A sustainable, whole-nation, “Kobayashi Maru” solution to China’s aggression Email:
[email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/rpdefense/permalink/1779935662092273/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/adroth_ph Forum: http://defenseph.net/drp/index.php?topic=3740.0 About this thesis 3 Chinese timing 4 United States 4 Japan 5 Australia 6 ASEAN 6 The scramble for a Philippine response 8 Evaluating the 3rd option: UNCLOS 10 Evaluating the 3rd option: Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) 12 Treaty that created NATO 13 Treaty between the US and Japan 15 Vietnam’s losses 17 Indonesian calculations 21 Defining the parameters of the problem 25 The way forward 29 The 4th option 30 What has been prevented 32 What has, or is currently being done 36 Implementing the 4th option 44 Step one: Rebooting PH-CN relations 44 Step two: Acclimatize China to submitting to Philippine law 48 Step three: Ongoing cooperation 50 Continued build up of Philippine economic defenses 53 Learn from the experiences of Sri Lanka, et. al. 61 Pakistan’s gamble 67 Israel & Indonesia: Dancing with a dragon 71 A winning endgame rather than a strategy for “how not to lose” 76 Responding to Chinese aggression 81 Trade War 84 Military Action 85 About this thesis This thesis attempts to answer the hotly debated question: "What is happening to Philippine policy with China and the West Philippine Sea???" While the defense of the Republic of the Philippines is the focal point for this thesis, there can be no effective discussion about defense if it is narrowly confined to weaponry and military / law enforcement considerations alone.