INTERNATIONAL IDM 11-12 December 2018 PROCESSING INGREDIENTS PACKAGING IT LOGISTICS International FoodTec Award 2015 for Membrane- Filtration RO HighTS Process Technology Get your trucks off the road! Membrane Filtration Realize with the ALPMA RO HighTS application reductions in CreamoProt transportation costs up to 80% Milk and Whey Technology energy costs up to 50% compared to an evaporator More information on page 40 LTH Dresden Salzburger Str. 38|40 01279 Dresden Branch of ALPMA Alpenland Maschinenbau GmbH, Germany Ad_RO-high Titel_IDM_2_RZ.indd 1 29.11.18 16:53 MEMBRANE DIAGNOSTICS HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER. Tetra Pak® Membrane Scope • No dismantling required • No downtime • No unneeded membrane replacement The Tetra Pak® Membrane Scope is safe and easy to operate and will have your membrane system up and running again in no time. Contact us for more details. Moving food forward. Together. Tetra Pak Filtration Solutions Phone +45 8720 0840
[email protected] MembraneScope_IDM_Ad_215x280mm.indd 1 17-08-2018 14:18:12 Editorial | IDM Strategic planning required Cheese makers need to keep up with increasing import demand in Asia id you know that Pakistan produces 2.4% of the milk collected worldwide, with a CAGR of 2.9% since 2009? Or did you know that Lithuania increased the import of liquid milk by 50% in 2017? Let alone DLuxembourg, where milk collection showed a 4.1% CAGR between 2010 and 2017. These and a zillion of other facts and figures can be found in the new edition of the "World Dairy Situation" report recently issued by the International Dairy Federation (IDF) at their annual meeting in South Korea.