Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 19, 101–128 (2000) c 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Integer Factoring ARJEN K. LENSTRA
[email protected] Citibank, N.A., 1 North Gate Road, Mendham, NJ 07945-3104, USA Abstract. Using simple examples and informal discussions this article surveys the key ideas and major advances of the last quarter century in integer factorization. Keywords: Integer factorization, quadratic sieve, number field sieve, elliptic curve method, Morrison–Brillhart Approach 1. Introduction Factoring a positive integer n means finding positive integers u and v such that the product of u and v equals n, and such that both u and v are greater than 1. Such u and v are called factors (or divisors)ofn, and n = u v is called a factorization of n. Positive integers that can be factored are called composites. Positive integers greater than 1 that cannot be factored are called primes. For example, n = 15 can be factored as the product of the primes u = 3 and v = 5, and n = 105 can be factored as the product of the prime u = 7 and the composite v = 15. A factorization of a composite number is not necessarily unique: n = 105 can also be factored as the product of the prime u = 5 and the composite v = 21. But the prime factorization of a number—writing it as a product of prime numbers—is unique, up to the order of the factors: n = 3 5 7isthe prime factorization of n = 105, and n = 5 is the prime factorization of n = 5.