Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail - Project Masterplan Taragoola to Ubobo 34Km Trail Length Proposed Trail Ends Trail Hub - Futter Creek Camping Reserve Taragoola
Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail - Project Masterplan Taragoola to Ubobo 34km trail length Proposed Trail Ends Trail Hub - Futter Creek Camping Reserve Taragoola Futter Creek Trail Hub - Futter Creek Futter Creek Camping Reserve Camp Reserve Gladstone Monto Road Connection to trail via Gladstone Monto Road Start of Trail Gladstone Monto Road Trail Head -Ubobo Rail Trail Ubobo Siding Railway Terrace Trail end prior to Cedarvale Road crossing Marble Creek Cedarvale Road Marble Creek Rd Gladstone Monto Road Gladstone Monto Road Oaky Creek De Galgil Creek Four Mile Creek Trail Head - Nagoorin Siding Norton Road Gladstone Monto Road Trail Head - Ubobo Siding Gladstone Monto Road N Scale 1: 50,000 at A1 0 100 250 500 1000 meters DRAFT - FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY | BOYNE BURNETT INLAND RAIL TRAIL - CONCEPT DESIGN | Project Masterplan | G3491 | Page 1 | 2021-07-07 0 100 250 500 1000meters #3 Grey - Mid JFP BLUE RGB - 21,62,106 RGB - 138, 140, 142 RGB (web) - 15,3E,6A RGB (web) 8A, 8C, 8E CMYK - 100, 81.2, 32.9, 19.6 CMYK - 0,0,0,55 (55% black) Main JFP blue (corporate colour) For use on cover pages, web- site etc #1 Grey - watermark #2 Grey - light #4 Grey - Dark PLANNING GREY URBAN DESIGN YELLOW SURVEY BLUE ENGINEERING GREY LANDSCAPE GREEN Pantone Cool Grey 2 U Pantone 428 U RGB - 96,96,97 RGB - 215,169,40 RGB - 43,105,122 RGB - 176,183,187 RGB - 92,137,61 RGB - 231,232,233 RGB - 207,212,216 RGB - 88,89,91 RGB (web) -60,60,61 RGB (web) - D7,A9,28 RGB (web) - 2B,69,7A RGB (web) - B0,B7,BB RGB (web) - 5C,89,3D RGB (web) - E7,E8,E9 RGB (web) CF,
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