United States Court of Appeals
UnitedStates Court of Appeals FOR THE DISTRICTOF COLUMBIA CIRCUIT Argued January 3, 2020 Decided March 10, 2020 No. 19-5288 I N RE: A PPLICATIONOFTHEC OMMITTEEONTHEJ UDICIARY, U.S.H OUSEOFR EPRESENTATIVES, FORANO RDER AUTHORIZINGTHERELEASEOFCERTAINGRANDJURY MATERIALS, C OMMITTEEONTHEJ UDICIARY, U NITEDS TATESH OUSEOF R EPRESENTATIVES, APPELLEE v. U NITEDS TATESD EPARTMENT OF J USTICE, APPELLANT Appeal from the United StatesDistrictCourt for the District of Columbia (No.1:19-gj-00048) Mark R. Freeman, Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, argued the cause for appellant. With him on the briefs were Hashim M. Mooppan, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, and Michael S. Raab and Brad Hinshelwood, Attorneys. Douglas N. Letter, General Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives, argued the cause for appellee. With him on 2 the brief were Todd B. Tatelman, Deputy General Counsel, Megan Barbero and Josephine Morse, Associate General Counsel,AdamA. Groggand WilliamE.Havemann,Assistant General Counsel, Jonathan B. Schwartz, Attorney, Annie L. Owens,Mary B.McCord,and DanielB. Rice. Elizabeth B. Wydra, Brianne J. Gorod, and Ashwin P. Phatak were on the brief for amicus curiae Constitutional Accountability Center in support of the Committee on the Judiciary,U.S.Houseof Representatives. Before: ROGERS, GRIFFITH, and RAO, Circuit Judges. Opinionforthe CourtbyCircuitJudgeR OGERS. ConcurringopinionbyCircuitJudgeG RIFFITH. DissentingopinionbyCircuitJudgeR AO. R OGERS, Circuit Judge: Article I of the United States Constitution providesthat the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.” U.S.C ONST. art.I,§ 2, cl. 5. Further,the Senate “shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”Id.§ 3, cl. 6. The Committee on the Judiciary of the U.S.
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