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Collection Inventory Pamphlet: London issued by the British Council for British & Allied Visitors from Overseas. Pamphlet: The Ideal Guide to London. Pamphlet: London Pictorial Map. Envelope 1 Pamphlet: Pictorial Plan of London. Pamphlet: Authentic Map of London. Envelope2. Pamphlet: The new guide to Westminster Abbey. Pamphlet: Westminster Abbey 6 post cards. Envelope 3. Pamphlet: Westminster Cathedral. Snapshots: Westminster Cathedml Pamphlet: Westminster memories. Envelope4 10 post cards: Bruxelles, Brussel, Brussells. Real Photos: Bruxelles, Brussel, Brussels. Snapshots: Bruxelles, Brussel, Brussels EnvelopeS. Photo cards: Paris by Night Photography's: 20 Paris. Envelope6. Map: Paris et Ia region Parisienne. Pamphlet: Les Mervielles de Paris. Envelope: 7. 20 Photos: Notre Dame de Paris. 4 Small Prints: Notre Dame de Paris. Pamphlet:Une Visite a Notre-Dame. EnvelopeS. Pamphlet: Les Chroniques de Notre- Dame. Pamphlet: The Remarkable Relics ofNotre-Dame Cathedral- Paris. Envelope: 9 Pamphlet: Berne. Photos: Bern-Berne. Photos: Luzern, Lucerne. Envelope: 10 Magazine: Die Schweiz La Suisse La Svizzera July 1946. Pamphlet: Elite Information about Switzerland. Envelope: 11. Map: Winter Karte des Berchtesgadener Landes. Book: Stadt Bern. Pamphlet: The Electric Gothard Line. Envelope: 12. ~:W~HeftA~l946 Envelope 12. Pamphlet: Catacomb of St. Callistus. 32 Photos: Roma 25 Photos: V edute di Roma Envelope B. Pamphlet: A Solders guide to Rome. Sm. Book: The Vatican City Photo- guide with maps. Envelope 14. Pamphlet: Vedvte di Romia Small Book: Ricordo di Roma Part ll. Envelope 15. Book of Pictures: ll Vaticano Envelope 15. Small Boolc Illustrated Guide 1945 Salzburg Envelope 16. Cluistmas Book: Mary Christmas Greeting from Bava.ria Envelope 17. 2 Copies I German & English: Sdlicss Vnd;:1h0f Castle Linderbof and Konigshaus on the Schachcn Envdupc 18. Envdup;;;19. I"u~i LCiu:b.. Lill~~ ;:)(.hlu~ Photos: Huber-Serien K.rcuzck Envelope 20. Pamphlets: Berchtesgaden (2 copies) Berchtesgaden (2 copies) Hotel Berchtesgadener hof (2 copies) Envelope 21. Italy: Pamphlet: Manner of visiting and devoutly ascending The Holy Stairs Envelope:22 Pamphlet: Pianta Topograica Di Milano (2 copies) 20 Photos: Milano Envelope:23 Small Book: Ricordo di Milano Envelope: 25 . T <>cot (,!., .-,,...-_,.f~! ...- ..-. Print Color• ~I;. ....J-...-y-.....L0 .._.,-i:;..,.,~~.:;.-_,- Print Color: S Michele Cheisa dei c~c:ppuccirli n'"'lnnp· ')f. r.:._:...._...._ ~ ~...._.,_.r...... ~ ~.,_. .. ~ ... .. i¥.:Ul._t.l • .i- i.Ullt..d .i.Ji 1'-.V.iila. lluok:Th.e Catawn1bs of St. Calixtus Dl-.r.f.-.. - '0' .-... -.-•.~ r~.-.-.. ~-t ...-~.-.-. ·--'>=; f"'-~•-.. n,;.-......, ;,.-.; 1 fl-~-1,., f'1 ~--.-... -... ;.-=-~.;-- \ _.. --~-'.-..--"-i.."- --- ..;. .... .:;. ........ ;..-____ -_;,_-_.:.. -- -·cc ....... .,... ..... ~...... \..- """=..;r-- ... .,_...;;J Ph_!=~to: Cb_iesa dei Cappuccini r,H!Plnr-;"'· 'JQ ..:,..._....._....._.,. ..... ....._._.r·...-. ~._. Post Cards :froii1 \\:'\\11 T+-~1-... - ~·-·-J . Pi""'-n ;-·><rnn~r.'l" _.!._ 1'--..!'~!. --_.!_ ~'!.-~-"--'--'-£-""-!--"-'-.!.'"-'"""' Po.ntificio !stituto di lischeologia Cristiar.:a SS Puis XII ~rfontL.11lenti rvtusei E Gallerie Pontificie: P~ffae!lo; Disputa del Sacren1ento '..i!~-,.·-~··i-.~~i-.. 1-~ ~---f·-..~~~!:; n-~1!~--!--~~-:.. "P-~--"!;,-~1;~~---~~- P~ff~~-=-f~~-.. - T!-~~"P!-~~-f~~-5 rl'~ R~-'!-r••!-! -=-~_._-_,"" ..... --"'""" ....... -_.. ... ~ ...... .;,.·-~-_,_ ......_~ ~ ._..._................ ~~- ~ ---~ ...... ~ ....... -...... -............-- ........ ----- ....... -_, ............. -.., ...... _,_-..,. ..._... --.. ~ ~------o ....- ~1!)IlUITlenti ~"!usei E Gal!erie P;)Iltificie: !v!usei Vacticano, Scala e!icoid!e dell' Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie Ra:ffaello: Pamaso, Stana della Segnatura. Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Micelangelo: Ia Sibilla Delfica, volta della Cappella Sistina. Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Pinacoteca Vaticano, Sala di Melozzo Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Beato Angelico: Santo Stefano distribuisece l'elemosina, Capplla di NicoloV, Vacticano Monumenti, Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Domenicbino: La Comunione di San Girolamo, Pinacoteca Vaticana Monumenti, Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Michelangelo: Gudizio Universale, Capella Sistina Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Ra:ffaello: Madonna di Foligno, Pinacoteca Vaticana Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Ingresso dei Musei Vaticani Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Cappella Sistina Monumenti Musei E Gallerie Pontificie: Cupola di San Pietro Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano-museo di scultura- Augusta Citta del Vaticana- Piarra e Basilica di S. Pietro Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano- Madonna col Bambino e S. Giovannino Grande Albergo Lido Fotogrfia E. Songia-Milano-Corso28 Ottobre Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano Melozzo da Forli- Angelo musicante Ricordo Della Scala Santa-Roma Catacombe S. Callisto Roma- Cimitero dei Cappuccini Italy cont. Catacombs of St. Callistus- Baptism of the Lord Fotografia E Songia- milano-corso Ottobre Rome- 1he Tibre, bridge and castle St. Angello, St. Peter's Stato Dela Citta Del Vaticano Stanza di Eliodoro: the Mass ofBolsena (Swiss Guard) Stato Dela Citta Del Vaticano: Pinacoteca Vaticana: Federigo barocci-Rest during the flight to Egypt. Stato Della Citta Del: Cappella Sistina: Sandro Botticelli-Scenes from the Life ofMoses( daughters of Jethro) Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano; pinacotcca Vatica:.1a: Mdozzo da Forli-Si.-..:. I'/ and Platina(Giuliano della Rovere) Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano: Carlo Crivelli-The Virgin and Child Stato Della Citta Del Vaticano: Raffaello: The Tranfiguration (Christ) France: Paris -Notre dame-Faeade-Pentures-Portaitl Central Paris-Notre-Dame- F~-Portailde gauche (Portail de Ia Vierge) Paris-Notre-Dame-Portaillateral nord Paris-I.e Sacre-Coeur Paris et Merveilles; La Tour Eiffel vue des jardins du palais de Chaillot Paris -Notre-Dame: F~- Pentures. Portail de Droite. Paris et Ses Merveilles 309 Chevaux de Marly avenue des Champs- Elysees et arc de triompbe de I'Etoile Paris Notre-Dame F~. Portail de Gauche Paris -Notre-Dame -F~e. Iympan du Portail de gauche Paris-Notre-Dame-Portail de Gauche- Groupe de Saints Pru.-is en Flanant: Panorama sur Ia Seine et la butte Montmartre (2 copies) Paris Notre-Dame; Vierge du Portail de Gauche L •.l'uc de Triomphc du C&-roud Vue generate de Notre Dame ..... ..- ' ,...., . ~ . .i~OU~C-Ualilt: ~l iC pafVlS La Tour Eiffel Notre ~ Druuc Place de 1' Opera La totrr Eiffc! vue de l'a:vcntlc de ToJ..:io Place de l"Opera Pont ct place de la Concordc ct Butte ~,font=&,..uc Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoille et A venue des Champs-Elysees Perspective sur la place du Carrousel et le Louvre France cont. L'Arc de Triomph;;;; Place de la Concorde Lc Pa!ais dcChai!!ot Vue ponoramique prise de Notre-D&"lle La Cite- Notre-Dame Notre-Dame England: 11 The }\ltar~ St.l\ndre\\". S Cl-t;!f'el, \Vestn1in~ter Cathetlral, Lo11don The Rood. Westminster Cathedral, London Genera! \Tic\v (interior) \'.fcsttrJr.tStcr Cat.1.cdral Piccadilly Circus 01~~~~.:1 <:'~~-~~~-+ ~l-.~-~1 117~~+~:-~+-- rt~+l-.~.:1~1 T __ ;~ __ Dl!,.~_:,\,..U ...Ja.\r.t,.'Ull\...l... U .. \....l.ta._i)'-'l.:; -v·l \...;:}Ul.lll.l:::n.. 'l_..l ~-U.Ul\..-U.l'-ll 7 L~JllUVll London Westminster Bridge Chapel of St. George and English~ Westminster, London The High Altar, Westminster, London Lady Chapel, Westminster Cathedral, London St. Patrick~s Chapel, Westminster Cathedral, London Hyde Park comer London Buckingham Palace and Victoria Memorial Piccadilly ciicus, London London Spring in St. James Park St. Gregory's Chapel, Westminster Cath;;;:dr>I, London The Pulpit, Westminster Cathedral, London Buci<.ingham palace and the Victoria n1emorial The Houses of Parliaw.ent "Ri« Rc-n .-.....-~o..:s....r-...-~ T!1e ...A~ltar, 1io1y Souls Chapel, Viestminster Cathedral, Lc~ndor1 Lo11dOll ~~!a.rblc :\.rcl1 Nolci\n~c ·-·ninn--u-; T~.r~ln~r 't"lH~rf3 r Ant--irn-"l .,I..""""'..,_,_• .._ • .!....!.,_~ -~ ......•..J.!o.-'1-.I...S...1..5....1., .&...1'1.4.-.:L'I.~bi.t..A- »-''1."-·~~ ..... :. ~"L~;l....!l..~'-·...L.!. St. Jarr1cs Palace To\x/er of Londo11 a ...t1d T O\~·er Bridge 1\.iun.ich. TI1e Castle ofNytnphenburg, I\1irror V/licrb;J.rg~ Catllcdrai Nymphenburg near l\·1tullch= ...a~_rna11enburg \1~ 1-ucrztru. .rg. ClnJr~t. uf st. ..:; K<><:iii1~<>~ ....._ ...... _£..._._~ ... ~ \!iPr?Phnh»iiiio»n....... _ .... __.£...&...11..£..j,..£. ...... .S.-4-.:0...S.b-JL....L Pil=:=:r'in; elT~irel; '"' \}Ji"c-·::::~" n.--~r {,'!t,-·inn~rT.--n ~ ~~d~.L.L ~- ..... ..,._~ """"'-"-~ ~ ~ -"-"-"~ icO...__-.._._... ~ .._...._ "-"-""'-b'-"-.._:."-'-"--"- Iviunicl1~ .LA~tJ:lcrican P'-ed Cross Officers ClubPjesscrscc gegen Zugspitzc(2964t11) und l':onigee Kocnigsscc ( Roya.l L:.1.kc) ncar Bcrchtcsgadcn. 11-::.c most bcautifnl oLt!l Gcnnan Lakes Berchtesgadet:l \:vith V.l atzn1atu1 Ivfountain ( 8! 50 fL ) ~~ \~lhomcvcr has .not seen D.-.c::~.--l-.+-.::-;r~-.-,.-1.-... ...,. 1-.~ ...., .. -..-.+.-.- ..- .....,D.~..,.-.-,;""~-.., "" D\...l. ~-.l..H.\... :::s.:..-t!.-1\....l.l;- l..l~~~ l.l.!._l~ ~\.-~ll J.J~1. ~- ..:Ul..::L Cablcccs to the Predigtsn1hl ( 60(10 ft)* Extra.ordirraryr v1e'~; (_,ffue Berchtcsgaden area (2 ,-.,-,~,;,-." 1 .,_,._,.r ........... -'.i R.~thaus in Ivfuilic!l~ tsu11t L_q the lo,:vn Hall 4 nratlllaU on Itln. 1-Iitler s I3in11-placc~ Oberammergau Cont. Germany: Nuemberg. The Castle Germany"s second highest mountain, the 8 ..900 foot Watzmann always brings to mind the year-round vacation town of.Berchtesgaden. Munich. Cathedral Munich Residence A1pengaststatte Hochlenzer
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