Report of the Census of 1921 of the Junagadh State
REPORT OF THE CENSUS OF 1921. A'. D. OF THE JUNAGADH ~ TATE _ ... F ..... a.J n r 4.00 BY Purushottamrai. B. Nanavati., B. A. CENSUS CINIiIRAL SUPERINTIiINDEN'l', J UNAGADH STATE. PRIN'I'ED AT THE JUNAGADH STATE PRIlSS. No. 205 of 1921. PURUSHOTTAMRAI ~HAGWATlpAS NANAWATI ESQ. B. A. The Census General Superintendent, J unagadh State. 'lo. TRIBHUVANRAI DULERAI lUNA, ESQ. B. A. LL., B. DewAn 8aheb, J unagadh State. JUN.l8.1J)B, . Dated, 818t October 1921. ~R. 1 have the honour to 8ub~jt the. lonowiiig rl!port. of ·the _gensuB Opem. :)n8, carried out lmder .~h.e superi~endenc~ first of Mr~- CbhaganW- H. Pandya the initial stages and then und~r myself 8S General Superintendent of the ;ate, from September, 1920 to 31st, October 1921. The Census Office was opened by:Dewan O~ce No. 39 dated. S·Oth of lIay,19iO, with Mr. Cbhaganlal· H. Pandya ,is Gene~ Superintendent, who ~cbarge of his duties~ on the 6th of June 1920. Immet:Iiate~J after taking e' Ilrga as General Superintendent of Censu"" Mr. Pandya-submitted his propo-: i Is abOut the required Staff and furniture.; but it took some time before the , pointmE!Dts were made, and the. several members cODstituting the &tal,couier .. e charge of their new dl1ti~, as the men w~re drafted from different nepar~ ta.. Bythe ,emi of June, however, most ··or-the clerks had joined the Office d'tbe furniture, ( at lea'lt the mo&:t neces~ry part of it ) was AlBO~_ :_tDppI!ed~· ·P8kl6 WllS tbtis in full elf_iog by the begi~)rii"ng of Jnly mo.~· .
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