John W. Koenig 512.395.5857
[email protected] A highly regarded journalist, experienced in print, broadcast and online media; a strategic thinker, problem solver and outstanding communicator with a proven record as a regional leader and business executive. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, Orlando, FL 2009-2010 Editor & Publisher ! Developed and launched online publication providing analytical articles, commentaries and a forum for civil debate on substantive state and community issues ! Built a staff of respected veteran journalists from Florida’s most prominent publications ! Site drew nearly 10,000 visits monthly and received widespread critical acclaim ! Ceased publication in September 2010 for lack of capital Holland & Knight, Orlando, FL 2006-2008 Director of Market Positioning ! Direct report to Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer of this 1,100 attorney national law firm ! Responsible for competitive analysis and thought leadership programs ! Developed and launched new program to strengthen client relationships ! Led redesign of the firm’s website O-Force, Orlando, FL 2000-2006 President ! At the request of the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission, founded and led a non-profit organization to address regional workforce development needs ! Launched major regional initiatives to strengthen math and science education, expand the healthcare workforce, and improve basic job skills training ! Developed support from region’s leading businesses, educational and governmental institutions, and community organizations The Orlando Sentinel, Orlando, FL 1996-2000 Business Columnist ! Developed highly regarded column focusing on business management and regional economic issues ! Frequent commentator on radio and television; writer and host for two television documentaries produced by the Orlando PBS affiliate ! Newspaper’s most-requested public speaker Maddux Publishing, St.