SESSION X.—1823'.

Pittsburgh, August 5, 1823. The Synod ot‘ the Reformed Presbyterian Church met. agreeably to adjournment, and by request of the Modera¬ tor, was constituted by the Rev. Dr. M’Leod. By appoint¬ ment of last Synod, this meeting was to hare been opened With a sermon on regeneration, by Mr. John Gibson, but by a vote of Synod, the sermon was postponed till 7 o’clock, this evening. The Synod then proceeded to ascertain the members of the present Synod, when it appeared there were present from the Northern Presbytery, the Rev. Dr. M’LEOD, and soon after appeared, Messrs. JAS. R. WILLSON, JAMES MIL¬ LIGAN, and SAMUEL M. WILLSON, Ministers; no ruling eh dors. From the Presbytery of , Rev. Dr. WY¬ LIE, Messrs. ROBEIIT LUSK, and JOHN GIBSON, Ministers, Messrs. ROBERT ORR, and JOHN STEELE, Ruling Elders. From (he Presbytery of , Rev. WILLIAM GIBSON,


THAN GILL, and ROBERT GIBSON, Ministers, Messrs. WIL¬


LOVE, EBENEZER GILL, and JAMES COOK, Ruling Elders. ~ ' / From the Western Presbytery, Rev. SAMUEL WYLIE; no \ ruling elders. From the Southern Presbytery, no members 7htU~- 1Y\ (is yet appeared.^ . n/ ^ The rules were called for and read. , /w W1The present Moderator and clerk continued. . jjr ^pjjeoj stated, that Mr. Samuel W. Crawford was /ordained by the Northern Presbytery, on the 15th of May, / 1823, and he introduced him to the Synod as a member of the Northern Presbytery. The Synod invite Mr. Craw- ')U.%>. /o-to- /J^e>-T^ .- — fg&CcCe,izL~ cz 11 , )t i. 'UP'OLC. J-zrv^. ^ /3^+XOMX. Jrt,ntX V_ 7 - Jl^zjcXZ, &M 6r^urfrJL 3P~fCyX.cz-yiL£jZ-jb-/t7lA^ (.Z}'Lo~-

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7/<^7xw - _ Xc7tt/C , MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 125 ford to a seat. He took his seat accordingly. Mr. Rob¬ ert Gibson, who had been introduced to Synod at their last meeting, by the report of the Presbytery of Pitts¬ burgh, as an ordained minister, was now personally in¬ troduced and invited to a seat in Synod. He took his seat accordingly. Mr. Gavin M’Millan, who had been ordained May 7

3 o’clock, Eoilem die et loco. The Synod met, and were called to order by the Moder¬ ator. Same members ut supra. On motion, Mr. Samuel W. Crawford was appointed as¬ sistant clerk. The court proceeded to the nomination of committees. The committee for unfinished business, Rev. Messrs. Black and Crawford. For Presbyterial Reports, Rev. Messrs. Milligan and S. Wylie. For the Seminary, Messrs. James R. Willson and Wil¬ liam Gibson. For the signs of the times, Messrs. Lusk and Robert Gibson. For cases of discipline, Drs. M’Leod and Wylie. For foreign correspondence, Drs. M’Leod and Wylie. The minutes of last Synod were called for and read. The unfinished business was referred to the committee on unfinished business. Papers were called for : two from Lincoln county, West Tennessee, were presented and read. They were sails up- 11 £26 MINUTES OE THE SYNOD.

on Rev. Robert Lusk. They were referred to a select com mittee consisting of Messrs. Black, Gill, and S. Wylie, to which committee, on motion, Rev. Gavin M’Millan was added. On motion. Dr. Wylie was added to the committee on the Theological Seminary. Receiving Presbyterial reports was made the order of the day for to-morrow. The Synod agree, that there shall be a recess of this court till ” o’clock this evening. At 7 o’clock, the Rev. John Gibson, according to former appointment, delivered a discourse from John iii. 5 Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be burn of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the k ingdom of God. After hearing the sermon, the court adjourned till to-morrow at 9 o’clock, A. M.

Jlugust G, 1823, Eodern loco-. Pursuant to adjournment, the court met and came to or der. Same members ut supra. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read. The order of the day w as receiving Presbyterial reports. The Northern Presbytery presented their report, which was read and referred to the committee on Presbyterial re ports. The Philadelphia Presbytery reported in part. From certain circumstances, part of this report was given in ver¬ bally, and part in writing. This report announced the dis¬ junction of Rev. Robert Lusk from his charge in Conoco- eheague. Referred to the above committee. The Pittsburgh -and Western Presbyteries were called on for reports, but were not as yet prepared. The Synodical committee appointed for the rcorganiza tion of the Southern Presbytery, &c. were called oil to re- MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 137 port, which tlicy did. This report stated the reorganiza¬ tion of the Southern Presbytery, May, 1822, &c. Refer¬ red to the committee on Presbvterial reports. On motion, Dr. M’Leod and Mr. Brown were added to the committee on Presbyterial reports. The committee on unfinished business were called to re port. They reported that they had made some progress, but were not fully prepared. On motion, Mr. Samuel M. Willson was added to the committee on the signs of the times. On motion, Mr. Cannon was added to the committee on, unfinished business. Adjourned till 3 o’clock, P. AL

3 o’clock, Eodem die et toco. The court met, and were called to order by the Moder¬ ator. Same members ut supra. The committee on unfinished business were called on to report. They presented a report which was taken up in order. It was inquired by Synod, if the fast and thanksgiving days enjoined at last meeting of Synod, had been observed in the congregations respectively. The answer was satis¬ factory. The committee appointed to report on the argumenta tive part of the Testimony, were called on. They signified that they would be in readiness to report to-morrow. Hear¬ ing their report was made the order of the day for to-mor¬ row afternooon. Inquiry was made at the clerk of the Synod, whether he had procured a book, as directed at a former meeting of Synod, and had the minutes of Synod engrossed therein: this had been done, and the book was presented to Synod Approved, 128 MINUTES OE THE SYNOD.

The clerk was ordered to have the bill presented ts Synod for liquidation: with which he complied. The committee appointed to prepare a chapter on Adop¬ tion, with a view to its being inserted in the Testimony, were inquired at whether they had fulfilled their appoint¬ ment. They answered in the affirmative, and presented a draught thereof, which was read, and fifty copies there¬ of were ordered to be printed forthwith, and given to the members of court. The further consideration of which w as made the order of the day for to-morrow forenoon. A memorial was received from Robert Brown of Greens- burgh, respecting measures to be taken for the resuscita¬ tion of the Theological Seminary. Adjourned till 9 o'clock, A. M, to-morrow.

August 7, 1823, Eodem loco Pursuant to adjournment, the court met, and were called to order by the Moderator. Same members ut antea. The minutes oflast sederunt were called for and read. The committee on I'resbyterial reports presented their report, which, with some amendments, was adopted as fol¬ lows— Your committee recommend the acceptance of the re¬ port of the Northern Presbytery. The newlv organized congregation of Patterson, being, however, geographically without their precincts, and yet more contiguous, in some respects, to New York connex¬ ions, we would recommend, for the present, its attachment, together with New Milford congregation, to the Northern Presbytery. Among the papers submitted to the committee, they find a call on the Rev. Robert Lusk, from the congregation of “Walnut Ridge, , and they recommend that the call be referred to the committee on the call from Elk, Ten¬ nessee. MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 4S9

The statements made by your commission to the south, appear satisfactory, and we accordingly recommend the a- doption of their report, and their honourable discharge. The reports of the proceedings of the Southern Presby¬ tery, the Western Presbytery, and the Presbytery of Pitts¬ burgh, have not yet been made, and your committee, of course, have nothing further to add. Adjourned till 3 o'clock, F. M.

3 o'clock, F. M. The court met, agreeably to adjournment. Same mem¬ bers ut supra. The Rev. Hugh M’Millan appeared, and was introdu¬ ced by the Rev. John Cannon, as an ordained minister, as would appear by the report of the Synodical committee, for the reorganizing of the Southern Presbytery. On motion, he was invited to a seat in Synod. He took his scat accor¬ dingly. Mr. M’Millan was inquired at, whether the observation of the fast and thanksgiving days enjoined by last Synod, had been duly attended to in his congregation. He an¬ swered in the affirmative. A paper was received, signed “ A Member,” recommend ing and proposing a plan for resuscitating the Seminary. This paper was referred to the committee on the Theologi¬ cal Seminary, also the report which that committee had presented, to further consider all these papers, in con¬ nexion. The Western Presbytery were called to report. That report to be received to-morrow. Hr. M’Leod laid on the table, with notice that he w ould Call it up to-morrow, a resolution proposing tire organiza¬ tion of a General Synod on the principle of a represen¬ tation of Presbyteries, &c. 130 MINUTES OP THE SYNOD.

The order of the day was called for: this was the con¬ sideration of the chapter on Adoption, to be inserted in the Testimony. On motion, the Synod went into a committee of the whole, for its consideration, Rev. Mr. Williams in the chair. Various amendments and alterations were made, which were inserted in the overture. The committee rose, and the Moderator having resumed his seat, presented their a- mendments to Synod.—Made the order of the day for to¬ morrow. The assistant clerk to prepare two copies as thus amended, for the use of the Moderator and clerk. The court then adjourned till to-morrow at 9 o’clock, M. Moderator concluded by prayer,

•tfffg’t/sf 8, 1823. Pursuant to adjournment, the court met, and were called to order by the Moderator. Dr. M’Leod called up the resolution laid on the table yesterday, which is as follows:—Resolved, that a General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian church be organized on the principle of a representation of Presbyteries, in the ratio of two ministerial delegates, and as many elders, for every three ministers of which a Presbytery consists, and that said Synod shall meet once in every two years. On motion, this resolution was referred to a committee of one member from each of the Presbyteries. The members named were Drs. M’Leod and Wylie, Messrs. Black, S. "Wylie, and Hugh M’Millan. The Presbytery of Pittsburgh reported; also the South¬ ern Presbytery. These reports were referred to the com¬ mittee on Presbyterial reports. A petition was received from certain persons in South Carolina, addressed to the Southern Presbytery, and ex¬ pressing a desire that it should be laid before Synod, era- MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 131 ving direction in relation to certain parts of our Testimo¬ ny, and tlieir bearing on the article of Slavery, &c. Refer¬ red to the committee on discipline. The Western Presbytery presented their report, which was referred to the committee on Presbyterial reports. Dr. M’Leod, after an appropriate preface, read a reso¬ lution presenting a preamble and form of a covenant. On motion, this document was referred to a committee consis¬ ting of Drs. M’Leod, and Mr. Black, and on motion, Mr. Willson was added to that committee. The order of the day was the consideration of the chap¬ ter on Adoption. It was considered section by section, and underwent various amendments. The vote was then ta¬ ken on the whole, as thus amended, adopt, or not adopt. The Synod decide unanimously, adopt. Mjourned till 3 o’duck, P. A/.

3 o'clock, Eodem die et loco. Synod met, and were called to order by the Moderator. Same members ut supra. The minutes of last sederunt were read and approved. The committee appointed on the signs of the times were ealled on to report. The chairman of that committee read a draught of causes, botli of thanksgiving and of fasting. This draught was adopted, and 'the first Thursday of No¬ vember next, was appointed as a day of fasting and humil¬ iation, and the first Thursday of January, 1S3F, as a day of thanksgiving. The committee appointed on the argumentative part of the Testimony, reported. Dr. M’Leod, for reasons presen¬ ted by him, tendered his resignation as the chairman, and as a member of that committee, at the same time informing 'he court that he had made considerable progress in the work, and presenting to the court « draught of the plan i32 MINUTES OE THE SYNOD.

which lie had intended to pursue in completing this docu¬ ment. It was moved and seconded, that the Synod sustain the reasons offered by Dr. M’Leod for his failure in comple¬ ting the work assigned him—that they respectfully return to him his resignation, and allow him all reasonable time to finish the work. On motion, the further consideration of this resolution was postponed. The committee on Presbyterial reports, presented the following report— The report of the Southern Presbytery exhibits a very pleasant prospect of that section of the church. We con¬ gratulate them upon their prosperity, and recommend the adoption of their report. On the report of the Pittsburgh Presbytery, your com¬ mittee have nothing particular to remark, only that we cordially rejoice in the peace and prosperity, which under the Divine auspices they participate5 and recommend their report to your adoption. The report from the Western Presbytery, is of a piece with the others, only in regard to a difficulty which pre¬ sents itself to them, about the contemplated convention, of the state of Illinois. They wish to know whether it be consistent with the church’s Testimony, that they take an active part in electing members for that convention. This part, wc think, should be referred to the committee on dis¬ cipline, and this report we recommend to your adoption. This report was accepted by Synod. The committee on the continuation of the history of the church, down to the present time, reported in part and had leave to sit again. Adjourned till 9 o'clock, A. M. to-morrow. MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 133

August 9, 1823, Eodem loco. Synod met, agreeably to adjournment, and were called to order by the Moderator. Same members ut antea. A resolution was laid on the table by Mr. Samuel M. Willson, with a design of calling it up during the session, contemplating the indefinite postponement of the act res¬ pecting the Directory for Worship, and Book of Discipline. The committee on the formation of a representative Syn¬ od, presented a report, which was adopted as follows— The committee, impressed with a conviction that the principles of the resolution referred to them, appear obvi¬ ous to all, submit the following resolutions:— Resolved, that a General Synod of the Reformed Pres¬ byterian church, to meet biennially, be formed by delega¬ tion from the several Presbyteries. That each Presbytery shall have the right of sending two ministers and as many ruling elders, and that the ra¬ tio of increase of the number of delegates be, until further order be takeu on the subject, two ministers and as many- ruling elders, for every three ministers of which the Pres¬ bytery consists. That the first meeting of General Synod be held in the City' of New York, on the first Tuesday of August, 1823, at 7 o’clock, P. M. Hearing the report of the committee on the Theological Seminary, made the order of the day for Monday morning. Adjourned till Monday at 10 o’clock, A. M.

August 11, 1823, Eodem loco. Pursuant to adjournment, the court met, and were called to order by the Moderator. Same members ut antea. Agreed, that the consideration of the report on the The¬ ological Seminary, be made the order of (he day for the afternoon. S MINUTES OF THE SYNOlr

Mr. Samuel M. Willson called up the resolution which he had laid on the table relative to the indefinite postpone¬ ment of the consideration of the Directory, Book of Discip¬ line, &c. which was amended and adopted as follows— Resolved, that the further consideration of the Book of Discipline, Form of Church Government, and Directory for Worship, be postponed until the next meeting of Synod. Mr. Milligan laid on the table the following resolution : Resolved, that a committee he appointed to prepare and lav hefore-the next meeting of Synod, a draught of -a memo¬ rial, containing an analysis of scripture magistracy, to which the various denominations, likely to approve of the same, may he invited to accede, and pledge themselves in their respective places and stations, to use all lawful en¬ deavours to bring the federal constitution and the state constitutions to a conformity therewith. Resolved, that sueh an expose of our principles on civil magistracy, although it should not be immediately success¬ ful, yet will bean honourable-and effectual mean of bring¬ ing our views before the world. The court adopt this res¬ olution, and refer it to the committee to be appointed on the draught of the form of a covenant. Adjourned till 3 o'clock, T. M.

3 o'clock, T. M. Eodem die et loco. The Synod met, and were called to order by the Moder¬ ator. Same members ul supra. The committee appointed to take order on the calls for¬ warded to this Synod from Elk congregation, Lincoln county, West Tennessee, and Walnut Ridge, Washing¬ ton county, state of Indiana, on the Rev. Robert Lusk, respectfully report. That these calls are respectable— That the call from Walnut Ridge has been duly mod- /.rated by the Rev. John Kell— Ikat the congregation MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 135 offer to Mr. Lusk, 250 dollars annually—That the call from Elk has not been moderated, but it appears, that this people had it not in their power to obtain a moderation. They promise to do all in their power to afford Mr. Lusk a comfortable support, should he accept it, but do not spe¬ cify any particular sum. Your committee are of opinion, that in existing: circumstances, both these calls should be sustained. Your committee respectfully recommend the following resolution: Resolmd, that the calls from Elk and Walnut Ridge be delivered into the hands of the Presbytery of Pittsburgh, enjoining that Presbytery to present these calls forthwith to the Rev. Robert Lusk, for bis acceptance or refusal, and that the clerk of that Presbytery aunounce to the said con¬ gregations, with all convenient speed, the result, whether Mr. Lusk accept or reject: and that Mr. Lusk be ordered to attend the meeting of said Presbytery for this purpose. This resolution was adopted by Syn*d. The committee on the Theological Seminary presented the following report, which was adapted by Synod— That the attempts to provide the means for the reor¬ ganization of the Theological Seminary have failed, be¬ cause the efforts made by the clergy to raise the requisite funds were not prosecuted with that energy and perseve¬ rance, which were calculated to insure success, and not from the want of either the power or the willingness of our people to make tire requisite contributions: but that, as an earnest recommendation of the revival of this institution has been presented in two papers to the Synod, from among the laity, accompanied with a judicious plan of financial operations, and an encouraging statistical estimate of the probable amount that may be raised for that object, the committee do, therefore, recommend to Synod the follow¬ ing resolutions— I. The adoption of the substance of the scheme of fl- 136 MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. nance, presented by Mr. Robert Brown, one of your ruling elders, and by another valuable paper on the same subjest, of which the following abstract embraces the most impor¬ tant items. I. The formation of societies in every congregation, and the appointment of a treasurer in each, to receive all contributions voluntarily made. 3. That books shall be kept by the treasurer, in which the names of donors and the sums contributed, shall be re¬ corded ; the books to be kept open for the inspection of all the contributors. 3. That a congregational treasurer shall be appointed to receive all monies paid by the society treasurers, for which he shall give receipts, and of which he shall keep a record. 4. The congregational treasurers shall pay all the mon¬ ies which they receive from the society treasurers, into the hands of a presbyteri?! treasurer, by whom the payments shall be receipted and recorded in a book. 5. The presbyterial treasurers shall pay the monies which they shall receive, into the hands of the Synod’s treasurer. 6. All the monies thus contributed, shall be placed un¬ der the control of Synod, exclusively for the Theolpgieal Seminary. 7. The books of the Synod’s treasurer shall be under the inspection of the Synod, those of the Presbyterial treasurer under the inspection of the Presbytery, those of congre¬ gational treasurers under that of the congregations, and those of the society treasurers under that of the society. II. In order to present a definite object of interest to the people, the Synod shall immediately proceed to the reor¬ ganization of the Seminary, by electing a professor, fixing its location, and appointing superintendents. On motion, that Dr. Wylie be elected professor of The¬ ology in the Theological Seminary, he was elected without a dissenting voice. MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 137

Dr. Wylie gratefully acknowledged his 9ense of the honour conferred on him, by the unanimous voice of Synod, but begged leave to decliue, for reasons which he was a- bout to offer; but at the request of .Synod, he postponed giving a definitive answer till to-morrow. On motion, Dr. M’Leod was requested to continue as the chairman of the committee on the argumentative part of the Testimony. On Dr. M’Leod’s still continuing to decline, by request, his definitive answer was postponed till to-morrow. The Synod agree that 2000 copies of the Testimony, with the addition of the continuation of the historical part, and the chapter on Adoption, be printed, and that the Evangelical Tract Society of New-York, be authorised to print them, if they can be printed at a price not exceeding 03 cents in boards, and 73 cents in plain sheep binding. Dr. M’Leod and Mr. James R. Willson are appointed a committee to superintend the printing of the Testimony. The committee appointed to prepare the chapter on Adoption, and the continuation of the historical part of the Testimony, are enjoined to finish the historical part, and transmit these documents, with all convenient speed, to the committee appointed for publication. On motion, the thanks of the Synod were tendered by the Moderator to Mr. John Gibson, for his sermon at the opening of the Synod, and he was requested to furnish a eopy for publication, with all convenient speed. With which Mr. Gibson complied. The Moderator, Mr. James R. Willson, is appointed to open the next Synod with a sermon upon the baptism of John, and in case of his absence, the Rev. Robert Gibson. The committee on general finance reported the follow¬ ing resolution— Resolved, that by occasional collections, and subscrip¬ tions, provision be made for a contingent fund, to print 138 MINUTES OF THE SYNOD.

documents, &.e. And that the fund for the Theological Seminary, the fund for travelling expenses, and the con- tingent fund, be kept separate. Adopted by the Synod. Adjourned till to-morrow at 9 o'clock, A. AI.

August 12, 1825, Eodem loco. Synod met, agreeably to adjournment. Same members lit autea. The committee on cases of Discipline, reported on the reference made to them of a certain memorial from Mr. Wright and others to the Southern Presbytery, and which had been ultimately referred to Synod. That (lie committee have deliberately considered this memorial, and find it an able and respectful representation of important practical questions, arising principally from the local circumstances of the church in the south. YouV committee aware, that, from positive statutes already made, no slaveholder can be held in the com¬ munion of this church, have only to add, that all practical difficulties which may occur in the application of this prin¬ ciple, to the several facts which may occur, had better be left to the discretion of the local and inferior judicatories, to take care that In those cases in which the power of the state is employed to prevent emancipation, that the church shall acton the true moral intent of the avowed principles and laws of the Reformed Presbyterian church; and it is the opinion of your committee, that the religious treatment of the blacks, whether in infancy or manhood, had better be referred to the judgment of church sessions. On the subject of freemasonry, your committee recom¬ mend to Synod to insert under the chapter on oaths, of vour Testimony, a new article, to testify against the oaths taken by freemasons. On the subject of juries, the committee recommend, that MINUTES OF THE SYNOD. 189 the inferior judicatories of this church be directed to deter¬ mine on a due consideration of* the practice of the several courts of jurisprudence, whether the juror comes under the operation of an immoral law, in the several courts in their own bounds, and give instruction to their people according to the special state of the case. This report was adopted by Synod. The committee on the draught of a covenant, reported to Synod the following resolutions, which were adopted— 1. That the draught of a covenant be referred to a com¬ mittee, with power to print fifty copies for the inspection of Synod at their next meeting. 2. That said committee be directed to prepare for said meeting of Synod a draught of apastoral letter on thesubjeet of covenants, and also an address to the Christian world at large. Messrs. Gilbert M’Master, Dr. M’Leod, Dr. Wy¬ lie and Mr. James R. Willson, are that committee. Dr. Wylie was now called on to say, whether he would accept of the professorship in the Theological Seminary, to which he was unanimously voted on yesterday. He did accept, craving, however, that if he found it incompatible with his other avocations, he might have liberty to resign at next meeting of Synod. Dr. M’Leod was ealled on to say, whether he would con¬ sent to continue as chairman of the committee to finish the draught of the argumentative part of the Testimony. He did consent to continue, and would endeavour all in his power the accomplishment of this important work, but would not pledge himself that he would he able to com¬ plete it. On motion, the thanks of the Synod were returned to Dr. Wylie and Dr. M’Leod, for their acceptance of their re¬ spective appointments. The Synod proceeded to the appointment of a board of Superintendents for the Theological Seminary. The Kev. 140 MINUTES OF THE SYNOD.

Dr. M’Leod, Rev. Gilbert M’Master and Rev. James R. Willson, were appointed to constitute that board. On motion, the Rev. Messrs. Black, Christie, and John Gibson, were added to the board of superintendents. Mr. Orr, of Philadelphia, was unanimously appointed the Synod's treasurer. The treasurers of the different Presbyteries are enjoined to transmit, on or before the first day of August, 1S2F, to the Synod’s treasurer, all the monies they have collected. The Presbytery of Pittsburgh reported, that according to Synodical appointment, they had presented to the Rev. Robert Lusk, the calls from Elk and Walnut Ridge, and that Mr. Lusk had accepted the call from Walnut Ridge, state of Indiana. The Synod accept this report. The Synod instruct the clerk of the Philadelphia Presby- I cry, to give to Mr. Lusk an honourable dismission from that Presbytery, which he is to present to the Western Presby¬ tery, and that they take measures forthwith to have Mr. Lusk installed in the congregation of Walnut Ridge. The Synod agree that fifty dollars be allowed to the staled clerk on every meeting of Synod, as a small remu¬ neration for his services. On motion, the last article of the terms of Ecclesiastical Communion was amended, by substituting in place of the li Reformed Presbytery,” the “ Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America.” Messrs. Black, Gibson, and John Hodge are appointed a committee to publish such extracts of the minutes of Syn¬ od, heretofore unpublished, as they may think proper, with all convenient speed, and that two hundred and fifty co¬ pies, at least, of the minutes are to be printed. No more business appearing before Synod, the Modera¬ tor concluded by prayer and singing. Signed, JAMES R. W iLLSox, Moderator. JOHX BLACK, Synod Clerk.