Journal of the International Society of Head and Neck Trauma (ISHANT) Invited review Assessment of nasal trauma Dr SUMIT SHARMA. MBBS (ENT-Honors) (KGMC-Lko), M.S. (KGMC-Lko), Assistant Professor, Department of E.N.T., Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Barabanki, India
[email protected] Received July 2016. Accepted following peer review September 2016. Published September 2016 JISHANT 2016:7 Introduction The assessment of nasal injuries accidents, sports injuries and during requires a delicate balance of history physical confrontation. Because of this taking and clinical examination. they are twice as more common in males Management of these injuries must take than in females. The nose is the most into consideration both functional and prominent feature of the face and has cosmetic aspects. Although not an little protection or support. exhaustive review of the literature this Nasal bones are very brittle and can paper discusses key aspects of be broken easily with trivial impacts. assessment with observations from my Low impact forces of 30G can be own experience. sufficient to result in fracture, compared Pathophysiology to the supraorbital rim which requires a force of 200G on impact (2). The ease Nasal bone fractures are the with which the nose is broken may help commonest facial fracture and make up absorb the energy of impact and offer to 39% of all maxillofacial injuries some protection to the brain. Thus it has (1).These types of fractures are mainly been suggested this acts as a protective seen in road traffic mechanism (3). Journal of the International Society of Head and Neck Trauma (ISHANT) From the structural point of view the side of the point of impact.