S5, S6, G1, G2 packets


Alberta A009 British Columbia Maritime Maritime ___ G1-edA* A014 ___ S5 A014 Provinces A030 Provinces A030 ___ G1-edA* ___ G2-edA* ___ S5 ___ S6b-edA* ___ G1-edA*

Ontario A039 A039 Prairie Provinces ___ S5 ___ S6b-edA* ___ G1-edA* A001 ___ S5


Banff A004 Banff A004 Butchart Gardens Butchart Gardens Butchart Gardens ___ S5 ___ S6a-edA* ___ G1-edA*? ___ G1-edB* A016 ___ S5 A016 ___ G1 A016 ___ G1-edA

Expo 67 A071 Expo 67 A073 Expo 67 A074 Inside Passage Jasper A008 ___ S6b-edA ___ S6b-edA ___ S6b-edA A020+ ___ S6b-edA ___ S5 ___ S6c-edA ___ G1-edB?

Jasper A008 Lake Louise A007 Lake Louise A007 Montreal A051 Montreal A051 ___ G1-edA* ___ G2-edA* ___ S5 ___ G1-edA* ___ S5 ___ S6b-edA* ___ G2-edA*?

Niagara Falls A656 Niagara Falls A656 Niagara Falls A656 Ottawa A036 Ottawa A036 ___ S5 ___ S6b-edA ___ S6b-edB*? ___ G1-edB* ___ G2-edB* ___ S6b ___ S6b-edA*

Quebec City A050 City A050 Royal Canadian Royal Canadian Ste Anne de ___ S5 ___ S6b-edA* ___ G1-edA* Mounted Police Mounted Police Beaupre A060 B750 ___ S5* B750 ___ S6b*^ ___ S5* ___ G1-edA* ___ G2-edA* ___ G1-edB* ___ G2-edB*

Ste Anne de Toronto A035 Toronto A035 Trans-Canada Hwy Upper Canada Beaupre A059 ___ S5 ___ S6b-edA*? A002 ___ G1-edA* Village A033 ___ S5* ___ S6b* ___ G1* ___ S6b-edB* ___ G1-edB* ___ S6b-edA ___ G1-edA

Vancouver A012 Vancouver A012 Victoria A015 Victoria A015 ___ S5 ___ G1-edA* ___ G1-edB ___ S6a ___ G1-edA*


British Columbia Prairie Provinces Maritime Ontario A014 ___ S4 A001 ___ S3 ___ S4 Provinces ___ S3D ___ S3 ___ S3


Banff Banff A004 Boy Scout Jamboree+ Boy Scout Jamboree+ ___ S3 ___ S4 ___ S3D* ___ S3*

Central Ontario Eastern Ontario Jasper A008 Lake Louise A007 ___ S3 ___ S3 ___ S4 ___ S4

Lake Louise Montreal A051 Niagara Falls+ Niagara Peninsula and Jasper ___ S3 ___ S3 ___ S4 ___ S3 ___ S3

Ottawa A036 Quebec City A050 Quebec City A050 Queen Visits B925+ ___ S4 ___ S3D ___ S3 ___ S4 ___ S3? ___ S4

Royal Canadian Ste Anne de Vancouver A012 Victoria Victoria A013 Mounted Police Beaupre ___ S3 ___ S4? ___ S3D ___ S3 ___ S4 ___ S2? ___ S3 ___ S3D*

CANADA PLACES G3 – V2 packets

Alberta A009C British Columbia Maritime Provinces Ontario A039 ___ G4/6 A014C ___ G6* A030C ___ G6-edA? ___ G3-edB* ___ G4/6-edA(C)? A042 ___ G5-edA

Banff A004 Butchart Gardens Butchart Gardens Jasper A008 Lake Louise A007 ___ G3-edB* ___ G4/6(C) A016 ___ G3-edB A016 ___ G3-edC ___ G3-edA* ___ G4/6(C) ___ G3-edA* ___ G4/6(C) ___ G4/6(C)? ___ V1-V2(C)?

Marineland A040 Metro Toronto Montreal A051 Montreal H18C Montreal 2 K55C ___ G4/6-edA ___ V1-2-edA? A041 ___ G3-edA* ___ G4/6 ___ G4/6? ___ V1-V2 ___ G4/6-edA ___ G6(C)

Niagara Falls A656 Niagara Falls A656 Niagara Falls A656 Niagara Falls A656C Ontario Place K48C ___ G3-edB* ___ G3-edC* ___ G5-edD ___ V1-V2-edD? ___ G4/6-edA ___ G4/6

Ontario Place K48C Ottawa A036 Parc Safari Quebec City A050C Toronto A035 ___ V1-V2 ___ G3-edA* Africain A043C ___ G4/6-edA ___ G3-edC* ___ G4/6 ___ G4/6-edB? ___ G1-edD?

Toronto A035C Trans-Canada Hwy Upper Canada Vancouver A012 Victoria A015 ___ G4/6-edA A002C ___ G4/6 Village A033C ___ G3-edB ___ G4/6(C)? ___ G3-edB* ___ G4/6(C)? ___ G4/6

Wonderland M20C ___ V1-V2

Unknown packet types: A005 Banff; A006 Lake Louise/Jasper; A035 Central Ontario & Toronto; A035/A038 Ontario Vacationlands; A 037 Niagara Peninsula & Southwestern Ontario

Text Source: The View-Master Ultimate Reel List: http://www.3dstereo.com/Viewmaster-URL/index.html Photo Contributors: 3DStereo.com, Maggie Arbaugh, Cheryl Bergasse, Ken Bowers, Kip Brockman, Dave Hutzley, Ken Krueger, Anthony Leckington, Greg Plumb, Walter Sigg, Steven Sostrom and Al Woodcock. Document compiled by Greg Plumb. Latest revision: 29 July 2019 *includes booklet ^made in Belgium +listed in more than one document