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THE St Helena Broadcasting (Guarantee) Corporation Ltd. Vol. SENTINEL1, Issue 24 - Price: £1“serving St Helena and her community worldwide” Th ursday 6 September 2012 THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT Accident on Also in this Deadwood Plain issue: New babies, page 2&3 Darrin Henry, SHBC Second Maths Advisory On Monday evening 3 September, at approximate- Teacher appointed, page 2 ly 6.45, Basil Read’s 70 tonne excavator snagged on overhead power lines on Deadwood Plain, pull- Architects on St Helena, ing over an electricity pole and plunging the ma- jority of the island into darkness with a power cut page 6 that lasted more than 2 hours. No one was reported hurt although different eye- Opening reception held witnesses reported a bright fl ash seen on the Plain, at Longwood House, clearly visible from the Alarm Forest and Gor- page 11 don’s Post area. The power outage affected most districts across the island, including St Pauls, Blue Hill, Sandy Sports Arena: Bay, Levelwood, Alarm Forest and Longwood. Blue Hartz & Rastas The incident occurred as Basil Read were begin- through in rounders ning the process of moving heavy plant equipment knockout to the airport site now that the haul road from Ruperts to Deadwood Plain is open. The aim on Rovers drop fi rst points Monday was to get the equipment as far as Fox’s Raiders 5th victory of the Garage. season Island Director for Basil Read, Deon De Jager, Also, skittles, shooting, and Janet Lawrence, SHG Airport Director, both volleyball and golf news confi rmed a safety ‘banksman’ was escorting the excavator at the time of the accident. “Just to clar- Anthony Caswell (pictured ify,” said Janet, “This was an operational incident. left) has been working in Obviously the guys in the Project Management the Castle Gardens for 27 Unit have been following up with Basil Read, continued on page 12 years. See story on page 16 2 Th ursday 6 September 2012 THE SENTINEL ST HELENA NEWS SNIPPETS BABY BOY Baby boy Jamel David Rex Ward-Peters was born on Tuesday 21 August at 9.41am to parents Melissa Ward-Andrews and Jason Peters of Crack Plain. Baby Jamel weighed in at 7lb 1oz and measured 48cm. Melissa and Jason said parenthood took time sink- ing in at fi rst but everything has fallen into place. TEMPORARY MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COUNCIL APPOINTED Councillors Rodney Buckley and John Cranfi eld are to act as temporary members of Executive Council following the depar- ture of Councillors Anthony Green and Der- ek Thomas today. Councillor Buckley is to sit on ExCo until Jamel Ward-Peters the return of Councillor Green on 11 Oc- tober from attendance at the CPC confer- Teacher of Mathematics for Prince Andrew ing students to interact with Maths, through ence in Sri Lanka and the EU OCT forum School (PAS). Alex Gross Wilkinson will the use of ICT, enables them to place the in Greenland. Councillor Cranfi eld will re- join Hema Soni who is also a recent addi- Maths within a context, which in turn cre- place Councillor Thomas temporarily until tion to the Directorate. Alex arrives on is- ates a deeper level of understanding,” com- he returns to the Island on 12 September fol- land on 19 September and has been working mented Alex. He continues, “I am very lowing a short period of overseas leave. in a Mathematics post in a secondary school excited about working with the Education The election of a permanent member of in Wiltshire. and Employment Directorate on St Helena, Executive Council to replace Councillor Colin said he was pleased to have recruited especially at such an important juncture in Tara Thomas, who resigns from Legislative an individual with Alex’s experience and St Helena’s future. The need for all students Council today, will be undertaken at the for- made the following comment. “This ap- to have a good understanding of Mathemat- mal Legislative Council meeting on 13 Sep- pointment places us in a much improved ics will become increasingly important as St tember 2012. position to raise standards even further in Helena’s economy expands.” Maths. The future employment prospects With this appointment PAS now has a full (SHG Press Realease) of the children and young people of St Hel- complement of staff in the Math’s Depart- 31 August 2012 ena are dependent on top quality specialist ment. “I’m really pleased to say that we teaching in key skill areas such as Science, start the new school term in a much bet- SECOND MATHS Technology, Engineering and Mathemat- ter position than we were six months ago ADVISORY TEACHER ics.” when I fi rst arrived,” stated Colin. “We’ve On Monday, 3 September, the Education Alex who has previously worked in soft- now got our two qualifi ed Mathematicians, and Employment Director, Colin Moore, ware design, hopes to increase the use of against a back drop of international short- announced the appointment of an Advisory ICT within the Math’s classroom. “Allow- age in Math and Science teachers. So we are in a much better place and we have got Councillor Rodney Buckley the complement that our youngsters need.” The shortage of Math teachers on island came to a head in June when PAS’ only Math teacher took ill in a period when ex- ams were taking place. “I was thrilled for the students who had done so well in such diffi cult circumstances,” said Colin. “We actually had two Math public examinations and there was a linear paper which meant that the students expertise in Math really shone through. Whilst the results still have some way to go to be as good as our results, for instance, in English and Science, they really are encouraging. This time next year, now we’ve got the two teachers, I’m quite sure we’ll see our Math results mirroring our English results. The gold standard for the island is measured in terms of fi ve good GCSE’s, which include English and Math. At the moment we’re up to about 20%. I’m looking for us to double that in a year’s time.” THE SENTINEL Th ursday 6 September 2012 3 ST HELENA NEWS SNIPPETS Work to improve the Math results in next year’s examinations are to continue. Ar- rangements are being made for the two Advisory Teachers of Mathematics to train teachers island wide to “up skill the level of Mathematical enquiry and understanding in all of the teachers across the board,” com- mented Colin. WEATHER Well spring is on its way, sunshine hours and temperatures are starting to pick up. Total rainfall has dropped quite signifi cantly al- lowing Francis Plain to dry and football and rounders matches to resumed over the weekend. Scotland Bottomwoods Max temp 18.6C 16C Min temp 12.7C 11C Mean temp 15C 13.6C Total rainfall 4.8mm 6.6mm Leromeo and Kiara Fowler Total sunshine 14.3 hours 23.1 hours a picture frame and some other things,” said on recycling, we even recycle egg shells, Mean wind speed 11 knots Lauren Crowie. “I really did enjoy today be- turning them into wobbly heads.” cause it is a lot of fun. I’ve been here for a Activity day drew to a close around 2pm. LIBRARY ACTIVITY DAY few minutes,” revealed Demi George, “and On Thursday 30 August, the Public Library I’ve also made a picture frame.” “I come BABY GIRL hosted an activity day for children. The nor- to the Library whenever they have activity days,” said Lianna Crowie, “they always Baby girl Kiara Kelsi was born on Tuesday mal quiet was replaced with the hum of ap- 28 August at 9.33am to proud parents Kayla proximately 20 children doing craft. have activity days in the holidays.” Prudy Joshua is a Teaching Assistant at and Leroy Fowler of Jamestown. Kiara Activity days are an extension of the book weighed a healthy 6lb and 6oz and mea- week initiative, designed to get children to Harford Primary School, she volunteered to help out with crafts on activity day. “At sured a length of 19ins. Big brother Lero- visit the library and read for pleasure. They meo is delighted with his little sister. Kayla are organised by the public library working the moment I am recylcing a CD Case and turning it into a picture frame,” said Prudy. said, “It feels amazing to have a girl and she group. hasn’t given us any sleepless nights yet..!” “We don’t have that many today,” said Li- “Hopefully if they watch me they will learn brarian Jill Young, commenting on the num- that they can help to save money by recy- ber of children in the library. cling a lot of stuff they fi nd in their homes. POLICE REPORT Children partook in a range of crafts. “I made My craft groups in Harford School are based Some time during the day on Friday 31 Au- gust a silver Ford car was damaged whilst parked unattended in the Museum car park, Jamestown. Deliberate scratch damage was caused to all the panels on the nearside of the car, resulting in extensive damage. Po- lice are appealing to anyone with informa- tion relating to the car park incident on Fri- day to contact them. On Friday evening (31) Police attended a re- port of domestic violence and criminal dam- age in Longwood. One male was arrested and subsequently charged to court for the offences. During the day on Saturday 1 September Po- lice were called to a residence in Jamestown to deal with an incident of criminal damage.