___________________________________________ ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Mission: To glorify God in partnership with local churches by training Bible teachers and equipping disciples for service in building up the body of Christ CI-901 Spiritual Life Course Syllabus Bradley W. Maston Adjunct Professor Summer 2021 Tuesday from 2-4 PM MST
[email protected] CI-901 Spiritual Life Chafer Theological Seminary 1 Summer 2021 CI-901 SPIRITUAL LIFE SYLLABUS I. COURSE DESCRIPTION This one-semester course is a study of the Biblical principles intended to enable and govern our Christian character and service. The students will also examine current systems of sanctification by works in contrast to New Testament spirituality by grace. II. COURSE OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to bring the student to a clear and precise understanding of what it means to live a spiritual life as a believer, that we might glorify God with our lives and know how to help ourselves and others come to experience such a life. III. COURSE TEXTBOOKS A. Lewis Sperry Chafer, He That Is Spiritual, 1918, Dunham Publ. Co., 1983, Zondervan B. George E. Meisinger, Spiritual Life, unpublished (provided by Chafer Theo. Seminary) C. Chafer, Lewis Sperry. Systematic Theology. Kregel/Accordance electronic edition, version 1.3. 8 vols. Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1976. D. Hixson, J. B., et al., editors. FREELY BY HIS GRACE: Classical Grace Theology. Grace Gospel Press, 2012. E. Dieter, Hoekema, Walvoord, et al. Five Views on Sanctification, Zondervan Academic; revised ed. Edition October 10, 1996 IV. ONLINE RECORDINGS, READINGS & LECTURES A. Brad Maston, Spiritual Growth – 4 lessons https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6i-Kkchjinreik8VRaiQhu0h2dZlAesV B.