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National Stuttering Awareness Nursery Rhymes Are Week is May 6-12 Hot, page 5 THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION᭨ A Nonprofit Organization SUMMER 2013 Since 1947 ... Helping Those Who Stutter

Paperboy Delivers for Kids Author Vince Vawter’s new book Paperboy is about an 11- year-old boy growing up in Memphis in 1959. He throws the meanest fastball in town, but talking is a whole different ball game.g He has trou- bleb saying a word withoutw stuttering. SoS when he takes overo a friend’s paperp route, he Rita’s Chairman Tom Christopoul (right) presents Stuttering Foundation President Jane Fraser (second from right) with a $10,000 donation on behalf of Lazaro knowsk he’ll be Arbos. They are joined by Lazaro’s parents Gisela Andraca and Reinaldo (left) at forcedf to commu- the Rita’s Italian Ice in Naples, Fla. nicaten with cus- tomers,to including a housewifeh who The True Legacy of Lazaro Arbos drinksdrinks ttoooo mmuch and a retired As we head into National “At the Stuttering Foundation, merchant marine who seems to Stuttering Awareness Week, May Lazaro’s time on American Idol know just about everything. 6-12, no one has done more in gave us the daily opportunity to While the paper route poses 2013 to increase awareness about educate people about singing and challenges, it’s a run-in with the stuttering than Lazaro Arbos. stuttering – for which we neighborhood junkman, a bully Since his televised audition on are most grateful,” said and thief, that stirs up real trou- American Idol, Lazaro has capti- Jane Fraser. “We made ble and puts the boy’s life, as vated us with both his singing and the most of it.” well as that of his family’s de- his stuttering. At first, many peo- “For us, on January voted housekeeper, in danger. ple, including the American Idol 17, 2013, a star was The Junior Library Guild has judges, could not understand how born. Lazaro spoke to chosen Paperboy as one of its rec- such a beautiful singer could the entire stuttering ommendations for 2013, and the struggle so mightily with saying community when inter- book has been endorsed by nu- such simple things: his own name, viewed by the merous library and school groups. where is he is from, and what song American Idol Delacorte Press, a division of he will sing, for example. To those producers. Random House, has increased the who stutter, however, it is a very Continued book’s initial print run due to the familiar experience. on page 2 early reviews. Booklist, a publication of the American Library Association, Quick Facts compared the story to To Kill a • 12 million Americans • Since this season began, Mockingbird and said the book watch American Idol. the Foundation has re- • American Idol is broad- ceived more than 2,000 “brilliantly gets readers inside cast to over 100 nations. additional “likes” and the head of a boy who stutters.” • 100,000 people audition reached more than 30,000 Continued on page 17 each season. people on Facebook. 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:55 AM Page 2


Lazaro Continued from front page We wanted to hear him speak as much as we wanted to hear him sing. We wanted him to get that golden ticket to Hollywood, and we – the sixty-eight million peo- ple who stutter worldwide – col- lectively cheered when he did. To the stuttering community, it was clear from day one that Lazaro was already a winner, evi- denced by the outpour- ing the Foundation Speech-language pathologist Lisette M. Betancourt, left, and Lazaro Arbos continues to receive discuss stuttering on Telemundo, reaching more than 1 million viewers. via telephone, text, email and Facebook. “We made it a priority to cover his progress and to wish him well on our Facebook page. Our friends became Lazaro fans, and vice versa.” Ultimately, Lazaro made the Jennifer and Jason Gibson, own- prestigious and all-important ers of Rita’s in Naples, Fla., American Idol Top 10. He will where Lazaro once worked. They tour with the other finalists after are joined by the Rita’s mascot, the program crowns its champion, Jane Fraser, and Rita’s Chairman and experience the daily joy of Waving for victory at Rita’s. Tom Christopoul. hearing the screams of his fans. But more importantly to his de- voted following on social media, Lazaro will have a wonderful op- portunity to be an ambassador for the stuttering community. “It is important to understand that Lazaro’s fluency is a work in progress, and just like 68 mil- lion people worldwide, Lazaro lives his life one syllable at a time,” said Fraser. “Because of his time on American Idol, and his success as a singer, we will all have the chance to root for Lazaro, and to listen to him every time he steps up to a mi- crophone – whether to sing or to talk. That is the true legacy of Lazaro Arbos.”

On Times Square — Again!! 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:55 AM Page 3

THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨ 3 20th Anniversary Celebration at Speakerʼs House By Elaine Kelman Michael Palin, at- Michael Palin Centre tended the event along with Ed Balls March 2 marked the MP, children and 20th birthday of the adults who have at- Michael Palin Centre tended the centre, for Stammering Jane Fraser with past and present cen- Frances Cook, The Right Honorable Michael Palin. Children. John Bercow, the United Kingdomʼs tre staff, past and During this time, Speaker of the House, and Jane Fraser. present ASC the centre based in trustees, many gen- , has helped erous funders, our thousands of children NHS colleagues, and who stutter and other supporters. trained hundreds of The star of the speech therapists. show was Sean Maybe we should Ryan, 12, a young have guessed on that Michael Palin regales audience. The Speakerʼs House. person who stam- peculiar day 20 years mers. Sean ad- ago that something who stutter,” said Jane Fraser, dressed the assem- special would come of it. There president of the Stuttering bled guests with confidence and was a media frenzy – outside, Foundation and a vice president panache. He demonstrated all broadcast vans filled the car park of Action for Stammering that the centre seeks to achieve and surrounding streets, streaming Children, the charity behind the — that children who stammer live to the news and current affairs Michael Palin Centre. have a voice; they have some- programmes on television and A 20th birthday celebration thing to say and we are here to radio. Such was the power of the took place on March 5, 2013, in make that happen. name, Michael Palin. the Speaker’s Residence at the Since 2006, the Michael Palin “It was a thrill to be present at House of Commons. This mag- Centre and the Stuttering this milestone event, surrounded nificent, historic setting was Foundation have partnered to help by so many people who make generously made available by children through research, treat- such a difference for children Mr. Speaker, John Bercow MP. ment, and training programs.

Stylish... The Foundation’s Financial Reports for 2012 The annual audit of the Stuttering low, and since we are fortunate to have Foundation financial reports for 2012

an endowment which more than cov- Annual Audit was recently completed by the account- ers our overhead expenses, donors can ing firm of Cannon and Company, be assured that their gifts will go direct- Certified Public Accountants, Memphis, ly to support our program services. Tenn. Following is a recap of funds and The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) pri- expenditures for the year. vate operating foundation which ex- The 3.9% of expenditures for ad- pends its funds on its own programs ministration and general expenses and and operations and does not make the 8/10 of 1% for fund raising are very grants to other institutions. Funds expended for: Creation, production, printing and distribution of educational materials ...... $717,803..... 40.2% Public information and education ...... 426,897..... 23.9% Educational symposia for professionals ...... 204,059.....11.4% Research on causes/treatment of stuttering and therapy...... 250,540..... 14.0% Maintain Web site and toll-free information hotline ...... 104,658...... 5.9% Total for Program Services:...... $1,703,957...95.3% Carson, 8, models the Other expenditures: Stuttering Foundation’s Administration and general ...... 69,201...... 3.9% new T-shirt. “He was very Fund-raising expense ...... 14,144...... 0.8% excited to wear it to school Total Expenditures: ...... $1,787,302....100% today,” his dad told us. 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:55 AM Page 4

THE STUTTERING 4 FOUNDATION ᭨ Workshops Help Therapists Improve Skills Each year the Stuttering found these strategic approaches or evaluations. I have also used Foundation holds professional to be effective, warranting con- Solution Focused Brief Therapy workshops for speech-language tinued application. Having the and lines of questioning, al- pathologists. Here is some feed- notes and manuals helped as I though I am not as good at this as back from the Eastern 2012 Class: worked towards improving my I would like to be. I really like “I felt more confident in treating skills with these interventions.” using it, and it has helped to ex- people who stutter, especially adults, “I was given tools to work with cavate some key ‘best hopes,’ but even though our I just need more education was practice because I based on treating know that when I children; I got so don't get a useful many ideas for answer it is be- treating adults. I cause I'm not ask- cannot describe ing the right ques- the happiness and tions! I used excitement in Solution Focused both, my clients Brief Therapy sev- and me, after eral times in the using Solution last couple of Focused Brief weeks, just trying Therapy and see- to set goals for the ing the improve- new year with ment after just The members of the Eastern 2012 Workshop that was held in some of my long one session.” Boston in June. time clients, to “In a nutshell, make sure that we not a day at work goes by when I preschoolers emotions without are headed where they most need don't implement the concepts in doing deep psychotherapy, what I and want to go.” one form or another. The “best do not know how to do and I have “In my private practice I have hopes” questions are now routine. no right and skills to do. I also saw been using the different therapies I feel that my sessions are ener- that the responsibility for the effects and strategies we learned in Boston gized and I have enjoyed seeing of therapy depend not only on me.” (Cognitive Behavior Therapy and better rapport with clients and par- “I am still realizing the lasting Parent-Child Intervention). I real- ents, as well as some very good impact of what we learned and ized that in some way I was already therapeutic outcomes.” also how we learned it. I believe using some of this techniques but that I have used every single “I have had a number of tutorials now I feel more confident in my thing I learned in Boston in some and I am pleased to report that stu- practice and I feel that I have way. It was absolutely the single dents are very enthusiastic about grown professionally. Another im- most influential professional ex- the therapy. Interestingly it has portant change has been to be able perience I have had. The infor- to listen more to the parents and taken more to convince the parents mation, the strategies, the tools, of children who stutter that we are allow them to be more in charge of the collaborative environment, the process in order to find out taking a new and better approach. It and all of you just made it an is so exciting to share parents’ feed- which are the most important be- amazing process of discovery. I haviors we need to change.” back with students. They too see have used Cognitive Behavior how excited parents are by their im- Therapy a lot with a variety of “I have incorporated it into our proved interaction with their chil- patients and with parents. I have clinic and into my fluency courses dren as well as the positive changes a young man who comes in to (taught one last fall and am teach- they see in their children’s speech. therapy sometimes now and says ing one now). Also-presenting Last year I applied what I learnt ‘I need to draw a cycle and figure some information at our North only to my clients but it is fun get- out what I'm doing.’ I love that. I Dakota Association meeting and ting everyone involved.” taught the cognitive cycle to a have inquired about presenting in “I have had the opportunity to student who rotated through our MT as well. I am conducting a implement CBT, solution-fo- clinic, and he told me that it Cognitive Behavior Therapy cused intervention and the Palin helped him figure out why he was study with our students this parent-child program. I have always anxious going in to tests semester pending IRB approval.” 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:55 AM Page 5

THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨ 5 Nursery Rhymes Can Play a Role By Prof. Dr. Henny Bijleveld Let’s have a look at this: emerging communication. Université Libre de Bruxelles When singing the nursery In 2008, an interesting article on Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, rhymes or counting rhymes, the music and language learning was Catch a tiger by the toe; child learns to repeat the correct published in Cognition by Schön, If he hollers, let him go, accent and pronunciation of fa- Boyet, Moreno, Besson, Peretz and Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. miliar but different sounds in the Kolinksky, in which they argued correct phrase rhythm. that “consistent mapping of lin- In the clinical setting of stutter- guistic and musical information ing therapy and in the home envi- would enhance facilitation of learn- ronment, both rhythm and easy ing, with a longer-lasting effect in rhymes that receive the accent, memory” (Cognition, 2008, vol. help the child to master begin- 106, pp.975-983). This reminds us ning sounds that constitute a dif- of what teachers previously did in ficulty. Moreover, and another the classroom when they had the important aspect in stuttering, the pupils learn songs. What did they nonsense words in the rhymes know without having the neuro- alleviate the linguistic burden of scientific proof of the benefit of the speech output and therefore music on language learning? help the child to experience stut- They simply had experienced the ter-free speech in a pleasant positive result of music on lan- way, just for fun. guage and learning in general. The nursery rhymes and count- Nursery rhymes and counting ing rhymes are fun for the child rhymes have a special place in and the family, make the child in- this learning process. clined to repeat them over and over, gives him/her the feeling What can we learn from this that speech is easy, regulate the from a therapeutic perspective? respiration, and help the child in Nursery rhymes constitute an mastering language in a smooth amazing source for language and easy-going way. It benefits learning and speech therapy, be- Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall everybody. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall cause they represent some of the Coming in the fall newsletter: All the King’s horses, fundamental aspects of each lan- What do nursery rhymes and and all the King’s men guage, and their universal pres- music teach us about cerebral ac- Couldn’t put Humpty ence –all languages have nursery tivity in relation to stuttering? rhymes and many languages have together again. the same –indicates the huge uni- Here are some suggested nurs- versal impact on language learn- The two rhymes are sung in a ery rhyme websites compiled by ing for the young child. typical rhythm, with a stressed Judith Maginnis Kuster: The fundamental aspects of syllable followed by an un- • Suggestions on Reading Nursery stressed one. This simple beat (/ - Rhymes With Children: http://www- nursery rhymes and counting personal.umich.edu/~pfa/dreamhouse/n rhymes are the rhythm and the /-/-/) helps the child to easily fol- low the phrase and to learn in rep- ursery/rhymes.html typical phrase melody of a specif- • The Real Mother Goose by Blanche ic language, the repetition of etition new sounds in opposition Fisher Wright, beautiful PDF of this rhymes, of sounds and conso- (/mee/mi/moe/) with the first entire classic: nants, the alternation of stressed consonant repeated. www.gutenberg.org/etext/10607 and unstressed syllables. The In Humpty Dumpty, the repeti- • Preschool Fingerplays, Action Poems, tion of /a/ in /sat, had, and again/ in Nursery Rhymes and Songs: “non serious” context of nursery www.preschoolrainbow.org/preschool- rhymes and counting rhymes opposition to /a/ in /wall, fall, all/ rhymes.htm is learned in the same way: repeti- with nonsense words included is • 48 Mother Goose and nursery rhyme another important aspect of their tion-opposition and rhyme with pages to print out and color: www.nite- specific role in learning and in the same simple beat of stressed owl.org/kids/index.html therapy. They are learned for fun. and unstressed syllable. Accent • Mother Goose: and intonation are the basis for www.rhymezone.com/g/goose 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:55 AM Page 4


and neurology with research re- vealing specific genes linked to When Police Encounter stuttering,7 this complexity has bred an array of myths about a PWS. Consider the prevalence of Persons Who Stutter media portrayals of PWS as crimi- By Debra Cohen McCullough, Ph.D., barrassment, anxiety, and fear about nal-types, unintelligent, or dam- Senior Social Science Analyst, speaking.”2 Stuttering is a covered aged. These misinformed depictions COPS Office disability under The Americans with mask the true nature of stuttering Disabilities Act of 1990.3 and perpetuate confusion over what local police officer stops a With estimates of 68 million peo- police should do when they en- driver exceeding the speed ple who stutter worldwide, and 3 counter someone who stutters. limit. After the driver com- million people in the United States Police can better communicate plies with the request to alone, chances are that police have with PWS by understanding some A 4 hand over his license and registration, or will encounter a PWS. In addi- of the facts about stuttering: the officer asks, “Where were you tion to traffic stops, police might en- a) No link exists between stut- going?” The driver opens his mouth counter persons who stutter while tering and intelligence. Persons as if to speak, but no words come out. questioning a suspect, gathering who stutter are equally capable After 5 seconds of apparent of providing a detailed witness silence, the officer asks account of a crime and like- again, “Where were you wise, equally capable of com- going?” The driver is now mitting one. Discounting or blinking his eyes, moving overlooking a PWS can mean his right shoulder up and losing valuable opportunities down, while repeating “I-I- to gather information about I-I” and looking away from crime and disorder problems. the officer’s gaze. The offi- b) Nervousness or stress cer steps away from the ve- does not cause stuttering. hicle and asks the driver to This popular misconception get out of the car. What could can lead to erroneous percep- the officer be thinking? tions of persons who stutter as • The driver appears physi- dishonest, disingenuous, or cally and/or mentally im- disrespectful. Even fluent paired, perhaps drunk or high. speakers may at times experi- • The driver appears ab- ence hesitations in their normally nervous for a traf- speech when feeling uncom- fic stop. fortable. While it may be • The driver seems to be tempting to project and as- hiding something. sume that others who strug- • The driver seems resis- This article appeared in the Community gle with speech must also be ner- tant to answering questions. Policing Dispatch, the e-newsletter for vous, this is not always the case with While each explanation is plausi- the COPS Office at the U.S. Department PWS. When people stutter, yes, they ble, another possibility exists: the of Justice. It is used with kind permis- are struggling with speech, but no, it driver may be a person who stut- sion of the author. does not mean they are nervous. ters (PWS). Stuttering (or stammer- information from victims or witness- Disfluencies are not synonymous ing) “is a communication disorder in es, speaking with business owners with deception or complicity. which the flow of speech is broken by and community leaders, or conven- c) Stuttering is not a psychologi- repetitions (li-li-like this), prolonga- ing community meetings. Police in cal or emotional disorder. It is a tions (lllllike this), or abnormal stop- school settings may encounter chil- speech disorder. People who stutter pages (no sound) of sounds and sylla- dren who stutter and are victims of have the same full range of emotion- bles. There may also be unusual facial bullying.5 Police may regularly work al and psychological traits as those and body movements associated with with someone who stutters, such as a who do not stutter. While myths of the effort to speak.”1 In addition to coworker, government representa- stuttering caused by poor parenting or speech “blocks” PWS “often experi- tive, or elected official.6 childhood trauma continue to persist, ence physical tension and struggle in While the causes of stuttering there is no evidence that such occur- their speech muscles, as well as em- are complex, rooted in physiology rences are more prevalent in PWS 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:55 AM Page 5


than those who do not. Some PWSs gitimate.’10 Police officers who are National Stuttering explain, “Stuttering is just my accent.” able to develop the type of communi- Awareness Week This analogy may be helpful in taking cations dexterity that allows them to fluency out of the equation when as- weave in and out of an array of cul- May 6-12 sessing a person’s emotional state and tures, backgrounds, and temperaments, National Stuttering Awareness mental capacity. stand to benefit from the collaborative Week is May 6-12. d) People partnerships and increased situational Ways to help spread stutter in dif- awareness that comes from free flow- the word about stut- ferent ways. ing information sharing, increased tering: Some repeat trust, and good community relations. • Write a letter to syllables, When encountering a person who your local newspaper words, phras- stutters, Master Police Officer Phil telling them about es or sounds. Peet of Orlando (Florida) Police the resources avail- Increased Department, who is also a person who able to those who blinking or stutters, explains, “Persons who stutter stutter. Please men- erratic body can quickly perceive impatience in tion our website, movements, others. Victims and witnesses can www.StutteringHelp.org. also known as “sec- ‘shut down’ in response to that impa- • Visit our online resources at ondary behaviors,” accompany some tience, say that they didn’t see any- www.StutteringHelp.org and for- stuttering. Some persons may look di- thing or ‘that’s all I saw.’ If an officer ward them to others. rectly at you during the stutter, while is rushing to get on to the next task and • Join us on Facebook at some may look away. Some may ex- the person senses it, they can easily www.facebook.com/stutteringhelp. perience breathing problems, running bail out of the conversation, even if • Encourage your local radio sta- out of air when trying to speak. Some they have useful information about the tion to air our public service ads. stutter openly and some try to hide incident. When you exclude someone We can help you with this if you their stuttering. Some stutter only on from the process or act in a way that contact us at info@stutter- certain words or sounds. Some speak makes him or her feel ‘less than,’ inghelp.org. quickly and others with long pauses. you’re essentially shutting down your What may be interpreted as non-re- source of information.” sponsiveness may be a PWS going Similarly, how police treat a suspect into a “silent” block.8 who stutters can determine how coop- e) Speech therapy can produce erative the suspect will be. There may cadence variations. There is current- be a small window of time, immedi- ly no cure for stuttering, but there are ately following an arrest, where sus- some therapies available that can help pects may want to purge feelings of some people manage their stuttering. guilt by telling police what happened. Some people may elongate or link For police used to moving quickly their words together to produce a through an incident, it can be a chal- Congratulations! sound mimicking slurred speech. lenge to...wait...for...a response...to a Congratulations to Ehud Yairi Some may pause after the first word, question. Yet just like people who do and Vivian Sisskin. Both re- change their rate of speech, or speak not stutter, persons who do stutter usu- ceived awards during the very softly. As with all communica- ally know exactly what they want to American Speech-Language- tion, listen to the speaker in the con- say. Officer Peet recommends, “Judge Hearing Association Convention text of other behaviors for an accurate the content, not the way it’s said. When in November in Atlanta. assessment of the situation. I am on a new squad with coworkers Dr. Yairi received the Effective communication is an es- who are not used to the way I speak, it Kawana Award for Lifetime sential building block of community can be easy for them to interpret my Achievement in Publications policing.9 The manner in which police speech as sounding stressed, as if from the American Speech- and citizens speak and listen to each something is wrong. When I sense this Language-Hearing Association. other can affect how they perceive each is the case when talking with a new Yairi’s research on stuttering other and ultimately determine the na- coworker, I’ll let them know that ‘this has been published numerous ture and outcome of police-citizen con- is how I talk sometimes,’ and that they times in this newsletter. tacts. Procedural justice models are need to listen to my words.” Vivian was named an demonstrating that these contacts can References are ASHA Fellow, which is one of influence whether citizens support the online at the highest honors the associ- efforts of police and view them as ‘le- StutteringHelp.org. ation bestows. 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:56 AM Page 6

THE STUTTERING 8 FOUNDATION ᭨ Meet Board Member Bob Kurtz It was twelve years ago that as the National Speech summer clinic at Penn State with the Stuttering Foundation Board Improvement Camp run by John Dr. Jim Frick, later followed of Directors and Bob Kurtz and Grace Clancy near with additional work with a came together to promote the Northpoint, Michigan. Bob is speech teacher at the University Stuttering Foundation in all its still in touch with a camp buddy of Redlands in California from work and research around the and one of the staff members, which he graduated. world. As a stutterer himself, and would be interested in hear- Probably most currently frus- Bob realized the importance of ing from others who may have trating to Bob is to have to leave a reaching so many thousands experienced Shady Trails. recorded message on a telephone upon thousands who shared the Unfortunately, the camp owned recorder where there is no voice to same problem he interact with. Bob’s ad- encountered and vice to anyone encoun- sought to over- tering a person who come as well as stutters is to remain re- understand the laxed, patient and do causes worldwide not try to help in finish- that induce a per- ing what the stutterer son to stutter. may be saying. Ever since Bob Today, Bob is re- Kurtz was a small tired as head of a na- boy at the age of tional printing and three, when his fam- school supply firm ily was removed where he served as from their home via President for 25 canoe, during a years. He also served north-central in the armed forces. Pennsylvania flood, Bob was also Bob has stuttered. very active in politics However, with much in the state of speech work, he has Pennsylvania. His seldom let stuttering stutter never held have a negative ef- him back from active fect on him. Yes, he participation!! was a shy and per- He and his wife haps withdrawn kid Marilyn have done who was not very much traveling com- athletic, but yet took bined with the pub- up speaking that was lishing of several necessary to the photographic books hobby of being an highlighting their amateur magician trips.* Bob enjoys who enjoyed doing being active in com- magic shows at munity and charitable organiza- schools, service clubs, children’s by the University of Michigan, tions where he often has an ac- birthdays, and holiday events. was closed a number of years tive speaking and leadership role. Bob went through much work ago. The camp experience was Bob wishes to encourage readers to control his speech and elimi- one of the most rewarding a boy who stutter to work on their speech nate some severe secondary could have had at that age and and to engage in a fully active life symptoms, gradually gaining Bob continues to be most grate- which includes doing whatever better control of his speech. He ful for those long ago summers. speaking may be required however spent five wonderful summers at More help with his stuttering difficult that may seem. Shady Trails Camp then known came to Bob when he attended a *available at Barnes and Noble 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:56 AM Page 7

THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨ 9 8 Things Golf Teaches Us About Stuttering By Voon Pang gry to learn. But you have to ask Similarly, with stuttering, be Recently, I was reading at the right time, in the right way, proactive, take responsibility, and September’s issue of New Zealand and then be prepared to put into commit to how you communicate. M2 magazine and stumbled across practice what they pass on. You 5. Learn from your mistakes. an article entitled “10 Things Golf can do this by attending self-help Golf – Most of the mistakes we Teaches Us About Business.” I meetings or contacting a SLP make in golf are mental errors; normally glaze over articles about who specialises in stuttering. bad decisions in club or shot se- golf (give me an article on tennis 3. Competition is good. lection or simply poor course anytime!) and/or business but this Golf – Competition requires us management. Mistakes are in- one had some thoughtful insights to give it our best with each and evitable and learning from them which seemed to apply to stutter- every shot. And the more we is crucial for future success. ing. The tips from the article about compete, the better we get at it. Stuttering – We all make mis- golf, life and work came from John Stuttering – When you strive to takes in our talking. It could even Hanlon’s book “Golf: A Course in better your communication skills be argued that making mistakes Life.” Here’s my interpretation of in challenging situations, everyone is useful in the long run but only eight of the tips which we can all wins. We need more effective com- if we learn from them. learn from, whether we municators in a world 6. Don’t get ahead of yourself. are people who stutter Golf – Most golfers or Speech-Language Professional golfer Sophie know what it’s like to Pathologists working in Gustafson has discussed her score well in the early the field of stuttering. stuttering and is featured on holes, begin anticipat- 1. Think ahead and the Stuttering Foudnation’s ing the round of your work back. 18 Famous People Who life, only to have it go Golf – Play each Stutter poster and brochure. awry in the latter. You hole backwards in your must stay in the present mind. Start with the until the very end. pin; choose the easiest Stuttering – While it’s place in the fairway to good to be encouraged get to the pin from and by positive early re- the best way to get sults, don’t make over- there from the tee. Then ly optimistic assump- go ahead and play the tions about your hole in manageable stages. speech. The late Dean Stuttering – Choose your goal Williams said “the (do you want to speak more flu- where technology has allowed us quicker the fluency gains, the ently or do you want to change to sit behind a computer and ‘chat’. steeper the fall” (personal com- how you stutter and stutter easi- Having a stutter enables you to be- munication, Jane Fraser, 2012) er?) and work out how to get come a ‘better than average’ com- – this holds true when you are there. Think backwards. No one municator (Chmela, 2011) because on a “journey” of successful manages their stuttering the competition is set higher. stuttering management. overnight. Identify the stages 4. Make firm decisions and 7. Play to your strengths. you need to complete before commit to them. Golf – Confidence is huge in you’re ready for the next. Golf – Indecisiveness is ru- golf. If you have a favourite club, 2. Learn from the best. inous. It’s crucial to make firm use it more often, choking down Golf – Great players are usually decisions and commit to them – where necessary. If you prefer full generous with advice and encour- especially on the greens. pitches rather than half shots, lay agement. But you need to pick the Stuttering – Too often, being in- up accordingly. If you’re happier right time to ask and be prepared decisive on what speech skill or putting from the fringe rather than to do the practice required. communication skill to use AND chipping, do so. Stuttering – People who have when to use it is draining. In the Stuttering – Many effective successfully managed their stut- business world, people who take communicators do not possess tering are usually happy to share responsibility for making deci- giant intellects or great versatili- their knowledge with those hun- sions are most likely to have the ty, they simply stick to the things commitment to succeed. Continued on page 17 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:56 AM Page 8

THE STUTTERING 10 FOUNDATION ᭨ Actors Who Stutter Provide Inspiration While many articles in acting was the logical choice.” Another actor that is not known Celebrity Corner have featured fa- Drake found that her stuttering to younger generations is British mous actors and other entertainers totally disappeared while acting. star Robert Donat (1905-1958), who have struggled with stutter- ’s third wife, she mar- who will be forever remem- ing, there are many such actors ried her co-star in 1949 in Phoenix, who for whatever reason are not with Grant's friend on the radar screen anymore. Such as the best man. Married to Grant actors may not be known to the until 1962, Drake was said to have general public, but their personal the most influence on the actor of stories of overcoming stuttering any of his five wives, introducing are just as inspiring. Two actors in him to subjects like hypnotism, psy- particular – Betsy Drake and chology and Eastern religions. An Robert Donat — rose to fame as August 2010 Vanity Fair article en- film actors and their stories titled “Cary in the Sky with should not be forgotten. Diamonds” centered on Grant dur- Betsy Drake was born in Paris in ing his marriage to Drake. It said 1923 to American ex-patriot par- of a young Drake,”Without realiz- ents. Her grandfather, Tracy Drake, ing it, Betsy found solace in act- had built the famed Drake Hotel in ing; when she answered the phone Chicago, but the Drake clan lost all pretending to be someone else, of their money in the 1929 stock the stutter that plagued her mirac- market crash. With her parents di- ulously vanished. But it wasn't vorcing in her teens, the finances until she appeared in a school of the family were difficult. In his play and the audience burst out 2005 book Cary Grant: A in 'this wonderful laughter' that Biography, biographer Marc Eliot she felt an approval she had states, “Living in a slum neighbor- never known before.” hood in Manhattan, she became Drake’s career was diverse. obsessed with the idea of escaping In her first film, she played from her environment; opposite Cary Grant in the 1948 romantic comedy Every Girl Should Be Married. bered for the The couple, now married, also biggest role in his career, Goodbye appeared together in the 1952 Mr. Chips, for which he won the comedy-drama Room for One Oscar for Best Actor in 1939. That More. In addition to leading year Donat beat out Clark Gable roles in both England and the for Gone with the Wind and U.S., other notable films in her Laurence Olivier for Wuthering career include Will Success Heights as well as Jimmy Stewart Spoil Rock Hunter? and Intent for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. to Kill. His other notable films were Betsy Drake left acting to Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps, pursue her other interests. She The Ghost Goes West, and The earned a masters degree in edu- Citadel, for which he received his cation from Harvard, and was a first Oscar nomination. His career psychotherapist at various psy- was long and distinguished. chiatric hospitals in the Los Donat’s childhood was Angeles area. Another one of plagued by stuttering, which her passions is writing and she eventually led him into reading published a novel Children You plays and acting. In the 1985 bi- Are Very Little in 1971 under ography Mr. Chips: The Life of the name Betsy Drake Grant. Robert Donat by Kenneth 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:56 AM Page 9


Barrow, Donat is quoted about his early school days, “…(I had) a bad stammer from which I did not recover for some years. One day another of the masters, a notorious bully, asked me the difference be- tween an adjective and an adverb. I suppose I was eight at the time. I stumbled for an answer, started to stammer, and he slapped me vi- ciously over the face. I developed PSAs at Every Turn of the Page a dreadful feeling of guilt and could not tell my parents. I felt During the past year, the fol- Country Living, Memphis that I was the one who had done lowing magazines have donat- Parent Magazine, Smithsonian, wrong.” ed space for the Stuttering Redbook, Seventeen, Good Later, Donat described his fasci- Foundation’s Public Service Housekeeping, Gold Clipper, nation with the cinema as a young Ads: Time, Prevention, Black Car & Driver, Boston Seniority, man and how his stuttering entered Enterprise, Oprah, Woman’s Colorado Parent, Electrical into it. “One day I was so carried Day, Family Circle, People En Apparatus, Chicago Life, and away by the adventure on the Español, New Jersey Monthly, many more. screen,with the hero about to be AARP, Parents, Family Fun, These wonderful PSAs en- eliminated by the villain, that I Better Homes & Gardens, Golf, able us to reach hundreds of couldn’t control my stammer. I The Tennessee Magazine, thousands of people in need. started to say, ‘D...D...D...Draw your s...s...s...s...sword.’ When I fi- nally got it out the audience roared class, or talk in a family party, and with laughter. The awful revelation Overcoming so many other situations that of just how different I was from make us feel insecure and uncom- other kids began to dawn on me.” Obstacles fortable. I used to think I was stupid for not being able to do Most biographical works on By Milton Castro Saenz Donat credit his entrance into act- what all the people do without ing with the decision of his parents I’d like to introduce myself to thinking — Talk! Unfortunately, I to send their young son to a well- all the readers. My name is do not have a cure for stuttering; known Manchester speech correc- Milton Castro Saenz, I’m from but I can promise you, no matter tionist to cure him of his stutter- Costa Rica and I’m 25 years old. how old you are, that we (me and ing. The aforementioned biogra- I work for a U.S. company in my you) are able to overcome all the phy quotes Donat as saying of his country and I’m currently study- obstacles in front speech correctionist Mr. James ing Business Administration to of us. It is not Bernard, “He was determined to get a degree next year in one of bad to feel help me. His first lesson was to the best universities in Costa scared; it is bad curb my impatience. He slowed Rica. I’m proud of myself about not to face the me down, made me use small what I’ve achieved so far; it has situation that is words. The impediment began to not been easy. scaring us. My disappear. Eventually he got me to I have suffered from stuttering advice is be fo- since I can remember: I have al- cused in your study the quarrel scene of Brutus Milton Castro Saenz and Cassius from Julius Caesar. ways fought against it with a lot of strengths, take The part of Cassius set me alight effort; I have had good days and bad advantage of pro- and one day I lost myself com- days along the way, but I have never fessional help, share your feelings pletely in the character. I gained given up. Unfortunately, I never re- with your family and friends to confidence.” ceived help or guidance from a pro- help them understand our world, Not only did Bernard relieve fessional in this field; due to that, it and most importantly never give Donat of his stuttering, but he is also has been a 25-year journey of trial up! I’m sure you will find your credited for helping Donat develop and error when it comes to find a own techniques to improve your his famous speaking voice and his way out to stop stuttering. vocal problems. gift for reciting verse. I have felt terrified when I’ve We are blessed by God and we needed to give a speech for my are unique! 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:58 AM Page 10


Banner Days

Join us at Facebook.com /StutteringHelp Facebook Friend Shares Story By Randy Agnew frustrated because again, I felt very alone. I didn’t have anyone around It is so great that there is this amaz- me that understood what I was Charlie Osborne finds a new ing site that can help the millions of going through and felt I had use for the Stuttering people who stutter come together and nowhere to turn. Foundation’s banner while find support. I am writing this in If I heard one more person tell setting up the booth during a hopes that I can connect with, or at me to just “breathe” I was going to conference of Cooperative least help one person along the way. snap. If only it was just that easy. Educational Service Agencies My name is Randy and I am 38 years Fortunately, I was a very good ath- District 5 in Wisconsin. old, I have battled a stutter since the lete growing up so I had sports to age of 6. To say that my stuttering has lean on and focus my attention to. I shaped me into the person I am today still say that Junior High should be would be a true understatement. It has years that people who stutter taken most of my adult life to realize should be excluded from, hands that if I had not grown up with this down the worst years of my life. “battle,” I most definitely would not There were even times when I be the empathetic, caring, determined thought I would be better off dead, person I am today. it was that bad. The most ironic part I am writing this today, with of my stuttering is that I love to talk hope...compassion... and to offer a and am very social, so this has helping hand. I only wish I had made it frustrating. someone like myself when I was As I got older, I made friends younger to show me that it was that just accepted me as a stutter- going to be okay, I wasn’t alone, er and it really wasn’t a big deal. and most importantly that life Carol Ecke and student volun- would be better than it was at that I was always ashamed of being a teers work the Stuttering time. I went through my childhood stutterer and couldn't even say Foundation booth during the feeling very alone, depressed a lot the word out loud. It wasn’t until Texas Speech-Language-Hearing and afraid to try anything new that I got a bit older that I realized Association Conference. involved speaking. Like most, or that until I can overcome this or probably all people that stutter, I be comfortable in life, I would was teased very badly. I was told I have to accept my stutter. I went was stupid, that I would never on to college, met my beautiful amount to anything and all of the wife and graduated with a terrible things that come with it. Sociology degree. The longer I stuttered, the worse it Despite being told I would got and the less things I got in- never be able to, I went into Sales! volved in. I could not say my name Fifteen years later, I am STILL in when asked, almost always. I sales :) I have been forced every couldn't answer the telephone, read day for 15 years to face my biggest aloud in class, and completely fear on a daily basis. Like any- feared any situation that I knew I thing else you fear and hit head on, would stutter (which were most). I it got better! Patty Reed sets up the booth at had a very loving family. They the conference for the Georgia were determined to do anything The article continues on our Organization of School-Based that would help me, but I would get website, www.StutteringHelp.org. Speech-Language Pathologists. 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:58 AM Page 11


Send letters to SFA, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 or e-mail [email protected]. Donʼt Be Afraid how. It got worse after my Hello, my name is Abby dad died. My stuttering and I am eight and a quarter came back when I was sad years old. I want to be a vet the day he died. I repeat when I grow up. I like Teddy words over and over. I feel Grams with chocolate chips the stuttering come out and in them. I go to elementary I’m afraid to say words. I school in Wisconsin. I like the repeat the word a thousand color black. My favorite food times and I don’t like it. is pizza. My Sometimes I feel like I’m favorite breed stuck on a word and it of dog is the won’t come out. People German make fun of me about my Sheperd. I stut- stuttering. They say, “Ha- ter. Stuttering ha Chloe stutters.” It’s is when you rude to call people names sometimes get about that. I hate my stut- stuck on a tering. Sometimes I feel word and you sad about my stuttering get nervous and sometimes I get mad and it’s really about my stuttering. nerve-wracking. Stuttering is Sometimes I laugh about not the same for everybody. I my stuttering and some- first started stuttering on the times I cry. Sometimes I first day of preschool. shut my door and say, “I Stuttering bugs me. It bugs wish my stuttering would me the most when I read. go away forever.” Angel, 9, of Stockton, CA, drew this picture of Talking is easy when I am Chloe, 6th grade speech parts. giving a presentation. Talking Homer, NY is also easy when I talk to my family’s Elf on the Shelf, Buddy. I and easy onsets. Stuttering is not a Future Writer love Christmas because it is Jesus’ funny thing. When you stutter you I want to publish my stuttering birthday. I love fruit snacks. I like can stop or slow down or start story in a magazine. I am hoping African Grey parrots. Stuttering is a over. that I get my stuttering on a mag- big deal to me. I have been teased Cameron, 10 azine and write poems. Stuttering once by my friend Brody because I Stockton, CA is kind of hard. Stuttering is good stuttered in front of the class. He because you don’t have to repeat laughed at me. He said sorry later, Editor’s Note: Stuttering is a it. But it is hard because if you after he got in trouble. He is nicer complex communication disor- get stuck you have to speak an- now. Kids who get teased should der in which the flow of speech other word. stand up for themselves or tell the is broken by repetitions, prolon- Brandon, 9 teacher or tell the principal. It helps gations, or stoppages of sounds Stockton, CA you when you have friends to help and syllables. you through the hard times of stut- Speech Therapy Helps tering. Don’t be afraid! My Own Story Hi. I am David and I’m in 4th 1 Abby, 8 /4 My name is Chloe. I’m in grade and 9 years old. One day my River Falls, WI sixth grade, and I stutter. I’ve dad noticed I stuttered a little here been stuttering for a long time. and there sometimes. He said “I Use Targets I’ve been stuttering since I was 5 think you need to go to speech I want to teach people to use years old. My dad died when I therapy” (My dad said he had targets when they stutter. Targets was eight. He helped me on my speech problems too when he was are bounce, slide, blocks, pullouts, stuttering. I’m not really sure Continued on page 14 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/22/13 1:18 PM Page 12


Letters Continued from page 13 are teased, ignore them, if you can’t that no one has perfect speech. I my age and also went to speech stick up for what you believe in. don’t like when my dad interrupts therapy.) I said, “Okay, I don't re- Emily, 8 me during my sentences. Other ally care.” Once I went to speech Fond du Lac, WI than that, I am really okay with therapy, they taught me all these my speech. tricks like cancellations, pausing Use Your Techniques Jack, 11 and finishing my sentences. I still My name is Jack and I am in 5th Pleasanton, CA stutter once in a while and I am grade. I have been working on my still taking speech therapy. I think stuttering for about two years. I Keep Practicing it’s impossible for me to never have really improved. I have Hi, my name is Katherine and I stutter, but I can am 8 years old. control most of I want to tell it. I have never you the story been teased about about in 2nd stuttering be- grade when I cause I don't stut- had a big pro- ter a lot and I ject to do. The have really good first time I did friends. it, I got stuck a David, 9 lot so I tried to Bethesda, MD stretch it out but I couldn’t. I Never Give Up didn’t get a My name is good grade on Dylan and I am my presenta- 11. I have stut- tion. The next tered ever since presentation I the first grade had to do, I did and back. I have a better job. I been with the stretched out same speech my words and teacher for six used my strate- years. I have got- gies. I felt a lit- ten better at talk- tle bit nervous ing without stut- but my mom tering because I was really can say my name proud of me for now and I used to getting a better rely on people to grade this time! say it for me. I Katherine, 8 hope to get even Silver Spring, better at talking MD by the end of 6th grade so I can get out of speech. Also, I want to learned from my speech therapist Take Your Time help younger kids who stutter! to use my easy speech, think about I take my time when I talk. And Dylan, 11 what I want to say, and to glide if I do not, I will get mad but that Versailles, IN my words together. She also tells won’t stop me at all. At least I try. me when I struggle sometimes Here’s the fun part – I can practice Think Happy Thoughts and practice all day long. My name is Emily. I am 8 years Goodbye! old. I am in second grade. I live in Keioni, 11 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. When I Stockton, CA feel frustrated with my speech it helps to think happy thoughts. Proud To Be In 1% Pausing helps make speech My name is Nathan and I’m 11 smoother. I like spending time with and in the 5th grade and I stutter. my two dogs, Ace and Max. If you Jack drew this picture. I’m proud that I stutter. People 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:58 AM Page 13


used to make fun of other kids who stutter me, but when I went to and they stuttered differ- speech class I found out ently and lots of them that it’s okay if I stutter. became my friends. I Now in the 5th grade I liked my teacher at camp don’t get made fun of and the fun activities we anymore. 1% of people did. I learned how to talk stutter and I’m proud to more smoothly and I be in that 1%. learned how to use some Nathan, 11 strategies. My favorite Silver Grove, KY thing about therapy is practicing easy starts and Practice Works keeping my voice on so Hi, my name is Nick it becomes easier to talk and I'm in 5th grade with my friends and and 10 years old. I other people. used to stutter a lot. I Noah, 11 started to stutter ever Solon, IA since I could talk which was 2 years old. I still Focus on the Positive stutter now but not as Hi my name is Simon I much as I used to. The am in 5th grade and I am way I stopped stutter- 10 years old. I like to ing a lot is by doing My name is Kevin and I am 8 years old. I think I hang out with friends and easy approach, fix-ups started stuttering when I was about 7 years old. family, and I like to play and thinking of what I The techniques that I use are bouncing on a word video games. I used to want to say before I say and stop and start over. If people make fun of me not care about stuttering, it. This stuff can't just about my stuttering, I just try to ignore them. but now I hate it! Even come to you in a day, Kevin, 8 thinking about it makes you have to practice not Riverside, CA me mad, like really angry. just once you have to I know this is crazy, but I practice a lot of times. hope there is a cure or Nick, 10 n’t like it. Then we went to an- something because now stuttering Carmel, NY other and we loved it. Since then annoys me! Speech therapy helps I learned lots of stuff like how me because I have learned the I Now Love Therapy stuttering happens. Also, I have strategies easy onset, full breath, Two years ago I was wonder- started raising my hand and read- light contact, and continuous ing why I stuttered. My parents ing aloud in class a lot more and phonation. took me to a therapy and we did- the teachers think I’m really Simon, 10 smart. At camp I met lots of Willard, MO

Family Support Helps The first time I realized I stut- tered was when I was six years old. Ever since I have been seeing a speech therapist to help my stutter- ing. We have been using our tech- niques (like) full breath, easy onset, phrasing, and our speech helpers (the) tongue, ridge, teeth, larynx, and our mouth. And, ever since, it has been helping me out more often. I only take speech once a week and I practice every day to help my speech. My family has been helping me out every day. David F., 12, Stockton, CA Continued on page 16 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:58 AM Page 14


Letters Continued from 15 cover from stuttering. Blocks are when you Someday even stop! can’t get anywhere (all Vanessa, 12 stacked up, no way out). Dudley, MA Bryshon, 10 Editor’s Note: It is not help- Tuscaloosa, AL ful to the person who stutters to have her sentences finished Stretch Your for her, nor is it helpful to tell Words Out her to “slow down,” “take a My name is Spencer. I deep breath,” or “relax.” am 8 years old. I started Such simplistic advice can stuttering right when I en- even be felt to be demeaning. tered preschool. When I stutter in front of someone, Singing Can Help I feel embarrassed. When When I stutter I get sad I stutter sometimes people and feel like not talking to make fun of me but I don't anybody. So I just shut up care. I don't really say and be quiet and don’t talk anything, I just ignore it. anymore. When I stutter on My stutter sounds like a the bus or when I sing rap beeping noise, every 10 songs, I take a deep breath, seconds. It feels like the stutter, and start all over. I words get stuck in my use speech techniques. throat. I try to remember “Blocking” is when your to stretch out my words. My name is Liam. I am from Kentucky and I throat is stuck with a whole To the younger kids that stutter and sometimes people make fun of me. I lot of words. stutter, I would say when wish people wouldn’t make fun of people just be- Brennan, 10 you get older, it probably cause they stutter. Stuttering is not a bad habit, Tuscaloosa, AL will get better! it is just something that happens. I think 1 mil- Spencer, 8 lion people stutter. You don’t have to feel bad Cancellations Do Help Potomac, MD just because you stutter. You need to feel good My name is Jonah and I am about it. It is just something that happens. You 9 years old. I have been Keep Calm just have to be yourself. through many camps where When I first came to Liam, 8 the kids tease me about stut- school I had started to Silver Grove, KY tering but when I told them to stutter so I went to speech shape up they stopped. One class so my teacher can kid at my sleep-away camp help me stop stuttering. We started People Do Understand was really mean about it, and I kept to do some things to help make the My name is Vanessa, and I’m telling him to stop but he wouldn’t stuttering go away. We talk about it 12 years old. I stutter. It is diffi- so I just got over it. I have done a and we tried something that will cult for my friends and family lot of cancellations during my prac- help us if we start to stutter. We can to sometimes understand me. I tice and I have improved. 1 use some words we learned and repeat words a lot when I talk to Jonah, 9 /2 then I thought stuttering will be my friends and family, but they Bethesda, MD okay. I can just say stuttering is not help me by stopping me and a big thing, so I am okay with it. making me say it over. I gotta Donʼt Give Up Stuttering does not make me mad say, it does sometimes get me My name is David and I think you or sad or happy – it just makes me mad, but all they want to do is should not give up. When I was in feel okay so I can just be calm and help. In my school, people un- Kindergarten I would sit in the cor- go with it and keep learning and derstand and don't tease or bully ner. Then I tried a speech room and keep practicing. I am okay telling people who stutter. They all like now I’m better with my speech. I people that I am in stuttering class to help. I don't really stutter as gave up but they taught me not to. I and that I stutter a lot because it bad when I have to read out am David and I am in fifth grade and does not hurt my feelings just be- loud or sing. even though it is hard, don’t give up cause people talk about me. Forward flowing speech helps on your stuttering. Alisha, 9 me; I bet it can help you too. If David S., 10 Tuscaloosa, AL you speak slowly, you can re- Stockton, CA 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:58 AM Page 15


Books Continued from front page the ethics of writing fiction based Golf Continued from page 9 on the Holocaust, and I wanted to “My ultimate goal was to take they know and do best. the reader inside the confusing honor what the little boy, called ‘Daniel’ in the book, went through 8. Have fun. world of an adolescent who stut- Golf – Having fun is the key ters,” Vawter told the Stuttering in real life. I also wanted to honor what my rabbi, the basis of the to playing well. A bad attitude Foundation. “This is a lonely age invariably leads to a bad score. for those of us who grew up with a ‘Aaron’ character in the book, went through. He stuttered at the time, When we enjoy ourselves, we speech impediment. I'm glad this get the most out of games in facet of the book was recognized.” was often made fun of, but was a compassionate friend to Daniel. I every respect. Paperboy will have its nation- Stuttering – People who enjoy wide launch in Memphis on May 14 wanted all that to be in the book.” The mystery of what’s in the box talking and communicating in- at the Booksellers at Laurelwood. It variably do a better job at being is available online and at most major propels this short work, but the real power of Greenhorn lies in the small effective communicators. bookstores. For more information, Happy people take pride in what visit www.vincevawter.com. human drama it describes. The boy who stuttered and the boy whose they do and maintain higher Another book that was recently standards overall. released by NewSouth Books is family members died in a concen- Greenhorn by Anna Olswanger. tration camp are both ridiculed and In this middle-grade novel, a excluded by the other kids. In the young Holocaust survivor arrives end, Aaron finds his voice and a in 1946 at a New York friend in Daniel, and their bond of- yeshiva, a religious fers hope for a future, one in which Daniel is able to let go Jewish school where of his box. he will study and live. On another level, His only possession is Greenhorn is a book about a small box that he language and its social role. never lets out of his Below are ways to use a computer or The boys in the yeshiva Smartphone to get accurate and help- sight. Daniel, the speak the colorful language ful information about stuttering. young survivor, of Brooklyn youngsters of rarely talks, but the the mid-1940s—Yiddish-in- Websites: narrator, who stut- www.StutteringHelp.org flected and peppered with www.tartamudez.org ters and who bears the taunts of slang. Aaron struggles to speak; he the other boys, comes to consider stutters in expressing himself. Facebook: Daniel his friend. Daniel, the newcomer to the group, facebook.com/stutteringhelp Olswanger said she felt it was does not speak. Language helps important to include stuttering in bridge their very different worlds Twitter: @stutteringfdn the book. and experiences. Tumblr: “I heard the real story of Vawter, author of Paperboy, had stutteringhelp.tumblr.com Greenhorn thirty years ago in this to say, “Greenhorn manages to Israel,” she told the Stuttering take a paper-thin slice of the horror YouTube: Foundation. “The rabbi of my syna- of the event and wrap it into a youtube.com/user/stutteringfdn gogue stood in the front of our tour heart-rending story that is told in a bus as we approached Jerusalem Pinterest: matter-of-fact voice. It’s rare in a pinterest.com/stutteringfdn and told us about a little boy who children’s book for adults to feel had lost his parents in the Holocaust. on edge about ‘what’s in the box,’ The boy wouldn’t speak when he but that's where I found myself. came to live at the Brooklyn yeshi- Steven Spielberg, in Schindler’s he Stuttering Foundation va where the rabbi himself was in List, used the little girl in the red Tof America is a tax-ex- the sixth grade, and wouldn’t let a coat to help viewers focus on the empt organization under sec- tin box out of his sight. human cost of the Holocaust. Anna tion 501(c)(3) of the Internal “I knew as soon as the rabbi Olswanger gives us a little tin box Revenue Code and is classi- began talking that the story was im- and a beautiful 48-page book to fied as a private operating portant and that I wanted to write it; tell the story that should continue foundation as defined in sec- but I also knew I wanted to write to be told through the ages.” tion 4942(j)(3). Charitable contribu- the story I heard, not invent any This book is available on tions and bequests to the Foundation backstory or previous history for Amazon.com. Visit www.ol- are tax-deductible, subject to limita- the little boy. I was concerned about swanger.com for more information. tions under the Code. 38717_SFA_38717_SFA 4/18/13 6:58 AM Page 18

THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION ᭨ P.O. Box 11749 • Memphis, TN 38111-0749

Celebrate National Stuttering Awareness Week, May 6-12

www.StutteringHelp.org • 800-992-9392 • www.tartamudez.org Upcoming Events • Mindfulness and Stuttering: Using For a list of Eastern Strategies to Speak with • The Stuttering Greater Ease by Ellen-Marie Foundation Five Day summer Silverman, (2012). CreateSpace Eastern Workshop, Using camps and Independent Publishing Platform, Cognitive Approaches with clinics, visit Seattle, WA. www.amazon.com. RegistrationPeople Who Stutter Closed, will • Stuttering in Preschool Age by be held in Boston, Massachusetts, www.StutteringHelp.org/ Zbigniew Tarkowski, Ewa Humeniuk June 24-28, 2013. clinics-summer and Jolanta Dunaj, (2012). Zaklad • The Stuttering Foundation Poligraficzny UWM, Lublin. Five Day Western Workshop, www.uwm.edu.pl/. Diagnosis and Treatment of • The South Street Gang Goes Downhill • Stuttering: Getting Unstuck by Cheri Children and Adolescents Who – Fast! by Richard Benyo, (2013). Jensen, (2012). Author House, Bloomington, IN. www.amazon.com. Stutter:Registration Practical ClosedStrategies, Specific Publications, Forestville, CA. will be held at Portland State Available at www.amazon.com. • Jack Has Moves by Mary Pyatt, University in Portland, Oregon, July • Paperboy by Vince Vawter, (2013). (2012). Outskirts Press, Denver, CO. 9-13, 2013. Delacorte Press, NY. Available at www.outskirtspress.com. www.randomhouse.com/kids. • National Stuttering • Stuttering: Foundations and Clinical • Greenhorn by Anna Olswanger, Applications by Ehud Yairi, Ph.D., and Association Convention (2013). New South Books, NY. Carol H. Seery, Ph.D., (2011). Pearson in Scottsdale, Ariz., July Available at www.Amazon.com. Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ. 3-7, 2013. For more information, visit • Fun with Fluency for the School-Age www.pearsonhighered.com. www.nsastutter.org. Child by Patty Walton, (2013). Pro-Ed • Stuttering Intervention, 2nd edition, • Friends Who Stutter Convention Inc., Austin, TX. www.proedinc.com. by David Shapiro, (2011). Pro-Ed, in Nashville, Tenn., July 18- • I Stutter ... So What! A Personal Austin, TX, www.proedinc.com. 20, 2013. For more informa- Story by Kera Green, M.Ed., (2013). • Multilingual Aspects of Fluency tion, please visit Available at www.amazon.com. Disorders edited by Peter Howell and John www.friendswhostutter.org. • Understanding Stammering or Van Borsel, (2011). Multilingual Matters, • International Stuttering Stuttering: A Guide for Parents, Bristol, UK; to order, contactwww.multi- lingual-matters.com. Association (ISA), 10th World Teachers and Other Professionals by Congress, Lunteren, The Elaine Kelman and Alison Whyte, (2012). • Stuttering: Foundations and Clinical Netherlands, June 10-13, 2013. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, UK Applications by Ehud Yairi, Ph.D., and and Philadelphia, PA. www.jkp.com. Carol H. Seery, Ph.D., (2011). Pearson More information at www.isas- Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ. tutter.org. • Mon enfant begaie. Que faire con- cretement? by Anne-Marie Simon, www.pearsonhighered.com. (2012). Editions Tom Pousse. Paris. Books on Stuttering Volume 21, Issue 2 Can be purchased on www.amazon.com. Scot Squires ...... Editor/Designer • Stuttering: An Integrated Approach • Theoretical Issues of Fluency Special thanks to Joan Warner, Patty Reed, to Its Nature and Treatment 4th edi- Disorders (in English and Russian), Pat Hamm, Lisa Hinton, and Terri Jones. tion, by Barry Guitar, (2013). edited by Yu.O. Filatova, Ph.D., (2012). This newsletter is published quarterly. Please Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, National Book Centre; contact nbcme- e-mail address changes and story ideas to Baltimore, MD. www.lww.com. [email protected] or visit www.nbcmedia.ru. [email protected].