NEW HORIZONS IN AMERICAN ART WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HOLGER CAHILL MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist NATIONAL DIRECTOR· FEDERAL ART PROJECT THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART NEW YORK. 1936 I MURA MURAL PROJECT v!cHARLES ALSTON. Born 1907. New York Mystery and Magic Contrasted with Modern Science and Medicine: truropanelsin entrance lobby of Women's Wing, Harlem Hospital,New York. Oil on canvas, 250 squarefeet . ''1 Color study for onepanel (N "'2 Full-sized detail, oilon canvas I~ J,FRANCES AVERY. Born 1910. New York Maternity or the History of Obstetrics: seriesof panels on four walls of doctors' library, Lincoln Hospital, Bronx. Oil on canvas, 690 squarefeet. , 0- '3 &etail, watereolo, ~ P't~ .fbt,vV\ 1907. MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist RAINEY BENNETT. Born Illinois Series of eight panels for Crippled Boys' Ward, Research and Educational Hospitals, University of Illinois Medical Unit, Chicago. v-4 Watercolor study for one panel: Apple Harvest and Farm Animals Is Completed panel: Birdsand Quiet Animals,oil on canvas J LUCIEl\TNEBLOCH. Born 1909. New York The Cycle of A Woman's Life: panel in recreation room, House of Detention for Women, New York. Fresco, 119 square feet. t r~'(c.J.,;-, ~~ 6 Photograph of,- . J EDGAR BRITTON. Born 1901. Illinois Classroom Studies and Their Application: six panels in entrance hall of Bloom Township High School, Chicago Heights. Fresco . .; 7 Detail, egg tempera on board J-V):; /. 8 fPhotographs of completed panels ..Jl 'JAMES BROOKS. Born 1906. New York Acquisition of Long Island: panel in Woodside Branch Library, Long Island. Tempera on gesso, 180 square feet. ,j 9 Model showing interior with mural 138 " MURAL PROJECT A-FRED CRIMI. Born 1900. New York Preventive Medicine and Surgery: panel in Medical Board Conference Room, Harlem Hospital, New York. Fresco, 250 square feet. VI0 Color study ~ "'11 Cartoon zc.r, "i2 Full-sized detail, fresco ~ V.13 Photograph of completed panel WYATT DAVIS. Born 1906. New York Mechanical Aspects of Airplane Construction: pboto- mural in Administration Building, Newark Airport, New Jersey. Pboto-montage, 204 square feet. MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist v' . 14 Photograph of study 1.11) PHILIP EVERGOOD. Born 1901. New York The Story of Richmond Hill: tbree panels on one wall of reference room, Richmond Hill Brancb Library, Ricbmond Hill, Long Island. Oil on canvas, /60 square feet. v'15 Color study ~ V16 Model showing interior with mural~ "/17 Photograph of completed mural 0EYMOUR FOGEL. Born 1911. New York Music, Classicand Primitive: two panels iT!music room of Abraham Lin,oln Higb Scbool, Brooklyn. Oil on canvas, 350 square feet. v 18 Color study of one panel.tM.J; 09 Section of cartoon ARSHILE GORKY. Born 1904. New York Aviation: Evolution of Forms under Aerodynamic Limita- tions: ten panels in second floor foyer, Administration Building, Newark Airport, New Jersey. Oil on canvas, /53° square feet. 139 II I 'I I MURAL MURAL PROJECT /20 One completed panel, oil on canvas / N~ /21 Model showing interior with murals 1.Nl ,,;t2 Photographs of largestpanels RALF HENRICKSEN. Born 1907. illinois The Elements: four panels in Gordon School, Lake Forest, Illinois. Oil on canvas. {23 Warercolor study for two panels: Earth and Water / ;} - /EMANUEL JACOBSON. Born '9°7. lllinois Series of panels for Horace Mann Scbool, Oak Park, Illi- nois. Oil on canvas. MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist ~24 vVatercolor study for one panel: Early Schoolroom I.;J /25 Watercolor study for one panel: Early Livingroom Transportation: panel for Elgin State Hospital, Cbicago. Oil on canvas. J26 Watercolor study Philo Carpenter, Chicago's First Pharmacist; panel for University of Illinois School of Pharmacy, Chicago. Oil on canvas. J27 Watercolor study I;J EDWIN BOYD JOHNS9!". Born 1904- lllinois Medical Pioneers: series of panels for mam tibrary , Univer- sity of Illinois College of Medicine, Cbicago. Fresco. /. 28 Photographs -J KARL KELPE. Born 1898. Illinois Pioneer Days: two panels in Hanotborne School, Oak Park, Illinois. Oil on canvas. J 29 Watercolor study: Early Settlers /Ai J30 Watercolor study: Early Farmers /ttl / 31 Photograph of completed panel: Early Settlers /. 32 Photograph of completed panel: Early Farmers MURAL PROJECT DMITRI KESSEL. Born 1902. New York Symbols of Aviation: photo-mural for first floor of Admin- I istration. Buildmg, Newark Airport, New Jersey. I v33 Photograph of study liJ I KARL KNATHS. Born 1891. Massachusetts Music: series of panels in music room of Falmouth Higb School, Falmouth, Massacbuseus. Oil on canvas. ""34 Color studieshJ::. -/35 Photographs of completed panels BENJAMIN KNOTTS. Born 1898. New York GUY MAcCOy' Born 1905. Decorative Map of the World: panel in fourth floor corri- MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist dor of Julia Richman High School, New York. Oil on can- vas, 2000 square feet. ~6 Photographs of completed panel......,....t;- EDWARD LANING. Born 1906. New York Role of the Immigrant in the Industrial Development of America: seventeen panels in main dining room, Adminis- tration Building, Ellis Isla~~Aera on canvas. ./. ~ v' 37 Pencil studies IM ~tld IM»A a1 + :.3~~:....-~.:..- VABRAHAM LISHINSKY. Born 1905. New York Major Influences in Civilization: twelve panels in audito- rium of Sam",:elTilden High School, Brooklyn. Oil on canvas, 820 square feet. v'38 Black and white studies v39 Section of cartoon ERIC MOSE. Born 1906. New York Power: three panels in main library of Samuel Gompers High School, Bronx. Tempera on gesso, 600 square feet. '/40 Model showing interior with murals I/V'l. HESTER MILLER MURRAY. Born 1903. Illinois Three panels in Irving School, Oak Park, Illinois. Oil on canvas. I I MURAL PROJECT MUl 41 Tempera study for one panel: World of Children I;J I. 42 photograph of completed panel: World of Children /43 Watercolor study for one panel: Animals I;J JAMES MICHAEL NEWELL. Born 1900. New York Evolution of Westertl Civilization: five panels in main reading room of library, Evander Childs I I-jJgh School, &;JoJ Bronx. Fresco, 1400 square feet. 1;.vJ..) r'"" -e- I ~ e.o \ .;. 44 Photograpyof-tWifcompleted panels' »"c; /45 Model showing interior with murals ~ WILLIAM C. PALMER. Born 1906. New York Development of Medicine: four panels in Incoming and MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist Outgoing Patients' Room, Queens County General Hospi- tal, Long Island City. Oil on canvas, 300 square feet. J 46 Full-sized detail, oil on canvas/Ai.., lhia; 1+ IJ;....ckr j47 Photograph of one completed panel ANATOL SHULKIN. Bartl 1899. New Jersey Historical and Social Function of the Court: four panels for main entrance lobby of courthouse, Morristown, New Jersey. Fresco or oil on canvas. iJ /. 48 Color study, tempera ... r &Jo..J &A~v ~ Illinois ./MITCHELL SIPORIN. Born 1910. Prairie Poets: proposed fresco I.49 Study, egg tempera l;..f Children of American Literature: proposed fresco j 50 Study, egg tempera / A1 MAX SPIVAK. Born 1906. New York Puppets: nine panels in downstairs playroom of Astoria Branch Library, Long Island City. Oil on canvas, 260 square feet. J. 51 One completed panel, oil on canvas 1h' j 52 Studies in color and in ink /53 Model showing interior with murals I.N~ MURAL PROJECT -ELIZABETH TRACY. Born 1911. Massachusetts The Settlement of Saugus: panel in courthouse, Saugus, Massachusetts. Oil on canvas. v"54 Photograph of completed panel JOHN WALLEY. Born 1910. Illinois Indian Drama: stage curtain for auditorium of Lane Tech- nical High School, Chicago. /55 Color study, gouache and charcoal /.A1 WILLIAMSBURG FEDERAL HOUSING PROJECT, Brooklyn, New York. Series of proposed murals by group of eleven New York artists for social rooms of each housing unit. MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist v" 56 Chart showinggeneral housing plan,location of socialIJI/l. rooms and index of artists 57 Model showing one housing unit with murals by Stuart Davisand Paul Kelpe VlLYA BOLOTOWSKY. Born 1907· /58 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canuas, / 7 by I7 Yz feet 1907· v'HARRY BOWDEN. Born /' V 59 Abstraction: color study for one of two panels in oil on canvas, 8 by 17 Yz and 6 by 8 feet BYRON BROWNE. Born 1906. ./ ...,6'0 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 9Yz by 15 feet FRANCIS CRISS. Born 1901. /61 Abstraction: color study for one of four panels in oil on canvas, II by 6 feet STUAl)tT DAVIS. Born 1894- <./62 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 14Yz feet long 143 I -_............_------~ MURAL PROJECT BALCOMB GREENE. Born 1904. V .-"63 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 7Yz by 11% feet J ./ PAUL KELPE. Born '902. /64 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 9Yz by II % feet hILLIAM DE KOONING. Born 19°4-. /65 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, '4 Yz by 9Yz feet \ \~ JAN MATULKA. Born 1892• 6.,'1;11 canvas, \\ if66 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on MoMAExh_0052_MasterChecklist 8 Y. by 7 Yz feet VGEORGE Mc1'.'EIL. Born 19°9· j 67 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, II by 9 % feet vi..LBERT SWINDEN. Born 19°1. "68 Abstraction: color study for panel in oil on canvas, 8 y. by II Yz feet 1M- Models sbouimg interim's witb murals in place haue been constructed under the Model Division of tbe Federal Art Project. EASEL PROJECT, OIL PAINTINGS AARON BOHROD. Born 1907. Illinois J 69 Landscape in Winter, oil on composition board l J;, jPEDRO CERVANTEZ. Born 1915. New Mexico v: 70 Croquet Ground, oil on composition board) ~ J ALLAN ROHAN CRITE. Born 1910. Massachusetts .J 71 School's Out, oil on canvas Z rf, 144 EASELPROJECT. OIL PAINTINGS STUART DAVIS. Born 1894- New York ./ 72 Waterfront, oil on canuas> ~ v1bSEPH DE MARTINI. Born 1896. New York v: 73 Moonlight,oil on canvas 2-f VEMMET EDWARDS. Born 1906. New York ..(74 Abstraction, oil on canvas ?-{ ~ DONALD FORBES.
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