Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 58
TABLE OF CONTENTS Issue 58, March 2015 FROM THE EDITOR Editorial, March 2015 SCIENCE FICTION Surfacing Marissa Lingen The Brains of Rats Michael Blumlein Hot Rods Cat Sparks The New Atlantis Ursula K. Le Guin FANTASY The Way Home Linda Nagata A Face of Black Iron Matthew Hughes The Good Son Naomi Kritzer Documentary Vajra Chandrasekera NOVELLA The Weight of the Sunrise Vylar Kaftan NOVEL EXCERPTS Persona Genevieve Valentine Harrison Squared Daryl Gregory NONFICTION Interview: Patrick Rothfuss The Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy Book Reviews Amal El-Mohtar Artist Gallery Wylie Beckert Artist Spotlight: Wylie Beckert Henry Lien AUTHOR SPOTLIGHTS Marissa Lingen Michael Blumlein Cat Sparks Ursula K. Le Guin Linda Nagata Matthew Hughes Naomi Kritzer Vajra Chandrasekera Vylar Kaftan MISCELLANY Coming Attractions Stay Connected Subscriptions & Ebooks About the Editor © 2015 Lightspeed Magazine Wylie Beckert Ebook Design by John Joseph Adams Editorial, March 2015 John Joseph Adams Welcome to issue fifty-eight of Lightspeed! Our Queers Destroy Science Fiction! Kickstarter campaign has now concluded, and we’re happy to report that it was extremely successful; we asked for $5,000 and got $54,523 in return, which was 1090% of our funding goal. As a result of all that success, we unlocked several stretch goals, including additional special issues Queers Destroy Horror!, which will be published in October as a special issue of Nightmare, and Queers Destroy Fantasy!, which will publish in December as a special issue of Fantasy Magazine. Thanks again so much to everyone who supported the campaign, and thanks of course to our regular readers and subscribers! And, next year, we’re planning to ask People of Color to destroy science fiction, so stay tuned for that! • • • • Awards season is officially upon us, with the first of the major awards announcing their lists of finalists for last year’s work, and we’re pleased to announce that “We Are the Cloud” by Sam J.
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