June 13, 2014

TIME FOR URGENT ACTION ON THE GUN BILL (H.4121) Please Call your Representative and your Senator AND Call at least 5 people you know and get them to call their

legislators too!

We all must act now to assure passage of the gun violence prevention bill, H. 4121, before the end of the legislative session in July.

House Speaker Robert DeLeo's bill was very narrowly (7-6) reported out of committee. Passage is in great jeopardy. The Gun Owners Action League (GOAL) is loud and active. We must be heard, too!

Please call or email your Representative and Senator now; a call is best. Make it clear that as a member of the League of Women Voters, part of the Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, you support the Speaker's gun bill, H.4121. If you live outside of Interstate 495, it is particularly important to contact your two legislators, since the anti-gun-control lobby is strongest in the western and southeastern areas. Even if you know your legislators support this bill, they need to be able to say that their constituents are behind it.

You can find the contact information for your legislator here.

Then please ask five friends to call their legislators. If they don't know who their legislators are, they can find out here.

The Representatives below are listed as undecided on this bill. If one of them is your Representative, it is critically important to contact him or her.

Kate Hogan Wayne Matewsky Rhonda Nyman Jen Benson William "Smitty" Pignatelli Denise Andrews Tom Stanley John Fernandes Walter Timilty Tom Calter Josh Cutler Jonathan Zlotnick Diana DiZoglio Paul Heroux Jeff Roy

Randy Hunt

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