Downtown Improvement Board Kearney, Nebraska November 6, 2013 8:00 a.m.

A meeting of the City of Kearney Downtown Improvement Board was called to order by Chairperson Walter Martin, at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, November 6, 2013, in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. Present: Walter Martin, Mike Suchan, Ron Lieske and SueZan King. Absent: Jon Bokenkamp. Representing City Administration: Suzanne Brodine, Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director and JoAnn Englert, Administrative Assistant. Also present were Dick Reiter of Main Street Kearney and Doug New, Garrett Tire General Manager.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Kearney Hub, the designated method for giving notice, a copy of the proof of publication being attached to these minutes. Advance notice of the meeting was also given to the Board Members. Availability of the Agenda was communicated in the advance notice and given to the Board Members. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the meeting was open to the attendance of the public.


Martin stated that in accordance with Section 84-1412 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available for review and is posted on the wall at the back of the Council Chambers.


Moved by Suchan, seconded by Lieske to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2013 meeting as presented. All voted: Aye. Nay: None. Absent: Bokenkamp. Motion carried.


Martin noted that the balance was approximately $43,000 and that Main Street Kearney had been paid $12,000 for the newly signed contract.


Martin again noted the $12,000 paid to Main Street Kearney.

Moved by Lieske, seconded by Suchan to approve the claims as presented. All voted: Aye. Nay: None. Absent: Bokenkamp. Motion carried.


Martin welcomed Doug New to the podium.

New stated to the Board that he wanted to discuss with them what their expectations were moving forward. New noted that he had signed a contract with the Board to restore the brick on the wall that was recently exposed due to demolition – adding that project had been completed. At the request of the Board, the brick was restored and sealed. New stated he was happy with how the project turned out and hoped that the Downtown Improvement Board was as well.

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New stated that in the original contract provided by the Board, painting was included. New stated he intends to paint the block on the south facing wall to match the front façade although a color has not yet been chosen. New stated he is open to suggestions for paint color although he has considered red.

Martin stated that the Board was sad to see the building was demolished but was excited when the new brick wall was exposed. Martin noted that the Board was hopeful New would agree to restore the wall as the Downtown in known as “The Bricks.” Martin thanked New for cooperating with the Board on that goal and noted the only other concern that the Board had was the small amount of block on the east side of the south facing wall. Martin noted that it did not match the brick or the front façade and hoped that New would consider painting it to match the façade.

New stated that he intended to paint the block a color similar to the brick so at first glance the block would not be as noticeable. Suchan agreed that was a viable option.

New stated that the original contract asked that the brick restoration and painting be done at the same time. New added that while the restoration was complete – he intended to paint this spring.

Brodine noted that the contract provided in the Board’s packet had a strikethrough removing the painting obligation from the contract. Brodine stated the contract could be signed as amended, the amount awarded could be changed, or the Board could just ask New to come back to the Board this spring prior to painting and award the full amount.

Martin stated that New runs a great business and he would feel comfortable striking that portion of the contract and awarding the full amount to New as listed.

New added that he was provided a few drawings of painting options for the building that he is considering. The first option that was shown to New included old company logos related to his business. New stated he liked that option but would also be willing to explore design ideas that were related to Downtown or to the Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA).

Martin asked New if he would like to have help with the design or financial aspect of the painting project; New responded that he would be open to both.

Suchan added that a mural of a tire shop or mechanic would look great or the older company logos; Martin agreed noting that would be a great finishing touch. Martin agreed to have Main Street Kearney assist New with some designs and the Board to work with him on seeking out grant funds to complete the project in the spring.

Brodine noted that clean copies of the contract were available to sign after the meeting today.

Moved by Martin, seconded by Lieske to approve the amended façade grant contract for Doug New, Garrett Tire as presented. All voted: Aye. Nay: None. Absent: Bokenkamp. Motion carried.


Martin noted that a handout with the closures was provided to the Board in their packet. Downtown Improvement Board Page 3 November 6, 2013

Brodine stated that effective immediately, the Board will now make a recommendation on street closures to Administration as City Manager, Michael Morgan will sign off on those instead of the City Council due to a policy change.

Moved by Martin, seconded by Suchan to approve the Christmas season street and sidewalk closures as presented. All voted: Aye. Nay: None. Absent: Bokenkamp. Motion carried.


Reiter noted that the Christmas ad package has been finalized and nineteen businesses participated. Reiter added that Main Street Kearney (MSK) would be giving away an iPad this year on December 23rd. Shoppers can register to win the iPad at any of the nineteen businesses who participated in the ad packages.

Reiter pointed out that the Board was provided a copy of the advertisement for upcoming Downtown holiday events that was published in the Clipper Herald. Reiter added that MSK would again be hosting a drawing for a gift certificate on Black Friday and other Black Friday events would mirror those from previous years.

Reiter stated that plans for the Downtown Christmas walk are being finalized. Reiter added that he plans to meet with Pete Sage from the City to discuss details of the Downtown Christmas tree later in the day.

Reiter stated that at the October Board meeting for MSK, the budget was approved. However, Reiter noted that they have since done some tweaking.

Reiter stated that Downtown Trick or Treat seemed to be well received this year. Reiter added that he estimates there were nearly 2,500 people that participated. Reiter stated that he received multiple comments from parents who thanked him for the event. Reiter noted that the Downtown event provides a safe and easy place for parents to take their kids trick or treating.

Reiter stated the first of several holiday events was held last Sunday – the annual Holiday Open House. Reiter added that Downtown businesses had a great turnout noting several businesses commented on the large amount of traffic and sales they had.

Reiter added that the Board should be receiving weekly updates on Thursday via email from Main Street Kearney. Reiter stated that the formatting of the email has been updated and should be more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Reiter noted that MSK will be working with the Kearney Area Community Foundation (KACF) and participating in their new campaign titled, “Give Where You Live.” Reiter added that the campaign objective is to have people visit the website, review the various non-profit agencies that are listed and hopefully have those individuals make a donation to the non-profit of their choice. Reiter noted that KACF will match funds based on a percentage; however, all gifts are taxed 4.9%. Reiter stated that due to that percentage, he has encouraged his regular donors to donate as they always have instead of through the campaign. Reiter stated the campaign was a great way to get MSK out there and hopefully provide MSK with some new contacts.

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Reiter stated that earlier in the week MSK was one of nine different states affiliated with the national Main Street program to host a webinar. The webinar focused on reinvestment of Downtown buildings. Reiter noted they had 16 people in attendance – three people from Miller & Associates, three people from Dawson County Economic Development, nine property owners and one local banker.

Reiter stated that in two weeks, MSK will host a meeting for all Nebraska Main Street communities here in Kearney. Martin questioned where that meeting was being held; Reiter responded that it would be held at Cunningham’s Journal from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and lunch will be provided. Reiter also stated that the Roadway Inn has provided discounted rates to Main Street members. Reiter stated he is expecting between 30-60 people to attend the meeting.

Reiter stated that work continues on the MSK website noting that Martin has offered the assistance of one of his staff, Ashley. Reiter stated that he and Ashley have had several conversations about what improvements are needed and a list had been provided to the Board in an estimate from the current web provider. Reiter stated that a complete overhaul of the website is needed. Reiter stated he would like to see the MSK website compatible with other devices such as mobile phones or iPads. Reiter noted that currently, 50% of all web traffic is generated from these types of devices.

Brodine asked if Reiter had obtained quotes from any other web providers or individuals; Reiter stated that he had not. Reiter noted that Control Yours, the current web provider, designed the initial website for a minimal fee and has since worked with MSK to provide updates and changes. Reiter noted he was happy with the service Control Yours has provided. Reiter added that Control Yours has a list of local clients in the Kearney area that have impressive websites including Her View From Home.

Brodine noted that while the website is an essential piece of MSK, it utilizes a large portion of the budget. Brodine encouraged Reiter to seek out other bids.

Reiter noted that Ashley has had experience with other web providers and felt that Control Yours was offering a reasonable package.

New recommended to Reiter and the Board that they seek out assistance from UNK students or staff. Martin responded that he was familiar with that option as another business website he is familiar with was done by UNK students; however continued maintenance and upkeep was difficult due to students changing with each semester. Martin noted that the follow through with the website it what concerns him, not the initial building of the site. Martin agreed with Reiter in that the website needs to be redone completely and consistent maintenance is essential.

Reiter stated that Ashley began grouping the 200+ Downtown businesses by category in an Excel spreadsheet. However, when looking to add that information to the existing webpage, there were complications which led the conversation of a complete overhaul to better serve the public who may be searching for specific business information. Martin again added that a new webpage was needed.

New added that designing a webpage was easy – updating and maintaining it was the time consuming and challenging part. Martin agreed.

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Reiter noted that the estimate provided by Control Yours for the new webpage design was $1,725. Reiter stated that Control Yours also recommended that MSK participate in a monthly membership program with provides maintenance to the webpage. The monthly cost of that membership is $175 in addition to the $1,725 fee to rebuild the site.

Reiter stated that MSK had budgeted $1,800 for the webpage in the new fiscal year. Reiter added that half of that budget has already been spent. Reiter stated he discussed a sponsorship with Control Yours on the webpage to lower the cost of the monthly fee. Reiter stated if that deal was accepted, MSK could afford the monthly fee; however, the upfront cost of $1,725 he did not have.

Martin stated he is a huge believer in social media and feels strongly that the MSK webpage be redone. Martin stated that he was concerned after seeing that monthly maintenance may cost MSK a couple thousand dollars a year; however, if MSK felt comfortable with that payment he would recommend the Board pay for the upfront cost of the website to be rebuilt.

Reiter responded that if David with Control Yours cut MSK a deal for sponsorship and Ashley was able to help with basic maintenance, MSK could afford a payment of around $75 a month. Martin stated that he didn’t feel that providing MSK $2,000 a year for the website was feasible, however, he felt that the Board providing the $1,725 one-time was doable with their budget.

Martin asked for the Board’s opinion on that matter. Suchan suggested that Reiter utilize UNK and Ashley to assist in gathering updated information for the new webpage. Suchan added that was a large portion of the estimate provided by Control Yours.

Martin added that utilizing Ashley to gather the information by going door to door Downtown would not cost MSK anything. Martin stated that having one point of contact for that purpose would be beneficial. However, keeping the website up to date with that information is a lot of work and that may be beyond Ashley’s time allowance.

Brodine questioned when the initial payment for the $1,700 was due to Control Yours. Lieske responded that half of that cost was due by November 18th.

Suchan asked Brodine who the City utilized for web services; Brodine responded the City has a contract with Civic Plus. Brodine added that Civic Plus is specifically geared towards government websites.

Lieske clarified with Martin that he wished to pick up the initial cost of the website; Martin agreed stating that he felt the Board could pay the initial $1,700 to rebuild the website and MSK would then be responsible for the monthly membership or maintenance fee.

Lieske questioned when the second half of the payment was due; King stated the final payment is due December 2nd.

Martin stated that approval of this item would be placed on next month’s agenda. Martin encouraged Reiter to seek out additional estimates for maintenance. Martin noted that he is impressed with what Control Yours has built for other local businesses but again stressed that monthly maintenance is key.

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Martin asked for any additional feedback. Suchan stated he would like to see what other companies could offer for pricing but felt as though it may be too late of notice as the website should be up and functioning for the holiday season.

Lieske stated that maybe additional estimates for maintenance could be looked at next year when this contract with Control Yours has expired.

Martin noted that approval for the first payment wouldn’t happen before December. Brodine recommended that MSK take care of the first payment as they still have some funds budgeted for the webpage and the Board could cut them a check before the 2nd payment was due.

Reiter reminded the Board that all 2013 holiday events are posted to the current web page now.


Brodine stated that Jon Bokenkamp’s NBC show, has been picked up for another season and therefore Bokenkamp’s position on the Board would need to filled. Brodine stated she would speak to Mayor Stan Clouse and request a replacement.

Suchan questioned if there were many applicants to choose from; Brodine responded that there were 3-4 applicants to choose from.

Brodine stated that Englert secured the last and final contract for the alley façade project. Brodine noted that final details with the contractor were being worked out and work on that project would begin in the spring. Brodine noted that all of the business who back up to the empty parking lot adjacent to the Kearney Park and Recreation office have agreed to cooperate.

Brodine stated the City will be mailing out a letter to all Downtown business reminding them that sidewalk permits are needed for any merchandise or signage that is placed on sidewalks and liquor licenses are needed if business choose to sell or provide alcohol during holiday events.

Martin asked if a business were to provide liquor but not sell it, if a liquor license would still be required; Brodine stated yes, a liquor license would be required through the Nebraska Liquor Commission.

Brodine recommended that anyone interested in serving alcohol in their business that they visit the Nebraska Liquor Commission website to view their Frequently Asked Questions page. This page answers several questions and reviews scenarios in which a liquor license is needed.

Martin mentioned that Tru Café will begin serving alcohol in their outdoor seating area soon. Brodine added that Tru Café is a special situation with different circumstances however, as people see that and begin considering it for their business it is important for them to make sure they have filed the necessary documents. Brodine noted that Tru Café and the City both put in many hours of research before serving alcohol was permitted in that outdoor space.

Brodine ask that the Board identify two members to serve on the Main Street Kearney Board. Brodine stated that item would be placed on next month’s agenda for approval.

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Martin asked if Board members would be responsible for chairing a committee. Lieske responded that they are required to attend a committee meeting but are no longer required to be a Chairman.

The Board suggested Lieske and King. Brodine recommended that King attend the next MSK Board meeting and then decide if it was a commitment she would be willing to make. King agreed.




Moved by Lieske, seconded by Suchan to adjourn the meeting. All voted: Aye. Nay: None. Absent: Bokenkamp. Motion carried.

Mike Suchan, Board Secretary

Walter Martin, Board Chairman