2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.22 All and battlegroup counters are printed on both sides. Each side is called a step, and all combat units have two Shifting Sands: The Campaign for North Africa, 1940-1943 is a steps. The front of every counter represents the unit at full two-player game simulating the Second World War in the strength; the reverse side represents the unit at reduced Mediterranean Theatre of Operations between the Italian strength. Note that, for most units, the reduced side has a declaration of war in June, 1940 and the final Axis surrender in weaker Combat Factor than the full strength side, while the Tunisia in May, 1943. Loss Factor and Movement Factor are unchanged.

2.0 COMPONENTS 2.23 Combat units come in two different types: and armor. All armor units have a tank illustration on the counter. Shifting Sands includes the following: 2.24 There are several types of 5/8” game marker pieces • One 22” by 34” map included with the game. Their use is described throughout the • 264 5/8” diecut counters rules. • 130 1/2” diecut counters • Two player reference cards 2.3 The Strategy Cards • One rules booklet • Two decks of strategy cards (55 each) Each player has his own deck of 55 strategy cards: 14 cards • Two six-sided dice labeled 1940, 20 cards labeled 1941, and 21 cards labeled 1942. 2.1 The Game Map

The game map consists of spaces (squares and eight-pointed stars) that are connected to one another by lines. Spaces connected by a line are considered adjacent. All spaces include coloring to show which side controls them initially, the type of terrain they contain, whether the space contains contains a port and/or fort, and whether the space counts for Victory Point purposes. The game map also contains a number of charts and tracks to record various game functions. These include two Action Round Charts, a Turn Record Track and a General Records Track (used to record the accumulation of Replacement Points and Axis Victory Points).

2.2 The Playing Pieces

2.21 Combat units come in two different sizes: divisions and battlegroups. Divisions are large bodies of troops, supported by artillery, air power, etc., and are represented by 5/8” counters. 2.4 Unit Nationality Abbreviations Battlegroups are forces ranging from battalion to brigade size, and Color References and are represented by the smaller 1/2” counters. Allied

Counter Nationality Color Scheme ______

AUS Australian Tan/Light Green BR British Tan FF British-controlled Light Blue Free French FF US-Controlled Green/Light Blue Free French GK Greek Blue IND Indian Tan/Red NZ New Zealand Tan/Blue POL Polish Red SA South African Tan/White US United States Green 3 Axis Draw Pile: The deck of strategy cards a player draws his cards from during each Draw Strategy Card Phase. Counter Nationality Color Scheme ______Discard Pile: The „Played‟ boxes on the map are where each player places a strategy card played for Operations, EG Egyptian Gray/Orange Redeployment, Replacements, as an Event (other than “*” GE German Gray Events), or removed from his hand at the beginning of the IR Iraqi Gray/Pink Draw Strategy Card Phase. IT Italian Blue green/Light Green VF Vichy French Gray/Light Blue Die roll modifier (drm): A drm is a number that is added or subtracted to a specified die roll.

3.0 SYMBOLS AND TERMINOLOGY Full Supply: The supply status of combat units within three spaces of a Supply Source. (Asterisk): If a strategy card marked with an asterisk is played as an Event, the card is permanently removed from Limited Supply: The supply status of combat units that are the game after the Action Round in which it was played. It is more than three spaces from a Supply Source. not removed from the game if used as an Operations, Redeployment, or Replacement Points card. Loss Factor (LF): A numerical measure of a unit‟s ability to absorb casualties. Activated: When a space has had its movement or combat Activation cost paid for during an Action Round, all the units in Loss Number: The result from a Fire Table during Combat. the space are considered Activated and can conduct the action indicated by the Activation marker. Note: Activated armor Movement Factor (MF): The number of contiguous spaces a units can both move and attack in the same Action Round. unit may enter during an Action Round when Activated for movement. Active Player: The player taking an action during his part of the Action Round. During combat the Active Player is also the ►Operations Value (OPS): The number of Activation Attacker, while his opponent is the Defender. Points that a player may spend for movement and/or combat in an Action Round. Each strategy card has an OPS value from 2 Allied Minor Nations: British-controlled Free French, Greek, to 5. and Polish battlegroups. ►Out of Supply (OOS): A unit is OOS when it cannot trace Card/Event Name: Each strategy card is named to describe the a Supply Line to a friendly Supply Source. An OOS unit event or action that it represents. If the name is in red it suffers several restrictions, and is eliminated during the indicates that Event that is a prerequisite for another Event. Attrition Phase if still OOS.

Combat Card: Combat Cards are a special type of Event that Redeployment (RD): This is an action by which players are played during the Combat Phase. Note: For simplicity the move units great distance within friendly territory. Note: The rules refer simply to Combat Cards rather than Combat Card Redeployment Value of a strategy card is the same number of Events. points as a card’s OPS Value.

Combat Factor (CF): This is the numerical measure of a unit‟s Replacement Points (RP): Replacement Points are used to ability to inflict damage. The CF is used to resolve combat on rebuild reduced strength units and to re-create eliminated the Fire Tables. The CF of a Fort space is printed on the map units. Note: some units have a black dot on their right hand next to it. Note: A battlegroup may be weaker in combat than a side to indicate they may not be rebuilt or re-created. division with a lower CF. This is because divisions conduct Offensive and Defensive Fire on a better Combat Fire Table Supply Line: A string of than battlegroups. contiguous friendly controlled spaces or ports leading from a Control: Each space on the map is at all times controlled by unit to a Supply Source. either the Allied or the Axis player. At the beginning of the Campaign Game all green spaces are Allied-controlled, all gray Supply Source: A space on spaces are Axis-controlled. A space controlled by you is the map from which a Supply considered friendly. A space controlled by your opponent is Line terminates. A corner enemy. Control of a friendly space changes to the enemy when graphic of a port anchor inside an enemy unit enters it, or if the space becomes Out of Supply. a diamond indicates that a

4 space may be used as a Supply Source by that side. 5.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY

Torch Landing Cards: Strategy cards from the year 5.1 Draw Strategy Card Phase 1942 that may only be played as Events after the Allied player has played the Torch Event. These cards ►5.11 Both players have the opportunity to discard any or all have a black „T‟ inside an orange diamond at the top of of the strategy cards remaining in their hand from the previous the card. turn immediately before they draw new cards in the Draw Strategy Card Phase. Place the cards face down in the Victory Point (VP) Space: Any space with a yellow name and player‟s Discard Pile. Players may never examine an outline. When control of these spaces changes, the VP marker is opponent‟s Discard Pile. adjusted on the General Records Track. ►5.12 Each player draws strategy cards from his Draw Pile to bring his hand up to its maximum size for the forthcoming 4.0 PREPARE FOR PLAY turn. The maximum hand size is as follows: (THE SHIFTING SANDS CAMPAIGN GAME) 1940 turns: 7 cards 4.1 Markers 1941 turns: 8 cards 1942 turns: 9 cards 4.11 Place the Turn marker on the “Summer 1940” space on the 1943 turns: 10 cards Turn Record Track. ►5.13 If there are insufficient strategy cards in the Draw Pile 4.12 Place the VP marker on the “10” space of the General to fill a player‟s hand back up to its maximum size, take all the Records Track. available cards. Then reshuffle the discards into a new Draw Pile and draw from this up to the maximum hand size. 4.13 Place the GE, IT, BR, CW and the Allied Replacement Point markers on the “0” space of the General Records Track. 5.2 Action Phase The US Replacement Point marker is not used until the Torch Event has been played (7.416). Each Action Phase is divided into six identical Action Rounds. Each Action Round allows both players to take one action. 4.14 Place six Action markers near each player‟s Action Round The Axis player takes his action first in each Action Round. Chart. After all six Action Rounds are completed, play proceeds to the next phase. 4.15 Place five Move/Attack markers near the Axis player, because he will take the first action. Note: The game includes 5.3 Attrition Phase several extra Move and Attack markers should some become worn or lost. There should never be more than five Move/Attack ►All OOS battlegroups and divisions are eliminated. Place markers in use during play. eliminated battlegroups in the player‟s Replacement Box. Eliminated OOS divisions may not be replaced and are 4.16 Place all other markers within easy reach. removed from play. Control of spaces may change (13.82).

4.2 Unit Setup 5.4 Victory Determination Phase

Place Axis and Allied units in the spaces indicated in the 5.41 Add 1 VP each Victory Determination Phase the Axis Campaign Game Setup (17.0). The Campaign Game Setup is control, or are adjacent to, (EG units do not count also printed on the map. Note: Use the 3-3-5 counter for the as Axis for purposes of this rule). Add 1 VP each Victory British 7th Armored Division. The otherwise identical counters Determination Phase, starting with the Fall 1941 turn, if the with the higher Combat Factors are upgrades that become Axis control any space in East Africa. available through the play of strategy cards that are added to the Allied player’s deck in 1941 and 1942. 5.42 Determine if either player has won an Automatic Victory (Axis: 16.2; Allied: 16.3). If it is the Spring 1943 Victory 4.3 Strategy Cards Determination Phase, the game is over. Count Victory Points and determine who has won the game. Each player separates his strategy cards on the map. The player‟s 1940 cards are placed in the “1940” space, the 1941 cards are placed in the “1941” space, and the 1942 cards are placed in the “1942” space. Each year‟s cards should be thoroughly shuffled prior to placement.


5.5 Replacement Phase Redeployment Value, or for Replacement Points, or as an Event and following the directions given on the card. 5.51 The Axis player spends any Replacement Points (RP) accumulated through the play of RP Cards and/or the Battlefield OR Recovery Event this turn, as marked on the General Records Track. B. Not play a strategy card. A player who does not play a strategy card must take an Automatic Operation as if playing a 5.52 The Allied player spends any Replacement Points (RP) strategy card with an OPS value of one. accumulated through play of RP Cards and/or the Atlantic Charter Event this turn, as marked on the General Records 6.13 Players place the numbered Action Round Track. markers on their respective Action Round Charts (one each Action Round), to indicate 5.6 Game Turn Phase which actions they have conducted.

If the game has not ended because of an Automatic Victory or 6.14 Players continue to alternate taking actions until each the Spring 1943 Victory Determination Phase advance the Turn player has taken six actions. marker to the next season on the Turn Record Track and begin the Sequence of Play again with the Draw Strategy Card Phase. 7.0 STRATEGY CARDS

6.0 ACTION PHASE 7.1 General Rules

6.1 General Rules Players initiate all actions, including movement and combat, through the play of strategy cards. Exception: Automatic There are six Action Rounds per Action Phase. In each Action Operations (6.12B). Round, each player is allowed to take one action. 7.11 Each player begins the game using only his 1940 strategy 6.11 The Axis player conducts the first action of each Action cards. His 1941 and 1942 cards are added per rule 7.7. Round. 7.12 Each strategy card can be used in one of four possible 6.12 Each player must take one of two possible actions: ways:

EITHER ● Operations (OPS) ● Redeployment (RD) A. Play a strategy card, and decided to do ONE of the following ● Replacement Points (RP) options: Play the card for its OPS Value, or for its ● As an Event

6 ►Each card may only be used one way each time it is played. marked with an Attack marker. Combat is voluntary and no Exception: Certain Events allow the same strategy card to be unit is required to attack. Combat markers are removed as used as an Event and OPS card simultaneously in the same each combat is resolved. Action Round. These cards have their OPS Value within a square rather than a circle. When a card is played for OPS, RD, 7.3 Redeployment or RP it is placed in the player‟s Discard Pile, face down. 7.31 If a strategy card is played as an RD card, the player may 7.2 Operations use Redeployment to move battlegroups and/or divisions.

7.21 If a strategy card is played as an OPS card, the player is 7.32 The player receives a number of RD Points to spend allowed to spend a number of activation points equal to the OPS equal to the OPS Value of the strategy card. Value of the card. Note: A minimum of one friendly unit in a space is required to activate that space. 7.33 A strategy card may not be played for RD in consecutive Action Rounds. Note: A player may play a RD card in the ►7.22 A space costs the same number of activation points last Action Round of one turn and the first Action Round of the whether it is Activated for movement or combat. Exceptions: next turn. Limited Supply (13.611), Out of Supply (13.71). 7.34 Redeployment rules are listed in section 12.0. 7.23 The cost to Activate a space is equal to the number of different nationalities (excluding forts) in the space, with the following exceptions:

● British, Commonwealth (AUS, IND, NZ and SA) and Allied Minor Nation (FF, GK and POL) units are treated as one nationality for purposes of Activation for movement and 7.4 Replacement Points combat. 7.41 If a strategy card is played as a RP card, the player marks ● German, Vichy French, Iraqi and Egyptian units are treated as on the General Records Track the number of Replacement one nationality for purposes of Activation for movement and Points listed for each nationality in the boxes in the lower left combat. corner of the card.

● US and US-controlled FF units are treated as one nationality 7.411 The “CW” Replacement Points on the Allied strategy for purposes of Activation for movement and combat cards are recorded with the Commonwealth RP marker, and (11.262). are used for all the Commonwealth nations (AUS, IND, NZ, and SA). 7.24 The cost to Activate a multi-national space applies even if units of one or more nationalities in the space do nothing during 7.412 The “A” Replacement Points on the Allied strategy the Activation, i.e., a player may never “withhold” units to lower cards are recorded with the Allied RP marker and are used for Activation costs. all Allied Minor Nation (FF, GK and POL).

7.25 Each space can be Activated for either movement or 7.413 After play of the Battlefield Recovery combat, but not both. A Move or Attack marker should be Event, the GE RP marker should be flipped so placed on each space as it is Activated. Note: Armor units that its “Battlefield Recovery” side is face up. potentially can both move and attack in the same Action Round The Axis player receives one German RP every (9.16). Replacement Phase for the rest of the game. This is in addition to any RP the Axis player received for 7.26 Only friendly-occupied spaces may be Activated. A space playing strategy cards for RP during the Action Phase. It is with only a friendly Fort is not considered occupied for earned even if the Axis player did not play a card for RP Activation purposes. during the Action Phase.

7.27 After all Activated spaces are marked the Active Player 7.414 After play of the Atlantic conducts movement of all units in spaces marked with a Move Charter Event, the BR and CW RP marker. Units in a space marked for movement are not required markers should be flipped so their to move at all. Remove each space‟s Move marker as it is “Atlantic Charter” side if face up. The Activated for movement. Allied player receives one British or one Commonwealth RP every Replacement Phase for the rest 7.28 After all movement is completed the Active Player of the game. He does not have to decide whether the extra RP conducts any combat that he wishes to initiate from spaces will be BR or CW until the beginning of his Replacement 7 Phase. This RP is in addition to any RP the Allied player ►7.511 The name immediately under each photo is that received for playing strategy cards for RP during the Action strategy card‟s Event Name. A red Event Name indicates that Phase. It is earned even if the Allied player did not play a card the Event is a prerequisite for play of another event. for RP during the Action Phase. 7.52 If a strategy card with an asterisk (*) is played as an 7.415 If the Massawa space on the East Africa map is Allied Event, permanently remove it from the game after completion controlled, all Allied RP cards produce one additional BR RP, in of the Action Round it was played. The card is not removed addition to any BR RP listed on the card. from the game if played as an OPS, RD, or RP card.

7.416 After play of the Torch Event, all Allied RP cards produce 7.521 The Allied player may not play any Malta Convoys three US RP, in addition to any other RP listed on the card. Event until after he has played the Barbarossa Event. If the Axis player has played the Siege of Malta Event, the Allied 7.42 The player conducts no other actions besides marking the player may not play any Malta Convoys Event until after he Replacement Points during the Action Round. Replacement has played the Spitfires Event. Points are spent during the Replacement Phase of each turn (15.0). ►7.522 The Axis player may not play the London Calling Event if Tripoli is Allied-controlled. If Tripoli becomes 7.43 A strategy card may not be played for RP in consecutive Allied-controlled during a turn in which the Axis play London Action Rounds. Note: A player may play a RP card in the last Calling, that event is canceled. Action Round of one turn and the first Action Round of the next turn. 7.53 Certain Events introduce new units (reinforcements) into play. The Allied player may play one BR and one CW ►7.44 Certain Events temporarily or permanently prevent the Reinforcement Event per turn. The Axis player may play one Axis player from playing a strategy card for Replacement Points: GE and one IT Reinforcement Event per turn. Each player may also play one “T” Reinforcement per turn after the play of ● Once the Axis player has played the Invasion of Greece Event, the Torch Event. Note: Reinforcement Events are separate he may not play a strategy card for RP until he plays one of the and distinct from the play of strategy cards for Replacement following as an Event: Rommel, Balkan Campaign or Siege of Points. A player may play a strategy card as a Reinforcement Malta. Play of any of these events removes the RP effects of Event and also play cards for RP in the same turn. Invasion of Greece for the rest of the game. Note: If Herkules is played before Invasion of Greece, ignore the RP prohibition text ►7.531 Reinforcing battlegroups are placed in the player‟s on the Invasion of Greece Event. Reserve Box. There are six exceptions:

● Once the Allied player has played the Barbarossa Event, the ►● Place the GK battlegroup in the Allied Replacement Box Axis player may not play a strategy card for RP until he plays after the Axis plays Balkan Campaign. the following as an Event: Siege of Malta. Play of the Siege of Malta Event by the Axis player removes the RP effects of ►● Place EG battlegroups in one or more Allied-controlled Barbarossa until play of the Spitfires Event by the Allied player. Victory Point spaces in Egypt. Note: If Barbarossa is played after Siege of Malta, ignore the RP prohibition text on the Barbarossa Event. ● Place the two armor battlegroups the Allied player receives as a result of the Tiger Convoy Event as directed on the ● Once the Allied player has played the Spitfires Event, the Axis strategy card. player may not play a strategy card for RP until he plays the following Event: Herkules. Play of the Herkules Event removes ● Place the LRDG battlegroup in the Deep Desert space. the effects of Spitfires for the rest of the game. Note: The Spitfires Event may not be played after Herkules. ● Place the infantry and armor battlegroups the Axis player receives as a result of the Rommel Event as directed on the ● Once the Allied player plays Malta Victorious, the Axis player strategy card. may not play a strategy card for RP for the rest of the game. ● Place the Ramcke battlegroup in either the Sicily Box or any 7.5 Events Axis-controlled port space in North Africa.

►7.51 If a strategy card is played as an Event, the instructions ►7.532 Place reinforcing divisions as follows: place Axis on the card must be followed. Many Events have an associated divisions in the Tripoli Space. After play of the Torch Event, marker that may be placed on the Turn Record Track to help place Axis divisions in the Tripoli or Tunis space (or both). players remember that the Event has occurred. Place Allied divisions in the Port Said or Suez spaces (or both). There are several exceptions:

8 ● Place the IT 20th, 80th, and 185th Divisions in the Sicily Box, ● If the armored division is on the map, remove the counter or any Axis-controlled port space in North Africa. with the lower CF and replace it in that space with the new counter with the higher CF. If a division is currently reduced, ● Place the IT AFR Division in the Addis Ababa space. the new counter should be placed reduced side up.

● Place the GE 164th Division in any Axis-controlled port in ►● If the armor division is in the Replacement Box, remove North Africa. the counter with the lower CF from the Replacement Box and replace it with the new counter with the higher CF. The new ● Place the GE 90th Division as directed on the strategy card. counter must be rebuilt using RP before it can be used.

►● Place the GE 5th Mountain Division as directed on the ● If the armor division has not yet entered play, remove the Unternehmen Irak strategy card. counter with the lower CF from play. When that armored division enters play as a Reinforcement Event, place the new ● Place the 6th AUS Division in the Jerusalem space if the Event counter with the higher CF on the map. is played in 1940. 7.6 Combat Cards ►● Place Allied “T” reinforcements in the Casablanca, Oran, or Algiers spaces (or any combination). Exception: Franc 7.61 Combat Cards are a special form of Event that may be D‟Afrique Event. played during combat. The Attacker must play any Combat Cards before the Defender. Combat Cards are the only cards ►● Place the Free French DMA, DMC and DMO Divisions in that may be played during the opponent‟s Action Round. any Allied-controlled Mountain space in Algeria or Tunisia after the Allied player plays the Corps Franc D’Afrique Event. 7.611 If a player plays any Combat Cards and wins the combat, the player places those cards face up on his side of the ● May place IND divisions in the India space, in addition to the map. Exceptions: Combat Cards with the restriction “May option to place them in the Port Said and Suez spaces. only be used in one Combat per turn” must be placed in that player’s Discard Pile after use as an Event. Combat Cards ►● Must place SA divisions in the South Africa space if Addis marked with an asterisk (*) are permanently removed from Ababa is Axis-controlled. If Addis Ababa is Allied-controlled play after use as an Event. place them in the South Africa, Port Said, or Suez spaces (or any combination). 7.612 Combat Cards left face up in front of either player may influence combats in later Action Rounds in the same turn ● If either Port Said or Suez are Axis-controlled the Allied (11.25). player may place any reinforcements except those with a “T” in the India, Persia, or South Africa spaces. 7.613 If a player loses a combat and used a Combat Card or cards in that combat, those Combat Cards are placed in his 7.54 When a strategy card that upgrades an armor division is Discard Pile. played as an Event the counter with the lower CF is permanently removed from play and is replaced by the counter with the 7.614 A Combat Card may be used a maximum of once per higher CF indicated on the strategy card. Exception: This Action Round until it is placed in his Discard Pile. replacement does not occur if the armored division has been permanently eliminated. ►7.62 At the end of each turn, all Combat Cards that were played must be placed in that player‟s Discard Pile, even if the player was victorious in all the battles in which the cards were used.

7.7 Deck Management

7.71 At the start of the Winter 1941 Draw Strategy Card Phase each player adds his 1941 cards to his Draw Pile and reshuffles his Draw Pile and Discard Pile together to form a new Draw Pile. His Draw Pile will now consist of his 1941 cards and any 1940 cards that have not been permanently removed.

7.72 At the start of the Winter 1942 Draw Strategy Card Phase each player adds his 1942 cards to his Draw Pile and reshuffles his Draw Pile and Discard Pile together to form a 9 new Draw Pile. His Draw Pile will now consist of his 1942 9.11 All spaces cost one movement point to enter, regardless cards and any 1940 and 1941 cards that have not been of terrain type. permanently removed. ►9.12 Movement must be between spaces connected by a 7.73 In the Winter 1943 Draw Strategy Card Phase each player solid or dotted line. Spaces may not be skipped. reshuffles his Draw Pile and Discard Pile together to form a new Draw Pile. His Draw Pile will now consist of any 1940, 1941, 9.13 Dotted lines indicate there are restrictions as to which and 1942 cards that have not been permanently removed. nationalities or unit types may move or attack across those lines. The restrictions are printed on the map adjacent to the 7.74 During the Winter 1941 Draw Strategy Card Phase the Axis line. player may elect to add the Rommel card to his hand before shuffling and drawing the remainder of his cards. During the ►9.14 A unit may never move more than its printed Winter 1942 Draw Strategy Card Phase the Axis player may Movement Factors in a single Action Round. elect to add the Siege of Malta card to this hand before shuffling and drawing the remainder of his cards. The maximum hand 9.15 Infantry units may move through, but not end their size, including Rommel or Siege of Malta, remains eight cards movement in, a space with an Attack marker. for 1941, and nine for 1942. 9.16 Armor units may move through a space with an Attack marker. Armor units may not create Attack markers when 8.0 STACKING they complete their move, but may attack as part of an already placed Attack marker. If they do this they lose their Move ►8.1 Three units, regardless of type or size, may stack in one marker and are considered activated for combat instead. Note: space. The following are exceptions: This is the only case in which a unit may both move and attack in the same Action Round. ● After play of the Montgomery Event, the Allied player may stack up to four British, 9.17 Units may never enter a space containing an enemy Commonwealth, and/or Allied Minor Nation units combat unit. in any spaces in Egypt (including Sinai). He may also stack up to four British, Commonwealth, and/or Allied Minor Nation units in any ONE space in , and any ONE space in Algeria or Tunisia.

● After play of the Patton Event, the Allied player may stack up to four US units (US-controlled Free French are not eligible) in any ONE space in Algeria or Tunisia.

8.11 Forts do not count for stacking purposes.

8.12 Axis and Allied units may never stack together.

►8.2 Stacking limits are in effect at all times except during RD and movement, including during retreat movement that occurs as a result of combat resolution (11.283). If any space is [9.13] In the example above, note that the Maaten Giofer and overstacked at the end of RD, movement, or retreat, units in Jalo spaces are connected by a dotted line. This means that excess of the stacking limit are eliminated (divisions are passage between the spaces is restricted. The “Battlegroups permanently eliminated). The owning player decides. Only” text indicates the nature of the restriction.

8.3 Units of different nations controlled by one player may stack 9.2 Movement and Oasis Spaces together; however, there is usually a higher cost to Activate a space containing units of more than one nationality (7.23). 9.21 Neither side may move into or through Oasis spaces until after play of the Long Range Desert Group Event.

9.0 MOVEMENT ►9.22 Once the Long Range Desert Group Event has been played battlegroups may move through, stack within, attack 9.1 Combat units may move when their space is Activated for into and out of, and trace a Supply Line through Oasis spaces. movement during an Operation or Event. Remove Move A Division may never move through, stack within, attack into, markers as each space is Activated for movement. or trace a Supply Line through any Oasis space. 10 ►9.23 The only unit that may move through or stack within the Event cards or Axis control of spaces in the Near East, at Deep Desert space in Libya is the LRDG battlegroup. The which point they become active. LRDG may attack out of the Deep Desert space. Axis units may never move through, stack within, attack into or trace a Supply 10.42 Iraqi units are released through play of the Iraqi Revolt Line through the Deep Desert space. Event or Axis control of Jerusalem.

►10.421 Active Iraqi units may not enter or attack spaces 10.0 UNITS OUTSIDE LIBYA/EGYPT outside of Iraq, or receive the benefits of any Axis combat cards, until the Unternehmen Irak Event has been played. 10.1 Chad Iraqi units may never enter or attack spaces outside of the Near East. 10.11 Only British-controlled Free French battlegroups may stack within the Chad space. 10.422 Allied units may move, RD and trace supply through spaces in Iraq while Iraqi units are inactive. Allied units may 10.2 East Africa never attack, or stack with, inactive Iraqi units. Activated Iraqi units may be attacked without restriction. 10.21 Only Allied units may move between the Khartoum space inside the East Africa map inset and the Aswan space in Egypt, ►10.43 Vichy French units are released through play of the and vice versa. The units must begin their movement in either Iraqi Revolt Event or Axis control of Jerusalem. Allied play the Khartoum or Aswan spaces, and moving to the other space of the Exporter or Torch Event also releases Vichy French uses up ALL of that unit‟s Movement Factors for that Action units. Round. Axis units in Khartoum may not attack the Aswan space, and Axis units in the Aswan space may not attack ►10.431 Active Vichy French units may not enter or attack Khartoum. spaces outside of , nor receive the benefits of any Axis combat cards, until the Unternehmen Irak Event has been 10.22 Only Allied units may move or attack between the Aden played. Vichy French units may never enter or attack spaces space and the Berbera space, and vice versa. Axis units in the outside of the Near East. Berbera space may not attack the Aden space. 10.432 Allied units may not enter or attack spaces inside of 10.3 Malta Syria until one of the following is played as an Event: Unternehmen Irak, Exporter, or Torch. 10.31 Neither Allied nor Axis units may ever stack within the Malta space. Malta begins the game Allied-controlled and ►10.44 The Sinai space on the Near East map is considered remains so unless the Axis play the Herkules Event. part of Egypt. EG units may never enter or attack spaces outside of Egypt. 10.32 The Axis player may not attack the Malta space, except by playing the Herkules Event. 10.5 West Africa

►10.321 In addition to other requirements the following Axis 10.51 Units may not move, units must be present in the Sicily Box in order to play the retreat, or RD into the Herkules Event: IT 20th, 80th, and 185th Divisions and the GE Casablanca and Oran spaces, Ramcke battlegroup. When the Herkules Event is played, nor any space in Algeria or permanently eliminate Axis units in the Sicily Box and place an Tunisia, prior to play of the Axis control marker in the Malta space. Torch Event.

►10.322 If the Air Support Combat Card is played to allow play ►10.52 When the Torch of the Herkules Event, immediately place that Combat Card in Event is played, place the the Axis Discard Pile. units and markers indicated at the back of this rules ►10.323 Play of the Malta Victorious Event by the Allied booklet in their designated player prevents play of the Herkules Event by the Axis player location. for the remainder of the game, and vice versa. ►10.521 The Allied player 10.4 Near East may not place attack markers in spaces west of Tripoli during the Action Round 10.41 Iraqi and Vichy French units begin the game inactive. that the Torch Event is played. They may neither move nor attack until released by certain 11 10.53 All “T” reinforcement cards are also OPS cards. Unlike 7. Determine Results other reinforcement cards that are also OPS cards, the space(s) a. Take Losses where the reinforcements are placed must receive either a Move b. Determine Combat Winner or Attack marker. The Allied player may not use the OPS of a c. Defender Retreat “T” reinforcement to assign the LRDG to a Mission. d. Attacker Advance

11.22 Designate the Combat: The Attacker designates which 11.0 COMBAT units are attacking.

11.1 Only combat units in a space Activated with an Attack ►11.23 Attempt Flank Attack: The Attacker (if certain marker may initiate combat. Remove Attack markers as each requirements are met) may declare a Flank Attack and make a combat is resolved. die roll to determine its success (11.33). If attempting a Flank Attack, resolve steps 6 through 7a of the combat procedure 11.11 During combat the Active Player is called the Attacker sequentially for each player instead of simultaneously. and the non-active player is called the Defender. ►11.24 Determine the Combat Strength: Each player 11.12 Each combat can involve only one defending space. Any totals the CF of the units involved in the combat to determine number of units in adjacent spaces under an Attack marker can his Combat Strength. The Defender also adds the CF of any combine to participate in the same attack. fort in the defending space to his Combat Strength. Calculate these sums simultaneously. 11.13 Activated units in a single space do not have to participate in the same combat; they can attack different adjacent spaces. 11.25 Play Combat Cards: The Attacker may play any number of Combat Cards whose conditions are met by the 11.14 Each unit may participate in only one attack per Action combat. In addition, the Attacker may elect to use any Round. A unit‟s CF cannot be divided between multiple Combat Cards that are in front of him whose conditions are combats. met by this combat and which have not been used in a previous combat this Action Round. After the Attacker plays 11.15 Units with a CF of “0” may attack by themselves or with and selects all his Combat Cards, the Defender has the other units. If they attack with other units, they will add nothing opportunity to play and select Combat cards using the same to the Combat Strength (11.23) of the attack but they can absorb procedure outlined for the Attacker. losses. If they attack by themselves they fire on the 0 column of the Fire Table (11.27). 11.26 Determine drm: Each player examines his played Combat Cards to determine his final drm for this combat. 11.16 Only attacking units participating in a combat may take This step is conducted separately and simultaneously. Note: losses or advance. If there are non-participating units in the Both the Attacker and the Defender roll on the Fire Table to attacking space, they are not allowed to take losses or advance. resolve combat.

11.17 Units may attack across dotted lines only if permitted. 11.261 Any attack or defense by IT units, even when stacked Attack restrictions are indicated on the map adjacent to each with other Axis nationalities, suffers a -1 drm until play of the dotted line. Balbo Event.

11.18 Units of different nationalities on the same side may attack 11.262 Any attack or defense by US units, even when stacked in the same combat only if one of the attacking spaces contains with other Allied nationalities, suffers a -1 drm until play of units of all the involved nationalities. Only one attacking space the Patton Event. needs to meet this requirement; other spaces involved in the same attack may contain units from any of the nationalities in 11.263 Allied units attacking Khartoum from the Aswan the multi-national space. space, or attacking the Aswan space from Khartoum, suffer a -1 drm. 11.2 Combat Resolution ►11.27 Determine Fire Column: Each player determines ►11.21 Combat Resolution which Fire Table he will use. If a player‟s units include one of more divisions (even if reduced), that player fires on the 1. Designate the Combat Division Table; otherwise, use the Battlegroup Table. Each 2. Attempt Flank Attack player finds his Combat Strength on the appropriate Fire 3. Determine Combat Strength Table, then shifts a number of columns, depending on the 4. Play Combat Cards Terrain Effects of the defending space and the effects of any 5. Determine drm cards or other modifiers, to determine his Fire Column. 6. Determine Fire Column Column shifts are cumulative. They cannot cause the Fire 12 Column to be off the Fire Tables in either direction; the left- and 11.3 Flank Attacks right-most columns are absolute limits, and any excess shifts are ignored. This step is conducted simultaneously unless a Flank 11.31 The Attacker may attempt a Flank Attack if all the Attack (11.3) was attempted. following apply: ● Two or more units are attacking, 11.271 If friendly units under an Attack marker do not contain AND any armor units, and the space they are attacking contains at ● at least one armor units is attacking, least one enemy armor unit, shift one column to the left. AND ● the defending space is not a Fort, Marsh, or Mountain. 11.272 If friendly units under an Attack marker contain at least one armor unit, and the space they are attacking does not contain 11.32 Each attacking space in addition to the first provides a any enemy armor units, shift one column to the right. +1 drm to the to the Flank Attack attempt die roll.

11.273 OOS units shift one column to the left. 11.33 The attacking player rolls one die to determine the success of the Flank Attack attempt. If the modified die roll is 11.274 After play of the Rommel Event, the Axis four or higher, the Flank Attack succeeds. If the modified die player may select any one space per Action Round roll is three or lower, the Flank Attack attempt fails. with an Attack marker he has placed and declare “Rommel Participating.” Shift that attack two 11.34 If a Flank Attack was attempted, the combat resolution columns to the right. Exceptions: The Rommel sequence is performed sequentially instead of simultaneously. column shift may not be applied to attack on a fort space, or any Attack marker placed in the Near East or East Africa. After 11.341 If the Flank Attack attempt was successful, the play of the Montgomery Event, the shift is reduced to one Defender must take any losses inflicted by the Attacker before column for the rest of the game. After play of the Von Arnim determining his Fire Column and rolling on the Fire Table. Takes Command Event, the Axis player may not declare “Rommel Participating” for the rest of the game. 11.342 If the Flank Attack attempt was a failure, the Attacker must take any losses inflicted by the Defender before 11.28 Determine Results: Each player rolls a die, modifies it determining his Fire Column and rolling on the Fire Table. by his drm, and cross-references the modified result with his Fire Column to determine the Loss Number inflicted on his opponent. A die roll can never be modified to less than one or more than six; treat any modified roll below one as a one and any modified roll greater than six as a six. Roll the dice and determine Loss Numbers simultaneously unless a Flank Attack was attempted.

11.281 Take Losses: Each player must now apply the combat losses required by his opponent‟s result. If the combat was not a Flank Attack, the Defender must assign losses before the Attacker, but the losses do not affect the Loss Number achieved.

11.282 Determine Combat Winner: The player who inflicts the higher Loss Number wins the combat and is allowed to keep any played Combat Cards (7.611). If both player‟ Loss Numbers are the same, both players are considered to have lost and both must discard any played Combat Cards. [11.3] In the example above, the Axis player activates the two German units in the Misurata space. He announces he will be 11.283 Defender Retreat: If the Attacker wins the combat all attempting a Flank Attack against the British unit in the surviving defending units must retreat. The Defender may have Buerat space. He then makes a die roll. If he rolls a “1,” “2,” the option to cancel the retreat by taking an additional step loss or “3” the attempt fails, but if he rolls a “4,” “5,” or “6” the (11.53, 11.54). attempt succeeds. Had the Axis player also Activated the German unit in the Tarhuna space his Flank Attack die roll 11.284 Attacker Advance: If the Defender retreated (11.5), would have received a +1 drm per rule 11.32. was overrun (11.47), or was completely eliminated, the Attacker has the option to advance with any remaining units (11.6). 11.4 Taking Losses

11.41 The result of each player‟s die roll on the Fire Table is his opponent‟s Loss Number. 13 ►11.42 Losses are taken by reducing or eliminating combat 11.46 Forts are never affected by the results of a combat. units. A Loss Number is compared with the affected unit‟s Loss Factor. ►11.47 If the Attacker rolls a boldfaced result on the Division Fire Table AND inflicts a greater number of Loss If the Loss Number is less than the Loss Factor of every unit, the Factors on the Defender than the Defender inflicts on the Loss Number is only used to determine victory and retreat. The Attacker, an overrun results. When an overrun occurs the affected units do not suffer any other adverse consequences. Defender must pick up his surviving units and, instead of retreating, he must relocate those units as follows: If the Loss Number is equal to or greater than the Loss Factor of one or more of the affected units, then the points of that Loss ● An overrun Allied defender may relocate to any of the Number must be satisfied by taking a step loss, i.e., flipping a following locations (his choice): , , or the unit over to its reduced side. A reduced division is replaced with nearest available friendly Supply Source. a battlegroup from the player‟s Reserve Box (must be full strength if available). A reduced battlegroup is eliminated. ● An overrun Axis defender may relocate to any of the following locations (his choice): El Agheila, Tarhuna, or the ►11.421 Eliminated divisions and battlegroups are placed in the nearest available friendly Supply Source. player‟s Replacement Box. Exceptions: 11.471, 11.473, 11.56, and 13.81. ►11.471 Overrun divisions unable to trace a friendly- controlled overland movement path to the relocation space are 11.43 Each player must fulfill as much of their Loss Number as permanently eliminated instead. If relocation is possible, the possible without taking more losses than their Loss Number. defending player may voluntarily eliminate a unit, placing it in The player may not take fewer losses than required if it is his Replacement Box, rather than relocating it to a space on possible to take the exact Loss Number, but the player never the map. If all relocation spaces are fully stacked, or if the takes more losses than the Loss Number. only relocation space is the defending space, the units are eliminated instead. Divisions eliminated for failure to relocate 11.44 A reduced strength division that is eliminated is replaced are permanently eliminated and may not be rebuilt using RP immediately in its current space by a full strength battlegroup of during the Replacement Phase. Battlegroups eliminated in this the same nationality and type (armor or infantry) from the manner are, however, fully replaceable. Divisions removed Reserve Box, if such a battlegroup is available. If no such from taking combat losses must still trace a path or they are battlegroup is available, substitute a reduced strength battlegroup permanently eliminated. of the same nationality/type from the Reserve Box instead. If neither is available, permanently eliminate the division – it may 11.472 An overrun may not occur in Fort, Marsh, and not be rebuilt using RP during the Replacement Phase. Any Mountain spaces. battlegroup placed by this rule is eligible to be taken as a step loss and must be considered if any Loss Number remains 11.473 IT infantry divisions that suffer an overrun anytime unfulfilled. after play of the Poor Morale Event are permanently eliminated unless stacked with at least one GE unit at the time 11.441 If a battlegroup is available, this replacement must occur. of the overrun. It is not an option. 11.474 If Combat Resolution results in an overrun after a ►11.442 Due to the different nationalities within the British- successful Flank Attack (11.33) apply losses to the defender. controlled Allied forces, there are restrictions on which Surviving defending units may then fire per rule 11.341 before battlegroups can replace divisions. BR divisions may only be being relocated per 11.471. replaced by BR battlegroups. IND divisions may only be replaced by IND or BR battlegroups. AUS divisions may only 11.5 Retreats be replaced by AUS battlegroups. SA units may only be replaced by SA battlegroups. The NZ division may only be 11.51 If the Attacker wins the combat all defending units that replaced by the NZ battlegroup. survived the combat must retreat, regardless of the number of steps actually removed by each side. 11.443 Allied Minor Nation battlegroups may not be used to replace any Allied divisions. 11.52 The number of spaces retreated depends upon the difference in the Attacker and Defender Loss Numbers. If the 11.444 The supply status of the eliminated division has no effect difference is one, the Defender must retreat one space. on this replacement procedure. Otherwise, the Defender must retreat two spaces. If the Defender is overrun, the action of relocating (11.47) is 11.45 Free French divisions that enter play as a result of the considered a form of retreat, and fulfills a two space retreat Corps Franc D’Afrique Event may only be replaced by US- requirement. controlled FF battlegroups. 14 11.53 Defending units in Marsh or Mountain spaces may choose units (place them in the player‟s Replacement Box). They do not to retreat by taking one additional step loss. This is not just not count towards fulfilling the Loss Number. an increase in the Loss Number. The step loss may be taken from any defending unit. This additional loss cancels the retreat, 11.58 Attacking units never retreat. regardless of the number of retreat spaces required, provided at least one defending step remains after all losses have been 11.59 Retreating from a space does not cause control of that applied. space to change to the other side, unless the attack advances into the vacated space (11.67). 11.54 Units defending in the Berbera space in East Africa may choose not to retreat as if they were defending in a Marsh or 11.6 Advance After Combat Mountain space, per 11.53, if attacked solely from the Aden space. 11.61 If the defending units retreated, were overrun, or were completely eliminated, any surviving attacking units may 11.55 Units that retreat: advance.

● May not enter a space containing an enemy unit 11.62 If the defending units retreated one space, the advancing units may only enter the space vacated by the Defender. ● May retreat through a space in violation of stacking limits, but Exception: Armor units may advance one space in ANY may not end their retreat overstacked direction.

● Must retreat into friendly-controlled spaces if possible; if not 11.63 If the defending units retreated two spaces, advancing possible they may retreat into empty enemy-controlled spaces infantry units may advance into any spaces that the retreating (they do not gain control of enemy-controlled spaces they retreat units vacated. Advancing armor units may advance up to two through; they do gain control of enemy-controlled spaces they spaces, and may ignore the path taken by the retreating units. end their retreat in) Advancing armor units may not end their advance in a space with an Attack marker. ● Must end their retreat in supply if possible (Note: this takes priority over the previous requirement) 11.64 If the defending space was overrun, or if all defending units were eliminated, any surviving attacking units may ● May not retreat back to the original defending space advance to the limit of their printed Movement Factor, subject to 11.65 and 11.66. Advancing infantry units must still enter ● May end their retreat adjacent to the original defending space the space vacated by the Defender. if retreating two spaces so long as the units entered two spaces during the retreat 11.65 Advancing units must stop upon entering a Marsh or Mountain space. Allied units advancing from Khartoum to the ● May retreat to different spaces when more than one unit is Aswan space, or from the Aswan space to Khartoum, must retreating immediately stop.

►● May not retreat into spaces which the unit could not legally 11.66 Advancing units may not enter a space containing move into; if forced to do so, eliminate the unit instead. enemy units.

11.551 Units that retreat two spaces because of play of the 11.67 Advancing units gain control of any space they enter. Disengage Combat Card may not end their retreat next to the original defending space. 11.68 Defending units never advance.

►11.56 Units that can neither perform a required retreat, nor 11.7 The Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) ignore the retreat by taking an extra step loss, are eliminated instead. Divisions eliminated for failure to retreat are 11.71 The LRDG battle- permanently eliminated and may not be rebuilt using RP during group enters play when the Replacement Phase. Battlegroups eliminated in this manner the Long Range Desert are, however, fully replaceable. This does not impact Divisions Group Event is played. removed by taking combat losses

11.57 If defending units retreat into a space that is attacked later in the same Action Round, they do not add their CF to the Combat. In addition, if a Loss Number of at least one is inflicted ►11.72 Once per turn, when he declares an OPS Action by the Attacker, immediately eliminate the already retreated Round, the Allied player may Activate the LRDG unit and, instead of conducting Movement or Combat with that OPS 15 point, assign the LRDG to one of two Missions: Intelligence 12.3 No unit may RD more than once in each Action Round. Gathering or a Raid. The LRDG must be in an Oasis space in A unit may RD each time a player plays an RD card. order to perform the Intelligence Gathering Mission. It must be on the map to perform the Raid Mission. 12.4 RD Points may be split up among different nationalities and spaces as the player sees fit. ►11.721 If the Allied player uses an OPS point to perform a Mission, place the Action Round marker in the “LRDG” space 12.5 Units must be in supply to RD. on the Action Round Chart (even if other OPS are used to place Move/Attack markers). After declaring the Mission, the Allied ►12.6 Units may RD by land from their space to any other player rolls one die and consults the appropriate column of the friendly-controlled, supplied space. The route between the Long Range Desert Group Table on the Player Aid Card. two spaces may only enter friendly-controlled spaces, and must be along solid or eligible dotted lines. Exception: The 11.73 If the LRDG performs an Intelligence Gathering Mission: LRDG may RD between the Deep Desert space and the Cairo space without tracing a path of friendly-controlled spaces. ►● The Allied player makes a die roll and compares the result Spaces traversed may be adjacent to enemy units or forts. to the “Gather Intelligence” portion of the Long Range Desert Group Table on the Player Aid Card ►12.61 Allied units may RD between the Aswan and Khartoum spaces but must immediately stop after entering or ● The Axis player shuffles his hand and passes, sight unseen, exiting the East Africa map. that number of cards to the Allied player 12.7 Units may also RD by sea from one friendly-controlled ● The Allied player examines the cards, then returns them to the port space to another friendly-controlled port space. Units that Axis player RD by sea must start and end in friendly-controlled port spaces. ● The Axis player shuffles his hand without examining the cards just returned to him 12.71 The Axis player may use friendly-controlled port spaces in Libya, Egypt, as well as the Sicily Box, to RD by sea. After ►The Intelligence Gathering Mission may not be performed if play of the Torch Event, Tunis and Bizerte are considered the Mersa Matruh space is Axis-controlled. friendly-controlled ports for the Axis player, unless control of these ports passes to the Allies. In such a case, these ports ►11.74 If the LRDG performs a Raid Mission, the Allied player cannot be used by either the Axis or the Allies for RD. makes a die roll and compares the result with the “Raid” portion of the Long Range Desert Group Table on the Player Aid Card. 12.72 The Allied player may use any friendly-controlled port If he rolls a “6” he may select one card at random from the Axis space for sea movement, except Tunis and Bizerte. After play player‟s hand, examine it, and place it face down in the Discard of the Torch Event Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers are Pile. Otherwise there is no effect except that the LRDG may considered friendly-controlled ports for the Allied player, suffer losses. unless control of these ports passes to the Axis. In such a case, these ports cannot be used by either the Axis or the 11.741 The Allied player not spend an OPS to perform a Raid Allies for RD. Mission if every VP space in Libya is Allied-controlled. 12.73 Units may not RD to the Malta space. ►11.75 If the LRDG is eliminated while performing a Raid Mission, place it in the Allied Replacement Box. 12.8 Units may RD out of the Reserve Box into any space containing either a friendly-controlled Supply Source or a ►11.76 If the Mersa Matruh space becomes Axis-controlled and supplied unit of the same nationality, within stacking limits. the LRDG occupies any space in Libya, immediately remove it Allied Minor Nation battlegroups (British-controlled FF, GK from that space and place it in the Cairo space. If placement in and POL) are considered “British” for purposes of this rule. Cairo is not possible, the LRDG is eliminated instead. Exceptions: VF battlegroups in the Reserve Box may not RD to spaces outside of Syria. IR battlegroups in the Reserve Box may not RD to spaces outside Iraq. EG battlegroups in the 12.0 REDEPLOYMENT Reserve Box may not RD to non-VP spaces in Egypt. The LRDG battlegroup may always RD to the Deep Desert space 12.1 Redeployment (RD) is used to move units long distance from either the Cairo space or the Allied Reserve Box. through friendly-controlled territory or to/from the Reserve Box. ►12.81 The LRDG may RD like any other battlegroup. In 12.2 Each RD point will move one full or reduced strength addition, the LRDG is the only unit that may RD to or from battlegroup. It takes three RD points to move one full or the Deep Desert space. reduced strength division. 16 12.82 When performing RD from the Reserve Box to a friendly- 13.32 After play of the Torch Event, Tunis becomes a Supply occupied, supplied space, it is not necessary to trace a route Source for Axis units. along solid or dotted lines. 13.33 After play of the Unternehmen Irak Event, Beirut and 12.83 After play of the Unternehmen Irak Event one GE infantry Baghdad become Supply Sources for German and Italian battlegroup per game turn may RD out of the Reserve Box to units. any space in the Near East containing a VF or IR battlegroup or the German 5th Mountain Division. 13.34 If Alexandria is Axis-controlled, it becomes an Axis Supply Source. ►12.84 Battlegroups may RD from the map to the Reserve Box. Exception: IT battlegroups in East Africa may not RD to the 13.35 The Supply Source for VF units is Beirut. Axis Reserve Box. 13.36 The Supply Source for IR units is Baghdad.

13.0 SUPPLY 13.4 Special Supply Sources

13.1 Supply Determination 13.41 The Chad space is a Supply Source for British- controlled Free French units. 13.11 Units must be in supply to perform most actions. Supply is determined: 13.42 The Deep Desert space is a Supply Source for the Long Range Desert Group. ►● at the instant of activation for movement, combat, RD, or using RP ►13.43 The Addis Ababa space in East Africa is a supply source for IT units. If for any reason an IT unit in East Africa ● during combat for the Defender cannot trace supply to Addis Ababa, and that unit occupies either the Massawa space or a Mountain space, that unit is in ● during the Attrition Phase for each side Limited Supply. These spaces are considered in Limited Supply and do not automatically convert at the end of the turn. 13.2 Allied Supply Sources ►13.44 Axis-controlled VP spaces in Egypt are supply 13.21 The Supply Sources for Allied units are Port Said and sources for EG units. Suez. 13.5 Tracing Supply ►13.22 After play of the Ethiopian Campaign Event Allied units in East Africa that can trace supply (13.51) are in Full 13.51 To be in supply, units must trace supply through any Supply. If unable to trace supply they are OOS. number of friendly-controlled spaces to a Supply Source. Supply must be traced across solid or dotted lines that the ►13.23 After play of the Exporter Event Allied units in the tracing unit could move across. Near East that can trace supply (13.51) are in Full Supply. If unable to trace supply they are OOS. 13.52 Units may not trace supply through Oasis spaces until play of the Long Range Desert Group Event. Battlegroups 13.24 After play of the Torch Event, Casablanca and Oran may trace supply through Oasis spaces once the Long Range become Supply Sources for Allied units. Desert Group Event has been played. Divisions may never trace supply through Oasis spaces. ►13.421 After play of the Vulcan Event Allied units in Algeria and Tunisia that can trace supply (13.51) are in Full Supply. If 13.53 Units may not trace supply through an enemy-controlled unable to trace supply they are OOS. space, whether the space is enemy-occupied or not.

►13.25 If Tripoli is Allied-controlled, it becomes an Allied ►13.54 Units may trace supply to a friendly-controlled port Supply Source. If and/or are Allied-controlled space, and then directly to a Supply Source. Exceptions: The at any time after play of the Montgomery Event, those spaces port of Mersa Matruh may not be used to trace supply by become an Allied Supply Source for purposes of activating either side. The port of Benghazi may not be used to trace “British” units (see 7.23). supply except by Allied units after the Montgomery Event (13.25). Axis units may not use Basra’s port to trace supply to 13.3 Axis Supply Sources another Axis-controlled port. Units may also trace supply to a friendly-controlled port space, and then overland to a Supply 13.31 The Supply Source for Axis units is the Tripoli space. Source. No more than two ports may be involved in tracing a Supply Line. 17 13.55 Units unable to trace supply are Out of Supply (OOS). 13.9 Captured Supply

13.6 Supply Status 13.91 Whenever Axis units capture Benghazi, the Axis player may immediately flip any one reduced strength unit (division 13.61 Supply Status is measured by the distance a unit is from a or battlegroup) in Libya to its unreduced side. friendly Supply Source. ►13.92 Whenever Axis units capture Tobruk, the Axis player Units that are up to three spaces (via solid or dotted connections) may immediately flip any two reduced strength units from a friendly Supply Source are in Full Supply. (divisions and/or battlegroups) in Libya to their unreduced sides. Units that are more than three spaces from a friendly Supply Source or that trace supply via a friendly-controlled port or ports 13.93 There is no limit to the number of times the Axis may are in Limited Supply. capture supply as described in rules 13.91 and 13.92.

13.611 Units in Limited Supply cost one OPS per unit to Activate for Combat (not for Movement). This cost replaces any 14.0 FORTS other cost (as for mixed nationalities). The full cost to Activate the space must be paid, or Activation may not occur. 14.1 Forts add their CF to the combat strength of friendly units defending in their space. ►13.62 Supply Status can change from Limited to Full Supply by play of certain Event cards. 14.2 Forts may not add their CF to the combat strength of units attacking out of that fort. ►13.621 Allied units in East Africa that are in-supply are in Limited Supply until play of the Ethiopian Campaign Event. 14.3 Units in a Fort space may not be the subject of a Flank Attack, nor may a Fort space suffer an overrun result during ►13.622 Allied units in the Near East that are in-supply, even combat resolution. those within three spaces of Port Said, are in Limited Supply until the play of the Exporter Event. 14.4 Forts can never be destroyed.

►13.623 Allied units in Algeria and Tunisia that are in-supply, even those within three spaces of a Supply Source, are in 15.0 REPLACEMENTS Limited Supply until play of the Vulcan Event. ►15.1 During the Replacement Phase, each nation may spend 13.7 Out of Supply Penalties the number of Replacement Points (RP) recorded on the General Records Track by that nation‟s RP marker. 13.71 Units that are OOS cost 1 OPS per unit, not per space to Replacement Points may not accumulate from turn to turn. Activate for both Movement and Combat. Any Replacement Points not spent are lost.

►13.72 OOS units may not use RD. 15.11 Italian (IT) RP may only be spent on Italian units. Italian units that have been permanently eliminated under ►13.73 OOS units receive a one column shift to the left in 11.473 may not be rebuilt. combat (11.273) and may not receive the benefits of any Combat Cards. 15.12 German (GE) RP may be spent on German units. German RP may be spent on IR units after play of the Iraqi 13.8 Attrition Revolt Event. German RP may be spent on VF units play of either the Exporter or Unternehmen Irak events. German RP 13.81 Eliminate units that are OOS during the Attrition Phase. may be spent on EG units after play of the Egyptian Uprising Simultaneously remove both player‟s OOS units. The Event. elimination of an OOS enemy unit cannot open a supply line for any friendly OOS units. OOS divisions that are eliminated are 15.13 British (BR) RP may only be spent on British units. permanently removed from the game and may not be recreated They may not be spent on Commonwealth (CW) units, nor with RP during the Replacement Phase. may Commonwealth RP be spent on British units.

13.82 During the Attrition Phase, any friendly-controlled space 15.14 Commonwealth (CW) RP may only be spent on which, if it were a friendly combat unit, would be eliminated for Australian, Indian, New Zealand, and South African units. being OOS, becomes enemy-controlled. ►15.15 Allied (A) RP may only be spent on Allied Minor Nation battlegroups (British-controlled Free French, Greek, 18 and Polish). In addition, these units may only be replaced using ● When control of a Victory Point space changes Allied RP. ● When the Axis player controls, or has units adjacent to, the ►15.16 US RP may only be spent on US and US-controlled El Alamein space during any Victory Determination Phase Free French units. (5.41)

15.2 When the Massawa space on the East Africa map is Allied- ● When the Axis player controls any space on the East Africa controlled, all Allied RP cards produce one additional BR RP, in map during any Victory Determination Phase beginning with addition to any BR RP listed on the card. the Fall 1941 turn (5.41)

15.3 It costs 1/2 RP to replace a battlegroup step. It costs 1 RP ● Through the play of certain Strategy Cards to replace a division step. An eliminated unit may be replaced to full strength in a single Replacement Phase. When the Axis player gains a Victory Point immediately increase the VP level on the General Records Track by one. 15.4 Re-creating Units When the Allied player gains a Victory Point immediately decrease the VP level on the General Records Track by one. ►Only units in the Replacement Box may be re-created. Permanently eliminated units may never return to play. 16.1 The Campaign Game ends:

►An eliminated division may be re-created at full strength in a ● If either player achieves an Automatic Victory single Replacement Phase by paying for two steps. ● During the Victory Determination Phase of the Spring 1943 15.41 Place re-created divisions as if they were a reinforcing Turn division (7.532). 16.2 Automatic Victory (Axis): The Axis player wins an 15.411 The Italian GDS and AFR divisions may only be re- Automatic Victory if the VP total is 14 or greater during the created in the Addis Ababa space. Victory Determination Phase of any turn. He also wins an Automatic Victory if, during any Victory Determination ►15.412 The German 5th Mountain Division may only be re- Phase, he controls both Port Said and Suez. created in Beirut. ►16.3 Automatic Victory (Allied): The Allied player wins an ►15.413 The German 90th Division may be re-created in Automatic Victory if the VP total is 3 or less during the Tripoli or Tunis. Victory Determination Phase of any turn. He also wins an Automatic Victory if, during any Victory Determination Phase ►15.414 After the play of the Torch Event the Allied player before the play of the Torch Event, he controls Tripoli. After may re-create non-Torch units in any Torch Supply Source play of the Torch Event he wins an Automatic Victory if, (13.24) and any Torch Event unit in any non-Torch Supply during any Victory Determination Phase, he controls Tunis Source (including Free French divisions that enter play through and Tripoli and the Axis do not control Alexandria. the Corps Franc de Afrique Event). ►16.4 If neither player wins an Automatic Victory by the 15.42 Place re-created battlegroups in the player‟s Reserve Box. Spring 1943 Turn, the VP total determines the winner:

15.421 The British LRDG battlegroup may be re-created in the Axis Victory: 5 or more VP Deep Desert space, instead of the Allied Reserve Box. Allied Victory: 4 or fewer VP

15.422 British-controlled FF battlegroups may be re-created in ►16.5 The following are Victory Point Spaces, listed by the the Chad space, instead of the Allied Reserve Box. side controlling them at the beginning of the campaign game:

15.43 Some units may never take replacements. These are Allied Axis marked with a black dot on the right hand side of the unit counter. Alexandria Bizerte Cairo Tunis Port Said Gabes 16.0 DETERMINING VICTORY Suez Tripoli Mersa Matruh El Agheila ►Victory is determined by the position of the Victory Point Jerusalem Benghazi marker on the General Records Track (4.12). The Victory Point Baghdad Tobruk marker changes position in one of four ways: Mosul Bardia 19 Basra Beirut Habbaniyah (1 battlegroup) Khartoum Addis Ababa Basra: (1 IND battlegroup) Berbera Nairobi Chad: 1 British-controlled FF battlegroup

►16.6 It is possible for Victory Points to be greater than 14, or AXIS SETUP less than 0. If this occurs players may keep the Victory Point marker in the “14” or “0” box on the General Records Track and Note: All Axis units are Italian in the Campaign Game setup. stack control markers on top of the Victory Point marker as a way of recording these excess points. Use Axis control markers Axis Reserve Box if the Victory Point marker is in the “14” box, and use Allied ______control markers if the Victory Point marker is in the “0” box. 1 armor battlegroup

Libya 17.0 CAMPAIGN GAME SETUP ______Tripoli: 17th and 27th Divisions Note: A unit listed in parentheses begins the scenario at Buerat: 1BS and 2BS Divisions reduced strength; set it up on its reduced side. All divisions and Tobruk: 61st and 64th Divisions battlegroups are infantry unless otherwise indicated. Bardia: 62nd and 63rd Divisions ►1 armor battlegroup ALLIED SETUP Sidi Azeiz: ►1LIB, 2LIB, and 4BS Divisions

Note: All Allied battlegroups are British unless otherwise East Africa Map indicated. ______Addis Ababa: GDS Division Allied Reserve Box Harar: 2 battlegroups ______Keren: 2 battlegroups 2 armor battlegroups Kismayu: 1 battlegroup 2 IND battlegroups Mega: 1 battlegroup 2 British-controlled FF battlegroups Ghimbi: 1 battlegroup 1 POL battlegroup Gondar: 1 battlegroup

Egypt NEUTRAL SETUP ______Mersa Matruh : (4th IND Division) Near East Map Bir el Kenaysis: (7th Armored Division*) ______Cairo: 1 battlegroup Beirut: 1 VF armor battlegroup Alexandria: 1 battlegroup 2 VF battlegroups Suez: 1 battlegroup Palmyra: 2 VF battlegroups Port Said: 1 battlegroup Sidon: ►2 VF battlegroups Halfaya: 1 battlegroup Aleppo: 1 VF battlegroup Damascus: 1 VF battlegroup ►* Use the 3-3-5 counter, and place the division so that the Hanssetche: 1 VF battlegroup reduced 2-3-5 side is face up. Near East Map East Africa Map ______Baghdad: 2 IR battlegroups Kassala: (1 battlegroup) Kirkuk: 1 IR battlegroup Gallabat: (1 battlegroup) Samawah: 1 IR battlegroup Marsabit: (1 battlegroup) Moyale: (1 battlegroup) Nairobi: (1 SA battlegroup) Berbera: (1 battlegroup) South Africa: 1 SA battlegroup

Near East Map ______Jerusalem: 1 battlegroup 20 18.0 OPERATION SONNENBLUME SCENARIO Permanently Eliminated Allied units: none.

This scenario begins with the Turn marker in the “Spring 1941” Allied Control markers in: Agedabia, Msus, Charruba, space of the Turn Record Track and continues until the Victory Benghazi, Cyrene, Mechili, Tengeder, Southern Flank, Sidi Determination Phase of the Spring 1942 turn. Mufta, Gazala, Derna, Tobruk, El Adem, Bir el Gubi, Gambut, Sidi Azeiz, Sidi Omar, Bardia, Mega, Neghelli, Lugh, ALLIED SETUP Kismayu, Mogadishu, Belet Uen, Obbia, Galladi, Jijiga.

Note: All Allied battlegroups are British unless otherwise AXIS SETUP indicated. Note: All Axis battlegroups are Italian unless otherwise Allied Reserve Box indicated. The word “panzer” is used in place of “armored” ______for German armored divisions. 2 armor battlegroups 1 battlegroup Axis Reserve Box 3 IND battlegroups ______►1 British-controlled FF battlegroup ►1 GE armor battlegroup 2 AUS battlegroups ►2 GE battlegroups 1 NZ battlegroup 1 armor battlegroup 1 POL battlegroup 1 battlegroup

Egypt/Libya Egypt/Libya ______Agedabia: 2nd Armored Division Tripoli: 132nd Armored Division Benghazi: 1 AUS battlegroup 102nd Division Mechili: 1 IND battlegroup Tarhuna: ►25th Division Gazala: 9th AUS Division Buerat: (17th Division) Tobruk: 1 armor battlegroup Giof el Matar: 21st Panzer Division Bardia: 1 battlegroup El Agheila: 1 GE armor battlegroup Halfaya: 1 battlegroup 27th Division Alexandria: 6th AUS Division 7th AUS Division East Africa Map 2nd NZ Division ______Port Said: 1 battlegroup Keren: (AFR Division) Suez: 1 battlegroup Gondar: 1 battlegroup Ghimbi: 1 battlegroup East Africa Map Addis Ababa: 1 battlegroup ______Amba Alagi: (GDS Division) Kassala: 4th IND Division 1 battlegroup 5th IND Division 1 battlegroup Axis Replacement Box: 60th Division Gallabat: 1 battlegroup 1 armor battlegroup Mega: 1 battlegroup ►3 battlegroups Neghelli: 1 battlegroup ►Kismayu ►1 SA battlegroup ►Permanently Eliminated Axis units: 1 LIB, 2 LIB, 1 BS, Jijiga: 1 battlegroup 2 BS, 4 BS, 61st, 62nd, 63rd, and 64th Divisions. 1 SA battlegroup Axis Control markers in: none. Near East Map ______Jerusalem: 1 battlegroup ►1 British-controlled FF battlegroup NEUTRAL SETUP Habbaniyah: (1 battlegroup) Basra: 1 IND battlegroup Near East Map India: 10th IND Division ______Identical to Campaign Game Allied Replacement Box: 7th Armored Division.

21 18.1 Cards Permanently Removed ►19.13 British

►● Allied: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 18, 29, 31 If the Crusader Event has not been previously played the ►● Axis: 2, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 33 Allied player may place the British 6th Division, full strength, in Alexandria or Port Said before the first Allied Action 18.2 Turn Record Track Event Markers Round of the Fall 1941 turn. If Tobruk is Allied-controlled but unable to trace an overland supply line back to an Allied ►Turn 1: Poor Morale supply source the 6th Division may replace another Allied Turn 2: Invasion of Greece, Taranto Raid – 1 VP, Compass Division in Tobruk. This division must be a full strength Turn 3: Rommel, Med. Fleet – 1 VP Australian division if available; Commonwealth otherwise. The division that the 6th Division replaces is picked up and ►18.3 Special Scenario Rules moved, at no cost, to either Alexandria or Port Said (Allied choice). The VP marker begins in the “5” space of the General Records Track. The following cards begin the scenario already in the ►19.2 Alternate Leaders Discard Pile: Italian Fleet (Axis); Mediterranean Fleet (Allied). Both players shuffle their available 1940 and 1941 decks ►19.21 Historical Rommel together and draw an eight-card hand. The Axis player may elect to begin the scenario with the Balkans Campaign Event The Axis player may not declare “Rommel Participating” in card in his hand, in addition to seven other cards. The Allied 1941 if the attack does not include any German units. player may elect to begin the scenario with card #30 Commonwealth Reinforcements, in his hand, in addition to seven ►19.22 Historical Balbo other cards. It is suggested, but not required, that players also use optional rule 19.42. The Balbo Event may only be played during the Summer 1940 turn. The Event does not cancel the Italian -1 drm in East ►18.4 Scenario Victory Conditions Africa.

If neither player wins an Automatic Victory by the Spring 1942 ►19.3 Alternate Malta Turn, the VP total determines the winner: Play of either Herkules or Malta Victorious does not produce Axis Victory: 7 or more VP Victory Points for either side. The other benefits and penalties Allied Victory: 6 or fewer VP of each Event remain the same.

Note: If both players agree they may simply continue playing ►19.4 Alternate Card Draws beyond the Spring 1942 turn and use the Campaign Game victory conditions. ►19.41 Optional Axis Card Draw

During the Winter 1941 Draw Strategy Card Phase the Axis 19.0 OPTIONAL RULES player may elect to add any one 1940 or 1941 card to his hand before shuffling and drawing the remainder of his cards ►19.1 Alternate Units During the Winter 1942 Draw Strategy Card Phase the Axis player may elect to add any one card to his hand before ►19.11 5th Mountain Division shuffling and drawing the remainder of his cards. Ignore rule 7.74 if using this option. The maximum number of cards, If both players agree place the non-replaceable 5th Mountain including the one card, remains eight for 1941 and nine for Division in the Near East when the Unternehmen Irak Event is 1942. played. ►19.42 Optional Allied Card Draw ►19.12 999th Division During the Winter 1941 Draw Strategy Card Phase of the If the Torch Event has previously been played the Axis player campaign game the Allied player may elect to add the may place the German 999th Division, reduced, in Tunis before Barbarossa card to his hand before shuffling and drawing the the first Axis Action Round of the Winter 1943 turn. If the remainder of his cards. If playing the Operation Sonnenblume Torch Event is played during the Winter 1943 turn, the Axis scenario the Allied player may elect to draw the Barbarossa player may place the German 999th Division, reduced, in Tunis card as part of his opening hand. He may not play the before the first Axis Action Round of the Spring 1943 turn. Barbarossa Event until the Summer 1941 turn. The maximum number of cards remains eight for 1941.

22 ►19.5 Corseting

If a reduced-strength IT Infantry Division is eliminated it may be replaced by either an IT or GE infantry battlegroup from the Reserve Box (Axis player‟s choice).

►19.6 Alternate Vichy French

The fort spaces in Vichy Syria are treated as mountain spaces, not fort spaces, if an Allied division is attacking them.


►It is the Axis player‟s Action Round. He selects a card from his hand and decides to play Radio Intercepts. This is a useful card because it allows the Axis player to play the card as an Event and for Operations (OPS) simultaneously. He decides to use the card in this manner rather than, for example, playing the card for either its Replacement Point (RP) or Redeployment ►The Allied unit participating in the combat has a CF of two (RD) value. Since it is the first Action Round of the turn he (because it was just flipped to its reduced side), so the Allied places the “1 Axis” marker in the “Other Event” box on the Axis player now makes a die roll and consults the “2” column of Action Round Chart. the Division Fire Table. He rolls a three – a Loss Number of two. The 21st Panzer Division requires three losses to inflict a ►The Radio Intercepts card has an OPS value of three. He step reduction, so it may not be chosen to absorb the losses. decides he wishes to attack with units in the El Agheila space. The Axis player could reduce either the Italian 27th Division, The activation cost of the El Agheila space is two OPS because or the German armor battlegroup, because each has a Loss there are both German and Italian units in that space (a multi- Factor of two. The Axis player chooses the Italian Division national space – see 7.23 and 7.24). Had there been only and flips it to its reduced side. The Axis have won the combat German or Italian units in that space the activation cost would because they inflicted more losses on the allies – three to two have been one OPS because El Agheila is in Full Supply (within – than the Allies inflicted on the Axis. Since the Loss three spaces of an Axis Supply Source – Tripoli, not pictured). Number‟s difference is one, the defending Allied unit must The Axis player places an Attack marker on the El Agheila now retreat one space. The 27th Infantry Division, if it space to signify it has been activated for combat. He then uses chooses to advance, must move into the space vacated by the the last OPS to place an Attack marker on the German unit in the Defender. The 21st Panzer Division and the German armor Giof el Matar space. battlegroup, if they choose to advance, may move into ANY adjacent space. ►In normal circumstances a player must chance a die roll if he wishes to gain the benefits of a Flank Attack, but the Radio ►Now suppose the Axis player has made the exact same Intercepts Event allows the Axis player to forgo the die roll – the attack as before but, since the Rommel Event has been played, attempt is automatically successful. Typically combat is he announces that this will be the one attack per Action Round considered simultaneous but the unique nature of the Flank in which he will declare “Rommel Participating” (see 11.274). Attack allows the Attacker to fire first, and the Defender must This gives the Axis attack a two-column shift to the right, apply any losses before firing back at the Attacker. The three from the “6-8” column to the “12-14” column. The Axis Axis units participating in the attack have a combined strength player rolls a five modified down to four due to the -1 drm for of eight, so the Axis player makes a die roll and consults the 6-8 Italian participation. This does five losses and, since the result column of the Division Fire Table (since at least one division is on the Division Fire Table is in bold, it is also a potential participating in the attack). Since there is an Italian unit overrun. The 2nd Armored Division absorbs four losses and is participating in the attack and the Axis player has not played the eliminated (two losses to flip to its reduced side and two more Balbo event, the Axis attack will receive a -1 drm. He rolls a losses to be eliminated). A British armor battlegroup is taken three which is modified down to a two. The attack has inflicted from the Allied Reserve Box and placed in the Agedabia space a loss number of three on the Allied unit in the Agedabia space. to replace the just eliminated division. There is no further The Allied player flips the 2nd Armored Division to its reduced damage because it takes two losses to inflict a step reduction side, absorbing two losses. There is no further damage because on the full-strength armor battlegroup. The remaining loss is it takes two losses to inflict a step reduction on the reduced 2nd ignored. The Allied unit now returns fire, but the Allied Armored Division. The remaining loss, in this case, is ignored. player will have to use the Battlegroup Fire Table. He rolls a six and does one loss on the Axis which is not enough to flip

23 any of the three attacking Axis units, because they each have a CARD CLARIFICATION/ERRATA Loss Factor of two or higher. Allied Card #45, Spitfires: ►The British armor battlegroup failed to equal or exceed the Loss Numbers inflicted by the Axis attack, and the Axis result Clarifications: Add “Effects canceled by Herkules.” in black was bold, so the combat is an overrun. The British armor after the second sentence. Add “May not be played after battlegroup does not retreat but, because of the overrun, is Herkules.” in red at the bottom of the card. relocated (a special form of retreat resulting from overruns) to Alexandria, Cairo, or a valid Supply Source (11.47). The Allied Axis Card #40, Italian Reinforcements: player chooses Alexandria. The Axis player may then advance. Units advancing after an overrun may advance up to their full Spelling: “Pistoria” should be spelled “Pistoia”. movement factor. Infantry units must enter the defending space Typo: “186th „Giovani Fascisti‟” should have read “136 as the first space of their advance. The Italian 27th Division „Giovani Fascisti‟”. may advance up to three spaces. The Axis player decides to advance only one space, however, into Agedabia. The two armor units may advance up to six spaces. The German armor PLAYER AID CARD ERRATA battlegroup moves into Agedabia, then to Msus, then to Tengeder where it stops. The 21st Panzer Division moves to Consistency with rule 13.73: Under “Misc. Combat Msus, then to Tengeder, then to Sidi Mufta, then to the Southern Modifiers” on the first row replace “Attacker out of Supply” Flank, then to Bir el Gubi, and then to El Adem where it stops. with “Out of Supply,” and replace “Offensive Fire 1L” with The Axis Action Round is now over. “Fire 1L”.

Typo: On the fourth row replace “2L” with “2R”. CREDITS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Game Design: Michael Rinella

Game Development: Jeff Evich

Additional Rules Development: Pat Hirtle

►Playtesters: Paul Abrahamse, Eric Feifer, John Foley, Paul Glowacki, Rick Hautala, Dirk Heinz, Richard Schroeder, Christopher Schwalm, Randall Shaw, John Slotwinski

Box Art: Scott Holmgren

Map and Counter Art: Dean Essig

Rules Layout: Ken Smith COUNTER SHEET ERRATA Card Design and Layout: Ken Smith Typos: The following Axis Event markers do not have the Card Back Design: Kurt Miller correct card number on the back of the marker: London Calling; Invasion of Greece; Balbo; Italian Fleet, Siege of Rulebook Proofreaders: Dave Casper, John Clifford, David Malta, and Plan Orient. Firestine, Martin Gallo, Chris Janiec, Darin Leviloff, Martin Nelmes, Mickel Knight The Allied marker Wavell/O’Conner should have read Compass. Card/Designer’s Notes Proofreaders: Johnathan Arnold, Doug DeMoss, Eric Feifer, J. Allen Hill, Chris Janiec, Troy There are two Victory or Death markers but there should have Nordine, Dave Sokolowski been only one.

Card Text Proofreaders: John Clifford, Chris Janiec, Kenn Color-coding: The Von Arnim Takes Command marker is Monte, Dominic Smyth color-coded as an Axis marker but should have been color- coded as an Allied marker. ►Living Rules 1.0 Proofreaders: Robert Delwood, Mark Herman, Jeffrey D. Myers, Bill Vargas, Chris van Wyk 24 MAP ERRATA Allied control markers (in addition to all the British, US, and US-controlled Free French spaces above: Bougie, Souk Spelling: “Fondoux” should be spelled “Fondouk” and Ahras, and Thala. “Malmata” should have been spelled “Matmata”. The US Replacement Point marker is placed in the “0” space of the General Records Track. BOX LID ERRATA Italian Typo: The game‟s subtitle should have read “The Campaign in North Africa, 1940-1943”. Tunis: Sousse: 1 IT battlegroup Sfax: 1 IT battlegroup SHIFTING SANDS TORCH SETUP Gabes: 1 IT battlegroup

►The following units should be placed on the map after play of German the Torch Event by the Allied player. Axis Reserve Box: Note: A unit listed in parentheses enters play at reduced strength; set it up on its reduced side. All divisions and 1 GE armor battlegroup battlegroups are infantry unless otherwise indicated. ►1 IT armor battlegroup

Bizerte: (Von Broich Division) British ►Mateur: 1 GE armor battlegroup Medjez el Bab: 1 GE battlegroup Algiers: (78th Division) Tunis: (10th Panzer Division) Bone: 1 BR battlegroup Souk el Arba: 1 BR battlegroup 1 BR armor battlegroup

United States/US-controlled Free French

Allied Reserve Box:

5 US battlegroups 2 US armor battlegroups 2 US FF battlegroups

Casablanca: () (9th Division) 1 US armor battlegroup Oran: 1st Division 1 US battlegroup 1 US armor battlegroup Algiers: 34th Division (1st Armor Division) Constantine: 2 US battlegroups ►Tebessa: 1 US battlegroup 1 US armor battlegroup Kasserine: 1 FF battlegroup Souk el Arba 1 FF battlegroup Le Sers 1 FF battlegroup Fondouk: 1 FF battlegroup

Note: Free French units in the Allied Torch setup are US- controlled FF.



1. DISCARD: Players discard any unused cards they do not ATTRITION: Units are checked for attrition (13.8). wish to hold for the forthcoming turn by placing them in the CONTROL OF SPACES: Control of spaces behind enemy “Played” box on the map (5.11). lines may change (13.82).

2. DRAW: Each player draws cards from his Draw Pile to bring his own hand up to the maximum (5.1). Note that this D. VICTORY DETERMINATION PHASE maximum hand size may be decreased by play of certain Events. Count Victory Points to determine if either side has won an Automatic Victory (16.2, 16.3), or at the end of the Spring B. ACTION PHASE 1943 Game Turn to conclude the Campaign Game.

ACTION ROUND 1: Each player is allowed to take one action. The Axis player conducts the first Action in each Round. Each E. REPLACEMENT PHASE player must take one of two possible actions: 1. AXIS SEGMENT: The Axis player spends his RP (15.11, ● PLAY STRATEGY CARD: Play a Strategy Card as an 15.12). OPS, RD, RP, or Event (7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5). 2. ALLIED SEGMENT: The Allied player spends his RP ● AUTOMATIC 1 OPS: Use one Activation Point for an (15.13, 15.14, 15.15). Operation without the play of a Strategy Card (6.12B).

If a Strategy Card is played for OPS: F. GAME TURN PHASE

1. ACTIVATION STEP: Spend Activation Points equal to the ADVANCE TURN MARKER: If the game did not conclude OPS Value of the card (between 2 and 5) to activate the during the Victory Determination Phase, advance the Turn space. A Move or Attack marker (never both) is placed in marker to the next season on the Turn Record Track and begin each space activated. the sequence of play again (5.6).

2. MOVEMENT STEP: Move any units in spaces marked with a Move marker.

3. COMBAT STEP: Resolve any combats from spaces marked with an Attack marker.

If a Strategy Card is played for RD: Spend the RD points to move battlegroups and/or divisions.

If a Strategy Card is played for RP: Mark RP indicated on the card on the General Records Track.

If a Strategy Card is played RP: Mark RP indicated on the card on General Records Track.

If a Strategy Card is played as an Event: The instructions on the card must be followed.

ACTION ROUNDS 2-6: Identical to Action Round 1.

26 Question: When Iraqi Revolt is played, does the Axis Shifting Sands FAQ automatically gain 1 VP for Baghdad?

Clarifications Answer: Yes. Following the instructions on the card changes the control of a Victory Point space (see top of page 4, "Victory Point (VP) Space" and rule 16, "Determining Cards Victory").

Question: The Stukas at Dawn combat card says it cancels Question: When the Axis play Iraqi Revolt, assuming the “fort effects” – does this mean that the Axis player may declare Allies cannot open up a supply line to Mosul, then does the “Rommel Participating” to shift the combat 2R on the fire Mosul space also become Axis-controlled during the Attrition table? Phase?

Answer: No. Fort effects are explicitly laid out in rule 14. The Answer: Yes. Rule 13.82 applies. Stukas at Dawn combat card cancels defensive benefits mentioned in 14.1 and 14.3. Rommel‟s inability to get combat Question: May the Attacker play Disengage on the Defender? shifts against a fort is not a benefit of the fort, it is a limitation of Rommel‟s powers as laid out in rule 11.274. Answer: No.

Question: What about the Allied player’s Matildas combat Question: If Rommel is played as an event before Invasion of card? Greece is played as an event, does the Rommel event prevent the RP prohibition from going into effect? Answer: It cancels Fort effects in the same manner. Answer: No. The card text of Invasion of Greece should be Question: If the Axis use Stukas at Dawn to attack an Allied- read literally. There are three cards that cancel the prohibition occupied fort and Allies use Desert Rats to defend, does Desert against playing cards for Replacements if Invasion of Greece Rats cancel an overrun? is played as an event: Rommel, Balkan Campaign, and Siege of Malta. If you play Rommel before Invasion of Greece, Answer: No. The Allies could still play the card for the +1 drm, you‟ll need to play one of the other two events to cancel the and the card would still cancel any retreat in a non-overrun prohibition against playing cards for Replacements. situation but the Allied card does not reinstate any of the fort's terrain effects (you'll also note on the map that none of the forts Question: Can the Corps Franc d'Afrique reinforcements be in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia are in terrain that has a "no retreat" placed in an Axis-controlled mountain space? option). Answer: No [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Question: And what happens if the Axis use Stukas at Dawn to attack an Allied-occupied fort and the Allies use Minefields to Question: Siege of Malta is in effect. Spitfires is played to defend? cancel the siege. Does this mean that the Axis can no longer play cards for their RP values if Barbarossa has been played? Answer: Nothing. Stukas at Dawn cancels any (repeat any) terrain or fort effect. In other words, there‟s no reason for the Answer: No. It means the Axis can no longer play cards for Allied player to play the Minefields card, unless he wants to RP values because Siege of Malta has been played. discard it. Barbarossa has nothing to do with it [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Question: How often may the Axis player use the Stukas at Dawn Combat Card? Question: May Barbarossa be played instead of Spitfires to cancel Siege of Malta? Answer: Stukas at Dawn may be used for “one Combat Resolution.” Once played, it goes into the Discard Pile. If it Answer: No. Only Spitfires can cancel Siege of Malta [note: comes out in early 1943, you might get to use it twice. addressed in the Living Rules].

Question: After the Ethiopian Campaign, Exporter, or Vulcan Question: Given that the play of Herkules prevents the play of events put my Allied units in Full Supply, do those units still Spitfires because the planes wouldn't have a base from which have to trace a line of supply? If I can’t, are the units Out of to fly from, shouldn't the play of Herkules negate the effect of Supply? Do those units placed in Full Supply by the Event have Spitfires for the same reason and allow the Axis to play to trace three spaces back to a Supply Source? replacement cards?

Answer: Yes. Yes. No. 27

Answer: Yes. You can consider this a clarification of both cards Answer: Yes. The card text, rather than the event name, says [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. they “counts as a … reinforcement to play.”

Question: If the Axis player, despite having the option to begin Question: When removing divisions for Balkan Campaign, the Winter 1942 turn with the Siege of Malta card in his hand, Rising Sun, or Plan Orient must you remove full strength either refuses to draw it, or draws it and does not play it as an divisions? Or may they be reduced strength? event, may the Allied player play Barbarossa in 1942 to prevent the Axis from playing cards for RP? Answer: Either. Allied player's choice.

Answer: Yes. The moment the Axis play Siege of Malta as the Question: Or is there a priority order when removing Event the effects of Barbarossa would be canceled, however divisions? [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Answer: Any division (that's eligible, in the case of Rising Question: May Barbarossa be played as an Event in 1942 just Sun and Plan Orient). to remove the card from the Allied deck? Question: When the Axis play Balkan Campaign and/or Answer: Yes. Rising Sun, does the BR armor BG have to be on the board or can it be from the Allied Reserves Box? If either, is there an Question: Does the Minefields Combat Card prevent post- order, such as “must come from the map first, if not available combat advance if the attacker wins the combat? then from the Reserves Box”?

Answer: Yes. The card text should be interpreted literally. Answer: Map first, then Reserves Box. If the only available Play of the card turns the clear space into a “marsh” space for all armor battlegroup(s) are in the Allied Replaceable Box, he purposes except flanking, because flank attack attempts occur loses a VP (the battlegroup remains in the Allied Replaceable before play of combat cards. Box).

Question: If the Axis made an attack with a division in Question: With Rising Sun, when the divisions are eliminated, Libya/Egypt in their first Action Round would that cancel or do battlegroups take their place on the map? The Balkan prevent the effects of the Allied player’s Orders from Rome card, Campaign card mentions BGs replacing the divisions but not even if the Allied card is played in the first Allied Action Round? Rising Sun.

Answer: No. An action taken in the first Axis Action Round Answer: The battlegroups remain in reserve. The card text is cannot be applied retroactively to an event played in the Allied literal. player‟s first Action Round. The Axis player must make the specified type of attack during Axis Action Round 2, 3, 4, 5, or Question: If the Allies play Where Is Gambara? during an 6. Axis attack with GE battlegroup(s) and Italian division(s), may the Axis may fire on the Division Fire Table? Question: May the Allies play Spitfires after the Axis have played Herkules? Answer: Yes. Per the card text, all you lose is the Italian contribution to the numerical attack total. You don't lose the Answer: No. This event, like the other Allied cards that are part Fire Table you're currently on. of the battle of Malta, is not playable if the Axis player has already won the battle via play of Herkules [note: addressed in Question: Does the unit playing Disengage avoid losses and the Living Rules]. then retreat 2 spaces, or does it take the losses and then retreat? Question: May Italian units stacked with German units still take losses if the Allies have played Where is Gambara? Answer: You resolve combat (including losses) and then you retreat. Answer: Yes. Question: Does Command Friction apply to American and Question: Are any of these considered a reinforcement card American-controlled Free French? play when placing markers on the Action Round Chart: Rommel, LRDG, or Torch (for either side)? Answer: Yes.

Answer: No. If they were the card would say so. Question: Would American and American-controlled Free French units receive a -2 die roll modifier on attacks if the Question: What about Tiger Convoy and Unternehmen Iraq? Patton event hasn't been played? 28 Answer: Yes, if they were attacking in “Libya and/or Egypt” Answer: After play of Balkan Campaign the GK battlegroup like the Command Friction card says. is placed in the Allied Replacement Box. It must be rebuilt to enter play [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Question: If the Allies play Malta Convoys and later on in the same turn, the Axis play Herkules (along with Air Support) is the Question: How does the British 6th Division (non-Armored) Axis hand still reduced to 6 the following turn? get in the game?

Answer: Yes. Answer: Ignore the unit. It‟s not part of the game. An optional rule has been added for this unit, similar to the Question: While attacking a clear space during a summer turn optional rule for the German 999th Division [note: addressed the Attacker played the Severe Weather Combat Card. The in the Living Rules]. Defender then played the Minefields Combat Card. Since Minefields makes clear terrain a marsh, what happens to the Question: There are five IT armored battlegroups in the severe weather? counter mix. Two start the game, and one enters play when Events #45 and #53 are played. How does the fifth one get in? Answer: The Severe Weather CC applies to the attacker's space, not the defenders. The attacker gets the +1; the defenders Answer: It should be placed in the Axis Reserve Box as part minefields shift his attack down a column, etc. of the Torch setup [note: addressed in the Living Rules].

Question: If the Axis player plays Herkules and the Air Support Question: There are 6 GE infantry battlegroups. Two for Combat Card (which is needed since Spitfires had been played) Rommel, one for card #41, two for card #52, and two more for at the same time to win the Battle of Malta, does the Air Support Torch, for a total of 7. Is there supposed to be another GE Combat Card remain in front of him per rules 7.611 and 7.612? infantry battlegroup?

Answer: No [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Answer: No, there‟s a glitch in the Torch setup. The GE Armor battlegroup that sets up in Tunis with the 10th Panzer Question: May the Axis player play the Air Support Combat Division should be in Mateur, and there shouldn‟t be a GE Card in an Action Round prior to the play of Herkules, and then infantry battlegroup in Mateur [note: addressed in the Living select Air Support during a later Action Round at the moment he Rules]. plays the Herkules Event? Question: There are five US armored battlegroups. Torch Answer: No. See the Herkules card wording: it says the two brings in four US armored battlegroups, how does the fifth cards must be played simultaneously. See also rule 11.25: one enter play? playing a Combat Card and selecting a Combat Card during combat are separate and distinct things. Answer: In the Torch setup, there should be one US infantry battlegroup and one US armor battlegroup in Tebessa, rather Question: In an Axis Action Round the Axis player plays a card than two US infantry battlegroups (you‟ll note that there aren‟t for RP. The Allied player then plays Barbarossa as an Event. In enough US infantry battlegroups otherwise) [note: addressed the very next Axis Action Round can the Axis play Battleship in the Living Rules]. Convoys as an Event and take the RP bonus?

Answer: No. Rule 7.43 applies even though the card is played Map as an Event rather than for replacements. He may not play a card for replacements in consecutive Action Rounds. Question: The Campaign Game Setup in the rules says the 7th Armored Division is placed on the map with a strength of Question: After Poor Morale has been played, is an Italian 2-3-5. The Mersa Matruh space on the map has a reduced Division permanently eliminated if it was removed by taking stripe, but it says 3-3-5. Does the unit set up full strength or combat losses? reduced?

Answer: Yes. The effects of Overrun are considered to apply Answer: It sets up reduced. We used 3-3-5 on the map to to the units regardless of when they are removed. See 11.473. make it clear the player should not use either the 4-3-5 or 5-3- 5 “upgrade” counters [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Counters Question: What is the terrain of Chad? Question: When does the Greek battlegroup enter the game? Answer: Mountain.

29 Question: Axis units may not enter the Chad space, but may You never know what combat cards your opponent holds. As they attack it after play of the LRDG event? the attacker, you commit to a flank attack attempt in a position of uncertainty. You roll; you may succeed or fail. Play then Answer: Yes. proceeds to playing of combat cards. The attacker plays his combat cards first, and then the defender. Question: What is the terrain of Oran and Casablanca? If the defender holds the Disengage Combat Card he may play Answer: Mountain. it to avoid being flanked, even if the attacker just succeeded in Question: What is the terrain of South Africa? making a Flank Attack die roll. Interpret “Flanking attack prohibited” on the card as “Cancels a successful Flank Answer: Mountain. Attack.” If the attacker failed to flank him, there's less incentive to play Disengage unless for some reason the Question: What is the terrain of Persia? India? defender wishes to retreat two spaces (such as to move from a space in Limited Supply to a space in Full Supply), or if he Answer: Mountain. Mountain. fears being overrun and either isn‟t in a space that prohibits an overrun or he doesn‟t hold a Combat Card that prevents an Question: Is Bardia part of Libya or part of Egypt? The space overrun. If the defender plays Disengage he must retreat two is color-coded gray like it is part of Libya, but it appears to be spaces, regardless of who won the combat and regardless of east of the Libyan/Egyptian border. any other Combat Cards he played that might have, in other circumstances, allowed him to cancel the retreat. Answer: Bardia is part of Libya. All spaces in Egypt are color- coded green. If the defender holds the Minefields Combat Card he may not play it to avoid being flanked. The only card that allows the Question: Once the Addis Ababa space in East Africa is Allied- defender to avoid a successful Flank Attack is Disengage. controlled, can IT units in mountains or Massawa still take The Minefields Combat Card changes the combat as follows: replacements? shift the Attacker‟s fire one column to the left when determining the Fire Column; the defender may choose to lose Answer: Yes. Loss of Addis Ababa will prevent play of Axis an additional step to cancel a retreat; overrun results are not card #2, Italian Reinforcements, as an event (per the card possible. If the defender has been flanked, he's been flanked. restriction and rule 7.532, second bullet), and it will prevent the The attacker still fires first. The Minefields Combat Card may Axis player from rebuilding either the GDS or Africa Divisions not be played if the defender has played Disengage. once they are eliminated (per rule 15.411). If the Axis attacker holds the Stukas at Dawn Combat Card or the Allied attacker holds the Matildas Combat Card they may Rules not play those cards in order to declare a flank attack when attacking Mountain, Marsh, or Fort spaces; this step has Question: Rule 6.12B: Can I do a Redeployment during an happened before any Combat Cards were played. Stukas at Automatic Operations Round? Dawn and Matildas change the combat as follows: Mountain and Marsh spaces are treated as clear hexes for purposes of Answer: No. You may only conduct Operations per rule 7.2. determining the Fire Column; a Fort does not add its fort value to the Defenders Combat Strength; defending units in Question: Certain event cards allow the player to play Mountain and Marsh spaces may not use the option to lose an move/attack markers into “in-supply spaces” – may I place additional step loss to cancel a retreat; defending units in Forts these move/attack markers into unoccupied spaces? may be overrun; the Attacker may advance through Fort, Marsh and Mountain spaces as if they were clear terrain. Answer: No. Rule 7.21 applies to move/attack markers placed as a result of an event in addition to a card played for OPS. If the Axis defender holds the 88mm FLAK Guns Combat Players may never place move/attack markers into unoccupied Card he may not play it if the Allied player has successfully spaces. flanked him. If the Allied player has tried to flank him, and failed, there‟s no need to play the Combat Card because the Question: Several cards either grant or take away terrain defender will fire first regardless. The 88mm FLAK Guns benefits, or cancel flank attacks. How do combat cards work in Combat Card is most effective when the Allies are suffering relation to one another? the effects of Command Friction, or when the Axis defender occupies a space that prohibits flank attacks. Answer: The short answer is you should always follow the combat resolution sequence (11.21). Question: Can the Axis play Disengage (to cancel a successful Allied flank attack) and then play 88mm FLAK Guns to fire first? 30 Answer: Yes. Question: Allied units in Sousse attack Axis units in Tunis. The combat result is an overrun. The Axis units in Tunis are Question: Does the -1 for Italian attack/defense apply even if drawing supply from the space they occupy. There is no other the Italians are stacked with Germans or some other space they can legally relocate to except the space they nationality? For example, if there is a space with one Italian and currently occupy. Can the Axis units “relocate” to Tunis per one German that is attacked or attacks does the -1 apply? rule 11.47 or are they permanently eliminated per rule 11.471? Answer: Yes. See rule 11.261. Question: if a US controlled FF unit is attacked (not stacked Answer: They are permanently eliminated. The defending with other US units) does it receive the -1 DRM before the play space may not be the space relocated to [note: addressed in of Patton? the Living Rules].

Answer: Yes. See 7.22, third bullet. "US and US-controlled FF Question: If an Italian infantry division is eliminated per rule units are treated as one nationality for purposes of Activation for 11.473 is it replaced by a battlegroup? Is the battlegroup then movement and combat." [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. relocated?

Question: In regards to rule 11.273, if a combination of in- Answer: Yes, if a battlegroup is available. Yes. supply units and OOS units participate in an attack together, is there still a 1L column shift? Question: If a unit must retreat two spaces and can physically only retreat one, is the unit eliminated? Answer: Yes. Answer: Yes. See 11.52, second sentence. The wording says Question: rule 11.274 says you declare “Rommel "must". Failure to do so kicks in rule 11.56, eliminating the Participating” on a space with an attack marker. If units in the unit. same space attack different spaces do they all get the shifts (possibly effecting 3 combats) or do you have to choose one Question: Can the Allied player play the LRDG event if attack? Mersa Matruh is Axis controlled? If yes, where does the LRDG get placed (rule 11.76 doesn't really answer this). Answer: Rule 11.274 is entirely in the singular – “Shift that attack” not “Shift those attacks” – so the answer would be you Answer: Yes. The Allied player may place the LRDG in have to choose one attack. either Cairo or the Allied Reserves Box under these conditions. Question: Rule 11.471 says that a Division that is overrun but cannot trace back to a Supply Source is permanently eliminated Question: Certain reinforcement cards “double as OPS” - instead of relocated. Is that correct? can the OPS points be used to RD units in the same turn?

Answer: Yes. Answer No. Operations and Redeployment are entirely differently things. Question: The negative implication is that battlegroups are unaffected by this, and if overrun is relocated (where specified) Question: Could the British 2nd Armor Division, for example, regardless of ability to trace. Is this correct? Redeploy from Suez to Basra during the turn it arrives?

Yes. Rule 11.471 is an exception to rule 11.421. Since 11.471 Answer: No. doesn't mention permanent elimination of battlegroups, rule 11.421 governs the situation, should your battlegroup be Question: Can units – primarily Allied units – RD from either eliminated for failure to relocate. the Near East or East Africa maps to the main North Africa map? Question: If I make a successful Flank Attack, and my attack die gets a bold (potential overrun) result, and after they take Answer: Yes. their losses the defender fires back, and also get a bold result that is as high as the attacker’s result, is it an overrun? Question: While the lines connecting Khartoum and the East Africa map say it takes all of a unit’s movement points, why Answer: No. The situation would be rare as few defending wouldn't they just Redeploy up to the front line in NA? Is RD stacks after a successful Flank Attack would be firing on a considered movement? column high enough to get a bold result that equals the attacker‟s bold result. If this situation arises, the result is not an overrun. Answer: They still have to stop. Redeployment is considered Rule 11.47 is correct. movement.

31 Question: Can the Axis player Redeploy Italian battlegroups eliminated for being Out of Supply. If they are in a mountain into East Africa, specifically Addis Ababa, from the Axis space, or Massawa, they are always in Limited Supply. Reserves Box? Question: If at the end of the turn the BG is still OOS I know Answer: Yes. It's perfectly legal; rule 12.84 only prohibits the the BG will be eliminated and will be put in the player's reverse, i.e. Italian battlegroups using Redeployment to move Replaceable Box. But how about the division that was from East Africa to the Axis Reserves Box. eliminated before the battlegroup was placed on the map, is it permanently eliminated? Question: Does play of the Allied Spitfires event prevent the Axis from playing cards for Replacement Points, like the Answer: No. If it's in the player's Replaceable Box at the start Barbarossa event? of the Attrition Phase, it does not fulfill the conditions of 13.81. Answer: Yes [note: addressed in the Living Rules]. Question: Units with a dot do not take replacements. Question: Rule 12.84 says IT battlegroups in East Africa may According to rule 13.9 (captured supply) you can flip reduced not RD to the Axis Reserve Box. If they are eliminated could units to their unreduced side. May a unit with a non- they be rebuilt and RD from the Axis Reserve Box to a space in replaceable dot recover using captured supply? North Africa? Answer: No. Flipping a reduced unit to its full strength side for any reason is considered taking replacements. Once flipped Answer: Yes. to its reduced side, units with a black dot may never flip back.

Question: May players “sequence” their Redeployment moves? Question: Can the British RD out of East Africa to Near East For example, Unit “A” redeploys from the Reserve Box on top or Tunisia? of unit already on the map, which we’ll call Unit “B”. Unit “B” then redeploys into a different space. May Unit “C” then Answer: As long as the rules are followed, yes. Port to port; redeploy from the Reserve Box onto Unit “B” in the new space? space connection restrictions, etc. apply.

Answer: Yes. Question: May the Italians RD into East Africa if Addis Abba is British controlled? Question: May an Allied Minor Nation unit (British-controlled FF, GK, and POL) RD out of the Allied Reserve Box into a Answer: Only on top of IT units in mountain spaces; clear space with just a Commonwealth unit? spaces would be out of supply and therefore not eligible.

Answer: No. Per rule 7.23 they may activate with CW units for Question: If Italian units attack can German Armor move in movement and combat, but as rule 12.8 says they are considered and attack with them? Or vise versa? British for purposes of RD. Answer: Yes. Question: May an Allied Minor Nation unit RD out of the Reserve Box into a space with another Allied Minor Nation unit? Question: May a reinforcement card with a square OPS Value use the OPS to move the units placed with this type of Answer: Yes. Since per rule 12.8 they are all considered card? British for purposes of RD this would be a case of one British unit using RD to stack with another British unit. Answer: Yes.

Question: May a Commonwealth unit of one nationality RD out Question: Can they attack with the OPS? of the Allied Reserve Box into a space with a Commonwealth unit of a different nation, for example a South African Answer: Yes. battlegroup moving out of reserve into a space with a New Zealand unit? Question: Units in Sicily – may they RD to spaces elsewhere on the map? Answer: No. Answer: Yes; port to port only. Question: What happens to Italian units in East Africa if the Allies control their supply source, Addis Ababa? Question: May they do it after Hercules is played?

Answer: See the revised rule 13.43. With the exception of Answer: This would usually be impossible as all the units Massawa, if they are not in a mountain space, they would be participating in Herkules are permanently eliminated on play of the Event; see 10.321.