Alison Cook January, 2021 Curriculum Vitae
ALISON COOK JANUARY, 2021 CURRICULUM VITAE Department of Management Tel: 435-797-7654 Jon M. Huntsman School of Business Fax: 435-797-1091 Utah State University Cell: 801-815-9699 Logan, UT 84322-3555 EDUCATION Purdue University Doctor of Philosophy Major: Organizational Behavior Minor: Human Resource Management Dissertation: Connecting Work-family Policies to Supportive Work Environments Weber State University Secondary Education Teaching Certification Major: Business Education Minor: Marketing University of Utah Bachelor of Science Major: Finance PEER- REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS *Authors contributed equally to the paper. For convenience, they have been listed alphabetically or have alternated author order. 1. *Ingersoll, A.R., Glass, C., & Cook, A. (forthcoming). Corporate lawyers in the USA: Pathway to gender parity? Gender in Management: an International Journal 2. Glass, C. & Cook, A. (2020). Performative contortions: How white women and people of colour navigate elite leadership roles. Gender, Work & Organization, 27, 1232-1252. 3. Glass, C., Cook, A., & Pierce, B. (2020). Do Women in Leadership Reduce Sexual Harassment Claims on College Campuses? Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education, 13, 193-210. *publication with a student 4. Glass, C. & Cook, A. (2020). Pathways to the glass cliff: A risk tax for women and minority leaders? Social Problems, 67, 637-653. 2 5. Cook, A., Ingersoll, A., & Glass, C. (2019). Gender gaps at the top: Does board composition affect executive pay structures? Human Relations, 72, 1292-1314. 6. Ingersoll, A., Glass, C., Cook, A., & Olsen, K.J. (2019). Power, status, and expectations: How narcissism manifests among women CEOs. Journal of Business Ethics, 158, 893-907.
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