PAT ROBERTSON Abortion ...... 100-101, 103-106 Bark, Robert ••...... 107 Christian activism ••••••••• ... .101 Education ••••••••••••. ..109 Legal Services Corporation •• ...... 102-103 National Endowment for the Arts ••• •••••• 96, 109 New Age • ••••••••••••••••••. ..97-99 Operation Rescue •.••••••••• . • 99-100 Presidential appointments •• ..107-108 Religious freedom. • ••• 104-105 Sex education •••••• . ...••••.•••.. 96-97 JERRY FALWELL Abortion ••••••• ...... •••.• . 111 Homosexuality...... 110-111 Pornography •••• ••••• 111 JAMES KENNEDY Education ••••••••••• .. . .111-112 •••••••••• ..112-113 700 Club 9-5-89 Robertson mentioned his trip to Bavaria and his visit to Dachau. He promised to bring in his pictures of holocaust victims who have suffered the same treatment as participants in Operation Rescue. News segment -Lebanese criticism of U.S. -Summit of non-aligned nations -Drugs in the workplace Segment on Helms Amendment for arts funding including footage of Don Wildmon holding up pictures from the Maplethorpe exhibit. Pat and Sheila complain about any funding of art not to mention obscene art. Robertson encourages people to call their congressman. Segment on Gorbachev's problems in Russia. Interview with Dr. Kent Hill, Exec. Dir. of the Institute on and Democracy and author of The Puzzle of the Soviet Church. Interview with Daryl Green of the Washington Redskins. Report on the construction of the new conference center at CBN. Interview with boxer Earnie Shavers.

700 Club 9-6-89 News segments: Drugs and President Bush's address U.S. evacuation of Beirut Military shake-up in Poland Special segment: Sex Education Several statements taken from the Humanist Manifesto II to show how it encourages sexual permissiveness. Guests include Onalee McGraw of the Education Guidance Institute and Diane Berger, Ph.D candidate at the University of PA Human Sexuality Program. Discusses statistics of adults favoring sex education and the effectiveness of contraceptive-based sex education vs abstinence­ based sex education. Interview with Leanna Benn, Exec. Dir. and cofounder of Teen Aid, Inc. an abstinence-based curriculum. Leanna Benn VOLUME 10, Issue 9 96 1 September 1989 "You talk about moral values no matter what you say. It's which set of moral values you're tal king about. You can talk about moral values without tal king about religion and we had a Supreme Court decision to show that. The Teen Aid program is for the public schools and we talk very much about the [unintelligible] principle, abstinence prior to marriage, we talk about respecting elders; we talk about the fruits of the spirit but we use different terminology. All those things are there." Benn continued with examples of inappropriate sex ed. Pat Robertson " ... If you're not horrified you ought to be and yet 85% of the people said let's teach our kids this. Do you want your fifth grader learning that kind of stuff? Do you want your little girl who's in the kindergarten to start learning about some of these bizarre things and have homosexuals play out role models in the second and third and fourth and fifth grades or in the high school? Do you want that kind of stuff? Is that what you want your children to be taught? Well, if you want it then sit back a n d e n j o y i t b e c a u s e t h a t ' s wh a t yo u ' r e g o i n g to h a v e . I f y o u don't want it you ought to get hold of your congressman or your legislators ... and your school superintendents and say enough of this garbage." Robertson clarified an earlier statement about Barney Frank's involvement with a teenager. Testimony of teenager involved in sex, drugs, etc. Segment on public school teacher's religious beliefs and how she brings them to school. Has used Robertson's video "America, You're Too Young to Die" in class.

700 Club 9-11-89 News Segment --East German refugees in Hungary --Yeltsin visit to U.S. --Beirut fighting Special segment- first of two part story on the New Age Movement. Definition of New Age Movement. Comparison to Nazism. Robertson follows through with a discussion of the occult roots of Nazism. Interview with Tal Brooke, author of When the World Will Be as One. Explanation of how New Age equals H1ndu1sm. On Hinduism and the global aspects of the New Age Movement:

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 97 1 September 1989 Pat Robertson 11 It would be one thing to say well its a bunch of kooks out there, staring at the sun and going through their little mantras ... there's something else though when we look at a possible global conspiracy to unite all mankind under this type of thing ... Brooke explains the economic and political roots of the global movement. In response to a question about how Christians can combat the New Age Movement, both Brooke and Robertson talked about Christian activism and combatting "enemies .. such as the ACLU, Dewey and the humanists, etc. Mentioned training Christian lawyers and James Dobson's work with the family. Brooke was asked how to combat New Age Movement in public education and basically he said that parents should put their children in Christian schools or home schools. Discussion of the New Age Movement in business particularly personnel training programs. Testimony of woman involved in New Age and occult. Robertson concludes first part of broadcast with the following comment: Pat Robertson "Hinduism and many of the occult activities that come out of the orient are inspired by demons and demon worship ... There's this concept today that all are the same and all are good. That is not true. The worship of the devil is not good ...

700 Club 9-12-89 Special program on New Age continued. School classrooms are 11 Virtual laboratories of the occult ... News segment: --East German refugees --Middle East Peace Plan. Robertson interviews former Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon. Special Segment: New Age infiltration of society. Pat Robertson 11 Ladies and gentlemen, it's there. American green berets are learning New Age meditation techniques while school children are taken, if you can believe it, with taxpayers money, on psychic field trips through the use of what's called guided imagery ...

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 98 1 September 1989 Dale Hurd's report points out the pervasiveness of New Age philosophies in all areas of life- business, White House, Congress, etc. Discusses use of New Age meditation and guided imagery in the classroom. Confessions of a teacher who used new age techniques in her classroom before she was born again. Robertson mentioned all the things involving Christianity that you cannot do in schools yet you can teach Hinduism. Interview with Paul McGuire, author, Evangelizing the New Age. Testimony of former Hippie/New Age couple. Pat traced the concept of individual as God to Eve and the Serpent. Pat lectures on the basic structure of man - spirit, soul or mind, body. Pat Robertson "What we're doing here in America and around the world is leading people to hell, in schools, in the military, in business. And if anybody is fooling with New Age ... ultimately, it will destroy you and you will be cast in a lake of fire reserved for the devil and his angels." Pat offers to sell his 2 part series on the New Age to churches, etc ... at cost.

700 CLUB 9-13-89

Operation Rescue Sheil a Walsh "It seems though Pat as if our rights are slowly being chipped a way." Pat Robertson "Not slowly, its galloping ... You know the first amendment of the U.S Constitution says Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise. We've got a case of police officers infiltrating churches and actually pretending to be born again so that they can get to infiltrate what churches are doing. This is shocking." Pat Robertson "Here in the U.S. a new group called Veterans Campaign for Life will be working with Operation Rescue. The group is a broad coalition of veterans which will focus on training grassroots political activists in taking part in Operation Rescue activities." Rev. Jim Evans, Assoc. Director, Veterans for Life "We didn't fight and die on foreign soil to defend our children and defend our nation only to stand in a nation today that burns its own flag and kills its own children. We fought for a better nation and we're going to come together to mourn the child killing in our land. We're going to come together to try to make VOLUME 10, Issue 9 99 1 September 1989 a difference in this nation in this needful hour." Birmingham, AL abortion lawsuits Pat Robertson "Threats of church closings, nonviolent protesters thrown in jail, you may think these activities typify life in the Soviet Union, or maybe Bulgaria or Communist China but all these actions and more are becoming hallmarks of the pro-abortion forces in the United States. And in Birmingham, AL, lawyers are taking churches to court for some legal firsts." Cynthia Glasser, CBN news correspondent proceeds with a news report that compares the anti-abortion events in Birmingham to Martin Luther King, Jr. • s civil rights activities in Birmingham in the '60's. John Whitehead, President, Rutherford Institute "It puts a tremendous chilling effect on the first amendment exercise of those freedoms and again, I think it will bother some people that knowing that not only are they going to get arrested for tresspass but that they're going to be liable to all kinds of damages and fines and injunctions and jail terms otherwise." Cynthia Glasser continues with her version of activities in Birmingham, including rescues, police infiltration of anti­ abortion groups, descriptions of the churches involved in activities and quotes from the abortion-rights groups' attorney. Pat Robertson "Ladies and gentlemen, can you imagine an attorney in the United States of America saying society cannot tolerate this kind of conduct. And you say what kind of conduct is he talking about. Is he talking about murdering a million and a half people a year? If somebody would take that little rascal out and hang him up and cut him apart, I wonder if that kind of conduct would be what he was talking about not being able to tolerate. Is that what he's saying? Oh no, what he's saying is America cannot tolerate a group of people that say murder is wrong. Killing is wrong. And not only that, now the force of the police is being used to support murder. Murder, incorporated." The holocaust Pat Robertson "Let me show you again some pictures that we took or were given to us, one way or the other, they're video film of what is being done to these rescuers. You've seen it, it horrified me, but look at the way they're carrying those people along. You notice that grip? It rips the shoulders from the sockets of those demonstrators. They were peaceful demonstrators. There are a lot of ways you can get somebody to come along and that kind of conduct isn't the way ... Recently, I visited Dachau and as my wife Dede and I were looking at the photographs, we saw something and VOLUME 10, Issue 9 100 1 September 1989 I said •oede, give me the camera quickly, I•ve got to take a picture. And this is the picture. Look at those people. They•re grimacing in anguish. They were hung up by the Nazis, their shoulders pulled out of their joints in exactly the same way the police in the United States ... - I don•t know where all those pictures were ... Now ladies and gentlemen, that• s one picture ... let me show you another picture. That•s what this leads to. You see that? Look at it. Look carefully at it. We allowed the Nazis to butcher 6 million Jews. We have already butchered 23 million unborn babies in exactly the same way." " ... now, that little rascal down there in Birmingham was saying •we can•t tolerate somebody stopping this. Can you imagine saying, well, the Nazis, we can•t tolerate somebody keeping us from incinerating Jews." Christian Activism Sheila Walsh "Most people watching though, Pat are horrified by what you•ve shown us and what you•ve talked about but a lot of people feel if the police are getting involved in this, what can we do?" Are we helpless?" Pat Robertson "No way, we•re not helpless, Sheila. Its time we get out, and not just get on the streets, the thing to do is go to the ballot box and throw the bloomin• rascals out. That•s the way you do it. The Roman Catholics and the Evangelicals in the United States of America could vote for anything they wanted. If the Roman Catholics, the conservative Catholics and the Evangelical Christians in America ever got together on anything, we could stop abortion like that. I mean cold in its tracks ... You could change the sex education program to say an abstinence-based program. You could improve the schools. There• s just no end of what could be done. We could make an end to poverty and illiteracy and a whole lot of other things that are happening." Sheila Walsh "Many people have criticized Christian television as being very self indulgent, very patting ourselves on the back. That•s not your vision is it. You want to actually make a difference in this nation through the medium of television." Pat Robertson "If we don•t, Sheila, through television or whatever, if we don•t get people involved, I 1 11 tell you what•s going to happen. God Almighty•s going to judge America. As sure as we•re sitting here, I promise you ladies and gentlemen, there was judgement on Nazi Germany, there was butchery, they blew the cities up .•. as sure as we•re alive, God Almighty• s going to say that• s the end of i t and i t s go i n g to be a 11 over . "

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 101 1 September 1989 700 Club 9-15-89 Legal Services Corporation Pat Robertson "Over the past decade, perhaps the fiercest battle between liberals and conservatives has been fought over tax supported Legal Services Corporation. Ostensibly, a service to the poor but actually liberal activism paid for by you and me. Well, President Bush has yet to name a replacement board to oversee the semi-autonomous Legal Services Corporation. John Black reports conservatives fear efforts at reform begun during the Reagan Administration may be lost under a new board." John Black, CBN news "The Legal Services Corporation, with offices in this plush Washington office building was set up by Congress 15 years ago to oversee tax funded lawyers for the poor. Critics say Legal Services instead has been used to lobby for liberal causes at tax payer expense." Howard Phillips (Conservative Caucus} "The Legal Services program is probably the most powerful political organization in the United States." John Black "Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus wants Pres. Bush to appoint board members who will halt class action lawsuits which promote a 1 iberal agenda, including tax funded abortion." Howard Phillips "He ran for President as the pro-life candidate. He ran for President as a critic of the American Civil Liberties Union. How ironic it would be if he put in control of the Board of Directors people who were in effect in alliance with the pro-abortion forces in the country and with the ACLU forces in the country." Pat Robertson "A great social philosopher and commentator in England a few years ago, we saw a dog walking on his hind legs smoking a pipe and the wonder of it isn't that it is being done well but that it is being done at all. And I think we've got the same thing that Sen. Johnson was speaking of here we shouldn't try to reform Legal Services we should do away with it. We don't need a $350 mill ion public advocate 1 aw firm 1 obbying for activist 1 iberal measures in the United States courts across the nation opposed to many, many things that the majority of the people believe in. I was told that Clark Morant yesterday, who was the former Chairman, he's going to run for the U.S. Senate in Michigan, I do believe, against Sen. Levin if he gets the Republican nomination, he will be a candidate. But he's resigned from that, he's a conservative, and Caldwell Butler, although a Virginian has been VOLUME 10, Issue 9 102 1 September 1989 at least on the moderate to liberal wing of the Republican party rather than the conservative wing. So, it'll remain to be seen. The best thing to be done to Legal Services is to kill it and stop funding it and get it out of the way. If the states want Legal Services, then let them provide the money for it." Abortion Pat Robertson " ... we're murdering, murdering 1.5 million babies a year ... 1.5 million babies die, they're dismembered, their heads are crushed, they're burned with saline solution, they're tortured inside the mother's womb; and yet while all this is going along, 2 million American couples are waiting to adopt what appear to be fewer and fewer available children. The reason, an abortion industry that has killed the children that could've been adopted, and they do it for money. Abortion is a big, big multi-billion dollar business. And by the way, a social service industry that has discouraged the adoption of many children that are available. That astonishing fact is just part of the system biased against adoption." Adoption "Black organizations and social workers in have managed to persuade 35 states to prohibit white couples from adopting black children. The majority of the states agree that same race adoption is preferable, however few black couples can afford to adopt children. Race restriction makes adoption difficult for the group (white, middle-class Americans) that is most able financially to adopt Adoption advocates say there is a need to reform these restrictions.

700 Club 9-18-89 Pat Robertson "There's something I received Saturday night - a picture­ that is so startling I thought I ought to show it to you. This is a picture, ladies and gentlemen, of a little baby girl. We call her Baby Choice She is between 18-22 weeks old and she was killed by a saline abortion. You notice the burns on that child's body. That is from an injection of saline by a doctor during an abortion. Now, let me show you her face. I want you to look at those eyes, you see those brows, hair, lids, you see her little mouth nose. Hold right there- NOW, National Organization of Women, Planned Parenthood, the legislators, the judges- are you going to tell me that isn't a human being? Now you see the scars on her arm where she has been brutally burned. How you would like your little grandbaby or daughter or son to be immersed in a scalding bath of salt when they're about a year old, and burned to death? That's what happened to that little kid. VOLUME 10, Issue 9 103 1 September 1989 For these women to say I have control over my body and I can burn a little baby girl to death. Look at that mouth, look at that- she looks like a little baby asleep. Twenty-two weeks old or less- that's a little over 5 months. It's horrible but this is what's being done. I mean that's a little baby who was aborted ..... After story from Sheila about 14 year-old who had an abortion, Pat says:

11 The good news is that baby is in heaven because he's never done anything wrong, and God will not send someone to hell who has never sinned. You have to know something in order to violate it, in order to be judged. God doesn't punish everyone just for being a human being. It isn't the baby so much that's going to have eternal torment as the person who's killing it, because they're searing their conscience. Well, what I want to do, ladies and gentlemen, is this. Every judge, every state legislator, every congressman should have a picture of that baby, every one of them. They ought to have an 8x10 glossy photograph to say this is a baby, this is a 5 and a half month old baby, and that's what she looks like just before she was burned to death by some butcher who claims to be a gynecologist in a legal abortion." He offers to send pictures to anybody who writes in to send to legislators and .. every person in your state orcn:y whotra:-s anything to do with the wanton murder of a mill ion and a half children a year."

700 CLUB 9-21-89

Abortion Ken Lormand, reporting 11 The Senate voted to resume funding of a United Nations program that finances abortions in other countries. That funding had been halted five years ago by the Reagan Administration. The narrow vote came over Republican objections that the money could be used for forced abortions in China. On the home front, pro­ life groups succeeded in getting past an amendment that would deny federal funds to cities whose police use excessive force against non-violent protesters. That vote was in response to police brutality against Operation Rescue's non-violent blockading of abortion clinics ... Religious Liberty, Colorado lawsuit Pat Robertson 11 A victory for religious liberty. A U.S. District Court in Denver ruled that school officials cannot stop public high school students from passing out a religious newspaper while at school. VOLUME 10, Issue 9 104 1 September 1989 That ruling overturned an earlier one prohibiting such activity. The judge wrote that allowing students to engage in discourse on topics important to them did not violate the separation of church and state that in fact, such activity contributed to their development as citizens. Well, we congratulate that judge but you sort of ask yourself why in heaven's name in a U.S. country, once known as a Christian nation should such a thing even be considered. Of course students have the right to talk about their faith, and to print about their faith, and to pass out literature. They're free American citizens. And keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, Christians are Americans, too. And, its strange we have to say that on television." Sheil a Walsh "But you're right, isn't that ridiculous. Even in Britain where so few people go to church, you can go into any school. I can go i n to s c ho o 1 s an d do r e 1 i g i o us e d ucat i on c 1 a sse s . They s t i 1 1 have a strange law that they have to have one hour of religious education per week. And I can go in and talk about my faith in Jesus, read the Bible and here in America, with the wealth of a Christian heritage, its not free." Pat Robertson "Well you can do it in Nicaragua, in communist Nicaragua. The Gideons can go and pass out Bibles. But this law did not have anything to do with the public schools, or the state or the federal government, or anybody else. We're talking about private individuals, i.e. the students themselves. If they want to talk about abortion, homosexuality, Maoism, Marxism, socialism, Ku Klux Klan, Nazism, anything, they can do that. No problem, nobody ever questions it. It's only when they talk about God. That's utter nonsense. But congratulations, your honor. You're on the right track.

700 Club 9-22-89 News segment: Lawsuit involving frozen embryos. Segment contains quotes from Alan Dershowitz. Pat Robertson "That's Alan Dershowitz, one of the leading liberals who. reside at Harvard, most of whom we disagree with, so that's the way it is." "It doesn't get to be a major victory until it gets up to a certain court or the Supreme Court. Nevertheless, it shows the thinking in certain judicial circles that indeed life begins at conception. This has an enormous impact on the whole debate about abortion." "If we're doing what we do to fetuses and embryos inside women's VOLUME 10, Issue 9 105 1 September 19 89 wombs, what are we going to do to what's in a petri dish? I mean it opens up a nightmare of experimentation and a brave new world of strange new genetic combinations. You know its opening Pandora's box." The news continued with a report on Hurricane Hugo and an interview with Bob Warren of CBN's Operation Blessing on their efforts in connection with Americare in St. Croix, Charleston, and other places hit by Hugo. Report on Lebanon and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's plan for Middle East peace and other Middle East news. Report on Bush Administration responses from Cynthia Glasser with comments from Hyman Bookbinder, Rep. Mary Rose Oakar, Rep. Lee Hamilton, James Abourezk, and Ariel Sharon. Segment on British rock star Cliff Richards interrupted by ads for CBN Worship Leaders Conference, Oct. 6-8th and another ad for "The Plan." Also mentioned Robertson's new booklet Family Life. Testimony of Hilda Forehand, victim of a boating accident and her religious experiences. Robertson reminded listeners of Seven Days Ablaze in about a week and encouraged people to send in prayer requests. Health report on different foods, especially sugar and artificial sweeteners and their effect on behavior. Robertson repeated his earlier warnings about NutraSweet. Show ended with a demonstration by the National Hollerin' Champion.

700 Club 9-26-89 Pat Robertson was in Mississippi, not part of today' s show. News segment with Dale Hurd included: Charleston after Hugo Lebanon Elizabeth Morgan's release Gorbachev & the fall session of the Supreme Soviet Religious liberty and the public school and American's United with news clip from Rev. Maddox from an A.U. press conf. Terri Meeuwson and Sheila Walsh discuss Equal Access and 1st Amendment. Segment with Janet Boyd on the Supreme Court. Briefly reviewed last year's decisions with statements from Alan Dershowitz and VOLUME 10, Issue 9 106 1 September 1989 Robert Bark. Robert Bark "Some justices are quite sensitive to how the court is viewed and I think all the talk, and in some quarters screaming, about how conservative the court has become, is likely to prevent it from moving any further in that direction, or likely to prevent some justices from moving any further in that direction. And I thlnk in part that was the object of some of the screaming. A form of· intimidation. No, I don't think this is a conservative court nor do I think it's about to become one." Segment continued with an explanation of next year's abortion and right-to-die cases with Bark and Oershowitz again being quoted. Both of them saying that this is not an issue for the courts. Possibility of new appointments to the court with Bork commenting on types of appointments. Terry and Sheila discuss the right to die, abortion, and the value of life. Testimony of 35 year old who had a heart attack on his honeymoon. Ad for CBN Vietnam Veterans conference, Nov. 17th and 18th. Segment on personality differences with author George Selig (CBN Dean of Education & Human Services.) Includes a personality survey. Health Report on PMS and more testimony.

700 Club 9-27-89

News reported by Pat Robertson: Governor's education summit in Charlottesville with Molly Yard & her "abortion show" to lobby against pro­ life position. Examples of failing education system. Pat Robertson "We don't need more money in education, ladies and gentlemen, we need to change what's being taught and the way it is taught." Hurricane Hugo relief Pressler appointment- Still on, despite reports to the contrary. Patrick McGuigan (Free Congress) statement. Pat Robertson "The issue is there are 7 million Muslims in America and there are probably 50 million evangelical Christians. The answer is VOLUME 10, Issue 9 107 1 September 1989 that the 50 million evangelical Christians don•t stand a chance of an appointment in any government agency that has to be confirmed by the Senate because of the liberal merry-go-round. Here• s how it starts. This is an article from the Washington Post ... Where did the Washington Post find out that Judge Pressler, whose ethics are impeccable, has an ethics problem? Well, a senior White House official leaked the story ... A person, in the administration, who does not like evangelicals surreptiously leaks confidential information but the Post report says that as far as they can tell there is nothing wrong with Mr. Pressler in relation to morality, nothing wrong with Mr. Pressler in relation to money, nothing wrong with Mr; Pressler in relation to misuse of his office but they just say •something in that report, confidential that nobody can see. • Now there•s nothing there. This is the way it happens, so the Senators read the ethics problem, and then the People for the American Way start in, the NOW start in, the ACLU starts in, the ABA and some of the liberal groups start in and they begin to bombard the Senators. •vou•re not going to confirm someone for an ethics post who has a clear ethics problem are you? Look at the Washington Post.• ... Now, the question is, if you take it lying down, there will never be an evangelical appointed to anything, because the only thing he• s done wrong is be a strong evangelical who stands up for the Bible." Sheila Walsh "What can people do ... " Pat Robertson "Well, they can tear their hair out, or chew the rug, or they can kick the door or they can call the White House. And I think that calling the White House probably is the most effective. And say, Judge Paul Pressler, we support him and evangelicals in government and we•re not going to let the Washington Post and a one or two assassins within the administration cut these people up."

News segment continues. Reports of desegregation in South Africa. Yassir Arafat visa request Segment on Robertson•s recent visit to Mississippi for a graduation at the Mississippi State Penitentary. Inmates were taught to read using CBN•s Sing, Spell, Read, and Write literacy program. Mentions Operation Blessing•s Heads Up program, goals and achievements, and efforts in Mississippi. Ad for Sing, Spell, Read, and Write. Ad for "The Plan" Segment: "Global perspective on the dramatic explosion of Islam." VOLUME 10, Issue 9 108 1 September 1989 Statements from: Dr. David Kerr, Hartford Seminary Dr. Muhammed Syed, Internatl. Inst. of Islamic Thought Dr. Jorgen Nielsen, Dir., Center for the Study of Islam, England Dr. Khalid Alavi, Dir., Birmingham (Eng) Central Mosque Guest: David Aikman, foreign affairs correspondent for Time Magazine, coauthor of Massacre in Beijing, speaking on ~oslems in Russia and nationalism; China. Segment on fashion designer Jenny Johanssen Johnson(?) with DeDe and Pat Robertson.

700 Club 9-28-89 This entire show was broadcast from Charleston, SC. reporting on the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo including interviews with city officials and residents. News: Ferdinand Marcos' death Governor's education summit; report by Cynthia Glaser with quotes by Bush and Governor Clinton. Pro-choice and anti-abortion activities in Charleston Pat Robertson " ... The problem is very, very, simple. We've got to put God back in to the classrooms of America and get back to moral teaching ... " "They need to change 50 years of miseducation under John Dewey and the humanists."

700 Club 9-29-89 News segment: --Hurricane Hugo damage --Defeat of Helms Amendment for funding of the arts. Discussed the depravity of the Maplethorpe exhibit at length. Pat Robertson "The freedom of speech, ladies and gentlemen, was guaranteed by the founders of America for one major reason - that we could criticize the government. We could speak out freely about political abuse, that's what it's in there for. The founders of our country never intended to put a blanket grant of authority for obscene, pornographic, obnoxious material, or 1 ibel, or slander, or defamation, or some of these other things."

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 109 1 September 1989 Robertson urged people to call their senators and to hold them accountable for their votes at election time. --Refugees from U.S.S.R. Special report on problems of Russian Christians who want to immigrate to the United States. --Armstrong Amendment on Religious Liberties. Quote from press conference with Robert Dugan, Director, National Association of Evangelicals. Robertson explained the Georgetown Univ. case and points out that Christians are not only required to accept these immoral practices but now are required to pay for them. Robertson quotes on forcing people to pay for things they don't believe in. Special Segment: The Charismatic Movement. Report provides statistics on church membership and reasons for the decline. Discussion of Charismatic renewal of mainline churches, growth of independent Charismatic churches, and the history of the Charismatic church. Robertson interviews Harald Bredesen, President & Founder of Charisma Ministries and John Sherrill, author and founder of Chosen Books. Robertson said the that two largest groups in his audience are the Baptists and the Catholics, in that order. Testimony of woman cured while watching 700 Club. Report on children helped by Operation Blessing.

Old Time Gospel Hour 9-24-89 Falwell introduced guest pastor evangelist David Ring.

Sunday at Thomas Road Baptist Church 9-24-89 Announcements: May 6-10, 1990 - Super Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders. Guests will be Adrian Rogers, Bailey Smith, and Jerry Vines. Falwell mentions NYT article "IRS Intensifies Probe of Falwell." He stated that the rest of the article was accurate but the headline was "yellow journalism." Today's sermon: Romans 1:18-32, "The Wrath of God." Falwell's message was that God hates sin and judges sinners "right now" not only on Judgement Day. On AIDS: Falwell says that he does not believe that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality but God's judgement on society for endorsing what God condemns.

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 110 1 September 1989 Jerry Falwell "We have a Congress in Washington, we have a court system in this country that endorses deviant behavior as being normal. It's like saying 'God, you're a liar. There's nothing wrong with human beings living like animals.'" On doctors who perform abortions: Jerry Falwell "[God] literally dumps them into the cesspool and says swim around, you chose it." On pornography: Jerry Falwell "Many of the violent crimes that are going on in our world today are a direct result of the people who've been given up to uncleanness in the pornography industry." "It wasn't many years ago in this country where if you were going to see vulgar, immoral practices you had to go to the barnyard because human beings didn't do it, just animals who didn't know better. Today every town has the nude places ... where people pay to go in and see things that are below brute beast. And they turn on their TV and they buy and rent tapes and they watch and Hollywood pumps it out." "There is a battle in America today for the minds of the people. It's being waged in the classrooms. It's being waged on TV. It's being waged in the movie industry. It's being waged everywhere and Mom's, Dad's, pastors, and teachers, we need to know how to deal with that." Announced the "Liberty Institute for Lay Counseling" as a solution to the problem. LILC is set up similarly to Liberty Home Bible Institute.

D. James Kennedy 9-3-89 Kennedy started the broadcast mentioning that it is time to go back to school and how back to school meant another year of "secularistic brainwashing" for those children in public schools. Advertised his new book, Truth and Education. Sermon topic: the value of a Godly education. Traced the history of Christian education in America and showed how the lack of Christian education recently has led to increase in illiteracy. Gave statistics comparing the performance of U.S. children to children in other countries. Discussed Horace Mann and John Dewey and the rise of modern public education and the decay of morality in education. Quoted from Vitz study on religion in textbooks. James Kennedy "The greatest amount of censorship that is going on anywhere in

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 111 1 September 1989 the world is the censorship that is in American schools censoring Christianity into nonexistence." Mentioned the Gablers and quoted extensively from their textbook reviews. James Kennedy "The media has been saying for years as they present the filth and garbage of the world that this is realism ... I grant, that both toilets and sewers are real but they are not the only reality in our world. But from the writing and language of some of the people and textbooks and the media, you would suppose that these people live there all of the time." Insight Segment: School-based health clinics Quotes from interview with Barret Mosbacker, author of School­ Based Health Clinics. Mosbacker points out that clinics prov1de basic health care as a cover. Discussed the plot to put clinics in lower income school districts and used Chicago clinics and the suit brought against them as an example. Discussed South Carolina woman who founded Citizens for Quality Education to oppose South Carolina's sex education plan. Kennedy followed up with information from a Roper poll on education citing the following statistics. 30% feel that quality education for their children is a necessity for their lives. 79% feel that a microwave oven is a necessity in their lives.

D. James Kennedy 9-24-89 Sermon: The sexual revolution as a rebellion against God. Kennedy's insight segment was an interview with George Grant, author of Grand Illusions; the Legacy of Planned Parenthood. Kennedy and Grant d1 scussed Planned Parenthood's act1v1t1es and their history as an organization. Claimed was "racist" and that her racist tone continues today. Grant claims that Planned Parenthood appeals to people's basest emotions. George Grant "The whole birth control program of Planned Parenthood ... is designed to allow them to use recreational drugs in order to pursue sensual desires that according to all of Western civilization for the last 2000 years are innapropriate at best and sinful at worst." James Kennedy "When you consider the millions and millions of unwed teenagers VOLUME 10, Issue 9 112 1 September 1989 that have either gone or been taken by schools to their facilities to have abortions they ought to really change their name to Planned Unparenthood." Grant claims that Planned Parenthood programs don't work but make the problems they want to solve worse. He claimed that Planned Parenthood has advocated: forced abortions forced family planning for welfare recipients restrictions and tax penalties for large families Kennedy offered selected excerpts from Grant's book to those who write to Coral Ridge Ministries.

VOLUME 10, Issue 9 113 1 September 1989