Qaitbaay was demolished, and in the year 1228 AH, Sultan Mahmud II oversaw the construction of a new dome. • It was made from bricks covered with lead. • This is the dome as we see it today. • The green colour wasn’t applied until the reign of his successor, Sultan AbdulMajid I. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Twelfth Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi Period of Ottoman Sultan AbdulMajid I through the ages • Period: 1265 AH (1848 CE) • Under the rule of Ottoman Sultan AbdulMejid I • Description: • Began in 1265 AH and completed in 1278 AH– construction took a period of 13 years. • The primary building material was hard black stones found in Wadi al-Harrah, which was to be used for the walls, and softer red stones, obtained from the hills near Wadi al-Aqeeq, west of the city. • Four original doors were retained and a fifth door, known as Bab al-Majidi, was added to the northern side of the mosque. • A new minaret was erected on the northern side of the mosque .There were now a total of five minarets. • A well was added to the courtyard, which provided water for a small garden nearby • A and several utility spaces were also introduced in the northern section of the mosque. • An ablution area was installed outside the masjid between Bab Jibril and Bab al-Nisa. • Several small , each of equal size, were added. The exterior of the domes were covered in lead. • Beautiful calligraphy around the Masjid and interior of domes, done by a master Ottoman calligrapher. It took him three years . • He did not, touch the tomb of the Prophet, the three mihrabs, the minbar and the Suleiymaniyyah minaret. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Twelfth Masjid Development of Masjid Nabawi Period of Ottoman Sultan AbdulMajid I through the ages • Period: 1265 AH (1848 CE) • Under the rule of Ottoman Sultan AbdulMejid I • Description: • New size: • The size of the mosque was increased by an additional 1300 m2 to the floor area of what was built by Sultan Al-Ashraf Qaitbay • Total Area: 4100 m2. • The south side measured 87m, and the north side measured 66m. The length of the mosque from north to south now measured 116 / 127m

Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Expansion thirteen Development of Masjid Nabawi First Major Saudi Expansion through the ages • Period: 1370 AH (1951 CE) • Under the rule of King Abdul Aziz • Description: • Primarily made to the northern section of the mosque, with the east and west wings also being slightly expanded. • Masjid Nabawi returned to a rectangular shape after the enlargement, ending the mosque’s 640 year old trapezoid design with a single courtyard. • The new structure was made of reinforced concrete and supported by 274 square pillars and 232 round pillars. It was decorated with carved artificial stone. • Some significant features include: • Two minarets were replaced by minarets in Mamluk style and another two minarets were erected. Each minaret was 72m in height. • A second courtyard, clad with marble, was added to the north of the mosque. • Pavilions were added to the east and west wings, either side of the courtyard. • Five additional doors were added to the previous construction – the Umar ibn al-Khattab door, the Uthman ibn Affan door, al-Majeedi door, King Abdul Aziz door and King Saud door. • A library containing historical copies of the and other religious texts was established on the western wing of the mosque. • 18 staircases were added. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Expansion thirteen Development of Masjid Nabawi First Major Saudi Expansion through the ages

mihrab, theﷺ sacred chamber, the Prophet’sﷺ The Prophet’s • minbar, the Rawdah, historical pillars. the and the main minaret remained untouched. • The construction of the mosque took a total of five years and was officially complete on 5 Rabi al-Awwal 1375 AH (October 1956 CE). • Cost of 70 million Saudi Riyals. 30 million Riyals was spent on the construction itself, with another 40 million spent on the acquisition of land, bringing the total to 70 million Riyals • • New size: • The mosque now measured 128 metres from north to south and 91 metres from east to west. The total size of the extended area measured 6024 square metres, bringing the total area of the mosque to 16,400 sq metres. It could now accommodate 28,000 worshippers. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Overview of Expansion fourteen Development of Masjid Nabawi Second Major Saudi Expansion through the ages • Period: 1406 AH (1985 CE) • Under the rule of King Fahd • Description: • Construction began in the month of Muharram • The enlargement involved building three new structures on the north, east and west sides of the existing structure. • Marble was used extensively throughout the structure, particularly for the flooring. • The front of the mosque i.e. the southern section, remained the same, as was the case with the previous Saudi expansion. • A further six minarets were erected, to add to the previous four, bringing the total number of minarets to 10. • New size: • Total size of expansion was 384,000 m2 • Total Area: just over 400,000 m2. • This entire area is able to accommodate over one million worshippers at peak times. Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Ml Abdullah Jeena seerah.co.za @madinahmemos Kindly note that pictures utilized in these presentations have been derived from various sources, including: ▪ Various Internet websites, including: ▪ https://madainproject.com/ ▪ https://www.instagram.com/onlyinmadinah/?hl=en ▪ https://www.instagram.com/madinahmemos/?hl=en ▪ Wasf-al-Masjid-an-Nabawi

Ml Abdullah Jeena Seerah.co.za @madinahmemos