has be ^^J^?^rt«« «rf ^ *i~ ion * ^~V advertising field have set up exhibits. •,-.,;•.__ ^ *~"~^ ~_- Onl_y_ G O pledge^ ——.s *ou t of -the .13 0 necessar-y to hold the - Th— e central theme of-* th- e exhibition is the tenth anniversary of the Gty affanrwere som, "Hds represe»ls the total^both X^>town ^Advertising I^ivision. One of the major exhibitswm be a ser^s of life-SfaKd I 1 and I^wntown, = ——-*—— -, "••—-^- — •—«—. -•••;•' - '• • ; •••-.'- ' - .:. ,V ,. • p*ctiire>grama ahowtog the great Mr. Irving Gregor. central WL--~~ZJ~ m TT% ' • '" ' :' " '; "'' '" • ^ variety a»* number £1 the^Prom because of the lack Lav e been active in extra- Two thousand advertising^ ex- ^interest a3*own by the MGSS&a^T curricular activities, during eeutives have received personal Negotiations are now jawomes& onors their stay at C3ty College must invitations to the show. The af­ with * the Hotel Capitol, where hand in their applications for fair is being covered by all the the affair was to. iHKve .taken A Wood bank program wili^be established at the Down­ Insignia awards no later than major trade magazines And the place, to release the, class from town on DecemberT and 8 in ortier to provide aU Tuesday. November 29. - local press.,, The net -e&eet, & i* 1*1 the three htmdred dollarobliga­ students, faculty members and their immediate famihes hoped, will be to focus the at­ tion it has incurred. "•„!_. with the means of obtaining wfaoie_ • •• "• • "• • ., •'.', ,"•'. ." •.,'.," tention of the advertising world blood, at no cost, in an emergency. 8a* Every effort wwscade in ad- on the Oty College Advertising \-ahce_io secure an adequate num­ The program provides jail con­ I^MCove? Division. ber- of pledges. A-dass rajly was tractors with hjqqd -if- ne**fed A thorough inanecrkMi at ^>e tlj held the Thursday- after Election The blood will be made available many exhibits will provide edu- -for"a:"period'-of one year after its cation in the field of advertising. - donation, :—. —"~" ~ —— The Oil Jxx2 post cards were ' sent "to Anyone in good health^who is 4 JRie time is rapidly approaching when we will be asked Jng. advertising agency procedure, juniors urging them -to—pledge between the ages of 18 and 59 may give blood, providing he has to contribute approximately twenty-five cents for a gift for reseacch, direct mail and outdoor ^~-d informing them that the each of our teachers. Once more both the faculty and advertising- .- d^.-adline on payment would be never had tuberculosis or jaun­ student reactions to giving gifts, —,"•- ' '•" •' ; ' • ••' Among the firms represented •<.-. the rally. The price of the dice. At the time of the dona* at i^nrisxmas-timChristnias-time are beinoeutg panban- WB* T>- -*M-. will b^ McGraw HiU, Printers p:«?dge during the last week was tion. the donor will be carefully died about by members of Sigma Olf*- tSY{tt*%&Y$ Ink, Tt^e^S'ational Broadcasting actually examined by a physician attached reduced to one dollar to the Red Cross mobile unit- AlohaAlpha,. Student Council., th«the» fa<»fac-­ _ _ ^_ . Company; Harpers Bazaar, The ocn the three dollars which had ulty and students in general in Saturday Evening Foar, National previously been the minimum The blood Trill be collected at the lounges and cafeteria- Make Future Outdoor Advertising Association. the College. lTie^process, accord­ arhount, in order to permit those - -Sigma Alpha is setting up a Assc^iation^TMr National Adver­ ing to the Bed Cross, is a safe, A;?h less ready cash to take part. committee to channel the money tisers (ANA"), Bureau of Adver­ Tne tvsil price would have been painless and easy one, which thatuwould be spent for prese»£s= 'With the belief -that a good tising — Amoriwin >fmp<- to insure that they wOl take their parents or guardians in. or­ for social week-ends. work at once,J" announced Gil Delta Sigma, Mi. Bert CanXield place. The Junior Prom, as or- der to give their blood Consent - The following statements seem Krinsky, chairman. of Babson Institute, win be Gie i-inaily planned, was to have slips can be obtained in the De­ to be representative of student guest speaker" of--tbe'-day. WTr. *-s-ken place in the Oak and Con­ partment of Student Life. They opinion; -The Big Brother Committee. Canfield -will also be guest of s'Elation Rooms of the Hotel should be returned to 921 before a part of the newly-formed honor at the ADS induction^diha^ C^pn&l on Saturday, December December 1. "A simple, sincere statement ner tonight at the Hotel Statler.. Freshman '--Orienta'tSin' " Society i~ -*. A name band, eritertairirixent A bdoth on the ninth floor will thankihjg the imTruclorTorbeTrig Seventeen neophyte members'will feft4 free -refreshments were' give out "applications- and infor­ a regular guy and telling him exists for the purpose of assist­ z v be formally initiated—into thc- r- - ^ n ned. . "~' ~ ~~ - : - .. ing incoming ----(reuhmeMx — and - mation, concerning the program. v. Gaw, head of the. Adver- Viaudio Arrau, world famous promptly at 8:40 with the music a supervisory capacity and_ wifL of Boethovt-i^s -ovvi ture^^r^sr The -tising DlvisibhV is faculty ad­ ---*g» wiff perform-in Hie r;>ir,'s work, will play^seVeral, before trTc age-of 50. Today, at Of College Groutp The seminar; at which - r?uding: "l*sxv. sunwr*i"-T' ~~iti'\ r{5>nsc" to Asfur.gf- "ati.liouse Plan". 25 East elected president of the Asiiocia- fje purchased at libera\ '^ff^^fl^^^r,..,.., public .appeai. Mr. Arrau piayed J22..Street, next .Tuesday"* at 7. tion of" Ur«yersitv yivenina, Col- discounts 'from the stu- --~~~^--^•.••K%i4&teCkC?. Hf;f lege.Si at ihc- closing meeting of C'ia»di«>- '\miii j at the l^v/isoh.n Stadium Juniors should :?ixti up m - 921, the as.v«ci at ion's con f crenel, helci —*e—MtT- Av;3a^ ti-it- triira season where additional information' ir< Dern-f-r Ta^t %\eeK. Ho sue- w- -. - Vvf-^f Zrl ^t-- ree: ?n 'j. row tha* h-i: haxl..'pia.;.-7-d"ir coiratrriiinK th>-- Bjjg•-Brother pro­ ceed.s Dr. Frank N-vufU,-t: oi' ihe ' --•^-i_iuri Is «o' •t'r-r-.',--. O .'. Ci grarn H;:1 bo avaii'abl:.'. l.'ni vc-T'Sit^ .of Cincinnati. .'....• " . S?_".,.:«^'-:l.->v"-

tfc^Si^ail n--eve_ 5^^ynfl>ers are, oi>iatnincc high school m jsgfeet^ihai xpepS} system^, • ^ ^e slioiifd^ej^gage such^^^eams^i^^ 'je&ysai$irjxv>, -£_Lt_n*eiy tHese 'e^xicsLt^^^oeo^ l^t^r'lhari " ^ such -^cuaws^JHlEe thos^ au you on^he top «m^>*^na»^f-*fet the experts "ake. a^jgreater interest-^«j-^bmtnu.nj^r"a It i'sjxsti^ifrm. heJ&et xtgp^ajriert- fairs Bu t^rtTir- they ? Does--?j^ctmege^e^uca?i<^ is^aiS overall ^e^"g^-^b#^^^ 1 can^femocracy^-is sppezidr to- any thajt>- ao«s^^o^ -mgfa^e ertfrgfefi:^ m-ce^sa-ftiy broaden the in^?r^s?5.of'peo^r^j --^r'a rianisnr land we ?><• person more aware oJ>his respohsibilitieis xvh^p^he -r^^ the "Soviets^ ^Cv'en th©3igb: the b4g^n^fe^ar_T leave? college j^ah when he- jebtered?^t?nfor- -drgani^btiohs s*ze*Q6\ not^her^e^he ^>t^th>^M<<^rtbys---can convince tJ*n_t~M>._. -scam**' stugefils maj^e £ .after a yte&k.ofi* we^arfebatekspyour pertA absw^^frbm the' Jisft^t^ " ~ "^ rights o hear speajkef*~"6f thei? otherwise- : .seives^from ci3^hzatk>?v<$fflspite ,their coliejgrt»ck- once more, ._^tdy to-'"let fly ...... -T \^ ^ht^sts- a^'nt>e;^T^»'^r^rtrfM»ig^ ;' j?PF*On_r; Professor SchuJ€_ 4oki his Mar- ' As NSA dele^EitesH^ :|eeT tfia> • •^ewitness this'^eekr tbe-t^raged^ .of tjbe can-. k-tfng class this story-.;; • .^-'\\~y1\. ^ ' v ^^sr^r orouT ojr a^ 30 ^a^^C^ "potet by^pcilnt. ^sar cofjanSoniy exfcaneed «s^1*e cause- i^'.'; 4 »o« Rie^eOSST _„• It _ee?j. that this Oarnishinan had-_3bbed a ^rdph-r' is the lack of student t*rt**rest in e^ctra- -of all, he stated that'j^my store, making oft with^sorne valuables, and Scot* their almost complete^-a«sen^^ person . .7. indicted, debarred a_aste:v from Cit>'*s.«st'"of o^Jb^ientst ^\^ S <-urricu2a£^^cti\ities. If eoltege students are un- 4aad Ya^d ._eigne^^-tre_ oC-fYC Educatio?»ai Sys- him^ih. VTeUyJci)e^three sl-gths^startedL_racking afr2^- 3i_.-.-__ Criticism-— -a^idg,- a. tht?-" r3Bt&a^©rs^<^ 1 ^!_&_t_ded_-r- acii^itie*^ andriexpeiiences_ avanah ^ for-~hos^-4n— -hum _nd>?«fte^^a-wf_leT were _arfr ^hey w<*rc» j»j>i

r .the^r ^nr^jaCAAT^ charge^of communism should be _-^ woakL like to take this opSor- pa bis' 6caU^^«ri tixgf- weaT^wn -a certainT^biock Cit> SUciter^ •'* how' —such things prohibTtecTby^ us to speak at Ipe^tuatity'to:answer- a letter in last _hd^ carrj^to ah ^oM, dilapidated building wfth a opener^^ against SC Francis 4n t_*_^^ as HitJer.'Franco or Stalin can arise! They arise College.'* Garden, Saturday bights-:The-fi«i^ week's /nCK±iRr by !!HSrJon iav solely because wef the students.. the citizens, are f A Payoyer, Mrrx«-PayoVe_ asserted Ther'bundihg had l>een closed for years. I_ __I ...• Jt£r^ ahal5'zed else\v^yp fh thjir too lazy ID.jpush ourselves-into realms which •-af­ We certainly __oriot t ^vluit criteria Ih, atflfior intends—thai the College should prohibit "This .«ri't__; sferrthe fitst copr-&i&U*&y~_* 8: __sue. Suffice it heije to ' 5_sTe_tclF Wtr forfeit 'our voices ^€o-tise since there is ho _ lawnoiir air persons"wfib~Ka"ve heen in Cornishmart ^would be surest- -hide at'arCoi - the Terriei's hftv^ _ team wnfe^F :_P_fh_r-,-i n, f a m. <* > 1 ? s .--fgr . IS-ggRih atlTihe. ,, x "the statute books of the United dieted, or debarred from the I ix&L&Sr^Rest: Let's go in and get ^inl. could exl^nd- Uu? I_vender to the- expense .c£ the overwhelming ma jority. For those __ta tes or of New York under York City Educational System or "~~ "Don'tnEier siUy," said the second officerr ^he utmost befope succumbing^ At of us who are fortunate enough to go to college, preseht ncf_iing much -can be which a person can be charged who are awaiting sentepce on a would-naturally think we wcnild look for a Cor- r there^ remains ho excuse for not participating nishnaan at a Cornishman^s Rest—Therefore, he said forXne Queens College five ..^-^ avidly m school, social, cultural and political ac­ with communism. charge pi conimuj^ism, from speaking at the coHege. He also wouldn't bide in there." < other ?han thtt th* g&me ham-JBtl^- tivities, r E**eotiairy Colte&* Students "And I thought you men were detectives/* said read# been rated as THE bre_t^>' V.'nat has befallen the Junior Class is merely mentioned that Joy so doing we . WO-LLDL be__gj»hg up •»_tethi_gr of the third cop. in a haughty tone of voice. "Nattu> er;. for the City lads. a small example "of a much too general trend of The writer assumes that " . . . ally he'expfects us not to look in the Cqrnishman's .-••' "Brlgnam Yourrgr follows next apath:.-. We are-fast approaching the time we will \ve are essentially btffirwya eiect nev. school officers. There again, we shall dents" _nd we must consider our he thinks a Cornisl_man> Rest is too obvious_ a. Garden will welcome-the Rociry .. jobs after we graduate. We think help ripove the **rcd" label at- see instances of uncontested offices. Students place to look for a Cornishman so, therefore, he _ Mbunfain qOintet: on . -Gecemner ,_J: that we are £ssentially college \o CCNY, and thus make are just too lazy to run. As a result, we get in­ in there.** ^ 5. It is >xpected, according to students. The fact that we are ljKeasier Jfor tb--students to get adequate preparation to face the cutting winds So the three cops broke into the building and av-ailable preseason . dopfe^ tfa—t..;;^^ majoring in business has little toy jobs in the, business world. of reality. After all. don't politician guide our searched all the darkened rooms and passageways theLCougars will^be the to^ te_m - do with this. The Liberal Art- way of life to a large extent? Shouldn't- we try Fair Trazte -and cellars, but -they did not-JBnd him. He haii In the Far West- ^"V _.-.. J student is as interested in^find- to leam something about politics? 1 escaped. ~ Little is known of^^issouri, ing a job as we are. After we Many businessmen throughout W* are not attempting to shove anything Two months later the very same Cornishnian which follow^SLjon the v^ry^next graduate we will have to take our the country, according to Mr. down the throats of City College students. We was caught during another of his robberies. The Saturday. W^ashington S t a t^el, ' have merely cited instances to indicate the ex- place in our consnumty, making __Payover, have the iinpression three cops went to see him to find out how he had another Far West title contender, - - ister.ee of a ga.pins vacuum in the lives of those jrnature decisions j*i order to make that CCNY is a "hoi bed". managed to outwit them. Tbey were Quite red when appearsL_pn Jrhe-. following Thar^r,. X student* who cannot wait to get as far away from de—jocracy workl We live in a of communism. This stigma they discovered that he was an illiterate and could ciay. A week's rest-'will' enable th&-School as possible when their classes are over. world of jeofiipeting ideas. A evidently—is costing us jobs and not read %he big sign which announced, "Cornish-" the Holmen to take a deep breath Perhaps if we ponder--the dangers of a society "spoon-f^dr education does not dollars. Something..must he done' eonslstirjg of apathetic citizens, .ur attitudes may properly prepare us' to-live in it. We cannot afford to lose those man's Rest." before" tackling Oklahoma; oTtiT^ lindergc a transformation. The writer then states that dollars . . . now can -we-?; ___ THE STRONGER SEXJ The weaker sex is the ok^_L_ graduates have been hin­ A fair trade is proposed. The stronger sex for the weaker sex. College^ furnishes the rr^xr op- dered bj- the 'red' label at- business world will henceforth re- — SBOBTOAXD: A student in Mr. Rosen'dial, \ __OS.ition on Pecernber 25.- Thre<;..*. / frain trom referring to CGZ&E-^LS :CNY . . .~— English 51 class asked if it is necessary lor a •;ays later. Arizt>na___-comes into- a 'hot bed" of ' the accused? had at­ HOf'S THAT AGAIN __PT.: "Did you know ine hf the intra-city battles. nor. tended Harvard .Law School "like Then what? Is it oeyond the Madge is engaged now?" These have proved to be hum—" realm of possibiirry't.hat the "red*; T.:-^ ; r: t rod t:ct ion o many other parlor pinks- feiiow 'Yes, I hear she's getting her torso ready." Angers in the past and this one_ ••« o t x r? ii mac J u n o s would label will be replaced, by a Jew h.i -. ^ .<: -vx I-H] an vantages t-raveiers. Communists and con­ SAGGY SOONER DAfS: When the eleanini, ooms as no excepjion., _: _S_t__. .Jjbk- 1? vvouin familiarize stu- iabe.v or* a JVeg^o xabel or a ri-rr.?- >-;;T; tit-- machines use< victed perjurers." John Oi>onneiI shops in Zsorman, Oklahoma, raised their prices, - eph's of Phi 1 ad el ph ia an*T_Jdstoh "" in regular govern- Catho>icv iahel? And how then rn-frr' •"•::'«?tJo>i>. This \sretritt- has thought <„'m his coiumn» that the students at the U* of Oklahoma went on a College follow quickly^ in the' rrr?rrr-fulfill" the cl\ ic shaii vv-e light these labels? What crimson is a very appropriate cleaning strike^and spotted^ unpressed clothing be« respo^.Sibliitie^i- that a coli'*^ . f. particularK a rights will we have left to sur­ Garden, after--which—Xat ' Ilol-—r color for Harvard. Harvard stu­ came the sty?e. After six days of picketing, no n;ii'!?;p;t coI iegej__ hiai u-3—14^—comafe n I r v. And render? man's crew will take its rm-ri- oer*'-;r. **•;**• -•macnt^r**;. pre-.-;-.-: T2UCJ- triort- dents are not hurt by the smear- settlement"h"ad been- reached, "but the rumpl > ear break and:'~aTiorner hitch £3*. -which is as'unjusJ-ified as-ours. _E re-a-nfri--' "approacr Sb_ckle_ Handr undergrads etisfied—the cleaners were In" the nel.t. ' .. ta.- i..-nier> ri- pic The .University of Chicago is >. ginning to feel the pressure. The student's motto Alter "finals, the. 3'-a\>-rs ".y:'i t 1. ^Choo' is_c-rf*.rT7.rfVJ v.-rr it-;;t;f! undoiibte^ih- prefer th-- -real tiling" to a the Lrnited States_JCU_c-a^fK:^htrtt----^ This they did. not to get jobs, b«4- _U*tter 'ast-week from one IrtaTimln Sion of Bagh­ -I .f -'-fHC^gO—T7T .-.He. VV.--K3i -V^rrtST T pap-'-^r ballot-.- Ai: ^jrio&gpjlro rr-sirr*' -••conriuci-vc -?g^ '.•evtrt. Itaar-arreputation ajs on.e of— only for the security of the-na- dad, .Xraq, asking.jior' some- -copies of TICKKK— Ai] of these wiU he r^ktgli--.'^105^7 t Tno*.:?r tr;,-?"." matun- votirHT~„r c-earcf""" . ._u tn* The fihe^f- um\ ei -v*{ i~F—in the— _ tiorr."C?hce tha:t-e3__ ^Ended. seerns'-wr--get around , ^-the •3r___jii„ ,JL_lb^7 ".-A__. xiie e>ai'_pLiun "Of -;jT«jivi_£__r>f;-2L - a booth. country. THese freedoms necessarily re- roozn. Is ivady lor more browsers. ~~^it?r>ntmtirft W Pa ge _5) " verted to the" people.. Kqwe-.-er, ^>" i-->&niilira, anci acc4_ir&' lii*»t«>ft~ftf iX3n»cru<\v docy' Mr. .LaPayo*:er s&ggeat we The Prof's©flT by Gerherg i'<«'iv >v-ji!. o*:- no cauv -<>r com5!a:n''a.-. Trtc writer, m closing, asks.the give up jour precious freedoms be­ ?ecrec;-- of the vo:vo:--- . Ii-. p_st t*'frn>. student to consider "your good cause of the capricious whims of There i .?>,''• h«'*er. ;n numeral if.- ci;ar.c,re,s ol coercion American name." If -we are to some-'businessmen 'who may offer W-hilr:' - ounr; p.-oceede^i m the c:a»s?c>om>. ,V>;lien remember our good*. American., jobs as bait? Does he want these By Howie W ieireckur described in the papers ax "the greases. ^rfjich-ibiuon"''otf set-shooting oh-fSTorrn Ma;.er and Floyd L-fiync. The final _ At 11:48, March 28, the final buzzer sounded for jho e ^r£ 6Ihr_j'ooms i: is ah too easy for our name we should remember it as freedoms surrendered permanent­ ever displayed'on the floor of ?JpriLson Square. score of ,v,6_j -,w._s- ri-t-h, ndi* :ativ4?-af 1 hf- ."io^-_.fc...i_- o»l ftfr. - ^-_.--t.i;K^-^*fi..^fee_j^4§_50--&<5it^©_n- -of -t-he- l^av^-^Sy-44niiirrg---- >: ?.; glance over our shoulder, and ;-»ee who the" bastion of democracy"--"-lor ly or only until all taints have -Garder-' xsas- they propeHed- • Cotonni Adc^f^r "Rupprs^'Ken-" Tray:' '- .:--m masters of ail they surveyed. Coach Nat Holrnan's -soYin^ J'or. I: i^ also possibtsfc^tor one o' nearly two centuries—as the na­ been removed, and we can face 4C tuekv W'iidcat s back to Lexmgt.on on %Me yery short end -In the Eastern. Finals., a fa.st-bsVraki.ng /) ..CH»_OLCH.J_O.L-.. Warnevvarner agaia^ain leda Thir.ee scoring pparad; e State_ five" was met -and defeated to the tune~oi 78-T3. -.3ft- --..a time - within ten days to become the first team in .with 26 points. On. one .occasion, seven-fool Bill Spivey /r.ie.s- "\*e rr>r Jo*;- .Blow, will v He's ft goexd sonian concept of free speech .hands? tins .games Co-Captain Irwin Dambrot displaced'his won- ..-Tory 10 win the" NTT and JNCAA tournaments in me was detected sitting in a "mezzanine pew \_vhere 'he Vnu:-.: Joe." . and the Holmesian view of a I say shackled .hands, for once <-•]:!-not be de- "Free .Market o: Ideas" we voluntarily give up any part just far enough away ro keep the game-Swalje-fctr City, * The seeds for the "Grand-Slarn" were sown in ihe I'-irea by an;.. obstacles wiiich may he placed in ofL our democratic heritage., the Against Duquesne, March 16, the Beavers v.ere slowed Bradley vs. .City College., in the finals.:. Here was. a. In figntjnjr.th^^ .. •lanhattan encounter a week and a half before/'the sta»-r rest are also ^njdanjger^J^mocra- down but went on to triumph easily, 62-52. Warner was .repeat of the NIT finals which had the whole spores totalitariamsfti. we should remem­ •: t;^ NIT when - Hbiman decided to make full use of Tr^i?ate-i of -tliiii—R*ethcvi of votm-r -far outweigl- cy~s~nof "ours to buy or sell, or world .agog. Was City's victory o%ej- the courfxry's ^ number- ber that one of our ^riajor argu- d Roman's excellent outside shot : and Kd Warner's hel_d \o a *imere"-1.9 points, as the Unices, were double and- any a; i*i;.r^iu.s which may be advanced'against it. Lrad-c. It is nor a .gift given us, one team according: to the A,P |x>i],.-.-a fluke or were.they•- mem~--ic» that -we—are a demoe-. triple- teaming him. "*'"'' Cl'.y Cohere - faking ability by allowing Warner to piay out of the •eaijy 1 he • ean-.'^ This/i u-estion wiis c>n. *.- v-5 ybod-yr'-i^-' racy in wh;cl; <:-nv can present but only a loan, and as such we : oej ^cket posit ion rnore.. of i_ru - - Tf-H-t-rig'-.Bradiey' at orreyppTrrt.""_9-T5" ih'"the • inai .i;an'-'\ ..the most tinptjpuia^ point oz v:e^ must giiard n with the _utmost mi sd , bo fore t h e game* startur-d. „.v .. — Af'.er becoming more familiar with hi> nev," position:- the team rallied behind. 6'5" N.orrn Ma.sc-:'!.o ^ on "o'tj^e freely. -.....: ' care-. We cannot lot ..<:»<;.r aca^rrv-? " City iead^ :m 'iij^hou- most-of the._.i^am-e ___ *-V»' __ili__—I/.-.Jy_ r^*r^rr<»*gri. fnr...±bnon. .0 te;'_ points. ! ii • :^e _aAt TWO minu tf_- s.- "-JCiho'. N v 'ui-.e vvhich was to tje'eome hab;t-f«..rrmn&;. In Ed Waj-ner, thojj^h, Was the o.v»"ious- choir.; : iii !-•>•. oui^er-e-; .10 e -' '.wha? i?ood"i5. ''•.. trie we ' h':firre .and c; ^^v •••¥~ ' -heir last m.nii-fo .-u- h wh-.--;h-- Wv .iiarc .Most V;iliable Placer ot 'he 'toui-narn^nt'. bT students. . -- . orea'he is not :\ix on Sat-urda: " "' r.e ^con.- «^''' -o .^9-68. .N.o::n-i ..I\yv.x: • r•• v. no,. .".^•-/'J cur educa: fdiiaT "sys\e * o- ^»-" v/A^ •:>r.u: V"vin Dario; o'. r^c r.-eer: noOi£ : * hrf-uvho:.-1 .'-ne c..n- .-•>••*- • ' Wry - >-s C i-, y?iOnohthic: -the-n.-wr Jnio .Stai-v ~oj.r:\ij.rr.C:-.'. '...••d.. : .'* a J^J.:-_K<-.. .) se-''-o?":d_. .'Ail ^ r vi ».'*./. K > 'i'.i-.^«*};.if. ;*'; ; '— - s^.*.. . - >. Through the efforts of ^fc^^sw^-a^istent^b^kett^ Seated,in Tiis office^-att^£jewisoJtor ^tadSuii^ ^at I^gaan looks more like^asuccessful yya£r coach, City College receivedj^^Tnateriai ^s«mcieiJ^lo businessman than th£^fi^arr^x£3jS i^sketball coac^ <' Trom 1945 tmjtirtast sernesterT Bobbycombined the ^Holding speh art-htfhdr, however, entails more,than just reeeiv^ la duties of assistarit^coach with -*•* those* of freshman coach. In this It bringSN, worries ana^^r£xiely cc^aibined^capacity he ^wsts -in­ thaC less^ coal»rty"'Gliekman, haskettwilT *tt^- apottHtfjeir new \=srsity t he basketballj-^orjd^ e^er^jaoisfc: ~T'rE!fcerrW3ttHh, Bobfe" is.no new­ ' '»oiS^'"e^1Jiu»i'allannouncing.^^^ T93T wtTen^rTe Avas ar. Of the f eardiirtJiar ;-.wo?rr -^W£ entered City College after having ..critical public. And other schools, e; idhlg ^SyrgCT^^^^m-eTsity: ^While &$&*&&-^^atfh^k~fe«r-. Jbisa^abaaa eight ^Ji^^^aessg^ES^BpE^ag^^ year after, .his-.-.graduation, and : been graduated from Boys -High freshman "basketbaJT Coacri ""Mlke .airixlotfs to share in the bows, are mater; <^ickman- scored ^iwojjtoujehjgw-hs""-"against" CornelL A local ai«g^ngr^rr^^^ School. While in high school he Wittlm is anxious to make "the now pruning themselves to crowd haberdajsherrWanHng7toT capitalizeon^pme of t he publicity generated fyn&** i he i*ef urn pf _hyt ~ tg^"'"^-;...~- -:-'^#^ ^piaxed Varsity basketbalI with i-.y thk rniTogia^ athlere-rai^e^Glir^cman to do a starts t>rogral^.~ ~ -TTH>I~-* en--the ^>ppor i u ni ty, ——- City off-stage —__—. farting five. '[_ Jim uu;%i .gmfV^^.-'-^^a .Leo Merson, who was later to -"- "Our schedule is a-tot tougfler • t>ecome-' the undefeated •The newly appointed mentor was afraid of a microphone. To countej*aet his fears the""haherdstsfwt than most people think,*' said &r the Tetrriers, will pro-lfr-- UU ?e.'t action of a baskethall game and be able to .produce accurate worj* eagerly accepted and-is making mor«sv and a defihrte start"c"r"lii~ The of players thrsugh pictures of what is happening on the court almost as soon as it occurs. ,: loss the City-game is Verne Stbk^s.. i:\-orx attr-mp to pick up th- i?raduaiion will add to Holman's It requires an athlete's view of sp-srts. as-.\veli as* an exceptional .xeit^ v> herr- rnr- popular HoDJby r 6-3. and a graduate' troubles.. o keeping-City .in "the or gab rHign Sehuuh- __ " Sand H't\ off. top spot, since his replacements And Glickman's past background in athletics certainly provides Stokes" biggest claim tcriante- Tht- sol'.-spokr-n. 2-i year old are not- as- strong as last year's. him with an athlete's _view of sports. Glickman was-born la the Bronx. x to date has lx. en. the IT :po;r5t._. Wittlin was i»rn In Manha-tan. 'But he is used to such difficulties. in 1917, but nwved to Brook4yn-and—attended James Madison High School where he held the city, state and national spriirt ;ch~afnp*oB-' average he ' establisht^d- '.vhile - and "makes his present home in With the exception of last sem­ v 1 ships in. '34 and 'So. He also held the city and State record for the 100 piaj'ing for last year-s j resh?riaTi l:;t.- Ilic.hbrid^e s-ction -rrf-—the JNLat_Ho!rrran. Mr. Baskrthall ester's squad, he has never been j SQtiad.'."Moreover," Coach-Lynch Bronx. K\- a*t- nd><: Dc Witt - yard dash and was captain of the football team. v blessed with an abundance of -eojrnments.—"he's the' only m«~ n Clinton Higtt School ami was a At SJTa-cuseUniversity he played three years of varsity football, talent. Noted for the—manner in that, tall I've .ever' seen ; that member o: the varsity for a year, 9? earned three letters in track and was a member-of-the U. S. Oiympitr- whieh—he has developed young can dump the ball by means 6jT " showing enough in that year to. Busy ver Ill rack team which went to Berlin in 1936. He played one year of pro- players, Hotrnan^ hars molded v sheer,spring alone." _.. ^.__ btr Tiar*r& Tom Coogan.-from- Cardinal They have served as models for Graduating from, high school \VH\, now WMGM. In 1S4S he became sports director of the station Hayes.. With, an equally effective ; fi> 1943. "tre entered—Brooklyn JHochfaeiser others. shot from either his rigtr* or left It is ver\- seldom that you wit! find Dave ir*oiaiisky in and after a period of time with the XJ. S. Marines he resigned his CdTTege and immediately. caught Over a periocl of 32 years "this directorship to handle WMGM basfcetball^-«ollegia^_and professional. "hand. Coogau vsHl mo<,t_Jjke^r ti><- coach's -eye. Mike was. a. the H^,*giene Depai*trheht ~OtXice~=overlooMng Hansen Hall. be xjsed in an attempt to dbnaw genial mentor's squads have com­ It is in this latter position - . - ^, ., ... ..T~~.7T7~ starting member of -the Kings- because Dave, as pniost of his friends call him, is a "busy Ed Homan away- f^pem 4 he-piv little Beaver," and his time is usually consumed coaching piled 403 wins againsr 136 losses hat Marty GBckman has made a JSobbv Sand mens» varsity in his freshman for a .748 percentage, a remark - _area _an"d thus clear ^thr midtij^-^ botr] the Commerce I>ay and Evening Session basketball notch for himself ~m the world As Potent JCmn^htt^oji^- __ y'-a: arc "A as a;>.: '.::::.>>'.•:. a- able record in any sport. Las- iane for Stokes and Luisi. ^^ r teams. teaching hygiene eiasses . sports, And from his perch . v - a" 'jnrieri r;.-;.;;.^te. Nine. tiie mos* valaabsr- r>"a;.t r1 on "i*.'.- year's-five reached the epitome o: BT Ralph Rehmet Tiavender rooters. naturaily and indulging in other extra- -istridc the basketball court he was a::-ir:\ amabk m-'-mbe:* o: th-: i'.-am tourney p^lay by winning both'the cnuugh. realize that in EJ.-W&r- curr icular"_acti vi ties. s in a position to voice opinions -'Roman and-Waarser-are_the.;Mr,-Inside and Mr. Out­ hoou souad and a .nitehe~. for Business Five n«r and Rtjman they ha^e on!? Wittiir. than ser-.'e-:: two -years National Ncnvitatipn Tourament v.ith authority on f he~^comin g side' of college basketball—the most potent one-two scoring -r-rrf- -fe-as^baii team Kobb"-. sa^'s. - . Dave first gained_athletic fame and, the -N'CAA —affair. Prior of the finest one-two scoring r in th'e Arm> and after his'dis- season. punch in the country." This is conservative Coach Xat "1 was th*.- "?>es batting nracticc during his stay at E>e Wilt"Clih-" units in collegiate competition— .. charge he. .trans tor red .to City- Originated By to this, Holman had brought his 'The -Met area will be a pow­ Holman's opinion of the t\v©—juiiiurs whp will co-captain p:tcr.t.-:- '•: •: ;;.'• p:tcr. a gam*-*. ton High Schooir-- His favorite .Roman who has slimmed down College. Though hf .saw no charges three times into the NTT erhouse oi. basketball teams with the City College basketbaH team this seasohv r sport, was basketball and he a bit. and Warner wi*"h an r;d- -\s ~o<>. a" schoias* ie.- a> a' \servica' 'in - his firs . ;. pa- at and once represented District 2 City ColIege"~Tanking as the top Student Pleas •was—a:—big -factor in helping — Words of trurh they irre too, •-'::tiorfal inch ol.height ini^n.t-x&-p- «• hieries- versatile- 'Bobby was Chy, Mike came ;nro i:is own- m ^the NCAA "tourney. ._ i i\iim—in—the—country and St. 1 Originating in December of his high school quiet et gamer- for Ed .Roman and Ed Warner resent an even greater duo thah.~- <-• ?,->,-1-.-,- ?.-; P"y -Rr-tfi Kappa and •jn his junior year, the "48-"49 John's and LIC also very strong. a city title. . Also possessing some proni:- led last year's iourr.arr.ent-win- ? I-ock and Ko;. . L'pon gradua­ 1946 as"a direct result oi the ur­ Frosh Squad *he ri~ tion rn 193S r>- wa* awardt-rr~H~ a:iu -pia\TTjaker. he - wa.s on^---©4- gent requests of the s'uosnt body-, it regains its former stature, j \ sertatiohs,on basketball serve as the team's all-out assault on the Fellowship in t!--a iCor.oif::c:s'D< - Jho sparks that drove City To the Commerce Center basketball Traces Rough •-cupriamen-t- play last year. ------texts for students of the court >aid Glickman. College's basketba-Ii record books. ___jpartmar.t an Invitation berth. team has become a tradition. x Strajigely -tmough-,- the bench sport. His initial works were en­ Since a controversy raged all Both men can hir. consistently of both varsities is not too strong. After a short season in "46-"47, titled: "Scientific Basketball/' • last year as to the relative "^ - -Marty: Glickman Smeson fcorn the -bucket. Roman.- 6''6". The Terriers have junk>r Ray which saw only -a few games "Winning Basketball" ar.c :nevj\s.--of Zeke Zawoluk and Ed 'nder the guiding hand of can hook with either—ha-no— -^RtKissinski who tiiailivl j points piayed. things really smarted hum- "CTaarhpTdhship BasketbajI.'' I_-Ii:' - ^Romany- -««*. Glickman "as- to how he" would rank them. No Coach Mike Wittlin, City's fresh Wulfers Guides CGNY such acc\:racy that he is. often •'i gainst Fort Monmofrfh- • hrev n-iing for rhe Business cagers latest venture has-been the g>ub- -loubt another rhubai-p wiii rage this year, and Glickman had this ;o double teamed. To- combat this -man basketball te"am"T5nandertak v\ Mt k^, ago. hut onJ> Dick Joyce when Dave Polansky took over lication of an annual baslcetbali -ay on the situation :^.\ . ^ : situation, Holman sends Warner ing a tough 14 game schedule th- A* G-.o,- and Steve Eiisworth at" the reins at the start of the 1947. magazine. He even made a.movit.- "RomairB better Than Zawoluk. There's no question about that." Wernhiine Hoop Sttitad *in \-10 are returning •'seniors. campaign. His-^quads have since called *'Championsh*p BasketbaH: — For those whe-are curious as -to how- GIR-kman-is able to reel of f As the attraction of Beaver basketball iures Cityites he names of-the visiting players at Madison Square Garden when the the-- big .man^~^>utside\ where h'cr ot-rrrsrr-s Originally..Coach JXat Holfnan compiled a record of 31 wins and in 1940. - vai:sity lo their rGarden home, another group—of- varsity hoopsters -ction sta7rti> be^bming:thick and heav\-, the solution is"sTmVple^T~ - — cars push -in his deadly one- basket bail machine. "7ia"d intimated that A) Roth, 5 losses. ~--- - — i: ~~~- -•-- Sf-f^ing in Plany' pos-itTo7-|s o' ..quiet'ly'lnitiafeL'-Ltri Sou:sc^.~^=^-~r=- :•"" "All I do is see the 4**am- practice the day before and memorize handed " In their first year—orr v r Ooaeh—AV-ittlin feels..^tfaat_- the. Fioyd .Lane T^.' V- -; . ' " ' :;\c bet-.r.~'.-' ~ '^~~"-"~ "-'"' "' ^i ^...._. _..-Ttse 4 t- 4S "aggregation won 10 honor, -HoFma n "lias been Presi- _t-heL varsity. Roman and Warner" &-?:•—••- • i ec.'vraca-i.v. wor.itir ^-oanws^f the first ten piayelh£,~"isahi GHekman. '''~------^e^ad will be^blgTO lyoldJfeT'e/wn7 "? wovild artmg; ...-• college/ while losing only 2. Jifrry" i*"tsrt~ ~jyi the ffsrrif I3tr- fi : =footh broke Irwin.- Dambrbt/s -—z~J^} L^^^^Fj<4i^pt^~ -TO OhVkgran, that is. To aivj. one who nas agsjnst' such frosh powers as ?*?. -ou m t r r. — |j4>w e y JZuiL rli -iffl?5 '-'.. ca:np'u.-=. Ho^n^r. ,:; nVariv" was the high scorer that ^Coaches'- Asoeiertron t ni^t; ~Com - fei'.: . -axened a "basketbah game it seems like quite a feat to-be able i.o seasoTi Jorrn'-s. LTC, "Seton Hall. orr»-" -i feejtrfi jaundice, ahtV-tlfa.rtng j ':':••.:'.•• par- year net-ting 136= points- .although missioner for x'ne National Pro­ tion r.a.'-" ni ^r. par". afTTe dii the names ot" pla>er^ of leains that make no more than one 475 and 429 ixsints respectively.—- jTarr. ahdCSTTC. approximate four*we**k- layoff Pi K '.-.•'• ^lUTtr- playing ih only nine games.Hnci- fessional Championships in 193b .-,,:>, tacipatior. :r. sports. appearance "at th& Garden every year. Although they are high scorers, Ronnie. Nadeil pulls up a notcr* %&:.. basketball • dentally,' Fishrhan played varsity and a basketball analyst* for The starting, array ot the Frosh that th.-- women's "Xew York breeds basketball players and that is why the metro- neither is a beaver, both having from his sixth-m&n r^osition. ball -for--=^a^, Holman in 1943, station WMGM. He also had hoopsters, averaging about 6'3'\ is te&gr~ is th-- oni< varsity sport iiolitan teams are able to rank among the top'in the country. There Ls connected on better than 40'^ when only sixteen years old. 445e4TOnor of~c«a:- ca:hp;.:s. "\ ery i^ttle room for the big field heeded in football but a basketball of their^hotsr ::_:r—' ~ — :r~ • ?-zm All-Stars in 1947. Allen, former Boys High ace. and in this case, the mar. behind Using the modified fast break < ourt is available in every school >-aroy* was the reason given by Glick- Warnfer. with his big^ Ipcyver-_ 1951 SchedulW the wjfiist.}-- is a u arm hearted, "^erry rx»rh«rrschick. of Thorn as installed by Coach Polansky, ~the. Dave Polansky / He is as well known for -his awn fWpi»'s highly ratt'd hoop SQ,uadsSaOSrt v_ - -ful hands and tripleTeinL. is- ihe- rConttn u«d Tronr Pa^ge S) — JelTersoh HTgh, will Tiold down stately; woman narned .Marguerite "Financial Five" of '48-*49 all but playing ability as he is for his All I can add is that'in addition to bi*eeding Haskevv:>'' the guard positions. Warren Ro- G. -WuliVrs, W}t,h- tiit- t-ntiittstasm- trampled their opponents. With While at City- College, Dave coaching. Back in 1921. two years Xew 3fbrk has also produced probably the best basketbalballl innbuncer ranks/' according to Holman. at present.— ,. gendorf wtlirpciibably start at one of a beginner, the'femrne men tot- L-ou Pastina and Jay Gurfein after he took over the job as head n the business. One worthy of the title—THE VOICE OF BASKET­ • When not playing the bucket, he The Ford ham game on Feb­ showed his versatility. Besides of the forward slots, .while .the has already reach^ the 20-year sparking the team,.only, one game coach of basketball at City Col­ BALL. leads the fast breaking plays, ruary 12 will bring the.Lavender-' playing varsiTy basketball for other will he decided between mark in iit-r-coaching career. was lost of the 12 games played. lege, he started a 10 year stmt scoring on fast, spectacular, hard- men.back to *-he' 69th Regimemr two years, he captaine-d both Chester Zager and "Red" Blum- When s(K' is --no* teaching* -t-he--^ f driving layups. In addition, he- Ai'mbry after \.-whjch—Lhcy will At the start of iastseasonr the en reich. Operating from the pivot girls the skill and coordination the varsity track ~ and " cross - J-hen,^pjaying with a squad made -JCfae^r^ IrVjrfte" Gtt^s is working on a ohe-hander and race ihe quintet from upstat4 outlook was none too blight.- will- be e,4" MartyvGerkin. that goes into the ^amei siie is up of such immortals as Dutch The rnag^ziheT'""sportwrirers" had best ~tj#uare of their jobs, Gone were Jerry Kishman. Lou countr>- s^iuads. He excelled in may prove* to be an outside threat Canisius. conqueror-of the Beav­ txisy holding her, own on the running, becoming the Junior Dehnert, Who originated the pivo: for two of City College's most popular athletic coaches*^ Leon__ ers the last two years in the* Pastina"and high-scoring Herbic- : too. . * - Other candidates for the center : play,— -Ghriar— t?eonard. Johnn: Chief Miller and . are on their way reward making a -golf course.—In—her—spar? ttrrxe. Mt'trOpoHtah mile champion irr "Pops" scored 26 points in post are Vinnie. Zoda«-product.-o?^ Garden,.. A short jaunt tc Phil­ N.. ar rue rite Wulfers* Haver. ^However, with the addi­ name for themselves in. the literary, world . . i «i. .;;> -H ' 1940, and ..the Metropolitan half Beckman, Pete Barr>' and le'ter adelphia to face Temple .Univer- tion of several new HKT.; notably three consecutive games last year. Lafayette. High School, and G'6" mile champ in" 1941. Joe ILapchik and~ Davey Banks 'Chief filler's article, which is appearing in the November This year the :eam : aces against N'YL', San Francisco and George WatsonV tallest man on_ --si>--y---irv/^jonvention Halt wiH- bei- sophomores that iiav<~ riser, to tn.- Hy Rqbin, the Poianskyrhen were --sue el Sagu Magazine, deals with the athletic feats of the Carlisle o? r -that- -he- -was, called Jay.- fcxpfcrl^. - th, sq;^d, ^"d *he only one v.;no by contests against rugged scneuuit'. r>ac;< on the varsitx- -squad. ' "Along with" co- successful m •10. o- 1'2 contests, In 194b, Si.\: montjis aTkr Dave Coiiege 'Indian's."' when "the great" Jim" Thorpe and the 'Chlei: "hmiseir "^^iygrttrM^ky.—Hia-^SX rtoi nt -7r*t f* j i n r -"pro-basketball's gre test staj*.' Lafa\ c-11e, Manhattan and "'"NYU'-."' list o! opponents is Kuntor Col­ captains Anne Ulnick axx-i Elaine High scorer to tne campaign 'returned from sen. ice, he. started" v.ere setting-the sporting world on fire. the NIT was the second highest. has nb\er played high schooi b.af:. "~hen. fate and ths post-season lege, an oTd rival el the Beavers. Schwartz, Coach Wuii'ers and was the yearling'. Rubin.'.who es- coaching the .Dow :itg\vn Evening As both a player- and a coach Coach Holman,' alreadj' recognized in the writing' field -for in the history, of the classic. For IT "wm Buckhaiter. Ronnie Bar*-o- : Promising to bt-ttt last season's Art Sta\itsk ' '".rr;ament committee -.vjil". ao- -LOi2 W!J IG—^4i -4^A- 'tablisr.ed a scoring record tor the -•ge^sion \x,r- :tv , and a ,» '- L-^ irt't • •Hrtl?r;-tn claims t-h»* he has fou-rr •M^- books on basketball, has "'Undertaken—*HP I^^V of ^dirir.g an this, and his general good pla; iema and •-^rsj b-b record, the hoopstcrettes ha-\ ;:;jjt* i$i3G-51 i:aiic*nat :here is another set of . :*a'x ers Commerce Cx •nte. aN-eracttng J < .b he was named rhentor of the no greater "Inspiration than i-nnual pre-season basketball magazine. he was awaytted ,th.e_ 'J ourne\ 's iooKed. ;j<-K)a m t>re-^a«»;j y o- .--• xnr* e-eei» o i --.V^-iJ. rhat shine- on •«:• court. ;x^in:^> a -gam y..^>ess».or >,£_<•,£ students' backiriii at tramesj" Most Valuable Plaver .a'.v:ard. 'outs. CCNY so;

•c . «S. -CJi-iSUrli: L—-l-:~:JZ

Tuesn wBTlje- -^ight weeJ^-bbt^the City-Coliege foo announced tbe^Ietrtlon^^B3 stndectts ittee•"•were'-' eo^KHisom of ff^'^ciMg ^^#CS igh—it wo^4tsrirst game this season, ice of^tfie tickets is •S.cSD-'for honocar^ fraternitJ^tRf^ Ajnerican in^ £fMT X)epa*£aiettt of 4n^ie CfaugcJittl X^otinge *>£' AA^tfard -iKddefs. After the ^ >n. toeatmg/ ^LowelJ Textile, 33-6 at hour of It the first victory since beating this sam^^ »iMacats will be for Bud- club, 14^1^ ^iast year. to- non-card holders^ to sts^ was the theme of «»e show. Playing their last game in a City CoJie^e^uni^orm, Sy SLOO. -"" * 6own^ ftf^n^Ohrb*e**'»Ov»^3 Proceeds of the game are/for /Stunimy" Kalman and t-eo Morrison accadnted^Jor three of J}r^^mi itf^s-y^T?^ itoe victors' uvfive looowownstouchdowns.. -^- - _ ^he benefit of the Pan-AinXricartd rough. h&Td fought^but; t*«Jatfer casHed the ball all: the | Olympics. • If you bavenV-tfet J gowns were setec!**-3>£ aWiljer* *>^>-,^ p ay an AA Ca sJppy^me'l^^ V* [ covered 7^ yards rou may the-^tally that put the Lavender the Wharton School of Gomnaeroe of the retailing clutu Styte?~4iu»l^ m do so, this afternoon Then,^Gfty's^Gil Chevalier cen tu^ ere^Jianding out twenty penaltiesjand ^vas the Beavers longest j ahead, 1-0. of the ^Jniverstty of PejmsyivaiHa. i^r and -oE 5 la the seaSDn tered^the ball for outside left 2 By during the course oj^tbe after^ **"™* P ^ <* ' , | The J.efSeyites could muster only Dean Baiderston is, a member of were the factors. noon. It was also a rough -day'! I" the second quarter the Lav- •••--tTftrA «^r>r>^g ^hj^Lt5__throughout V^The.Governrnen^t jPegarti is Srtfg.-'r- ; Tor The "fcfck^rs, fhe ftrst ~-friree f en^erlnen*^' started running and" h i the first half ^ue jriainly to the GraridJjCgwncil o^CBeta Gamma ttefy after finaf examina- to $55^95 for the conversion attempts, being blocked fpa^Jsg plays out of both the T fine work done by the 'Beaver Sigmar" . - • • under the supervision aoiel Parkrr. -^-^-^---^==rf-"~y at : Joe Penaoad and Fred Green­ ^t ^h« More has evening gown* •;3^^i: The Lavendermen took the open- ! the result that they scored twice inducted into the fraternity; Ros* ,- Jto Washington the group wrgr kickoff and marched ^ventyj ^ ^ . It By SheUJon Friedman wood continually stopped the op­ Adefe.f liKTBan^Badd^o; &dw ranging in price from:ST&8r*frQaee& andbroke ti arnt de open position by tlmefr boots. Green-. attend sessions of Coltigress7~watchf yards for the game's first score. Originated 1940 'to>\|os£er I had little trouble with. them, win- Brancati^ Kenneth. Canter^ Walter S2fiO for French import. ""• i was Al Matican and Leo Morrison ^oo^ operating out o£ the ^h^ ^pr^frne CTmirt in a^tif>n, ^*\t capitalizing jan Pete—PizzqrcUi'n j ^nrrtpptf^nr^rtTP fTtmxr2&13 Fm^- tKwnlwufh-Tmrt- trr^ki the Federal Bureau, ot Inve^tiga- position intead of his usual righT aerial toPaW GuggliOtta, ^hoftit paydirt togE&i Thtramural Board has paved the>sdeadly shooting by Bert Goldstfein ~kenazl,; Bertram A. Frenzblau, Vir> l^on and_ the State -I>epart»ient. the crowning of the Senior Prom halfback slot, was especially ef­ ~time margin. for:-student participation in •; proved^ the difference. ginia Glass,, Lorraine* Gc^dman. An-wng others they will interview Queen, Phyllis Rosenbach. Miss r fective in front of the goal mouth. A few minutes later, after an j After a scoreless third period, xt^a^curric^la^ athletic activities, f"" Kete^em '52 hung on to defeat Blanche N. Goldberg, 3Lgrae3,Gottesr New York State Senators Lehman Rosenbach, who was elected over­ — The le ad" waV^ifei^aseCT To"~2-T3 man, Lee Segal, Dorothy PaVtef intercepted pass, the Weavers j Shimmy Kalman scored his last/ It has been the aim of 1MB to: Ketchern><53, 25-24. when Irwhr man, Irwin M. Hall, Morris £$eimr aiad Ives and Representatives whelmingly by the Class of ^51 promote maximum' student pactiei-1 Horowitz sank a foul shot, with owitz. Herbert Hoffman, Gerald was presented with a gown of her Joan Herman^ Bunny Roggins and crossed the goal line for the only ! touchdown for City when he n Roosetrelt and Javits, It is possible 11 thc over {rom the 10 Delia Kavanaghr- . •'"•'.'•'' time when Fred Lewis took the 1 '***$ - pation in sports, regardless of the j seconds to play>Mel Schleissel led M. Kahn, Robert Kenedy, Harold that they may even get to see choice by Miss Mary Saibel, per^ ^-.^n -,r^,,~^ ~~^ e~~ * . i lean's conversion ended the scaring physical aspects of the individual j the losers with nine^ppints. Khobbe, Artfaxnr Larson^ and Larry President Truman. There will, also sonnel director jot Ohrbach's^Boro^ "-Phyllis attire at-the "Fashion nail around end for two vards. , x. ,* / which might otherwise deny him! Pre-tourney favorites. Hardy .v.„}.-,...._^..vw,.v™„ Monroe Levinsky. be trips to .Mount Vernon,'..Ar- thy" Botwinik and Clara Young, Preview" was the gpjvn of-^ack ^ - ; - j for the -game and the se; " V . . the development of a strong; '50, on the-short end of a ?^erner, Mur- Kngton NatfonaT TZeihetery and runners-up in the pw>ni queen net over persJnirnon tafetta she Shortly before the end of the; Memo to T>r. Sam Winograd. and better personality highlighted j time score., rallied in the second |^^^^^^^^^ ray Lessing,'AJlen M. Levine, Jack other sights of interest^ -^-~ contest*—*, also receiveoT awards. chose herself. It had a velvet wS&x by the sportsmanship- and experi-.; half to win 18-12 over Basketeers^^liH^^i^^ Gowns other than those_modelled riff, accented^^ hy^rarlei ; poppiea "opening session, Kalman's pass to j Why don't we schedule/the two Liebof, Frank Lionel, GeraJ Train fare will fae ^4 and the Morton Ray was completed and I teams'.that Lowell Wfi^ETslyear? ence of well-run activities^ • ---j '54..^ Ira Ostroff paced Hardy's -**• ~~<~>- by the contest vrtrtners were shown Land the season's favorite fa^hjoTA enstein, r>avid ^WHfiSaJjx^Bfannis^ !-. CT0MP will have a coach for tftem- During' its existence, the 1MB j attack with five points and a fine Walter W. P. Marx,AZvetyn No- i^seives. At -Washington the stu- hy-Debby Gold* Carolifie Perl- acccssoryr aa^ale. has conducted contests in fencing, | floor game. _-'•- -45* ^. A* »^F«E^^ -vick, Ali'in Ossip, Beftrl Potasnner, T>axi Parker dents will sjeep- at the YMCA and ^wrestling, volley ball, ping-pong J The Saxons, "leoTby Stan Pollack v>'*«- ••% Sarah Puternianjf Beverly Faye the YWCA for $L50 per night. football, bowling, swimming and j and Bob Friedman with 7 tallies Reina, Milb'(^hjrTlothbergt Leonard There^^o They-wiU stay there for two nights. REGISTRATION NOW track and field events. ! each, edged out the Comets, 21-20. M. Rosen, SiQney Rosen, Jules A. '^Asy student who wishes to go FOR CLASSES STARTING DEC. The most exciting and engross- Good boardwork_by_ Sandy Bel- Rosenbla^^.- Milton Comprehensive e«nrrs* fry Expend Instructor* «itii nun; "ye*rs *f s F^ttiire with the group should see Dr. c«*«&u»r *«MI university experience under XBl*crvistOD «* Prof. •..ing..PvMit of TIVTB promotion i<; the: shinsky made the difference as theTj| 3e Sarinsky, Al« A visit"to th^General Motors Parker in 1510 or" 1307 before MM W. GoWberr. Veterans eligible under•/C. X- Bill -of Rigst*. basketball tournament. The elimi- f Monarchs squeaked past -the len ygchwmer, Samuel ^Shapiro, C.P.A. Rexiew Course Prepares f of M«y ^9$!^ Exaj plant in Linden, New Jersey, Fri­ January 14 and brmg~$14: nation, last-Thursday, of six move < Foodinis, 19-18. >h Shoiock. - Small £la»*e* - enrollment limited ' .T.. ."3 day by the Society for the Ad­ Last year's trip was so sieccess- teams left only a thin field of eight j An underrated .Newman Club ^And Irwin Shulman, Use Jean- • Our »tudents have met with excellent results ""~ • • vancement . of Management, has ful that many of the students w^ho of missUig .for • Jan. 1951 jrraduate* given special attention contenders to struggle for the ' team came back after a half-time j "ette- SiegeL Lawrence Silverman, j been substituted for SAM*&„orjgr. • TAXATION - FEDERAL, AND ALL OTHER FORMS championship. .. 9-8 deficit to beat Epsiion Phi •we»t ^ure- «o*«g afjaisrr thw year. Xat Alvich Thecal* Spaeth^>foms Wa*tzr^ ^ip ^ j^ FlQWj. For farther inferrnxUpn CAS, fboae ur watte . Though the Clowns carhe back • Aipha^ 23-16. The Newman Club Irwin Meises, one of the students Harold Waldhauer, Charles Weiss-(Motor Company. to score 10 in the second half after was led by the 10 markers of Ricb- midway through the third who went on last years' tour saidV NOTEM8aER28«i islhe last day BROOKJLVJV ACADEMY (Adnll ftivtNi<»B> broad, Martin JWeistrop, Kenneth-i The Ford trip was cancenedn Approved by Slat* Dcpt. ©T Cdncatios " onlv three ir. Irst. the Jet^ ard Fernandez. ' when Urie Simrf scored an a. "I foiind the tour invaluable, not . far signing at 182 Heon Si.. (Lor. Monta|tui> B^klyn. N- ^. MAfn 4-1853-4957 J shot after a short pass fgorn Milt iee and Edwin Zlotnick. j after the dub was notified that only as an educational aid but ^ __^__ , the plant would not be in opera-* -Far That Quick Snack I Kaplan. also as experience which provided THE CLASS of m DODD BROTHERS Before Class • Ttiis - quarter .featu/ed "fhe -.fine ^C -^ToOtS FdttkS ! fion that day. Students interested an insight to practical politics* . _^ . _^^^ . 'in going on the trip should con- The interviews with Senator Leh­ LITHOGRAPHERS y of City's, Bffl Galan and WATS0.VS At HeCeptlOll PJBfe?j"suit.-the SAM bulletin board on man and Congressman Roosevelt PRINTERS - EN&RAVERS •nie Pitofsky^^oalan, sw^itched As tor Roof - December Let's Get Acquainted \ from inside ]mt to . center-half, About thirty parents attended^ r*h? tweIfth floor- ** certain revi- were particularly enlightening. It Union Printers 32 Leac Ave. (Bet. 23 & 24 S 1 seemed to be in on every play. a Student Council parents^ recep-! s&l^r"in -«*eduling have been is for this reason that I am going ''Fertnc&'-Qirmer.- Dance 3-47 Third Avenue New York Cr+y Soups - SandxeicfaeJi - Hot Pj made> ^f^'re 1SOW Close to CCNY ,: I while PitofSky started.—sev^Effl Hon at the last Council meeting.] again this year." ""' ,js ! Beaver thrusts with long kicks. M < M W $ J 5.50 per coupJe wtth class card at 902 Broadway - Wor 21st St. Dean Thomas L. Norton was pres- • -^K^XWX4^>KK X^X ^**Z { H^ O-t f i c (' c / CCNY 1 The big man in the Rutgex's en;^at-the_reception and meeting. $ 16.50 wifhout card ^~~~ -X— Make Ydur^.Next Pate A | scheme of things was center far- R< freshments "were served. jvrard £d Nicolian. He averted a~ y Memorable One . . $5 with pledge .. ^ balance by December 5 Norton Garfinkle, chairman of •>— I CLASS OF '5t • shutout for the home club by nef- th> Metropolitan Region of NSAjf Bring Her A Corsaae Prices \^ith Cl»s6 Cards_ ^:_:._• T-trng a long shot from the left spoke before SC and urged great- MEW- mm e Now at Man's 14k S22.90 Lady's 14k fI7.85 \ side. e: interest and participation m't ; This Saturdav the soccer, team .- Man% JLOk $18.90 Lady's 3<^k S1S.85 XSA by individual students andj •:» ;jourj.Kys to Queens where :he> -dent governing groups. 3L if. Fric*-s Include Taxes—SL00 More^Vithout Class Cards ; will . take oz-. Queens Coliegu. Ira Gottfried^—was elected by By ^EPAIBS_—- JtiENTALS" if Class Card^ o*ip Sale at Ariston Offk:e th'..- Lower Sophomore class coun- ZJne K^rcwiercu. f<UR WORK ti uran ci.i to fill the Council vacancy II Kl*iGSr-G\ JsALJE-AT % FXH^L,y GUARANTEED The foliuwlTig are the winnei>: created by the i*esjgnatton of Len] % JACK ROSEN SPECIAL^ ^ISCOlJ2tuaen"C — : --- -^f& ir- -XUiH-J-l.o.» u.. , Modern 2. T Jxiir'ST'i'ieC-.h U >r • 4X-^A=4ir — w USEDCAMERABARG T ffJOU AT-_POPX3*AR PRJKEiS ccasron JM>.- OPEOMY ANBH««6HlLr AND TRAIMN©JDOT rs Open for Luncfteott t?xmgton Avenue 42 Leadngtoa Avenue w .Manv more af the **tor**. Al»o immerous -jpitir«^;fr Collese .;. i..eiiny :,ipner. '••-.. ; New York 10, N. Y. *iipptemeiilitry ieii»t*.s at bargain price*. NORT-CRAFT SPORTSWEAR sells '.direct"from factory, to you! Sandwich Shop, (Corner 24th Street) If- 272 THIRD AV€, fBe+. 2 fsf & 22nd SN.} ; ! 6. Abrahani Fishman, V NOW. a complete new Fall and '.Winter* line of top quality Incorporated GR 7-6686 ORegon 4-SM8 til Harriet Bora b, i.:.' Fr. 4 r F5~ "•••."••;. GRamercy 5i*6^34 • . . 4x5 A>M\ KRSAKY SPEKD GRAPHIC 1 I OS Ea>t 23rd St., N. Y. C. IL *" •"frnrn-' -r -fn- firrmr1 r -it IT I r i rrr FT i-rr - rrrTiirifi|it*iliitniriiirilliW'TiriIwitilitiiit1iiii.riTirimnilli|l»illilwlMiii slacks and sport shirts in your favorite campus styles and fabrics. r .r^im»Miauuuta>tuimtmtwna^im»u-»i«KHmMtimmmnuMiM0nturtiaHmf^ mniiiiiinim<»»>«m»mw«^>miM«ui»m—r^ >B> itb f- i.5 Piiragon len*~—No. 3 Actnt» 5»>n»'» i •'<•• ¥»'•"• • » • g».w4ri »'• i • •"•i» M • 1 • • vmu'w •» «¥rlr«iT¥ RTr Finder. Hetlancl Fla^ii Ctm. j Sid Sahi Sid /i Sam • » . v .50 i at NORT-CRAFT ONLY $^.95 to $10.50 er the h i J in I'adkiAdiiiJter^ajyul '._ 'J-. -«-+ I"----^r::-f TftMlNG; "A' " < larrying Case . w 5: * "old look" SID 'IV SAM SAY: !^ 9y 4:lROFI.KX. MODEL D $ NORT-CRAFT SPORTSWEAR or the %new ? Flnjoy a hearty meal in ii ^ith Aiphax Shutter 55°° B4—5th Ave. (Cor. 14th) - 10th Floor CHelsea 2-3339 • • . We can -give you either a 'cial diseoiKBt forProm ]Vei» gear's Eve Party? (if new SS9^Q) :--' OPEN SATURDAY friendly atmosphere. Prices casual hair-do or a.smartly ; are riplil. thc food i* good. styled coiffure. <;iROFL*:\\ MODKL K & ^ SO"? 00 and lhere"> no waiting . . ." t- ney cart_buy .... (if n4>u- S119.7G) We will measure students for suits at the College WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF I "I ROOMS and SUITES V.ACHrNES —in Km. 921 on Xov. 29, SO. Hours 11 to 2:30. TIME PAYMENTS ARRAMGED . SILVERWARE PRESSURE COOKERS WASHWS WILLIAMS : SRCiLERS HEATERS Delivery- & Pickup at the College PEN .4 PENCIL SETS TOASTERS DESK LAMPS citsitU Available At Reasonable Prices CLOCKS U MIXERS TYPEWRITER'S | Beauty Salon Oirls—bring this ad wrtfcyou to MiHv-& get-..same: PHONOGRAPHS KITCHENWARE ELECTRIC IAA1NS _. tEiti+tiiOi4 -SEXS"- f URf4iTUJ?E -**C-^-Gi€-S- — f 123 WEST J5th STREET arran^enientsTor your" escorts>"." ti - • RAOJOS ' SU<3S FANS • __ ^ ^llQJJE^JJiiOJC H EAT i NEAR 2I*t STKEE f ^N0 iOC! OTHER iTEMS ALU LOOK CUT : 471 E. Tremont Ave. fouling "Place. SHAMPOO aind SET St JSRAJVCH STORF; 2Z WEST 47th STREET GULKO PRODUCTS CO. 160 EAST 23rd STKIvKT Bx. o t CO!Mmbus 56300 Ope>i DaiJv 9 io 5:45 Sat. V to 1:00 COKeeoiT T-l^tOi Mlfrriiv Hill 6-8771 1 JJ^O Broa:> .\<;ar li-^i; •>r 82,50 M Mi .*~*^». I fj|JLIJLLlIJI.?Jtt»«-»fJL»f.ll«»I IU *>S . f'fS »S' ". VIS Sr**&>$*&>*tt~ir*<~>*~i Z — ... 3$)Z!K- '-• ' ''•'—''~> fcage. 8 V TH £ Tjl^SCfcR Tuesday. November 2t, 1950

--"The Sophopaofe Ideal Date cen­ ter has^i^me the way of many Oijjy^&cll&z'f* "votes. Perhaps that eve been expected. $©phie 3F*ried &r.d Herb Sturmanr'fhe pres- Although trade with Comm^ist China is sfiH iegai, no ~eni. Id-vai Da^es. --t .the patriotic American shoald sia^ an^M% ^ that country or.i3final winne-rs. . - ^which may be converted^Jss^ar^use against^i$,*^4jfred Kohl- - It ai:. started innocently enpush publisher of the ma^z*T)&> Plain %g&et and Far East ^wijth thy pu rpcse - of J jfrndi n£ t trader for thirty-five years, said Thursday in a speech before i&e*. r>'"o>rv-^iates. -All \'txf*^&&$5tya> Foreign Trade Society. - more- -r.ert; asked to vote. And art f Mr. TCohlberg spoke on thcKstxh- umi-~uaiiv- targe number or ballotj j jeet "Present Day Trade With Hilfellfo 1 Oiina.** Other speakers were Pr: B-'-* .jurhezi the results were final- j Daniel Parker of the SchooWtSov- '^--'taoulated, | ernment - Efcepartmen^^nd Hans two prominent stu- jlsbrandtsen. president of Isbrandt- dent^ found tbem«selves slightly special ^Thanksgiving: Dance j sen T irtes >igt>feefigjr -lE©f i&£jiL :Xot- <*alv -fetadr^rth#i *«?" h?1? at HirreT Saturday Lfcijiied^ia^^ both? Com- sponsored the contest, but thej? v at 8. Admission will be hy myrost and Nationalist China. fcatt^vorTTTyTott.' ,-' • •" ' •• poeaabbecsfaip^cajd^ ,wbich [ Mr. Kohlberg urged the adequate :rib Ar.r. Goldenberg. Upper Soph %e-p*nrhasedr at;'tfie; ^apor.j .arming ^>f 700,000—Rationalist ?>rcd ^president, and Herb Paul, prom and demuts jvtn'be" served.' covei why. and f *f*& Stan Wagman. on the ninth floor for a petition ; China, out^mafritained^that -ffiey prodt real!: derived sometrang-fr jwhat. students are dissat-1< Setections were abased on div- to protest the alleged "Jim Crow- j should continue sending us tung- 'Tor "I eourse. would be more rapidryf»fted;-ffiwi- wotrid like ^SC to^ ersified eytra^nirrirular actM.> |ism" in the case of Lieutenant fsten- ^^j ^thar materJa& in ex-frveul appreciated." " rftnd out why the cafeteria i *l*es- -tl^eon Gilbert, accused of disobey^aiangeTbr American dollars ing orderAn Korea. "If I want to'" personally give doesn't ^^ hot n**15 or ^ -votH N- "• Th. mv irtst:-actor a. gift, or if the j-woul d like to kno« why- the class » seeot c±as^ ae^ires to'contribute-toward rooms are .so dirty and why the] m f rxf x> « W ^» i . [Bookstore Group ^ach ^Saxx^i..-i.t.*£_your prerogative" walls need paint. Gripes Inc. is j preSe the organization to consult. Teachers Of Pi^>hc Speaking i T^P^H student* are:" to instructors *\Council:' \ In order to determine the man­ Christmas Soor. time should not he m, ^ , .. „ . r. Hear Venezkv's ANT A Talk ner in wh*eh. the $5000, given to key's -permitted, because of the ill- The Public Affairs Committee-: ^^ , _ _ , ,. _ , .. , - ^ ^. feelings that are bound to arise will listen to all complaints and "Teachers of Public Speaking can play an importanti^he^School by the Bookstore Com- wnen a teacher doesn't receive answeV those questions which can P3^ in aiding the work of the American National Theatre I mittee^ should he expended, ^i stu- a. %it: and sees his colleagues possibh -be answeWd Questions^Academy by^ teaching th> hlirx)rtanc! Alice Venezkye of th^ ea iheatX^^TXrmember of th.e iden\ nextt polweel "wilk l ibne conducted early which remain unanswered and • lade." with expressions of affec- j English department of Hunter Col- 1 lounges and on the ninth floor. PA ideas V^'hich are worthy of further j tier.." Fifth ' I diseussiorr^wilt ti£ classified into! The money was appropriated by fome.of the opinions voiced by groups corresponding to MSTtudent Plans for the first in a series of; ference of Teachers of Speech in ].. .th -_e committee i._n_ Apri^ l t._o be used the faculty, indicate-they wouid CourTcTi committees. Thev will then I Senior Beer Parties are: brewing! Metropolitan Colleges^ Saturday^ in j for th^^er^fit of studerit acttvi- 7ortr prefer that the student.: do not ^ referred to committee for dis- i-a™* it isexpected that it will take! the Pauline Edwards J^ter. jties. <** ' _- g.ve therr. gifts because (a-i there*cussion and the various committees \ °nlv a hop, step and a malt to get 1 Or-St^nezky^whose book, "Pag- j t - ^ 2A-ve^ :atioi 1. a schooj ruling prombitiK/.tej^ll presem their reports to j you down to Beethoven Hall (the:-n^ ^ ^ ^^spearean , the Bookstore will pub -. - \o •students iron-, giving gifts to in-'counc'l haven of all red-blooded oeer fests.^ s>tage. win oe puDiisnen next: f. _. , «.«.-•/»>*«»%+ *f «^ — c structor^^b- further^, financial f .gripes Inc. has been instituted I v^ere things ought ^ be coming j month, outlined the work ANTAi^ ^ ^^^ s^^en^of j^- :'." .nis obligations should not be imposed J to accomodate those dissatisfied ; to a. Jiead sometime in early De- ; domg to^cre^^a^ educate^ audi- j ^f*5 15f >^inL Hrtnf L f^lX t, upon the student body especially \ students^who are unable to attend^ cember ... 5 ences for the living theatre. She]™ - ^ g done in answer to '.Va u h demands that the finan since th* activities fee has been [Council meetings." said Al Ryan_ . | S - Kneecap fame) is-hokling a {.said that ANTA wants people tot -increased *-cnaarma n of the Public Affairs \ Thanksgiving Day dance in Hansen ^^^L^^toi«-nbt..as..J^^pse,.pieces }I cial condition of the Bookstore be -' ude I made public *. .7 .. T,, ^ ^^.f t„ determine-Mt^an^iriSrtec: _&£^r. opiiiios. TICKER will- hold f to *hitt~cfm=f^^ Hazel77 1 ts-ewsr-peirrt rtfii- ^-eek-^equestiiic: if or e sounding" .off at the meeting-'i- Sxa?14^- Ra lp SeaWy^a^-waTTf 7-. JP- M4&-M JL £$$ stucient-v to mane a .cnc*cs arnon^r: so Loat tnoy ean aiso oecice on more big names'? are going to be AM Th* WmmZ j ar-trhe Uptown Cc Pieasars^r. va^icu.-? possibilities. !co: struct We rn-easures to=t^ --^"n.ern IE FQQ& r~—• ~— — "N December 2 at 8:30 . . . tickets, at $1.25 a throw, are on sale on the IN MINIMUM TIME t F^rtE FOOD Courteous and Speedy -Service ^ ^b Schulz, president of Upper '51, announced yesterday that ninth ^ floor and over at House WITH MAXIMUM SERVICE p. iituae.v. Council representative has not yet been^chosen for the Plarh PEERLESS G 'Uppo:* .Senior, class to replace Milton R.oss. who resigned last week. r SCHOOL SVVPUJES T LOUS -PI>er seniors inter«rstee in thf- open position are urged to con- GK&ETFSG CABDS DRUG STORES tact 2*-.:'. ^rchulz no later than Mo~nda>'. Applicants were 'originally EVEfl REA0T STATIONERS incorporated "^uppc-sevl to submit their names at the Class of "51 meeting last *n* FRUITERS week. Oiir due to the Senior Class . Fashion Show, no meeting was 160 E. 23rd St.. !Vew York. >'. Y. 20 Lexington Avenue - 'oor; heivt. • ' - - • ;' . - • ORcl.ard 4-4573 •(corner 23rd Str»et) Next to CCNY ~..-*tic Same Bl&ck as COSY -V ' ••- :,.u.ei< PJLAYRABS -: -ver F.V SESSION W^AYEKS PETES 0 R A F T I HF-^ pre*ent> BELlrHVERV SUP PXJ E^k A .** >phistlcated Comedy WINES - LiQUORS • TAVERN: .•' . fl HAY FE%ER :v.o"re 1 WUSES and LIQUORS j Loose leer/ J*," Noel r -uwitrd A .-.A -95. T.2U inol. la-x. . _^. •umm.'t-.. •* M.JI'JIK^'I -"r.Di Jj^C I &"2 - Tri. Ci ^ixl. j Accountingt Art ' fc:40 P.M. 129 EAST 18tb STREET If 329 FOURTH AVENUE Statistical Supplies Patri'.zae EcU>ard< Th*-afre. •i • fl.ur. Irvine Piuce; 'fer.: J'iii.v rad-. Box 929 ff A? 24th Street ~ New Yo«4i -3^ N» Y» Fountain Pen •:.:>"Y KVE. SESSION. «c- York 10. >. Y. GRamercv 3-9434 CRamm-y 5-9231 123 EAST 23 r^ STR££T 'Repajr Station 1 .,ii--