NEW YORK. 1936 I MURA MURAL PROJECT v!cHARLES ALSTON. Born 1907. New York Mystery and Magic Contrasted with Modern Science and Medicine: truropanelsin entrance lobby of Women's Wing, Harlem Hospital,New York. Oil on canvas, 250 squarefeet . . ''1 Color study for onepanel (N "'2 Full-sized detail, oilon canvas I~

J,FRANCES AVERY. Born 1910. . New York Maternity or the History of Obstetrics: seriesof panels on four walls of doctors' library, Lincoln Hospital, Bronx. Oil on canvas, 690 squarefeet. , 0- '3 &etail, watereolo, ~ P't~ .fbt,vV\ RAINEY BENNETT. Born 1907. Illinois

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist Series of eight panels for Crippled Boys' Ward, Research and Educational Hospitals, University of Illinois Medical Unit, Chicago. v-4 Watercolor study for one panel: Apple Harvest and Farm Animals Is Completed panel: Birdsand Quiet Animals,oil on canvas J LUCIEl\TNEBLOCH. Born 1909. New York The Cycle of a Woman's Life: panel in recreation room, House of Detention for Women, New York. Fresco, 119 square feet. t r~'(c.J.,;-, ~~ 6 Photograph of,- . J EDGAR BRITTON. Born 1901. Illinois Classroom Studies and Their Application: six panels in entrance hall of Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights. Fresco . .; 7 Detail, egg tempera on board J-V):; /. 8 fPhotographs of completed panels ..Jl

'JAMES BROOKS. Born 1906. New York Acquisition of Long Island: panel in Woodside Branch Library, Long Island. Tempera on gesso, 180 square feet. ,j 9 Model showing interior with mural 138 " MURAL PROJECT

A-FRED CRIMI. Born 1900. New York Preventive Medicine and Surgery: panel in Medical Board Conference Room, Harlem Hospital, New York. Fresco, 250 square feet. VI0 Color study ~ "'11 Cartoon zc.r, "i2 Full-sized detail, fresco ~ V.13 Photograph of completed panel

WYATT DAVIS. Born 1906. New York Mechanical Aspects of Airplane Construction: pboto- mural in Administration Building, Newark Airport, New Jersey. Pboto-montage, 204 square feet. MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist v' . 14 Photograph of study 1.11)

PHILIP EVERGOOD. Born 1901. New York The Story of Richmond Hill: tbree panels on one wall of reference room, Richmond Hill Brancb Library, Ricbmond Hill, Long Island. Oil on canvas, /60 square feet. v'15 Color study ~ V16 Model showing interior with mural~ "/17 Photograph of completed mural

0EYMOUR FOGEL. Born 1911. New York Music, Classicand Primitive: two panels iT!music room of Abraham Lin,oln Higb Scbool, Brooklyn. Oil on canvas, 350 square feet. v 18 Color study of one panel.tM.J; 09 Section of cartoon

ARSHILE GORKY. Born 1904. New York Aviation: Evolution of Forms under Aerodynamic Limita- tions: ten panels in second floor foyer, Administration Building, Newark Airport, New Jersey. Oil on canvas, /53° square feet. 139 II I 'I I MURAL MURAL PROJECT /20 One completed panel, oil on canvas / N~ /21 Model showing interior with murals 1.Nl ,,;t2 Photographs of largestpanels

RALF HENRICKSEN. Born 1907. illinois The Elements: four panels in Gordon School, Lake Forest, Illinois. Oil on canvas. {23 Warercolor study for two panels: Earth and Water / ;} -

/EMANUEL JACOBSON. Born '9°7. lllinois Series of panels for Horace Mann Scbool, Oak Park, Illi- nois. Oil on canvas. ~24 vVatercolor study for one panel: Early Schoolroom I.;J

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist /25 Watercolor study for one panel: Early Livingroom

Transportation: panel for Elgin State Hospital, Cbicago. Oil on canvas. J26 Watercolor study Philo Carpenter, Chicago's First Pharmacist; panel for University of Illinois School of Pharmacy, Chicago. Oil on canvas. J27 Watercolor study I;J

EDWIN BOYD JOHNS9!". Born 1904- lllinois Medical Pioneers: series of panels for mam tibrary , Univer- sity of Illinois College of Medicine, Cbicago. Fresco. /. 28 Photographs

-J KARL KELPE. Born 1898. Illinois Pioneer Days: two panels in Hanotborne School, Oak Park, Illinois. Oil on canvas. J 29 Watercolor study: Early Settlers /Ai J30 Watercolor study: Early Farmers /ttl / 31 Photograph of completed panel: Early Settlers /. 32 Photograph of completed panel: Early Farmers MURAL PROJECT

DMITRI KESSEL. Born 1902. New York Symbols of Aviation: photo-mural for first floor of Admin- I istration. Buildmg, Newark Airport, New Jersey. I v33 Photograph of study liJ I . Born 1891. Massachusetts Music: series of panels in music room of Falmouth Higb School, Falmouth, Massacbuseus. Oil on canvas. ""34 Color studieshJ::. -/35 Photographs of completed panels

BENJAMIN KNOTTS. Born 1898. New York GUY MAcCOy' Born 1905. Decorative Map of the World: panel in fourth floor corri- MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist dor of Julia Richman High School, New York. Oil on can- vas, 2000 square feet. ~6 Photographs of completed panel...... ,....t;-

EDWARD LANING. Born 1906. New York Role of the Immigrant in the Industrial Development of America: seventeen panels in main dining room, Adminis- tration Building, Ellis Isla~~Aera on canvas. ./. ~ v' 37 Pencil studies IM ~tld IM»A a1 + :.3~~:....-~.:..- VABRAHAM LISHINSKY. Born 1905. New York Major Influences in Civilization: twelve panels in audito- rium of Sam",:elTilden High School, Brooklyn. Oil on canvas, 820 square feet. v'38 Black and white studies v39 Section of cartoon ERIC MOSE. Born 1906. New York Power: three panels in main library of Samuel Gompers High School, Bronx. Tempera on gesso, 600 square feet. '/40 Model showing interior with murals I/V'l.

HESTER MILLER MURRAY. Born 1903. Illinois Three panels in Irving School, Oak Park, Illinois. Oil on canvas.

I I MURAL PROJECT MUl 41 Tempera study for one panel: World of Children I;J I. 42 photograph of completed panel: World of Children /43 Watercolor study for one panel: Animals I;J

JAMES MICHAEL NEWELL. Born 1900. New York Evolution of Westertl Civilization: five panels in main reading room of library, Evander Childs I I-jJgh School, &;JoJ Bronx. Fresco, 1400 square feet. 1;.vJ..) r'"" -e- I ~ e.o \ .;. 44 Photograpyof-tWifcompleted panels' »"c; /45 Model showing interior with murals ~

WILLIAM C. PALMER. Born 1906. New York Development of Medicine: four panels in Incoming and Outgoing Patients' Room, Queens County General Hospi- tal, Long Island City. Oil on canvas, 300 square feet. MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist J 46 Full-sized detail, oil on canvas/Ai.., lhia; 1+ IJ;....ckr j47 Photograph of one completed panel

ANATOL SHULKIN. Bartl 1899. New Jersey Historical and Social Function of the Court: four panels for main entrance lobby of courthouse, Morristown, New Jersey. Fresco or oil on canvas. iJ /. 48 Color study, tempera ... r &Jo..J &A~v ~ Illinois ./MITCHELL SIPORIN. Born 1910. Prairie Poets: proposed fresco I.49 Study, egg tempera l;..f Children of American Literature: proposed fresco j 50 Study, egg tempera / A1 MAX SPIVAK. Born 1906. New York Puppets: nine panels in downstairs playroom of Astoria Branch Library, Long Island City. Oil on canvas, 260 square feet. J. 51 One completed panel, oil on canvas 1h'

j 52 Studies in color and in ink /53 Model showing interior with murals I.N~ MURAL PROJECT

-ELIZABETH TRACY. Born 1911. Massachusetts The Settlement of Saugus: panel in courthouse, Saugus, Massachusetts. Oil on canvas. v"54 Photograph of completed panel

JOHN WALLEY. Born 1910. Illinois Indian Drama: stage curtain for auditorium of Lane Tech- nical High School, Chicago. /55 Color study, gouache and charcoal /.A1 WILLIAMSBURG FEDERAL HOUSING PROJECT, Brooklyn, New York. Series of proposed murals by group of eleven New York

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist artists for social rooms of each housing unit.

v" 56 Chart showinggeneral housing plan,location of socialIJI/l. rooms and index of artists 57 Model showing one housing unit with murals by Stuart Davisand Paul Kelpe

VlLYA BOLOTOWSKY. Born 1907· /58 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canuas, / 7 by I7 Yz feet

1907· v'HARRY BOWDEN. Born /' V 59 Abstraction: color study for one of two panels in oil on canvas, 8 by 17 Yz and 6 by 8 feet

BYRON BROWNE. Born 1906. ./ ...,6'0 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 9Yz by 15 feet

FRANCIS CRISS. Born 1901. /61 Abstraction: color study for one of four panels in oil on canvas, II by 6 feet

STUAl)tT DAVIS. Born 1894- <./62 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 14Yz feet long 143

I -_...... _------~ MURAL PROJECT BALCOMB GREENE. Born 1904. V .-"63 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 7Yz by 11% feet J ./ PAUL KELPE. Born '902. /64 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas,

9Yz by II % feet

hILLIAM DE KOONING. Born 19°4-. /65 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, '4 Yz by 9Yz feet \ \~ JAN MATULKA. Born 1892• 6.,'1;11 canvas, \\ if66 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist 8 Y. by 7 Yz feet

VGEORGE Mc1'.'EIL. Born 19°9· j 67 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas,

II by 9 % feet

vi..LBERT SWINDEN. Born 19°1. "68 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 8 y. by II Yz feet 1M-

Models sbouimg interim's witb murals in place haue been constructed under the Model Division of tbe Federal Art Project.


AARON BOHROD. Born 1907. Illinois

J 69 Landscape in Winter, oil on composition board l J;,

jPEDRO CERVANTEZ. Born 1915. New Mexico v: 70 Croquet Ground, oil on composition board) ~ J ALLAN ROHAN CRITE. Born 1910. Massachusetts .J 71 School's Out, oil on canvas Z rf,


STUART DAVIS. Born 1894- New York ./ 72 Waterfront, oil on canuas> ~

v1bSEPH DE MARTINI. Born 1896. New York v: 73 Moonlight,oil on canvas 2-f

VEMMET EDWARDS. Born 1906. New York ..(74 Abstraction, oil on canvas ?-{

~ DONALD FORBES. Born J905· New York \ ./ 75 Millstone,oil on canvas 2. f L/KARL FORTESS. Born J907· New York v-:76 Winter Vista, oil on canvas tf MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist t.---LEON GARLAND. Born J896. Illinois v: 77 Fry Street, oil on canvas Z-;'

HOWARD GIBBS. Born '904. Massachusetts V78 SpringLandscape, oil on canvas2. J;..

V LOUIS GUGLIELMI. Born 1906. New York --:79 Weddingin South Street, oil on canvas 2 cJ:;; '/80 Hague Street, oil on canvas 2 e..t;

/]AMES GUY. Born 1909. New York v 81 Sheriff'sSale, oil on canvas

MARSDEN HARTLEY. Born J877· New York ./ 82 Tropic Fantasy, oil on canvas3J&i

HILAIRE HILER. Born J898. California J83 San Francisco Street, oil on board 31, Pennsylvania / LEON KELLY. Born J901. . \I':' 84 Settingthe Table, oil on canvas LI

/GEORGINA KLITGAARD. Born 1893. New York /85 OysterBoat, oil on canvas 145 EASEL PROJECT. OIL PAINTINGS Massachusetts KARL KNATHS. Born 1891. /86 Duck Decoy, oil on canvas'-t New York LAWRENCE LEBDUSKA. Born 1894. j.87 Farm Team, oil on canvas 2. J:;.

./ JULIAN LEVI. Born 1900. New York 188 Demolished Lighthouse, oil on canvas

VJACK LEVINE. Born 1914- Massachusetts 189 Card Game, oil on composition board 2.c.C -(90 Conference, oil on canvas l-t

WILLIAM LITTLEFIELD. Born 1902. Massachusetts

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist v:91 Fantasy of a Fire and Figure, oil on canvas

JLOREN MAcIVER. Born '909. New York v. 92 Dune Landscape, oil on canvas '-I New York AUSTIN MECKLEM. Born 1894. ..J. 93 Skiers, oil on canvas z, f J ROLAND MOUSSEAU. Born 1889. New York ./. 94 Landscape, oil on canvas 1-1

HESTER MILLER MURRAY. Born 1903. Illinois ,j. 95 Buffalo at Night, egg tempera L t J JOHN NICHOLS. Born 1899. . New York j96 Buzz Saw, oil on canvas 3J

j JANE NINAS. Born '9'3· Louisiana J. 97 Negro Cemetery, oil on canvas 2(

JHENRY ALLEN NORD. Born 1904.. California J 98 Our Daily Interests, oil on gesso panel

New York I JOSEPH PANDOLFINI. Born 1908.

I J 99 Vegetable Still Life, oil on canvas ~et; I I,


...,-rGOR PANTUHOFF. Born 19[1. New York vioo Ventilator, oil on canvas

...... -GREGORIO PRESTOPINO. New York ,/.'101 American Landscape, oil on gesso board L J;:' 11/102 Green Mountain Village, oil on canvas l-J:

t..---RED ROBIN. Born 1910. Colorado V 103 Hasjelti Dailiis, sand painting I~.

MISHA REZNIKOFF. Born 1905. New York /104 New York, oil on composition board t-i

WILLIAM SCHWARTZ. Born 1896. Illinois

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist /105 Village Square, oil on canvas 2.1

V CHARLES SEBREE. Born 1912. Illinois .,/l06 Two Boats, oil on canvas 3/-z .

V-CLAIRE SILBER. Louisiana /107 Napoleon Docks, oil on canvas 30

JOSEPH STELLA. Born 1880. New York vIOS Bridge, oil on canvasc{

ELIZABETH TERRELL. Born 1908. New York / 109 Still Life on a Footstool, oil on canvas ~ cL

MANUEL TOLEGIAN. Born 1912. New York

/110 Pennsylvania Landscape, tempera with 2- tJ.: oil glaze on gesso board

V EUGENE TRENTHAM. Born 1912. Colorado r", 111 Golden, Colorado, oil on canvas, I

C/BUMPEI USUI. Born 1898. New York J'112 Coal Barges, oil on canvas31,

hOROTHY VARIAN. Born 1895. New York /113 Portrait of Eugenice, oil on canvas i 147

7 EASEL EASEL PROJECT. OIL PAINTINGS Illinois vloSEPH VAVAK. Born 1891. J 114 The Flood, oil on canvas New York FREDE VIDAR. Born 191 r. V.115 Pool, oil on canvas2-( New York ARNOLD WILTZ. Born 1889. !116 Bridge and Dam,oil on canvas tl California t/ROBERT WOOLSEY. Born 1913. ~17 Early Morning,oil on canvas ~

Michigan EDGAR YAEGER. Born 1900. j 118 Still Life. oil on canvas l-f

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist Massachusetts AARL ZERBE. Born 1903. A 19 Beacon Hill, oil on canvas


CHARLES BARROWS. Born 1903. New Mexico ~ . 120 Snow on the Mountains, watercolor 2~ ,(121 Sunlight on theRio Grande, watercolor

RAINEY BE1'.TNETT. Born 1907. Illinois J122 Garden Entrance, watercolor L/\ I ·123 Stann Threat, watercolor l.n.

CAMERON BOOTH. Born 1892. Minnesota / .{124 Street in Stillwater, gouache 2.k. 1125 The Bridge,gouache

j RAYMOND BREININ. Born 190Q. Illinois {126 Landscape, gouache In J 127 Lonesome Farm, gouache Zh J LESTER BRIDAHAM. Born [899. Massachusetts J128 Men Diggingin a Hill, watercolor 3.'1 EASEL PROJECT. WATERCOLORS, GOUACHES, PASTELS

vBOB BROWN. Born 1895. Minnesota /. 129 Ashes, watercolor 3-1

~MUEL J. BROWN. Born 1907. Pennsylvania

~ 130 Mrs. Simmons, watercolor Z .e, vJ.31 Child Prodigy, watercolor ,,1132 The Writing Lesson, watercolor Z-"

v-CLENN CHAMBERLAIN. Born 1914- Iowa ~133 Landscape, watercolor 3J1

vJOSEPH DE MERS. Born 1910. California

-..:134 Post No Bills, watercolor z AJ

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist /135 House across the Street, watercolor '/136 Suburb, -uiatercolor

HELEN BLACKMUR DICKSON. Born 1906. Massachusetts '<'137 Fisherman's Shack, watercolor 31

~ARLOS DYER. Born 1906. California t(i. 39 Palos Verdes Landscape, watercolor 31

STUART EDIE. Born 1908. New York Y140 Red Table, tempera 3¥

/.../STANFORD FENELLE. Born 1909. Minnesota

-:141 Road, gouache 2. A . II" 142 Homing Pigeons in a Storm, gouache 31 ~ ""143 Farm with Pines, gouache

~HOMAS FLAVELL. Born 1906. Pennsylvania :'i44 The Station, pastel Z A. ./145 Pennsylvania Farmhouse, pastel /146 Factory by the River, pastel '49 EASEl EASEL PROJECT. WATERCOLORS, GOUACHES, PASTELS

/,ORONZO GASPARO. Born [903. New York .;. 147 Promenade, gouache 3Jf

Massachusetts ISOLDE THERESE GILBERT. Born 19°7. I. 148 Millbridge Road, watercolor 3~ Rhode Island VALBERT GOLD. Born [906.

J 149 Head, oil on paper Z. /l.. Ohio V'JACK GREITZER. Bornt[9IO. .(150 Memory, watercolor ~¥ New York JULIAN LEVI. Born [900. ~51 Jersey Shore, watercolor 31

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist Wisconsin /EDWARD LEWANDOWSKI. Born 1914- I. 152 Lobster Markers, watercolor 2.J1.

1153 River Tug, watercolor L h. Florida VRICHARD MERRICK. Born 1903· /154 Barroom, watercolor 31 Illinois /ANN MICHALOV. Born 1904· ,j'155 Approaching Storm, watercolor 31

HESTER MILLER MURRAY. Born 1903· Illinois /156 Pipestone Lake, watercolor New York J LOUIS NISANOFF. Born 19°7· /157 Filling Station, oil on paper

JGLENN PEARCE. Born 1912. / Pennsylvania /158 Wimer Idyll, watercolor 3 ¥ Illinois JALBERT PEARSON. Born 191I. J 159 Cow Barn, watercolor

jGEORGE POST. Born 1906. California J 160 Aquatic Park, watercolor 31 Il


ARNOLD PYLE. Born 1908. Iowa v'161 The Derelict, watercolor

t..--:(NDREE REXROTH. Born '902. California v· 162 San Francisco Bay, watercolor Z.Jl. t/ 163 Night Sky, watercolor

v-LESTER SCHWARTZ. Born 1912. Illinois V"""i64 Circus Day, gouache 3+

J,.--'WILLIAM EARL SINGER. Born '909. Illinois V. 165 Little Immigrant, watercolor ZA

WILLIAM SOMMER. Born 1867. Ohio MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist v. 166 Ordering Lunch, watercolor 2.A. ./ 167 The Round Table, watercolor /168 Peaches in Glass, watercolor /169 Arrangement III, watercolor v1"70 Arrangement IV, watercolor 31

V JOHN STENVALL. Born 1907. Illinois

~ 171 Ohio River Flood, watercolor Z A

072 Street, watercolor e: Jt. California (...--ELINOR STONE. Born '912. v173 In Hooverville, pastel 3 f

FRANCES STRAIN. Born 1898. Illinois A 74 Wimer Landscape, watercolor New York VRICHARD SUSSMAN. Born 1908. /175 Farm Scene, watercolor New York VRUFINO TAMAYO. Born 1901. ./ 176 Waiting Woman, watercolor Z, ..;;.77 Monday, watercolor CRAP] EASEL PROJECT, WATERCOLORS, GOUACHES, PASTELS

/ELlZABETH TERRELL. Born '908. New York

,f 178 Red 'Srill Life, tempera l I\. ,jl79/ F'ruit, tempera

v1lAVID VAN RAALTE. Born '909. New York A80 Coal Yard, watercolor

JOSEPH VAVAK. Born 1891. Illinois J 181 Dust Storm, watercolor Z-,,- /: 182 The Dispossessed: Contemporary History.z Ja I watercolor 183 Winter Scene, watercolor

VFREDE VIDAR. Born '9' I. New York /184 Washington Square, gouache MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist

clfOHN WALLEY. Born 1910. Illinois /185 Start of the Wild Horse Race, watercolor

KARL ZERBE. Born 1903. Massachusetts

/186 Houses on the River, gouache 2- Jl. )187 Winter Morning on the Square, gouache


jMAXINE ALBRO. Born 1900. California / '188 American Indian Pottery, colored lithograph

\/ GIUS':yPE AMATO. Born ,863, Illinois . 189 From My Window, pencil drawing if? California J RALPJ! AUSTIN. Born 1912. . 190 Barbary Coast, lithograph New Mexico . JCHARLES BARROWS. Born '903. /191 Chimayo Church, oil smudge

JF. G. BECKER. Born 1913. New York v. 192 John Henry's Hand, wood engraving If Ai GRAPHIC ARTS PROJECT

,/" JOLAN GROSS BETTELHEIM. Born 1902. Ohio (. 193 "Unemployed" Office, lithograph '(Ai ./ 194 Factory Houses, lithograph ~Afl

0RNOLD BLANCH. Born 1896. New York

J 195 The Cornfield, lithograph '1A1

JULIUS BLOCH. Born 1888. Pennsylvania "196 Dead Soldier, lithograph q,J ./197 "Ole Man", charcoal drawing qq

VREDMOND BYRON. Born 1890. California ./ 198 Union Square, San Francisco,lithograph MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist v-6EORGE CONSTANT. Born 1892. New York /199 George Washington Bridge,dry point V6

vfIUBERT DAVIS. Born 1902. New York /200 Trees at Night, lithograph II.J v201 DesplainesRiver, lithograph V~

MABEL DWIGHT. Born 1876. New York v102 MuseumGuard, lithograph (/A!

Pennsylvania VHORATIO C. FORJOHN. Born 19"· v: 203 Confusion at 40, air brush ~N>.. /204 TrafficControl, air brush (IN<. /205 Stratosphere Flight, air brush V0 / 206 Idle Governor, air brush

VEMIL GANSO. Born 1895. New York V207 Still Life, wood engraving ll~

v<;HARLES R. GARDNER. Born 1901. Pennsylvania 1208 Mixer,Paper Mill, wood engraving VAt 209 Paper Making, wood engrevmg 153 GRAPHIC ARTS PROJECT New York /HARRY GOTTLIEB. Born 1895. .,' 210 Three-lane Traffic, lithographV6

t./BLANCHE GRAMBS. Born 1916. New York /211 Dock Scene,East River, lithograph I/,J

v10HN W. GREGORY. Born 1903. Massachusetts ,/ 212 Night in Provincetown, wood engraving l(.At

vNlLS GREN. Born (89)' California /213 Silent Men, lithograph

~OHN P. HEINS. Born 1896. New York /:! 14 Flowers, linoleum cut Pennsylvania J RICHARD HOOD. Born '910•

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist /215 Gossip, etching i(AJ New York J ELI JACOBI. Born 1898. '( 216 All Night Mission, linoleum cut Vh "117 Bar and Grill, linoleum cut ,(tJ New Mexico GENE KLOSS. Born 190). /218 Rio Grande Pueblo, etching New York YASUO KUNIYOSHI. Born ,893' J 219 Landscape, pencil drawing l( h

Massachusetts j LAWRENCE KUPFERMAN. Born 1909. V;;20 Beacon Hill Mansion, etching

LUCIEN LABAUDT. Born 1880. California '/221 False Dimension, lithograph V).

j BLANCHE LAZZELL. Born 1878. Massachusetts . /222 My Wharf Studio, color woodcut (/~ J CHARLES LOCKE. Born 1899. New York .J 223 In the Park, etching and engraving 1(AI GRAPHIC ARTS PROJECT

V NAN./LURIE. Born 1910. New York 224 Women's House of Detention, lithograph I.(;J ~KYRA MARKHAM. Born 1891. New York /225 The Fliesat Minsky's, lithograph JAMES MARSHALL. Born 1906. Ulah 226 Evil Eye, lithograph

vHUGH MILLER. Born Igl I. New York "'227 Head, lithograph l(AI /228 Machinery, lithograph qAi VARTHUR MURPHY. Born 1906. California

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist 1/229 Horses, California, lithograph L/ Ai VM. LOIS MURPHY. Born IgOI. New York v'""230 Fish Day, woodcut I/;J V CHARLES E. PONT. Born 1898. New York ./231 Burning of the Oquendo, 1898,wood engraving 'IAI

VANTON REFREGIER. Born 1905· New York v 232 Mine Accident, linoleum cut LIP}

l..--"""'DOROTHYRUTKA. Born 1907· Ohio j 233 Conference, aquatint if J RAYMOND SKOLFIELD. Born 19°9· New York /234 New York Harbor, lithograph o(Ai New York RAPHAEL SOYER. Born 1899. II /235 Back Stage, etching l(M , vHARRY STERNBERG. Born '904. New York /'236 Night Flight, aquatint of;J

/ WILLIAM H. TRAHER. Born 19'1. Colorado /237 Early Irrigation Methoqs; 's0lorado, charcoal study for color lithograph ~1~ IS 5

I _____ ...... '1 GRAPHIC ARTS PROJECT New York AOSEPH VOGEL. Born 191 l. Ji38 Pier, lithograph

/JULIUS WEISS. Born 1912. j. 239 Windows, scratchboard ~AJ /240 Scene in the Park, scratch board

SCULPTURE PROJECT New Mexico jPATROCINO BARELA. Born 1908. Wood carvings, native pine: :'241 The Coronation of the Virgin 3~ /242 The Ten Commandments

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist .1243 God the Father /244 The Twelve Apostles 30 :'245 Holy FamilyJ ~ v" 246 Santo Nino 3h 1247 Hope or the Four Stages of Man3h 1248 Heavy Thinker 3 ~ Miclugan SAMUEL CASHWAN. Born 1900. ; ..249 Reclining Nude, stone ~ if

j EUGENIE GERSHOY. Born 1902. New York / 250 Puppet: figure for downstairs playroom of Astoria Branch Library, Long Island City. Painted plaster llVi.

j AARON GOODELMAN. Born 1890. New York )251 Homeless, plaster'i-v: J JOSE RUIZ DE RIVERA. Born 1904. New York 1252 Bird Form: carved metal model for monument for Newark Airport, New Jersey )M ..:C; 1253 Abstraction: plaster model for stone sculpture for I!V>. Williamsburg Federal Housing Project, Brooklyn SCULPTURE PROJECT

L-----HUGO ROBUS. Born 1885. New York ./ ·254 Dog: plaster model fOT cast cement sculpture for fA.[., children's playground at First Houses, NerUJ York City Housing Project ~NGAL ROSENQUIST. Born '9°1. Pennsylvania /255 Mother and Child, cast stone'[o»

CONCETTA SCARAVAGLIONE. Born 1900. New York /256 Girl with Fawn, plaster 2-~ /257 Girl Reading, terra cotta. Designed for Eoander Childs High School, Bran.' c.f

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist ALLIEDARTS PROJECT' INDEX OF AMERICAN DESIGN CALIFORNIA Drawings by Ann Buckley /.258 Embroidered velvet dancing shoe, c. 1840 ~ Embroidery, c. 1845 Drawings by Gordena Jackson ~ Iron hitching post, c. 1869 ~Wool floral wreath, c. 1876 Drawings by Bertha Semple 'Z6il.. Brass powder flask, c. 1855 ~~ Gold-mounted hair jewelry, c. 1840 Drawings by Gerald T ranspota· J 265 Spanish-Californian spur, c. 1852 ~ Spanish-Californian spur, c. 1875 vi67 Leather cover for baptismal font, San Buenaventura Mission, c. 182 a Drawing by Lyman Young

J 268 Embroidered leather scabbard, c. 183 I COLORADO Drawings by Maude Fiorentino-Valle

j J J 269-271 Three Spanish-Colonial santos retablos, tempera on gesso panels 157 ALLIED ARTS PROJECT: INDEX OF AMERICAN DESIGN CONNECTICUT Drawingsby Lawrence Flynn "2N- Guilford oakchesr, c. 1750 j273_~itchcock chair, c. 1835,and design on back DrawingbyJerome Hoxie ~ottery butter crock, c. 1842 DrawingbyJohn Matulis J 276 Pottery drinking cup, c. 1850 DrawingbyMartin Partyka ~Hadleyoakchest, c. 1682 Drawingby Fred Weiss 29-ltJ'toneware vase,c. 1791

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist DELAWARE DrawingbyJamesM. Lawson ~ Silver bird sewing-holder, c. 1850 DrawingbyErnestTowers, Jr. ~Mahogauy grandfather's clock, c. [755 DrawingsbyGould White j )281-282 Two quilted applique coverlets,c. 1850 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Drawingby Mabel Ritter ~eaded purse,early roth cennlfY Drawings by E. Josephine Sterling ~Painted bellows, c. 1815 ~Needlepoint suspenders, c. 1850 -}286 Sampler, Alexandria, Virginia, c. 1733 ILLINOIS Drawing by Harry G. Aberdeen , ~Gold and steel watch case, c. 1870 Drawingsby Wellington Blewitt ~ Walnut chair from Virginia plantation, 1750-75 ~Inlaid panel from Pullman car, c. 1865 ALLIED ARTS PROJECT' INDEX OF AMERICAN DESIGN

� Lancaster glass flask, c. 1860 Drawing by Roberta Elvis ~ Sandwich glass candlestick, c. 1840 Drawing by JamesVail I )292 Iron rooster, c. 1850 1 Drawings by Ray Price LOUISIANA \ J~m. Three examples of wrought and cast iron, r cth century

Drawing by L. A. Verbeke ~ Wrought and cast iron balcony rail, c. 1838 MARYLAND Drawings by Lillian Causey MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist ~ Quilted satin petticoat, early roth century '2'9-S Man's silk waistcoat, c. 1790 MASSACHUSETTS Drawing by Lucille Chabat ~ Shaker textile, c. 1850 Drawing by Suzanne Chapman Crewel-embroidered chair-seat, 17th century Drawing by George Constantine Shaker textile, early roth century Drawings by Larry Foster J. 302\~our examples of Shaker furniture, 1810-76 Drawings by Anne Ger .././/v'. 306- .\~ Six examples of Shaker furniture, 1790-185° Drawing by Lucille Gilchrist A 12 Shaker textile, 1825-50 Drawing by Helen Gilman 1313 Part of crewel-work valance, 17th century Drawing by Joseph Goldberg 3-i.

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist Drawingsby Irving I. Smith J JJ. 329-330 Two examples of Shaker furniture, 1840-60 MICHIGAN Drawing by Beverly Chichester ~ Mold-blown glass bottle, 1820-60 Drawing by Eugene Croe Cigar store figure of soldier, late roth century

Drawing by Vincent McPharlin Mold-blown glass flask, Philadelphia, 1800-30

NEW JERSEY Drawing by Francis Law Durand ~ Toy wagon, c. 1840 Drawings by Thomas Halloway case, c. ,850, and three detail ~~ Lady's dressing , VIews ,

NEW MEXICO Drawings by E. Boyd ~ Bulro, Taos, [810-50, -l : 340 Bulto, near Santa Fe, 1810-50 J 341 Painted wooden figure of Christ in sepulchre carried in Holy Week processions


~ Lunette of reredos showing creation of world, from /- church at Chimayo ~ "- 343 Church wall hanging of buffalo hide painted with figure of San Juan Nepomucene. Before 1800 ) . 344 Painted pine chest .J345-~ Two painted pine chests, Rio Grande Valley, 1810-20

NEW YORK rawing by Louis Annino ~ Queen Anne mahogany owboy, c. 1730 rawing by JessieBenge ~'1an's velvet court suit, 1'8th century MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist /I'>rawing by R. Campbell /. 349 Iron deer weather-vane /Drawing by Margaret Concha Child's kilt suit, c. 1gi\'o Dra wing by Nicholas Gorid Mahogany banjo clockd"I8oo rawings by Melita Hoffman

v352-~ Two costumes, c. 1800 and c. 1842 . rawing by Dorothy Lacey ~ Woven wool coverlet, 1846 Drawing by Yolande deLasser J 355 Stoneware flask, c. 18£ Drawing by J. Z. Lefevre .~ Patchwork crib quilt ______Drawing by Nina Lowry J- 357 Cornhusk doll .-----Drawing by Marie Mitchell Ii358 Brocade wedding gt5(Vn,c. 1754 161

_1IIIIIIIIiIl. __ ALLIED ARTS PROJECT' INDEX OF AMERICAN DESIGN Drawing by William P. Shearwood ~'Z Gold and black enamel bracelets, roth century Drawing by J. Staloff

~rass warming pan, i Sth century Drawing by J. Tarantino

J 361 Hand-blown glass pitcher, New Hampshire, c. 1860 Photographs by Noel Vicentini ... 1-ItvJ.~ J 362 Photographs taken at Shaker communities of New Lebanon, N. Y., and Hancock, Mass. Drawings by R. W. Woiceske MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist ~ Pewter lamp, c. 1850 3'M--GIass candlestick, c. 1850 PENNSYLVANIA Drawing by Elmer Anderson ./. 365 Pennsylvania German painted wood chest, '775

Drawings by William Antrim J J. 366-367 Two Pennsylvania German pottery plates, c. 1800 Photographs by Louis Dibert ., \i.J 368-369 Two Pennsylvania German iron' utensils, late roth century Drawings by Albert Levone JJ370-~ Three examples of Pennsylvania German pot- tery, roth century

RHODE ISLAND Drawing by Gold and Donovan

J 373 Walnut sofa, c. 18 I 5

Drawing by McCarthy and Donovan Pine armchair, c. '795

. Drawing by Albert Gold ~ Mahogany hall clock


BERENICE ABBOTT. Born 1898. 10 New York . .1376-381 Changing New Vork: %photographs from a series L/ h


HERMANN KESSLER AND ANTHONY VELONIS. New York v382 Macbeth: poster for WP.A. Federal Theatre Negro Unit C'\ ~",to ) ALFRED KOEHN. Born 1874. Illinois v383 Safety Campaign poster

KATHERINE MILHOUS. Born 189+ Pennsylvania MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist

~84 Ephrata: tempera design for poster IIJV) V§85 Rural Pennsylvania: tempera design for poster l(/Vl "'386 Visit Pennsylvania: tempera design for poster LINl A87 Pennsylvania: tempera design for poster

HESTER MILLER MURRAY. Born 1903. Illinois 10<'388 Lioness and Cubs: watercolor design for poster for Brookfield Zoo V M ., EREL OSBORN. Born 1897. Illinois ./ 389 Broken Dishes: poster for Federal Theatre Produc- tion /390 Colored Concert Orchestra: poster for Federal Music Project ~It

THEODORE WEST. Born 1897. Illinois ~91 Concert Band: poster for Federal Music Project


M1CK ARSENA: Federation Settlement, New York. Aged 16 ,f c .,. 392 Politics under the "EI", gouache 3;JL EDUCATIONAL PROJECT' CHILDREN'S PAINTINGS Aged 8 NAOMI BAKER: Bronx House, New York. .1393 Hockey, gouache )}V1 Aged 8 VERA BAKER: Bronx House, New York. 1394 Yentas, gouache 3» ALPHONSO BASILE: Friendship House, Washington, D. C Aged IJ .c 395 Robinson Crusoe as a Young Man, oil on paper]M

BERIO BENEVENTO: YM.H.A., r i oth se, New York. Aged 10 v' 396 Circus Parade, watercolor 3,J

THOMAS BOLLELA: Catholic Boys' Club, Bronx, New York. 3 MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist J 397 Ten Nights in a Barroom, watercolor .rJ Aged 12

A. BORROSCO: Grace Chapel, New York. Aged 12 J J ~ .; 398 Fruit, gouache )N<.. KEITH BURTON: Kalamazoo Art Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

"399 Speed, gouache '>JJ. Aged 10.

ALFREDO CASALE: Jefferson Park Boys' Club, New York. /1,/,3 b "-- v , 400 Interior, gouache 3!"-'>.. Aged 10 /401 Waterfront, gouache 5~

GEOJGE COONEY: West Side Boys' Club, New York. Aged 15 402 Shoppers, gouache 3,-)..

VERNON COFFIN: Avery Memorial, Hartford, Connecticut.

J 403 Still Life, watercolor JM Aged 12

ALF~ED CROWLEY: Gramercy Boys' Club, New York. Aged I[ 404 D. S. C, oil on papa 3;-,.Q.

JAMES DOYLE: Boys' Welcome Home, New York. Aged 12 v'405 Motor Boat Race, gouacbe

P.DUBLINSKY: Educational Alliance, New York. Aged 10 "406 A Bowl of Fruit, gouache 3}V<.. _i.------~~I ,


I ISAIAH EISEN: Council House, New York. Aged 12 J ;,L.J. :> l:. _ -: 407 Boiler Menders, gouache:'"J... v408 Second Avenue "EI", gouache 3/V>

REBECCA FELDMAN: Bronx House, New York. Aged IO v 409 Homework, gouache

YON FOOK: School of Americanization, Washington, D. C. '/410 Sea and Rocks, noatercolor 3;.}. Aged 13

JOE GANELLO: Jefferson Park Boys' Club, New York. Aged 14 ).... / 411 Th~ Dark, gouache 3;J..

CLARENCE GREY: Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York.

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist ~12 Raw Vegetables, gouache .2M.- Aged 12

DOROTHY HARDIN: Norwegian Children's Home, New York. ./413 0nr F'Inny F' nen d s, gouac I oe Asedc IO

MARIE KLEPPE: Norwegian Children's Home, New York.Aged II V"'414 Play, watercolor 3.JJ

JOAN KNaBE: Sunnyside jewish Center, New York. Aged 15 /IJ-LJ,3 , "415 Jewish Wedding, gouache 3~ SEBASTIAN LANOTTE: Hudson Guild, New York. Aged 9 J1 b v416 Deep Sea Diver, gouache JAR,

JOE LARKIN: Avery Memorial, Hartford, Connecticut. Aged 12

";417 The Nativity, pencil drawing JJvl.

DONALD L1GUORE: Boys' Welcome Home, New York.Aged 10 J I /418 Going to Town, watercolor 3,J..

DOLORES MARTINEZ: YM.H.A., I loth St., New York. Aged 10 /419 A Fairy Story, gouache 3J

LOUIS NaVAR: Greenwich House, New York. Aged 14 ../. 420 The Butcher, oil on paper 3....1!. 165 EDU EDUCATIONAL PROJECT' CHILDREN'S PAINTINGS RHODA RICH: East Side Jewish Settlement, New York. Aged I2 J ]. t ~ L ./ 421 Dressmakers, gouache F. RICK: East Midwood Jewish Center, New York. Aged 10 I /. 422 Passover Feast, gouache )NI. EDt: HELEN RIMLAND: Bronx House, New York. Aged II 1423 Household Duties, gouache /;I J , J LENA SAFER: East Side Jewish Settlement, New York. Aged 12 ~ /424 Flying Trapeze, gouache

ROBERT SHUBERT: Gramercy Boys' Club, New York. Aged II I\ /425 Our Street, watercolor J,M

MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist FREDERICK SMITH: Boys' Welcome Home, New York. Aged 10 /426 Banana Split, gouache 3.h>'

DOLORES WRIGHT: Utopia Children's Home, New York. 11427 In the Street, gouache 3" Aged 6


SAM BONAMICO: Henry Street Settlement, New Yorle. Aged II v' 428 Circus Elephant, wood carving ~M

ANTONY BUA: Gramercy Boys' Club, New York. Aged IJ

1429 Clown, plaster j-",1.

HYMAN DORFMAN: Henry Street Settlement, New York. !430 Mother and Child, wood carving sJi.. Aged 14

ANTONY DE PAOLO: Gramercy Boys' Club, New York. Aged II

"431 Buffalo, stone carving 3 'v>..

SPERO KOULTUKIS: Hamilton House, New York. Aged II J 432 Man and Wife, plaster 3 M. 166 p.... ------__ I!!I!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------...... ~


TONY MADONIA: Henry Street Settlement, New York. Aged 13 /433 Chinaman, wood carving 3AJ>.

MIKE MOSCO: University Settlement, New York. Aged Ii I L .;. 434 Miner, plaster 3 AiL. EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: THE DESIGN LABORATORY

/435 Photographs of workshop activity \:>~~4~ToJ.)~ ) V.-vz- ?~,- :~~'" ~~ r MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist
