Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:112 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 2016 -Qaws 01, 1395 HS Top Haqqani terrorist arrested in Paktika AT News Report KABUL: The National Director- ate of Security said Sunday that a AT News Report top leader linked with the Haqqani terrorist network was arrested in southern Paktika province. KABUL: United Nations Educa- In a press statement, the intel- tional Scientific and Cultural Or- ganization (UNESCO) on Sunday ligence agency said that its opera- while granting the first lady “Bibi MPs concerned at tives succeed to arrest a leader of Gul Literacy Prize Award” insist- Haqqani terrorist network through ed that all illiterate Afghans must an operation in Zurmat district. be covered through literacy pro- “The terrorist was identified gram across the country. growing as Syed Rahman also known as Illiteracy program must be run Khyber,” the statement said. in better manner to ensure that all It added that during primary illiterate Afghan including men and women achieved literacy and nu- Russia-Taliban ties investigation he confesses that he meracy in Afghanistan, said Pro- KABUL: Senate Chairman Fazl Mesharano Jirga members who was involved in major terrorist ac- gram Manager of UNESCO Naomi Hadi Muslimyar on Sunday lashed asked the Afghan government to tivities including explosions, assas- Matsumoto. out at the government for its si- immediately halt Moscow’s med- sination of government officials, She said that Afghan govern- lence over Russia’s interference in dling in Afghanistan’s internal mat- target killing of the tribal elders.