Survey on Locally Factorial Krull Domains Publications Du Département De Mathématiques De Lyon, 1980, Tome 17, Fascicule 1 , P
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PUBLICATIONS DU DÉPARTEMENT DE MATHÉMATIQUES DE LYON ALAIN BOUVIER Survey on Locally Factorial Krull Domains Publications du Département de Mathématiques de Lyon, 1980, tome 17, fascicule 1 , p. 1-33 <> © Université de Lyon, 1980, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la série « Publications du Département de mathématiques de Lyon » im- plique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pé- nale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques Publications du Département de Mathématiques Lyon 1980 t. 17-1 SURVEY ON LOCALLY FACTORIAL KRULL DOMAINS Alain Bouvier In the following diagram, we consider some classes of rings which have been introduced to study integrally closed domains: Discrète valuation ring •^^ Noetherians S (DVR) '•^N. non ' \. χ . _ noeterian^^ -, . / Dedekind valuation ^ . ^/ ι \ Factorial u + ^ (UFD) * Regular ι bezout y ^-^ST ><Γ*" \ ^^^^ / locally ^ \ ηηΤΛ , . \( factorial \ GCD-domain s ,( -,Λ , . \ ^ νKrull domains Prîif er - \ ν ^ Krull \ \ f locally " ^N domains \ | factorial j ι -x \ ν domains \ ' i/^ completely j locally % integrally î GCD-domains / closed Integrally closed 1 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains Assuming furthermore that the domains are noetherian the above diagram collapses and becomes the diagram below· Valuation = DVR l Principal = Bezout UFD = GCD Prufer = Dedekind Regular locally GCD = locally factorial = locally factorial Krull l Krull = integrally closed In this note we shall prove some interesting properties of locally factorial Krull domains; namely: 1) They are the Krull domains such that every divisor- ial idéal Is invertible; in comparison, Dedekind domain have the property that non-zero ideals are invertible and UFD1s that every divisorial is principal. 2) For a locally factorial Krull domain A , the Picard group Pic(A) is equal to the class group c£(A) ; c A thus the quotient group ^ ^|pic(A) indicates how far the Krull domain A is from being a locally factorial domain. 2 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains 3) In order to prove a ring A is factorial it is convenient to prove that A is locally factorial and satisfies few more conditions (for instance A is noetherian on Pic(A) = 0 ). Several of thèse results, like in [GR], are proved for noetherian domains; what is yet true without this hypothesis? Before the study of locally factorial Krull domains (§3) we indicate a few properties of domains satisfying local conditions: locally GCD-domains and locally UFD. We end this lecture by posing some questions related to this topic. I want to thank D.D. Anderson for the stimulating letters he sent to me, P. Ribenboim and A, Geramita for their help while I was preparing this lecture. 3 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains § 1. Preliminaries To make this paper easy to read, we summarize in this first paragraph the terminology and notations used in the following ones. More détails can be found in [Β], [BG], or [F]. (1-1) Let A be a domain. We write Κ = Frac(A) its field of quotients, Spec(A) its prime spectrum, Max(A) its maximal spectrum and X^^CA) the set of height one prime ideals of A A non null (fractional) idéal is called divisorial or a v-ideal if it is the intersection of any family of principal ideals. Let D(A) be the set of such ideals and I(A) the monoid of non null ideals in A . We write Div(A) for the set of divisors of A ; that is, the quotient of I(A) by the Artin congruence defined by I Ξ J if and only if A : I = A : J . Let div : HA) -+ biv(A) be the canonical surjection. We write I ^ = A:I and since I = (I 1)""1 is a v-ideal, we call it the ν-idéal associated to I . If 1' is a prime, we sometimes write p^n^ instead of (Pn) . We say I is a v-ideal η of finite tvpe if I = (Σ a.A) for some a. ε Κ . Let D (A) be the set of v-ideals of finite type, P(A) the set of principal ideals and Cart(A) the Cartier group of invertible ideals of Aj one has the folJowing inclusion: 4 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains P(A) <=—> Cart(A)^—* Dt(A)^-—>D(A)<=—->I(A) A domain A is a Dedekind domain if and only if Cart(A) = I(A) or if and only if D(A) = I(A) Principal UFD Dedekind ι : 1 ι 1 p(A)c >Cart(A)* > D(A) c > I(A) We will complète this diagram later (§3)· We say a ring A [resp. on idéal I of A] satisfies locally a property Ρ if each Ap [resp. each IAp] satisfies the property Ρ for every Ρ ε Spec(A). For instance, a ring A is locally a UFU if every Ap for } ε Spec(A) is an UFD. An idéal 1 is invertible if and only if I is finitely generated and locally principal. (1-2) Let ^i^iei a iamuy of subrings of a field Κ . We say this family satisfies (FC) ("finiteness condition") if every non real élément χ ε Κ is a unit in every A^ but finitely many of them. A domain A is a Krull domain if there exists a family ^ΐ^£ει °^ discrète valuation rings in Frac(A) , satisfying the finiteness condition and such that A = f\ i 5 Survey on locally fictorial Krull domains Recall that if A is a Krull domain, then A . /Ο Ap , the Ap are discret valuation rings, the ΡεΧνι'(Α) V V family (Απ) satisfies (FC) and if (V.).T is P (i) 1 ιεΙ another family of discrète valuation rings satisfying the same conditions then for every Ρ ε X^\A) , their exists i ε I such that An = V. The AN are called the Ρ ι Ρ essential valuation rings of A . If A is a Krull domain, then Div A is a free abelian group with {div P} n. as a basis; the ΡεΧνΐ;(Α) subgroup of principal divisors is denoted by Prin(A) , the quotient group Div(A)|ppin(A) = et(A) is called the class group of A and the canonical image of Cart(A) in c£(A) the Picard group of A denoted by Pic(A) · In a Dedekind domain, cl(A) = Pic(A). Let Y be a subset of X^"^(A) ; the ring Αγ = ^""^ Ap is a Krull ring called a subintersection χ ρεγ Y of A ; for instance one can prove every ring of quotients is a subintersection. (1-3) Let A be a Krull ring, Αγ a subintersection, Y the set complément of Y in X(1)(A) and G (Y) the group generated by the canonical image of Y in c£(A)· then there exists a canonical map cl(A) c£(Ay) and CLABORN [C ] proved that the following séquence of groups i s exact : 6 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains LCLAB] 0 + G (Y) + cl(A) + c£(Ay) + 0 In particular, if S "''A is a ring of quotients of A^ then c£(A) + cl(S ^A) is surjective and its kernel is generated by the images of the height one primes which meet S (1-4) Spécial notations and terminology AR overring of a domain A is a domain Β such that A C Β dFrac(A). Following Gilmer, we write A(x) the quotient ring S A[x] where S is the set of polynomials whose coefficients generate the unit idéal. If S is a multiplicatively closed set of ideals of A , then A0 will dénote the S-transform of the generalized quotient ring of A with respect to S (see [ARB]). A domain A is cohérent if the intersection of two ideals finitely generated is an idéal finitely generated. Ail the rings are domains; for instance the valuation rings or the Krull rings are actually domains. 7 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains § 2 · Local Properties ( 2-1) GCD-domains A GCD-domain is a domain A satisfying the following équivalent conditions: i) aA Λ bA is principal for any a,b € Frac(A) ; ii) A: (A: aA + bA) is principal for any a,b 6 Frac(A) ; iii) Every finitely gençrated v-ideal is principal (i.e. Dt(A) = P(A)). For instance, UFD1s, Bezout rings and so valuation rings are GCD-domains. If A is a noetherian or a Krull domain one checks that A is a GCD-domain if and only if A is a UFD. A GCD-domain A is integrally closed and Pic(A) = 0 . But an integrally closed domain A with Pic(A) =0 is not necessarily a GCD-domain. Let f ε A[x] ; the v-ideal of A generated by the coefficients of f is a principal idéal, denoted cCf)^ and called the v-content of f . If c(f) = aA , then f = af# with c(f*) = A . A polynomial f ε A[x] such that c(g) = A is called a v-primitive polynomial. Any Ρ ε Spec(A[x]) such that Ρ f\ A = (0) contains a v-primitive polynomial. Properties of v-contents can be found in [Me] and [T]. For instance, if A is a GCD-domain and f ε KLx] , then there exists a ε c(f)""^ such that 8 Survey on locally factorial Krull domains fK[x] Π ALx] = afAlx] If A is a GCD-domain^the rings A[x], A(x) and any localizations of A are also GCD-domain.