Division Property: Efficient Method to Estimate Upper Bound of Algebraic Degree Yosuke Todo1;2 1 NTT Secure Platform Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan
[email protected] 2 Kobe University, Kobe, Japan Abstract. We proposed the division property, which is a new method to find integral characteristics, at EUROCRYPT 2015. In this paper, we expound the division property, its effectiveness, and follow-up results. Higher-Order Differential and Integral Cryptanalyses. After the pro- posal of the differential cryptanalysis [1], many extended cryptanalyses have been proposed. The higher-order differential cryptanalysis is one of such extensions. The concept was first introduced by Lai [6] and the advantage over the classical differential cryptanalysis was studied by Knudsen [4]. Assuming the algebraic degree of the target block cipher Ek is upper-bounded by d for any k, the dth order differential is always constant. Then, we can distinguish the target cipher Ek as ideal block ciphers because it is unlikely that ideal block ciphers have such property, and we call this property the higher-order differential characteristics in this paper. The similar technique to the higher-order differential cryptanalysis was used as the dedicated attack against the block cipher Square [3], and the dedicated attack was later referred to the square attack. In 2002, Knudsen and Wagner formalized the square attack as the integral cryptanalysis [5]. In the integral cryptanalysis, attackers first prepare N chosen plaintexts. If the XOR of all cor- responding ciphertexts is 0, we say that the cipher has an integral characteristic with N chosen plaintexts. The integral characteristic is found by evaluating the propagation of four integral properties: A, C, B, and U.